The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Xanadu: Redux

by J. Darksong

* * *

Chapter 1: (For You, I’m...) Awake

Lacie grunted slightly, pushing the oven door closed with her butt, swinging around to deposit the tray of cookies onto the kitchen countertop to cool, while shaking the large thermos bottle of Kool-Aid she’d made for the kids’ party with her other hand. Sighing happily, she stuck a finger into the bowl of chocolate icing she’d made to frost the cookies, nodding in satisfaction.

Mmmmm. Perfect, she thought happily, using the large spoon to drip frosting onto the cookies. The kids will just LOVE these!

Suddenly, strong arms grabbed Lacie from behind, jerking her off her feet. She screamed, thrashing wildly, summoning up all of her strength, to no avail. “NO! LET ME GO! DAMMIT!” she growled, struggling to break free.

“Easy now, loveling,” Eugene’s amused voice spoke in her ear, calming her instantly. “It’s just me.”

“Gene!” she said with a smile... which quickly turned to a scowl. “You idiot! What’s the idea of grabbing me like that from behind!” She swung, punching him hard in the shoulder. “You nearly scared the crap out of me! You jerk!”

“Ow, ow, ow, hey, calm down, loveling!” Eugene Frasier laughed, setting her back down. “Sheesh! I got home early today for the party, and thought I’d surprise ye.” He rubbed his shoulders. I didnae think ye’d be so high strung about it though. From the way you’d reacted, ye’d have thought ye were being attacked by some maniac in a hockey mask.”

Or worse, tight fitting spandex, she thought dimly. Forcibly, she shook off her dour thoughts. “Sorry, honey. I guess I am a bit... jumpy. The dream last night... that nightmare.... I guess it stuck with me a bit more than I thought.”

Or rather the fact that I’m still having trouble fully assimilating myself into this reality. I’m still reacting to everything the way I would have before, in that world, where Omega Girl might very well be attacked at any time, at any moment, even in her own home. But... that isn’t who I am anymore. I need to remember that... and let go of the past.

Gene shrugged, pulling her in close. “It’s my fault, too. I should not have grabbed ye that way. I didnae think...”

Lacie shushed him with a kiss. “It’s okay. I was just... startled.” She turned back to the kitchen, continuing to decorate the cookies. “I take it everything went okay at work?”

“Ye could say that, aye,” he said with a grin. “As of today, I am no longer the CEO of Frasier Enterprises.”

Lacie blinked, dropping her spoon. “WHAT?!?”

“Ach, and what is it now, lass?” Gene replied, his heavy barouche signaling his annoyance. “We talked about me selling the company weeks ago! I have no problems with being a stay-at-home dad, and with the sale of stock and my current portfolio, our grandkids’ grandkids will be well taken care of. You were a teacher before the kids, and while ye do well enough staying home with the kids, I know ye well enough to see ye miss yer other kids as well.” Walking over to her, he placed a hand under her chin, forcing her face to his. “Look. I love you, Lacie Ann. I love our children. There is no reason why you shouldn’t be able to go back to teaching if you want to. Having a family doesnae mean you have to give up having a life outside of family as well.”

Lacie smiled. “Okay... I do miss teaching... a little.” Gene pinched her nipples, making her yelp. “Okay, okay, I miss teaching a LOT. But it’s not fair that YOU have to give up on YOUR dream for me to have mine—”

“Just a minute, love,” Gene cut in. “Who said anything about me giving up my dream? Just because I’m selling the business doesnae mean I’m losing out on anything. The business was just that; BUSINESS. Aye, I enjoyed my work, but it wasn’t my life. YOU are my life, Lacie; you, Jimmy, and Katie. To be honest, I was a wee bit jealous of all the time you got to spend with them when they were little, while I was at work 12 hours a day. Frankly, I’m looking to get back on what I missed out on.”

“Oh really?” Lacie teased, raising an eyebrow. “Seems to me that every time either of them needed a diaper change, you always responded by grabbing your briefcase, saying you needed to head into the office.”

Gene laughed. “I said a WEE bit jealous, love. Ye were talking about dirty diapers. I was NEVER that jealous.”

* * *

Standing around on the second floor balcony of her home, Lacie looked down at the menagerie happening in her back yard. While she had been baking treats for Katie’s fourth birthday party, Gene had arranged for the decorations and party favors. She grinned despite herself; between the balloons and streamers, the calliope playing music, and the clowns they’d hired, it looked less like a birthday party and more like the circus was in town.

“Ah, there you are, Lacie. Should have known you’d be in here.”

Lacie smiled as her father entered the room. It had been something of a shock when he’d shown up at the beginning of the party; her assimilation was anything but complete, and holes and gaps in her memory, while small and getting smaller with time, still caught her off guard. She’d recovered well enough, though, and after the shock wore off, she ‘remembered’ everything that had happened in this new altered timeline: that he’d never quite managed to get the power generator device to work and that the government had cut his funding, but that he’d gone into private practice instead, doing quite well for himself.

“You know me, daddy. Sometimes, I just need to get away from the hustle and bustle for a little while and have some time to myself.”

He nodded sagely. “It’s a nice party. Little Jimmy and Katie Ann and all their friends are having the time of their lives out there.” He bit into a cookie. “Did good with the refreshments too. These are good... better than the store bought kind.”

She shrugged, feeling self-conscious. “They turned out okay. I’ve been wanting an excuse to try out grandma’s recipe for a while now, and this seemed as good as time as any to give it a try.”

“Mmm, hmm,” he nodded, walking over to stand beside her. Glancing down at the party through the window, he said, seemingly out of the blue, “So, do you wanna talk about it?”

“Hmm? What? Talk about what?”

“Now sweetheart,” he chided gently, “don’t try and bullshit a bullshitter. This is your dad you’re talking to. I know you much too well to know when something’s on your mind and you’re trying to hide it. I knew it when you were seven and accidentally set fire to the kitchen drapes and I know it now. Lacie Ann, what aren’t you telling me?”

She shook her head, smiling. “It’s really nothing daddy. I just... goddess, you have no idea how much I’ve missed this. Just being able to TALK to you this way.” She sighed softly. “Really it’s nothing. I’m just feeling a little... off balance, I guess, still needing to get my sea legs.”

James nodded slowly, his hair, still dark at his age with only a small peppering of grey glinting in the sunlight. “Gene did mention that you seemed a little out of sorts earlier, that you’d had a nightmare the night before.” He placed a hand on her shoulder. “He also told me that he has pretty much finalized the deal and sold the business... that today is his last day of work.” He paused for a moment, as if deep in thought. “Seems to me that’s a pretty big change to have to deal with, don’t you think?”

“Yes, I suppose,” Lacie admitted, seeing where he was going in his reasoning. “But it’s not as if it hit me all out in the blue. We talked about it weeks and weeks ago, and agreed it was the best decision for all of us.”

“It’s one thing to plan or discuss something life changing,” he countered, “it’s another when the big day finally arrives and you put those plans into action. With Gene at home during the day now, you are free to go back to work teaching again; add Katie’s turning four years old to that, your baby girl is growing up... it’s enough to make ANY mother feel unsure of themselves.”

Lacie sighed, leaning into him. It felt good, feeling her father’s warmth, his strength and knowledge, and just knowing he was there if she ever needed him seemed to make any concerns or worries she might have had seem insignificant. Even the dichotomy of the moment, of seeing the strong, vital, and HEALTHY man she’d grown up knowing all her life, and knowing the wise and kind, yet frail and withered man she’d been raised by in another life—even that wasn’t enough to ruin the moment.

Those memories were fading more and more by the hour. Even now, it’s hard to think of that life as more than just something I imagined or dreamed about. Maybe I should be worried about that... about losing that other identity... but if that’s the price of having this perfect life, then so be it. Who wants to remember all that pain and suffering anyway?

“C’mon,” her dad said after a moment. “Let’s go rejoin the party. Everyone’s probably wondering where we are.” Hand in hand, they walked of the the room, heading back into the screaming throng of happy children and laughing adults.

* * *

“Let your eyes close now.”

The young blonde let out a small sigh, her lids slamming shut as her head slumped lightly forward. The man standing before her chuckled softly at his success, careful not to awaken her. She was, after all, only in a light trance at the moment. He needed to tread carefully; though he’d studied his methods and practiced countless times on willing participants, this was the first time he’d ever attempted to hypnotize and control someone against their will. If he allowed her the chance, she’d slip free of his control, and no doubt run straight to the Dean of Student Affairs, or worse yet, the police.

Oh yes, Pete, he thought to himself, we need to tread VERY carefully.

Samantha breathed rhythmically, in and out, counting softly in her mind with each breath, taking herself deeper with each breath. If he left her to her own devices, she would eventually drift off to sleep, to awaken hours later with no memory of what had happened. It was probably the safest way of concluding his little ‘test’, the most prudent course of action.

Heh, but you’ve never taken the prudent choice a day in your life, have you, Petey ol’ boy? he chuckled softly to himself.

“Open your eyes, but remain deeply asleep.”

Samantha’s lids slid slowly open, revealing ice blue eyes, wide and glazed. Pete breathed a small sigh of relief that she hadn’t come out of it. Far from the snooty, preppy little bitch she was to everyone deemed beneath her, she sat serenely, staring at nothing. Her red pouting lips, lips that had so often and so easily shredded a man’s dignity and self-worth into nothingness, were slack, relaxed, slightly open. Pete longed to lean forward and kiss them savagely, to feel her body squirm against his own, to show her that SHE was the one who was worthless, insignificant, compared to the likes of him—

With an effort, he restrained himself. After all, no need to rush. If I do this right, I can have her anytime I desire.

Leaning in to whisper in her ear, he continued. “Now, Samantha, let yourself continue to descend into that relaxing, safe place we talked about. Let all of your fears and concerns slip away... let yourself continue to relax more and more... and slip deeper into that warm safe place where no one and nothing can hurt you... where you are safe... where you are free.”

“Safe...” Samantha whispered back softly. “Free...”

“Good, very good. You’re doing well, Samantha. Let yourself go a little deeper now.” Sam let out a soft sigh, further slumping down in her chair. “It feels really go to just relax this way, doesn’t it? To not have to worry about your clique... or your grades... or your parents’ expectations. Here, you have no worries... no concerns. Here you are completely FREE...”

“Completely... free...” she echoed mindlessly.

“Yes. And you LOVE this feeling, don’t you, Samantha?”

“Yes... love it... so free... no worries...”

“And now feel yourself coming slowly back up, AWAY from that warm safe place... feel all your worries and fears come back to you as the relaxation begins to leave you... all those things you don’t like... homework... your father’s disapproval... Mindy and Sandy’s spiteful remarks about how you are starting to get fat and flabby...” Pete managed not to chuckle as her face tightened, her lips screwing into a frown. He’d done his homework on her, listening in to snippets of conversation between her and her friends, as well as cell phone conversations between her and her father when she would routinely ask him for more money. Despite her seemingly perfect existence as the spoiled little rich girl, she was filled with the same kinds of teenage angst and petty concerns as other students her age.

“Do you like how it feels, Samantha? Feels almost like the weight of the world pressing down on you again... all those worries and concerns... all those things you’d rather not think about at all... coming back to you again.”

Samantha was shaking her head now, her eyes screwed tightly, her fists clenched, as if she were fighting to stay in trance now, fighting furiously. “Do you like it, Samantha? Do you enjoy how this feels?”

“NO...” she hissed, still shaking her head. “Don’t... like it... want... to relax... not think!”

“Good girl. Then you wish to return... to that warm safe place again... that relaxing... soothing... safe place again?” he crooned in her ear.

“Yes, please!” she breathed, her hands clenching and unclenching in frustration. “Need.. more... want to... relax...”

“Then RELAX...” he purred softly, “letting yourself drift back down again... down into the safe warm place... all your worries and concerns and THOUGHTS fading again... leaving you nice... and safe... and relaxed...” He watched eagerly as she again resumed her relaxed slumped down posture. “There. Better... much better. Do you enjoy how this feels now, Samantha?”

“Mmmmm... yyyeesss...” she whispered softly.

“And you love being here in this place, free from worries or other concerns?”


“And you want to be able to return to this warm, relaxing place again, at any time, don’t you?”

“Yess... never want... to leave...”

“I know. But Samantha, I am the only one who can bring you back to this place. I am the only one that can make all of your worries, and bad thoughts and feelings disappear.” His expression turned hard. “Only I can give you what you need and desire... and you can only allow you to come back to this place again if you obey my instructions. Are you willing to do that, Samantha? Will you obey my instructions so you can return to this warm, peaceful place anytime you wish?”

Samantha frowned slightly. Pete crossed his fingers now, hoping he’d put her in the proper frame of mind for this to work. It was one thing to guide her mood, her feelings and sensations while she was deep in trance; it was another thing entirely to convince her to willingly allow herself to bend his will. She didn’t like him. She certainly didn’t trust him. If not for the circumstances that had gotten them alone in some place private long enough for him to distract, then entrance her, he’d never have gotten the chance to hypnotize her, period. It was now a question of which was stronger—her dislike and distrust of him, or her desire for the blissful worry-free existence he had just shown her.

C’mon, you bitch, he thought maliciously. Ol’ Petey’s dangling the carrot right in front of you. All you have to do is step up and bite it!

“I... I will... obey,” she said finally.

YES!! ALRIGHT! It freakin’ works! he cheered inwardly. Way to go Pete! You took a girl, not only a relative stranger but someone who is actively hostile towards you... and not only did you trance her, you convinced her to WILLINGLY agree to obey your commands! Granted, you still have a bit of work to do before that translates over into her waking state, but still, it’s a big step!

Best of all... if it works this well on someone that actually HATES you, imagine how easy it will be to use it on the other girls at this university.

“Good girl, Sam. Very good. I’m proud of you. And because you’ve done so well, you get a reward. Let yourself go deeper, Sam... deeper than you have been before... more pliant and more obedient to my words... let them reach the deepest part of you... and let them arouse you, let my words now guide you to pleasure... let my words bring up those wonderful feelings of erotic bliss and lust... without worry, without concern or shame... feeling NOTHING but the pure unfiltered pleasure... that comes from obeying my words...”

Samantha was doing just that. Overwhelmed by his words, her hands had moved of their own accord, one playfully teasing the growing wetness at her denim covered crotch, the other squeezing a heavy silk encased breast, flicking the nipple lightly with her thumb. Her breathing had gone low and deep, rhythmically matching the tone of Pete’s words as he lead her slowly towards her zenith. Agreeing to obey his words had freed her of any guilt or concern; it no longer mattered that an otherwise boring, pimple-faced, geek that she utterly loathed was the source of such overwhelming pleasure. When her orgasm hit, she embraced it fully, crying out in pleasure, letting it sweep her away completely.

Pete, for his part, was mesmerized just as deeply watching her cum. His manhood, which had been at half-mast the moment she’d slipped into trance, surged to life as he witnessed her pleasure. Chafing painfully in its confinement, he longed to set it free and take full advantage of her vulnerable state—

But no. Hang in there, Petey ol’ boy. Just remember... you’re not out of the woods yet. There’s a lot more work to do before you get to a place where you are safe to indulge yourself that way. He glanced at his watch. Ah. Almost time for Samantha’s next class... looks like we went a bit longer than we anticipated. Funny how time flies when you’re having fun. Speaking of which, you’ll have to remember to give her a post-hypnotic suggestion to that fact, so she doesn’t notice that she’s missing an hour of time. Yeah, Petey... never forget to cover your bases. Keep your head and you can finally be the man who has it ALL!

He chuckled softly to himself as he prepared to awaken Sam and send her on her way. Yeah. Send her off, back to her mundane little life. But not for long. No, Sammi dear, not for long. He smiled. The only REAL difference between the man who has it all, and the man serving jail time, is the ability to cover all your bases, and not get caught.

* * *

“Ughhhnnnnnyyyyyeeeessssss,” Lacie hissed softly, mindful of the ‘little ears’ in the next room. Panting heavily, she bit hard into the palm of her hand to muffle the noise as she came once more, hard. Her toes curled into tight little fists, and her thighs clamped down around Eugene’s waist so hard that it that the breath exploded violently from his lungs. Finally sated, she sighed deeply, going limp, sliding to the side as she slid off of her winded lover onto the bed beside him.

“Whew... lassie...” Eugene gasped a few minutes later, panting just as heavily. “That was... definitely... something else...”

Lacie sighed contentedly, idly rubbing her very sore backside. “Thank you for that, sweetheart. I really really needed it.”

“’Twas my pleasure, love,” Eugene murmured softly, sliding the riding crop back into the bottom dresser drawer with the other ‘toys’. “I must confess to being a bit... curious, as to where this sudden kinky streak came from. Not that I’m complaining, mind... after all, I wasnse the one getting walloped with a crop!”

Lacie frowned, thinking. “I... honestly... don’t know. I can’t remember... ever having sadomasochistic tendencies before, but somehow, tonight it just seemed like a good idea.” She winced slightly as her fingertips traced a small welt, them purred gently in pleasure. “No. Not just a good idea—a GREAT idea. Mmmmmm... I don’t know why, but for some reason I just NEEDED to have you dominate me.”

Needed... craved... hell, I’m practically creaming again at the thought, she thought blissfully. I don’t know why, but it feels like we haven’t had sex this way since... forever!

Eugene seemed to ponder for a moment, then shrugged. “Och, well, as long as you’re really okay with it. I have to admit... I havenae cum that hard in a long while myself. I’m not one for hurting women, mind... it does nothing for me... but the way you were begging for it, pleading for it, crawling over to me on all fours...” Lacie giggled, rubbing a soft hand against his rapidly swelling manhood. “Well, ahem... at any rate, I rather enjoyed it.”

“I can tell,” Lacie replied, coettishly, crawling cat-like over his body to peer down into his face. “So. Do you feel... up to dominating me again... Master?” she purred softly.

Growling softly under his breath, he pulled her tightly against him, slamming his hips upward, entering her once again. Lacie gasped in surprise, then pleasure, easily establishing a rhythm once more. Eyes half-lidded, she let her mind wander aimlessly, simply basking in the pleasure of the moment. God, how I’ve missed this... this simple feeling of contentment... of complete serenity. I feel so... just so fucking horny for Him... like I haven’t been with him in YEARS instead of just last night.’s almost like a dream come true... a fuzzy warm pleasure dream...

Gene’s hands shot upwards, one of them grabbing a breast, squeezing hard, while the other grabbed hold of her long dark hair, pulling taunt. The pain shocked her into opening her eyes, meeting his gaze, an instant before she came again, her strongest orgasm of the night. But it wasn’t the pain or the excitement or the pleasure shooting through her that finally set her off.

It had been the look in his eyes. The look of a calm, cool, completely in-control, dominate man, who was enjoying her with complete abandon.

She was just coming back down, slightly dazed and star-struck from the pleasure, when she found herself tossed roughly to the side, back onto the bed, and covered with the bed sheets. A moment later, the door opened, and young Jimmy stepped inside. “Momma, are you okay? I thought I heard you crying.”

Blushing furiously, brushing aside a lock of hair, she smiled. “No, honey, I’m okay. Mommy and Daddy were just... um... playing a game. Go on back to bed, honey.”

Jimmy frowned, peering up at his parents for a long moment, before shrugging and heading back down the hallway. Gene sat there saying nothing, just trying to hold back the laughter, all the while Lacie continued to blush furiously. Finally, hearing the young boy’s door close, Gene let the laughter flow. “Oh, you are just terrible! What if he heard us?”

Gene laughed harder. “I’d dare say the lad DID hear us... or rather, you. That’s why he came in, to make sure you were okay.”

“And you don’t find anything WRONG with this scenario?!?” she exclaimed.

“Shhh! Keep yer voice down, or you’ll have them both in here,” Gene admonished. “Aye... I suppose he is a bit young yet to have ‘the talk’, and I dinnae even wish to consider what to tell him about our newly discovered fetish.” He shrugged. “Still, I was only two years older than he the first time I walked in on my Ma and Da doing the deed.”

“Yes,” Lacie replied drily, “and you turned out to be a regular paragon of decency and piety.” Which only made his laugh harder.

Before she could ruin the mood by saying something else, he reached over and pulled her to him. “Now, now. Dinnae fausch, loveling. I was keeping an eye and an ear out for the door. Even if you were a bit caught up in the moment, rest assured I was perfectly mindful of our surroundings.” He kissed her. “After all, mo duinne, it’s my job to take care of you, and give you peace of mind... and yer mind can hardly be peaceful with thoughts of young Jimmy and wee Katie Ann gaining such carnal knowledge far beyond their years.”

Sighing, Lacie let him pull her close. He was right, of course. He had always looked out for her, given her peace of mind. He was more than just her husband, or her lover. He was the missing half of her soul. As long as he was here to watch out for her, she really had no reason to worry.

“Och, look at the time,” Gene murmured softly, glancing at the clock on the mantle. “Nearly one a.m. Ye’d best get to sleep, loveling. Tomorrow is yer first day back to school, after all.”

Lacie nodded, turning off the bedside lamp. Tomorrow would be a new day of challenges, her first day returning to the university as a teacher. Typically, she’d been nervous, fretting over the decision, concerned about leaving Gene to look after the kids, feeling guilty about going back into the workforce again while he was forced to give up ownership of the company his family had built from the ground up... but as always, he had put her mind at ease, encouraging her to move forward, to establish something of a life outside the four walls of their home. Thanks to him, she had the chance to continue her dream as a teacher, as well as the dream of finally having a family of her own.

Yeah, she thought, drifting off to sleep in his arms, life is just about perfect. If this all really is a dream, I hope I never ever wake up.

((to be continued...))