The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

All Wound Up

by J. Darksong

Mary came to with a groan, her head lolling gently to one side. The smell again—she gasped, turning her head away as the stench of smelling salts assaulted her nostrils again. Vision blurred, then cleared. Sensation came next, as well as the realization that she was naked, tied to a chair. Momentary confusion, then anger, as she struggled briefly, testing the strength of her bindings. No good.

Hmmm. No slack. Knotted up pretty good. Whoever did this was either a sailor or a bondage enthusiast.

“Ah, you’re awake I see. Right on schedule.”

A man stepped into view, sliding out of the darkness into the light shed from the single overhead lamp. Mary looked him over, quietly appraising him. Business suit and tie, wingtip shoes. British accent. Only thing missing are his bowler hat and an umbrella. Looks like a bit of a sissy-boy, but my gut tells me there’s more to this guy than meets the eye.

The man lifted Mary’s chin, forcing her to look him in the face. He peered closer. “Well, eyes are normal, no dilation. You seem to have your wits about you once more. Good. Very good.” Releasing her chin, he glanced at his watch again. “I’d set aside a few minutes to allow you to fully rouse yourself, you know. The chemicals they used to sedate you were not exactly your over-the-counter variety... very effective, but most difficult to effectively gauge their endurance. Nevertheless, we are actually ahead of schedule.”

Schedule? Mary thought. Sounds like this is more than a simple abduction then. And here I was hoping this was going to be your standard ‘rape me and kill me’ session. Fuck. This might be more of a problem than I’d originally thought.

“Now then,” the man continued, walking around behind her. “I imagine you have some questions, and I have questions as well that need to be answered before we continue. I’m going to remove your gag. Please try and control yourself. You are professional enough to know how this works, and yelling and screaming will not help your plight, only hurt it. Do you understand?” Mary sighed and nodded. “Good. And... there.”

Mary licked her lips, spitting to get the taste of leather out of her mouth. “I suppose the usual question is, what do you want with me?”

“Quite so. Very direct and to the point.” He smiled slightly. “You are Mary Ellensworth, head of the security detail for Senator Abigail Reynolds. Senator Reynolds is one of the leading opponents to Senator Alexander Lister’s X-90 Bill proposal, as well as the republican’s main choice to run for President in next years election. The people I represent would very much like to see that particular bill pass, and assurances that Senator Reynolds will not be an... obstacle, in the future.”

“I see. And I assume that you plan to... ‘convince me’ to give you and your people access to her? Or that I’ll tell you her complete itinerary for the next few days and let you take her at your leisure?” She laughed. “You must not know who you’re dealing with! Torture me all you like, I won’t cooperate with you.”

The man raised an eyebrow. “Torture? Oh, no, my dear girl. That would be simply barbaric, as well as completely unproductive!” He pulled a small card from his pocket. “Graduated Magna Cum Laude from Georgetown University, then enlisted into the Army, joined the Rangers in ‘87, and Special Forces in ‘91, before retiring from active service two years ago to join the private sector. You’re trained in unarmed combat, have a black belt in judo and jujitsu, as well as achieving top ranking in aikido. In short, you are, as you Yanks put it, a ‘tough nut to crack’.”

Mary smiled grimly. “I’ll take it as a compliment. So what’s your big plan to get me to play ball?”

The man stepped closer, holding up his wristwatch, loosening the arm strap. “Quite simple, really. I plan to take control of your mind.” He held the gleaming silver watch up, dangling it before her eyes. Again, Mary laughed.

“Mind control? You must be joking!” she chuckled dryly. “A swinging watch... how original. Tell me, Svengali, after I ‘look into your eyes’ and it doesn’t work, do you plan on letting me go?”

The man’s smile grew feral. Turning the watch to the side, he replied, “I said nothing about trying to HYPNOTIZE you.” A bright red light flashed suddenly, dazzling Mary, stunning her completely. “You see, my dear Mary,” he said, holding the bright red strobe before her wide glassy eyes, “there is a very distinct difference between being hypnotized, being lulled into a somnambulistic state, and being brainwashed. Even under very deep hypnosis, a person still retains a degree of control over their own mind. They can fight commands, they can resist. But true mind control removes a person’s psyche completely from the picture, giving them no chance to do either.”

Mary stared straight ahead, absorbing his words. She was vaguely aware of what was happening, that the strobing flashes were robbing her of her will, but she was unable to turn away. She knew she should fight it, should resist somehow, but the strange man’s words were completely true—she couldn’t even think of HOW to resist.

“Right now, your mind is an open sponge,” the man said, turning off the strobe. “Anything I tell you, you will believe completely, and accept without hesitation.” Walking around behind her now, he lifted Mary’s shoulder length brown hair, parting it, clearing a spot just above the back of her head. “You are now my agent, a helpless, obedient thrall whose sole purpose of existence is to serve me. Your former existence is over. While you can clearly remember your previous life, the determining force in your every decision and action from this moment forth will be in service to me.”

Mary gasped softly as the changes began. It felt as if her very mind was splitting apart, her wants, her dreams, her very identity bending, warping under the weight of his words, battered, crushed from the onslaught. She groaned in frustration, wanting to resist without knowing or understanding what it was she wanted to fight. A moment of pain... and suddenly, she didn’t want to fight at all. She wanted to obey.

She wanted to serve.

“Ah, very good, still on schedule.” her Master replied, checking the watch again. “The effect should be clearing up now. Tell me, Mary, are you aware and lucid again?”

“Yes, Sir,” she replied instantly. “I feel a little dizzy, but otherwise okay.” She pulled at her restraints. “Can you please release me now? I can’t serve you tied down like this.”

Chuckling the man patted her head gently. “Oh, but we’re not quite done, just yet. As I said, I am on a bit of a tight schedule here, so I don’t have time to fully integrate your programming, and instruct you on how to take care of Senator Reynolds. Now that your loyalty has been assured, I’m going to simply download the rest of your instructions directly into your mind. Now, hold still.” Pressing the watch gently against her scalp, he pulled the small tab on the side and twisted.

“Ahhhhhh!” Mary cried, as several tiny needlelike probes pierced her skull, digging deep into her grey matter. The pain faded after a moment, replaced by an indescribably good feeling as the microscopic invaders weaved their way through her mind. Her thoughts began to slow, growing sluggish, as the probes began their insidious work. Loud moans began to escape her lips, and her eyes rolled back into her head.

“I see the programming has begun,” the man mused, removing his jacket and tie. “The entire process will take exactly twenty-seven and one-half minutes,” he continued, unzipping his pants. “As I have observed, the cortical programming tends to make the subject rather... sexually reactive. And as you’ve been quite cooperative thus far and caused me no undue trouble, I suppose the least I can do is to help the experience along a might...” Untying her bonds, he shrugged. “Oh, who am I kidding? This whole things makes me randy! I intend to shag you like a minx!”

* * *

“Let Governor Jessup know that I do NOT intend to endorse his re-election,” Senator Abigail Reynolds yelled into her cell, as she slid into the back seat of her limousine. “Since his term, crime has risen 15 percent, no doubt helped by his lackadaisical view of capital punishment. How in HELL does he expect me to promote him when I’ve made my view on the matter know, while he changes his public stance at the drop of a hat?” Nodding to her personal assistant Melody, who immediately opened up her weekly planner, she continued, “If he wants to discuss it, I will be free—” glancing at the book, “—next Tuesday, from 10 to 10:30 AM... uh huh... yes, I’m afraid that’s the soonest I can schedule him in. I’ve got a very full itinerary. We’re meeting to block that bill Senator Lister is trying to push through, and right now I’m putting all my time and energy into that. We can talk about next year’s election later.”

Mary glanced at her watch. “We’re running behind schedule, Senator,” she said quietly.

“Alright, Liz, gotta go. Duty calls. Give my best to Bert and the kids.” Sighing deeply, the forty-something blonde reclined into her leather seat. “Damn, this is killing me,” she murmured, rubbing the bridge of her nose. What I really wouldn’t give just blow off the rest of my engagements today and just head back to the hotel, slip out of these clothes, and into a nice hot bath.”

“Well, maybe you should,” Mary said, crossing her arms. “You’ve been burning the candle at both ends for three weeks now, Senator, its only natural that you’d feel run down. A night off, resting and relaxing, sounds like just the ticket.”

“No can do,” Melody replied shaking her head. “Abby, you’ve got three speeches lines up, an appearance at Jefferson Heights Elementary, a meeting with Congressman Smithers—”

“—and the luncheon with Alice Jefferson, of the Daughters of the Revolution, which we are currently running late for,” Mary cut in. “I’m well aware of the Senator’s schedule... just as I’m aware that there’s nothing on that list that can’t be rescheduled.” She turned to her employer. “Look, far be it for me to try and pressure you into shirking your responsibilities, but the past month has been really hectic. I’m just your security detail, and even I’m tired. I know you haven’t been sleeping well these past few nights. The world’s not going to fall out of orbit if you take one day off.”

Abigail frowned, considering. “How late are we for this luncheon, Mary?”

Glancing at her watch again, she replied, “It started six minutes ago, and we’re still ten minutes away.”

“Hell,” Abby muttered, shaking her head. “Alright then. Melody, call Ms. Jefferson and give her my apologies, then clear my schedule for the rest of the day.” She sighed, crossing her legs. “Maybe I can Fredrick into giving me a nice massage like he used to back before we married. I could certainly use it.”

Good idea, Senator, Mary thought happily, get nice and relaxed. It’ll make it all the easier to wind you up later on.

* * *

“Have a nice nap?”

Abigail opened her eyes. “Mary? Wh... what is it? Is something wrong?”

Mary smiled, standing from her chair beside the Senator’s bed. “Nope, not at all. Everything...” glancing at her watch, “Is right on schedule.”

“Schedule?” Sitting up, she pulled her glasses from the desk, placing them on her face. “What are you talking about? What’s going on here?”

“Nothing, Senator. I just wanted to talk to you. Alone.”

A chill ran down the back of Abigail’s spine. Something was wrong, she just couldn’t figure out what. “Alright, Mary. We can talk. What do you want to talk about?”

“Well, since you asked, I was wondering about your views of Senator Lister’s X-90 bill.”

Frown. “You know very well how I feel about that tripe Lister is trying to push through Congress. I’ve devoted a rather significant portion of my time and money to making sure it doesn’t pass.”

Mary shook her head. “That’s rather unfortunate. You see, Senator, I don’t think you fully appreciate Senator Lister’s point of view—”

“Senator Lister can stick his point of view up his vernerable old ass,” Abigail cut in angrily. “What the hell is wrong with you, Mary? How DARE you come into my room like this, wake me up from a sound sleep, and spout nonsense about discussing Lister’s archaic world views!”

Mary walked around the bed, moving to stand in front of the Senator. “I’m sorry, Abigail, I seem to have given you the wrong impression. This isn’t a discussion,” she intoned, removed the slim silver watch from her wrist. With her free hand, she struck out suddenly, grabbing her employer’s arm at the wrist. “I’m here to change your entire outlook, plain and simple.”

Abigail jerked away, hard, trying to pull free of the stronger woman’s grasp. “Let go of me this instant! What the hell do you think you’re doing? Have you gone insane!?!” Pushing off with her free hand, Abigail swung her body around, attempting to put her weight behind her movements. At the last moment, Mary released her, causing the hapless woman to roll over onto her front. Taking advantage of the new position, Mary pounced, leaping onto her back, holding bending the older woman’s arms back, pinning her to the mattress. “AAARRRGGG!!! GET... OFF ME... YOU CRAZY... BITCH!!”

Struggling in vain, Abigail felt her captor shift slightly on her back, then felt something small, hard and cold press against the back of her skull. A moment later she felt a stabbing pain in that same area that brought tears to her eyes. Suddenly, her limbs went numb, her muscles turning to jello, leaving her practically paralyzed.

“There,” Mary sighed, climbing down off Abigail’s back. “That should keep you nice and peaceful while I continue with your... re-education.”

Frightened, Abigail managed to roll her head to the side enough to stare back at her former head of security. “What... did you do to me? What do you want? Why are you doing this?”

Smirking wickedly, Mary began to undress. “Well, in reverse order, I’m doing this because I was told to, and a good girl always does as she’s told. As to what I want... why, I want to be a good girl. I want to do as I’m told. And I was told to help turn you into a good girl as well, Abigail.” Taking both her breasts in hand, and squeezing them, she asked, “Don’t you want to be a GOOD GIRL too, Abigail?”

Abby shuddered inwardly. She’d known Mary Ellensworth for several years, and had trusted her completely. Last year, after an appearance on Nightline, she’d been attacked by an unknown assailant. Mary had stepped in to take a bullet for her, literally. When she’d visited the girl in the office to thank her, she’d waved her off, saying it was merely her job, and that if need be, she’d gladly do it again. The bullet wound, now healed, was still visible on Mary’s naked chest, but Abby just couldn’t reconcile the loyal, duty-bound woman who’d risked her life to save her own with the dark haired naked seductress slowly advancing towards her.

Mary slid into bed next to Abigail, wrapping her arms around her helpless victim, pulling her into a tight embrace. “Isn’t this cozy?” she teased. “You know Abby, I have a bit of a confession to make. Before my own... re-education, I’d fantasized about being in just this kind of position with you.” She giggled at Abigail’s shocked expression. “You didn’t know I was a lesbian? Well, I was rather quiet and self-contained, I suppose... it’s not as if I’d gone around advertising. Still,” she said, rubbing her nude body against Abigail’s still-clothed one, “I’d hoped the fact that I’d willingly taken a bullet for you might have made more of an impression.”

“Get away from me, you disgusting slut!” Abby struggled to make her body move. Despite all her efforts, her body refused to respond to her wishes. Instead, it seemed to be responding to the teasing, tender ministrations of her captor. Dammit! I’m not a lesbian! This is wrong! Shit!! Why the hell can’t I move? And why can I feel everything she’s doing to me? I thought you couldn’t feel anything when you were paralyzed?

Mary chuckled. “Slut? Yes, I s’pose so, but disgusting? Hardly.” She pulled Abby into a soft, brief kiss. “Just because you don’t share my personal views... yet...” she added, reaching behind Abby, stroking the back of her head, “doesn’t give you the right to be bitchy. Bitchy girls aren’t good girls, you know.”

“I’m not a FUCKING good girl!” Abby shot back heatedly.

Rather than grow angry, Mary smiled. “Then its definitely TIME you became one,” she announced. Deftly finding the watch embedded at the back of Abigail’s head, she lifted the small tab on the side, then pressed it in. Hard.

Abigail’s eyes widened as a blast of pure pleasure exploded inside her skull, a strangled gasp leaking through her lips.

Mary chuckled again. “You see, Abby,” she said conversationally, as she pulled a second tab, and began twisting it slowly, “a good girl is very much like a watch. Punctual. Well kept. Dependable. And, in your case, wound very tightly. Feel how good I can make you feel with just a little twist here—” Abigail’s eyes rolled back into her head as she felt her very sensitive clit being pinched, “—and a little twist there—” the sensation of her nipples being sucked “—and viola! You’re as tight as a mainspring, just waiting for release.”

ohhhhhgaaawwddd...ohhhhgggaaaawwddd...fuck fuck fuck! Abby thought feverishly. Damn! Its soo good... whatever she’s doing to my head, it feels so damn good... it shouldn’t feel so good... she’s a woman... I’m not like that... uuuhhhh, but damm, damn, DAMN I need to cum! BADLY! If Fredrick were here right now, I’d fucking RAPE him to it bloody well fell off!

A soft hand caressing her bare breast woke her from her sexual fog. Bare? When did I lose my clothes? “I really do envy you, Abby,” Mary purred lightly into her ear. “You have such a beautiful body. Long radiant blonde hair, deep blue eyes, soft kissable ‘Angelina’ lips... and these boobs!” She squeezed a large handful, causing another passionate groan to escape Abby’s lips. “Double D’s, I bet. Much nicer than my tiny little B’s,” she added, pressing her hard-nipple breasts into her victim’s. “And just look at the rest of you... those hips, those long slender thighs, ending in such soft, slender peds.” Suiting actions to words, she caressed and kissed her way down Abigail’s body, sliding her skirt and panties down and off in the process. She even nibbled on Abigail’s bare toes, one by one. “Your husband doesn’t know how good he has it, really,” she murmured softly, working her way slowly back up to Abby’s face once more.

Shit! Fredrick never made me feel THIS hot only on his best day! she thought desperately. I’m starting to break! I was ready to pop BEFORE she kissed her way up and down my body... any more of this and she’ll have me begging!

Mary snickered lightly, knowing quite well what thoughts were running through her victim’s mind. The old Mary would have taken Abby ten minutes ago... but her Master had been very clear and exact about how to proceed, and as much as she would love to skip ahead to the finale, she was under orders to follow the program. And Mary was a very good girl.

“You know, Abby,” she continued, conversationally, “you don’t seem to be fighting this as strongly as you were before. The way your body is moving and jerking, despite having taken muscle control away from you, tells me that you’re enjoying all this.” She grinned, stroking Abigail’s cheek lightly, before running her hands back to the back of her skull. “That’s a shame, because the time has come to give you back control of your body... well PARTIAL control, anyway. I’m about to give you back control of your upper body, Abigail.” Pulling up a third tab, Mary skillfully twisted the second one another half turn. “That means you’ll have control of your hands again. And the phone is right next to you, on the bedside end table. I wonder how you’ll use that new freedom.” She pressed the third tab down with a soft ‘click’, then moved away.

Abigail bucked wildly for a second or two, her arms flailing as her body readjusted. Her hands opened and clenched a few times, and Abigail lay there, glaring up at her tormentor, trying to decide what to do. Is she trapping me? She’s just standing there—aaahhh shiittt FUCK I need to cum—but she’s just standing there, watching me... the phone... I could call... who? Security? No... they’re probably—ahhhh, my clit, need to rub it soooo bad... dammit... I need to focus, need to get out of this somehow... think.. THINK! THINK... can’t think, damn, my pussy... just one little rub, one little cum, and then I can think of something...

Giving up the fight, Abigail’s hands began moving over her sex-starved body. The first touch on her clit brought a cascade of sparkling stars to her eyes. Groaning, lost in the pleasure, she grabbed a tender sensitive breast and squeezed, increasing the sparkles. A second finger joined the one inside her cunt, followed soon by a third, and then a fourth. Breathing deeply, panting, rutting like an animal in heat, Abby thrust again and again, increasingly desperate to cum, to push herself over the edge.

FUCK! Its not working.. can’t cum, can’t cum, need it so bad, need it... ohhh... ohhhh.... almost... almost... noooooooo, not there... almost... can’t... almost... fuck!! so close!!

Mary watched avidly, feeling her own juices begin to run down her thighs at the sight. Damn, she is so hot right now! Mmmmm, a little more of this and her body’s going to melt from its own heat! Running a finger lightly across her own clit, she shuddered slightly, bringing her wet finger back to her lips, licking her cream. It’s going to be so sweet to finish melting her mind along with her body.

Moving back to the chair, she knelt down and retrieved the small bag she’d brought in with her. Removing the black rubber double-ended dildo from the package, she frowned. I do believe I’m enjoying this more than a good girl should. Does this make me lesbian? Abby is simply delectable... but my one true passion, my one true love, is still Master. A man. Hmmm. The ONLY man I feel any sexual desire for. Strange. Oh well... back to business.


Abby’s half-shuttered eyes opened, starting at voice of her hated captor, momentarily forgotten in the desperate need cum. Mary merely smiled, sliding a hand back behind Abby’s head, finding and pressing the first tab again, releasing her legs as well. “You have control of yourself again,” Mary quipped, sitting on the bed next to the frantically frigging woman. “But then again, you really don’t have control at all, do you? You are perfectly free to walk out of here right now, to simply escape and get help, if you want to. But that’s not what you want, is it?” She leaned closer, looking deep into Abby’s wild, lust crazed eyes. “What you really want is to cum, isn’t it?”

No! a small voice in Abigail’s mind cried out. I want to escape! I want this nightmare to end! But that voice was drowned out by the single, powerful, all-consuming NEED to climax.

“Yeeeesssssss!” she hissed, unable to hold it back any longer. “Gaaaawwwdddd!! I need to cum, need to cum, need to cum...”

“Yes, yes, I know,” Mary responded, kindly, stroking Abby’s fevered cheek. “And I can help you. I can make you cum... if you want me to.”

“YES! PLEASE!” Abigail begged, her hand working spasmodically between her thighs. “Ahhhh, fuck, I need to cum so baaaadddd!!”

“So, you want me, a LESBIAN, to help you, a straight woman, cum?” Mary teased, leaning forward to kiss her along the neck.

The hesitation lasted less than a millisecond. “YES! GOD YES! PLEASE! ANYTHING! ANYTHING! JUSTLETMECUUUUUMMM!” Abby screamed.

Smiling wickedly, Mary slid down Abby’s body, pressing and holding her legs apart. “Well, since you asked so nicely.”

Lick. Scream. Lick. Scream. Lick. Scream. Shudder. The touch of Mary’s tongue was exactly what Abigail needed, and by the third lick, Mary was hard pressed to hold the wildly bucking Senator down enough to continue. The watch embedded within her mind was ticking away, perfectly synchronized with her spasms, chipping away at her resistance, wiping away everything but the seemingly endless pleasure that continued to wash through her in pulsing brain-searing waves. When Mary finally pulled away for a moment to retrieve the dildo, Abby couldn’t have cared less about who or what was fucking her as long as the pleasure continued.

“That’s a good girl,” Mary whispered as she placed the thick artificial organ into Abby’s hand. “Now ram this into your needy little snatch while I finish helping you become a REALLY good girl.” Sliding up behind her, Mary’s slender fingers pulled free the fourth and final tab, sliding it up. “Now, Abby,” she purred softly into the frantic woman’s ear, “we’re going to make a few changes. First of all, this phobia of being gay—” she twisted the tab sharply to the left “—gone! Perhaps Master will adjust you later, and allow you the pleasure of craving His wondrous cock, but for now, you’re a sweet little pussycat like me. And your domineering, self-assured attitude—” another hard twist “—removed. A good girl doesn’t have a will of her own... she only does what she’s told. And from now on, Abby-sweet, you’ll do whatever I, or my Master, tell you.”

Abby merely groaned, cumming continually with each savage twist. Her hands worked the dildo like a machine, pumping mindlessly as the device in her skull wove its way deeper and deeper into her brain, just as her captor’s words wove unbreakable chains into her psyche.

“And last of all,” twist “but most importantly,” twist “a good girl doesn’t dictate policy” twist “but listens to her elders.” twist twist “and the eldest Senator in Congress right now” twist “is Senator Lister. You’re going to be” twist “a VERY good girl” twist “and give him your full support. Aren’t you?”

“Oh yes,ohyes,ohyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesyesssss...” Abby managed.

“Then CUM,” Mary hissed, pressing the tab down with a soft click.

Each twist of the watch had wound Abigail tighter and tighter, binding the remains of her mind, her thoughts, her feelings, into a compact ball, and squeezing harder, deeper, tighter, until she could take no more. That final soft click echoed in her mind as the mainspring inside her finally snapped. Senator Abigail Reynolds shattered, vanishing in an explosion of blinding molten pleasure, leaving behind a very tired, very sated, very good girl.

* * *

Mary picked up the phone in the first ring.



“I assume everything went well?”

“All according to schedule,” she said with a bit of pride. “The Senator is now your obedient pawn.”

“Smashing, simply smashing. My employers will be more pleased. I am most pleased, Mary.”

A deep satisfied groan escaped her lips before she could contain it. Shuddering lightly, she sighed in pleasure. “Thank you Master.”

“Senator Reynolds is scheduled to announce her appointment for the candidacy for President on Monday,” he continued. “You are to stay with her til then and make sure she is ready.”

“Of course, Sir. I assure you, when the time comes, she will deliver whatever message you wish her to.”

“Good. I shall check in with you again just before the press conference. And Mary... although she will follow my orders, she is YOUR slave. Have fun with her.”

Mary nodded, closing her cell phone. Counting mentally, she waited another seven seconds then returned to the Senator’s bedroom. Inside, the Senator stood hunched over the still form of her press secretary, Melody, calmly holding a flashing silver watch before the dazed girl’s eyes. She’d expected Melody to return at some point, to check in on Abigail after she’d cancelled all her engagements, but the secretary had walked in just after Abby’s enslavement had been completed. Two minutes early, Mary reflected ruefully. I’d planned to deal with you, eventually, Mel, but I suppose now is as good a time as any. Besides, at least this way we’re ahead of schedule.

Moving over to the Senator, she heard Abigail as she finished her programming. “...and serve me and my Mistress, without fail. Without hesitation.”

“Yes... Abby,” Melody replied sleepily.

“Everything going okay?” Mary asked, running a hand lightly along her lover-slave’s ass.

“Just fine,” Abby replied with a smile. “It’s going like clockwork.”
