The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Art Of True Hypnosis: Talent Assessment

by Dazzling Lady and J. Darksong


Zeb knocked loudly on the door, waiting patiently for it to open. As he stood he called upon his training, steadying his breath and forcing himself to remain calm. He needed to keep his head and not fly off the handle despite his annoyance and frustration. In truth, he was more upset at himself than anyone else, looking at this as a personal failure on his part rather than a failing of the person he had come to see. Still, his temper had been ignited, and it was taking quite a bit to keep it under wraps.

The door finally opened, and he was greeted by the appearance of a slim, slender, and petite young blonde woman dressed in a simple white sundress. Barbara Whittaker gave him a cheerful smile as she curtseyed before him. “Hello, Master Zebediah,” she greeted him. “What can I do for you this morning?”

“Is your Mistress home?”

The enslaved blond nodded. “Mistress is in the main parlor,” she replied as Zeb stepped past her, “but I believe she is very busy at the moment. I do not think she will appreciate being disturbed,” she added, moving to stand in front of him.

Zeb merely smirked. “Right at this moment, what she appreciates is not high on my list of considerations.” Before she could protest further, Zeb touched her lightly on the forehead. “Tired... very very tired and sleepy,” he intoned. “Need to sleep... to rest your eyes and sleep, rest and close your eyes... and sleep deeply...”

Barbara let out a soft sigh, eyes crossing before fluttering closed. “Sleepy... rest my eyes... sleep... deeply,” she managed, head slumping forward.

Satisfied, he continued on, making his way to the parlor, where he spotted his target, naked, lounging on her white leather sofa, while no less than four naked male slaves tended to her. Zeb noted with disdain that each male was physically fit, deeply tanned, shaved bald, and sporting a rather large fully erect penis. The woman glanced up at his approach, her confusion giving way to a genuine smile.

“Oh! Zeb! It’s you!” Patricia Jamison stated, grinning, brushing aside the two men caressing and groping at her bared breasts, though allowing the two kneeling at her feet to continue their worship. “You’re back early! I trust everything went okay with your little excursion with Mistress Delilah?”

Zeb visibly winced. “Not exactly. In fact, the less said about that whole debacle, the better. Let’s just say that I was happy to get back home as soon as I could.”

Patty nodded. “I see. So... what brings you by so early in the morning?”

Frowning again, Zeb glared back at her. “Returning home, I noticed a rather important artifact was missing. You wouldn’t happen to have it, would you?”

This time it was Patty who winced. “Oh, um... you mean The Art of True Hypnosis, right?” she answered sheepishly. “Yes, I have it. I decided to borrow it so that I could keep studying it while you were away.”

“You had no right to take it without my permission!” Zeb snapped, his temper flaring again. Rather than show regret or shame, however, Patty’s expression darkened.

“Oh, but I did have your permission, didn’t I?” she countered. “I am your protege and apprentice, after all, right? And you have been teaching me directly from the book as well, even giving it to me to study from at my own pace.”

“Yes, that is true,” he admitted, “but I did not say you could remove it from my home!” His scowl matched hers. “I told you in the beginning how rare and valuable that book is. That it must remain hidden and guarded at all times, and that people would literally kill to own it if they realized you had it in your possession!”

Patty sighed, rolling her eyes. “Yes, yes, I know all of that. And believe me, no one knows I have it. It’s not like I was going around advertising it all over the city!” She pushed aside her boy toys, standing up. “Okay, MAYBE I overstepped my boundaries a bit by bringing it back here with me to study instead of just using it at your home. But I was careful to make sure no one knows that I had it. And I planned on returning it before you got back from your trip tomorrow.” Padding across the room naked, she stopped, standing right in front of him. “But really, that’s not even the real issue, is it?”

“Oh? And what IS the real issue?”

“That you’re jealous of me!” Patty declared, to his surprise. “Don’t try and deny it either. I’m not stupid, Zebediah. Studying from that book has increased my power, and my knowledge. And you yourself taught me how to See the Unseen, how to use my senses to gauge what is happening around me. Did you think I wouldn’t notice?”

Zeb blinked. “Notice? Notice what?”

“That my hypnotic power has surpassed yours,” she replied archly. crossing her arms at her chest. “That’s the real reason why you’re upset that I’ve been studying from your book so feverishly without you around. All this time, you’ve been holding me back... dealing out your knowledge and training like precious jewels, to be savored, a little at a time, just to make sure I don’t gain too much power too fast!”

Zeb gaped at her, openly stunned. He was so surprised by her accusation and attitude that he completely forgot his anger. “That... I don’t... you...” he began, only to sigh and shake his head. “Patricia, that is simply not true! Surely, you must know that I have withheld nothing from you! I have been open and upfront with you since the beginning. I have done everything in my power to help you grow into a better and more well rounded True Hypnotist—”

“That’s what you say,” Patty cut in, still frowning, “but is that really true? Every time I ask you about something in the book that I don’t understand, some technique that I am having trouble with, your answer is always the same—that ‘I will understand in due time’, and that I ‘just don’t have enough experience yet’ to understand. That’s bullshit!” she grunted. “The truth is that you’re purposely withholding things from me in order to keep me under your thumb! You like having me as your ‘apprentice’, your assistant. And all this time you’ve been afraid that I would realize the truth—that I’ve already surpassed you, and that I don’t NEED your teaching anymore! That I could learn more from studying the book on my own than I could from a weakling like you!”

Zeb’s expression darkened. He had sensed an uneasiness in Patty for a while now, a frustration that was simmering beneath the surface, but he had had no idea that she was this unsatisfied with their arrangement. He balked at her accusations, that he was withholding knowledge from her, trying to slow her progress, out of some misplaced sense of ego. And being called a weakling definitely reignited his temper.

“You are wrong, Apprentice-Mistress Patricia,” he said, using her formal title. “While you have come a very long way in the short time of becoming a True Hypnotist, there is much you do not know or comprehend. You are still a child, still learning. And learning to do something, being able to perform an action, does not mean you have mastered it. In the case of studying from The Art of True Hypnosis, many techniques only become viable once you have mastered other techniques that the new one is built from. I have withheld NOTHING from you!” He glowered at her fiercely enough that she took a step back. “If you find yourself unable to comprehend or perform something that you have read, it is because you are simply unable to do so at this time!” He sighed, shaking his head. “You are an impatient child, wanting to run and sprint before you have even mastered crawling.”

Blushing, embarrassed at being called a child, Patricia doubled down, brushing aside her guilt and shame, and focusing merely on her anger and frustration. “I am NOT a child, Master Zebediah! Neither am I an idiot.” She let out a deep sigh. “Do not think I’m ungrateful. I appreciate everything you’ve done for me. You introduced me to this world. You taught me what it means to be a True Hypnotist. But it’s a fact that I am stronger than you now.” Turning on her heel, she walked back to her couch and sat down, crossing her legs. “I still think of you as a friend, Zebediah,” she stated softly. “But I no longer need you as a mentor or teacher anymore. I am fine studying on my own from now on.”

“Yes... studying from MY book,” Zeb pointed out, archly. “In other words, you do not need me, only my resources and materials.” He sighed heavily, before turning to face her again. “And... if I decided to retrieve my book?” he questioned her.

Patricia gave him a chilling smile. “Ah yes, the book. Well, Zeb, it IS your book. I’m merely borrowing it. And naturally, I plan on returning it to you... after I’ve finished studying it.” Patricia’s eyes flashed, and her aura noticeably flared, as if she were gathering her energy. “Of course,” she continued, “if you insist on taking it back with you now, you are certainly entitled to try...”

Zeb sighed inwardly, cursing silently. The challenge in Patty’s words and actions was obvious and abundantly clear. She was effectively drawing a line and daring him to cross it. And no matter how he responded, the complete dynamic of their relationship would forever change. Closing his eyes briefly, he considered his response, carefully picking his words, then opened his eyes.

“You can keep the book for a while longer,” he replied stoically, giving her a bland look. “I have a very busy week next week, and I won’t have any need of it any time soon. However, I will be back to collect it on Friday.” He turned then, walking out of the room. “I trust you’ll be ready to part with it by then.”

Patty let out a sigh of her own, relaxing as the tension drained out of her. She’d gotten him to back down, and exerted her own dominance. A part of her felt bad at calling him out that way, for essentially pushing him into a corner... but the larger, more dominant part, thrilled at slipping her leash, and becoming fully independent, not having an answer to him for her actions anymore. She was free to do whatever she wanted now. And, as for the book...

“Yes, yes, Zeb,” she whispered knowingly as he departed. “No need to worry. When you return for your book on Friday, I will definitely be ready for you...”

* * *

Sometime later, Zeb let out a deep sigh, reaching up to wipe the small beads of sweat from his brow. Taking a moment to center himself, he turned sharply towards the small group of fighters gathered around him. “Again!” he shouted brusquely, shifting smoothly into his normal fighting stance, planting his feet as the fighters rushed straight towards him to attack.

Leaving Mistress Patricia’s mansion, he’d been particularly wound up, frustrated and angry, not just with her response to him, but in himself. The urge to lash out, to hit something or someone, had been strong, and he’d recognized that he needed an outlet to vent before he ended up doing something he regretted. So, in a bit of inspiration, he’d driven to the Spiral, requesting a private gym to himself, and assigning several of the club’s strongest and most capable fighters to spar with him... with a few unique caveats. He would fight them in groups of five, and the matches would go until an opponent was rendered unconscious or unable to continue, or willingly yielded. The moderator had expressed concern, thinking this relative newcomer was getting in over his head, but the dark expression on Zeb’s face convinced him to acquiesce.

For Zeb, it was a cleansing and cathartic experience. From the moment the match started, he surrendered control to his darker instincts, his base emotions. There was little in the way of style or technique as he fought, though his movements and actions were all deeply ingrained into him. His opponents quickly realized the quandary they’d gotten themselves into, as one after another was quickly battered and beaten senseless, their blows seemingly affecting him not at all, while each of his struck with the force of a juggernaut.

When the first wave of fighters went down, a second group stepped forward, wanting to test themselves on this strange unique fighter. When the second group fell in as many minutes, the third group approached with a bit more hesitation and care. One of the fighters, an expert in Wing Chun, recognized Zeb’s fighting style, adjusting his own to better stand up to his assault. He lasted the longest of the group, managing to block and deflect the majority of Zeb’s blows, landing numerous ones in response. And yet, when they did land, the dark-skinned fighter’s strikes seemed to drain the very strength and vitality from him, leaving him dazed and weakened for several seconds before he could recover. As his comrades all succumbed, one by one, he rallied himself, deciding to follow Zeb’s example, and either disable or neutralize him with one precisely timed attack.

To his utter shock and surprise, the dark-skinned man proved to be more than simply a mindless brute brawling with no strategy. Sensing an opening, the fighter had moved in, aiming to catch Zeb unaware and land a brutal kick to his unprotected side, just below his arm. At the last moment, however, Zeb turned, somehow twisting his body out of the way, causing the kick to miss, before catching the hapless fighter’s leg and twisting, pulling him off his feet... and following up with a brutal overhand smash that sent him crashing hard to the ground, unconscious.

Zeb, panting slightly, glancing around, finding no one left to fight, let out a deep cleansing breath, slowly lowering his fists. His body ached, and he felt sore all over from the hits he’d taken, yet no one has managed to knock him off his feet. He could almost imagine Shari’s glower, chiding him for allowing himself to be struck at all, but he pushed it aside. This had not been a fight, a contest, or even sparring. It was merely a way for him to vent, to physically express his angst and frustration, to lash out against those who could withstand his assault. Although, he thought dimly, glancing around at the mass of bodies lying unconscious on the mat, I may have perhaps overdone it a bit. I suppose a bit more restraint is called for in the future, he advised himself.

“Wow. That was... really amazing.”

Zeb turned, blinking in surprise at the onlooker standing just outside the ring. Dressed in a stylish white silk blouse, a pair of very tight faded blue jeans, and her favorite cork wedge sandals, he easily recognized the pink-haired woman’s identity. “Ah... Miss Dazzle?” he answered, recalling her name and face. “What are you doing here?”

The pink-haired mentalist shrugged. “I was just walking by and I heard the sounds of fighting, so I peeked in.” She nodded appreciatively. “I have to say, I was majorly impressed. I’ve seen both fighting and sparring in the arena here, but never anything like that. You must have fought twenty-five guys!”

“True... but not all at once,” Zeb replied, blushing lightly at the compliment. “Facing five at a time is about my limit.” He sighed. “And really... it was not a proper fight. I came here upset and angry... and frankly, I just wanted someone to smack around a bit.” He sighed. “I’d actually been hoping for a match-up of quality rather than quantity... I’d heard that a certain slave girl named Lavea was a particularly capable fighter, and had hoped to challenge her...”

Dazzle chuckled, raising an eyebrow, a habit picked up from Jayde and her sister. “Domina Peggy’s bodyguard-slave, hmm? I haven’t seen her fight myself, but she does have a reputation as an excellent fighter.”

“Domina Peggy?” Zeb blinked, perking up at that. “I’d actually hoped to run into the Fascinating Five since I first acquired my membership here. Alas, I’ve yet to meet them thus far.”

Dazzle laughed aloud. “Wow! So wistful... you sound like a total fanboy.”

“I am not ashamed to admit to being a proud member of ‘Team Casey’,” Zeb replied with pride. “I was unable to attend but was able to watch the remote showings of the big tournament. And yes, I am very much a ‘fanboy’ as you put it.”

“Well, I can’t speak about Lady Casey personally, but her blonde girlfriend was certainly a handful,” Dazzle murmured softly, remembering her encounter with Mistress Alexandria from several weeks before. Shaking her head, she turned back to face him directly. “At any rate, I’d say you have one hell of a way to blow off some steam,” she observed. “Still, you ARE the man who took out a hundred armed soldiers by yourself,” she pointed out, “so naturally, something like this would merely be a light workout for you! But... Are you okay? You look a bit banged up. You should probably go to the infirmary and get checked out...”

But Zeb merely waved her off. “I am fine. These bumps and bruises look worse than they are. If anything, I am more concerned about my opponents. I will have to contact Dr. Carson to take a look at them all.” He sniffed and frowned. “After that, I will need to go back to my suite and change into something a bit more presentable.” Dazzle laughed.

“Well, no need to go through the trouble on my account. I can appreciate a man that knows how to work up a good sweat,” she said teasingly. “Besides, I would like to continue talking with you. You’re a lot more interesting than I thought, and I already thought that you were quite special.” Again, Zeb blushed deeply, not quite sure of what to make of such a compliment.

Leaving the gym he brought her upstairs to his VIP condo, bidding her make herself comfortable. “I should only be a moment or two,” he said, stripping off his shirt as he walked, revealing his muscular and toned chest. “If you need anything, just ask Veronica there,” he added, gesturing to the naked collared woman standing idly in the corner.

“A Spiral staff slave?” Dazzle mused aloud, glancing idly at the naked blonde. “You didn’t bring any of your own slaves with you?”

“Afraid not,” he replied as he slipped into the bathroom. “I’ve been rather busy these past few days, getting my own house in order.” He chuckled softly. “Specifically, organizing and training a new security force, as you and your partner Jayde demonstrated quite effectively that my previous security services left much to be desired. A fact that I am actually very grateful to you both for.” The splash of water running sounded, necessitating him to raise his voice a bit. “At any rate, my house staff was too busy getting the new security team settled in to aid with personalizing my VIP suite.”

Dazzle merely nodded. He had only recently acquired his mansion after all... taken from a powerful and established drug lord, no less. It was natural that he would have spent a majority of his time and energy getting rid of any reminders of the previous occupant, and changing it into a more personalized home for himself and his slaves.

Still, just one staff slave to tend to his needs? she mused silently. He’s definitely not what I expected. Most Masters and Mistresses would only travel with an entourage of slaves with them, at the very least with a bodyguard or a trusted thrall. But he seems perfectly content to travel and be seen completely alone...

Less than five minutes later, Zeb reemerged, showered, dressed, and freshly groomed, looking much less the worse for wear, decked out in a dark grey polo shirt, black jeans, and black Oxford dress shoes. As normal, he’d induced a healing trance in the shower as he’d washed, allowing his body to recover from the worst of his injuries. Returning to the main foyer, he found his guest resting idly on the couch, a glass of scotch in her hand, while Veronica kneeling before her, worshipped her feet.

“Hey, there you are,” Dazzle greeted him, saluting him with her glass before drinking. “I hope you don’t mind, but I took you up on your offer of making myself at home.”

“Not at all,” Zeb replied giving her a smile. “I am glad that Veronica was able to tend to your needs.” Pouring himself a drink, he walked over to sit across her his guest.

“Yeah, she’s, mmmm... not too shabby for a Spiral girl,” Dazzle replied, wiggling her toes idly. “So... you’re looking a lot better after that shower. Did it work? Did you manage to work out all the aggression you said you’d been feeling earlier?”

Zeb considered. “Mostly... but not entirely. It matters not, it will pass in time.” He sighed softly. “Besides, I was merely avoiding the problem in this way, not actually facing it. What I truly need to feel better is to come up with a solution.”

“Oh, well now you have me curious,” Dazzle stated, crossing her legs, one bare foot kicking idly, as Veronica continued to lick and suck on her toes. “What exactly is this big problem that you’re wrestling with?”

Zeb glanced at her sidelong, thinking. Miss Dazzle had him a bit puzzled. While far from a virgin, with quite a bit of sexual experience, he was not used to the more normal social interactions. Her flirting confused him. He found her attractive, sexy even, but her attitude was more playful than interested. Her interest in him, in choosing to come back to his room and converse this way was fun, and enjoyable, but he couldn’t help but question her motives. She was, of course, affiliated with the Spiral, and thus, to Arthur Winston, even if, as she’d insisted, she and her partner were NOT his employees. Recalling his own interaction with Winston, and High Mistress Liliana, he couldn’t help but wonder if her interest in him might be orchestrated on their behalf.

“I’m having... issues... with my apprentice,” he confided in her a moment later, seeing no harm in sharing the details. “It’s been a bit less than a year since she first realized her powers, and it’s started to go to her head. I fear that I may have been too lenient on her, given her too much independence... and now it seems she’s lost all respect for me.”

Dazzle stared at him, frowning. “Really? Are you serious? That’s your big problem?” she asked incredulously. “Excuse me for stating the obvious, but if that little bitch is disrespecting you, then teach her a lesson! Take charge! Take control, break her down, humiliate the bitch, and remind her that you’re the boss.”

Zeb sighed. “It’s not that simple,” he replied ruefully. “Patty isn’t just some random slave or girl off the street to me. She is a friend. And I’m the one that introduced her to this world, realized that she was a True Hypnotist, and taught her how to use her powers.” He sighed, glancing away. “I can’t help but feel responsible for her, considering that I brought her into all of this. Perhaps if I’d given her a better understanding of things from the beginning, she would have a deeper respect for what I am trying to teach her...”

Dazzle sat quietly for a moment, then sighed deeply. “Bullshit,” she stated emphatically, causing him to glance up again. “You heard me. That’s total bullshit,” she repeated. “If your apprentice has gotten too big for her britches, then it’s your responsibility to take her down a peg or two. It doesn’t matter if she’s your friend or not—you’re a Master, a hypnodom, and if she doesn’t respect you, then she needs to learn respect.” Dazzle grinned at him again. “And really, don’t you think it’s better that she learn it from you, instead of pissing off some random Master or Mistress later and have them put her in her place?”

“Some other...” Zeb mumbled softly, his mind working. Suddenly, an idea popped into his head, and he laughed, shaking his head. “Miss Dazzle,” he said, sincerely, “you are a genius! Thank you!” he said, leaning forward, surprising her with a quick kiss. “I now know exactly how to deal with my errant little protege.” Satisfied, he nodded, rising to his feet, his good spirits fully restored. “You know... I’m feeling a bit peckish. Have you eaten anything?” he asked her.

“Ah, um... not really?” she answered with a shrug. “I suppose I could eat. Why?”

Zeb shrugged. “My appetite returned, thanks to you. And... I’d rather continue talking unless I am keeping you from something?” he asked, hesitantly.

“Not at all,” Dazzle replied smoothly, standing up as well, slipping on her shoes. “I’ve barely learned anything about the real Zebediah Clark at all so far! You’re not getting rid of me that easily!”

Small talk continued as they made their way downstairs to one of the many Spiral Club’s food courts, choosing one that specialized in Japanese cuisine. Over sushi and spring rolls, Zeb gave her a brief rundown of his early life, being raised and trained by his grandmother, but soon enough he turned the Q&A back on her.

“Okay, enough about me for now,” Zeb stated during a lull in the conversation. “I’d like to hear more about you. How did such a lovely young lady as yourself come to be involved in this community, working as a mercenary with your partner Jayde? That has a be an interesting story.”

Strangely enough, Dazzle’s normal jovial manner faded. “It’s... not really much of a story,” she said quietly, glancing down. “And it’s definitely not very interesting.” She sighed, taking a deep breath, “Well, for starters, I was an orphan. So I guess that’s one thing we have in common, eh?” She sighed softly. “I honestly don’t remember my parents, just the old biddy at the orphanage where I grew up.” Her face twisted slightly. “No need to bore you with the details, but let’s just say that as soon as I was able to escape I left that place far behind. I spent my formative years on the streets, struggling to survive until I discovered my powers as a mentalist as a teenager. Life improved quite a bit after that.”

Zeb nodded softly, feeling more than a little sympathy for the pink-haired girl. Their pasts were indeed quite similar. Life had been difficult for him after his family died in the car wreck, but at the very least he’d had his Gram Gram to take him in. She’d been stern, harsh, and prickly, hard to be close to, but she had loved him... in her own unique way. Dazzle, however, had had no one, having to fend for herself and literally fight to survive. His admiration for the petite pink-haired pixy went up several notches.

“I kind of stumbled into the whole mercenary thing by accident,” she continued, nibbling idly on her spring roll. “It was actually a lot more fun and profitable using my powers for someone else for pay than using them for myself. It didn’t make me rich or anything, but it got me off the streets, got me a roof over my head and food in my stomach, so I wasn’t complaining. I even managed to save up a bit, and decided to go back to school, try and make something more of myself.” She smiled. “I found out that I have an affinity with computers... like, I’m crazy good with them. Almost like another special power, or something. I was starting to figure things out, starting to carve out a niche for myself, but I was smart enough to know my limitations. Sure, mentalism is pretty powerful, and all, but in a world with hypnodommes than can erase your mind, and witches that can transform you into animals with a word and a glance, I knew my best chance for success would be to hitch my wagon to a bigger and brighter star.”

Zeb nodded. “So you decided to work for Arthur Winston?”

“No, not quite. I actually signed on to work with a hypnodomme from the Florida area, named Beth Grant. I, er... kinda showed up on her radar when one of my computer explorations lead me to discover her rather extensive drug trading operations. Rather than eliminate me as a threat, however, she decided to hire me on instead and make use of my talents.”

A bit of luck, that, she now realized, knowing all that she knew about the fearsome and powerful hypnodomme. At a whim, she might have simply decided to turn her into a mindless slave, or simply make her disappear. Instead, she’d seen something of value in her and had chosen to nurture it instead. Still, it was something that Dazzle had never forgotten, that as bad as her life had started out, she’d had more than her share of good turns to balance things out.

“Fast forward a bit, and you have the opening of this very club,” Dazzle continued, gesturing with her arms. “Beth was invited for the inaugural ceremony, but she decided to take full advantage of the distraction to run her business on the side, taking over the seventeenth floor to set up a private casino, gambling den, and drug trafficking center. Unfortunately, it was discovered by High Mistress Charissa who was serving as Master of Ceremonies at the time, and she sent in Peggy McBride and her Fascinating Five to shut us down.”

Zeb visibly winced. “Oh. Well, that must have been... er... a very trying experience,” he finished diplomatically. Dazzle just snorted.

“That’s a nice way of saying we got our collective asses kicked. I actually managed to beat Domina Peggy... er, briefly,” she added with a slight blush, “but then Mistress Alexandria showed up. One minute I’m staring at this really expensive diamond pendant... the next, I’m waking up in a cage in Arthur Winston’s dungeon.” She chuckled softly. Looking back at it now, after the fact, she could see the humor of it all, though, at the time, she’d been scared out of her mind that her life as she knew it was over. “All in all, we got off pretty easily. Arthur wanted to save face, so Beth received a slap on the wrist, and the rest of us served as menial slaves for the club for the past six months.” She let out a soft melancholy sigh. “After I was released, I was at a bit of a crossroads. I mean, I was free again, but the person I’d connected with, who I’d planned to use as my own stepladder to the top had left to do her own thing. I’d been discarded and forgotten. I’d honestly had no idea what I was going to do... and then Mistress Jayde offered to take me on as her partner.”

“Ah... I see,” Zeb replied, nodding slowly. It made sense. He had frankly found the two of them to be an odd pairing, but in retrospect it made sense. He knew enough about the Spiral club’s staff to know that Jayde had once had a partner named Sylver who had recently retired. Sylver, by all accounts, had taken Jayde in under his wing years ago, and now it seemed the Asian hypnodomme was merely paying it forward with Dazzle. He gave his companion a thoughtful smile. understanding her a lot better now.

Huh. It’s probably too soon to know for certain... but I doubt that she’s cozying up to me on Liliana or Arthur’s orders. I feel like I can relax around her a bit more, now.

“So!” Dazzle said, briskly, changing the subject, “when are you going to show us all what you can do?”

Zeb blinked. “Show you... what I can do? How do you mean?”

“You know, entering a tournament or contest of some kind... showing off your hypnosis skills. Hell, or showing off your martial arts fighting skills, after what I saw earlier,” she added, grinning. “Either way, a lot of people are waiting to see what the Shadow can do.”

“Well, I’m afraid they will have to continue to wait a bit longer,” Zeb replied ruefully. “I am not really one for... showing off for the crowd. Besides... my hypnotic skills are not well suited for a tournament,” he told her frankly. “I am a mercenary hypnotist, and that is where my talents lie. A simple contest with no true stakes does not interest me.”

“Awww, come on,” Dazzle protested with a pout. “That is such a cop-out! Not everything has to be a life or death struggle, you know. And... what did you mean anyway? That your hypnotic skills ‘aren’t suited’ for a tournament? Do you use some kind of super-secret special technique or something?”

Well, as a matter of fact... Zeb mused silently, before shaking his head. “Nothing so dramatic, Miss Dazzle. It is simply... hmmm... well...” he trailed off, glancing around the area. “Perhaps it would be easier to simply demonstrate it directly,” he offered, rising to his feet. To Dazzle’s delight, he took off, heading straight towards a couple just a few tables away having a lively and animated conversation.

Alert and aware of his surroundings as always, Zeb’s hearing had picked up part of their conversation and focused his attention on the couple after a few seconds. His decision to use them as a demonstration had followed shortly thereafter. Very much aware of the rules of the club, he’d checked, noting that neither patron was a true hypnotist, nor a mundane wearing a badge signifying that they were not to be touched. Although considering the topic of their conversation, he’d been tempted even if they had been protected.

“...don’t know why you even brought me here,” the girl, a young twenty-something blonde in a short stylish red sundress complained. “I said I wanted to go somewhere nice,” she added, turning up her nose in derision.

“B-but, but this place IS nice!” her companion, an equally young, equally blonde, young man replied, looking dismayed. He was dressed simply in a blue and white striped shirt and jeans. “I mean, c’mon, Jan, this place is a real quality club, really high class. Not to mention, expensive to get into,” he murmured.

“But it’s all bullshit, Brad!” the girl replied sullenly. “It doesn’t matter how expensive this place is, it’s still just a glorified theme park resort. Except instead of being something actually COOL, like, say, Disneyland, it’s themed around hypnosis!”

“Hypnosis is pretty cool,” Brad replied back, frowning. “I mean, we saw those two guys dueling earlier, remember? Mistress Lauren and Mistress Constance? You can’t tell me you didn’t find that whole thing to be totally epic!”

But Jan merely rolled her eyes. “O.M.G.! You are truly hopeless, Brad,” she said, shaking her head. “Gawd! Don’t you understand? It’s all fake! All of it! Hypnosis is bullshit!”

Brad gaped at her, eyes wide in shock. “Are you... how in the world could you think that?!?” he exclaimed. “Didn’t you see what that Lauren woman made her opponent do when she lost? You think a normal person would get completely undressed and eat out another person’s ass in front of everyone if she wasn’t hypnotized?”

Jan shrugged. “Yeah, if they paid her enough. You’ve seen this place, right? It’s obvious why everything is so expensive—they have to pay those fucking sluts big bucks to act that way for the rubes like you that buy into it.” She sighed dramatically. “All of these so-called slaves probably make more money in a weekend than you do in a month—”

“That would be an incorrect assumption,” Zeb interrupted smoothly, causing both of them to turn. “All of the members of the Spiral club staff, slaves included, earn a fair wage, just like any other employee. However, a majority of the slaves you see congregating in this club, owned or otherwise, are simply hypnotized men and women, some of which happened to run afoul of some Master or Mistress. Those, obviously, do not get paid.”

Jan blinked, frowning, a bit put out at being interrupted by some know-it-all. “Uh-huh. Right. It’s ‘all real’,” she said, rolling her eyes again. “And I bet you think wrestling is completely real, too. huh?”

“I’ve never been to a wrestling show, so I couldn’t say,” Zeb replied, “but I can say with confidence that hypnosis is quite real. Oh, of course, there ARE a number of fakes out there,” he added before she could interject. “Most sideshow and carnival acts, or hypnotists that work the summer fairs... yes. A True Hypnotist would be both a bit more discrete and a bit more obvious, leaving no doubt as to their abilities. And you can rest assured that any Master or Mistress you encounter here in the Spiral is exactly what they propose to be.”

“Oh! Wait... then that means... are YOU a True Hypnotist?” Brad asked, eyes wide.

Smirking, Zeb nodded, bowing slightly. “Indeed. I am Master Zebediah Clark. And this is my friend and associate, Miss Dazzle,” he said, gesturing to the pink-haired lass watching from the side. “As such, I would be more than happy to prove to you that hypnosis is real.” He glanced over at Dazzle, giving her a quick wink. “I don’t suppose you would believe it if I hypnotized your friend, Brad, here, would you?”

“Hmph! Hardly,” Jan scoffed, even as Brad did a double-take. “Brad is obviously too much of a Hypno-groupie not to go along with whatever you ask him to do.”

Zeb grinned, his eyes flashing briefly as he glanced at the hapless young man. “I believe you may have a point. Your young friend here does seem to be very suggestible. It wouldn’t take much convincing to make him obey any command I might give him.” He glanced up as a small crowd began to gather around them, curious. “And... let me guess. If I chose a random person from this crowd of people to hypnotize, someone you yourself picked out, you still wouldn’t believe that as proof either?”

“Like, duh, of course not!” Jan snapped. “How am I to know the person I selected wasn’t one of this place’s paid actors? Hell, for all I know, they might ALL be in on it!”

Zeb’s grin widened. “Well, I can certainly see why you would think that,” he said calmly, his voice low and deep. “After all, I could indeed hypnotize anyone listening to this little conversation right now. It would be quite easy, really. Just speak a few words in my... relaxing... soothing... voice, suggesting that everyone’s attention is focused on me... to my voice, to my words, and simply put everyone around me in a nice... relaxed... state.” He glanced over at Brad again. “And your friend? Of course, he would ,surrender... and submit to me, easiest of all. After all, he’s already a believer. He knows that hypnosis is real. And that would make it all too simple to entrance him.” He paused, then sighed. “But you’re right. There’s only one sure way to prove to you that hypnosis is real.”

“Oh? And what’s that?”

“By hypnotizing you,” he started. staring directly into her eyes. “Putting you into a deep trance, turning you into a helplessly obedient and submissive slave slut just like the ones you have been ridiculing should prove beyond a doubt whether or not hypnosis is real.” He chuckled at her expression. “And then you can explain whether the actions you take afterward are because of my commands, or simply your own deviant nature.”

Jan’s eyes went wide, a deep blush coloring her face. “W-w-what?!? You! You... you can’t be serious!” she exclaimed. “There’s no way I’d ever let some perverted creep control me—” Just then, Zeb extended a hand, holding it directly in front of her face, fingers spread. Confusion crossed her face, and she paused, about to question what he was doing when—

Sleep! NOW!

Zeb’s command struck true, as Jan’s eyes blinked, then fluttered, then slammed shut, her body slumping forward as she slid into slumber. Zeb caught her before she fell, holding her gently, allowing his hypnotic energy to flow through his touch. “Yes, yes, just rest now, relax and let yourself slip deeper and deeper into hypnotic slumber. Now, Jan... open your eyes, stand up straight, and stay quiet,” he commanded, stepping back as she obeyed, her blue eyes glassy and blank.

“Jeez!” Brad breathed, shaking his head in shock. “You... you really did it! You hypnotized her...”

“Yes, I did,” Zeb replied, turning to face him now. “And now, it is your turn.”

Blinking, he took a step back in reflex. “Wait, me? But... why? I didn’t do anything...”

“That is true,” Zeb conceded, locking eyes with him. “But that does not matter. I am a hypnodom and do not need a reason to hypnotize someone and put them under my control. Besides...” he added, eyes flashing again, “I already said it. Hypnotizing you... enslaving your will? It would be almost TOO easy. You’ve already heard my enthralling voice, my soft relaxing tones... relaxing and soothing... and you’ve just seen my power, saw the way sweet Jan sank obediently for me... sank so deep... deep... into trance at my command. So you know that the power of my voice, that my words can’t be resisted. That all I need do is command you to submit... to sink deeply for me now and you will go into trance,” he finished, nodding slowly.

“I... I... go... into... trance...” Brad murmured softly, eyes fluttering before slamming closed as well.

Zeb let out a soft sigh, relaxing a bit. Despite the casual nature of the conversation, he’d actually been intently focused on the young man, and the girl before him, watching them both carefully, studying their bodies, their physical reactions to his words, noting every minute physiological change—dilated eyes, increased pulse, inhaled breaths—and adjusting his words and inflections to match. It was complicated, reading a subject and adjusting an induction at the same time, but a skill that all great hypnotists eventually perfected. Turning back, he suppressed a chuckle, finding that his technique had worked perhaps a bit TOO well, as Dazzle and several other members of the crowd watching had been affected as well, listing in a light trance of their own.

“Ah, well... ahem,” he said, clearing his throat. “Jan, Brad, continue to sleep deeply in your trance, ignoring everything going on around you, letting yourselves continue to sink deeper and deeper into hypnotic obedience. Everyone else,” he said with a smirk, “let yourself wake up now... fully alert and aware again,” he said, clapping his hands sharply. Dazzle gasped softly, blushing slightly, finding similar expressions on the other people standing around. She glanced at Zeb, who merely shrugged. “Now then... I believe this young couple’s ‘education’ of the hypnotic community would be best continued in private. Jan, Brad, you will both follow me and my friend Dazzle back to my suite. You will both remain in trance but will walk, talk, and act normally until we arrived. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” Jan replied blankly.

“Yes, I understand,” Brad answered in turn.

A few minutes later, the four arrived at their destination. Dazzle, of course, was full of questions, but Zeb merely chuckled, saying little until they were back in his suite once again. “Okay, okay,” he relented, still grinning, “I will explain. What I did with Jan was easy enough to explain. I used a speed induction. Or, more correctly, a surprise induction. I distracted her and confused her when I stuck my hand up in front of her face. And then, while she was confused, while his conscious mind was stuck, trying to process what was happening, I issued a strong, forceful hypnotic command, bypassing her conscious, directly into her subconscious.” He shrugged again. “I caught her mind off guard before it could even begin to question or defend itself. It’s the same reason most True Hypnotists, as a rule, don’t shake hands with each other—it’s too easy to induce a similar surprise induction that way.”

“Ah, yeah, I see. That makes sense,” she replied nodding. “But what about Brad? I was watching and listening the whole time, but I didn’t hear you do an actual induction on him at all. It was like you just... talked him into a trance or something!”

Zeb nodded vigorously in response. “YES! That’s it! You got it.”

“Huh? Wait, are you serious?” she asked.

“I am. For Brad, I used a more subtle, indirect, type of induction. A stealth induction, if you will. The whole time I was talking with them both, I was dropping subtle hints, slightly emphasizing certain words, and using tiny bursts of hypnotic energy as I spoke... words like ‘submit, surrender, relaxing, soothing, sleepy, can’t resist’, and the like. I painted a picture in Brad’s mind that my voice itself could put him into a trance, and when I dropped his friend Jan so easily with just a simple command, he knew that it was not only possible, it was probable. So when I told him to go into a trance for me, he didn’t even try to fight it.” He chuckled again. “Of course, I may have overdone it a bit, seeing as how you and the crowd got sucked into it as well.”

Dazzle’s cute blush returned. “Yeah, that was... an interesting experience. I admit, I never saw it coming at all. Still... that’s pretty amazing. I would imagine that kind of technique comes in real handy in your mercenary work.”

Zeb sighed softly. “It does indeed. It’s also, unfortunately, why I stated that my techniques would be unsuited for a contest or tournament. Do you recall Mistress Gina Knight from the inaugural tournament? She won using a technique she called ‘Tit-nosis’?” Dazzle nodded. “My specialty is stealth-based hypnosis... catching my target off guard or unaware. In a contest, I might win against my first opponent, taking them by surprise. If I were very lucky, I might even manage a second, if my opponent were overconfident. But I am, in effect, a ‘one-trick pony’. Once you know the trick, it loses its effectiveness.”

There was, of course, still the effectiveness of his touch-based inductions, but Zeb preferred not to share all of his secrets with someone who was still a relative stranger.

“Enough of my questionable hypnotic talents,” he continued, dismissively, turning to face the entranced blonde couple standing idly in the center of the main room. “For now, I suggest we simply enjoy the fruits of our labors.” He gave Dazzle a knowing grin. “As my guest, feel free to take your pick. You can have one, or both if you prefer.”

“Ah, well, thank you, but I don’t want to be greedy,” Dazzle insisted. “I think I’d prefer Brad, actually. Man or woman, I enjoy a talented tongue as much as the next gal, but truth be told I prefer guys over girls.”

Nodding, Zeb turned to Brad. “Alright, Brad. Listen and obey. From now on, you will respond to Miss Dazzle, and obey her words completely as if they were my own. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir. I understand. I will obey Miss Dazzle.”

Satisfied, he sent the entranced young man off, then turned his attention to the young woman. Jan had managed to annoy him greatly with her attitude, and he was looking forward to humiliating the girl. “Listen closely, Jan,” he commanded. “When I snap my fingers, you will awaken, fully aware of where you are and what’s happening. You will continue to obey my commands, and be helpless to resist them in any way. You will also answer any question I ask truthfully, withholding nothing. Finally, you will be unable to leave this suite unless I give you permission. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Sir,” the girl replied in a flat empty tone. “I understand.”

“Excellent,” Zeb replied, snapping his fingers. Jan gasped, coming awake, glancing around at her surroundings in alarm. He found himself enjoying the look of stunned surprise on her face as she tried desperately to figure out what was going on. “Welcome to my private suite,” he said aloud, recapturing her attention. “I thought it better to continue our conversation in a more comfortable setting.”

“Wh... what? What conversation?!?” she exclaimed, wide-eyed, holding her head. “What are you talking about? And how... how did I get here? What’s going on?”

Zeb raised an eyebrow. “My, my, have you forgotten so soon? We were discussing whether or not hypnosis was real. You were unreasonably confident that hypnosis was fake. So, I hypnotized you to prove you wrong.” He paused, staring at her for a moment, letting his words sink in. “And now, seeing that you are in a completely different place, in what was, for you, the mere blink of an eye, I would assume you are ready to concede my point?”

“You... you hypnotized me?” Jan uttered, slowly shaking her head. “No. N-no! That... that can’t be right!” she insisted, denying the evidence before her eyes. “There’s no way! You... you... you must have... have drugged me, or something! Yeah! You slipped something into my drink... or my food—”

Zeb burst out into loud laughter. “Oh my! You are a stubborn one, aren’t you?” he said after a moment. “First of all, my dear, if you recall, you and your friend Brad had finished eating and drinking before I even showed up. Secondly, if you’d been drugged with something potent enough to knock you unconscious, you wouldn’t have awoken just now so clearheaded. At the very least there would have been lingering side effects. And lastly, knock-out drugs wouldn’t explain you obeying any and all commands that I give you,” he added matter of factly.

“Hah!” Jan retorted, scowling. “Like HELL I’d do anything you tell me to do—”

“Strip, slave,” Zeb barked, cutting her off. “Now!”

“Fuck you!” Jan shot back, a sneer on her face. The sneer dropped seconds later, however, as her hands deftly began unbuttoning her scarlet sundress, tossing it aside before reaching up for her bra as well. “No! Aaah! What the hell? NO! Gaaaahh... how are you doing this?” she demanded angrily as her panties followed suit, ending with her kicking off her white laceless flats, standing before him completely naked.

“You keep asking the same questions,” Zeb replied blandly, “and the answer remains the same. You were hypnotized. You must obey my commands. And you can choose to deny it as much as you wish, but it does not change the fact.”

Before she could reply, a familiar grunt sounded from her left, causing Jan to turn. “BRAD!!” she yelled, gaping in shock at the sight of her soon-to-be ex-boyfriend, standing naked, balls deep inside an equally naked pink-haired woman. “You... you... goddamn shit! You should be helping me instead of cheating on me with some fucking skank—”

“Silence!” Zeb growled, causing her voice to die out in the middle of her tirade. “You truly are a stupid little slut, aren’t you? Purposely insulting and antagonizing the people that have you completely under their control?” He shook his head dramatically. “Apparently you still need to learn your place. Kneel!” he barked, nodding in satisfaction as Jan’s knees hit the floor. “Since you insulted my dear friend Dazzle and interrupted her fun, I think it is only fair that you make up for it. Crawl over and get behind her... and eat out her ass.” Jan’s eyes bulged in shock. “You will give her the hottest, wettest rim job imaginable, and you will continue to do so until she has cum at least three times. Then you will tell her you are sorry and crawl back over to me. Go, now!”

“No! No! Wait!” Jan protested helplessly as her body obeyed, sending her towards her Master’s pointed destination. “Please! Please! I’m sorry! Don’t make me do this! Don’t make me—mmmpphhh!” Any further protests were cut off as she began fulfilling his command. Dazzle gasped aloud, shuddering slightly as Jan’s tongue began working deep into her backside.

“Aaaahhh! Woooo!” she cooed, holding tightly to Brad as he continued to pound deep in her pussy, driving her closer and closer to orgasm. “Ohhh, fuck! She’s fucking good at eating ass!” she declared with a giggle. “Mmmm... oohhhh... I’ll say one thing for you, Zeb... you certainly know how to take care of your guests!”

Zeb merely chuckled in response. Gesturing to Veronica, he brought the Spiral assigned slave close and commanded her to remove his clothing. Once he was as naked as the others, he sat back down on his recliner, lounging idly with Veronica in his lap, gently fucking her as he watched the festivities. Between the ministrations from the front and behind, Dazzle soon exploded in the first of her orgasms, followed a minute later with a second, and a third, leaving her panting and sweaty, but very satisfied. Coming down from her euphoric high, she glanced down to see a very contrite and genuinely scared Jan kneeling before her.

“Please Mistress Dazzle,” she said in a soft defeated voice. “Please forgive me for what I said before. I am so very very sorry...”

Dazzle chuckled, shaking her head. “Well, I do normally hold more of a grudge against someone who badmouths me... but I think you paid your dues well enough. Apology accepted,” she said with a smirk, watching as she crawled back to kneel at Zeb’s feet.

For her part, Jan felt like she was having a mental breakdown. Her entire world had been turned upside down. One minute, she was having an argument with her boyfriend about taking her to this tacky nightclub, and the next, she’d found herself stripping naked, crawling on the floor like an animal, and... and... eating out a stranger’s ass! She hadn’t wanted to do any of it, yet she’d found herself unable to resist doing whatever that man, that so-called MASTER Zebediah, commanded her to do. Was it true? Was she really under his hypnotic spell? And... if so, what now? How did she escape? How did she free herself? Was it even possible to break free?

“It is starting to sink now, isn’t it?” Zeb prompted, causing her to glance up at him. His face and posture were completely calm and composed, even as the naked slave in his lap continued to bounce and thrust into him, her face pinched, her body covered in a light sheen of sweat. “Suddenly all of the things you saw earlier between the Masters and Mistresses, and their slaves, you see them in a completely different light now, hmm?”

“Yes, Sir,” she replied, nodding softly. It was true enough. Normally very vain and self-absorbed, she was surprised to find herself feeling a bit of sympathy for some of the people she’d watched enslaved and humiliated earlier. Knowing it was real, having experienced a taste of it herself, had drastically changed her perspective.

Zeb nodded subtly, and Veronica let out a loud scream, finally cumming with her Master’s permission. Sighing, she slumped forward slightly as Zeb stood up, gently lifting her out of his lap, and depositing her gently on the floor. Jan gaped, a hand moving to her mouth in reflex at the sight of him fully erect. She glanced up at Zeb, locking eyes with him for a moment and he nodded.

“Move to the couch, and bend over the arm,” he directed her, giving her a moment to compose herself. Shuddering visibly, Jan obeyed, nervous and anxious about what was about to happen. Yet, she wasn’t sure what she felt more—dread or anticipation. A moment later, she felt his presence behind her, pushing her gently but firmly forward, forcing her legs apart, before sliding slowly, deeply, inside her naked wanton pussy.

“Oh! Oohh! OOOHH! OHHH MY GAAAWWDD!” she exclaimed as she found herself filled. Her knees nearly buckled at the sensation, which continued as she felt him continuing to enter her, deeper and deeper still. She and Bradley had been dating for four years and had had sex numerous times. She’d never had any complaints about his dick, his ten inches more than enough to satisfy. What she was experiencing now was no comparison whatsoever; longer, thicker, she felt filled to the brim, and still, her Master was continuing to enter her! When she finally felt him bottom out, pressing against her backside, she nearly wept.

“You do not cum, until I do,” he murmured softly in her ear, his command sealing her fate, as he began to fuck her, slow, deep, setting a steady but intense rhythm. Jan gasped, groaning deeply, head going back as her pussy was assaulted, her mind and body helpless to do anything but hang on for the ride. As with Veronica, Zeb kept a natural pace, his face showing little emotion other than slight satisfaction, content to control the tempo heedless of his partner’s steadily increasing arousal. Two minutes into it, Jan was moaning and groaning loudly, her head lolling from side to side in pleasure. Five minutes, and she was gasping, teeth gritted, fingers and toes tightly curled, the need to cum deeply etched into her face. Ten minutes, and she was nearly insane, grunting, babbling incoherently, needing to cum, needing to release the ever-building pleasure, desperate for her Master to push her over the edge.

“Now!” Zeb grunted aloud, at some unseen signal, suddenly speeding up, grabbing the hapless girl by her hips, slamming her into him vigorously as he began pistoning in and out of her then. Jan’s incoherent mumbles turned into screams of pleasure, her arousal hitting its peak, signaling release was close at hand. Steadily, on and on, climbing ever higher, until... with a loud grunt, Zeb came, finally gaining his release, and granting her her own as well. Jan shuddered, eyes rolling back into her head, before collapsing, slumping over the arm of the couch, utterly and completely spent.

“Damn,” Dazzle whistled loudly, causing Zeb to glance her way. She was fully dressed again, sipping idly from a glass of wine while Brad massaged her shoulders. “I’m starting to think I picked the wrong dick for this little party,” she stated, impressed. “At least I know who to pick next time.”

“Next time, hmm?” Zeb replied, a smile on his face. “I’ll definitely keep that in mind.” He sighed softly. “So... does this mean, you’re...”

“Heading out? Yeah,” she admitted, taking one last long drink. “I need to check in with my partner and see what’s going on. She was having lunch with her sister earlier, but they likely finished a while ago.”

Zeb nodded. “Well, it was a pleasure spending time with you, Miss Dazzle. I hope to see you around again sometime soon!” She smiled, blowing him a kiss before heading out. Zeb let out a soft sigh, shaking his head. The afternoon had gone by a lot faster than he’d noticed. Moreover, he’d actually enjoyed spending time with her. And while he was far from antisocial, his circle of friends was a rather small one. Yes, he was very much looking forward to spending time with her again.

Sighing, stretching a bit, he glanced around at the blonde couple he’d enslaved. He had no interest in the boy, and as much as he’d enjoyed dominating the girl, he felt no desire to add her to his harem. Indeed, now that Dazzle had departed, he felt no need to keep them around any longer. He intended to release them shortly and send them back on their way. Brad, sadly, would remember nothing about his adventure, merely waking up feeling refreshed and happy. With Jan, however, he intended to make sure she remembered every second of her experience, further instilling her belief that hypnosis was real.

He would leave it at that. Still, his instincts told him that he would likely be seeing or hearing from Jan again in the future. Something in the way she’d reacted to being humiliated, being forced to submit against her wishes, spoke to him... a feeling that she would likely be replaying the experience over and over again in her mind. If she ended up becoming a hypnosis groupie like her friend Brad, it wouldn’t surprise him very much.

Ah, but for now, I need to prepare these two and send them on their way, he thought to himself. I still have things to plan, and calls to make, to prepare for dealing with my errant little apprentice’s attitude problem. Catching Jan and Brad’s attention, Zeb began giving them both their instructions...