The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

“The Athenian Agenda”

by ”URN My Power

Allura tumbled out of bed as the assembly tone sounded. She rubbed sleep out of her eyes and tried to disentangle her legs from the blanket. The ship had arrived at the target world while she was in the middle of her favorite dream. She cleaned up the stickiness between her legs as best she could and washed her face in the perfumed, recycled water from her tap before she put on her uniform and joined her sisters in the corridor, making their way to the assembly hall.

“Pleasant dreams, Allura?” asked one of her shipmates from behind. Allura didn’t need to turn around to know it was Tamar, a self-styled philanthropist who saw it as her mission to draw shy, quiet Allura out of her shell. “Let me guess, that sweet girl from Engineering, right? The one I’ve been trying to fix you up with?”

“I outrank her by two grades; it would be considered taking advantage.” Allura said.

“Wow, a whole sentence.” Tamar joked. “I think we’ve made a breakthrough. I tell you what, once we’ve established a beachhead on the planet, we’ll have a party to celebrate. I’ll invite Engineering too, and arrange things so you can both ‘take advantage’ of each other. As for me, I think I want to see what Earth-pussy tastes like.” Allura made a sound that was part grunt, but mostly sigh. How could she tell Tamar about her secret fantasies—her forbidden fantasies—of physically mating with an actual male, instead of ordering a sperm from the breeding facility on Athena IV? How could she tell anyone?

“Sisters!” shouted the ship’s captain. “We are about to embark upon a historic conquest! After decades of searching and experimentation, we have at last found a race similar to our own. The women of this planet, ‘Earth,’ await only our liberation of their minds and means from the insidious domination of the males of the species. Then, we can usher in a new age, where Earth and Athena IV march hand in hand as sisters-in-arms. Our research shows that Earth-males are easily distracted by shapely female bodies, and so we have designed special attire for you to wear during the assault, culled from their ‘science fiction.’ Your bodies will serve as a diversion while you get close enough to use the Neural Neutralizers you will each be issued. These will render the Earth-males incapable of disobedience for roughly one daytenth, Athenian time, or three hours by their clocks if your own chronometers should for any reason malfunction. Once Neutralized, the males must be led to the ship to be fitted with Thrall Collars. The linguistics lessons you’ve all been taking will enable you to command the slaves until they can be taught to understand our language. Once the males are properly put in their place, its women will at last be free!”

The Captain paused for breath, and then continued. The woman sure loved to talk, Allura thought.

* * *

Enrique leaned his cheap, plastic chair backward until it was being supported by the counter behind him, and let his eyes rest for a few moments. “Only a couple hundred lines of code to go.” he mumbled to himself.

“They’ll still be there tomorrow, dude, why not head back to the dorm for some shuteye?” asked his lab partner.

“If I go back to the dorm, I’ll lay awake all night thinking about the program.” Enrique said. “Have you ever tried to go to sleep with C++ code dancing in your head?”

“Okay, match point.” his partner said. “I’m too tired to argue with you. Well, I’ve got a killer exam tomorrow. I’ll see you later.”

“Hmph, like I don’t?” Enrique muttered. He sighed and reapplied himself to the computer screen.

* * *

“Yecch, I feel like a male, standing here with my assets on display like this!” Tamar said with disgust, looking at herself in the outfit the commanders had provided. Allura, wisely, said nothing, busying herself with making certain her own appearance would have the desired effect on the hormonal Earth-males, adjusting her lush breasts in the revealing top so her nipples were just barely concealed, and arranging her honey-colored hair around her face just so. She checked her smooth, lightly tanned skin for blemishes, especially around the slanted, almond-shaped eyes common to all women of her planet, and after reassuring herself that there were none, added pigments to emphasize her lips.

“Hmm.” she remarked, looking at herself from behind, as best she could anyway, standing so that her posterior formed a shape not unlike the Earthlings’ symbol for a heart.

“Oh, don’t you worry, Allura, those Earth-males will be begging you to take them.” Tamar said.

“A pity we don’t get to take them, at least not that way.” Allura said, managing to make it sound light-hearted.

“Hey, my girl’s made a joke! There’s hope for you yet, ‘Lura.” Tamar enthused. Allura winced, wishing her crewmate hadn’t used the diminutive. She adjusted her top again and headed for the airlock. The ship was under cloak and approaching what had been designated the Northwest Continent, since it was on the nighttime side of the planet at present.

She felt like an object, like a piece of meat on display. The thought of being stared at and desired by hundreds, thousands, millions of males turned her on. The thought of being ambushed, captured and used by them turned her on even more. She couldn’t be held responsible in such a case, and would be free to enjoy herself. It wasn’t likely to happen, of course, since she would be surrounded by four hundred of her sister-Athenians, just behind and to the left of the Captain in the center. The vessel landed, and the hatch opened as soon as the Captain had joined them. The column marched out and began to distribute themselves around the campus of what the Earthlings called a “college.” To anyone standing outside, the landing had looked like nothing more than a wind-storm, except for the dimples where the cloaked landing gears had crushed the vegetation and sunk into the soil. The only things not cloaked were the airlock hatch and gangway ramp. The guards and skeleton crew inside had to be able to see what they were doing, after all.

The planetary air was dirtier than on Athena IV or any other world Allura had visited, but it was better than the stifling, stale, recycled air on the ship. Sticking close to the Captain, Allura and Tamar brought up the rear of their strike team, which headed to one of the male domiciles referred to in the reports as a “frat house.”

“What is that?” the Captain asked, catching sight of a light in a window. “Someone keeping an unorthodox schedule?”

“Perhaps they have not finished their assigned tasks for the day.” suggested Tamar.

“You and Allura go secure that facility.” the Captain ordered. Allura felt a thrill run through her. She nodded once and trotted off after Tamar. The ridiculous heels of her footwear slowed them down a lot, but they managed a relatively brisk pace anyway.

* * *

Enrique had finally tracked down the problem to a misspelled variable name in one of the later functions when he noticed the light through the window of the computer lab. A ramp appeared out on the lawn near the dorms. Since he knew the special effects were done in post-production, he doubted he was witnessing the filming of some low-budget sci-fi flick, despite what his eyes told him as an army of hot women in skimpy clothes right out of a lost episode of Buck Rogers marched out. All were Asian in appearance, but had a variety of hair and skin colors extending throughout and far outside the human range. He could see his lab partner making his way toward the dorms. The leader of the women noticed the light from the lab.

“Ay, caramba!” Enrique whispered as the woman dispatched two of her troops to the building. He went to the switch and turned the light off. Thinking quickly, he also saved his work and shut down the computer. Returning to the window, he saw his partner get shot in the head by one of the women. Instead of his head exploding, he just sort of stood there, nodding as they spoke to him. Then, he pointed at the door to the building. Enrique had watched enough science fiction to know that when somebody shoots you in the head, and said head doesn’t explode, there was only one thing the weapon could be: some sort of mind-control ray. Plus, he knew his lab partner was all but incapable of speaking to anything with breasts without talking to the breasts. Enrique also knew that if he didn’t want to end up the same way, he’d have to think quickly while he could still think at all.

* * *

“Sweep the facility, I’ll make sure the male doesn’t get out by another exit.” Tamar said.

“Right.” Allura replied, stepping inside the darkened structure as Tamar began a quick circuit of the perimeter. The clicking of her heels echoed ominously off the walls. Her mind was crafting fantasies to distract her. The search was easy, given the very linear layout of the building, with rooms alternating on either side of a single hallway. The Earthling was smart, and had turned off the illumination in the room he’d been using. With the Neutralizer in her right hand, she opened doors as quietly as she could with her left. She entered one room, and felt something touch her left shoulder. She turned to investigate, and the Neutralizer was stolen from her right hand. “What...?” she asked. The Earthling fired the Neutralizer point-blank at her head. Her eyes widened and her jaw slackened as the Neutralizer worked its effects on her mind. The parts of her mind responsible for decision-making were shut down—and the rest of her was more turned on than she had ever been in her life!

“What is your name?” he asked, and nothing mattered except answering his question.

“Allura.” she replied.

“Where are you from?” he asked.

“The fourth planet in the Athena system.” she replied.

“Why are you on Earth?”

“To conquer the planet, enslave the males and liberate the females.”

“Will you do anything I tell you?”


“For how long?”

“One standard daytenth.”

“How long is that in Earth time?”

“Three of your hours.”

“How long before your friend out there comes looking for you?”

“She is not my friend. She only thinks she has my best interests in mind, but her interference in my personal life is unwelcome.” she responded.

“Well, how long before the other woman out there comes looking for you, then?”

“A matter of minutes.”

* * *

Enrique couldn’t believe his luck! This hot alien babe had fallen for the oldest trick in the book, and he’d been able to use her own mind-ray on her. The other alien would be a problem...unless, he used his first catch as bait, just like an assassin bug taking advantage of ants’ compulsive need to clear dead ants out of the mound so it can catch others. He positioned Allura in the center of the room, whispering instructions in her ear as he did so. He reached into his bag and got out his CD player. Finding a disc of instrumental music, he put it in his player, pressed “Play” and put the headphones over her ears so she couldn’t hear whatever her comrade said to her. Then, he got behind the door and waited.

“Allura?” another voice asked. In contrast to Allura’s mid-back-length honey-colored hair, the second alien had Barney-purple hair in a pageboy cut, and she wasn’t nearly as curvy as Allura, either. She said something in the alien language, trying to get Allura’s attention. At last, she touched Allura’s shoulder, and as per Enrique’s command, Allura turned and put a beam between her not-friend’s eyes.

“Tell me your name.” he said to the new alien.

“Tamar.” the woman responded blankly.

“Okay, I know you ladies don’t plan to take the time to zap every male on the planet every ‘standard daytenth,’ so how do you intend to keep us under control?”

“Thrall collars.” Tamar responded.

“What are they powered by?”

“The wearer’s body heat.” Tamar replied. A plan was beginning to form in Enrique’s mind, but first, he had to relieve some tension.

“Okay, Tamar, stand guard at the door. Anyone approaching from outside is to be zapped just like you.” Obediently, Tamar went to the door. That left him alone with Allura. He removed the headphones and turned off the CD player. He ran his hands up his captive’s thighs and encountered a very wet set of panties. “Huh?” he asked. “Are you aroused, Allura?”

“Yes, very.” she responded.

“Tell me why.”

“It has always been a secret, forbidden fantasy of mine to physically mate with an actual male.” she told him.

“Well, I think you’re about to get your wish. Does that excite you?”

“Yes, very much.” Allura replied.

“Take off your clothes, slowly.” he said. She obeyed, starting with her high-heeled shoes, then the utility belt, then the silvery top, then the matching nanoskirt (the only description he could think of for the tiny, tiny thing), and finally the silver thong panties. Her form was lovely to look at, but even more pleasing to touch. Her soft and supple curves were a delight, and her scent was intoxicating. He could hardly get undressed fast enough. He laid his jacket on the floor and placed her on it so she wouldn’t have to lie on the cold floor. “There, now, just relax and enjoy your forbidden fantasy.” he whispered to her as he slid inside her. She cried out as he popped her cherry. He waited a minute for her to recover from the initial pain before continuing, sliding all of himself into her hot, wet passage. She was quite vocally appreciative of his efforts as he moved inside her. Soon, she tightened up on him, her inner walls rippling as she rode through a powerful orgasm. Enrique was unable to resist the sensation and the exciting noises she made, and popped off himself, bathing her insides with its first load of cum. He kissed her, then, caressing her tenderly as he basked in the feeling of well-being that came from having had a good lay.

And Allura was a damn good lay. It was tempting to try again, but he was short on time. If he was to put his plan into action, he had to hurry. There would be time later, assuming everything worked out.

* * *

“Halt!” called the sentry on duty outside the ship. The two Athenians and their blank-faced human captive came to a stop. “Where are you going?”

“We are taking this one to the processing area.” said Allura. She and Tamar both had their hair in their eyes, their heads hanging slightly. It was obvious this Earth-male had been a difficult catch, and they were tired. The sentry decided to take pity on them and cut through the red tape.

“Proceed.” she said, gesturing them through the airlock.

Enrique tried to keep his face blank as his captives escorted him through the ship to where the other males were being collared like pets. Luckily, only two Athenians were on duty, easily taking charge of the Neutralized humans.

“Now!” he said, and Allura and Tamar used their Neural Neutralizer guns on the women. Enrique had the men line up against one wall and grabbed four thrall collars, clapping one on each of the women. There was no noticeable difference, but then, all four of them had been Neutralized before being collared. There was a tool for removal, just in case an escaping prisoner clapped on an Athenian. He had one of the women who were supposed to be on duty use it to remove the collars from the humans. Enrique made out with Allura while that was being done. Once that task was finished (and Enrique had wiped off the trail of saliva connecting his mouth to Allura’s), he gathered his thralls together to give them the next instructions. “All right, now. You will sweep the ship, finding any crew members who are aboard and who are not Neutralized, and Neutralize them. You will then command them to report here to be collared. Allura, make sure you get the sentry outside.” Helplessly, the collared alien babes plodded out of the room to obey.

* * *

Allura was even wetter than she’d been before. Her collar bound her mind tightly, but part of her was able to maintain awareness of the fact that the human favored her over the others, and to replay the memory of her first heterosexual copulation in her mind. The tiny part of her that was still capable of such things wanted more, and reassured itself that more was to be had, once the human’s mission was complete. Her feet moved more quickly, and she left Tamar behind her.

“Allura, what...?” the sentry began. Allura Neutralized the woman quickly.

“Report to the processing area to be collared.” she said flatly. The sentry obeyed helplessly. “Faster.” Allura commanded. The sentry obeyed, quickening her pace. Allura’s hips twitched involuntarily, and then she headed back into the ship to continue her sweep. When the skeleton crew was all Neutralized, Allura followed the last one back to the processing area.

“Very good, Allura.” the human said, and kissed her again. Allura moaned softly, her mind awash in desire. There were now twelve Athenians standing collared in the processing area, against three hundred ninety-eight who were still out rounding up Terran males and herding the Terran females to the football field, where the Captain intended to explain the Athenian Agenda and how they would be its main beneficiaries. “Okay, ladies, listen closely...” the human began.

* * *

Captain Jeda frowned. Allura and Tamar were long overdue. The Neutralization of the male population of the college was completed and the females were being gathered in the bleachers of the sporting field to listen to Jeda’s speech. A sick part of her mind thought that maybe the young women were playing with their catch. She shook the notion out of her head, deciding she’d run one too many seditious-media raids in her youth.

She checked her chronometer. “I hope they’ve gotten the Terran collared by now.” she muttered. The sound of high heels on concrete drew Jeda’s attention to the entrance to the field, where she saw Allura leading a squad of Athenians to the field. “It’s about time.” she said, approaching the group. Something wasn’t right here. She stopped short, her eyes locking onto the collar around Allura’s neck. Her mind recoiled, refusing to believe her eyes. “No!” she gasped. Allura pointed her Neural Neutralizer at the Captain and pulled the trigger.

* * *

Allura had dutifully obeyed the Earthling’s command to round up the raiding team. Once they were all collared, he commanded her to coordinate them to capture the remainder of the crew.

“The Earth-females will likely find the idea of a female-dominated Earth attractive. You’ll have to Neutralize them too.” he’d told her. Obediently, Allura had relayed the instructions to the rest en route. It was easy, since it was dark. Their collars were not immediately visible. The Earthling had told her to divide the squad in two, covering both the “home” and “visitor” exits. Each Athenian who was Neutralized was instructed to Neutralize others. Within half a daytenth, it was done, though the Neural Neutralizers were in need of a recharge by then. Allura marched everyone, human and Athenian alike, to the ship. The Earth-male intercepted her before she could enter the processing room, kissing her passionately and fondling her in her shiny silver outfit.

“You’ve done well for me, Allura, now follow me so I can give you your reward.” he told her. She followed him like the docile pet she was. He led her to the bridge and sat in the Captain’s chair. He opened his blue jeans, exposing his erection to her view. “The other humans have regained their will, so I told them they could take their pick from the women, once they were all collared. Between the human girls and the Athenians, there should be enough to go around.” he told her. “Now, slide those panties off.” She obeyed. “Put one foot on each side of the chair, next to my hips.” She obeyed. He guided her dripping slit onto his pole, and she moaned. He was in complete control, and she loved every moment of it. It was her fantasy made real. “Look into my eyes as you orgasm, Allura.” he commanded. She obeyed, letting him see the pleasure in her eyes, and savored the feeling of his semen erupting inside her. It wasn’t to be the last time this night.

* * *

Through the use of the “what happens when I push this button?” method, Enrique had managed to call up the security camera feed for the console next to the captain’s chair. Surfing from one camera to the next, he could watch his male classmates having fun, while he and Allura rested from their exertions. Many were still in the processing area indulging in an orgy of mind-controlled gang rape of Athenians and human girls alike. Others had followed Enrique’s example and gone somewhere private with one or more favored females. A small number had followed their conscience and left without taking advantage of anyone, human or Athenian. Sadly, they were the first ones to be arrested.

“Uh-oh.” Enrique muttered as he watched men in black suits and sunglasses apprehending students walking out of the ship. “Allura, wake up!” The Athenian beauty opened her eyes, blinking for a few moments until she could keep them open. “We’re in trouble, Allura. We need to get out. What kind of emergency escape routes do you have?”

“Access tunnels leading to the escape pods beneath the science, tactical and ops stations.” Allura said. “Emergency teleporter in the captain’s ready room.”

“That sounds good.” he said. “Stand up, honey.” She obeyed, wobbling on her feet. Enrique got to his feet, putting his crotch back in his shorts and zipping his fly. He had her lead him to the hidden teleporter in one wall, concealed from anyone who might try boarding the ship—like the freaking Men in Black, for example, Enrique thought. Allura called up a graphical representation of sensor data, and Enrique showed her which building housed his dorm. The view contracted to a structural hologram of that building. Enrique showed her exactly where he wanted her to send them, and stood on the pad while she entered the coordinates. She set the delay for ten seconds before joining him.

Teleportation was not a pleasant experience. For the duration of the trip, Enrique wished he’d taken the escape pods instead. It was over soon, however, and they were in his dorm room. It was a tidy room—his roommate was a neat-freak, which went well with the compact design of the dorm. Enrique undressed, and told Allura to do the same. He helped her up to the top bunk, and joined her there. He told her to go to sleep, and she was out like a light. Enrique covered them both with the blankets, and quickly joined her.

* * *

The next day, Enrique found out that classes were cancelled due to a Federal investigation. Students gradually filtered back to the dorms to crash after being interrogated by DHS and FBI officials. Enrique decided to put a chair under his doorknob and catch up on the rest of his sleep.

It was late afternoon when he awoke again, and the room was hot. He turned on the tiny television to find that charges had been filed against a number of students for raping fellow students and female faculty, although no names were being released. There was, of course, no mention of aliens, although there was a large cordon around the place where the ship was. The airlock door was closed now, and armed agents kept anyone from crossing the tape and running into the cloaked vessel.

Enrique checked the closet and found that he was down to his last two packages of Pop Tarts. He awoke Allura and gave her one of the packages, eating the other one himself. As she finished her breakfast, Enrique drew a bath in the tiny bath/shower stall that came with the room. He brought Allura in and helped her into the tub. Sitting in the water behind her, cleaned her as best he could, although the collar was in the way of washing her neck.

“Allura, would you try to escape if I took your collar off?” he asked.

“No.” she replied. Enrique reached over to the counter and grabbed the removal tool. The collar came off with a pop, and Enrique set it and its tool on the counter, then gently cleaned Allura’s neck. It took Allura a few minutes to return to full mental function, and then she leaned back against him, sighing happily.

“I’m glad you’re enjoying this, Allura.” Enrique said.

“I never feel really clean using the water from the ship. It’s been recycled so many times they have to perfume it to disguise the smell.” she said. “And...well, getting to be close to you is a nice benefit as well.” He smiled, and began to wash her hair.

They dried off, and Enrique gave her one of his oversized T-shirts to wear, and a pair of shorts. She had to pull the drawstring tight to get them to stay on. “Sorry, it’ll have to do until I can get you something else to wear.”

“Thank you...for keeping me safe.” she said. “I...” Enrique took the collar out of her hand.

“Do we really need this?” he asked.


The touch of his lips on hers lit a fire inside her, and he barely had time to toss the collar into the trash before they returned to the bed.

* * *

“Are you certain it’s wise to let the Athenian and her mate remain at large, Mr. Secretary?”

“Why not? They’re no threat. We have the collar from the dumpster behind the dorm, and they left her Neutralizer on the ship. She does not share her people’s thirst for conquest, in fact on her homeworld she would be considered a sexual deviant and subject to ‘reeducation’ to ‘normalize’ her desires, but here, her fantasies are normal and in fact encouraged. Secondly, Allura was not a command officer, barely more than what we would call an ensign. She knows nothing we have not already gleaned from the captain and the security footage. Third...the boy DID sort of help save the world, and letting him keep his woman is much cheaper than cutting him a check.”

“In the end it always comes down to money, doesn’t it?”

“That it does. That it does.”
