The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Becoming

Part 7


Don’t read this if you are underage, if it is illegal in your area, if it is offensive to you… Blah blah blah you get the idea.

All characters are fictitious. All events are made up. Any similarities in this work to real events or people are the figment of your imagination.

Permission to distribute this work is automatically given provided that it is redistributed in its unaltered entirety and that no fee is charged.

Comments are always appreciated, except for the “evil perverted scum-bag” ones. Those you can just cram.

BEWARE! You have been warned that this story contains sex between consenting and non-consenting people! If you read it anyways and are offended, sorry, but you have been warned!


A young man, desperate for a way out of his problems tries the Ultimate Solution. When he wakes up in the hospital, he has unlocked the hidden powers of his mind and discovers that there is another world beneath the sugar coated frosting of what he thought was the real world.

(mc, mf, ff, nc)
* * *

It was Billy’s last week at The Centre before his return home. He was anxiously anticipating his return to Nicole’s arms; just not the fact that he may end up leaving her again to attend college.

Jason, his intro-group’s guide during his stay, had impressed upon all of them the need to attend a college or university. Even if they didn’t learn anything of note during their studies there, it would give them a broader knowledge of the workings of the world better and faster than they would on their own. He had chosen the school he wanted to attend, a large school on the west coast and far from his home town – partly in case there was still anyone there who might be looking for him – as well as his major: International Relations with a minor in Business.

The week had seen what appeared to be an odd shift in the attitude and demeanor of The Centre’s staff. He had originally attributed the change to the upcoming end of the cycle, but that explanation didn’t feel right to him. True enough there was an air of excitement – and anticipation? – in the community, but it wasn’t of the kind that someone would expect from the forthcoming event. It was more like an expectation of dread.

Three days before ‘graduation’, the change in atmosphere was palpable. His group sat down around a table and began chatting amiably amongst themselves, although in subdued voices – mimicking the voices at the other tables in the hall. No one paid any particular attention to the ever present table upon the stage. As always, three chairs sat behind the solid oak table with a place setting in front of each one along with a plate of food covered with a silver plate cover.

Today however was unusual in that about 15 minutes after Billy and his friends sat down for lunch, a Kluge servant walked onto the stage and removed the cover over the plate on the left most place setting. While this was more than enough activity to get everyone’s attention and turn the dull roar into a faint murmur, when an elderly man – the same man who spoke at their welcoming meeting – walked out onto the stage and sat down in the chair behind the plate of exposed food, all noise in the hall vanished. The silence continued for the 20 minutes it took the man to eat then leave. But once he was gone, the faint murmur barely returned.

* * *

“What is power?”

A brief moment’s thought. “That’s easy. Getting what you want, when you want it.”

The answer elicited a hearty laugh from the old man. “Well, in its simplest form, you are quite right. Power is getting what you want, when you want it. Care for a drink?”

“Sure,” Billy responded, settling back into the plush leather chair.

The old man poured two glasses of single malt scotch and brought them back in one hand from the bar built into the wall of the study. “I know you’re not old enough, but hey, you’re not planning on driving anywhere, are you?” he asked with a chuckle at his own dry witticism.

When Billy had been summoned to this office the morning after the incident in the great hall at lunch time, it had been in the form of a Kluge messenger wearing a purple collar with a gold triangle containing an ornate design over his throat. The messenger, and the message he brought, were both unassuming and non-informative as to the reason for the summons. However when the kluge walked into the library where his group was studying, an audible silence fell over the room. The instructors and their helpers stopped in mid sentence or task and followed the messenger with their eyes. The sudden stop of activity translated directly to the students and residents they were working with, who shifted their attention as well. The whole situation turned the unassuming message into one of great import.

The message went directly to the point, Come to room A-33 after lunch tomorrow. –‘2’.

The best way Billy could describe Gary’s (their instructor) reaction was that he was almost fearful of the summons. Catching him after they left the library for the day, he told Billy that ‘2’ never took appointments, rarely ever summoned anyone to his offices – or if he did that person was never seen again – and to this day ‘2’ had never met with a student.

Wandering the hallway to find the appointed office, Billy was reminded of the old show, The Prisoner, where everyone had a number instead of a name. In spite of his misgivings and sense of impending dread, he fought to stifle a chuckle at the thought of a giant beach ball chasing him down the hallway.

Now after meeting him, Billy wasn’t so sure what everyone had been scared of. The old man seemed more like a grandfather in demeanor, complete with gray hair and long gray beard. When combined with his penchant for loose-fitting pajama-like clothing, pipe smoking and calm, casual wit, he could also be likened to Gandalf. He just missed the pointy hat. The walking stick/staff rested in a corner by the door.

‘2’ took a seat in a matching chair across from Billy and sipping at his scotch, pausing for a moment to ponder Billy’s eyes while lighting his pipe. “How do you gain that power?”

“Well, we can dominate people’s minds,” he said sarcastically.

“Yes, yes,” he said leaning back into the plush leather chair. “And back several thousand years ago—when we would have been talking about national populations in the hundreds of thousands or far fewer—that may have been an answer. And more than one would be emperor tried it too – some successfully, some not. However, now that we are talking about small cities with that size of population, and nations with millions? Do you realize young man that there are more people alive on the planet now than there have been in all of human history combined?” he asked rhetorically. “Of course you do, you’ve heard that before I’m sure. At any rate, now that there are so many people living, to achieve power that way would take a life time. So if someone were to actually achieve that, they would have no time to enjoy that power!

“So, what else would you suggest?” the old man finished.

Billy sat and thought for a minute before answering, nearly choking as the first belt of scotch seared his throat before making the warming sensation in his gut. “By getting people to do what you tell them.”

“Ok, so how do you get people to do what you tell them?”

“Somehow they have to know that to NOT do what you tell them to do, could hurt them,” Billy replied.

“Power by fear. Good my boy, good. So do you have a suggestion on how to do that?”

He thought for a minute while ‘2’ waited patiently for his answer. “Well, history – both modern and ancient – has shown that dictatorships can not last,” Billy finally said. “So I guess you would need a close group of supporters who would each maintain their own areas for you.”

“So like a corporation then?” the old man asked seriously.

“Sort of, but not exactly,” Billy said leaning forward and thinking hard. “I guess, if one adept is able to control or dominate the population of a city or a state, you could divide a nation that way. Put an adept in charge of a certain region for him or her to control like a governor or something, and they would have to work for and be loyal to you. I guess that’s the best way that I can see it.”

“Very good my boy! Very good indeed. I think it is time we proceed,” the old man said, rising to his feet and moving behind the desk. “Come my boy, let me show you some of your past… And your future as well.”

* * *

‘Graduation’ came and went with something bordering on no fan-fare. At noon, everyone came together in the great hall for lunch. The mood was lively and bright, conversations buzzing everywhere as everyone looked forward to either going home or moving on with their lives. Some, like Billy, were going on to college or starting over on their own while more than half would be returning home to either start or continue on with high school.

“I tell ya man, it’s been so long since I’ve gotten any! The first thing I’m gonna do is bend my mom over the couch and shove my cock deep in her cunt while my sister sucks on my balls!” One of the other students said as Billy, Lelani, Artie and a few others walked by heading towards their table.

“Gee, broadcast it to the whole world why don’t ya?” Artie commented dryly.

“The pig,” Lelani opined.

“You know what they say… ‘Power corrupts’,” Billy remarked.

“To each their own…,” Jordan offered.

“You guys aren’t actually defending that asshole are you?” Lelani gasped, shocked.

“Not at all,” Billy said backtracking quickly.

“Nope, not me,” Jordan returned. “I don’t condone it either, but if fucking your mother is what gets you off…”

“Or your sister,” Artie chimed in with a far away look in his eyes.

“Hey, Artie?” Billy said sitting down. “Remember that conversation we had a few weeks ago?”

“Uh, which one?”

“The one about knowing when to shut up?”

“Oh yah… What about it?”

“Now would be one of those times,” Billy, Lelani and Jordan all said as one.

The two boys laughed at their joke, but Lelani, sitting across the table from Artie, was shooting daggers from her eyes.

“At any rate,” Jordan covered quickly. “Whatever it is that gets you going, when a person has the power to do what they want whenever they want, all concept of morality tends to go out the window. Hence the saying: ‘Power Corrupts’.”

“Gotcha,” she said. “And of course you guys would never do anything ‘amoral’, would you?”

“Who? Little ole us?” Billy asked with a sly grin, getting laughs all around.

Lunch was ending when ‘2’ took the stage to speak his farewell. Standing behind the podium, he addressed the students and staff. He spoke of their futures and endless possibilities. He spoke of potentials and opportunities, and wished them well in the journey of their lives – departing the stage to a standing ovation and numerous cheers. With lunch over, everyone left the great hall and returned to their rooms. The students in the dorms all returning to pack, most of them would be leaving while the few who remained would move to the permanent quarters section.

He passed Emily, the only female in his training group, sitting alone in the hallway staring off into space. “Something wrong?” he asked.

Her eyes blinked rapidly as her head spun to face him. She had obviously been lost deep in thought and hadn’t heard him approach. “Hmm? Oh, no… Nothings wrong,” she finally said.

“Your lying,” he said bluntly and sitting down on the bench next to her.

“I most certainly am not!” she remarked defensively. “Why on earth would you say that?”

He regarded her coolly for a moment before responding. “Because your eyes are red, your mascara appears to have ran like you were crying, your breathing is ragged and you never get so lost in thought that you don’t notice someone coming up to you.”

“Is that all?”

“Well… Your aura was looking pretty dark too.”

Emily regarded him with a gold, blank stare for over a minute. He was about to say something to prod her along again when she suddenly burst into tears and dropped onto his shoulder. Billy was totally taken aback by her reaction. He had never been confronted before by having to comfort a distraught woman. So, he did only what he knew from the movies: he put his arm around her shoulders and whispered “it’s ok” until she calmed down enough to speak again. And when she finally did speak, it wasn’t exactly what he had intended to hear.

“It’s just finally hitting home with me – now that we can finally go home – that I don’t have anywhere TO go!” she blurted between sobs.

He didn’t say anything, just waited for her to continue, which she did in just a moment. “About 3 or 4 months before I came here, my parents were killed in a car accident. They were on their way home from an office party when a truck driver fell asleep at the wheel and cruised through a stop sign, hitting their car.”

“Oh Emily, I’m so sorry,” he tried to reassure her.

“It’s not your fault. But… thank you,” she said, her head still resting on his shoulder. “So now with them gone, I don’t have a home to go to anymore.”

“Isn’t The Centre going to set you up somewhere?”

“They could – and they’ve offered to. I just don’t know where I would go or what I would do.”

“Oh man. That’s too bad,” he said rubbing her shoulder lightly. “So then what are you going to do now? What with everyone leaving and all.”

“I don’t know,” she said, her crying finally ebbing to glistening in her eyes. “For now, I’m going to be staying here. They’ve set me up with a room in the permanent staff section of the complex. Just until I get my head together. Eventually I suppose I’ll go to college or something.”

“Well that’s something at least,” he said before they lapsed into silence for several minutes.

“I know we don’t know each other all that well, but I’d like to think that over the past 8 weeks we’ve at least started to become friends,” Billy said after their short silence together.

“Thank you Billy,” she said, hugging him tightly for a moment. “I really appreciate that.”

“It’s no problem at all,” he said returning the hug. “I’ve got to go finish packing and catch a flight, but if you need to get away, The Centre has set me up with a place near the college I’m going to go to, and you’re welcome to come and stay with us.”


“My girlfriend, Nicole, and me,” he said with a smile.

“Girlfriend? Or more likely your Thrall?” Emily asked with a weak grin.

“Well, I intended her to be a Thrall, but I do mean girlfriend,” he said with a grin of his own. “But the offer stands if you want it.”

“Thank you Billy, I’ll think about it.” She finished by giving him another hug before they both headed back to their rooms to finish packing. The truth was that he only needed to put his bathroom kit into his bag and he was ready to go, but his anal retentive nature wanted to do another double check around his room to make sure he had everything.

He was just putting his kit in his bag when he heard a light knocking coming from the door.

“Come in,” he called out to the door.

Lelani casually walked in, her single bag in hand and a backpack slung over her shoulder. “You busy?” she asked sticking her head around the door.

“Hey girl. Nah, I just finished packing and have about a half hour before I have to be upstairs to meet my ride. What’s up? Heading home today?”

“Yeah,” she said with a smile as she stepped inside and dropped her bags. “My flights not for a several hours, but I was going to go say good bye to a few people before they take off.” A wistful smile passed across her brown skin. “I’m going to be so glad to be home again! I can’t tell you how much I’ve missed it!”

“I don’t doubt it,” he said. “I’ve never been to Kauai’i, but I hear it’s very nice. Mostly from you I think.”

“Oh it is,” she sighed, obviously lost in her memories and missing the joke. “The interior of the island is all one big forest. I used to go riding through it almost everyday with my brother on our horses. We could just go wandering around for hours in there and never see another person. Or there were the huge beaches that nearly circle the island. Did I tell you that our house isn’t too far from the beach?”

“Yeah, I think you mentioned that a time or five,” Billy remarked sardonically.

“You asshole,” she laughed swatting at his shoulder. “You could’ve at least let me pretend like I hadn’t talked about it repeatedly!”

“What? You wanted to stay in your own little fantasy world?” he asked with a mock grin.

“Yes!” she laughed, her eyes locked on his for a moment. “Why didn’t you ever try to hit on me?” she finally asked bluntly.

“Excuse me?” he nearly choked.

“Why didn’t you ever try to hit on me Billy?” she asked again. “From the moment we first met, I thought you were very cute – despite your constant ‘Don’t make the Fat Man do this!’ jokes. I also thought you were a nice guy. I probably would’ve let you, so why didn’t you.”

Billy regarded her coolly for a couple moments before answering. “I don’t know,” he finally said. “I guess I just thought of you more as a friend.”

“Oh,” she said leaning back against the wall and looking down at the ground between her feet.

“Are you saying you wanted something else?” he said crossing the few feet that separated them and standing inches from her. “Are you saying you wanted to be more than friends?”

Her light pink sundress seemed to billow slightly about her lithe body. The top of her 5′3″ head barely came up to his chest, making her silky black haired head lean way back so her sparkling brown eyes could meet his. “Yes,” she said matter-of-factly.

“Oh,” he said, leaning in so close their noses almost touched.

“So what do we do now?” she asked hesitantly, but making no effort what so ever to move away or dissuade him.

Billy didn’t answer He just moved the last couple of centimeters and kissed her full, bright red lips resting a hand on her soft hip. Her delicate little hand snaked up his side and rested on his shoulder, pulling him gently to her while she moaned and their tongues caressed each other’s.

He pressed his body to hers and she arched her back in response, moaning into his mouth again. He could feel the heat radiating outward from her as surely as he was positive she could feel his cock straining against his jeans against her body. “Make love to me Billy,” she groaned into his ear with a soft lick at his earlobe.

Needing no further encouragement, he pulled the shoulders of her sundress down, exposing her naked breasts to the cool air of the room. Her large, pinkish-brown nipples stood out firmly into the air, pressing into his palms as he gently massaged her chest. He could feel her groan at the sensations as he kissed and licked his way down her neck to take a swollen nipple into his mouth and suck on it. His hand played with her other breast while he worked his mouth on one before switching over to the other, replacing his mouth with his other hand.

“You have such pretty breasts,” he breathed around her nipple.

“I don’t like them,” Lelani groaned, holding his head to her chest while his hand slid up her thigh. “I always thought my tits were too small.”

Billy’s thumb made contact with her cotton covered mound, making her gasp and shudder slightly as he rose off her chest to meet her face once again. “They may be a bit small, but they are wonderfully shaped,” he breathed into her mouth. “And they taste really good!”

She couldn’t help but laugh slightly at his comment. “Just shut up and fuck me.”

“Never could say no to a pretty face!” Billy said. Gripping her shoulders tightly, he spun her around and pressed her to the wall.

“Oh god,” she groaned at his handling, shuddering when she felt him pull her dress up over her hips and his hand squeezed her rounded yet small, rock-hard ass. Her pussy squeezed tightly on itself as he pulled her light white cotton panties off her hips and stepping into them with his foot to press them the rest of the way to the floor where she eagerly stepped out of them.

“Is this what you wanted?” Billy asked her, pressing his body against her back, fumbling hit his belt and fly to drop his pants and press his turgid cock against her soft, warm ass. “You wanted me to press you against a wall and ravage you?”

“Yes, Billy. Please take me!” she moaned against the wall, one hand supporting herself and the other rubbing his hip.

He pressed his knee against her shapely thighs, spreading her legs while he reached under her and rubbed at her swollen cunt, pressing a finger into her hungry folds. Lelani shuddered in mild orgasm as his finger entered her cunt and rubbed her from the inside. “Hurry up and fuck me!” she growled into the wall. “I want that cock now!”

“You got it,” he growled back. Grabbing his solid shaft, he pressed it against her outer lips, feeling her quim open for him invitingly as she pushed her hips back against him to take all of his manhood.

Thrusting his hips forward, he buried himself into her wet pussy with the muted slap of skin meeting skin. He thrust his cock into her eager cunt over and over, moving faster and faster with each thrust. Her grunting became moans which became gasps which became whimpering screams as they built faster and faster towards their crescendo.

Billy held back his impending orgasm with strength he didn’t think he had after 8 weeks of abstinence while she built to a jellifying orgasm that nearly made her fall to the ground as her knees gave out.

Deftly picking her limp body up he spun her around, pinning her back against the wall while he slammed his cock into her quivering pussy again, driving in to the hilt in one smooth stroke. “Oh damn you feel so-o-o good!” he groaned as he continued pumping into her cunt.

“ohgod-ohgod-ohgod,” was all she could say, burying her face in his shoulder and clutching onto his torso with what little strength she had left. “Don’t stop!” she finally managed to groan. “Keep fucking me!”

“Oh god, I’m about to cum,” Billy finally groaned, feeling the familiar sensation within his loins.

He could feel his toes curl in his shoes and his face clench as a massive orgasm built within him. Lelani could feel his massive cock swell and throb deep within her womb, preparing to smear her with his hot seed. “Wait, not in me!” she gasped, trying to push his bulky frame back. “Cum on my tits!”

“I don’t…,” he tried to say, preparing to deposit his thick wad of cum right up her sweet pussy despite her protestations.

But she cut him off before he could answer. With a powerful shove, she pushed him off of her and dropped to her knees. “I could get pregnant, and I don’t want that yet,” she said gazing lustily into his eyes while she nuzzled his cock with her lips and gently stroked his slickened shaft.

As he let loose with one last load groan, his cock swelled and thrummed in her hand. She pointed his turgid member at her small breasts while rubbing his pole furiously. “Cum on my tits baby,” she said again just as the weeks of pent up sperm launched from the purple tip and splattered across her chest. “That’s it baby,” she whispered, still stroking his cock and kissing the shaft lightly. “All over my tits.”

He groaned long and low, his body shuddering as the massive orgasm swept over and through him. “Oh god that was awesome!” he finally managed to breathe.

“I thought so too,” she smiled up at him. “Even though I need to take another shower now!”

They shared a hearty laugh over her comment while he helped her to her feet. Disrobing quietly, they moved into the bathroom and showered together, gently washing and caressing every inch of each other’s bodies before returning to the main room and lying on his bed together cuddling and talking quietly.

Both Billy and Lelani were starting to get worked up again – his hand inside her sundress caressing her soft little titties while her hand was down his jeans, stroking his cock and balls lightly while they kissed – when his phone rang.

“Who the fuck is that?” he growled breaking their kiss. He reached for the phone while she moved to kiss and nip at his neck, her hand never leaving his pants.

“Yes?” he said into the phone and listening for the response.

“What? Already?” he asked shocked and looking at his watch. “Shit! Sorry, be right there!” he said and hung up the phone.

“I’m sorry Lelani,” he said rolling her onto her back. Not thinking entirely clearly, she thought he was making a move again and pulled him to her, spreading her legs for him to take position between them. “That was Jason. My ride to the airport is waiting. I have to go.”

“Aww,” she groaned, obviously frustrated and worked up at the same time.

“I’m <kiss> really <kiss> sorry <kiss>,” he said extricating himself from her grasp and refastening his pants.

She leaned up on her elbows, her long shiny black hair splayed around her head, cascading down her shoulders Andover her semi-exposed breasts. “Will we ever see each other again?” she asked plaintively.

“Eventually I’m sure we will,” he said pausing and gazing down at her. “Here,” he said turning around and writing quickly. “This is where I’m going and my e-mail address. Drop me a line sometime, ok?”

“Ok,” she said dejectedly.

Pausing only a moment longer, he leaned in and kissed her passionately one more time before grabbing his bags and practically running for the surface to catch his flight to his new home.

* * *

It was a boring two-segment flight – with an interminable 3 hour layover in between – before reaching his new home. The Centre had picked out a nice three bedroom condo for him and Nicole about 3 blocks from the university he was already enrolled in. the condo had been tastefully decorated, complete with furniture and some artwork on the wall. The pantry and fridge had been fully provisioned, complete with a couple 6 packs of his favorite beer.

He found his and Nicole’s clothes hanging in the master bedroom and the second bedroom had been tastefully furnished with basic accoutrements. The third bedroom was completely unfurnished, without so much as a single box or anything else in it.

He had had to leave his home rather abruptly, so he wasn’t surprised that very few of his belongings had managed to be saved. His computer unfortunately was one of the items that could not be saved, but he found a replacement laptop sitting on the dining room table complete with a note explaining his arrangement in the condo.

The Centre had bought it outright in his name, so it was his to do with as he pleased. Located in a 5 story building, his condo was on the fourth floor with a view out over a park lined street and into downtown. With the top 3 floors only having 4 condos, each one was plenty big. The bottom 2 floors had 2 bedroom units with community mailboxes just inside the controlled access front door. A garage beneath the building also provided parking for one vehicle for each apartment. The top floor – labeled the sixth floor in the elevator – was really the roof with a building taking up about a third of the space. The building housed a small work-out room, a 5 person sauna and an indoor hot tub while there was another hot tub outside as well as a decent sized picnic area complete with umbrella covered tables and a gas grill.

The only thing he could determine that was lacking in the new place was Nicole and Maureen. There was no note, no message on the machine, no indication whatsoever of where either was. He waited for over an hour for them to show up, but no such luck. The staff at The Centre would have (should have?) said something if anything had happened to either one, but since they hadn’t said a word, and their clothes were in the closets, he could only assume that nothing was wrong and they were simply out doing something. He decided to take the time to walk the few blocks to the school and check out the campus, to get a feel for the lay of the land as it were.

The campus – and the condo – were both on the edge of downtown. Not by any means crowded when it had been built, so the school had had plenty of land to grow on. Now, more than 50 years later however, the town had grown up around it so further expansion was near impossible save fore purchasing and renovating/demolishing nearby buildings for space.

With large tracts of land available when founded, the university had a decent sized park in the middle where students obviously gathered to hang-out, study or take their meals. As it was late summer, the weather was still warm and there were plenty of people milling about the park area in the week before school started. Especially for a Friday – and that school was not yet in session – Billy was more than a bit surprised to see as many college age people around as there were.

With confidence in himself that he never would have known before the manifestation of his abilities, he approached a group of students that didn’t look like they would be part of the geek crowd he was familiar with.

“Hey,” one of them said in response to his greeting. “What’s up?”

“I just moved here and I need some help finding some buildings,” he said pulling out his class list.

“Uh, yeah no problem I guess,” one of the guys said, separating from the 2 others he was with. “I’m Tom by the way. Tom Hastings. That’s Ed Cavanaugh,” he pointed at a tall skinny guy perhaps 20 years old – like Tom – with shaggy blonde hair. “And that there is Steve Mott,” Tom said pointing at a short stocky guy about the same age, his light brown hair cut into a sharp crew-cut.

“Sorry,” Billy said taking the offered hand. “I’m William. William Caulfield. Most people call me Billy though,” he finished shaking hands all around.

“Where you from Billy?” Steve asked.

“Just outside Chicago,” he lied. He didn’t know after all where these guys were from and whether or not they knew of the ‘incident’ in his home town, but he didn’t want to take the chance of them putting it together when he wasn’t around to control it. “Joliet actually.” Of course he’d never even been in Chicago except to pass through O’Hare once when he was 10, but it was the only name he could think of at that particular moment and Joliet was the only town he could think of that was anywhere near Chi-town.

“Cool, we’re all local boys here. Well, except for Tom.” Steve responded.

“Yeah, you and me are both foreigners here. I’m from Omaha.”

“Damn, I didn’t know anyone from Nebraska even knew such a big word as ‘foreigner’,” Billy said dryly.

All of them were stunned speechless for a few moments, before Tom started laughing heartily. “You’re going to fit in just fine!” he said slapping him on the shoulder. “So what do you need to find?”

They talked for a better than a half hour about his courses. None of them were in any of his classes, but they had taken most of them in their first year. They gave him directions and hints on what to study and what to expect.

As they were saying good bye, Ed spoke up – apparently the quiet one as he didn’t say much the rest of the time. “Hey Billy, we’re gonna go out and have a few beers later with some other guys, wanna join us?”

“Sure,” he said, trying to hide his anxiousness since it was his first time invited to be ‘one of the guys’. “What time and where?”

“We usually head out about 9ish. We’ll stop by and get you, which dorm are you in?”

“Actually,” Billy said blushing slightly, “I’m not in a dorm. I’ve got a place a couple blocks off campus.”

The guys looked at each other in confusion for a minute before Tom spoke up. “A Frosh? Off campus?! How the hell did you get away with that? Especially as an Out-of-Stater?”

“Uh… Kind of a long story, but basically I got a decent inheritance so they let me get a place off campus.”

“Damn. Alright, where is it?”

He gave them the address to his condo, and then headed off back to his new home.

* * *

“Nicole? Are you here yet?” Billy called out as he re-entered the condo. Still no answer, she was obviously not home yet.

Approaching 5pm, he was starting to get really nervous since the ladies weren’t home and he had been since just before noon. He was about to call his contact at The Centre for help when he heard a key rattling in the door.

Rushing to see if it was her, he rounded the corner just in time for the door to close – and there she was.

Nicole, still with the amazingly flame red curled tresses that he remembered cascading in a pony tail down her back with the omni-present strand falling over her right temple. Wearing a simple white men’s dress shirt tied in a knot just below her freckled and firm 38E tits and a pair of faded blue jeans tight enough to read the date on a dime and clad in white 2inch heeled sandals, she was the vision of absolute beauty he remembered, followed closely by a bruised Maureen with a cast on her left arm and held in a sling along with her left knee in a brace. Otherwise, the former principal of his high school still looked as attractive as he remembered, her loose dress doing little to hide the 36EE tits beneath.

“Oh my god!” Nicole squealed on seeing him. “Oh my god you’re here already!”

They raced into each other’s arms, wrapping their limbs about each other and kissing passionately her 6′0″ muscular body practically tackled him as she pinned him to the wall. Her intoxicating sent wafted to his nostrils, teasing his senses while they drank deeply of each other’s lips and caressed the other’s body.

“I’ve missed you so much!” they said in unison, before pressing lips again with battling tongues.

“They <kiss> said <kiss> you’d <kiss> be <kiss> here <kiss> tomorrow!” she said.

“Must’ve <kiss> gotten <kiss> the <kiss> day <kiss> wrong!”

“Shit!” she said leaning back to gaze at him with her striking emerald green eyes. “I wanted to get here before you so I could make sure everything was ok!”

“It’s ok baby,” he said reassuringly. “I’m just glad to have you back again. What happened to Maureen?”

“Oh,” Nicole said, a sad look coming to her lovely strong-boned features. “About 2 weeks after you left, she got really depressed. She went for a drive to relax and got into an accident. Apparently she was crying really hard and didn’t see that the light was red. She got T-boned by another car, right into the driver’s side door.”

“Ouch!” Billy said flinching reflexively. “Are you ok? How’s my baby?”

“I’m ok,” Maureen half whispered setting down the one bag she was carrying with her good arm.

“I’m sorry Billy; she lost the baby in the accident. The doctors said it was dead before the ambulance got there.”

“I hate you William Caulfield,” Maureen half growled.

“You hate me? Why?”

Maureen shuddered slightly, bristling at the insult. “Because of what you did to me. I still know who I should be, what I was and how wrong this whole RELATIONSHIP is. But I can’t bring myself to stop wanting you! To stop wanting to please you! Even know my pussy is getting wet thinking about having your cock inside me again!”

She screwed her eyes closed, growling at herself. “Listen to me! FUCK!” she bellowed. “Damnit! Even that! I sound like an infatuated school-girl and I’m almost 40! Saying things like ‘my pussy is getting wet’ and ‘I want your cock’! I shouldn’t be saying that! It’s not my ‘pussy’! It’s my pussy! Damnit! You know what I mean!” Maureen ranted.

Billy and Nicole chuckled softly, but it was he that spoke. “You don’t like saying how much your pussy yearns for my cock? How you want to feel it between your tits and having us do things to your body? You don’t want to say how much you want to eat Nicole’s pussy and have her mow down on your cunt?”

“YES! FUCK! NO! DAMNIT!” Maureen ranted on. “This is not who I am supposed to be! I hate you for it but I still can’t stop wanting you! I can’t stop desiring you no matter how much I try! I can’t stop and I hate you for it and that just makes me want you all that much more!”

“And that Maureen is why I want you around. You’d still like to be the mother of my child wouldn’t you? Knowing that I fucked you hard and left my seed inside of you to grow and nurture?”

“Yes,” she whispered, then walked up to him and pressed her head into his chest. Her ample bosom pressed against his stomach while her good hand rubbed at the crotch of his jeans “I want you so much Billy… Please, fuck me and give me your child.”

“I will,” he said holding her and patting the back of her head. “In due time I will, but right now you need to finish healing and I want to get reacquainted with Nicole.” Without another word, Maureen picked up her bag and asked where she was to stay. Billy pointed her in the direction of the second room.

“Did you guys drive here?” Billy asked turning back to the red haired beauty.

“Yeah,” she said leading him into the living room to look around, stunned for a moment by the view out the living room window of downtown. “Not long after you left for summer school a girl came by the condo we were borrowing. She gave me a set of keys to a car and told me to just hang tight there until she came back in a few weeks and told me where you would be.”

“She must’ve been from The Centre,” he said thoughtfully.

“The what?”

“Never mind. What else did she say?”

“Nothing really… Just that you were taking some classes before college, and she would let me know where you were going to go so I could drive out and be with you again.”

“When did she come back?”

“Last Saturday. She gave me the address and the keys to this place as well as a map of how to get here and money for gas, food and rooms along the way.”

“How long did it take to get here?”

“I drove straight through. I was too excited to see you again to be able to sleep!”

“Really,” he said sauntering back into her arms.

“You bet tiger,” she purred, wrapping her arms around his neck while his found their way around her waist to cup her tight round ass. “So when are you going to show me just how much you missed me?”

“Right about… now!” he grinned, draping her over his shoulder fireman style and carrying her to the master bedroom, with her laughing and screaming the whole way.

The bed rocked back and forth, mutedly squeaking for over an hour while he plowed into her tight fire-red cunt over and over again before they finally collapsed in a sweaty orgasmic heap.

* * *

At quarter after nine, Billy was getting worried that he had been stood up by his new ‘friends’.

At 9:30, he was pissed. Of course he rationed that he should have expected it, but it didn’t make it any easier to accept.

He was about to give up entirely and just go to bed, when a knock came at the door. Nicole answered the door, and soon Billy was confronted by a nearly drooling Tom.

“Holy shit dude!” Tom finally managed after reeling his tongue back into his mouth as Nicole retreated to the bedroom. “Who the fuck is THAT?!”

Billy couldn’t help but laugh softly to himself. “That’s Nicole.”

“Damn she is hot! She your girlfriend?”

“Yep,” he replied nonchalantly. “So we ready to go?”

“Huh? Oh, yeah,” Tom finally managed. “Steve is going to meet us there when he gets off work, but Ed should be there by now.”

They were rounding the corner when Tom pointed out the bar they were heading towards.

“This may be a stupid question, but isn’t the drinking age 21?”

“It sure enough is,” Tom replied not even breaking stride. “How’s that for some stupid shit anyways?”

“How do you mean?”

“Well, at 18 you have enough maturity to be able to vote and theoretically influence this country’s direction. You understand enough to be able to comprehend the difference between right and wrong and answer for it as an adult in a court. And at 18 you’re wise enough to be able to sign up for or be drafted into the military to go and fight and die, but you aren’t old enough to drink. Ain’t that some fucked up shit or what?”

“Yeah, I’ve never really thought of it before. But I guess it is,” Billy laughed. “But how does that solve our problem of getting in to drink?”

“Ah, that,” Tom said with a wicked grin. “Thankfully there are some kind souls in town here that believe as I do and are able to make some top-notch fake IDs. You have anything like that?”

“Uh, yeah… Something like that.”

“Are you sure? We can figure out something else if you don’t…”

“Don’t worry about it Tom. I got it covered.”

Obviously not willing to brook any more argument over it, Tom let the issue drop. Apparently he was willing to see if Billy would fall flat on his face or not.

Sure enough, there was a bouncer at the front door taking $5 cover from everyone who wanted in to the place and checking IDs as well. Tom – apparently a regular there – wasn’t even asked for his, just the money. When Billy approached the heavyset guy however, he was asked to produce his ID.

Billy showed the man his out of state driver’s license, the one that said he had turned 18 only a couple months ago. Reaching into the man’s mind, he made him believe that the ID said he was 22 and was rewarded with a neon colored wrist band for his effort.

“Don’t take the strap off,” Tom said once they were inside. “Without it, the bartenders will think you aren’t old enough and won’t serve you.”

It took them a couple minutes to find Ed inside the 2 story bar, and when they did he wasn’t alone. “Hey Ed… Hey Steve,” Billy said when they approached.

“What’s up dude!” Steve called out when he got near. “Have you met Mark yet?”

“Who’s Mark?” Billy asked looking around.

“That would be my little brother,” Ed said rather sullenly.

“Yeah, let me introduce you,” Steve said turning around. “Where the fuck did he go now?”

“Over there,” Ed said pointing across the room at a tall gangly youth.

“How the hell does he DO that?!” Steve asked shaking his head with eyes wide. “He just walked up to those bitches a few seconds ago!”

Mark, the gangly teen they were referring to and staring at, was leaning against the bar talking rather intently with two rather attractive young women. One, perhaps 5′6″ came to roughly the middle of Mark’s chest (the lad being easily 6′6″ or better), had long teased and curled blonde hair hanging about half way down her back and a decent sized rack (Billy guessed them to be roughly C-cups at best) and a lightly tanned skin tone.

The other was a short Asian girl – a little under 5 feet if he guessed correctly – thin as a rail with a tight round ass and no hips to speak of, along with long jet black hair hanging right to the top of her bubbled butt and perky little titties that were on the plus side of raised bumps on her chest.

“Does he do that all the time?” Billy asked the group.

“All the fucking time,” Ed grumbled. “Talk about some good juju. Too bad it doesn’t appear to run in the family!”

“Mmm, the Force is strong in that one,” Tom commented dryly.

“Alright Yoda, just pull your tongue back in. I don’t need a repeat performance of 15 minutes ago,” Billy said taking a pull from his beer and sitting down.

Without realizing it, Billy started a long conversation – mostly involving the other 3 talking about him – about what had happened 15 minutes ago when Tom had met Nicole. He answered the questions when they were asked of him, but his attention was diverted more than a little bit.

He had felt a presence when he first entered the college bar. He half expected to find Klaus – the German he had met before leaving for The Centre – but his mind didn’t seem to be anywhere around. He would have noticed the ‘hole’ in the intricate web of minds if someone was shielding themselves, having been taught to look for that kind of thing, but there was no such thing or absence of such around.

Finally his roving mental tendrils settled on the source. It was weak and undeveloped, but most definitely there. Two of them to be precise – although the second was quite a bit stronger which almost scared him. He was just locking onto the second one when its owner apparently exited the bar and soon left the range he wanted to look through. Probably got into a car and headed off.

The first source, the weak one, was staying in one place. It didn’t take him long to figure out where it was coming from either: Mark Cavanaugh.

Sure enough, he seemed to have the spark of a latent talent, but neither the power nor the focus to do much with it even though Mark was by far the strongest other signal he could feel – and that wasn’t saying much. Not wanting to draw attention to himself, and also wanting to know the boy before doing anything to him or approaching him about it, he withdrew his tendrils of thought, leaving just a ‘passive scan’ going and returned to the conversation.

A few minutes later, Tom was able to get Mark’s attention and summon him back to the table to introduce him to Billy.

* * *

About 5 hours and many, many bottles of beer later all of the boys wandered back onto the street for the stumble home – and none with dates.

When he stumbled through the door to the condo, Nicole was fast asleep with the light sound of her breathing making their way gently down the hallway. On the other side of the living room, he could see the door to the third room was open and dark, while a sliver of light shone underneath Maureen’s room.

Without thinking about it, he crossed the living room and knocked on the door. Before Maureen could answer however, he grinned and realized what he was doing. Shaking his head he opened the door and stepped inside.

Maureen had obviously moved right into the spare room, the rest of her clothing was hung neatly in the closet or folded into the drawers of the dresser along one wall. Her arrangement of makeup neatly laid out on top of the dresser, with a few books and other odds and ends either next to the makeup or on the nightstand by the bed.

“Sure, come on in,” Maureen said sardonically as Billy closed the bedroom door behind him.

“Don’t mind if I do,” he said sitting on the edge of the bed next to her while she put her book mark in the book she was reading and set it aside. “I see you’ve wasted no time in settling in. Nice smell too.” The room hung heavy with a warm, sweet musk smell.

“I got lonely,” Maureen said quietly. “Nicole was feeling a little energized, so we kind of – helped each other out.”

“No need to explain,” Billy said tracing the inside of one of her large, smooth firm thighs.

“Aren’t you tired after being out all night and obviously drinking quite a bit?”

“That strong of a smell, eh?” he chuckled sniffing at his shirt.

“No, not at all… Whatever gave you the idea I could smell alcohol dripping from your pores?” Maureen asked sarcastically.

“Well, truth be told, I had at least as much as the others, but I never got any worse than a buzz. It was kind of pissing me off actually since they were absolutely blotto.”

“The perils of being a superman evidently.”

“We all have our burdens to bear,” he said, continuing to caress her leg.

“Speaking of burdens Billy, why won’t you let me relieve mine?”

“What burdens could you possibly have?”

“You know damn well what burden I’m talking about. I want you Billy! You’ve put this damn programming in my head,” she railed tapping at her temple. “You’ve made it so that all I want is your penis inside of me! You’ve made it so that all I can think about is you taking me, and letting me bear your child!”

“Actually, I did the first part, but not the second. I haven’t done anything to you to make you want to have my baby,” he said, his hand coming perilously close to her crotch and making her squirm under the sheets.

“Of course you did you jerk! There is no way I would want to have your child if you didn’t put it into my head to do that!”

“I didn’t put that into your head. All I did was make you do what I told you to do, so I could bend you over your desk and fuck that hairy little cunt anytime I wanted to.”

“Don’t say that William. I hate it when you use words like ‘cunt’ and ‘fuck’. And you had to put that in my head! You were a student and I was your principal! There is no possible way that this would have happened if you didn’t!” she raged on.

“I’ll call it whatever I want. Pussy, cunt, tits, cock, whatever I want to say I will and you’ll like it. And I swear to god, I didn’t do that to your mind. There is evidently some part of you that wanted to be used by a student.”

“No there wasn’t!” she cried. “I was the one that was always in control, and now all I want is your cock inside of me making babies! I didn’t want that before and I’m trying very hard to not want it now!”

“No matter how much you complain about it, I can tell that you want it more than you’ll ever admit. I can feel the wet and the heat soaking through the sheets from your cunt right now. Why don’t you put my had right up against your hairy little pussy and show me just how hot you are for it right now.”

“I am not! Damnit Billy, I don’t want… Mmm!” she groaned as she guided his hand under the sheets and under her silk panties, pressing his digits against her sopping wet gash. “Damn you,” she whispered, arching her back to press her crotch against his hand.

“That’s my girl,” he grinned. “I knew you wanted it.”

“Fuck you,” she breathed.

“That’s the general idea here, now come take care of this,” he said unbuckling his belt.

She whimpered in protest, even as she leaned forward and fumbled with his fly and fished around inside for his raging hard on.

“That’s a good girl,” he moaned as he felt her cool fingers wrap around his throbbing shaft and guide it between her warm wet lips. “Just like that darlin’, suck my cock.”

She whimpered in protest again and several more times, but clearly enjoying it. Her protests went on with him continuing to insult and demean her while forcing her to pleasure his phallus orally and continued as his hand laced through her curly black hair and pressed her face down into his groin. When his hand pulled her silk panties down around her thighs, she whimpered softly around his swollen cock, but when two of his fingers penetrated her dripping snatch, Maureen moaned with pure pleasure.

“Please William,” she said coming off his dick to nuzzle and lick his balls. “Fuck me… PLEASE!”

“Alright,” he acquiesced with a groan of pleasure letting her pull his jeans around his knees. “But you get on top.”

Without another word, she sat up and pulled her nightgown up over her soft, smooth body, letting her huge tits hang free while she kicked her panties off and left them on the floor. She leaned over his body, pressing her tits into his face and against his hands just like she knew he liked while she guided his stiff cock into her waiting pussy.

She groaned loudly as he penetrated her hairy puss, grunting when she bottomed out on him. “Thank you,” she moaned into his ear while she started to slide her hips up and down on his shaft.

“Fuck it good, my little whore,” he grunted while her wet velvet glove pulled and bounced on his cock. “You wanted this, now take it.”

“Everything you’ve got William,” she breathed huskily. “I want it all!”

Her hips undulated in a slowly increasing rhythm, gyrating against his manhood as he filled her weeping pussy. Her tempo increased on him as her grunts and groans grew louder and more rapid-fire. Maureen could feel her orgasm approaching rapidly, knowing she was about to get the reward she was reluctant to admit that she desperately wanted from him.

Her climax came as a surprise to her, making her arch her back in pure ecstasy and pressing her tits into his suckling mouth. When she was winding down, she was more than a little surprised to find that he was still hard within her and had not had his own orgasm yet.

Wrapping his arms tightly around her, Billy pulled her down against him and flipped her over onto her back, never pulling his raging hard on from her wet cunt. As she came, he thought he was about to loose it himself when her pussy muscles gripped him tightly, drawing his cock ever deeper into her womb.

He had her pinned on her back, her legs splayed out to ether side of them while he held her wrists firmly to the bed above her head and roughly groped one of her quaking tits. “Is that what you wanted my little whore?” he growled.

“Yes William, please, more!”

“William? You don’t get to call me that anymore. Now what do you want?”

“I want you Mr. Caulfield! Please, finish me!”

“‘Finish you’? What the fuck is that?”

“FUCK ME!” She growled loudly. “Fuck my pussy Mr. Caulfield! I want you to fuck my cunt and give me your CUM! I want you to put your hot cum deep into my cunt!”

“That’s better whore!” he growled with a wicked grin and resumed plowing her tight snatch.

A few minutes later, many squeaks from the mattress’s springs and several grunt groans and cries later, he buried his cock deep into her cunt, his balls slapping against her soft ass and shot his load. Jets of his thick gooey sperm flooded into her womb, filling her up and leaking down the inside of her thighs while they both moaned – Maureen from her second orgasm with him.

When Billy finally rolled off her quivering body to lay next to her, winded and caressing her heaving tits, she started crying softly. He barely saw the door move as he heard a faint click from it, not entirely sure he had heard or seen it at all.

“That’s what I mean when I say I hate you,” she whispered between sobs.

“You say you hate me for that, but you liked it didn’t you? You want more still too I bet.”

Maureen rolled onto her side facing away from, but made no move to remove his hand from her tits before answering. “Yes,” she finally whispered. “Yes I do.”

“Good,” he grinned. “Just remember that you’re my whore for now and for as long as I want to keep that hairy little pussy around.”

“Yes Mr. Caulfield,” she cried softly.

Extricating herself from her warm welcoming body, he got up and made to leave when she poke again. “There is something in the top drawer for you,” she said so quietly he almost didn’t hear her.

“What is it?” he asked opening the drawer and retrieving the envelope.

“It’s what you asked for before leaving for the summer.” Opening the envelope, he found a check inside made out to him for $183,000. “That’s whats left after closing costs, realtor commission and paying off the remainder of my house when I sold it.”

“Thank you,” he said closing the envelope and looking back at her.

“I won’t ask what you are going to do with it,” she said through soft tears towards her pillows. “It’s bad enough that it feels like I’m paying you to keep having sex with me.”

With a wicked grin he left Maureen alone to her thoughts without another word, shutting off the bedside lamp and closing the door behind him as he went.

He entered the master bedroom, shedding his clothes as he made his way to the king-sized bed and curled up behind Nicole, pressing his body against hers.

She feigned sleep, but her breathing – and the muted smell of her sex – betrayed her. “How long were you watching?” he asked softly, nuzzling her neck while inhaling deeply her sweet fragrance and brushing the side of her breast.

“Since ‘Fuck it good, my little whore’,” she whispered pressing her supple body back against his.

“Can I assume by the smell you liked what you saw?” he asked rolling onto his back.

She flipped over; letting his arm go under and around her while resting her head on his chest and draping her arm over his stomach before answering. “Yes, you certainly can.”

“What woke you up?”

“The sound of the front door opening, but you not coming to bed,” she whispered, lightly stroking his stomach. “Billy, will you let me watch more next time?”

“This was kind of a spontaneous thing baby,” he said stroking her back and nuzzling the top of her head. “But you are always welcome to. You know that.”

Wrapped in each other’s arms, they drifted off into deep sleep together, each with a little smile on their faces.

* * *

The next several weeks of school were very uneventful, practically bordering on boring. Billy attended class everyday, breezing through his studies/homework early in the afternoon. Of course, when he could just take the information from the professor’s or another student’s mind the course load would be pretty easy. His mind continued to develop at an accelerated rate, but the changes seemed to be slowing down as if reaching a plateau.

Maureen took a job tutoring some of the local students, even picking up a couple of college kids as well even though most were from the local high-schools.

Nicole also got a part time job at a local clothing store, mostly just to stave off boredom while he was at school.

Billy’s days were filled with classes, his afternoons with studying and his evenings mostly relaxing either with some new friends or with his women at home. He usually only went out to a bar or club every other weekend with the guys, but they had to study more than he did to maintain their grades so it wasn’t as often as he was led to believe that college students partied. Never having been one for the big party scene, he was more than ok with that arrangement.

It wasn’t until about a month and a half into the school year that anything interesting happened. And all that included was a letter requesting his presence at a meeting out of town for three days including a first class round trip ticket to Savannah, Georgia.

* * *

“Well Phelps, I hope you and Agent Samuelson have something to report finally. This boy has been off of your radar screen for the better part of 4 months now,” the director said in his typically abrasive manner. “Ever since that pooch-fuck at his house.”

“Yes sir,” Phelps spoke for the two. Agent Amanda Samuelson was more of the thinker and doer variety than the speaker and glory hound variety that Phelps was. “We gave up the search for him over the summer since we knew he would be at their training facility.”

“Blah, blah, blah. Get to the fucking point already!” he screamed, popping several little white pills at once with a healthy swig of what he claimed to be ginger ale (which more likely came from a bottle that said Dewars rather than Canada Dry) to wash it down.

“Uh, yes sir,” Phelps said nervously and checking his notes. “We resumed our search with a blanket check last month and since then have come up with about 280 possibles.”

“TWO HUNDRED AND FUCKING EIGHTY?! Jesus Christ Phelps!” the director screamed.

“Yes sir, too large of a number to actually do anything with. Over the past 3 weeks however, we have narrowed that to 32 likelies.”

“That’s a little better,” the fat little man said relaxing. “What is your plan now?”

“Until we know for sure, we think it is in our best interest to maintain a low profile. To limit exposure incase he rabbits.”

“I repeat Phelps – and you know how much I HATE to do that – what is your plan now?”

“We continue the random blanket pattern incase we missed anything, but with minimal personnel as I am sure we haven’t. We will also send two-man scout teams to the likelies to try and lock those down. Once we have those whittled down to 6 or 8 probables, Agent Samuelson and myself will move in.”

“Alright,” the director said leaning over his desk menacingly. “My patience with you is at its end Phelps. Fuck this up, and you’ll answer for it. Got that?”

“Yes sir,” Phelps gulped and glanced at Agent Samuelson. Her face was an emotionless mask as ever. He swore that the woman pissed ice cubes she was so cold. Unfortunately for Phelps, the director seemed to like her.

To Be Continued…