The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Dedicated to those readers who have gently nudged me back into action. I hope the long wait was worth it.

Lindsey desperatly held on to consciousness. But she could feel it slipping away, bit by bit, as the rapist held her gaze and spoke in low, soothing tones. She had to remember....had to remember everything! He would get away with yet another rape if she failed to remember. So she fought with all her might to hold on to her memories. And as she fought, she found herself moving back in time to the beginning.....

“Carpenter, Tate, I want you both in my office, now!”

Detectives Lindsey Carpenter and Neal Tate look at each other and wonder why Captain Beals aka the Brass Balls Bitch, wanted to see them together...they weren’t even partners. They get up and hustle into the the Lieutenant’s office; You didn’t keep Brass Balls waiting unless you wanted to be transferred to traffic duty.

“Sit down.”

They sit. Captain Beals, an attractive brunette of 40, sporting a swim suit model’s body her conservative mode of dress couldn’t hide walked behind her desk and sat down, glaring at the two detectives.

“You’re aware of the Immaculate Births?”

Both detectives nod the affirmative. The Imaculate Births was the name given to a story where a number of single women had became pregnant despite insisting they had no relationships prior to becoming pregnant. To date the number of women was nine. So far, five of the babies had been born and from the first birth, a firestorm had erupted. The father of the babies was clearly Black. DNA analysis had determined that the father was most likely the same man. Still every woman had maintained that they hadn’t had sex with anyone, prior to finding themselves preganant. Hypnosis had revealed nothing and everyone who knew the women supported their claim of being single and unattached with no prior sexual activity, in one case for over two years, when the pregnancies happened. By all indications, these pregnancies were legit.

“This is now an open case. I know the two of you aren’t partners, but you are my two best investigators for sex crimes and I want you both on it. Your case loads will be given to Ramirez and Allen.” At this, Tate bristles.

“Ramirez and Allen? Are you shitting me? I’m this close on the Date Rapist! This fucking close to catching that monster and you put the only two cops on earth who couldn’t find their own dicks on it? Well fuck that Captain! I’m passing on this one and staying on the Date Rapist. I should have it wrapped up in 24 hours. Carpenter can waste time on the Immaculate case if she wants, but you can count me out!”

Carpenter just waits for it. No one talked to the Brass Balls Bitch like that. No one. Especially not Neal Tate. For some reason, Brass Balls rode him hard even though he was unquestionably the best detective on the force, closing cases like mad. But Brass Balls despised him for some reason. But then, Brass Balls seemed to despise everyone Lindsey thought.

“Tate, put your gun and badge on my desk and get out. You’re suspended without pay until further notice.”

“Fuck that! And fuck you! You try that shit on me, not only will I go to the union, but Internal Affairs will get a call from me as well.”

“Tate, you can go to the Mayor and it won’t help you. This case just became political. One, the Vatican is sending a team to check this all out. And the word is, they aren’t coming in unbiased. This story has given the “Black Jesus” argument serious legs for the first time ever and the Church wants it Because of the nature of the story, tourism is down 65%. And today, a tenth girl has come forward; The Governor’s 17 year old daughter, though its being kept quiet, which is why you’re just now hearing it. Now the heat is on to prove this isn’t real and catch whomever is doing it. So you see Tate, you either put your gun and badge on my desk right now, or you shut the fuck up and play ball. Whats it going to be Tate?”

Lindsey watched as the veins on Tate’s neck did their level best to explode. She didn’t know him all that well, but she knew he hated when cases got political. He felt justice never got done when that happened because all the power brokers just wanted shit to go away....regardless of who had to pay. Lindsay agreed, but thats the way things worked and she long ago stopped fighting the system. She just did her best and let the rest go. She already knew what Tate was going to say next; she knew the moment Brass Balls said political.

“I see. I get it. I’m not really here because I’m your best detective. No I’m betting Carpenter is primary. I’m here because you need one token black guy working this case so it looks like this investigation is on the up and up. But this is just a witch hunt. Our job is to catch someone, anyone, and make this shit disappear before more tourism dollars do.” Brass Balls smiles.

“You’re smart Tate. For a “token black guy” very smart. You know the way the game is played. After 14 years on the force, you should be getting it by now. But you don’t. Thats why you’ll only ever be a detective. You won’t even get to be like Carpenter here, a Lieutenant. Here Carpenter, catch.”

Lindsey reaches up and snatches the badge the Captain tosses out of the air. She didn’t even have to look at Tate, she could feel his almost volcanic anger. He was a 14 year vet, highly decorated who’s nickname was Elementary because of how easily and quickly he closed cases. Like Sherlock Holmes, he saw what no one else could see. She was in her seventh year on the force and at best an average detective. In terms of performance, Lindsey readily admitted he deserved it more than she did. But Captain Beals was right...Tate refused to play ball and in the end, politics always won. Always had and always would. Either learn to play or get left behind. Lindsey figured that out halfway through her rookie year. Tate was still stuck on truth, justice and the American way. Dumb bastard.

“No need to say anything Carpenter,” the Captain continues, “You’ve earned it. Keep it up and you’ll be behind this desk one day.”

Tate gets up and storms out, slamming the door behind him. Lindsey looks at Brass Balls and feels intimidated by the intensity behind her eyes.

“I want this sewn up and sewn up fast. Keep Tate in line, don’t let him run wild. I want an arrest or a dead body and I want it yesterday. Do what you have to do. Even the governor is behind us on this so step on the toes you have to step on and use Tate’s abilities to their fullest. Find me a rapist Carpenter, dead or alive, doesn’t matter. The team from the Vatican is set to arrive next week. I want thier flight cancelled before then. Understand Carpenter?”


Lindsey gets up and walks over to the door. Just as she puts her hand on the knob, the Captain speaks.

“Lieutenant Carpenter.”

“Yes Captain?”

“People in very high places are watching. This can be good for both of us. Don’t disappoint me, not if you want to keep your shiny new badge.”

“I’ll handle it Captain. You have my word.”

“Good. Because I’m sick of this desk. And I know you covet it. Now get me that rapist and we can both get where we want to go.”

Lindsey had wanted to start dredging up the usual suspects but Tate insisted on interviewing the women who had been impregnated, one by one. Any other cop and Lindsey would have used her new status to roll over them and have her own way. As far as she was concerned, the pregnant bitches were of no more use having already been interviewed. But Tate wasn’t any other cop. He had his own way of working and while Lindsey found it tedious, she wasn’t going to argue with success. Tate closed his cases at a 99% clip. Lindsey was certain there was nothing divine about these births, had in fact felt that way from the first report a year earlier. She was prepared to throw anybody under the bus but with Tate at her side, she thought there was an excellent chance of catching the real culprit. Less chance of anything blowing up in their face that way. Because the Captain was spot on; Lieutenent Carpenter had every intention of being Captain Carpenter as soon as possible.

The process burned up the whole day, including a two hour round trip to the state capitol to interview the Governor’s knocked up brat. It was all Lindsey could do to keep from snickering when the little bitch started crying, claiming she had in fact been a virgin. Yeah, right. They returned to the precinct right when they were to get off duty. Lindsey was eager to get home but Tate intended to stay and go over everything. The man was a machine, his stamina legendary.

When he was on a big case, he spent 20 hours a day on it, rarely sleeping a full night and only eating when his stomach protested. Maybe it was all the excercising he did. Another officer told her once he did more than 1,000 pushups a day and about the same in squats and crunches. Lindsey herself had seen him pushing againts walls and doorways during while he was waiting for a call or report. When she asked him about it he simply said, “isometrics”. She’d had to look up what it meant.

Inwardly groaning at the idea of staying at work a second longer, Lindsey pretended enthusiasm but that inward groan turned to sommersaults of joy when Tate told her to go home, as there was nothing she could do to help. She might be his superior officer but this was one order she’d happily obey. She was gone before her goodbye reached Tate’s ears.

The next morning, Lindsey got to work but Tate was already there. He had on clean clothes and was freshly showered, and as always, was sharply dressed, but somehow Lindsey could tell that he’d spent the bulk of the night at the precinct, only going home for a quick nap and a shower.

“Morning Tate. Find anything out?”

“Morning Carpenter. Yes, I did. Upon further questioning, each of the women at some point, before they knew they were pregnant or before becoming pregnant, had an incident of being injured. This is significant because not one of them knew how they got hurt or when. The injuries ranged from black eyes to deep bruises, to sprained ligaments. Some got treatment, some didn’t depending on the severity of the injuries. I’ve already been to see the doctors who saw the ones who did see a doctor and each one said the injuries were consistent with women who were being physically abused or had been raped. They just assumed the women had been lying to protect someone or out of shame, not unusual as you know in cases of that sort. However, I’m confident they weren’t lying. I do believe they had no idea how they got hurt.”

“Sounds like me. Okay Elementary, tell me, why don’t these women know how they got hurt?”

“They don’t know because after being brutally raped, they were hypnotised to forget everything and to not abort the baby.”

Lindsey leaned back in here chair and regarded Tate as if he was wearing clown paint.

“Thats ridiculous!”

“How so Lieutenant?” The sarcasm that dripped off his use of her new title riled Lindsey so she went to put him back in his place.

“Because “DETECTIVE” these women have already been hypnotized and nothing was found out. If there had been a hypnotist at work already that would have come out. Also, you can’t make someone do something they don’t want to do. If these women wanted to abort these babies they would do so.”

“Wrong on both counts. When they were hypnotized, no one bothered to account for the rapist being a skilled hypnotist. They were only interested in finding out if the women had lovers. As for not making people do things they don’t want to do, thats something the hypnosis community spreads to legitimize itself. It isn’t easy to do, certainly not for the layman but for a skilled Master Hypnotist, you can make someone think, believe, or do whatever you want. I know because I can tell you without a doubt that of the 10 women, atleast four of them would have opted for abortion had they not been somehow coerced. In this case, it was hypnotism.”

“You know that just by talking to them?”

“Carpenter, you know my rep. What do you think?”

What Lindsey thought was that this was total bullshit. But Tate was right, he knew his stuff. Lindsey had seen him at work on the hardest, coldest criminals in the interrogation room and watched them crumble like sand castles. She had heard stories of him listening to eye witnesses accounts then when the witness finished ordered them handcuffed and read their Miranda rights. When the witness gets angry and asks Tate what the hell he thinks he is doing, he recounts step by step how they committed the crime. And he knows this just by talking to them. Lindsey might think it was all bullshit but she couldn’t risk ignoring his possibly being right, no matter how outlandish. Captain Beal’s desk hung in the balance.

“Okay Tate, what do we do now?”

“I’ve drawn up a profile and we are due in the Captain’s office now. Afterwards, we’ll make a plan of action.”

They go into the Captain’s office and close the door; she is expecting them.

“Sit down. Tate, what have you got.”

“Captain, there is no question in my mind that there is a rapist at work. He is using hypnotism to make these women forget what he has done to them. He is highly skilled in the art, probably learned at a young age. In fact, I believe its something of an obsession with him. He is a Black male, approximately 35 years old. He stands atleast six feet, 210 pounds. He is muscular from an almost fanatical excercise regimen. He takes great care with his appearance due to insecurities from being severely abused by his mother growing up. Women find him very good looking, but from his point of view they mock him and see him as homely. He is unable to have loving sex, as he can only have an erection if he is violent with women. He is solitary, working from home and having few friends who will know almost nothing about him. But he is very charismatic and persuasive and the sort of person that people automatically like and will tell their most intimate secrets to even after only knowing him for five minutes. He believes himself superior due to his enourmous intellect and hates living in a world where he must answer to those who are inferior to him. Its his main reason for mastering hypnosis as it gives him control he desperately craves and needs. With hypnotism he can do as he pleases with no reprecussions. With hypnotism he is master of all he surveys, especially women. He has been raping women for atleast three years now but probably more. The hypnotism allowed him to operate under the radar so we have never caught on. But a little over a year ago he raped someone he knew really well...perhaps someone he does business with, such as a waitress or retail clerk. He learned she had become pregnant and while confused as to how it had happened, she chalked it up to a wild night of drinking and had it aborted. Our rapist, upon learning this, went into a rage. His spawn were superior, better. No one had the right to decide thier fate. In a fit, he did something he had never done before: He raped her again, ensuring not only that she would get pregnant but that she would carry the baby to term. Doing this successfully once led him to believe that was his purpose here, to breed a superior race. Thats his mission now and he won’t stop, ever.”

Captain Beal leans back, deep in thought.

“Why White women? Notice all the victims are White women.”

Tate shrugs.

“Why blonde or brunette? Why do some men like bubble butts while others like women with no ass? Its merely a preference in this case, not part of his obsession. It could easily be Asian or Black. His natural preference is White women, thats all.”

“Why does he wait until after the act to hypnotize them? Wouldn’t that be easier?”

“Easier, certainly. But remember, he needs the violence to get and maintain an erection. He needs them to be able to fight back, thats why he doesn’t hypnotize them to start. They must atleast try and defend themselves or it just doesn’t work for him.

“So how do you suggest we catch him?”

“I intend to speak with Alice Richards, a waitress and Joan Wittner, retail manager. They were the first two to come forward and I believe one of them was the very first victim...the one who aborted the initial pregnancy. I want them hypnotized again but this time with the intent of finding out who the rapist is. I’m certain he still sees that first victim, just as he did before ever touching her. Seeing her regularly...perhaps daily, makes him feel smug, powerful, secure in his superiority. His own little private joke.”

Lindsey clears her throat.

“Okay, so we have a profile. Shouldn’t we have said this in front of the whole squad? Maybe alert the press? Why the secrecy?”

“Simple; he’ll run. Understand, he isn’t looking for attention. There is no subconscious desire to be caught. If he thinks for one moment that we are on to him, he’ll pack his bags, empty his accounts and get on a flight to anywhere but here USA. He has a mission and he refuses to be caught until that mission is done. Thats why I only wanted us three aware of this profile. He can only find out we are on to him when we’re slapping the cuffs on him, not a minute before.”

“Neal, I can sense Carpenter’s hesitation on this and frankly I agree with her. This theory of yours is ridiculous. But I’ve known you too long to ignore your penchant for getting it right no matter how absurd your ideas might be. Plus, if you are right this could all be wrapped up before dinner. Tate, get moving and set up that appointment with the hypnotist and Alice Richardson and Joan Wittner. Carpenter, stay a moment, I want to speak to you regarding a seperate matter.”

After speaking with the Captain, Lindsey joins Tate and inquires about the two victims coming in.

“Only Joan Wittner is coming in. Alice Richards refuses. Says she has had enough and wants the spotlight off of her and her child. Joan is eager to find out what happened. She is dropping off her kid with her mother and she’ll be here in one hour. Thats fine though because I only wanted Richards in just in case. I do believe that Joan Wittner is the first impregnated victim.”

“Can you handle this alone? Brass Balls hit me with another assignment like I’m her goddamn errand girl. It won’t take long, just a personal favor for one of her political connections.”

“No problem, I have it covered.”

“Later then.”

An hour later Lindsey arrives at Tate’s house. Deftly, she picks the lock, she’d learned a number of things working as a detective, and quickly closes and locks it behind her, certain no one saw her. Tate looks around. Nice house. And neat, especially for a bachelor. She begins her search.

She arrived back at the precinct just in time to see Tate deck Allen and Ramirez grab him from behind, only to be flipped, slamming hard on the floor. Other cops moved in to stop it, Tates strength was fantasic and they couldn’t hold him. He only stopped when Brass Balls slammed her door open and yelled for everyone to stop and demanded an explanation.

“Your buddies here, Allen and Ramirez, blew it! I gave them precise instructions, along with the files I’d compiled, on how to take down the Date Rapist. So easy a child could have done it. But no, oh no, some dumb cunt said it was now thier case and they could do it their way. Well thier way resulted in another killing! Then they have the balls to get in my face and say I fucked up? I FUCKED UP? Had I remained on this case that fucking monster would be behind bars right goddamn now! These idiots blew it. You blew it Beals. That was victim seven and her blood is on your head bitch. Your head. And I’m going to make damn certain everyone knows it.”

“You watch your mouth Tate....”

“Fuck you whore! There isn’t enough dick in the entire city for you to suck and get out of this one. Oh no Beals, your pussy just isn’t slick enough to get you out of this one.”

“Thats enough Tate! Your gun and your badge, right now.”

“Only if you’re man enough to take them cunt!”

It was at that moment that Lindsey put her gun to the back of his head.

“Gun and badge Tate, or I will blow your fucking head off!”

“Lindsey! What the hell!?!?”


Tate slowly removes his gun and badge and Ramirez snatches them away, smirking the whole time.

“Ramirez, Allen, take him to interrogation room three, now!”

Lindsey looks at Captain Beals and with a nod answers the question in her eyes. The Captain grins.

Five minutes later Beals, Lindsey, Ramirez and Allen are watching Tate through the two way mirror.

“Okay Lindsey, its showtime. Sure you want to go in alone? He isn’t restrained.”

“I’ll be fine. Just have these guys outside the door in case I need them. Um, Captain, I’ll most likely have to share what you told me. You okay with that?”

“Yes, if it will get this animal off the streets. I’ll handle the fallout later. Go do your job lieutenant.”

Lindsey enters the interigation room and sits across from Tate.

“What the hell is going on Carpenter? Why am I here?”

In response Lindsey pushes a paper across the table. Tate looks at it and Lindsey is sure that if it wasn’t for his dark chocolate skin she would be able to tell the blood was draining from his face.

“What are you doing with a search warrant for my home?” Lindsey could smell the terror on him. The great Neal Tate about to piss his pants.

“Gathering evidence Tate. Evidence that says you’ve been a very bad boy. Is there anything you’d like to say?”

“I-I want my lawyer.”

“Why Tate? Your lawyer can’t help you. With what we found you are done. You’re going away for a very longtime Tate. Why slow things up with a lawyer? With the evidence at your home and testimony from a witness youd just be throwing away your money. So why not tell me here and now? I’m sure the judge will look favorably upon you if you cooperate.”

Tate looks at Lindsey, befuddlement all over his face.

“A witness?”

“Oh yes Tate. A witness. You see a lawyer will be of no use to you.”

Tate looks at Lindsey, his eyes boring into hers. She can sense him calming down. Something had changed but she didn’t know what.

“Carpenter...Lindsey...why am I here?”

“Still want to play that game Tate?”

“Spell out why I’m here Lindsey and I won’t call my lawyer.”

“That seems like a good deal. Tate, we know you’re the Immaculate Rapist.”

He didn’t actually do it but atleast mentally Lindsey sensed Tate sighing relief.

“Wrong man Lindsey. I am NOT the Immaculate Rapist. How the hell did you come to that conclusion?”

“Captain Beals. She pointed out how close your profile matched your own personality.”

“C’mon Lindsey! I said he worked from home because he didn’t care to be around people. Hard to do when you’re a cop.”

“Oh we are aware you changed just enough so we wouldn’t put two and two together. But the Captain has known you since you started and it all fits. You’re a good looking man yet painfully shy around women. You excercise with a fanatic’s devotion. You’re always beautifully dressed and impeccably groomed. And you have a hard time keeping your dick up unless you’re slapping a woman around.”

Tate frowns and looks at the mirror. On the other side, Captain Beals takes a step back from the rage she sees in his eyes.

“She told you about that?”

“If by that, you mean your affair, then yes. She told me about how you always liked it rough. She told me how you got stranger and stranger, rougher and rougher. With each passing week, you became more and more brutal. She finally ended it for fear of her life.”

Tate looked down, clearly ashamed and whispered, “I was not happy with how it ended. I was very sorry about that.”

“Were you? Really? Because it ended when you beat her within an inch of her life because at that point thats what it took to get that limp noodle even halfway hard!”

Tate explodes out of his chair and rushes the mirror, pressing his hands on it.


On the other side of the mirror, Captain Robin Beals pressed herself against the farthest wall, tears in her eyes, terrified. She had thought she’d gloat about this moment, having waited so long to destroy Neal Tate. But his rage brought back all the fear she’d ever felt around him...and the desire, how much she loved what he did, her secret shame.

In the interrogation room, Lindsey waved Allen and Ramirez out, then turned back to the still ranting and raving Tate. She was absolutely fascinated by his behaviour. In the few years she’d known Tate she’d rarely seen him angry, usually he was as cool as shaved ice. But this. It was insane. He was insane.

“Tate, sit down. I said sit down, now!” He grudgingly obliged and she did the same.

“Tate, she dumped your sorry ass just three months before the first immaculate pregnancy. Is that what set you off? Her kicking your crazy ass to the curb?”

“Our...breakup occuring when it did is merely coincidence.”

“Tate, how many cops do you know believe in coincidence? Hell, you on’t belive in coincidence.”

“Sometimes thats all it is Lindsey.”

“No matter. The hypnosis books are the nail in your coffin Tate.”

“Don’t be silly Lindsey. You’ve known all this time that I am a certified hypnotist, that I occasionally do work for the court, checking witnesses memory. Thats it.”

“Well you have a pretty extensive library for someone who does it only every so often. I found hundreds of books, cds, dvds. And on your computer there were hundreds of ebooks and websites on hypnosis and your youtube channel was completely devoted to speed hypnosis. I mean, jesus Tate, your argument that you’re not the Immaculate Rapist is pretty thin.”

“Okay Linsdey, I can certainly see your point, but I suggest you hold off on announcing this to the world until you have irrefutable proof. And thats something you won’t get.”

“Oh? What might that be Elementary?”

“DNA tests. The tests will show I am not the father of the ten children. So you can drool over circumstantial evidnce all you like and that cunt behind the mirror can do Snoopy’s happy dance until the sun goes down but the DNA evidence will set me free.”

Lindsey let herself into her apartment, completely frustrated. The DNA evidence had set him free. His didn’t match with a single child’s. After his initial reaction she’d been certain he was their man. But he calmed as soon as he knew they suspected him of the Immaculate rapes. But what was he hiding? Why had he been so frightend at first? She had to get back into his house. She’d missed something and she wanted to know what.

Lindsey went to her bedroom and stripped to her underwear. She looked herself over in the mirror. Not bad. She still maintained the same hot body she had shaped playing high school and college volley ball. Her stomach was still flat, her butt a firm bubble, her legs sexy and muscular, her 36c tits still rode high with no help from a bra. her blonde hair needed a wash but that was it. Yeah, still perfect and it would stay that way because kids were out. Her career was the only child she intended to have. At that moment a man showed in the mirror behind her. Lindsey spun around, getting into a defensive crouch.

“Who the hell are you.”

The very handsome Black man smiled.

“I’m here so that you can help me fulfill my destiny.”

“Your destiny?” Lindsey already knew what he would say next.

“Yes, you will be mother to a new race, a superior race. Prepare to be blessed.”

Lindsey shot forward, throwing a punch that the man blocked. She followed with a knee to the groin that was also blocked. He backhanded her and Lindsey felt as if she’d been hit with a hydrogen bomb. His strength was fantastic! He reached down for her and Lindsey kicked up forcing him back then scrambled to her feet. But he was cat quick and takled her before she could make a move, knocking the wind out of her as they landed on her bed. While she was momentarily stunned, the man ripped away her bra. This made Lindsey go wild. Kicking, scratching, punching, but all to no avail. He slapped her. Slapped her again. Then again. Again. She managed to reach up and rake her fingernails across his face. He growled then punched the shit out of her. Lindsey went limp. The stranger ripped away her panties then released his cock. Even dazed, Lindsey still fought to keep him off of her. But it wasn’t enough. She screamed as he slammed his length deep into her. She just lay there staring off into space as he pounded away. Five minutes later he tensed and sprayed his hot seed into her womb. He slumped over her, breathing hard. After a minute Lindsey thought he had fallen asleep. She attempted to ease out from under him but her attacker came to life.

He rose above her and his piercing eyes held hers fast.

“I want you to relax Lindsey. Look into my magnetic gaze and feel peace...yes, thats it, feel the relaxation at the top of your head....feel it cascading down....down....your forehead relaxes...your mouth...your entire face is relaxed....”

Lindsey fought it. She had to recall everything...she couldn’t be a victim. She strained to close her eyes but they wouldn’t obey.

“...The muscles in your neck relax....your chest....on to your stomach....even your fighting me makes you relax even more.”

Lindsey told herself over and over that she would remember...that she would recall everything....she looked into the rapists face intent on recalling every detail but she could only see those eyes, burning with magnetism.

“Now you are relaxed...every cell in your body so relaxed.....ready to obey my commands. Are you ready to obey my commands Lindsey?”

“ remember...must recall....”

“ must obey me....Lindsey, you can only obey me.....the more you fight...the stronger my control.....Lindsey...are you ready to obey me?”


“Yes Lindsey, you will obey me....”

“Obey you....”

“Yes Lindsey....obey me. Lindsey, of tonight, you will remember only that you made dinner, watched a movie, and went to made dinner, watched a movie...went to bed.”

“Made dinner....watched a movie....bed...”

“Yes Lindsey. You only made dinner...watched a movie....went to bed...thats all you did tonight. do you understand Lindsey?”


“Very good.”

“Lindsey, you are are going to have a baby.”

Lindsey frowns.

“No baby....”

“Yes Lindsey....a will have a beautiful baby. You will carry the baby to term.”

“No baby....”

“Lindsey, you WILL have the WIll carry the baby to term!”


“Lindsey, you will carry the baby for nine months. You will carry the baby to will have this baby. Lindsey you MUST carry this baby. You MUST carry this baby to term. You Must have this baby. Lindsey, you will carry the baby to term and have the baby. Do you understand Lindsey?”

“Yes...carry baby...have baby..”

Yes Lindsey, you will carry baby and have the baby.”

“ baby.”

“Good girl.”

The next day Lindsey walks into the precinct to stares and ignores all questions regarding if she is alright. She walks to Tate’s desk. Tate looks up and stands as soon as he see’s her battered face.

“Lindsey what happened?”

“I-I don’t know. I think....the Immaculate Rapist paid me a visit.”

“We have to get you to a hospital...”

“No...hypnotize me...get my statement....get an artist up here.....”

“You sure?”

“Tate, for some reason all I recall is having dinner, watching a movie and going to bed. A hell of alot more than that happened. Yes, I’m sure.”

Tate quickly put her under and she gave explicit details of the night. She gave a perfect description of her attacker. Afterwards they got her to a hospital and got dna from both semen and the skin under her nails. After showing the picture on the news and having dozens of tips come in pinpointing the same man, 35 year old Herman Casey, who worked from home as a successful ebay seller, killed himself when the police closed in. His dna had shown him to be the father of all ten children.

A few days later there was a knock on the door at Captain Beals’ home. She opened it to find Lindsey there.

“Why Lindsey! What a pleasant surprise. What brings you by?”

“Sorry to distub you at home Captain but its important I talk with you.”

“Alright. Please have a seat. Would you like coffee?”

“Yes please. Cream and sugar.”

Coffee is served and the women settle in.

“So Lindsey, whats so urgent you had to disturb your Captain on her day off?”

“I have been wondered why Tate nearly caved when we interrogated him. So I’ve been investigating him. I know why he was so rattled. I know what he nearly admitted to.”

Beals takes a sip of her coffee then smiles brightly at Robin.

“You mean the fact that he is the Date Rapist?”

“You know?!?”

“I do now. You see, I too wondered what he was so afraid of. While you were being questioned regarding your rape, I slipped away and went to his house. I didn’t bother with a warrant as the judge would have laughed in my face had I wanted a second warrant to search his place after the catastrophe of the first one. Plus I still have my old key. I went in and I must say Lindsey you did a shoddy job searching the first time. It took me 10 minutes to find all the evidence I needed to link him to the Date Rape Killings. I had always found it creepy how the victims always looked so much like me. I pulled out my gun and waited. When he came home I intended to blow his goddamn brains out! He’d made a fool out of the entire department. He’d made a fool out of me. You know I can’t have that. He came home and entered his study. When he turned on the light he was confronted with the barrel of my gun. Before killing him, I wanted an explaination. I was pretty sure that he was killing these women as a build up to me. Some serial killers do that. But it turned out that wasn’t it at all. no, he was trying to work through his issues.”


“He knew how much he had hurt me and he wanted to learn self control. So he found and stalked women who looked like me and practiced one them. He knew that when he could finally let one go, he would be cured and we could be together again. He felt he was close but Ramirez and Allen threw him off and in a fit he lost control and killed the last girl. I feel bad. I regret taking him off the case as I did.”

“What the fuck are you talking about? He has killed seven women! Seven! You’re talking about it as if he bought you a dozen roses!”

“But it is romantic Lindsey. Very much so. I’ve missed Neal. I never stopped loving him but I couldn’t risk it any longer. But he has gone this far, killing...killing for me. It feels exhilerating! No man has ever gone to these lengths for me. But Neal has. And I plan to give him the time he needs to help himself.”

“HE IS KILLING WOMEN! You think this will help? You stupid, fucking bitch, he is a serial killer. A SERIAL KILLER! He won’t stop. He can’t stop. For god’s sake, he used Ramirez and Allen as an excuse. He was going to kill that woman even if you had kept him on the case. And one day, he would do it to you.”

“You’re so cynical Lindsey. Anyone can change.”

“You are as crazy as he is. I’m taking this to the Chief.”

“Sit down Lieutenant.” The Captain is pointing a .38 snub nose at her. Lindsey sits.

“You won’t get away with this.”

“Yes we will.”


“Hello Lindsey.” Tate sits next to her.

“So you’ll kill me now?”

“The heroine of the Immaculate Births case? No that would be foolish. Very foolish. There would be questions. No, this requires a bit of finesse. And Herman Walker has shown me the way.”

Lindsey looks at Tate, horror dawning on her face.

“You hypnotized her.”

“Oh yes. And now its your turn.”

Lindsay desperatly held on to consciousness. But she could feel it slipping away, bit by bit, as the rapist held her gaze and spoke in low, soothing tones. She had to remember....had to remember everything! he would get away with another rape if she failed to remember. So she fought with all her might to hold on to her memories. To remember that Detective Neal Tate was the Date Rapist Serial Killer. Yes, Neal Tate was a rapist....She had to recall that Neal Tate was....a detective?....No...that wasn’t it....Neal Tate was.....was....her partner? No, that wasn’t it..she had to remember...she had to recall.....that Neal Tate.....that Neal Tate....was.....what? She had to remember about....someone? Who? She had to recall everything...about.....what?