The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Checking out the College

by This Guy

Chapter 1

The trees on campus had only just begun to bud, but the semester was far enough along for the day to be warm and sunny. Students walked to class more slowly, enjoying the change of weather. In the dorm, half of the windows were open to catch the breeze, heavy with the scent of spring. Janet was sitting in her dorm room window, watching for John’s arrival, so that when he arrived at the front door it flew open before he could knock more than once. Beaming, Janet pulled him inside into a happy embrace.

“John, it’s so good to see you!” she said. “I’m so glad you came!”

John looked at Janet affectionately. She was shorter than he was, slim and pretty, with vivid green eyes and red hair pulled back in a pony-tail. She wore jeans and an oversized sweatshirt; her face was bare of makeup, and she looked much like any other college student, long on enthusiasm and short on sleep. He knew, though, what a nice body she concealed beneath those clothes.

“It’s good to see you, too,” he replied, smiling and giving her a quick kiss on the lips. “And thanks for putting me up.”

“As if I’d let you stay anywhere else! It would be so great if you decided to go to school here,” Janet said. “C’mon, my room is upstairs. Do you need help with your bag?”

“I’ve got it,” John said, hoisting the backpack and slinging it over one shoulder. “Lead on.”

Janet’s room was at the top of the stairs. She fumbled for a moment with her key, then held the door open for him as he walked in, letting it swing closed after them. John looked around appreciatively. The room was quite large, with two long beds against one wall, two big desks by the windows, bookshelves on the wall opposite the door, and impressionist prints tacked up here and there. One of the two beds was neatly made; the other was rumpled, and had a large stuffed cat lying on the pillow. A small refrigerator stood in the corner, and two chairs completed the furnishings. The room was moderately cluttered, but not as messy as most dorm rooms John had seen.

“You’ve been straightening?” John asked, looking at the made bed.

“Constantly!” Janet rolled her eyes. “Beth—that’s my roommate—is kind of a slob. Sometimes I sort of wish you hadn’t made me such a neat freak. I keep picking up after her, and it’s driving me bats.”

“You asked me to,” John said. “I can change it, if you like. Or maybe Beth...she was all right with my staying here?”

“Sure,” said Janet. “She’s pretty easy-going. We get along fine, for the most part.” She gave John a teasing look. “I told her you would sleep on the floor, of course.”

John winced, looking at the hard wood. “I’d rather not. We’ll see. Where is she right now?”

“Studying in the library. For at least a couple of hours,” Janet added, smiling.

John smiled, too. “Well, in that case,” he said, setting down his bag and unbuttoning his shirt, “maybe you can give me a proper welcome.”

Janet laughed, and pulled her sweatshirt off over her head. She wore nothing beneath it. Her beautifully shaped, medium-sized breasts were tipped with hard nipples, and a light flush over her skin revealed her excitement.

“I thought you’d never ask,” she said, and went to him.

Chapter 2

By the time Beth returned from the library, John and Janet were both fully dressed, the bed was re-made, and they were sitting in the room’s two chairs, talking like the old friends they were. The sound of a key in the lock warned of her approach a few seconds before the door swung open.

“Hi!” Beth greeted them brightly. “You must be John. I’m Beth McLeod, Janet’s roommate.”

John had risen to his feet when Beth came in, and now extended a hand, his expression a little stunned. Beth was gorgeous; finely molded face and full, almost pouty lips, long dark-blonde hair, a figure that was lush without being the slightest bit overweight. She was shorter than Janet, and only came up to John’s shoulder. She wore jeans too, with a t-shirt that strained over an impressive bust and a large man’s shirt, unbuttoned over it like a jacket.

“John Ross,” John said, finding his voice. “Pleased to meet you.”

Beth was apparently used to provoking this reaction from the opposite sex, because she took no notice of his confusion.

“So, you’re thinking of coming here for school?” she asked.

“Yes, I...”

“Whoops!” Beth interrupted. “I left my bag down by the mailboxes. Sorry, be right back.” She scurried out.

“So, what do you think?” Janet asked John, a hint of amusement in her voice.

“She seems nice,” John said. “Why didn’t you tell me she was such a stunner? I was gawking like an idiot.”

“Didn’t want to spoil the surprise. Besides, I’d have thought you’d be completely jaded by now,” Janet said. “She is something, though, isn’t she?” Janet hesitated a moment, then asked, “Do you want to...?”

“I don’t know,” John said. “Despite what you think, I don’t have to seduce every attractive woman I meet.”

“Nope,” Janet said. “Just most of them.”

“Hmmm.” John gave Janet a speculative look. “Do you want me to? Or maybe you want her yourself?”

“What do you think?” Janet said. “Since the first time I saw her!” John laughed, and Janet complained, “It isn’t funny! I never even liked girls until I met you. And now...”

“Well, I could change that, too,” John suggested.

“Don’t you dare!”

A fumbling at the lock interrupted them again, and Janet quickly added, “We’ll talk about it later, but leave my libido the way it is. I like it.”

* * *

John seemed very nice, Beth decided after chatting with him and Janet for a while. He was friendly and smart, and clearly he and Janet knew each other very well. In fact, the casual intimacy the two displayed made Beth suspect that they were much more than just school friends. It was a little surprising; Janet had always struck her as being very picky where boys were concerned, and while John was good-looking enough—tall and somewhat muscular, if rather thin, with brown hair and eyes as green as Janet’s own—he certainly wouldn’t stand out in a crowd. And he was two or three years younger than Janet, as well.

Still, Beth considered herself a good observer, and the way John and Janet laughed quietly over shared jokes and touched unconsciously went beyond just friendship. Beth knew that Janet was much more sexually experienced than she was, and had had quite a few previous lovers. Obviously John was one of them; and from the look of them, that relationship was not dead.

Beth was used to bowling men over with her looks, and John had certainly been affected when they first met, but he gave no signs of it now. She was favorably impressed. Too many men turned into idiots in her presence, spending their time talking to her breasts instead of her face. John made no such mistake. She supposed that with someone like Janet available he wouldn’t have much need to hit on other women. Privately, Beth thought Janet was one of the most beautiful women she’d ever met: poised and slim and attractive, without the embarrassment of riches which always made Beth feel awkward around guys.

After a while, John excused himself ‘to freshen up’ and left the room. Beth leaned over and nudged Janet.

“Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked.

“Tell you what?” Janet asked.

“About you and John. He was your boyfriend, wasn’t he?” Janet looked at her in surprise, and Beth blushed. “I mean, the two of you act like you’ve been married for years.”

Janet laughed. “I didn’t realize it was that obvious. Well, sorry to keep secrets from you. My...relationship with John has always been kind of private. He was never officially my boyfriend, or anything, and most people didn’t know. It’s kind of complicated.”

“Relationships are always complicated,” Beth said with feeling.

“Spoken by the girl with precisely one ex-boyfriend,” Janet said. When Beth looked a little hurt she quickly added, “I’m just teasing you. Of course, you’re right. But my relationship with John is a little more complicated than most.”

“Complicated, how?” Beth asked curiously.

“It’s...hard to explain. Maybe I’ll tell you about it later.”

“Okay,” Beth said, still feeling curious. “But you two are...I mean, you have...”

“In every way you can imagine,” Janet said promptly, “and a few you probably can’t. Does that freak you out?” she asked as Beth blushed again.

“No, no,” she said. “I just wasn’t expecting it. You told me he was just a friend from school.”

“Well, he is a friend from school,” Janet said, “but not ‘just’ that.”

John’s return interrupted the conversation at this point, but Beth was strangely unsatisfied. It was clear there was still some secret here; Janet’s evasive answers made that obvious. But nothing about the two of them seemed too far out of the ordinary. What was it that Janet thought was so complicated?

“I’ve arranged for you to be on the meal plan while you’re here,” Janet was telling John. “You might as well know the worst right off.”

“Great,” John said. “When is dinner? I’m starving.”

“We can go now, if you like,” Janet said. “Beth? Want to join us?”

“Sure,” Beth said, getting up. “Let’s go.”

Dinner gave no more clues about the relationship of John and Janet. It was one of the dining hall’s better efforts, and John ate with good appetite. The dinner conversation continued where they had left off in the dorm room. Other than trading information about common acquaintances, John and Janet gave few hints about their past. After dinner, John suggested that they go for a drive and see the city.

“Did you bring The Machine?” Janet asked with a quick grin.

“Sure. It’s parked in the public lot. Do you want to go, Beth?” John asked her.

“Umm, yeah, I guess so. I’ve got to finish a paper later...”

“We won’t take too long,” Janet assured her. “And you need to see The Machine to believe it.”

‘The Machine’ turned out to be a silver sports car. It had real leather seats, and the engine purred to life with an unmistakable feeling of power as John turned the ignition key.

“It’s a Lotus,” Janet explained over her shoulder to Beth, who sat in the back seat. “Like James Bond drives.”

“Wow,” Beth said. “Do you have, like, machine guns in the headlights?”

“Well, I could tell you,” John said, backing up, “but then I’d have to kill you...”

They drove around the city for an hour, taking in the sights. It was one of the most luxurious rides Beth had ever had; the car seemed to skim above the ground, and the warm leather embraced her. She wondered briefly if that was how John had hooked Janet—his family must be incredibly rich for him to have a car like this. But she dismissed the thought. Janet’s own family was pretty well off, and besides, Janet had never seemed materialistic.

“Take us out on the highway before we go back,” Janet said. “Show Beth what The Machine can do.”

“Uh, that’s okay,” Beth said with some alarm, but John was already turning onto an entrance ramp. He couldn’t go too fast at first, with city traffic holding him back, but after only a few minutes the traffic thinned and he opened up. Beth felt herself pressed back into the seat by the acceleration. The speedometer needle passed eighty, then ninety to top out at over a hundred.

“All right!” Janet yelled as the scenery went tearing past, “this is more like it! Yeeee-hawww!”

“You were always a sucker for speed,” John commented, eyes on the road.

“You said it! Give me more!”

“Guys,” Beth said in a strange mixture of terror and exhilaration, “slow down, you’re going to get a ticket!” Or get us killed. “John, please!”

Flashing lights behind them punctuated this sentence as a police cruiser pulled out from the side of the road and followed them. With a sigh, John slowed and pulled over to the side, rolling down his window. A highway patrolman stepped out of the cruiser, adjusted his belt, and walked up to them

“License and registration,” he said tonelessly.

“Sure thing, officer,” John said. He handed over his license, and got the registration from the glove compartment. The patrolman examined them briefly, then returned them.

“Slow it down from now on,” he said, and returned to his car.

“Thanks, officer,” John called after him, and rolled up the window.

“He didn’t ticket you,” Beth said in disbelief. “You were going, like, a hundred miles an hour.”

“Yeah,” John agreed, easing the Lotus back out into traffic. “Lucky. Maybe he was about to go off-shift.”

“Well, he spoiled my ride,” Janet pouted. “Bad cop. No donuts.”

“I’ll make it up to you, later,” John said. “Let’s get Beth back. Her paper is waiting.”

Chapter 3

Beth sat at her computer working on her paper. Behind her, John and Janet were lying on Janet’s bed, making out. It was a little weird that they didn’t care she was there in the room; even weirder, she found that she didn’t mind, either. She was able to concentrate on her paper with an intensity that normally eluded her even in conditions of total silence; the sounds of lips on lips, skin on skin, soft sighs and moans coming from behind her did nothing to distract her.

In a surprisingly short time she finished the paper and read it over. It was pretty good, she thought. She fixed a few typos, but otherwise had little fault to find. She sent the paper to the printer, then shut down her computer and swiveled around in her seat.

Janet was topless, but otherwise things hadn’t progressed too far. In the course of sharing a room Beth had of course seen her roommate’s body—especially since Janet seemed to have no embarrassment about nudity at all. But she had never before felt the seductive quality of the other girl’s lack of inhibition. Now, watching John work Janet’s tits with his lips and tongue, Janet’s eyes closed and a broad smile on her face, Beth realized how men must lust after Janet. Maybe after her, as well. As often as Beth had seen guys affected by her looks, she’d never quite appreciated it the way she did now.

John noticed Beth watching and sat up with a slightly amused look. Janet opened her eyes and grinned at her, but made no move to cover herself. Beth found herself looking at the other girl’s erect nipples, glistening slightly with moisture, and forced her eyes up.

“So, what is it with you two, anyway?” she asked. “Janet said your relationship was ‘complicated.’ What does that mean?”

John glanced at Janet with lifted eyebrows, and she sighed.

“I just meant,” she said, “that John and I aren’t a conventional boyfriend and girlfriend.”

“So, like, what are you?” Beth persisted.

Janet shrugged and sat up, making her tits sway. Almost enticingly, Beth thought, then was startled at thinking something like that about another woman. It was all part of the weirdness of the evening.

The evening proceeded to get weirder. “I’m his slave,” Janet said.

John winced and said “Dammit, Janet...”

“Well, what else would you call it?” Janet asked him, with the air of one continuing an old argument. “John’s a nice guy, and he doesn’t really like the idea of having slaves,” she explained to Beth, who was staring at them in shock. “But really...I mean, I’ll do anything he wants, anywhere, anytime. What else am I? Not that I’m complaining,” she added.

“You’re his slave...but you’re not complaining?” Beth had the feeling that she wasn’t following this at all.

“No, of course not! I love it. I love him. It’s totally cool.”

This was a lot kinkier than Beth had thought, but it was strangely exciting, too. In a warped kind of way. Obviously she had greatly underestimated just how uninhibited Janet really was. And John...he looked so normal. Cute, but normal. What did he have to inspire that kind of devotion?

“But...I mean, you’ve dated other guys while you were here...” Beth abruptly wondered if John knew about that. But he didn’t look surprised or upset.

“Well, yeah. I mean, John told me it was okay. We’re separated, now, and it isn’t like he doesn’t have plenty of other women to keep him busy. And my sex drive is kind of on the high side.” From what Beth had seen, that was an understatement. “But I’m still his, whenever he wants me.”

“Umm...John has plenty of other women?”

“Sure,” John said. “Not a harem, exactly, but a few.”

“Plus whatever random ones he adds,” Janet said.

“Plus random ones,” Beth repeated. “Are they all his...uh, slaves...too?”

“Sort of,” Janet said. “I mean, there are a few special ones, like me, and then others he, um, recruits temporarily.”

“Recruits?” Beth said. “Sorry, I don’t normally repeat everything people say, but I’m completely lost here. It doesn’t bother you that he has other women?”

“Of course not,” Janet said. “What good would we be to him if we were jealous of each other?”

“And how does he recruit them?” Beth asked. There was something very, very strange going on here, but it kept eluding her. Why would so many women all want to submit to one boy, really? Why would they obey him? Not just obey him, but want to obey him?

Janet frowned a little. “Well, I don’t know how it works, exactly. But he can change people. Change what they want. That’s what he did to me, and the others.”

“Change people how?” Beth asked. “Do you mean, he brainwashed you, or something?”

John laughed. “Nothing so crude.”

“I don’t really know how he does it,” Janet said. “But it’s the best thing that ever happened to me.” She smiled at Beth, and Beth felt a sudden chill. She really believes this, Beth thought. She really is his slave.

“Look,” she said, getting up and backing towards the door. “This is too weird for me. I’m going to find somewhere else to sleep tonight...”

“Beth,” John said, “please don’t worry. I won’t hurt you. I don’t hurt people. Honestly.”

And just like that, Beth wasn’t worried. Her opinions were the same, but fear was no longer a part of them.

“My God,” she said quietly, “it’s really true, isn’t it? You just made me feel calm, didn’t you?”

“Yes, it is,” John said. “And yes, I did. I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have let Janet scare you like that.”

“I wasn’t trying to scare her,” Janet said almost crossly. “It’s not like it’s some terrible thing...”

“But you should know how someone who doesn’t understand might react,” John chided gently. After a moment, Janet dropped her eyes.

“You’re right,” she admitted, grudgingly. “I’m sorry, Beth.”

“That’s okay,” Beth said. She sat down again, still looking at them. “What are you going to do to me?” she asked John curiously.

“I don’t know,” he said. “But believe me, I won’t hurt you. I really did come here to see Janet and visit the college. I didn’t even know about you until I got here.”

“I do believe you,” Beth said. “Did you cause that, too?”

John smiled reassuringly. “Just my honest face. I haven’t done anything except remove your fear. And help you concentrate on your paper.”

“So, that was you?” Beth asked.

“Yes. It’s one of the more useful aspects of my talent. Janet can tell you.”

“Yeah,” she agreed. “My grades went way up after, with less time spent working. Of course, I wasn’t all that studious, before. Kind of a featherhead, really. I was a ‘popular’ girl,” she explained, “and I thought it was beneath me to get good grades. Stupid.”

“How else did he change you?” Beth asked.

“Oh, I don’t know. Lots of little things. He removed my sexual inhibitions, of course; he improved my concentration, and made me neater and better organized. I eat better and exercise more, now, and take better care of myself. My sex drive is higher. I’m loyal to him, and look out for his interests, and love him, though those are easy once you get to know him. I mean, I’m hardly unbiased, but he really is nice, and good to all of us. He didn’t really change my personality, much. Oh, and he made me bisexual.”

“You’re bisexual?” Beth felt a bit dazed at this list.

“Sure.” Janet gave her a wink.

“You never told me,” Beth pointed out.

“Well, I thought it might make you self-conscious. You know, changing clothes in front of me, and stuff.”

Beth thought about it. “I suppose it would have, at that.” She shook her head. “Wow. I had no idea.”

“Well, how could you?” Janet asked rhetorically. “But, anyway, all of us are bisexual. There’s only one of him, after all, and a bunch of us to keep satisfied.”

The image that this evoked made Beth feel dizzy. It was no kind of life she had ever imagined, but she could see its appeal, as well—a close-knit group of sexual hedonists, free of frictions, devoted to making John, and each other, happy. In a strange way it was really hot. Beth wondered if her thinking that were John’s doing as well, or some quirk of her own personality. No way to tell, really. She was completely helpless, lacking even the desire to resist.

“So, what happens now?” she asked eventually.

John glanced at his watch. “Now, I think we go to bed. It’s late. If you sleep on it, I’m sure you’ll feel better in the morning.”

Beth was sure, too. No doubt John would see to it that she did.

Chapter 4

Beth lay stiffly, unsleeping, every sense aware that the couple next to her weren’t sleeping either. John had pointed out that if they pushed the two beds together, there would be plenty of room for all three of them. This, Beth conceded was true; but she doubted she would normally have agreed to it.

So now she was sharing a bed with two naked people who were obviously working their way up to having sex right next to her. John and Janet had started making out again as soon as he had turned out the light and slipped under the sheets, and things were progressing rapidly. Beth gave way to curiosity and turned her head to look at them. Janet was on top of John, kissing him passionately while he stroked down her back and sides to her ass. The sheets had slipped down from her, and her nude body was quite visible in the pale light coming in through the window. Beth again found herself staring, fascinated, at her roommate’s firm breasts and ass, her smooth skin and slim waist. Janet rose a bit now, straddling John’s body, her tits swaying, then lowered herself slowly with a sigh of pleasure, guiding his hard cock into her.

Beth watched the two of them fucking. Part of her was astonished at the situation she found herself in, and acutely embarrassed; part of her was so aroused that she could barely lie still. She realized, with a small shock, that she had pulled up her nightgown and her fingers were stroking over her silken panties. She snatched her hand away and balled in up into a fist under her chin, but she couldn’t tear her eyes away from the two next to her. John had leaned up to lick one of Janet’s nipples, and she was moaning loudly in pleasure, shifting her hips wantonly as she rose and fell on his cock. Beth looked at the strong muscles bunch and relax in Janet’s ass and thighs; she was sure other, internal muscles were working as well. Janet fucked with total concentration, and was clearly very good at it.

Beth’s hand had found its way back to her crotch. She gave up resisting and slipped her fingers inside her panties, slicking exquisitely over her damp flesh. It felt so good, she almost cried out. Beth had never masturbated much, but right now she couldn’t stop herself. A finger slid into her, while her thumb teased the firm nub of her clitoris. Watching John and Janet, she fantasized that it was John’s hand, touching her; or Janet’s; God, she was so sexy...

Janet shuddered abruptly in orgasm, a strangled groan forced from her throat. John was clearly coming as well, and Beth felt the pleasure of her own orgasm washing over her, biting her lip to keep from making a sound. Surely the two of them were too involved with each other to have noticed. Beth rolled onto her back and closed her eyes. She would feign sleep. In the morning, she would get out of the room, spend the day in the library, and find somewhere else to sleep that night.

The beds sagged a bit as Janet slipped off of John, settling down next to Beth. Beth heard her breathing, felt the warm skin of Janet’s arm brush against her as the other girl shifted position. Even with her eyes closed, Beth had the sensation that Janet was looking at her.

Then a hand cupped her breast through the fabric of her nightgown. Beth’s eyes popped open with a gasp, to look into Janet’s amused face. Janet was propped up on one elbow, her other hand gently kneading Beth’s tit.

“So,” Janet said, her thumb circling the outline of Beth’s erect nipple. “Did you like the show?”

“You...I...” Beth couldn’t find words. She should cry out, push Janet’s hand away, but it felt so good—each touch sent jolts of pleasure through her chest.

“My, you’re very articulate tonight,” Janet teased. “C’mon, did you think I couldn’t feel your eyes on us the whole time? And your hands... mmmm, your hands were pretty busy, too, huh?”

“Please, don’t,” Beth said, but her voice lacked conviction even in her own ears.

“Don’t?” Janet repeated, her hand not stopping its slow caresses. She was stroking the other breast now, rolling the nipple between her fingers. “Do you want me to stop this? Or do you want to try something else?”

Janet nodded down towards her own bare tits, and Beth’s eyes automatically followed. They looked so soft, so perfect...Beth found she couldn’t look away.

“I kind of thought you were looking at them, while John and I were fucking,” Janet said conversationally. “Would you like a closer look? I think I’d like that. Here, let me help you...”

Janet shifted position and leaned over, lowering one ruby tipped breast towards Beth’s lips. Beth opened her mouth and accepted it like an offering. Without ever quite intending to, she found herself sucking her roommate’s firm nipple, sliding her tongue around it in wonder. It was so good. Janet’s tit in her mouth, Janet’s hands on her own tits...Beth never wanted it to stop. She didn’t know how long it went on, the pleasure steadily mounting, but when at length Janet pulled back Beth made a small sound of protest.

“Please,” she said again, not resistance this time, but entreaty.

Janet smiled at her. “You’re such a sweetie. No way we’re stopping yet. Sit up, and put your hands over your head.”

Beth sat up obediently, and Janet pulled her nightgown off over her head. She spent a minute or two running her hands over Beth’s bare torso, occasionally leaning in for a quick kiss or lick, before having the other girl lie down again. Janet pulled back the sheets covering Beth’s lower body. Grasping the waistband of Beth’s soaking panties, she pulled them down and off, leaving the other girl nude.

“You have such a fabulous body,” Janet murmured. Her hand descended to cup Beth’s mound, provoking a moan of pleasure. “I’ve wanted it ever since we first met. Spread your legs a little.”

Beth complied, but looked a little scared. “I’ve never...not with another woman...”

“Shhh,” Janet said soothingly. “First time for everything, like they say. And believe me, you’re going to like this.”

Beth did believe her. She wanted this so badly it was a little frightening, considering that before that day she’d never even considered such a thing. She knew, objectively, that John must have done something to make her feel this way, but her feelings were no less real for that, and she wanted her roommate to fuck her with a lust her ex-boyfriend had never evoked.

Warm breath against her pussy, then the first, tentative, wonderful touch of Janet’s tongue. Beth hadn’t thought anything could feel better than what had gone before, but she’d been wrong. Eyes closed, she drifted in a haze of pleasure. She felt her orgasm approaching slowly but inevitably, as if her body were floating towards a warm cloud that she wanted to engulf her.

Beth had almost forgotten that John was there, so when his lips touched hers she was startled. He kissed her, and she kissed him back, her lips parting to admit his tongue, flickering playfully against hers. His hand touched her breast, resumed Janet’s skilled caresses. Beth wanted to put her arms around him and pull him to her, but her body seemed paralyzed with pleasure.

Then she came, with a burst of indescribable sweetness. She felt herself moaning against John’s lips, felt her hips contract and shake, felt ecstasy, like an electric shock, pass through her entire body. Janet’s tongue and fingers were still moving swiftly to help sustain her climax. When it was over, Beth lay unmoving, staring sightlessly at the ceiling, lost in the afterglow.

“I think she’s ready for you now,” came Janet’s voice, the ripple of amusement back in it.

“Good,” John answered. Beth felt the bed sway as the two of them changed places. John’s hands stroked her inner thighs, and her legs automatically opened wider. Then hardness penetrated her, and she cried out at the sudden burst of new pleasure. Beth was half-dazed, but even if she’d been completely in control she doubted she would have resisted.

John’s body came down on her like a warm blanket, his weight mostly supported on his elbows. He kissed her, and she responded, sighing, as he started moving in her.

“So,” he asked lightly. “How are you liking this so far?”

“It’s wonderful,” she admitted. “I’ve never felt so good.”

“Glad to hear it,” John said.

“Can you tell me...” Beth asked after a moment.


“Is all of Did you make me feel this way?”

“Partly,” John said. “But most of it was desires of your own than I enhanced, and inhibitions I removed. It works better, that way.”

“Even my...wanting Janet?”

“Everyone has some bisexual tendencies,” John said. “Yours were more repressed than most, but they were there. You’ve always admired her, haven’t you?”

Beth thought about that, while John’s skillful fucking brought her body back to the heights of arousal it had so recently climbed. He is really good at this, Beth thought. Of course, he would be, with all his women. His women. Women like Janet.

“What will you do with me, after this is over?” Beth asked.

“I don’t know,” John said. “Erase your memory of it, probably; make it seem like a dream.”

“I don’t want to forget this,” Beth said. “This is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

“Careful,” John said. “That memory might haunt you. After all, you might not normally feel this way. You might not be able to accept it.”

“But I might,” Beth said. Her third orgasm of the night was very close, but she was not quite there yet.

“All right,” John said. He seemed to know how close she was, and increased the pace. “What do you want me to do?”

“I want...” Beth hesitated, then was suddenly sure. “I want like Janet. I want to be yours. And hers. I want to stay like this.”

Beth heard a little gasp of surprise from Janet, but she didn’t turn to look. All her concentration was focussed on John’s face.

“Are you sure?” he asked. “You know, if I do that, you won’t be able to change your mind. You’ll be mine, forever.”

“But...I won’t want to change my mind, either, will I?”

“No,” John admitted. “All right. We’re going to come together; and when that happens, you will be mine. Permanently. Irrevocably. Is that what you want?”

“That’s what I want,” Beth said, feeling the sudden tingling that signaled the onset of her climax. “Oh...oh, God, yes.”

“All right, mine!”

The eruption that followed in Beth’s body was matched by the explosion in her mind. Ideas, concepts and memories whirled around together, dancing, reorganizing. Vaguely she was aware of John’s cock spurting inside her, of her own voice crying out in pleasure, of Janet whispering soft encouragements in her ear. Then it was over. She was lying in her bed with John on top of her, his softening prick still inside her, and Janet’s warm body cuddled up against her side, hand tenderly stroking her hair. She felt no different. And in another way, she felt completely different. She thought of herself, lying there naked, and realized that no trace was left of the embarrassment she would previously have felt. She only felt fulfilled, and happy, and very, very sexy. She thought of John and Janet, and felt nothing but love and warmth towards them both.

“How do you feel?” Janet asked her with real concern coloring her voice.

Beth smiled at her, then tilted her head to give her a reassuring kiss.

“I feel good,” she said. “I feel very, very good.”

“Well, I should hope so,” John said, getting off of her and sitting on the edge of the bed. “After all that work!”

For some reason this struck both Beth and Janet as extremely funny. The two of them burst into giggles that turned into open laughter as John shook his head in mock disgust.

“No respect,” he sighed, “even from my own...”

“Slaves?” Beth suggested, and John gave a theatrical wince. “Sorry,” she apologized. “You really should come up with a better word for us.”

“So, I guess it worked,” Janet said. She leaned over and gave Beth a lingering kiss. “Welcome to the family!”

“Thanks,” Beth said, almost shyly. “I’m glad to belong.” She gave a happy sigh, then sat up. “All right, now!” she said. “I owe you one, so just lie back.”

Janet chuckled and obeyed. Beth knelt between Janet’s legs and started to lean forward.

“I’ve never done this before,” she commented, pausing a few inches from her roommate’s aroused pussy. “But I hope you can give me a few pointers. I think we’ll have plenty of practice.”

Janet’s reply was lost in a groan of pleasure as Beth proceeded to show how much natural talent she had. Yes, she thought, reveling in the feel and taste of it, and feeling John’s approving regard. I think we’ll have plenty of practice.

The End