The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Dressed to Thrill

“Come on, Cheryl. You can’t just go to a costume party in your street clothes and you know darned well you can’t just throw something together at the last minute.”

“Yeah,” Cheryl agreed, “but then who says I’m going.”

Robin let out a most unladylike snort. “Oh come on, Cher. We’re not not going to go through that all over again. We all agreed. We want you there.”

“Yeah,” Mary agreed. “You can’t back out now. Besides, it’ll be fun.”

Cheryl shook her head. “I don’t know. I got a bad feeling about this.”

“Come on, girls. Don’t badger her,” Amanda said. “If Cheryl doesn’t want to go, there’s really not a whole lot any of the three of us can do to make her go.”

Cheryl looked gratefully at her friend. At least one of them understood.

“Besides,” Amanda said, “just because this is the hottest Halloween party of the year, and just because there’s going to be all kinds of cute guys there, I don’t see any reason why Cheryl wouldn’t want to go, but if she wants to give all that up, who are we to stop her.”

“Come on, guys. It’s not like that,” Cheryl said. “It’s just that ... you know, like I said before, it’s just that I’ve always thought Halloween was for kids, you know. I mean, when the fifteen year old shows up on your doorstep demanding candy, doesn’t it kind of make you feel kind of creepy?”

“Well, if you were at the party,” Amanda countered, “then you wouldn’t be home when the fifteen year olds showed up on your doorstep, so they wouldn’t creep you out.”

“Point to Mandy,” Mary said.

“Yeah, but I don’t have anything to wear,” Cheryl said.

“That’s why we’re going to help you,” Amanda said.

“Yeah, but if I know you guys, you’re going to turn me into something totally slutty,” Cheryl protested.

“You say that as if that’s a bad thing,” Amanda said and then she laughed as she saw Cheryl’s reaction. “Relax. It’s an adults only party. You know people are going to come dressed, or undressed, in a certain way.”

“Yeah but—”

“Come on. Come to the store with us. It’ll be fun, and if you don’t like what we think you should wear, there’s nothing that says you have to buy it.”

Well yeah, Cheryl thought. That much, at least, was true.

“Come on,” Amanda said. “Come on. It’ll be fun.”

Cheryl was wavering.

“Come on. It’ll be fun.”

And that was how it had been done. It had taken a little more convincing after that but in time, Cheryl had agreed and that was how the four friends found themselves at a shop on a Saturday afternoon, looking for costumes to wear.

“How about this one,” Mary said as she held up a bag for the others to see. The costume billed itself as a sexy policewoman, but Cheryl was sure she’d never seen a policewoman dressed that way. “It says it comes with a working pair of handcuffs.”

“Yeah,” Robin asked with a grin. “Who you planning to put those on? It wouldn’t be Dale, would it?”

“Maybe,” Mary said noncommittally. “Let’s see what you guys are coming up with.”

“Me, I’m into the classics, but I’m having trouble deciding between witch or wench. I’ve always liked the witch stuff, but pirate wench sounds cool, too.”

“I thought you were going to do Countess Dracula.”

“Oh God, don’t remind me.”

“Why? What’s wrong?”

“Becky Thompson’s going to do it. I was all set to buy it and then she told me what she was going to do and I realized she would have looked way cooler than me. It was just dumb luck that I found out ahead of time.”

“Yeah,” Amanda said, “but you realize you’re not suppose to look cooler. The whole object is to look hotter than everyone else, something like this,” she said as she held up a nurse’s uniform. “It says it’s guaranteed to make any guy’s temperature go up.”

“Come on, guys,” Cheryl said. “Look at those. Last time I looked, none of us looked like the model who’s on the front of any of those costumes. For one thing, none of us is a blond, and for another thing, none of us has tits as big as hers.”

It was true. The costumes were all from the same vendor and they all had the same busty blond on the front modeling the costume. “Fine,” Amanda said. “Be like that. Let’s see what you’ve picked out.”

“I haven’t picked anything yet.”

“Come on, Cheryl. You know how this works. You got to show us what you got.”

“Well, I did see this,” Cheryl said shyly as she pulled a harem girl’s outfit from behind her back. It was the same busty blond on the front but this costume had a bare midriff and was so light that anyone could see right through it.

“Wow,” said Mary. “Where’d you find that?”

“Over there, against the wall,” Cheryl said.

“You going to try it on?”

“I was thinking about it.”

“Well if you don’t, I will.”

“Come on, Mar,” Amanda said. “She found it. If she wants it, don’t try to get it away from her.” Amanda looked at the costume. “You know, if you’re going to wear that, whatever you have on underneath is going to show right through.”

“I know.”

“Well, come on, now. Let’s see it. Try it on.”

Cheryl looked at the costume and at the busty blond on the front. It wasn’t like she had little breasts but there was no way hers were as big as those of the model’s and for a moment, she felt intimidated.

“Come on,” Amanda said. “Let’s see it.”

Cheryl took one last look at the package and then she felt a surge of energy. Well, she might not be busty and she might not be a blond, but she’d show them. She’d show them that she had what it took. “Wait here,” she told her startled friends as she marched off to the dressing rooms.

She was back a few minutes later. “Oh my God,” said the red-headed Robin. “That really is see through.”

“Girls,” Amanda said. “Don’t just stand there gawking. Cheryl needs our help. We need to find her some sexy underwear.”

She wasn’t even sure she was going to buy this, Cheryl wanted to tell them, but no one, it seemed, was listening to her. Her three friends spread out through the store and it wasn’t long before each was back with something for her to wear.

“I can’t wear these,” she said even as a voice inside her said she could.

“Then I guess that means you’re going to be putting the harem girl outfit back,” said Mary, “and if you do, I want it. Can I have it?”

“No,” Cheryl lashed out. She wasn’t even sure why she had. “This one’s mine,” Cheryl said. “Go find your own.”

The other three girls looked at one another and Cheryl could see them smirking. They were laughing at her but so what. It was her costume. They could go get something on their own.

She took the costume off and she put it back in the bag. She knew there were others in the store who’d seen her and she knew they thought she was hot and it made her hot to think that others saw her that way. Maybe going to the party wasn’t such a bad idea after all.

She took the costume out and she stood in line and as she stood there, she looked at herself in the mirror. Her raven-colored hair, she thought, it wasn’t looking as shiny as it usually did. She brushed some of it back. Her hair was definitely looking a bit flat. Maybe it was time for a new conditioner.

And yet, all thoughts of conditioners or costumes or even of the party itself had faded by the time Cheryl got home. She put the costume away and she thought nothing more about it. The party wasn’t until the end of the month and that was still almost four weeks away.

It was three days before the party when Robin gave Cheryl a call. “Amanda and Mary are going onto the party on their own,” she said, “but you and I can still go together. You still want to be the designated driver?”

The question was more for show than anything else. Cheryl was always the designated driver. “Sure,” she told her friend. “I can do that.”

“Cool. You want me to come by like usual?”

“Yeah, that sounds good.”

“Party’s supposed to start at eight but Amanda says there’s probably going to be some people coming in early so what time you want me to be there?”

Cheryl smiled to herself. “The real kids should be by done by about seven ... seven thirty. After that, you start to get the teenagers and I don’t care about them so I’d say anytime after seven works for me.”

“Sounds good,” Robin agreed. “So I’ll see you sometime after seven then.”

Cheryl looked at her calendar and she made a note and then once again, she let all thoughts of the party slip from her mind.

The day of the party came and Cheryl was home early. The traffic was heavy coming home from work just as she’d figured it would be. It was parents trying to get home in time to take the kids out and it was everyone else trying to get home so they were there when their little guests arrived.

Cheryl dutifully pulled the costume out of the closet where it had hung since the day she’d bought it and she went off to take a shower. Her hands played with herself as the hot water ran over her. She wondered if there were going to be some cute guys at the party. She didn’t like to be too forward, but maybe if she’d meet someone.

Her hands rubbed herself harder and she moaned as the water flowed. She resisted the urge to slide a finger between her legs. She was, after all, a good girl, and well, maybe good girls did do stuff like that, but they didn’t want to admit it, but still ...

Stop it, she told herself. You have to get ready.

Reluctantly, Cheryl pulled herself from the shower. There’d be time enough for that later.

Cheryl stepped out of the shower and dried herself off. She couldn’t believe it but she was feeling so horny. Why was she feeling so horny?

She stood in front of the mirror and she started to brush her hair but almost as quickly as she’d started, she stopped and looked at the mirror. What the fuck, she wondered. What the hell was wrong with her hair. It almost looked as if there were streaks of something running through her hair. What the hell was the matter with her?

Whatever it was, it couldn’t be helped. She’d just have to go the way she was and she’d deal with it later.

She went back into the bedroom and she picked up the sexy underthings that she’d bought for just this occasion. They were bright red and they’d show so clearly under the thin gauziness of the harem girl outfit. The panties were a thong. A bit risque for her, she knew, but she thought it would drive the boys mad.

And then she came to the bra. Wait a minute. That wasn’t the right size, she told herself. That wasn’t right at all. Why had she gotten this? The outfit was ruined. The bra was way too big for her.

She felt like crying. It was too late to do anything about it but the outfit was ruined. She finished getting dressed, but the outfit was ruined.

She’d just pulled on the last part of her costume when she heard a knock at her door. She quickly pulled on a robe and tied it shut. No point in letting kids see what they shouldn’t be able to see, she thought with a grin and then she went to answer the door.

After that, for the next hour and a half, there was a near steady stream of tikes of varying ages that made their way to her door. By the time 7:00 rolled around, another knock at the door was treated as yet another set of young visitors looking for a trick or a treat.

But it wasn’t a youngster at her door. It was Robin, standing on her doorstep and dressed like a sexy pirate wench but that wasn’t what made Cheryl stare. “Robin,” she asked, “is that you?”

Robin made a little curtsy. “You like?”

“Robin, what did you do to your hair?”

Robin’s smile vanished. “What do you mean? What’s wrong with my hair?”

“You mean other than the fact that it’s now blond.”

“Don’t be silly. My hair’s not blond.”

Cheryl practically grabbed her friend’s hand and then she was pulling her into her apartment. She thrust her friend into the bathroom. Look at it,” she said. “You’re a blond.”

Robin stared into the mirror. Her hand touched her hair. There was no doubt about it. Her hair was now a dirty blond.

And then her face broke into a smile. “It looks good, doesn’t it,” she said.

“You mean you did that on purpose?”

“It looks good, doesn’t it,” Robin repeated.

Cheryl shook her head. “I can’t believe you,” she said.

“You ready to go,” Robin asked.

Cheryl shook her head in disbelief. “Yeah sure,” she said. “Just let me get my coat.”

“Okay. Hurry up.”

It wasn’t that long before they were in Cheryl’s car. “I can’t believe what you did to your hair,” she said.

“Me? What about you?”

“What about me,” Cheryl asked.

“What about you? Look at yourself. Your hair’s like several shades lighter with blond streaks. I like it, by the way.”

Cheryl tried to catch a glimpse of herself in the mirror and almost lost control of her car.

“Hey, watch where you’re going?”

“Sorry.” She still hadn’t got a glimpse of herself but Cheryl had the feeling it was true.

They drove on in silence after that. Cheryl just had the feeling that there wasn’t much of anything to say.

Robin was right. The party wasn’t supposed to start until eight but already, there were a number of people who had arrived early. Cheryl stepped out of her car and she removed her coat, dropping it on the front seat. “Here goes nothing,” she said.

“Hey, I didn’t know you were wearing that.”

“You saw me pick it out at the store,” Cheryl said.

“Not the costume,” Robin said. “The Wonderbra. I didn’t know you were wearing that.”

“I’m not wearing a Wonderbra,” she said and it was only then that she realized that she’d put on the bra, the one that hadn’t fit hours before and the one that she was filling up to overflowing now. “What the—”

Robin was looking at her harder now. “You’re right,” she said. “That’s not a Wonderbra, but it looks good,” and then she did a most amazing thing. She reached out to touch her friend’s tits.

And the really weird thing was just how good it felt to have Robin’s hands on her tits, and even without thinking about what she was doing, Cheryl leaned forward and she kissed her friend.

Almost as quickly, Cheryl pulled back. “I am so sorry,” she said. “I didn’t mean to do that.”

Robin didn’t seem to mind though. She just stood there and smirked. “You can do that again,” she said, “whenever you want,” and with that, she turned and started to walk towards the party.

Cheryl was left staring after her friend. “Hey, wait up,” she said. “Wait for me.”

Robin seemed to walk on without giving her friend any attention but at the last moment, she turned around and she looped her arms around her friend’s waist and she kissed Cheryl back with just as much intensity as Cheryl had kissed her.

It was dark but Cheryl almost thought she could see her friend grinning at her. “How’d you like that,” Robin asked.


Good, Cheryl thought. Good? Why had she said that and yet, she had. She had and she’d meant it.

Why the hell had she meant it?

Someone’d set up a mock graveyard on the front lawn and a bucket of dry ice at the entryway was laying down a layer of fog. “You think Amanda and Mary are here yet,” Cheryl asked.

“I don’t know,” Robin said. “Amanda said they were going to meet us here but she didn’t say when.”

“Do you think we should try and find them?”

Robin turned to face her friend. “You know what I think? I think they’ll find us soon enough, but right now, I think there’s plenty of cute guys around here, and I think you’re the fucking, cutest harem girl I ever did see.”

Cheryl could feel herself holding her breath as her friend slid a hand around her bare, little midriff and this time, gave her an even better kiss than she’d given her before.

Cheryl let her breath go as her friend finally let loose with her lips and as Cheryl looked at her friend, it seemed almost as if her friend’s hair seemed to be even blonder than it had been before.

“What,” Robin asked.


Robin smiled. “I’m going to go see what’s out back.”

Cheryl smiled back. “Have fun.”

“You’re not coming?”

“What? You want me tagging along?”

“Actually, now that you mention it, with tits like yours, I’m not sure I could handle the competition.”

Cheryl laughed. “Come on. They’re not that big.”

Robin shook her head. “I don’t know,” she said. “They’re pretty big.”

Cheryl just laughed but all the same, she was wondering if there was something to what her friend had said. Probably not, she decided. Probably she just wanted to go on the prowl without anyone looking over her shoulder and as far as Cheryl was concerned, that was just fine with her. After all, it gave her some time to look around, too.

But almost immediately, there was a guy who wanted to hit on her and after she finally shooed him away, almost as quickly, another one took his place.

A guy came up behind her as she stood at the punch bowl and he looped his arms around her bare, little waist. Cheryl could feel the man as he pressed up against her full, round bottom. Wait a minute, she told herself. That wasn’t right. She didn’t have ...

“Hello, gorgeous,” the man said.

Cheryl almost found herself moaning. There was just something so cool about having a guy pressed up behind her and about feeling his hand on her bare skin but she didn’t want to give in too easily.

On the other hand, she told herself, maybe she did. She could feel the guy’s cock and that cock did feel really good.

With the greatest of reluctance, Cheryl tried to pull herself free. “I have to go,” she mumbled.

The guy was still behind her and she could still feel his cock pressed up against her ass. “Wouldn’t it be better if you stayed.”

“I ... I, no, I mean, I came here with someone, I ... I’ve got to find my friend.”

“I’m sure she’ll be fine,” the guy said even as Cheryl pulled herself free.

Cheryl shook her head. “I got to go,” she said as she scrambled to get away. “I gotta go.”

Too late, Cheryl realized she’d left her drink behind. Oh well, not a problem. She knew she wasn’t going to go back for it.

What had come over her, Cheryl wondered. Sure, she’d wanted to meet some guys, but she hadn’t wanted to meet one like that, or at least, she hadn’t thought that was what she wanted, but it was just that when she felt him pressing his cock up against her, there was a part of her that wanted him to do what he was doing.

God damn. What a fucking slut, she was.

She wandered out into the backyard of the house. Someone had a stereo set up and music was playing. There were a few people dancing but most of the partygoers were just standing around. Without even meaning to, Cheryl’s eyes settled on a girl in a catsuit. It was dark black and it was form fitting and it showed her body off so well. The girl was swaying in time to the music but it wasn’t the movement of her body that had Cheryl’s attention. It was the sway of her butt and for a moment there, Cheryl wondered what it would be like to push the girl against the table, to peel that catsuit down, to uncover her breasts and then to take it lower, to roll back the cat suit just so she could reveal the real pussy buried underneath the catsuit.

Cheryl shook her head again. Oh my God, she thought to herself. Oh my God. What is wrong with me?

She moved back into the house. She wasn’t sure why but she knew she had to get away from the girl in the catsuit or she knew she was going to do something she really wasn’t supposed to do.

In the short time that Cheryl had been outside, a crowd had started to form. She nudged one of the onlookers. “What’s so interesting,” she asked.

The guy was dressed up like a vampire. He barely looked at her and he mumbled something she didn’t understand and then he looked back at whatever it was that had everyone’s attention.

That wasn’t going to do. That wasn’t going to do at all so Cheryl edged her way into the crowd and then she was moving through to the other side.

There was a woman there. Actually, there were two but it was the one on top that she noticed first. She was dressed in a sexy nurse’s uniform but Cheryl hardly saw that. After all, from the angle she had, she was looking right up the blond’s short, little skirt and all she could see were the nurse’s little, white tights and her little white thong and the legs of the other girl coming out from between the nurse’s legs.

“Cheryl,” she heard someone say. “Cheryl. Is that you?”

Cheryl liked looking up the nurse’s short, little skirt. She didn’t want to turn away but reluctantly, she turned her head.

“It is you,” said the busty golden blond standing next to her. “I knew it was you.”

For a moment, Cheryl didn’t recognize the woman but then she did. “Robin? Is that you? Robin, you’ve got tits!”

“I know. Isn’t it great. Now, I got tits just like you, but look at you?”

“What’s wrong with me?”

“Nothing’s wrong, but now you’re just as much of a blond as I am.”

Wait a minute, Cheryl thought. There was something wrong with that. There was ... there was something familiar though, something right about all this.

No wait. How could there be something right about this. Robin was a redhead, and her tits weren’t nearly as large as they now were.

But damn it, it just felt so right, so ... so familiar.

“You want to kiss me, don’t you?”

Yes ... no, wait, no that wasn’t it. It was ... it was something else ... it was ... it was ... she really did want to kiss her.

“I want to kiss you, too.”

Cheryl moaned. She could feel her friend moving in and then Robin was sliding a hand around her waist.

“I want to kiss you, too,” Robin said and that’s when she leaned in to give her friend a kiss.

Cheryl couldn’t help but moan. She wanted this. She wanted her friend to kiss her but it was more than that. She was getting so wet.

“Do you want to kiss me, too?”

“Yeah,” Cheryl moaned but it was more than that. When Robin leaned into kiss her, Cheryl kissed her back but Cheryl was doing more than that. Her fingers plucked at her friend’s pirate top. The top which just hours before had hung loose on her friend’s body now seemed nearly filled to overflowing with Robin’s tits.

Robin’s eyes twinkled as she looked at her friend. “What are you doing,” she asked and yet Cheryl was sure she knew exactly what she was doing.

Cheryl didn’t bother answering the question. She just pulled the top up and then she let her mouth drop down and then she was kissing her friend’s breasts.

Robin’s hand stroked her hair. “Yeah, you like that, don’t you?”

She was going to show her what she liked, Cheryl thought even as her hand stroked her friend’s short, little skirt. In moments, she was unzipping the girl’s skirt and she was cupping her hand around her friend’s full, round ass. Her hand gave that ass a nice, little slap.

“Oh, I see what you’re doing,” Robin said.

Cheryl stroked her hand over the other girl’s ass and then she hooked her fingers in Robin’s lacy, black panties. “Let’s see what’s under here,’ she cooed.

Down went the panties and Cheryl’s hand slid between her legs. “I want to lick you here.”

“You do,” Robin said with a smile.

“Mm hmm.”

“Well you know what I think?”


“I think that harem girl outfit looks damned cute on you, but I think you’d look even cuter if you weren’t wearing it at all.”

“You think so?”

Robin nodded and then she was taking Cheryl’s top off the girl. Her hands caressed Cheryl’s full, round tits before they went after her bottoms.

Ordinarily, Cheryl wouldn’t have let it get even this far but something had taken over her and now she couldn’t wait to get her sexy underthings off and start in on licking her friend’s pussy. She hardly noticed that her hips were wider or that her butt was just so fucking nice and round. What she noticed was how wet her pussy was. “What now,” she asked.

Robin let a finger stroke its way over her friend’s tits and Cheryl shuddered as her friend teased her big, fat nipples. Her nipples had never felt as sensitive as they now were feeling. “Now,” Robin said, “now I’m going to kiss you and you’re going to kiss me and then you’re going to eat my pussy.”

Something was wrong, Cheryl thought, but for the life of her, she couldn’t remember what it was and then Robin slipped her arms around her and she leaned in and kissed her.

Cheryl couldn’t help but like that. There was something different about the way Robin kissed her. Her lips just seemed so nice and full. It was something different. Something softer. Something better.

And then Robin seemed to pull back but Cheryl knew she was waiting for something.

Cheryl knew what it was. Her friend wanted her to kiss her and Cheryl was more than happy to oblige. What she didn’t understand though was why was this making her so fucking hot.

Her pussy was wet. Why was her pussy wet. She moaned again as she kissed her friend. Why was this making her pussy so fucking wet.

And then she was pushing her friend down on another of the couches. She bent over her friend and she kissed her again. “I like your tits.”


“You heard me. I like your tits.”

Robin didn’t say anything but she fondled her breasts. “You mean these,” she said.

Cheryl leaned in over her friend. Why was she doing this, she asked herself even as she kissed her friend yet again. God, it felt so good having her tits pressed up against her friend’s, but why was she doing this, and why did she want to do even more.

Cheryl barely noticed the other two girls on the other couch, the nurse and the other girl. They were a couple of busty blonds, she noted, just like her and Robin. Why did that sound so right to say a busty, blond just like her. Well maybe not like her and Robin. They looked like a couple of bimbo-ey sluts, but that wasn’t what Robin and her were.

She let her mouth kiss her way down over Robin’s body. First the lips, then the neck, the shoulders and then the tits. She lingered on the tits before moving on to her friend’s taut, little stomach and then lower still.

Robin’s legs opened and there was her pussy, all juicy wet and totally inviting. Cheryl couldn’t wait. She let her mouth slip between those thighs and she reveled in the moans she got from her friend.

She knew the crowd was watching and with her now completely naked, she knew they were getting an even better view of her than they’d gotten of the nurse. At least the nurse had managed to keep her clothes on, but still, all the same, there was just something so hot about being totally naked in front of all these people, of knowing that they could see her big, busty tits, and of knowing that if they were standing in just the right place, they’d have a perfect view of her wet, little pussy.

Robin was moaning like crazy and that just made Cheryl tongue her harder.

“Oh my God,” her friend moaned. “Oh my God. Eat me. Eat me. Oh yeah. Come on. Eat me.”

Cheryl could feel Robin’s pussy as it shuddered under her tongue and that was all it took to get her to tongue her friend even harder.

“Oh my God,” Robin moaned again. “Oh my God. Make me cum.”

Cheryl wasn’t fooled. She already knew she was making her friend cum and she knew she was doing a damn good job of it, too.

Cheryl felt another hand on her body and somehow, Cheryl knew she didn’t have to look to know who it was. It was the sexy nurse stroking a hand over her bottom. It was the sexy nurse leaning over her body and pressing her tits up against Cheryl’s backside and it was the sexy nurse whispering in Cheryl’s ear. “Do you want to feel something really good,” the nurse whispered. “Well, do ya?”

“Yeah,” Cheryl moaned.

“What’s that,” the sexy nurse asked.

“Yeah,” Cheryl said again. “Yeah. I want to feel something really good,” and Cheryl meant it. She couldn’t wait to have that sexy nurse stick her tongue between her legs.

Only it wasn’t the nurse that did her. It was the nurse’s friend, the one whose pussy the nurse had been licking. It was her that was sliding between Cheryl’s legs. She was dressed like a sexy cop, really short leather skirt, tight little blouse that seemed liable to pop open at any moment, and black fishnet stockings, but the really weird thing was that the cop was just as busty and as blond as Robin was. In fact, the two of them now had even the same facial features, so much so that Robin wouldn’t have been recognizable to Cheryl if it weren’t for the costume she wore. It was weird. The two of them looked so much alike that the two of them could almost be twins.

But if the busty cop noticed that, she didn’t say a thing. Instead, she just settled in between Cheryl’s legs and moments later, her tongue was on Cheryl’s cunt.

“Oh geez,” Cheryl moaned. “Oh geez.”

“You like this,” the sexy cop asked.

“Yeah,” Cheryl moaned.

“You know,” the busty, blond policewoman said, “I got a working set of handcuffs if you’re into that kind of thing.”

Cheryl moaned. There was something familiar about that. What was it? Why did that sound so familiar?

Wait a minute. “Mary, is that you?”

The sexy cop pulled back. “Cher?”

Suddenly, everything clicked. The day in the costume shop. The busty, blond model on the packaging. Somehow, someway, they were all turning into her. Cheryl wasn’t sure how it was happening but she had no doubt that she was just as blond and just as busty as all her friends.

This was wrong. They had to stop it, and that was what she thought right up to the moment when Mary once again stuck her tongue between Cheryl’s legs. For just a moment, Cheryl thought there had to be something wrong but then Mary’s tongue strummed against her clit.

So she and her friends were rapidly becoming busty and blond. So what if she and her friends were developing a strong urge for licking pussy. So what if she and her friends were becoming empty-headed little sluts.

She let Mary’s tongue slide down between her legs and she moaned again.

So what about any of that. She liked what Mary’s tongue was doing to her and she couldn’t wait to do the same to Mandy. So what if they were being turned into empty-headed, little sluts, and just what the heck was wrong with that.