The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Farmer’s Daughter

Tom Haskins pulled his Ford off the highway yet again. Maybe this one, he told himself. Maybe this one would be his chance.

Or then again, maybe not.

An old man came out of the barn. Not too old, Tom thought. Not too young. Most likely, this was the person he was looking for. The man wiped his hands on an old rag. “Can I help you, son?”

“Are you the proprietor here.”

“That I am,” the old man said. “The name’s Amos Brown, and who might you be?”

“My name’s Tom,” Tom said. “Tom Haskins.”

“Well now, Tom, what brings you hereabouts?”

Tom took a deep breath but tried not to show it. He saw the door to the house open and he saw a girl step out onto the porch. “I’ve got some seeds to sell,” Tom began.

“What’s he want, pa,” the girl asked.

“He wants to sell us some seeds,” the old man yelled back.

“Tell him we already got some,” the girl shouted back.

“Now, Missy Mae, you know that ain’t polite. The least we can do is listen to him.

The girl shook her head and went back into the house. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you,” she said before she went back into the house.”

“You’ll have to excuse my daughter,” the old man said. “Sometimes, she gets a bit rambunctious.”

Tom nodded. He’d seen it before.

So what do you think of my daughter?”

“Your daughter? She’s fine. Now, Mr. Brown—”

“Call me, Amos, son. Now, we got time enough to talk about your seeds a little later on. What I wanted to know was what you thought about my daughter.”

“She’s a nice girl, Mr. Brown—”

“But she’s not your type. Is that what you’re trying to tell me?”

Tom nodded.

“Too bad. The missus and me, we’re trying to sell her off, you know, but the boys, they come around her and they just aren’t interested.”

Well yeah, Tom thought. The girl wasn’t really bad looking, but she was kind of, well, chunky was the probably the best word. She was a big girl. That was it. “How old’s your daughter,” Tom asked.

“Missy Mae’s eighteen,” the old man said, “and it’s high time she finds herself a man, if you know what I mean. Ellie and me, we was already fixing to get ourselves hitched by the time she was seventeen. We couldn’t wait to get a start on with it, if you know what I mean.”

Tom nodded and then something occurred to him. “Wait a minute. If you don’t mind my asking, sir, how old are you?”

“I’m thirty-seven,” the man said.

Thirty-seven, Tom thought. Man, the years sure hadn’t been kind to him. He would have thought for sure that the man was a lot closer to twice that age.

The old man grinned. “I know what you’re thinking, son, but all the Mason women, they’re all very ... let’s just say, they’re very demanding. They want a lot and they got a way of making men give them what they want. Ellie was that way with me but let me tell you, it’s well worth the effort.”

“I thought you said your name was Brown.”

“It is, but Ellie’s a Mason woman. No doubt about it, and Missy Mae, her last name may be Brown, but she’s a Mason, too.”

Tom shook his head and he couldn’t help but wonder how they’d got to talking about this. “That’s all well and good,” the salesman said, “but back to the issue. About the seeds—”

“Son, I already buy my seeds from Hank Wilson in town, but if you come back here tomorrow, I’ll let you show me what you have to offer.”

It wasn’t good, Tom thought, but so far, it was the best offer he’d gotten so far. “I’ll be back,” he told the man.

“I’m sure you will,” the old man said.

* * *

The next day, Tom Haskins put on his coat and trudged out to his Ford. He’d had no takers so far but Tom was an optimist. Today, he told himself. Today, he’d make his first sale. He’d better, he told himself. His superiors were getting kind of antsy. Of course, that’s why they’d sent him here, because no one else had been able to break into this territory, so they’d sent him, and like a fool, he had gone.

He’d head back out to the Brown farm. At least, that place hadn’t been a complete failure.

Tom could see there was someone sitting on the front porch of the farm house. As he approached, the person stood up and looked his way and at that time, that was when Tom realized the person was a girl.

“Dad,” she called out. “Dad, you got a visitor.”

If that was supposed to get a response, then whatever that response was was unclear to Tom.

“Dad,” the girl called out again. “Dad, you got a visitor.”

Tom Haskins pulled his truck to a stop just as Amos Brown came out of the barn.

“Dad,” the girl called out, “you have a visitor.”

Amos Brown smiled. “Mr. Haskins,” the farmer said. “Back again so soon?”

“You said I could come by,” the salesman said.

“Indeed I did,” said the old man. “I just wasn’t sure if you’d do it, but then again, maybe you came by to see my daughter.”

“Your daughter?”

The farmer nodded at the girl on the porch. “Missy Mae’s quite a looker, ain’t she?”

Tom Haskins looked at the girl on the porch. There was something different from the girl he’d seen just the day before.

“There’s something about them Mason girls, ain’t there,” the old man said.

“Yeah, no wait. I mean ... I ... I came here to sell seeds.”

“Sure you did, son. Sure you did.”

Tom couldn’t help but stare at the girl on the porch. She must have been twenty pounds lighter than the girl he’d seen just the day before, and then he shook his head. That couldn’t be right, he thought. He must have made a mistake.

It wasn’t like she was beautiful, but still ...

“So what’d you come her for again?”

Tom stared at the girl on the porch. “I, um, I came to sell you some seeds.”

The old farmer shook his head. “I told you yesterday, Mr. Haskins, I buy my seeds from Hank Wilson.”

“Yeah, but—”

“Are you sure you sure you didn’t come here for some other reason?”

“Some other reason?”

“Like maybe to see my daughter, maybe?”

“No, I wouldn’t do that.”

“Don’t worry, son. I understand. All the Mason women are really quite attractive.”

“I ... I—”

“Why don’t you come back tomorrow and we can talk more.”

“Come back tomorrow,” Tom said in a somewhat dazed tone.

The farmer smiled. “That’s right. Come back tomorrow.”

* * *

How had that happened, Tom Haskins wondered. He’d gone out to the Amos Brown farm to talk with the farmer about purchasing some seeds and somehow, the two of them had started talking about the old man’s daughter. Even now, standing in front of a mirror in his hotel room, he couldn’t remember exactly what it was they had said but what he did remember was that they had agreed that Tom would return.

Tom wasn’t dumb enough to hinge everything on just one customer so he continued to make his rounds, but every visit he made seemed to make it more and more pointless. He ate a lunch at a place called Lou’s Diner and despite how meager the meal was, with the morning’s results behind him, he wasn’t sure if he deserved even that.

No point putting it off any longer, Tom thought. Might as well go out and visit Amos Brown and see what he could do there.

Even as he approached, Tom could see that the girl, Missy Mae, was there on the porch. It was too far away for him really to tell for sure, but Tom couldn’t shake the feeling that the girl was watching him, maybe even waiting for him to show.

Tom pulled his truck to a stop and got out. The girl stood up and leaned out over the porch railing. “You here to see my pa,” she asked.

Tom had seen it before but never like this. Farmer’s daughter meets traveling salesman. Farmer’s daughter wants ticket off the farm. Farmer’s daughter seduces traveling salesman.

Like that was ever going to work. Oh sure, it did with some guys, but usually it was the ones just out to get a little tail, and the girls almost never got out of Hicksville that way but this was something different.

“Did you come here to see my pa,” the girl asked again.

Tom felt his mouth suddenly go dry. “Yeah,” he croaked again. “Yeah, I, um, yeah, I came to see your dad.” That was what he said, but he couldn’t help but look at the girl. Suddenly, seeing her pa seemed a whole lot less interesting than watching her.

“Oh,” the girl said. Did she really sound disappointed, Tom wondered, or was it just his imagination.

“Is your dad here?”

“He went into town, but you can come up here and wait with me if you want.”

“I .. I think I better not.”

“Why? Are you afraid I might come and molest you if you spent just a little time with me up on this porch,” she asked with a laugh.

No, Tom thought, only now that she’d said it, why was it that he couldn’t seem to get that thought out of his mind, the thought of him stepping up onto the porch, the thought of him sitting beside her, the thought of the girl sliding her hand between his legs, the thought of her hand taking his cock out, the thought of her climbing into his lap, the thought of her ...

Wait a minute. “How old are you?”

“Oh now. Isn’t that cute? You’re worried if I’m underage, aren’t you, and that must be cause you’re thinking about what it would be like to get with me? Is that it? Am I making you hard?”

Why was this getting to him like this, Tom wondered. Why was this making him feel this way?

“Am I making you hard,” the girl asked again.

“Are you eighteen?”

The girl laughed. “Got you wondering, don’t I?”

“Are you,” Tom asked yet again and even as he asked, he wondered why he was doing it.

The girl laughed again. “You don’t have to wonder. I’m eighteen.”

Tom shook his head. This was crazy. He shouldn’t want this. He couldn’t want this.

“I’ll bet I know what you’re thinking, Salesman. I’ll bet you’re thinking you shouldn’t want this but you and I both know you do. All you have to do is do what you want to do.”

He couldn’t be doing this, Tom told himself. He just couldn’t.

“Better hurry, Salesman. Better hurry before the chance is gone.”

Tom took a step. This was crazy, he told himself. This was crazy.

“Oh look,” the girl said coquettishly. “It’s too late, Mr. Salesman. My father is returning.”

Sure enough, there was a truck coming down the roadway and Tom groaned because as much as he didn’t want to admit it even to himself, he had wanted to sit with the girl and he was sporting one hell of an erection.

The truck rolled to a stop and the old farmer climbed out of the cab. He looked at his daughter and then at the salesman standing in front of him. “Mr. Haskins,” he asked. “What are you doing here?”

“I thought I would come by and see if you had any questions about our product.”

Again, the farmer looked at his daughter. “You did, huh? You’re sure that’s the only reason that you’re coming around here?”

“Yes, sir.” Well, at least that had been partly true. It had been the only reason he’d had when he started his journey.

“You sure you’re not here to see my daughter?”


“You stay out of this Missy Mae.”

“No, sir,” the salesman said. “I only came here to sell you some seeds.”

“Uh huh,” the farmer said in a tone that did little to hide his disbelief. “Son, I ain’t got time to talk with you today, but if you come back tomorrow, maybe we’ll have a talk about these seeds that you’re so proud of.”

Tom Haskins looked from the man to the girl and then back again and the man nodded. “Tomorrow then,” he said and he climbed into his Ford and drove away.

* * *

That night, the man was talking with his daughter. “Are you sure,” he asked.

The girl nodded.

“You might not be better if you waited a little later?”

The girl shook her head.

“I don’t like him. What if he leaves? Worse yet, what if he takes you with him?”

“Daddy! I’m eighteen. I can make my own decisions, you know.”

“I still don’t trust him.”

“But daddy, that’s not really your decision to make, is it?”

The farmer grunted at that but his daughter was right. It really wasn’t his decision to make.

* * *

Tom Haskins was back again the next day and once again, Missy Mae was waiting for him.

The girl wasn’t wearing much. Just a pair of boots and a pair of short shorts and a top that did more to reveal than to conceal. Her midriff was bare and her firm, young tits seemed on the verge of escaping her top at any moment. Her red hair was worn in pigtails now, seemingly making her seem even younger than Tom knew her to be and her little mouth seemed to be on the verge of laughing at almost any moment, as if the girl was in on some joke that only she knew.

“Is your father here,” Tom asked.

The girl smiled at that. “Pa’s done run off just moments before you came. Do you think maybe you scared him off?”

“Me? What’d I do,” the salesman asked.

The girl just laughed at that. “I was kidding you but I wasn’t kidding about what pa did. He did take off just a few minutes before you arrived.”

“Is he going to be back soon?”

The girl laughed again. “How should I know. He didn’t tell me where he was going, but come on, Mr. Salesman. Come on up and sit beside me and I’ll keep you company while you wait for him.”

“I don’t think I should.”

“Why not? Is the big salesman afraid of little, old me?”

That, Tom had to admit, that was definitely part of it. He couldn’t explain it but he felt himself being drawn to the girl.

“Come on,” the girl said again. “Come on. Sit by me.”

“I ... I don’t think I should.”

“Why,” the girl taunted.

“I ... I just shouldn’t.”

“Come on. Sit by me. I won’t bite,” the girl said and then she giggled, “unless of course, that’s what you want me to do.”

The man shook his head.

“Come on. Sit by me.”

Again, the man shook his head.

“Sit by me.”


“If you sit by me, I’ll put in a good word for you with my father.”

“And if I don’t?”

“I’ll tell him you’ve been undressing me with your eyes, although as we both know, that’s probably a whole lot more closer to the truth.”

This was wrong, Tom told himself. This was wrong, and yet ...

And yet, he took a step forward and then another, and another.

“That’s it,” the girl purred. “Come up here and sit next to me.”

This was wrong, Tom told himself and yet he couldn’t help himself. He kept moving closer and closer.

“Come on.”

Tom couldn’t stop himself. He kept moving closer and closer.

“Come on,” the girl purred. “Sit right here. Sit beside me.”

The boards of the porch creaked as Tom got even closer. He was almost there.

“Come on,” the girl purred yet again. “Come on and sit beside me.”

Tom let himself drop onto the swing. This was wrong, he told himself. This was so wrong.

“There now, that wasn’t so hard was it,” the girl purred.

The salesman’s mouth moved but he couldn’t seem to get any words to come out.

The girl snuggled closer and then Tom felt her hand slide between his legs. “I know what you want,” the girl purred even as her hand stroked his cock. “You want to fuck me, don’t you?”

Tom moaned again but he couldn’t help himself. He did want to fuck her.

The girl’s hand was playing over the front of his jeans and Tom could feel the girl sliding her hand inside. “I know what you want,” the girl purred. “You want to show me your cock. You want me to touch it. You want me to feel it.”

Tom groaned. It might be wrong but he did want it. He wanted Missy Mae to touch his cock and then the man groaned as the girl wrapped her hand around his cock and gave it a squeeze. “Oh ... fuck,” he moaned.

“Do you want me to take it out,” the girl asked.

“Oh yeah,” the man groaned. He knew it was wrong but he just didn’t care. “Take it out.”

The girl tugged on it. “Oh geez. It’s so big,” she purred. “Oh geez, it’s so big. It’s going to feel so good when you stick it inside me.”

“What,” the man groaned. No, wait. He couldn’t do that. He couldn’t ... oh but fuck, it would feel so good when he put it inside her.

The girl squeezed the man’s cock yet again. “You want to put it inside me, don’t you?”

Tom groaned. He shouldn’t want it but he did. “Yes,” he moaned.

The girl squeezed his cock yet again. “Yes, what,” she purred.

“Yes, I want to fuck you.”

“I am so glad to hear that,” the girl purred, “but it looks like we’re too late.”


The girl nodded to a glint on the horizon. “Looks like pa’s coming,” the girl said.

“Pa,” the man asked hazily.

“My dad,” the girl said with a laugh. “That’s his truck coming up the road.”

The man groaned and the girl laughed again.

“Next time,” she said, “we’re going to have to stop wasting time and get right to it.”

Next time, Tom thought. That wasn’t right. There shouldn’t be a next time. Heck, there shouldn’t even have been a first time, but for the life of him, Tom couldn’t remember why.

* * *

“Oh yeah, that’s it, Mr. Haskins, that’s it. Push it in. Take me deeper.”

The salesman groaned but he couldn’t help himself. He pushed himself even deeper inside the farmer’s daughter.

They were in Missy Mae’s bedroom and more to the point, they were on top of Missy Mae’s bed. Tom pushed again and once again, the farmer’s daughter moaned.

It was all he’d been able to think about for the past 24 hours, being here or anywhere with her, pushing his cock inside her tight, little pussy and hearing her moan as he did it. It was such a distraction. He couldn’t think about anything else. It was just her and his dick and as much as he’d been thinking about it in the past 24 hours, his fantasies were nothing compared to the reality of his cock sliding between her legs.

“Oh fuck,” the girl moaned yet again. “Oh fuck, that’s it. Take me deeper, Mr. Haskins. Take me deeper.”

The man groaned again.

“Do you think I’m pretty, Mr. Haskins.”

The man groaned. What kind of question was that. Tight, little stomach, and firm, young tits. One might even call them perky, the man thought. Perky tits, just like her mouth. Was she pretty? Hell yeah, she was pretty, and he told her so.

“You really like me, don’t you, Mr. Haskins.”

“Yeah,” the man groaned. He had a feeling he was losing control, but all he really wanted to do was fuck her.

“Take me deeper, Mr. Haskins,” the girl moaned. “I want you to take me deeper.”

The man groaned even as he pushed his cock even deeper between the girl’s legs. If that’s what she wanted, he told himself, then that was what she was going to get.

“Oh geez, Mr. Haskins. Oh geez. You’re fucking me so hard and so good.”

So hard, the man thought. So good. It didn’t get any better than that.

“I want you to cum,” the girl moaned. “I want to feel it. I want to feel what it feels like when you cum inside me.

The man groaned. It was what he wanted, too, even if he hadn’t realized it until that very moment. He wanted to cum. He wanted to fill the girl up.

“Cum for me,” the girl wailed plaintively. “Cum for me. Fill me up. Make me a woman, Mr. Haskins. Make me your woman. Fill me up with your cum.”

The man groaned. He was so very close to doing exactly that, only ... only he knew it was wrong. He knew he shouldn’t be wanting to do this.

But it was only a momentary hesitation and then Tom could feel his cock surge and somehow, it felt great, almost as if it were something he’d always been meant to do.

* * *

Tom woke up perched behind Missy Mae but the girl was no longer the frisky, little nymph that he’d taken to bed with him. Her body was bigger ... and rounder. Her ass was fuller, and so were her tits, and while she might not have been the tiny, little nymph that she had been before, Tom could feel his cock getting hard again.

Tom was careful. He didn’t want to wake her and yet in his heart of hearts, he knew he did. He wanted to fuck her. He wanted it bad. His cock was so hard. He wanted to slip his cock between her thighs. He wanted to push it home.

Even as he laid there, the girl shifted on the bed, almost as if she wanted to coax him to slide his cock between her thighs but Tom held still. It was hard. He wanted to fuck her so bad.

“Mmm,” the girl mumbled. “What are you waiting for, an engraved invitation?”

“I thought you were asleep.”

“I thought you didn’t need me to tell you what to do.”

“I don’t,” Tom said, and with that, he let his hand slide down to work its way between her legs.

“Mmm,” the girl purred. “Mmm yeah, that’s better, but what are you going to do next?”

“This,” Tom told her and in a matter of moments, he was pulling her leg up and exposing her pussy. “This,” Tom said again, and this time, he pushed his cock between her legs.

“Mmm yeah,” the girl moaned. “Mmm, that definitely is a bit more like it, but what else can you do?”

“This,” the man said and with that, he pulled the girl over onto her back and he was sliding between her plump thighs. It took only a moment before his cock was there, pressing up against her cunt and then without a moment of hesitation, he was jamming his cock home.

“Oh fuck,” the girl moaned.

He couldn’t have said it better, Tom thought.

“Oh fuck,” the girl moaned again. “Oh fuck.”

Tom groaned because he knew what was coming.

The girl seemed to sense it, too. “Are you going to cum,” she asked. “Are you going to cum inside me?”

“Yeah,” the man groaned.

“Oh yeah,” the girl purred. “I want you to do it. I want you to cum inside me.”

Tom groaned because that was all it took. Just her permission. Just her saying she wanted it, too. That was all it took and suddenly, his cock was cumming. Suddenly, his cock was cumming hard and even as it did, Tom could feel something else. Tom could feel the girl’s pussy as it clenched down on her pussy.

“Oh, Tom,” the girl moaned. “Oh, Tom.”

Tom couldn’t help but feel there was something different. This wasn’t his first time with a young woman, but this, this was different. His cock seemed to be getting hard again and the girl seemed to know it.

“Oh, Tom,” the girl purred. “Oh, Tom. How wonderful of you. You’re getting hard for me all over again.”

Tom groaned. It was closer to the truth to say that his cock had never had a chance to not become hard, and yes, he was ready to fuck her all over again.

“That’s what I liked about you,” the girl cooed. “That’s why I picked you.”

It took a second for that to register. “Picked me,” Tom asked.

“Uh huh,” the girl moaned even as the man’s cock entered her. “Oh yeah, Tom. That’s it. Oh yeah, you really do want to fuck me, don’t you?”

“Yeah,” Tom groaned.

“I knew it,” the girl said. “That’s why I picked you. Your cock and my pussy, they go together so well. Oh yeah, we’re going to have a wonderful life together.”

Tom almost didn’t catch that last part but when he did, he meant to say something only ...

Only the girl’s pussy was squeezing his cock and it was so hard to think about anything else when her pussy was doing that.

“We’re going to have a wonderful life together,” the girl said and Tom groaned as his cock surged. There was no doubt about it, he thought. They were definitely going to have a wonderful life together.