The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

First story I am writing to be the chronicles of my character the curse master. This is the game of life idea of his. This chapter is completely an information dump. If you don’t care skip to the end where the rule book is. Generic Disclaimers and stuff

The Game of Life

Chapter 1

Hi, I am god, while technically not wrong that may be a bit misleading. God like, would probably be more accurate and easier to understand. See I am not the “God” of the bible, but then again that god doesn’t actually exist. There is a being quite similar to that writing though, but it has never visited Earth. It is notable to say, I am not a nice person, reason I am on Earth is well, sort of like prison you could say or at the very least not unlike one. But I am trying to amend my ways, but it is a slow process, and this story is one of my slip ups. Granted in the grand scheme of things they slip ups are minor, the horrors I could tell you. Well, lets not discuss such things.

So been on earth for about thirty thousands years now, give or take, time keeping was never my specialty. I have grown to like the modern society, the range or diversity reminds me of home, makes it harder to be bad, though sometimes it actually makes it easier. On this particular day it was indeed going to be too easy. I was walking down a street, when a woman bumped into me, likely due to her attention magnet she refers to as a cell phone. And her coffee spills all over her, poetic to me since she wasn’t paying attention.

“Gah, damn it, watch where you going!” The woman said

“You bumped into me, you should pay attention.” I retorted.

“Ugh I don’t have time for this crap” She said as she pushed me and walked away.

This was not an intelligent move, granted I am not this evil, I don’t plan to punish her for such a simple thing, she obviously had no idea to whom she has bumped into. And after all, I was trying to become reformed. But she had turned a boring day into something else. I figured I would follow her, I don’t know perhaps she would kick a puppy and make it far to easy for me to resist.

Thirty minutes later she arrived at an office building, oh and by the way, yes, she did kick a puppy. Which so irratated me, not because I care about puppies because damn, its called an expression, I don’t plan to punish her for that, but I almost feel like I have to out of principle. Though I don’t think this woman is gonna make it very hard to find a reasonable reason to punish her.

“Goodmorning.... Carol, how was....” Said Rachel, who seemed to be the assistant.

“God, just stop with this stupid front. I don’t care to share things with you. I pay you to do things, so do them.” Said Carol.

“I already finished all the tasks on your agenda mam, but.... are you.....” Rachel once more interrupted

“Do I pay you to ask questions? No! I pay you to anwser them. I worked for a full three years on this contract. I am certainly not going to stop now cuz you feel bad about it. Life is a game, and I am playing to win.” Carol said

Even if I am god-like doesn’t mean I am perfect, the conversation ended there, not enough information yet. And while true psyonics are not beyond me, I much prefer a more covert approach to information gathering. So I decided to come in the building and find some more information out.

“Rachel, is that you? I didn’t know you worked here. How has it been? Like three years right” I said to Rachel while pushing in the ideas. Poor girl never stood a chance

Rachel had a puzzled look on her face but said “Oh hi, …. had it been that long?”

Since I didn’t fill in more details her brain was struggling to place me, even though it knew it had too. I love the reactions that can happen from this. “So Rachel, I heard you and the boss talking, seems like she is gonna do something bad, care to explain?” I said

“Oh I am not supposed to talk about it. Hey wait, how did you know that?” She said with a ever more puzzling face.

“Don’t be concerned Rachel, and please tell me, I know ya want too.” I said once again pushing the ideas.

“Yeah, your right. As usual” She said

Interesting, I didn’t implant the “As usual” but with things like this, her brain fills in the gaps, so me ordering her probably made her thing I am usually correcting her, even though that wasn’t my goal. As I said, always interesting.

“Carol is about to finish buying a company. Later today she will finish the paper work. But she plans to butcher the company. Even though the previous owner has requested her not too. It is part of there terms, but she has a way to wiggle out of it. She gonna put thousands of people out of work to because rich enough to never have to work again.” Rachel said.

Now that qualified. I went to Carols office. Busted down her door and made my powers known, this time by levatation. “Carol! You have failed this planet. You will have invoked my wrath! For I am the curse master!” I said trying to sound cool, I do like a bit of theater. Is curse master a good villain name? Sometimes I think yes, others time no. Well either way.

“Wait your the guy that spilled coffee on me. What I have ever done to you. What are you?” Carol said in fear at the floating person in the room.

Well technically I am not a person, but cant much fault her at this moment in time. I love reactions, her face is priceless as she things to herself when someone must have drugged her or at least thats what her face looks like it wants to say. Sometimes I am more discrete but for my current game I want her to know the stakes right away.

“If you do not already know, then I feel as if I should only punish you further. But I am a nice guy. I will offer you a choice. Play a game, if you win, you get to a pass on your sins. If not feel there weight drag you to hell. You game?” I asked.

As scared as Carol was, she was a cut throut bussiness woman first. And she always won games. “What if I refuse? What kind of game?” Carol said as she began to shake off her fears.

“If you refuse, that is a auto lose and I drag you to hell right now. As for the game, it will be a board game, to be played against a co-worker of yours to whom I shall chose. And I have already picked. Rachel.”

As much as I trying to think up a sound reformed thinking reason. Forcing Rachel into the game probably wasn’t nice. I would like to think I had good intentions at the time, but lying to myself probably isn’t a useful thing.

“I accept under a condition. I gain something more from winning then just a pass!” Carol said as her confidence returned.

I landed and signed, breaking my serious demonic tone “Seriously, the whole stormed into your office flying thing didn’t set you on edge longer? You really think your in a position to make demands? But I don’t want to delay my game any further. I accept your terms and if you win I will grant you a wish that is within my power, but this wish is not to named until the game ends. Understand?”

“Yes” Carol said

“Wait why am I gonna be in this.... I don’t want to be in this” Rachel said starting to sob. This is why I am not a nice guy, reflecting back her sobs were probably a good clue I was fucking up.

“At your homes tonight, you will each find a board game. Life, curse masters deluxe edition. You can play each other from it. Rules are simple. Roll the dice, read the cards it reveals. You can only roll once a day but you have to each roll once a day, otherwise a penalty. Who is ever in the lead of this rat race by the end of 7 days wins.” I said and decided to be mildly flashy as I disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Figured it is a good way to sell the this is serious bit.

The girls were not exactly sure how to react. Carol was still debating whether this was real or if someone had drugged her. Rachel was usually nervous but understandable even more so at this moment. Carol decided to ignore the concept of the game until she home and noticed a board game on her bed.

Rachel had arrived home at a similar time and saw the board game as well, but not just the game me as well. “Rachel don’t panic. I want you to win, and while I will not directly ensure that, I plan to give you an edge.” I handed her a rule book and vanished.

Rachel tried to panic but couldn’t much muster it. She opened the rule book and noticed there wasn’t much to it.

Life, Curse Master Deluxe Edition

Chapter 1 End