The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Gamer Girl Folly

Chapter 1

All characters are fictional. Any comments, feedback, concerns can be given to me at . Thank you!

Ninety-two percent. Just a few more minutes and her download would be complete. Ann straightened up in her chair, eyeing the slowly-moving bar in anticipation. Black Spirits 4; she’d been looking forward to its release for well over a year. The latest in a series of notoriously difficult but exceedingly rewarding games, it was one of her favorites. With a grin, the South-East Asian beauty tucked her long raven hair behind her ears and prepared herself. She knew the road ahead was going to be filled with moments of frustration, but the games were so well produced and so much fun to play that it made it all worth it.

Later that Friday evening, her brand new character was lying dead on the ground. With a huff, she slouched her shoulders in frustration. The developers were simply being unfair now, she thought to herself. Three hours of work and she’d made little headway through the first area of the game. This iteration was much more difficult than the others, and she felt as though she were throwing herself at a brick wall and getting nothing out of the process.

Rapping the tips of her fingers on her desk and resting her chin on her other hand, she mused. She didn’t want to admit defeat. It was a point of pride to complete these games alone, without guides or other players to help her through. She bit her lip, hesitated one moment longer, then finally opened her browser. Directing herself to the game’s forums, she browsed through multitudes of threads, full of players lamenting their trials. She found one topic that was serving as a hub for players to organize themselves; a way for them to find others players who were needing help and decided to reply.

Within minutes, she began receiving messages. The launch of the game had been one of the biggest in years and the number of people playing was enormous. She found one message that included an invitation to the user’s “Chaos” room, an instant messaging application that allowed users not just to send text-based messages to each other, but to also use voice chat and webcams as well. Ann smiled, it would be good to meet some new people and get a little social. She’d taken off work for an entire week and cleared her schedule of any potential social activity, so she could use some company.

The chat room had a few dozen users and seemed to be quite active. Even now, messages were quickly flying back and forth. Ann frowned a bit as she sAnnmed through the history logs of the main chat. Sprinkled among the idle chatter of video games, edgy memes and pictures of cats were racially charged jokes and misogynistic language. Ann sighed. She supposed could deal with of that, but it was the plethora of hentai, revenge porn, and other assorted fetish content that had her heading for the logout button.

Ann paused as she was about to leave, noticing the flood of welcoming messages addressed to her. The messages were so warm and friendly, and parts of the chat did get a small laugh out of her...

Her cursor moved away from the logout button. She supposed there was no harm in giving them a chance. Three of the users were in voice chat already, and they were already encouraging her to join them. Thinking back to her many recent deaths in the game, Ann shrugged and jumped in under her alias, Seiren.

“Hey!” “Hello!” “Welcome, Seiren!” they all chimed in to greet her.

Ann smiled and cleared her throat before replying in a quiet, shy voice, “Hey everyone, thanks for having me.”

There was a long moment of silence, finally broken by muffled laughter. “Holy shit, a girl?” “Wow, never thought we’d get some pussy in here for once.” “Makes sense why she’d need help though, girls suck at these games.”

Ann froze and inwardly shrank down. She’d been harassed in online games before, but it felt more personal here in a third party chat. She stammered for a moment, not sure what to say, and unable to hit her Push-To-Talk button. She looked toward the small logout button once more, but for some reason she simply sat there as they continued on to speculating on her breast size. Ann’s world began to close and the chatter seemed to fade away before abruptly snapping back to reality.

“Are you getting on or not? Don’t worry, hon, we’ll carry your ass.”

Ann shook her head and spoke up. “Y-yeah guys, coming. Just a second.”

The next few hours were harrowing, but productive. Ann had always considered herself to be a good player. She had beaten the previous three games with minimal help and it had been no simple feat. But despite the help of her new “friends”, she couldn’t help but fumble her controls and screw up on a consistent basis. At first, they hadn’t openly berated her play, only snickered and made passive aggressive comments. But when she perished, it reset the area for everyone and erased the progress of all four players. Eventually their frustration with her finally boiled over into open mockery, and in her desperation to impress them and prove them wrong, she only grew more and more shaky. The whole situation was compounded when she discovered that the group was made up of older teens just entering college. Ann herself was in her late twenties at this point, but she could feel herself being bossed around by the much younger men.

Death after death, their progress in helping her was painfully slow. When they were actually helping her, that was. More than once she had been certain that they were causing her to die on purpose. Blocking her character as she was attempting to jump between platforms, causing her to fall. Stepping aside to let her take a hit that she thought was being blocked for her. “Accidentally” hitting her with friendly fire in the most heated moments. They were trolling her. Eventually, she grit her teeth and spoke up.

“Did you seriously just push me off that edge on purpose? Seriously, grow up and troll someone else. This is seriously immature, and I’m out of here.”

Ann froze as soon as the words left her mouth. She was surprised at the anger in her own voice. She hadn’t intended to yell, but it had been a long and painful day. At first, the boys didn’t respond, and for a moment she thought that perhaps she’d actually put them in their place. She was wrong. The laughter roared up louder than ever. The user named Jericho254 was the first to speak.

“Jesus, Seiren, who needs to grow up now? Don’t blame us because you suck. We’re the only reason you’ve made it past the last two bosses. You’re the one slowing us down, not the other way around.”

There was more snickering. Ann’s cheeks burned red and she gripped her controller so tight she could hear the plastic creaking. Just as she began her rebuttal, Jericho cut her off again.

“If you want to get through the game, I suggest you shut up and stay in the back. Maybe you should start over and roll a healer for us? Just support.”

Ann fumed. She had always played a primary role in any game she played. She wasn’t just a tertiary helper, especially not for a group of immature teenagers whom she had a decade of gaming experience on. He did, however, have a point. She did need help, and she really had only gotten this far because of them. Setting her jaw, she resolved to move on and continue to play. She would not be changing her character to a healer.

Twenty minutes later, she was continuing her downward spiral. Every time she respawned, she became more frustrated and more desperate to prove herself; but the harder she pushed, the worse she played. Hour after hour, she grew exponentially worse. She was tilting, hard.

By midnight, Ann was on the verge of tears. Her companions, however, were growing bored. The game had come easily to them, and having to replay the levels on which Ann perished was testing their patience. They had instead taken to discussing sex and pornography rather than help her. They’d let her charge into fights alone where she’d be slaughtered, then laugh and joke among themselves, their comments becoming increasingly snide and derogatory toward her.

On the verge of a breakdown, Ann heard a small dinging sound and glanced to the chat on her second monitor. It was a private message from another user, Klugat34.

“Hey, sorry about these guys,” it read. “The rest of the chat isn’t really like this. They’re being fucking assholes to you.” Ann blinked and glanced at the voice chat’s lobby. She hadn’t noticed that Klugat34 was there in the room with them, and she wondered how long he’d been listening to her being berated by the rude teens. Wiping the tears from her eyes, she sat up straight and typed out a reply.

Seiren: “It’s fine, I’m fine. I just want to beat this game so badly.. I swear I’m normally not this bad.”

Klugat34: “:) no doubt! it’s cool that you’re so dedicated, in any case. How long have you been playing today?”

Ann glanced at the clock and her eyes nearly bugged out of her head. She replied a bit more sheepishly this time, “Nearly 14 hours...”

Klugat34: “wow, well you’re def going too hard. Over-stimulated and locked into a death spiral. You aren’t going anywhere unless you take a break. If you want, I can give you some tips on overcoming it :)”

Ann was trying hard to ignore the voices in her headphones that were now speculating on her breast size, and Klugat’s kindness and maturity seemed very appealing in comparison.

“Sure, I’m open to hearing them! :)”

“Awesome. It’s all about refocusing your mind. When you start losing, you get flustered, and your play-style gets stiff. you get something akin to target fixation and you make stupid mistakes. You need to be able to loosen up and allow parts of your mind to take over the automatic stuff, and play more by feeling alone so that you can react more quickly and smoothly. If you overthink it, you bog yourself down. Make sense?”

“Sure, I suppose. But that’s easier said than done.”

“No worries, I wasn’t finished yet. I know how to get you back to that point. Relaxing is something you can’t do on command. In fact, the harder you try, the more difficult it is to do. Kind of like someone telling you not to think of a pink elephant in the room. You need to just let go of things. It sounds weird, and I know you’ll be skeptical, but it starts with a series of breathing exercises, and moves into something kind of like meditation. You’ll just have to trust me.”

Ann muted the voice chat and bit her lip, “Alright, well, fill me in.”

“Well, I could just guide you through it right now. If you’re comfortable and ready, that is.”

Ann shrugged and adjusted herself in her seat, making sure she was comfortable in the enormous gaming chair. “Okay, well, ready when you are.”

“We start with your breathing. You need to inhale slowly, counting to four as you do so. When you reach four, hold it for two seconds, then exhale slowly for another four. Try it out now, and don’t stop until I say so, okay?”


Ann did her best to follow his instructions. The task was made much easier by the sound of her antique clock ticking rhythmically on the wall. She had been jittery and frazzled, her nerves frayed by all the excitement and frustration of the day, but it didn’t take long to feel her heart slow down. She could feel her shoulders droop during the long exhale and she noted how much tension she had been carrying.

“Great,” typed Klugat. “Just keep breathing. Nice and slow. In, and out. In, and out. In, and out. Now, go ahead and sit back in your chair and get as comfortable as possible. I won’t need you to respond for a while, so just relax and watch the screen. Don’t stop counting your breaths. We’re going to move into the next phase of relaxation with your feet planted flat on the floor. I want you to imagine your body and all of its energy anchored there, tethered to the earth through your feet. We’re going to let all of your energy start draining down through them, and out. Just imagine that as you breathe nice and slowly, your body tethered and allowing all of that excess drain out, Your heart will slow down, you’ll get less shaky. You’ll feel that now, Seiren. Your hands will go limp first, as they’re furthest away.”

Ann did feel it. She could see in her mind’s eye, the flow of bright energy moving down through her feet and into the floor, leaving behind gray and useless limbs. Her whole body was going limp as she sank back deeply into her heavily padded chair. Somewhere in the back of her mind she was grateful for spending the money to buy such a comfortable seat. She’d fallen asleep in it more than once in the past, and now she felt that she was in danger of doing so again. She felt obligated to continue reading Klugat’s messages though, as long as he was putting in all this effort to give her some actual help, so she forced herself to keep her tired eyes open just enough to read. The effort was getting more and more taxing, however, as all the muscles in her upper body gave way, drained as they were of all vitality.

“Just keep your eyes here on my words. Don’t let them close, but take note of how each muscle in your body slips and goes slack. Slack and heavy as everything drains down and away through your feet, into the floor, and far away. Watch each word, reading them closely over and over as you await the next message. It’s okay if the world closes in, it’s all right if things grow dark. It’s natural for your thoughts to slow down as you drain away. All you have to do is read, and breathe. Everything else can go. Just read and breathe for me, Seiren.”

Ann felt as though she were melting down into a puddle in her chair. Her world was going dark, just as he said, but he had so quickly assured her that it was fine. That it would be okay. Some kind of alarm went off in the back of her head, but it was too distant and muffled to rouse her. Klugat’s words quickly took precedence and in a few moments it was gone.

“And as the last of the energy in your limbs slips away, your thoughts will begin to follow. Each word that pops into your head will immediately be taken downstream by the current of energy, where they’ll fall down and away, through your body and feet and out through the floor. Just like everything else. Your thoughts just dripping and draining away, one by one, slowly taking away your ability to function.”

Ann could feel herself going blank. If she could still think properly, she’d consider what a strange turn the whole experience was taking. But she couldn’t. Instead, she sat and absorbed each and every one of this stranger’s words. Passively accepting and doing everything he told her. She began to feel herself falling, and the world around her simply disappeared.

The voices around her were low and muffled. It sounded to Ann as if she were suspended in a pool, with the voices were coming from above the waterline. She could sense the soft glow of the computer screen in front of her, just a blur of light through half-lidded eyes. She could not move, but she did not feel panic, fear, or anxiety. She simply existed, floating weightlessly and thoughtlessly inside her own head. For the briefest moment, she thought that she had willed her body to move, only to find her world snap back into its previous place.

Is this sleep paralysis?

It was as though her mind had shrunk back into her skull, and she was viewing the world through the backs of her eyes. That, or someone had smeared a kind of gel across her sense. She knew that she must have un-muted the voice chat, as she could now recognize the voices of the group she had been playing with earlier.

Her jaw was moving. Was she speaking? She couldn’t tell. She didn’t care. There was nothing to worry about, after all. She couldn’t hear anything through the cotton in her ears and mind anyway. There was nothing to be concerned about. She just had to breathe in, and breathe out. In, and out.

The world closed once more.