The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

DISCLAIMER: I’m a writer. Sometimes I get ideas. These ideas become stories, and these stories scream at me until I write them out. I had this idea about two years back (what can I say? I was 16) and I’ve finally written it. It will now stop bugging me. If it starts to bug you instead, I’ve done my job. Stories are supposed to be remembered. Just don’t try and reproduce the storyline.

a) It won’t work. I didn’t bother to start researching hypnosis until after I got the idea for this, and even then I knew it couldn’t work. If you want to know why it can’t work, go away and read a book. Not that one, either.

b) There are better ways to get women. They may cost you more but in the end they’re better.

This story involves mind control and sex. If you are too young to read about either, stop reading now. If you don’t stop reading, may this story bug you and bug you and bug you and distract you for the rest of your life at the most innopportune moments.

Have fun.


I suppose I should start a bit before everyone else lost control. Set the scene, that sort of thing.

So: We were staying in a youth hostel, somewhere near Hadrian’s Wall, called Once Brewed. The pub a few hundred yards down the road was called Twice Brewed. I wish I was making this up.

It was a school trip, a school Latin trip. God, that makes me sound like some swot, doesn’t it? Well, to everyone except the people who’ve studied Latin, that is. The fact is, it’s one of the easiest languages in the world to learn. It’s highly ordered and well structured; learn the rules and all you’ve got left is vocabulary. Which is how we had time to spare for a week’s trip to Hadrian’s Wall, ‘we’ in this case being me, Dave, Jonny, Alice, Kate, Jenna, a foreign exchange student called Julia, and the teacher, who was probably old enough to have seen the rise of the British Empire if not the fall of the Roman Empire.

At the time, I was seeing Julia (she was a boarder, but a degree of stealth, the entry code to the boarding-house’s electronic lock, and several cheerful helpers made things simple. No back-of-the-car antics for us, not that that was possible. I couldn’t drive). Dave was going with Kate, who was considerably easier to ‘access’ as her house was smack in the middle of Dave’s dad’s farmland. Well, on the road that ran through Dave’s dad’s farmland, which is basically the same thing. Dave rode down there most nights, and then he rode Kate. To the best of my knowledge, Jonny, Alice, and Jenna were all single. Teach was happily married, more so since Hunt (biology teacher, used to work for a pharmacy, still had contacts there) introduced him to a supply of Viagra. That was the school legend, anyway. Well, we’ve been around something like six hundred years now; you get your odd legend.

But he doesn’t have much to do with events as they were about to unfold.

I guess there must have been something mystical at the bottom of everything. I’ve read about hypnosis since, and unless each of the girls were actually avidly bisexual and doing a damn good job of concealing it beforehand, this wasn’t hypnosis. This was something else. Of course, some writers have suggested everyone’s bi, but with different proportions of attraction to each sex.

I think they’re wrong. Have to be. I don’t have the slightest desire to get my cock out and shove it up some bloke’s jacksy. I’m not interested in giving head and having someone’s bumfluff tickling at me. I don’t want to play hide-the-salami-in-my-mouth. Maybe I’m missing something, but I can’t see how.

No, give me a nice cool pint of Guinness or Caffrey’s, a warm bed, some chocolate, a girl with a willing cunt, nice tits, and good lucks, and I’m happy. lock me in the room and you can dig me out in a couple of days. Just push another can of Guinness through the door about every five hours.

Anyway, all this is beside the point. You might have stayed in Youth Hostels yourself, wherever you live, and if you don’t live in Britain you may well have been favourably impressed. But like so many other good ideas, the British version is royally fucked up.

We seem to be good at that, and at comedy, if not always at much else. Especially not Youth Hostels. This place had one TV which was hogged by the OAPs over in the corner (there’s irony for you, old-age pensioners staying in the bloody youth hostel. Some of them were actually younger than Teach.) Apart from that, the beds were too short (but then, I get this most places I go. Being six foot four does that to you. My feet overhung by about five inches. And the kitchen was shit; four grill/hot plate arrangements, none of which worked particularly well, one microwave, and one TINY fridge. To cope with everyone’s supplies.

Since the beds didn’t fit me and we were all the boys in one room and all the girls in another, the place didn’t even lend itself to sex too well. Me and Julia had taken to trysts in the shower cubicles in the washrooms, but one or other of us generally got funny looks and the floor was cold anyway. I don’t know about you, but the humble sock has long seemed to me to be the most stupid item of clothing in appearance. Wearing them doesn’t do anything for me. And when we picked a cubicle that had been used recently, my feet still got cold and wet. Not, you understand, that we weren’t getting ‘wet’ anyway, but cold water on your feet can throw you off your stride, and Julia deserved better than that. Anyone would back me up on that one; she’s a honey. She’s one of those people who started off cute and are going to finish up beautiful; you can see both in her face now. Legs... oh, man. Breasts... incredible. Just incredible. Two of the most perfect living hills you’re ever likely to set eyes on. A rump you wouldn’t believe; it’s absolutely perfect. Dark brown eyes and hair so dark it’s almost, but not quite, black, that’s straight and long enough to just give you a tantalising peek at her nipples when she’s naked. The overall result is ‘Ohhhhhhh... MAN I need a piece of that.’ Or words to that effect.

Kate was almost her double, surprisingly, but had a much more ‘dumb blonde’ facial expression; Julia had that permanent mischievous smile that always makes you that tiny bit worried. Or, in my case, eager for those lips. On her it just seemed right; she was the sort of person who always seems to know slightly better, to have that air of mystery... ah, who am I trying to kid? They were perfect for kisses at either end.

Now, up until I met Julia, the idea of head hadn’t appealed at all; I had a mental image of hair getting stuck in teeth, which wasn’t good from either viewpoint, especially when the hair is pulled out of so... sensitive... an area. I guess this must have been left over from when I first had what the term meant explained to me, which happened to be before I saw my first cunt and really got to understand the mechanics. The image just haunted me. But with those lips, that mouth... I could see the attraction of the idea. She couldn’t. I felt this was a pity, but hey; she was one of the best looking girls at the school, and the forecast looked good for her ‘exchange’ term to become permanent.

Asking for more seemed somehow... greedy. Well, it was, but... At any rate, I was happy enough with what I had, and the first couple of days went by easily enough.

Alice was one of those redheads who somehow manage to be as impressivly curvy as people with better shapes. I’ve noticed this in a lot of other circumstances, and it was just as true here. I might have made a move for her, but she seemed to be into dominance and I’m not into submission. Plus she smoked. As for Jenna...

Jenna was the girl next door, really, but with one important twist; the ability, like Alice, to make what she had look better than it had any right to.

When we weren’t walking the Wall, or visiting museums, or sitting in one of the network of cafes Teach had built up over the years—they all did very good hot chocolate, in fairness, and wonderful chocolate cake—we were playing card games. Magic—The Gathering.

I wasn’t a player, really; I was more into things like Call of Cthulhu, games where you had real power over your actions. But Jonny was; Jonny was tournament stuff. Jonny had come fifth in an All-England tourney. And he had a lot of decks, and he’d brought them along. Me and Dave joined in, and the girls played poker at the next table for penny stakes. It was something to do; normally I read but I don’t like to be seen as unsociable so I played, and we got vaguely hooked. it was fun, you know?

Jonny has, as I said, lots of decks. One a ‘land destruction’ deck that was based around doing damage while preventing an opponent from summoning anything. He played that one, generally. One was a ‘big monsters’ deck; Dave jumped on that one straight away. What can I say? Typical Welshman, with his directness of thought and action. And I alternated between an all-goblin deck (lose almost every time, but have fun doing it) and a ‘miscellaneous’ deck comprised of a bunch of cool cards that didn’t seem to fit in anywhere else. I had a lot of fun with that one, and I even won a couple of times. Anyway, that deck was the heart of the story, really...

It was a deck of weird stuff, like someone had picked up every incarnation of the Tarot deck, shuffled through them, picked out the cards with the best pictures on, and shoved them together. It looked like a bunch of artists had been commissioned to do a load of pictures of arcana, locked in a room with a supply of paint, canvas, brushes, books about old religions, and some seriously mind-altering substances, and left for five weeks to have fun. As such, it was a mishmash of styles that kind of appealed to me (what can I say? Artistic pretentions, disorganised personality... or maybe it doesn’t have any psychological relevance after all. We’re all weird, right?). Anyway, that was when i first saw it.

I found out later—well, I realised later—that the artist must have known something about Persian mythology. No, that’s wrong—Persian religion. It must have some truth to it. How much the guy knows, though—that’s a different story. Maybe he just saw the symbol in a book—it’s a cool symbol, after all—or whether there’s someone else out there who seems to have a tattoo of that symbol, I don’t know.

Anyway, that card won me four straight games, so I got kinda attached to that card. I still remember it well enough to practically draw the bloody thing. Anyway, scrawled on the forehead of the character on this card was a symbol, and that symbol will forever be etched on my memory. As well as my bloody arm.

Next day we went to a mithraeum. For those of you who aren’t fascinated by ancient religions—probably most of you—a mithraeum is a shrine to Mithras, a Persian god of the hunt, who was one of the gods that the Romans absorbed into their belief system, which is how he got over here. Mithraea are generally underground and dark and smoky, and this one was undergoing refurbishment. Sounds daft, applying that term to a religion that is, as far as I know, dead, but that was what was happening. A bunch of stuff had been dug up from the Wall. Normally, they don’t touch the Wall, as a conservation issue, but one of the outposts they have every third of a mile had finally lost it’s floor to erosion—that’s what happens when you build on the edge of a cliff, but then it does make for an extremely good defensive boundary. Anyway, under the outpost was a cache of Mithras-related shit of all types, and once the archaeologists got wind of this they bustled up there in those latex gloves they use and packed all the stuff away to set up once more in the rebuilt mithraeum we were visiting. A lot of the stuff was lying around in the boxes waiting to be examined, photographed, and have a place found for it. But it was still visits as usual, and I guess I was lucky to see it first. The box, I mean. It had the same symbol as the card, which obviously was what drew my attention to it in the first place.

“Hey, look at this,” I said, reaching out to pick it up. So maybe it’d get damaged—prove I did it. Go on. I dare you.

“What?” Julia asked, she being the only person in the immediate vicinity. Now, Julia had been playing poker with the girls, and didn’t know about the card. But at the same time, I was having sex with her and I was genuinely attracted to her, and I didn’t want to jeopardise that. I’m not stupid. So I had to answer her, even if it was going to fall kind of flat.

“Oh... the symbol on this box...” I said, vaguely. “It was on that card I kept using last night...”

“I don’t remember you using a card,” she said, that teasing smile still on her lips. I smiled back.

“Hah bloody hah,” I countered, witty as ever. “Look, I was actually talking to the lads...”

“What symbol, anyway?” she asked. I looked back, and sure enough, the box lid was blank.

“What the fuck?”

I put my arm around her, anyway, and said, “Never mind. I must be hallucinating.”

“As you wish, master,” she said, almost doubtfully.

“Eh?” I said, turning to look at her. “What are you talking about?”

“Your commands, master.”

I was sure she was joking. You would have been too. “What command was what, then?”

“You ordered me never to mind, master.”

“Well, cancel that,” I said, joking. As I said, I was sure she was joking too. What else would explain it?

“As you wish, master.”

“Stop calling me master,” I said, frowning. It wasn’t funny anymore.

What was even less funny was that I still didn’t realise it wasn’t a joke until that night.

But, by the time everyone in our group had started calling me master after I’d brushed past them, or slapped them on the back, or whatever, the truth sank in. I’m not utterly stupid. And after I’d taken my sweater off, the fact that the symbol now stood out blackly on my arm really made it hit home that what was happening wasn’t entirely normal. I can only assume Julia’s doubtfulness at the start was due to the fact that ‘never mind’ is hard to construe as an order.

Well, I was perfectly happy with Julia. I’d like to get that into the open. But, hey, I can resist anything but temptation and all that... I started out with Kate and Julia, the two girls who could have been twins.

Being stuck in a youth hostel with limited space and facilities made things less easy than I might have hoped for, but it couldn’t be helped. I took them up to their room, that being less messy than our room.

“Push the two bunk beds together at the far end,” I ordered, and they did so, forming a two-layer double bed. All I was really interested in at the time was the bottom bunk, but I figured the other part might come in handy.

“Kate, stay still. Don’t move at all.”

“As you wish, master.”

Carte blanche to do what I want, this power. It was easy to see why writers were so fascinated by the idea of mind control. Having ensured Kate wasn’t going anywhere, I turned my attention to Julia, beginning by divesting her of that long black leather jacket.

Under that were tight (and there is no way to fully emphasise how tight) blue jeans and comfortable trainers. She had a knitted jumper on too, but on her it looked right. And it was tight, too.

I pulled the jumper off her and ran a hand over the breasts concealed beneath her T-shirt. She was one of those people who never seemed to need a bra to support her dependents, and I felt the nipples stiffen instantly. I gave her a quick kiss to her cheek and then yanked her T-shirt off too.

She stood topless and seemingly emotionless; the only indication life still reigned were those two erect nipples. I cupped one of them and rested my other hand on one jean-covered buttock. “Please me, slave,” I whispered briefly into her ear before covering her mouth with my own. For a second she attempted to acknowledge my order verbally but no sound escaped. I felt her body press closer against me, arms encircling me.

I broke tongue contact long enough to say “Kate, you can join in too.”

“As you wish, master.”

She started for me, pulling her own sweater off and removing her polo shirt. She began to remove her bra but I stopped her. “I’ll do that myself.”

“As you wish, master.” She stepped closer and thrust her not inconsiderable assets into the situation. I reached around behind her back with one hand and fumbled the hooks out of her bra, then ran my hand around her body, never losing contact, until I had the strap between breasts hooked under my fingers. I gently tugged it off and let it drop. Now I was pressed against two women who might have been twins—highly attractive twins at that—both topless and both competing to get their tongues into my mouth. This is not an unpleasant situation.

I broke contact with Julia and turned my attention to Kate. At the same time, Julia ran her hands down my body, easing herself down until her mouth was at groin level. I looked down at this—Julia wasn’t a girl I’d associated with head, for some reason; the subject had never even been raised—and saw her unbutton the top button of my jeans and then take the metal zip-pull in her teeth, tugging at it.

It slid down easily and I lost interest in Kate. She didn’t lose interest in me, though; she kept nibbling at one ear, which is incredible but looks disgusting when you write it down.

When Julia had my jeans unbuttoned, her hands gripped them around my hips and peeled them down. Then she pulled my underwear off and ran a tongue along my cock, like someone greeting an old friend. Which I suppose it was; but an old friend seen in a new light.

I was already hard, so she opened her mouth and sucked me in, managing to get my whole length in. She grabbed my buttocks and began to slide up and down me, her tongue flickering across me all the time. I reached down and gripped a handful of her hair, holding her to my face.

She seemed to get even more turned on at that, and began working even harder to please me. Kate, trying to get my attention back, took my other hand and held it over her breast. I felt a nipple straining in it’s Eiffel Tower impression, and took it between finger and thumb, pinching it. She sighed in contentment, and threw herself back at my mouth with renewed vigour.

To get to this position, she had to rest her crotch on the back of Julia’s head and stand with her arms wrapped around me, one breast in my hand and the other pressed hard against my chest. This was an extremely enjoyable position to be in, for me. The thumb of my hand gripping Julia’s hair started to rub against Kate’s trouser-covered crotch, and I felt a shudder go through her.

And then I came. I felt Julia’s tongue still brushing over my cock as she tried to gather it all in and swallow it.

I let go of her hair and grabbed Kate’s other breast. I squeezed them and pushed her backward so that she fell onto the bed. Then I grabbed Julia by her hair again and pulled her to her feet. I began to kiss her and as soon as she kissed back—and I was half-sorry she’d already swallowed all my come down—I let go of her hair and undid her trousers, pushing them down.

I’m a teenager. It doesn’t take me long to get back to readiness, especially when my body is pressed against a horny, naked, beautiful woman.

We fucked each other standing and then I pushed her down to lie beside Kate, who was by now masturbating with one hand shoved down inside her trousers.

“Julia, get her trousers off. Both of you, give each other the lesbian ride of your lives.”

“As you command, master,” came from two out-of-breath mouths, and Julia hurried to obey. I watched, and after a while I initiated Alice and Jenna and added them to the group.

The trip was looking up.