The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Hypno-Harold: The Wildest Hypnotist on Earth

Joey was about to attend his first stage hypnosis show. He had known for some time now that he had a fetish for hypnosis. All his life, every time he saw a tv show, or film with people being put under, it made him incredibly aroused. He loved watching videos online of stage hypnotists taking volunteers from the audience and turning them into helpless puppets for the audience’s amusement. To Joey, this was better than any other salacious pornography the internet had to offer. It also helped that stage hypnotists seemed to be getting raunchier and more daring with their subjects than he ever could have imagined. One such hypnotist performed in Joey’s town... “Hypno-Harold: The Wildest Hypnotist on Earth”. Joey had never seen any video clips on Harold’s show because he doesn’t allow cameras. Rumor had it that he makes his subjects do things that would never be acceptable on Youtube. Joey always wanted to go, but he was afraid of somehow exposing his fetish, as it was something he always kept a secret. Tonight, however, Joey’s desires outweighed his fears and he bought himself a ticket to see the “wildest” hypnosis show he could ever imagine.

Joey had absolutely no intention of going on stage. In fact, he had never once contemplated the idea of becoming hypnotized himself. In Joey’s eyes, no one in their right mind would submit themselves to giving up control like that. He always assumed that the people who volunteered to be hypnotized on stage must be insanely naive. Besides, to him, the whole point was to watch attractive women submit to a male hypnotist. Joey fantasized about being the hypnotist himself, and being able to turn gorgeous women into his mindless sex slaves. He didn’t seriously believe he would ever find himself in that position; his real life was far too tame for anything like that to happen. As far as Joey was concerned, sitting in the audience of a live hypnosis show was as close as he would ever get to that fantasy. He was about to have all of his expectations exceeded.

The showroom was smaller than Joey had imagined. The stage was just a small platform at the end of a nightclub room full of tables and chairs. There weren’t too many people in attendance that night either. Joey had hoped to sit in the back and observe unnoticed, but instead he was ushered to a table only a few rows from the stage. By the time the show was ready to start, there were less than 60 people in the audience, by Joey’s estimation. He looked around the room, wondering who seated around him might end up on stage. There were several couples of different ages... one group of women who appeared to be a bachelorette party, and a rather rowdy group of young men who were probably from a college fraternity. It was at this point, that a married couple was seated at Joey’s table with him. If Joey had his druthers, he wouldn’t have even made eye contact with these two people, let alone strike up conversation, but he could no sooner look the other way before the husband introduced himself...

“Hi there! I’m Steve, this is my wife Lisa.” exclaimed the man sitting down across from Joey. Lisa sat down between the two men at their small cocktail table.

“I’m Joey.” he politely replied.

Joey could tell that Steve seemed far more interested in being there than Lisa did. She only gave a polite smile as he nodded hello, seemingly annoyed at her husband for already inviting a stranger into their conversations.

“Have you ever been to one of Hypno-Harold’s shows before, Joey? asked Steve.

“Nope.” Joey replied, still hoping not to engage too much with these people.

“Oh this guy is HILARIOUS!” Steve said gleefully... “Craziest show you’ll ever see! It’s my wife’s first time too. I’ve been trying to get her to come to this for years. She doesn’t believe in this stuff...”

“I never said I don’t believe in it.” Lisa said sternly... “...I Just don’t find people making fools of themselves as entertaining as you do.”

“I’m hoping to get her up there tonight.” Steve said, ignoring his wife’s tone.

Lisa turned in toward Steve as an attempt to have a more private conversation with him, which wasn’t really possible in such close quarters... “We’ve already had this discussion, and I’m not going to argue with you in the middle of this club...”

Joey politely turned away and tried to give them their privacy as they had their marital dispute. But as he tuned out their conversation, Joey found himself day-dreaming about seeing Lisa hypnotized on that stage. She was very attractive... he guessed she was in her mid 30’s... she had a rather buxom figure, filling out her skin-tight jeans, as well as the form fitting knit shirt she was wearing, which showed off a sliver of ample cleavage. It had never occurred to Joey what it might be like to know someone up on stage. Not that he knew this couple at all aside from this brief exchange, but her clear distaste for the show made the thought of her giving in to the spell of a hypnotist seem even more erotic. That thought barely had enough time to race though his imagination before the lights went down, and out walked the famous Hypno-Harold!

“Good evening everyone, welcome to my show. My name is Harold, and I will be your host for one of the wildest nights you could ever imagine! And... I do mean imagine... tonight, some of you will come up on this stage and utilize your imaginations in ways you never have before...”

Joey guessed that Harold was in his 50’s, but couldn’t be sure as it was clear that he took very good care of himself. He had a very distinguished look about him, wearing a three-piece suit, and he spoke with an Australian accent. With all of the stories Joey had heard about how sleazy the content of the show was, he didn’t expect the hypnotist to be this sophisticated. Harold had a very calm and reassuring demeanor. He was charming and witty as he continued his introductory speech. Far from the rowdy and perhaps lewd nature Joey expected the show to take... so far, this hypnotist seemed classy. As the speech continued, Joey glanced over at Lisa, whose mood had seemed to soften, as even she found herself charmed by the man commanding the stage. Joey turned back toward the stage to listen...

“Now in a few moments I’m going to invite several of you on stage to be the stars of tonight’s show. But first... I’d like you all to try a little experiment to see who among you will be the best subjects. Of course, you don’t have to participate if you don’t want to, but it’s more fun when everyone tries it. You won’t be hypnotized, your eyes will stay open... but I will ask you to use your imagination like I said before. Now... do as I do and hold your arms out in front of you like this...”

Joey had no intention of partaking in any of the hypnosis parts... even if this was just a test, because he still didn’t want to draw attention to himself. He looked around the room, as most of the people raised their arms as Harold instructed. It was all in this same instance that he looked to his right to find Steve bickering with his wife again...

“Oh come on... you can at least try it!” Steven groaned

“I told you I would watch this show with you, and nothing more.” Lisa said sternly. “Joey here isn’t doing it either...” she pointed out.

It was then that Joey’s secret fantasy got the better of him, and he decided that if there was some small chance that he could fulfill his newly discovered desire of seeing this woman go under, then the least he could do was set a good example...

“I’ll give it a shot if you both do!” Joey said energetically, as he held his arms up in front of him.

Steve quickly reciprocated as he lifted his arms and gave Joey a wink.

“Yeah, come on hun, everybody’s doing it!”

Lisa rolled her eyes and held her arms up as to fit in with everyone else. All three turned their attention back to the stage as Harold continued the experiment. All three believing they would just play along and then continue to watch the show in peace...

“Now clasp your hands together like this...” Harold continued as he demonstrated... “I would like you all to focus on your eyes on your clenched hands straight out in front of you. Lock your elbows... press your hands and fingers together tightly... focusing on your hands. Now I would like you to use your imagination, and picture in your mind that your fingers and hands are soaked in super glue. Imagine that as your hands and fingers clench together... they are permanently becoming glued together. Locked tightly together... stuck... sealed tightly shut... unable to separate them. Of course, you are just imagining this... it’s an image in your mind... no harm in pretending this is happening. While you imagine that your hands are becoming stuck. While you tighten your grip harder and harder... you imagine that the glue is drying and that your fingers are bonding together. While you imagine those things... I’d like you to take a nice deep breath in for me now. Fill up your lungs... take a nice deep breath all the way in... hold it for a moment... now let it out as you focus more keenly on your hands. I’m going to count from five down to one. With each count, you are going to feel the glue drying... feel your hands unable to move. When I reach the number one, and only when I say the number one... I’m going to ask you to try to separate your hands. But you will find that they are indeed actually stuck together. The harder you try to separate them, the more they will stiffen and stick together. Now this won’t happen for all of you. Some will feel it only slightly... some of you will easily be able to separate your hands, for some of you it might take time... but those of you listening to me right now with the best imaginations... YOU will find your hands completely stuck together. But for now, I just ask that you use your imagination and try... imagine as I count... FIVE... the glue is almost dry... FOUR... your fingers locking into place... THREE imagining yourself unable to separate your hands no matter how hard you try... TWO taking one more BIG deep breath in... and letting out now with ONE! SNAP Try to move your hands!“

Steve snickered as he dropped his hands to his lap, but quickly found himself stunned, along with Joey as they both turned to Lisa as she struggled to move her fists at all. Joey was amazed, and slightly turned on, to see the very strong-willed woman who only moments ago swore she wouldn’t participate, suddenly unable to move her hands.

“Seriously?” Steve marveled... “You guys can’t take your hands apart?”

It wasn’t until that moment that Joey realized he hadn’t taken his hands apart. He didn’t actually think it had worked on him... he just hadn’t tried yet. But when he tried, it seemed as though his hands only got stiffer and his arms became more rigid. He kept trying... but it only made it worse. His heart began to race a bit... he wasn’t hypnotized, was he? He tried even harder to pull his hands apart... his concentration broken only by Steve bursting out into laughter next to him.

“This isn’t FUNNY!” Lisa barked over her husband’s giggles...

“You HONESTLY can’t let go of your hands?” Steve said as he tried to gain his composure.

“Do you really think I would do this just to amuse —” Lisa was interrupted by Harold from the stage...

“Ladies and Gentlemen... if you’re hands are stuck right now, could you please stand up at your tables.”

Joey quickly stood while Lisa begrudgingly rose from her chair even more annoyed by the predicament she found herself in. The house lights went up as Joey quickly looked around to see about eight or nine other people standing with their fists clenched. He barely had time to read the room before Harold’s voice boomed across the room...

“Everyone give a big round of applause for tonight’s volunteers!”

“Oh HELL NO!” Exclaimed Lisa as Steven once again howled with laughter.

Joey was frozen in shock, his heart racing again.

“Okay, okay...” Harold said in a reassuring tone “If you don’t want to come on stage and take part in the show tonight, all you have to do is... PULL YOUR HANDS APART!”

Joey and Lisa tried in vain, as their arms just locked up even straighter and stiffer than before. As Joey looked around, he noticed a couple of people who actually did manage to get their hands apart, who quickly sat back down.

“Otherwise...” Harold continued “...if you want your hands to come apart, you’re going to have to come join me on stage! Give a big hand for everyone as they make they way up here!”

The crowd erupted in laughter and applause.

“Go ahead, get up there you guys!” Steve insisted as he fought back laughter.

“NO!” exclaimed Lisa

“I don’t like this any more than you do.” Joey said to Lisa “But, I don’t know what else to do at this point. I’m sure he’ll let us go back to our seats if we ask to.”

Lisa let out an angry sigh, and marched toward the stage ahead of Joey in an effort to get this over with as soon as she possibly could. Joey looked over at Steve who had a big grin on his face as he just shrugged his shoulders and applauded with the rest of the on-lookers. Nervously, he made his way to the stage full of empty chairs.

“Come up here and take a seat!” Harold instructed everyone.

Lisa was the first one seated, as only about six others joined her and Joey on the stage. Joey grabbed the last seat at the end of the row on the small stage, two of the frat boys sat between him and Lisa. Harold stood center stage and faced all of his “volunteers”..

“Now we’re going to get your hands unstuck in just a moment, but to do that, I’m going to need you all to sit with your backs straight, and as you face forward, raise your arms up so your fists are just above your eye level. Go ahead and keep trying to take your hands apart, and find that your arms just lock in this position, getting stiffer and tighter the harder you try.”

Joey was no longer surprised to find his arms complying with what Harold commanded them to do. His mind reeled at the thought of becoming hypnotized. Joey’s imagination had invented so many ideas of what he would see at his first hypnosis show, but being on stage was never part of the equation. He still couldn’t quite get over his idea that hypnosis was only erotic if it was a woman being hypnotized. Joey felt strange thinking that he might become hypnotized by a man. The idea of being hypnotized himself aroused him slightly, but mostly he just wanted to go back to his seat and watch the show as he intended. At least being on stage, he realized, put him even closer to the action. It was then that he realized that he hadn’t been paying attention to any of “the action” because he was staring blankly at his fists this whole time. That’s when Joey looked to his left to realize that Harold had been making his way down the row going up to every person. He leaned forward a bit to realize that the first few people on stage were slumped over, seemingly asleep. It was then that he refocused his gaze on Lisa, who was staring straight at her fists as well. Joey couldn’t help but notice how Lisa’s cleavage was even more pronounced given the current position of her arms. “At least this will be fun to watch.” Joey thought as he saw Harold approach Lisa.

Joey couldn’t hear what Harold was saying to her, but he watched as Harold stood directly in front of her, looming over her outstretched arms as he took her clenched fists in his hands. He very calmly spoke to her, as he gently was able to pull her hands apart and proceeded to hold her hands in his. Joey turned his gaze toward Lisa’s face... her eyes were locked onto Harold’s as she took a large breath in. Her eyes began to close as Harold dropped her now limp arms down onto her lap, and she slumped over onto the person to her left. A rush of adrenaline shot through Joey as he realized what had just happened. This couldn’t really happen to him, could it? He gazed back at his fists as he tried to get out of it. His arms only locked up even tighter as he tried to unlock his hands. His neck and back straightened and locked him into the chair the more he thought about how he wanted to go back to his seat in the audience. His pulse got faster, as he heard Harold’s voice drawing closer to him. He struggled even more to separate his hands, as he felt movement to his left and saw the figure in the corner of his vision slumping over. And that’s when Harold finally came into view above Joey’s fists...

“And what’s your name?” Harold asked with a pleasant smile.

“Joey” he replied nervously

“You look so familiar, where do I know you from?”

Joey was completely caught off guard, he had never met Harold in spite of all the time he had spent thinking about coming to this show.

“Um... I don’t know?” Joey said with a slight smile

“Hmm...” sighed the hypnotist with a curious grin... “Oh well, not important... who are you here with tonight, Joey?”

“I’m by myself” Joey said as he gazed up at Harold

“Interesting... have you ever been hypnotized before?” asked the hypnotist as he took hold of Joey’s still frozen hands.

“No” he replied calmly

“Do you feel hypnotized right now?”

“I... um, I don’t know.” Joey said as he grew confused over a question he had no idea how to answer.

“That’s a very good answer, Joey.” Replied Harold as he gently peeled Joey’s hands apart. “Let your hands and arms relax now.”

Joey felt his elbows sink as his arms suddenly felt like bags of wet sand, now only being held up by the firm grip Harold had on each of his hands.

“Take a nice big deep breath in, Joey, and hold it...”

Joey complied...

“Now just do me a favor and close your eyes...”

As Joey shut his eyes, Harold gave a soft tug on Joey’s hands and allowed them to drop as he softly said...

“Melt for me, Joey... that’s right just relax and listen now...”

Joey knew what was going on... he felt like he was awake. He knew he was now slumped over onto the young man to his left. But it just felt so good to finally relax his arms. It felt so good when Harold told him to “melt” because that’s exactly what it felt like. He was so tense before worrying about his hands, he just needed to relax for a second. This was a very good feeling, he thought. That’s when Joey heard Harold’s voice again... now coming through a microphone loud and clear...

“That’s right, just MELT and relax... let this wonderful relaxation melt over you as you listen to my voice. Use your imagination again and imagine yourself melting into the chair beneath you. Your body is loose and relaxed, like soft butter on a warm day. Allow yourself to feel warm and soft and relaxed... allow your stress, your worries, your thoughts.... to MELT... Let your thoughts melt away as you listen to my voice. All you need to do is listen to my voice... and imagine the things I ask you to imagine... use your imagination and visualize my words as I say them to you. Imagine your thoughts melting away... as you focus on my words instead. My words are the only thoughts you need to have right now. Your thoughts will still be there for when you come back to them later... but right now... all you need to do is listen to my words... imagine the things I ask you to imagine... and do the things I ask you to do. Your only thoughts... are my words. Thinking only the things I ask you to think... doing only the things I ask you to do.

From this moment on... every word I say becomes that absolute truth the instant that I say it. It will feel so good to simply obey my words, and imagine that things I ask you to imagine. From now on... every time I say the word “MELT” you will close your eyes, and melt back down to this deep relaxing place... going even deeper than before, each and every time you hear the word MELT... MELT for me right now as you let those new thoughts sink in. Very good, everyone, you’re doing so well... NOW... In a moment I will count from one to three. When I say the number three, you will come back up from this deep relaxing place and feel wide awake once again. You won’t even realize that you are hypnotized. You will just remember that I invited you up here, and you are going to feel so excited and happy to be my guest up here, that you really won’t care about much else. You will be otherwise completely alert and back to normal except for one small detail... when you awaken, every time you hear me and only my voice say the word HYPNOSIS you will feel a sudden sharp pinch on your butt. It will feel just as if your chair took a small nip at your butt. You won’t feel any lingering pain from it... it will only hurt for a split second, and as soon you feel it, you won’t have a clue where it came from, or why it happened. Until, of course, you hear me say that word again. Allow that suggestion to become real in your mind as you drift back toward reality as I count up now. Feel yourself coming back up now... with ONE... sitting back up in your chair... TWO... once again remembering your surroundings aaaand THREE! Wide awake!”

Joey opened his eyes and paused for a second before remembering what he was doing. He was suddenly so thrilled that Harold invited him to see the show from this close up. He wondered when he would begin hypnotizing everyone. He gazed up toward Harold as he talked to the audience...

“Alright, now I’d like to thank all of you for coming to the show tonight. I realize we have a small crowd, but that’s normal for a HYPNOSIS show...”

Joey felt something sharp stab him from his chair. He leapt to his feet to see what he was sitting on, but found nothing out of the ordinary. He no sooner came to this discovery when he looked up and realized everyone else on stage was having the same reaction to their chairs.

“Excuse me!” Harold interjected “Would you all mind sitting down? We need to begin the show.”

Joey took his seat again along side the others.

“Thank you... now if you don’t mind I’d like to begin the HYPNOSIS portion of the show...”

The audience roared with laughter as the eight subjects on stage again leapt out of their chairs, shrieking. Harold went up to one of the young women from the bachelorette party who ended up on stage and asked what she was doing...

“That chair bit me!” She shouted, much to the delight of the audience. Joey on the other hand, who didn’t understand that anyone around him was hypnotized yet, found himself agreeing with his fellow guests on stage who all now believed their chairs were defective.

“Okay, okay... why don’t you all just take your seats again, I think I know how to fix this...” Harold waited for his subjects to comply... “Everyone sit up straight... look at me please... wonderful, now everyone on stage MELT!”

Joey closed his eyes as his body once again slumped over and melted into the stranger sitting next to him. The audience erupted in applause.

“That’s right everyone MELT for me now... deeper and deeper than before. From now on, your chairs will no longer pinch you. Allow that suggestion to simply fade away from your mind, there’s no need to remember it now. Come back up now as I count to three... you’ll feel happy and alert, eager to take part in this show with me tonight. ONE sitting back up in your chair... TWO taking a big deep breath of air in aaaand THREE! Hello again everyone!”

“Alright folks lets meet some of our new friends up here, shall we?” Harold said as he walked back toward the energetic girl he spoke to about the chair before... “What’s your name?”

“Chloe” The young woman replied as she looked up at Harold from her chair.

“MELT for me Chloe.”

Joey was shocked to see this girl go completely limp in her seat at Harold’s command. “He hasn’t even done an induction yet.” Joey thought to himself... he sure was impressed with this hypnotist. He listened in...

“Chloe, when you wake up, the number seven is completely gone from your mind. It never existed... when you count to ten, you’ll just skip over that number because it simply isn’t a part of your mind anymore. WIDE AWAKE CHLOE!”

Chloe sat back up in her chair, slightly dazed, as Harold walked over to the man sitting right next to Joey.

“And what’s your name?” Harold said as he reached to shake hands...

“Dave” said the man as he took the hypnotist’s hand...

“MELT DAVE... melt down deep...”

Joey was astounded to see the frat boy collapse like a rag doll. How cool, he thought, that this was happening right next to him! Harold gave his commands...

“Dave, from now on, every time you hear me say your name, DAVE, and only when you my voice say your name... you are going to get a whiff of the strongest, smelliest, worst FART you have ever experienced! You won’t know who it is coming from, but you’re going to want to figure it out, because it will STINK. After a few seconds the smell will pass, only to come back even stronger the next time you hear me say your name again. One, two, three WIDE AWAKE!”

Dave sat up in his seat as Harold moved on to someone else... Joey realized that Lisa was next.

“What’s your name?”

“Lisa.” she replied

“Lisa... are you sure about that?”

“Well I think I should know my own name.” She said with the annoyed tone Joey recognized from before the show.

“One would hope so!” Harold said with a grin... “MELT for me Lisa... Lisa when I wake you up, you aren’t going to remember your name. It’s completely gone from your mind. You won’t be needing it for the rest of the night, so allow yourself to forget it completely now. You simply don’t have a name. One, two, three WIDE AWAKE!”

“Okay let me go back to Chloe for a second... Hey DAVE you remember Chloe, right?”

Dave turned to Joey with the most disgusted look on his face. The audience erupted in laughter. Joey couldn’t help but be entertained himself. This guy right next to him was really hypnotized; he couldn’t contain his laughter. Joey was too distracted by Dave smelling imaginary farts to notice that Harold was having Chloe count her fingers on the other side of the stage. She kept coming up with eleven and the audience ate it up. Joey turned his attention away from Dave as Harold circled back to Lisa...

“Alright, so we’ve met Chloe... we’re all fans of DAVE of course... (more laughter as Dave moved his chair forward away from his seat mates) I’m sorry for I forget your name, what was it again?”

Harold put his microphone in front of Lisa’s face as she froze in confusion. The audience went crazy.

“You DO, know your own name, don’t you?”

“Of course I do!” barked Lisa “I... um... I just can’t think of it right now...”

“Your name isn’t DAVE, is it?” Harold smirked as he drank in the cheers from the audience.

Lisa looked completely defeated as her mind tried to search for her name.

“Why don’t I let you think about it for a while, and I’ll come back to you.” Harold then turned toward the audience and shouted “ARE YOU HAVING FUN YET?” The crowd cheered.

“Okay, so far this has been some pretty standard, tame stuff. But you didn’t come here for a TAME show, did you?” He shouted, as the audience cheered him on. “What do you say we get a little more kinky, shall we?”

The audience hooted and cheered their approval. Joey joined in with them. This show was turning out to be everything he wanted. He wondered who Harold would pick on next.

“Let’s see here...” Harold said as he turned back to face his subjects. “Joey? Was it?”

“Me?” Joey thought as the hypnotist locked eyes with him. He was only here to watch, also... how did Harold know his name? A dozen thoughts ran through his mind in the milliseconds it took Harold to walk up to him...

“MELT FOR ME...” Joey could almost feel all of those thoughts those drain from his mind as he melted back down into the void. It felt so good to no longer have to think... to let Harold think for him...

“Joey in a moment when you wake up... for the rest of this evening, every time I say your name. Every time you hear my voice, and only my voice, say your name... JOEY... you are going to instantly get a massive erection...”

Joey couldn’t hear the audience roaring with laughter and approval. His only concern was to listen and obey.

“... Now you won’t have any idea WHY you suddenly have a hard-on. It will just BE THERE. It will last for only a few seconds and go away... but you will constantly be aware that you are on stage and that people are looking at you. Every time I say your name, you are going want to hide your giant boner, because you know the audience can see it. This will happen every time I say your name... for the rest of the night. One, two, three WIDE AWAKE!”

Joey sat back up in his seat, slightly dazed. He tried to remember what had happened, but quickly became distracted by Harold going back over to Lisa...

“Okay you’ve had enough time to think it over... can you tell us all your name now?”

“I... uhh...” Lisa grasped for words again, that wouldn’t come.

“Are you sure your name isn’t DAVE?”

“I’m sure...” Lisa groaned, all while Dave started gagging from the unbearable scent he was breathing in.

“How about JOEY? Is that your name?”

Joey instantly hunched over as he felt his cock suddenly throbbing in his pants. He looked up at the audience laughing uncontrollably... he was almost sure they could see the giant bulge in his pants. “Or could they?” He wondered... maybe if he played it cool, no one would notice...

“That’s not it either!” Lisa groaned as she became more annoyed with the hypnotist.

“Are you suuuure it isn’t JOEY? I think JOEY is a great name. DON’T YOU AGREE JOEY?”

Joey contorted himself as he felt the attention of everyone in the room suddenly on him.

“Having fun now?” Harold asked the crowd, as they sang their approval back at the stage. He turned back to Lisa... “This will be fun.” He said as he winked at the crowd...

“I have an idea on how to get your name back... why don’t you MELT for me... that’s right drift way down... Lisa, when you wake up, your name will no longer be Lisa... when you wake up, you are suddenly going to remember that your name is SUGAR TITS. All one word, SUGARTITS. You were born with that name. You have always been SUGARTITS... that is the only name you answer to, although you occasionally go by just TITS for short. This will remain in effect for the rest of the night... feel yourself coming back now, Sugartits... one, two, three, WIDE AWAKE”

“Okay let’s give this one more try... do you remember your name now?”

“Sugartits!” she said with a sigh of relief knowing that her memory had come back.

“Oh of course you did tell me that before. I’m so bad with names...” joked the hypnotist.

“Sugartits is a great name. Hey don’t you like the name Sugartits, JOEY?”

Joey hunched over and tried to cross his legs to hide his crotch.

“Looks to me like JOEY is a HUGE fan of Sugartits, aren’t you JOEY?”

The audience was out of their minds with laughter at this point, but Harold was only getting started... “Alright everyone on stage... time to MELT for me... EVERYONE MELT... going deeper and deeper than before... listening to my words... imagining everything I ask you to imagine... In a moment, when you all awaken, you will remember that you are all the world’s most famous strippers. Everyone in this audience in front of you paid a lot of money to see you take your clothes off, and you are going to DELIVER for your fans here tonight! You have all the confidence in the world, and you love nothing more than showing off your sexy body to the audience. All of you on stage work together as a team and strip at the same time. Like you’ve done countless nights before... the men will perform first, then the ladies... knowing full well that whatever dance moves you show off will be a hit with this audience. You can do absolutely no wrong here... waking up on the count of three... knowing you are the greatest strippers on the planet... waking up on ONE... sitting up in your chairs now... TWO... THREE!”

Joey had no recollection of his real life persona as he opened his eyes. Being a stripper was the only life he knew, and he was ready to give his fans what they wanted.

“All right, just the boys first, show ’em what you’ve got fellas!”

Joey and his two male co-stars rose from their chairs and headed for the foot of the stage. Joey wasted no time pulling his shirt off and tossing it into the front row. He began gyrating his hips while he undid the belt on his pants... the audience went wild. Dave followed suit and lost his shirt as well. The third gentleman on stage, whose name Joey couldn’t recall for some reason, wasn’t much of a dancer, and kind of just stood there giggling. Harold pulled him aside as the other two boys began peeling off their pants.

“Looking great up there DAVE!” said the voice on the microphone as Dave’s dancing was suddenly interrupted by a horrible smell. He tried his best to keep looking sexy while he maneuvered his way further from Joey who Dave could only assume was the source of the terrible fumes.

Joey had almost gotten his pants off as the voice chimed in shouting: “GIVE IT UP FOR JOEY!”

Joey tripped over his pants and fell over as he felt his cock spring into full attention. He wanted to take his clothes off for these people, but somehow he still felt embarrassed having an erection. That voice once again interrupted him...

“Remember don’t pop any boners you two! That means you JOEY!”

Joey turned his back to the audience to try and hide his crotch, as he kept shaking his hips. He wanted to remain professional...

“DAVE you wouldn’t do that, would you DAVE?” Boomed that voice again as Dave dropped to his knees in disgust from the farts he was sure were coming from Joey.

“JOEY do you know why DAVE is coughing so much? JOEY go help DAVE”

Both men were now crawling on the floor trying to cope with their respective afflictions. The audience was laughing riotously. At long last, they were relieved of their duties...

“Okay gentlemen, re-take your seats; it’s time for the LADIES!! Go ahead take the stage girls!”

Joey reached to pick up his pants, but that voice seemed to know what he was thinking.

“You don’t need your clothes right now, boys, just go back to your seats.”

Both men were down to just their briefs as they sat back down. Dave, chose to sit at the far other end of the chairs from Joey now, much to the delight of those paying attention. That’s when Joey noticed that two of the women were still seated, seemingly unsure about whether or not to dance... He saw the man with the microphone come over and whisper in their ears and snap his fingers, as he then ushered them to the side of the stage where they proceeded to head out into the audience. Joey quickly turned his attention to the three dancers... Chloe and Sugartits were slowly stripping down to their bras and panties while the third dancer, a chubby and rather buxom woman who Joey hadn’t paid much attention to before had quickly ripped off her dress, and was ready to relinquish her bra, when suddenly Joey felt a hand a hand on his shoulder. He had just turned his head to look at the man standing behind him when he noticed that familiar Australian voice from before now whispering into his ear...

“MELT FOR ME JOEY... I know you’ve been confused about why you keep getting erections, and I want to help you with that. From now on, you’re still going to get hard every time I say your name, but now you will also realize WHY it is happening... MY VOICE TURNS YOU ON, JOEY. My voice sounds so sexy and arousing to you... in fact, for the rest of the night, no matter who I’m talking to... my voice is going to drive you wild. The only thing better than my voice, is my voice saying YOUR name... you still will be conscious of the audience seeing you, but you are going feel so turned on, you aren’t going to mind so much. Every time I say your name, you’re going to know it’s ME controlling your cock, and you’re going to love it. Back up on three... still in the strip club... still happy to show off your body... ONE TWO THREE!”

Joey thought he must have day dreamed for a second as he looked back out at the club. All three girls had nothing left on but their panties as the music stopped and that voice came back...

“Give it up one more time for Chloe, Shannon and SUGARTITS! Take a seat ladies, leave your clothes where they are...”

That voice sounded better than before, Joey thought. He had never realized, but he really loved Australian accents... he wanted to listen some more...

“Alright team, you’ve done a great job! We had to let go of a few who weren’t quite deep enough, but that’s quite alright...”

Joey wondered what “deep enough” meant... but it didn’t concern him much... it felt so good listening to that voice. It was starting to turn him on.

“Okay, I bet you’ve all worked up a bit of a sweat dancing like that... I bet you’re all a bit warm now...”

Joey suddenly realized it was rather warm up on stage under these hot lights...

“I have a nice cold treat for each of you...” Harold said as he picked up a box from behind the chairs. “I found this place that makes the absolutely best tasting popsicles in the WORLD! They make every flavor imaginable... they are so cool and refreshing... you won’t want to stop eating these. I have enough for everyone here... when I come up to you, tell me your favorite flavor, I promise I have it. I’ll start with you JOEY!”

Joey closed his eyes and let out a small groan at the sound of his name. He squirmed at bit in his chair as he felt himself become engorged. He wasn’t imagining it this time... the entire audience gawked as his briefs becoming stretched to their limits.

“Joey REALLY likes popsicles!” said Harold as he pandered to the crowd once again. “Seriously though, what is your favorite flavor?”

“Raspberry” sighed Joey through his arousal

“Raspberry! Great... here is the absolute best Raspberry popsicle you will EVER taste!” Harold reached into the box and handed Joey what appeared to be a frosty, ice cold, raspberry popsicle... “The best thing is... this won’t melt, it will always taste cold and refreshing... the more you lick and suck, it just tastes better and better!”

Joey wasted no time licking the popsicle. Everything Harold said about it was true, and then some. It was so cool and refreshing... and it tasted amazing. Joey paid no attention to the rest of the people on stage. Harold continued down the row, instructing each subject on what flavor they were getting and just how good their popsicle would be. The popsicles were so intoxicating, the subjects paid no attention to the laughter and cheers from the audience. They also paid no mind to the fact that these were, in fact, not popsicles... but very realistic looking rubber penises on those popsicle sticks. All five subjects were gleefully going down on veiny, penis-shaped, dildos as they let Harold guide their thoughts some more...

“Now be careful not to bite your popsicle... keep in mind they will last forever if you don’t use your teeth.” The laughter grew and grew from the crowd... “JOEY is loving his, aren’t you JOEY?”

The elastic waist on Joey’s briefs finally snapped back, revealing the top of his now engorged cock to the crowd. He couldn’t care less about the audience now as his mind ran wild from arousal. He couldn’t get enough of that sexy voice... and this popsicle was blowing his mind on top of it.

“You know, I don’t think it’s fair to everyone else, how much fun JOEY is having. EVERYONE ON STAGE, your popsicle is now an ORGASMIC popsicle... the harder you suck on it, the more aroused you become... in fact whatever you do to that popsicle with your mouth, you’re going to feel happening to your crotch!”

Suddenly all the volunteers were moaning as they stuffed those dildos into their mouths. Groping themselves with their free hands... the audience was absolutely ecstatic.

“EVERYONE ON STAGE... at the count of three... you will be wide awake, you will remember where you are, and realize what you’re really doing... ONE... TWO... THREE WIDE AWAKE!”

The five subjects all froze for a moment as their popsicles suddenly tasted like rubber. All within the same exact moment... Lisa shrieked and she pulled her free hand out from inside her panties. Joey dropped his popsicle as he quickly shoved his cock back into his underwear. The other girls quickly covered their bare chests, and Dave looked in horror at the table of frat boys he came with. Almost in unison, they all leapt to their feet to retrieve their clothes, but Harold was one step ahead of them...

“FREEZE!! Everyone frozen in place! Your feet glued down to the floor! Focus on my voice and listen...”

Joey suddenly found himself feeling aroused again at the sound of Harold’s voice...

“When I say GO, you will find your clothes on the stage, and start putting them on again. IF any of your clothes are not on the stage... you will simply no longer care about them. They are forgotten, you won’t remember having come in with them. Once you finish putting on those clothes, you are going to sit back down and melt deeply back down to sleep... now GO!”

Joey retrieved his pants, socks and shoes... and promptly fell back to sleep. Dave managed to put everything back on EXCEPT for his pants. Lisa and Chloe were able to find most of their outfits, save for their bras which they had proudly flung into the crowd. Shannon, who had taken a little too well to the stripper suggestion, only got as far as putting her high heels back on before she melted back into her chair. The audience cheered as the five volunteers turned into human puddles once again.

“Before I end the show, I like to give everyone on stage a little hypnotic parting gift... Okay let’s see... who out there came here with Shannon?”

A male voice from the corner of the room spoke up... “Over here!”

“Okay and you are her... boyfriend? Husband? Brother?” joked Harold

“Boyfriend!” replied the voice

“Great, do you live together?” asked the hypnotist

“Yes we do...”

“Lucky guy! Okay then, who out there has this young lady’s clothes? ...pass them over to her boyfriend back there. Tell me... should we get her dressed? Or do you think you could get her home dressed like this without getting arressted?”

“OH I’ll take her home JUST like that...” he said as the room chuckled and clapped.

“Okay then... SHANNON, I’m only speaking to Shannon now, listen very carefully... In a moment I will count up to five. When I reach the number five you will be fully awake and alert, completely back to normal. All of the silly suggestions I gave you earlier will now fade away and no longer have any effect on you... EXCEPT FOR THESE couple of little suggestions... when you wake up you will in fact believe that you are fully dressed, just as you were when you came here this evening. If anyone tries to convince you that you’re not wearing any clothes, you will simply laugh uncontrollably at them, knowing full well that you have all your clothes on. You will continue to believe you are dressed right up until the moment you get home. The second you pass through the doorway to your house tonight, you will instantly realize what you have done... all of your memories of the night will come back, and you will feel really happy and excited about the whole experience. Feel yourself coming back up now with ONE... sitting back up... TWO feeling more awake... THREE happy energized alert... FOUR remembering all of the suggestions I gave you... fully dressed, awake, happy alert and FIVE. Everybody give Shannon a big hand!”

Shannon smiled for the crowd as she stood up, her large breasts swinging freely, completely unaware.

“Shannon, you were great tonight. Here is a small gift bag with some free tickets to come back and see the show again. Thank you so much for volunteering tonight! Give her another hand everyone!”

Shannon waved to her fans as she returned to her seat.

“Alright now who did Dave come with?”

The table of frat boys cheered for themselves, they waved Dave’s pants in the air, which they had already collected.

“Oh great... I see you already have Dave’s pants... DAVE listen very carefully, in a moment I will count to five and all of the silly suggestions from tonight will be completely washed away. You will feel fully wide awake and back to normal, EXCEPT for this one small suggestion... for the rest of the night any time ANY of your friends, and only the friends you came in with, says your name...” (The table of boys began howling with laughter in anticipation) “...that’s right you guessed it! MASSIVE ERECTION!! But LISTEN... and this is important, you will not be embarrassed by these surprise boners... YOU’RE GOING TO LIKE IT! You’re especially going to like whoever said your name and gave you that boner! You might say you feel briefly attracted to them... that feeling and the erection will last only a few seconds, and you won’t even remember it happened. This will happen for the rest of the night... tomorrow morning you will wake up completely back to normal and you’ll think all of this was really funny. Waking up on ONE... sitting up... TWO feeling more aware... THREE feeling energized, happy... FOUR take a big deep breath in aaand FIVE WIDE AWAKE! Everyone give a big hand to DAVE!!! Here’s a gift bag with some free tickets... thanks so much for playing along tonight.”

Dave headed back to his friends who wasted no time shouting his name back to him.

“Alright and Chloe was with the Bachelorette party down here, right? Okay CHLOE, listen very carefully... in a moment I will count to five and you will awaken feeling fully refreshed, wide awake and alert... the number 7 is back in your mind where it always was... and all of the silly suggestions from tonight will be completely gone. In fact... you’re going to find that this past hour and a half is gone right along with those suggestions. You will have no memory of what happened here on stage... you will have no idea that you were ever hypnotized... in fact, once the show ends, and you get up to leave, you will lose all memory of ever setting foot into this club tonight. Once you step outside, this entire evening will instantly vanish from your memory. Your friends will try to convince you of what you did, and you won’t believe one word of it! Only later tonight... when you get home... and you undress to go to bed, you will discover that your bra is missing and you will recall that you tossed it into the audience while you believed you were a professional stripper! Suddenly everything will come back to you, and hopefully one of your friends will give your bra back! Waking on FIVE completely back to normal... but just a little fuzzy in the memory department, not fully alert until you walk outside... ONE... sitting up... TWO... THREE more aware... FOUR and FIVE!”

Chloe still looked a little dazed as Harold helped her to her feet... cracking some jokes for the crowd...

“Thanks again for coming tonight Chloe... and thanks for showing us your tits!” the frat boys cheered as Chloe’s face grew more confused.

“Let’s see here... oh right SUGARTITS! Who does Sugartits belong to?”

“Me! I’m her husband!” Shouted Steve, proudly... happy to have some attention come his way.

“Great! Tell me, should we have her remember everything she did here, or forget it all?”

“Oh man... I think either way will get me in trouble with her!” Steve groaned to a few laughs.

“Let’s see then... okay, MELT one more time LISA... in a moment I will count to five and you will be fully awake and alert again. All of the silly suggestions I gave you will be completely gone, you won’t answer to Sugar tits anymore... all of those silly things we did are going to fade away like a dream. IN FACT... you won’t recall much of what you did here tonight. When you awaken you will feel as though you recall everything you did up here... but you will only remember the silly things at the beginning of the show like forgetting your name and Dave’s farts... it will all seem silly and harmless and rather unimportant to you. The ONLY thing you vividly will remember from tonight is that delicious popsicle I gave you. You won’t remember what the popsicle looked like... but you will KNOW that you came here tonight and enjoyed the best tasting popsicle of your life... everything else was imaginary but that popsicle was REAL, and you’ll remember how good it tasted and you’ll even remember how happy and sexy it made you feel. When you leave here tonight... you are going to crave another one of those popsicles. And later when you get home... the strangest thing is going to happen... you are going to find that your husband’s dick tastes EXACTLY like that popsicle! Even better in fact!! And you’ll know damn well that you’re sucking on your husband’s cock, but you won’t care, because it WILL make you feel just as good as that popsicle. This will only affect you for the rest of the night... tomorrow morning everything will go back to normal... but you’ll always believe that the popsicle you had tonight was real... and you’re going to want to use the free tickets I’m giving you to come back again and have another one! Waking up on the count of FIVE... ONE... sitting up... TWO... feeling more awake... THREE happy and energized... FOUR take a deep breath in and FIVE! Give a big hand for Lisa everyone!”

Lisa smiled as she took her gift bag and skipped back to her husband, happier than ever.

“And last but not least... JOEY!” The audience giggled as they watched the bulge grow again in his pants, even while deeply asleep. “Who did Joey come here with?”

“He came by himself!” Steve shouted

“Oh that’s right, he came here solo tonight... well that’s no fun, having no one to play with him. I have an idea... ONE TWO THREE WIDE AWAKE!”

Joey groggily looked up from his extended nap.

“I usually give everyone a little parting gift at the end of my show... and since you were such a good sport tonight, I would love to buy you a drink as a token of my appreciation. Sound good?”

Joey started to smile... “Yeah, sure!”

“Okay... JOEY, do me a favor and head over the bar there in the back by the door... I’ll meet you there after the show.”

Joey hesitated for a second, as his erection squirmed in his pants... still faithfully responding to his commands... but then he got up and headed out through the crowd as he was instructed.

“Great, JOEY, take a seat on that bar stool by the exit there... that’s good... sit all the way back... you are GLUED to that stool... LOOK AT ME... you will not fall over... stay sitting up... AND MELT FOR ME... (Joey’s head fell to his chest.) Joey, in a moment the show will be over and everyone is going to start leaving. Everyone here is going to pass by and say goodbye to you before they leave... but you’re going to notice something very special... EACH AND EVERY PERSON HERE SOUNDS EXACTLY LIKE ME. And we all know what happens when you hear MY VOICE say YOUR NAME, right JOEY?? Anyone and everyone who says your name on their way out will cause you to have the same intense sexual response you had up here all night. You won’t be able to move... you will stay glued to that stool until I come get you afterwards and wake you up. ONE TWO THREE WIDE AWAKE!!”

The audience cheered with applause as “Hypno-Harold” said his goodbyes...

“You’ve been a wonderful audience. Please come see us again soon! Have a great evening and be sure to say hi to JOEY on your way out! Goodnight!”

The audience was relentless as Joey writhed in mindless arousal with every call of his name. That sexy Australian voice was echoing everywhere... it turned him on... he wanted more... all the while feeling embarrassed by his erection... he felt like everyone was watching... and it wasn’t his imagination either. Plenty of people wanted to see up close if he was just making it up in his head, or if he actually was getting hard... everyone was getting more than they bargained for. Eventually the last of them finally left and Harold finally emerged.

“You put on one hell of a show tonight!” declared Harold. Joey didn’t know what to say, that voice was driving him wild... he was completely entranced.

“You’re no longer stuck to that stool. Follow me and lets see if we can find your shirt...”

Joey was so overwhelmed, he hadn’t noticed his shirt was missing... he followed Harold backstage, suddenly distracted by this new turn of events. Suddenly they were in Harold’s dressing room.

“Finally we can be alone to chat...” Harold said as he closed and locked the door.

“I knew I recognized you, but I couldn’t place it... you’ve been stalking my show’s facebook page!”

“Oh... I guess I have been... yeah...” Joey mused as he pieced together a sentence through his mindless arousal.

“I have to admit I’ve stalked you a bit too, Joey...”

Joey hunched over again, still obeying the suggestion to try and hide his erection.

“Oh how could I forget... I’m sorry... FOCUS ON ME... When I snap my fingers, you will no longer be ashamed of your erection. The audience is gone... it’s just you and me... you feel completely comfortable with your body in front of me... NOW... SNAP That feels much better now, doesn’t it JOEY?“

“Oh yeahhh” Moaned Joey as he stood there vibrating...

“In fact, JOEY, you aren’t just comfortable... you’re very PROUD of your big hard cock... you’re so proud of it, you want to strip naked and show it off to me... go ahead... you’ll feel so happy knowing I can see it. You really NEED to show it to me...”

Joey didn’t flinch as Harold’s words became his new reality. He almost felt guilty for having kept his cock hidden this long. He shoved his clothes off as if they had been attacking him, then he immediately arched his back and showed off his engorged member the best he could. He was so engrossed in his own thoughts, that he didn’t pay any mind to Harold taking off his clothes too. Sporting a rock-hard erection as well... he moved closer to Joey...

“Beautiful... now what do you think of mine?” Said Harold, seductively...

“Um... I... uh... don’t know...” Joey didn’t find men attractive, and had never had a grown man hit on him before... especially not like this. Sure, he thought Harold’s voice was intoxicatingly sexy, but he still found his penis rather off-putting... his sleepy mind was starting to wake up slightly as he fumbled for a response...

“I apologize... I guess I just assumed... are you gay, Joey?”

“No I’m not” Joey mumbled as he simultaneously moaned in ecstasy from the sound of his name again...

“Haha... silly me... I mistook you for a fan... well, a different kind of fan I suppose. Not to worry... there’s nothing wrong with being straight, haha... I can still work with you. After all, you clearly don’t mind being naked in front of me, is that right?”

“Right...” sighed the naked boy

“You’re here because you love hypnosis, aren’t you?”

“Yes” cried Joey... it felt so good to say it.

“You weren’t stalking my page because you found me attractive... it’s because you’re a hypno fetishist, is that right?”

“YES!” Joey moaned as Harold’s words made him hornier and hornier...

“You want me to play with you like this, don’t you?”


“I want you to be honest with yourself and to me... you are free to say no and walk away... TELL ME NOW, YES or NO... Do you want me to take advantage of you using hypnosis right now?”


“Then MELT for me Joey.... ”

Harold sat down in the armchair behind him, as he guided the sleepy naked boy gently onto his knees as Harold’s feet.

“Joey I want you to think back to that popsicle I gave you earlier... remember how incredible it tasted... how good it made you feel... I have another one for you now... when you wake up, you will stay on your knees and gaze at this popsicle I have for you. That is indeed all you will see, smell and taste as you gaze upon this popsicle I’m holding. You will gleefully suck it just like you did on stage... it will taste ten times better... you will be even more turned on... you will LIVE to suck this popsicle... WIDE AWAKE!”

Joey didn’t flinch as he wrapped his mouth around Harold’s cock. Even if somewhere, deep in his mind he knew what he was doing... he was so thrilled to be giving in to the hypnosis, that he didn’t care what Harold made him do. It felt so good to submit... to let go... to let Harold think for him... to imagine the things Harold asked him to imagine... and to do the things he asked him to do... at long last Joey realized his fantasies about hypnosis could all come true. Deep down, he finally felt complete. Of course... on the surface, all he knew was that he LOVED this popsicle.

It didn’t take long for Harold to climax... he didn’t make a habit of taking advantage of subjects in this way. However it wasn’t often that someone as willing and pliable as Joey came along. He groaned in ecstasy as Joey scrambled to lick up what he thought was his popsicle melting faster than he could slurp. This only concerned him for a brief moment before Harold instructed him to “MELT” once again... falling backwards onto the floor as he awaited that sexy voice to command him further...

“You’re feeling hornier than ever with every word I say, JOEY... go ahead JOEY, touch yourself... begin to stroke, JOEY and obey my words... you will get hotter and hornier with every second, but you will only cum when I say you can... that’s it, JOEY... you love being hypnotized... you love having your mind played with, don’t you JOEY!”

“YESSSS!!!” screamed the suggestible, naked boy on the floor...

“I’m going to count up to five JOEY... when I reach the number five you are going to experience the absolute greatest orgasm of your entire life... you will explode with pleasure, and you’ll know that it’s all because of me... and my words... and my voice... feel my voice turning you on now as I count.... ONE... so hard and horny JOEY... TWO... stroking faster and faster now... you can’t stop THREE... so horny and happy... FOUR... here it comes JOEY and FIIIIVEEEEEE...”

Joey exploded, physically and mentally... his cock erupting like a geyser, and his mind going to places he never knew existed... his whole body writhing and jerking... Harold exacerbating the issue by simply whispering Joey’s name over and over again as this orgasm changed everything he knew... Harold just sat back and watched as Joey eventually settled down and the earthquake subsided.

Harold gave Joey a damp washcloth to clean up with... and he instructed him to get his clothes on. Harold got dressed himself and then had Joey melt back down on the couch for some final instructions before re-joining the real world.

“...Joey when you wake up, you’re going to remember everything that happened here tonight. You will feel alert, happy... completely refreshed, and you’ll want to talk to me honestly about what just happened. ....THREE, TWO, ONE... WIDE AWAKE!”

“That was incredible!” Joey blurted out as the veil of hypnosis was lifted at last.

“I’m glad you think so! I was worried perhaps this wasn’t what you were looking for.” replied Harold, candidly.

“This was the greatest night of my life. I never knew I could be hypnotized, but now a whole new world has been opened to me. Thank you.”

“I’m glad you feel that way. I want you to know that you’re welcome to come here any time you’d like and be a part of the show. Or... to have private sessions like this. Here is my card, feel free to call, or email. Even if you just want to talk about hypnosis or anything... I’m happy to help you in any way.” said Harold as he began walking Joey toward the door.

“Thanks so much! I can’t wait to do this again!” exclaimed Joey.

“Well I look forward to fucking with your mind again!” Harold said with a laugh.

The two walked to Joey’s car and said their goodbyes. Joey drove home and blissfully recounted the evening’s events in his mind. As he drove, he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket... a text message alert. He was curious to know who it was from, but a voice in the back of his mind reminded him how important it was to drive himself home first. He got back home to his apartment and locked the door. He thought again about checking the text on his phone, but a voice in the back of his head reminded him that he should probably take his clothes off first before texting. He stripped naked and reached for his phone... he opened the text from the unknown number, and the text message instructed him to “MELT”...