The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

“The Hypnosis Non-Believers Club”

Sutton had always been interested in the human mind. Even though she was still a college student, she had already taken several courses on the way the mind works. The more courses she took, the more interested she became. One idea had bothered her though. One of the courses she took said that the human mind could be manipulated by outside forces. The use of these “suggestions” would be enough to control. Sutton felt that this hypnosis thing couldn’t be real. How could any outside force control something as powerful as the brain? Sutton and her teacher had many arguments but no one could prove that hypnosis actually worked. Sutton decided to start a club, even if no one joined, that would set out to prove that hypnosis was not possible.

Cliff was a stage hypnotist. He was almost fed up with the amount of people that came to his shows for the sole purpose of heckling. It always gave him some gratification to hypnotize them into shutting up. It had, however, been a while since his last gig. He was a little nervous going into his next performance.

It had been a couple of weeks since Sutton had started the “Hypnosis Non-Believers Club” and since its beginning she had initiated only one member, her best friend, Makenna. It didn’t matter to Sutton, though. She was going to prove hypnosis was not real. She was elated when her first chance to do just that happened.

“The poster says ‘Cliff the Magnificent. A real live stage hypnosis show appearing at the McLean Theatre tomorrow night only.’ What a crock! You know what, Makenna? We’re gonna go in order to prove our point. Isn’t this exciting?” said Sutton.

“Whatever.” answered Makenna.

This type of thing didn’t really interest Makenna. She joined only to make Sutton feel better about herself. Plus, almost every guy in school was attracted to the both of them so even though there was really no point in the club, they both received a lot of attention. Attention was all Makenna desired.

Sutton arrived extra early at the McLean Theatre in order to reserve seats that gave her the best view of the stage. She was less than happy with Makenna when she showed up only 5 minutes before show time.

“Where have you been? The show is about to start!” Sutton said with more than a little anger in her voice.

“Oh, you know. Out doing normal things.” Makenna shot back.

“Ahhhh, I get it. You would rather be out screwing around with guys than proving that things that seem real aren’t?” prodded Sutton.

“Your words, not mine.” said Makenna coolly.

“So, you don’t even care about what matters to me?” said Sutton, hurt by Makenna’s words.

“That’s not true.,” said a guilty Makenna, “Fine…I’ll stay and take notes. I’ll help out and stop being so arrogant. I won’t question what you believe.”

“Thanks, that means a lot.”

“Quiet! The show’s starting!” said some guy seated behind them.

“Good evening! Ladies and gentlemen! I have to ask you to please stand for the entrance of Cliff the Magnificent!” said an excited emcee.

The audience clapped as Cliff strode around the stage majestically. Sutton noticed something strange about his eyes, but she couldn’t quite decipher what was different about them.

“Good evening! I hope it’s not to much to ask you to stand during my opening speech, it’s part of the act.” started Cliff.

As soon as he started talking, Sutton was transfixed on everything he said. Everything he did was important. Her head was suddenly filled with no sound but his voice and she liked that feeling. His words made her feel lighter than air, as if she was floating on air above everyone else. Now she could tell what was different about his eyes as her eyes met his, they seemed to sparkle…sparkle…sparkle…

Makenna noticed a strange emptiness come about Sutton during the hypnotist’s opening remarks. She had a lazy, glazed look in her eyes.

“Sutton, are you feeling OK?” asked a worried Makenna.

“I…feel…wonderful…” answered a dreamy Sutton. Her answer made Makenna worry more.

“Okay, now that I’ve finished my rather long introduction, I will ask the audience to be seated. However, if you were hypnotized by me during the opening speech, please remain standing. For those of you who still have control of your mind, you can now see why my intro was so long and how it plays into my act.” said Cliff.

The seated audience clapped in amazement and part amusement as they looked around and saw six or so people still standing, helplessly hypnotized by the man on the stage. Makenna thought it was sort of funny until she looked to her right. There, standing next to her, was Sutton with a dreamy smile on her face and a glazed look in her eyes.

“Sutton! That’s not funny! Sit down right now! You don’t even believe in hypnosis…so that should mean you can’t be hypnotized!” exclaimed a bewildered Makenna. But her heart sank as she looked at Sutton again, the way her eyes never left the hypnotist’s figure, the expression on her face, she realized the truth, Sutton had been hypnotized. Hypnosis really did exist.

“Okay, for the next part of my act, I must ask those who are under hypnosis to join me on stage.” commanded Cliff.

Sutton obediently moved through the row, climbed up the stairs, and stood right next to the hypnotist. As she did this, her eyes never left his.

As she watched this whole ordeal, Makenna began to stare at the hypnotist. His eyes seemed to bore into her skull. She then realized that he was attempting to hypnotize her.

“No” she thought to herself “I’ll fight his powers, Sutton may not have realized what was happening, but I do. I refuse to let him control me.” Even as she told herself these words, she felt her will weakening. His eyes were so sparkly…shimmering…she couldn’t look away…she felt…so….wonderful…it was amazing. But just as soon as it started, it ended. Makenna seemed to snap out of her trance. She figured the hypnotist had given up on her. Maybe.

Makenna then decided she had to warn the rest of the audience that hypnosis was dangerous and that they should protect themselves from his powers. She stood up and faced the audience. She turned around and tried desperately to persuade them. But, every time she spoke strange noises and not real words came out of her mouth. However, she seemed strangely oblivious to her surroundings, especially the laughing people, and kept going.

“Enough! Young lady, come join us on stage.” said Cliff.

A now hypnotized and obedient Makenna did just that.

Now that both members of the club were on stage, there was no one left to prove that hypnosis was not real. But, that didn’t really matter to Sutton or Makenna. In fact, the only thing they were concerned with now was obeying all of their master’s instructions. Both girls felt wonderful. Sutton couldn’t believe that she had regarded hypnosis in a negative way. It was an experience everyone should enjoy, she thought. All too soon, the hypnotist snapped his fingers and everyone on stage snapped out of their hypnotic trance.

“Thank you! You’ve been a wonderful audience! Good night!” exclaimed Cliff.

As a dazed Sutton and Makenna wandered away, they were approached by a stagehand.

“Since both of you participated in tonight’s activities, you are both invited to a party backstage along with all of the other ‘victims’.” he said.

Both girls agreed that a party would be great. As soon as they walked backstage, they got lost and ambled into a hallway.

“Maybe it’s in here.” inquired Sutton.

“Yeah.” said Makenna, looking at the same door.

Both girls entered the door and found themselves alone. However, both girls seemed to have no desire to leave, as if they belonged here.

“So…I see you girls are looking for a little more action.”

Both girls turned around to see the hypnotist himself. Almost immediately, the girls seemed to fall back into their hypnotic trances.

“I’m glad to see those little extra suggestions seeped into your minds.” said a visibly pleased Cliff.

He then proceeded to do many things to the girls including multiple sessions of lovemaking with both.

“I must admit, you two are the first subjects I’ve had in a while that I’ve been physically attracted to.” he said.

Neither girl cared much. They were both ecstatic to be in his control again.

Unexplainably, both girls dropped out of school in the proceeding weeks. Both cited “business opportunity” as their reason for leaving school. No one realized that this was yet another post-hypnotic suggestion.

Sutton never again questioned hypnosis. She had no reason, considering that Cliff hypnotized her daily into being his little sex toy. Both Sutton and Makenna now toured with Cliff and the girls really enjoyed hypnosis. He now controlled them both. And he loved it.