The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

“I’d Do Anything For Love (But I Won’t Do That)”

For Thrall, who suggested it, and for Lady Ru’etha, who seconded the notion.

“Y’see,’s about my wife.”

Doctor Hendricks looked down at Jim with an expression of good-natured skepticism on his face. “And yet,” he said mildly, “you’re the one sitting on the couch. Want to go into a little more detail about what you want out of all this, or should we just go ahead and skip this appointment, and get your wife in here for a hypnotherapy session?”

Jim smiled sheepishly. “Yeah, yeah, okay,” he said, punctuating the comment with a heavy sigh. “Is Thursday all right?” It might be a snap judgment, but he was already feeling pretty comfortable enough with Doctor Hendricks to crack jokes. Jim had maybe expected some sort of tight-assed clinical shrink, or maybe a creepy Svengali type, but this felt like talking to a regular guy who just happened to have a bunch of degrees up on his wall.

“Seriously, Doc,” he continued, “my wife and I, a few months back we decided that things weren’t clicking in the bedroom the way they used to. I mean, you know, not that sex was bad, or anything—she never had anything to complain about, I made sure of that. But we thought about maybe doing something to spice up the old night life, you know?”

Doctor Hendricks nodded. “It’s not an unfamiliar idea once you’ve been married for eight years, and not a bad one, either. So long as you can talk openly and honestly about what you’re interested in trying, that is.” He looked a little confused, like he was wondering why Jim had come to him instead of calling up Doctor Ruth or something.

“Well, that wasn’t a problem,” Jim said, his cheeks feeling a little bit hot as he remembered the night he and Dorrie spent sharing their sexual fantasies. Just talking about it had gotten them both hotter than they’d been in years, as they described in detail the things that had always turned them on. He’d felt like there was an iron bar in his pants when he talked about fantasies of Dorrie with another girl, and the way she’d squirmed when she shyly mentioned wanting to be tied up was getting him hard right now as he remembered it. “We talked a lot, and we’ve been trying some stuff. And it’s” He let out a low whistle. “It’s been pretty damn nice, Doc.”

“Please,” Doctor Hendricks said, “call me Rob. Saying ‘Doc’ all the time makes me feel like I’m hypnotizing Bugs Bunny.” He leaned back in his chair. “So if you’re happy, and she’s happy, then why are you here telling me that your wife is making you want to be hypnotized?”

Jim shifted a little on the couch. “Yeah, well...there’s some stuff she wants to do, see. It’s a little...” He fidgeted a little, then finally shrugged. “Weird. I mean, not, you know, weird weird. She’s not asking me to piss on her or anything like that. It’s just, well...I mean, it’s not that I don’t want to, I can tell this is something she really wants, it’s just that I thought, well, maybe I could use a little help easing into the idea. Not that there’s anything wrong with it or anything, but—”

Doctor Hendricks held up a hand. “Whoa, there. We’re not going to get anywhere like this. Not only are you getting so tense that you’re practically tying yourself up in knots, you’re not making a lick of sense. I think the first thing you’re going to get out of our sessions is relaxing enough to tell me what you want out of our sessions.”

Jim tried to hide the nervousness in his voice. “So I guess it’s time for you to hypnotize me, huh,, Rob?”

Doctor Hendricks pulled out a crystal pendulum on a long silver chain. “No, it’s time for you to hypnotize you.” He held the pendant out for Jim to take. “Look,” he said, noticing Jim’s confused expression, “you don’t get to be a certified hypnotherapist without getting pretty good at noticing people’s body language, and your body is telling me that you’re not all that comfortable with the idea of me hypnotizing you. So we’re going to try something a little different, and let you do all the work.” He grinned. “It doesn’t mean that I’m sharing my fee for the session, though.”

Jim held up the pendulum. “So what do I do?” he asked, staring helplessly at it. He didn’t know what to do with it; the only hypnosis he’d ever seen was on an old re-run of ‘Hart To Hart’.

Doctor Hendricks shrugged. “For now, just try to relax. Go ahead and look at it, and imagine all those worries about me, and about your wife, draining out of your body. Just go ahead and watch that pendulum—if it starts to swing around a little, that’s fine. That’s normal. That’s good. Follow it with your eyes if it starts to move, and relax. If there’s something you feel like saying, go ahead and let it out. But it’s alright to just watch and listen for now.”

Jim looked at the pendulum. He’d expected something really eye-catching, like a sparkly gemstone or something. Maybe even a pocket-watch—that was what they were always supposed to use, right? But this was just a sort of dull, solid-colored pinkish-purple rock that had been cut and polished. It had some veins of deeper purple running through it, which was kind of pretty, but Jim didn’t know from rocks. He was an engineer, not a geologist. He’d played with model rockets as a kid, not rock tumblers. “What, um...what’s this made out of?” he asked. He twisted his hand a little to get a look at the whole thing.

“It’s amethyst,” Doctor Hendricks said calmly. “But don’t try to move it. Just keep watching it, and it’ll move all on its own. You’ll be lying there, feeling all the stress pour out of you like the air out of a balloon, and as you feel yourself relaxing and sinking into the couch, the pendulum will move...all on its own. And when it does, Jim, you’ll relax even more.”

Jim squinted at the pendulum, watching it intently to see if it would really move on its own the way Doctor Hendricks said it would. It sounded like bullshit to him. He was holding it, wasn’t he? If he wasn’t going to be moving it, who was? “It might help if you traced the veins of deeper purple with your eyes,” Doctor Hendricks said, but already his words had become background noise as Jim focused his attention on the pendulum. Jim didn’t want to tune him out or anything, but the guy was making it sound like this thing was going to start moving by magic or something. And if that really was going to happen, Jim didn’t want to miss it.

“Take a deep breath, and let it out slowly,” Doctor Hendricks said. Jim almost didn’t notice his lungs inflate. He was too busy tracing the threads of dark purple through the pink hues of the stone. He really wished he’d decided to hold the pendulum closer to his eyes; the effort of narrowing his focus even further down from the stone to the veins was making them water slightly, and every time he blinked, he had to refocus all over again. But he didn’t want to move it, not when Doctor Hendricks had told him not to. He just had to keep watching and listening, tracing the purple in the pink.

“And you might notice your hand getting tired from holding the pendulum up, or your eyes getting tired from watching it,” Doctor Hendricks said, “but try to ignore that for now. The rest of your body is relaxing so well that it’s fine if your eyes get tired, or your hand gets tired. You know you want to see the pendulum move, and you’ll need to have your eyes open for that. They can close later.”

Jim nodded absently. He’d almost totally forgotten about blinking now, and his eyes were burning a little from the effort of keeping them open. It was good to know that he’d be able to close them soon. As soon as...

The pendulum moved. Jim’s eyes almost closed, but he was too astonished to let them shut yet. It was really happening, he thought. The pendulum was swaying—just a tiny little bit at first, but now moving into a regular, even motion as he watched it. His eyes followed the stone back and forth as it swayed, and his jaw hung open as he tried to figure out how it was happening. He knew he wasn’t moving his hand, he was trying so hard to hold it up and hold it still even though it felt so tired and heavy now; but the pendulum was moving anyway. It danced and swung on the end of the chain all on its own. “And what does that do to you?” Doctor Hendricks said quietly as he watched Jim’s eyes widen in awe.

Jim felt his breath go out in a whoosh. “Relaxes me...” he mumbled out.

“Very good,” Doctor Hendricks said. “And every swing makes you ten times as relaxed now, every time the pendulum passes from right to left...and from left to relaxes you deeper. And when you’re relaxed enough, Jim, you’ll feel the words spill right out as you tell me everything you want me to know. And every time you tell me something you want me to know, every time you unburden yourself from another secret, that will relax you even deeper.”

Jim felt like he sat there forever watching the pendulum swing. He followed it with his eyes as it swung once...and then again...and then another time...and he couldn’t remember how many times that was now, he was too relaxed to really worry about counting, but it felt like a long time. Time felt like it was stretching like taffy as he watched the pendulum, and it could have been hours before he finally said, “My wife wants to have a threesome with another man.”

He barely even heard Doctor Hendricks’ words as the rush of unwinding tension sent him even deeper into the wonderful, floaty sensation of watching the crystal and relaxing. “And you’re worried about seeing your wife with another man?”

“No...” Jim said, the words coming easier as he relaxed and his relaxation making the words come out easier. “I think...she hasn’t quite said it, but I can tell, she wants me to...participate. With him.” The tension started to build again at the thought of it, but then the pendulum passed from right to left, and it drained away. “I’m not sure I can go through with it. But I know she wants it, and it’d be...wrong...if I asked her to do all these things in the bedroom, but I wouldn’t do the things she wanted me to do. I want to do this for her. I really do. I’m just not sure I can...”

“Because you don’t want to touch another man?” Doctor Hendricks asked.

“I’m not gay,” Jim said, a touch of childish petulance in his voice. “I played football in college, I...I don’t want guys thinking I’m gay.”

“That’s an interesting way of putting it, Jim,” Doctor Hendricks said. “Are you worried about...participating...with another man, or are you worried that other people would think of you differently if they knew?”

Jim listened to himself talk with a certain degree of amazement—he was actually surprised to hear some of the things he was saying, but once he heard them, they did make a lot of sense. “I’m afraid I’ll think of me differently. I’m not gay, and I don’t want to be gay. I’m scared I’ll like it too much, that it’ll do something to me. I’m...” Jim knew he must be deeply hypnotized when he heard what he said next, because he’d never have said something so stupid out loud if he wasn’t. “I’m afraid it’ll turn me gay.”

As stupid as it sounded, he realized he really believed it. Knowing it was stupid didn’t get of the fear that it would happen somehow, that he’d touch another guy’s dick and suddenly get all swishy. “S’why I want you to hypnotize me...take away the fear, so I can do this and make my wife happy.”

He felt Doctor Hendricks’ hand on his shoulder. It was only then that he realized his eyes were closed, that the pendulum was now swaying only in his mind. “It’s okay, Jim,” Doctor Hendricks said. “You don’t have to be afraid. Nobody can make you gay, Jim. Ask any scientist, they’ll tell you that’s a fact. Being gay is more than just having sex with a man; it’s a part of who you are. If you’re not gay, nothing can make you gay, no matter what you do in the bedroom.” Doctor Hendricks’ hand slid just a little bit down Jim’s arm, pressing it down gently and letting it flop onto his chest, pendulum and all. He felt even more relaxed as his arm went limp. “Nobody can make you gay, Jim. Say it with me.”

“Nobody...can make you gay...” Jim sighed out, feeling as though he was floating as the burden of worry started to lighten.

“Nobody can make you gay.”

“Nobody...c’n” Jim felt his lips grow slack and loose as he relaxed even further.

“Nobody can make you gay.”

“nbdy...c’n mk...g’y...” It was getting harder to say the words, but easier to think them.

“You can be close to another man without being gay, Jim,” Doctor Hendricks said, maintaining a warm grip on Jim’s arm. “Think back to college. You played football with other men. You showered with them, you grappled with them, you slapped them on the back or patted them on the butt or even hugged them. You maybe even slept in the same bed with them on road trips.” Jim nodded, his voice momentarily lost as he relaxed even more. “None of that made you gay. It was just a close bonding experience with another man.”

Jim tried to say something, but it only came out as a sigh. Doctor Hendricks seemed to take the point, though. “And you still enjoy the company of other men, Jim. You enjoy talking to them, playing cards, fishing, watching football, camping...all close, emotional experiences, Jim. That’s all this is going to be. Just another close experience with a man. It won’t make you gay, because nobody can make you gay.”

“b’dy...g’y...” The words came automatically now, even though they were slurred and whispered to the point of unrecognizability.

“That’s right, Jim. Even now, you’re very relaxed in my presence; I’m touching you, we’re having a deeply emotional and close moment, and you’re comfortable with that, aren’t you?” As he spoke, Doctor Hendricks put his hand on Jim’s chest.

For a moment, Jim wasn’t quite comfortable with it. It felt maybe a little too close. But then he remembered that it was alright. It wasn’t going to make him gay. Nobody could make him gay. He sighed, feeling the gentle pressure of Doctor Hendricks’ hand moving up and down with his chest as he breathed out, and whispered a “y’s...”

“That’s right. We’re just bonding, that’s all. Two men, enjoying the camaraderie of each other’s presence, learning to trust each other. That feels good, Jim. It feels good to learn to trust me, to be close to me like this.”

And it did feel good. It felt warm, and relaxing, and comfortable, and yet somehow very enjoyable. His flesh almost seemed to tingle with the warm, dreamy ease of it all. “And because we’ve bonded like this, Jim, it’s going to be even easier for you to relax like this when you’re with me. I’ll say, ‘Trust me, Jim’, and you’ll remember how this experience has brought us together, and how warm and comfortable that feels, and that’s going to relax you until you’re all the way down in trance like this again. Isn’t that right, Jim?”

Jim couldn’t even speak now; he just let his head bob up and down slightly to agree. The thought of being able to come back to this place again and again, it sounded so wonderful that it made him sink deeper simply imagining it. He pictured Doctor Hendricks saying the words, pictured himself relaxing, and that image in his mind’s eye made him relax all the more.

“Very good, Jim. And you might find, when you come back up, that you’re still a little nervous. That’s okay, Jim. That just means we have more work to do. All you need to think about right now is how productive this session was. It made you feel good, it made you feel comfortable, it made you feel relaxed and close to me. Those are all good things.” And they were good things, Jim knew. He squirmed slightly on the couch with every word of it, feeling a warm dreamy heat as he felt Doctor Hendricks rub his chest, his fingers occasionally brushing against Jim’s nipples through his clothing. He didn’t need to think about that, though. All he needed to think about right now was how productive this session was.

It felt like it went on forever, a warm liquid sensation of pleasant relaxation and tingling stimulation. Jim was almost disappointed when Doctor Hendricks finally took his hand away and said, “And now, Jim, I’m going to count up to five. When I do that, you’ll feel yourself becoming more alert and aware with each number, remembering how productive and helpful this was, and how good it felt. One...two...three...four...five.”

Jim opened his eyes. “” His mouth felt a little dry. “How long was I, um, out?” He shifted position slightly on the couch. He felt kind of embarrassed, waking up with a little bit of a chubby, and he didn’t want the doc noticing. It’d be kind of awkward if Doctor Hendricks thought that Jim was into him or something, when he was really just enjoying being relaxed like that.

“About forty-five minutes,” Doctor Hendricks replied. “A productive first session, but I certainly didn’t expect to solve all your problems in one go. And I hope you didn’t either.”

Jim blinked heavily, his head still a bit full of cobwebs. “Huh? Oh, no. No, I’m fine with coming back. Whatever it takes to make the wife happy, right?”

Doctor Hendricks smiled. “Whatever it takes to make you comfortable, Jim. My patients are always the most important things to me.” He patted Jim on the shoulder in a friendly way. Jim was surprised at how soothing the little gesture was. “Come on. Let’s get your next session scheduled.”

* * *

“So,” Doctor Hendricks said as Jim settled onto the couch, “What does your wife think about what you’re doing here?”

Jim froze up for a second, then chuckled. “Wow, Rob, you really don’t mess around, do you?”

“Sorry,” Doctor Hendricks said with a mischievous grin. “I figured you were paying by the hour, you probably wanted to skip the small talk. But if you want, we can chat a little bit. See the game on Sunday? Dolphins look pretty good this year, don’t they? How about that Pennington, huh? Why did you avoid answering the question about your wife?” He paused. “Sorry, that last one was back to business. I don’t want to waste too much of your money.”

Jim shifted a little. “I haven’t exactly told her yet. She knows I’m talking to a therapist, but I didn’t tell her about the hypnosis, and I didn’t tell her what it was about. As far as she’s concerned, the whole ‘threesome’ thing is still something I’m thinking about. Which, you know, she’s been good about it. She hasn’t nagged me or anything. But I can tell sometimes that she’s thinking about me thinking about it.”

“Well then,” Doctor Hendricks said, rubbing his hands together, “let’s not keep her waiting too much longer, shall we? Do you remember what happened in last week’s session?”

Jim furrowed his brow a little as he thought back to the hazy warmth of his trance a week ago. “I...some of it. A little.” He remembered his eyes getting heavy, burning with the strain of keeping them open... “We, um...we talked about what I wanted. Out of this. To be comfortable with another man.” His arm felt heavy, even though it was resting at his side instead of working so hard to hold up the pendulum so that he could watch it swing back and forth.

Doctor Hendricks leaned forward a bit, watching Jim’s eyes as they became ever so slightly glassy. “I gave you a special phrase, Jim, one that would relax you and make you more comfortable. Do you remember what that phrase was?”

“Um...” Jim tried to think, but all he could really remember was the feel of fingers, bumping up against his nipples and making them stiffen into tiny buds on his chest. The memory was so clear it felt like he was feeling it all over again. “No. Sorry.”

“There’s nothing to be sorry about, Jim,” Doctor Hendricks said warmly. “That’s good. That’s very good. That’s a sign that you’re comfortable with me, and that you’re willing to trust me, Jim.”

“Uh-huh...” Jim felt his muscles go loose and rubbery as he realized how good that knowledge felt. It was so nice to trust Doctor Hendricks, so warm and soft and relaxing. His eyes slid halfway shut as the pleasure of it overwhelmed him.

“And knowing that you can trust me, Jim, you can feel safe enough to relax your mind and body completely.” Jim watched Doctor Hendricks smile warmly as his eyes drifted all the way shut and he felt himself go completely limp. “You enjoy this feeling, don’t you, Jim?” Doctor Hendricks asked.

“Uh-huh,” Jim mumbled. He wished he could say something stronger, but his thoughts were so fuzzy and his jaw felt so slack and relaxed that he couldn’t get the words out even if he could think of them. But he loved feeling like this. He felt somehow more relaxed even than when he was asleep, like he was asleep but he was awake enough to enjoy it.

“That’s very good, Jim. That’s an important step in your progress, being able to relax so completely around another man. You can feel how close we are, Jim, how open you are to me, but you’re still able to trust me, Jim. Because you know that enjoying this sensation, giving into it completely and relaxing your body and mind...that doesn’t make you gay, does it, Jim?”

“Nobody can make me gay,” Jim whispered slowly. The mantra wrapped around him like a soft, warm blanket, protecting him from his irrational fears. It was okay to let Doctor Hendricks direct things. It was okay to feel this close to him and enjoy feeling this close to him. Because it wasn’t going to make him gay. Nothing could make him gay.

“The more you trust me, Jim, the better you’ll feel and the easier it will be to do the things you want to do with another man. And you do want to do those things, don’t you, Jim?”

Jim shook his head ever so slightly, as though it was on a swivel. “Not...exactly,” he muttered. “Don’t want to do them, but...Dorrie, she wants me to, so I want...”

“You resent her a little for asking, don’t you, Jim?” Jim squirmed a little on the couch, not wanting to answer. “It’s okay to tell me. You can trust me, Jim.”

“Yes,” Jim sighed out. “I do. Feel I don’t have a choice, like she’s making me do this...if I say no, she’ll be upset, won’t say it but she I have to. Don’t have a choice...”

Jim felt Doctor Hendricks put his hand on his chest again, gently soothing away the tension with slow, relaxing strokes. “What if you did have a choice, Jim? If you went back to her, and told her that you wanted to pick the other man, then you would control when this happened, and who it happened with. It would be your choice, Jim. Your choice.”

Jim nodded absently. “My choice,” he whispered, smiling.

“Yes, Jim. Your choice. And now that you understand that, it’s even easier to relax and let me help you become comfortable with that choice, isn’t it?” Doctor Hendricks’ hand seemed to narrow its focus, circling around Jim’s upper chest and brushing back and forth across his nipples.

“Uh-huh...” Jim let himself relax even more, feeling his body melt down into the cushions of the wide couch as if he was made of liquid.

“That’s very, very good, Jim. Now, I want you to go ahead and let your eyes open. You’ll find that it won’t bring you out of your trance, even a little.” Jim felt his eyelids raise, noticing dreamily how fuzzy and unfocused his vision felt. He didn’t try to do anything about it, though. It felt so easy to let his gaze drift and wander without looking at anything in particular.

“Very good, Jim,” Doctor Hendricks said. Jim felt his head turn towards the voice without any real effort at all on his part. His eyes locked onto Doctor Hendricks’ eyes, but it sort of seemed to happen without Jim actually doing it. “Now, Jim, I want you to take your clothes off.”

Jim blinked. He didn’t wake up, exactly, but suddenly he felt tension returning to his muscles, felt his mind actually trying to process the idea instead of blankly accepting it. “I...”

“It’s okay,” Doctor Hendricks said, continuing to rub Jim’s chest, “you can trust me, Jim. You know you want to be more comfortable around other men, and this is just another step in that process. You’ll need to be naked around another man eventually, and this is just a way of getting comfortable with the idea. It doesn’t make you gay.”

“Nobody can make me gay,” Jim said, his eyes glazed as he stared emptily at Doctor Hendricks.

“That’s right. You’ve been naked around other men before, and it didn’t make you gay. You can be naked around me, and it won’t make you gay. Nobody can make you gay.”

“Nobody can make me gay,” Jim responded dreamily, unbuttoning his shirt. He felt Doctor Hendricks’ warm hand pressing directly against his body as he pulled the garment off, arrowing in on his nipples, tweaking and pinching them as he relaxed back down onto the couch.

“It feels good, doesn’t it, Jim?” Doctor Hendricks asked as Jim kicked his shoes off and began wriggling out of his pants. “You like the way my hand feels on your body, you like the feelings you’re getting. It doesn’t make you gay just because you enjoy feeling good, Jim, does it?”

“Nobody can make me gay,” Jim responded vacantly, sliding his underwear down to pool around his ankles with his pants before finally slipping out of both at once. It made so much sense when Rob explained it like this. He just felt good. It didn’t matter that it was a man rubbing his thumbs against Jim’s nipples, making his cock stiffen and sway in the warm air of the office. He could enjoy this and still not be gay. He felt his body slump down completely onto the couch as he relaxed into the sensations he was feeling.

“In a moment, Jim, I’m going to take my hand away for just a little bit, but you’ll keep feeling those good, warm sensations. It’s okay, I’ll be right here. You can trust me, Jim.” Jim sighed warmly in agreement, feeling his own hand drift lazily down to caress his cock and balls. Part of him still felt a little weird about touching himself in front of another man, but he felt so safe with Rob, and he was so turned on right now that he needed to do something about it... He dimly realized that Rob’s hand had left his chest, but the memory of the sensations felt as solid as the actual touches had.

“Now, Jim, I want you to slide over to your left until you’re touching the wall.” Jim did as he was told, inching his way over without letting go of his cock. He felt tiny little dribbles of precum starting to spill out from the tip now, and he worked them into the head with his thumb, feeling the slickness of it as it almost, but not quite completely eased the roughness of his hand.

“Now, Jim, let go of your cock.” Jim whimpered a little, the pleasure so addictive that he didn’t want to give it up. “It’s okay, you can trust me, Jim.”

Reluctantly, Jim removed his hand as he felt the weight of another person settle onto the couch next to him. Even though the couch was wide, he could feel naked skin against his own, and he dreamily wondered who it was for a moment before the other person spoke. “You liked that, didn’t you, Jim? You liked the feel of the warm, solid shaft between your fingers, the way it leaked out onto your hand, the way it stood up so tall, so hard, so powerful...”

Jim’s hand twitched, wanting to once again wrap itself around his cock and pump his fist up and down the shaft. “Yes...” he moaned out.

Rob took Jim’s hand and wrapped it around...Jim shivered in confusion and lust. He could feel a hand around his cock, but it felt different. The skin felt softer, smoother, still a man’s hand but not one that had spent a lifetime working with machines. He could feel a cock between his fingers, but it felt slightly thinner, longer, with precum built up around the tip instead of slicked down over the head and shaft. Jim couldn’t figure it out. He couldn’t think; every time he tried to think, the hand would tug a little on his cock and he’d lose his train of thought.

“Now, Jim, you’re touching another man’s cock. How does that feel to you?”

A tiny jerk on his shaft almost answered the question for him. “Good!” he gasped. Involuntarily, he felt himself mimicking the motions of the other hand. He felt like he was a puppet on a string, mirroring the actions of the person lying next to him. “Feels...good...”

“That’s right, Jim, that’s all it is. You’re just feeling good. That cock feels good in your hand, you’re feeling good with my hand around your cock, and you’re just enjoying those feelings. It’s okay to enjoy these feelings. It doesn’t make you gay.”

“Nobody can make me gay,” Jim whimpered out, his hand pumping a little faster and a little harder now as his arousal built. It was true; he could feel it deep down. He could grab another man’s cock, tug and stroke and rub it and enjoy how good that felt, and it wouldn’t make him gay. It just felt good, that’s all. He enjoyed pumping another man’s cock into his fist, that didn’t make him gay or anything.

“That’s right, Jim. Just lay back, enjoy the way this feels, think about how nice this feels and how much you’d love to do it again...” Their hands explored each other’s balls briefly before returning to the cock that was so hard now, aching to feel fingers on it and aching to cum. Jim knew that Rob must be so turned on right now, must need to cum so bad, because he felt the exact same way from the way Rob touched his cock. It stirred a need inside him, a need to relieve Rob’s tension the same way Rob was helping him relieve his own. He had to help Rob cum, he couldn’t let Rob stay this horny, this needy, this ohfucking hot...

“And, and you feel comfortable. With this. Oh, you like this, you like the way it feels, trust me, Jim...” Jim could hear the strain in Rob’s voice as he struggled to hold back the orgasm a tiny bit longer, but Jim knew it wouldn’t work for long. He could feel a whole world of sensation narrowing to the very tip of his cock now, building into an intense blissful ache that he couldn’t stop, tightening and building and ohfuck, ohfuck Rob had to feel it too, he was pumping Rob’s cock and it felt so fucking good because it was making him CUM!

Even as he bucked upwards, his hips thrusting into Rob’s fist as he spurted his load all over his crotch, he could feel Rob’s cock twitching and spurting in his own hand. It felt so hard to separate the two, impossible to tell where his pleasure ended and Rob’s began. Slowly, hazily, he relaxed, the afterglow taking him deeper down into trance and leaving him utterly blank.

He couldn’t quite remember what Rob said next.

* * *

“What’s wrong?” Rob said as Jim walked into the office.

Jim hadn’t realized it was that obvious he was in a bad mood, but he should really have expected Rob to notice right away. Even though they’d only known each other a couple of weeks (and Jim was a little hazy on the details of those two weeks, he admitted to himself with a chuckle), he felt like Rob understood him better than just about anyone else he knew. Rob could see past the whole macho, ‘guys don’t cry’ front that Jim—hell, that every guy put up, and knew when he was really troubled. It was comforting to know that there was at least one person he didn’t have to act tough in front of, who knew that guys had feelings like everybody else.

Rob knew that about him. Even if Dorrie didn’t.

“Eh, just...trouble with the wife,” he said. “You know, I’m sure she’ll get over it, once we—I mean, once I—”

Rob shook his head and took Jim’s hand. “It’s okay to tell me,” he said, leading Jim over to the couch. “That’s what I’m here for. You can trust me, Jim.”

The surge of warm relief he got when Rob said that practically knocked him onto the couch. He’d never had anyone he could really confide in, not like this. Jim wondered if maybe he couldn’t keep these sessions going after the threesome with Dorrie, just to have someone to talk to who’d understand him, someone who would support him, someone he could trust like this. He felt his whole body relaxing as he looked up at Rob. “Dorrie and I got into a fight,” he said, feeling even better once he’d opened up.

“You still haven’t told her you’re planning on doing the threesome?” Rob asked.

“No, I told her,” Jim said, feeling himself un-tense as he let the words spill out. “That was what the fight was about. I told her I’d do it once I found a guy I felt comfortable in bed with, like you suggested...” It was odd. He could remember Rob’s words, but whenever he tried to place them into any kind of context, all he got was a warm drifty pleasure that felt better and better the more he stopped trying to think about them, until he just...just... “Um, she...I dunno, something about the way I said it, maybe, but she got upset. She said I wasn’t really going to do it, that I was never going to find a man I wanted to have sex with, and I was just stalling until she gave up on the idea.”

Rob shook his head. “Women,” he said with a grin. “Can’t live with ‘em, and shallow graves in the backyard attract the attention of the police. So what are you going to do about it?”

Jim swayed a little, but Rob held his shoulders and prevented him from collapsing backwards completely. “Don’t know,” he said. “I need to find a guy, fast, need to prove to Dorrie that I’m being honest, but...but I don’t know where to even start looking, what I’m looking for, I...”

Rob massaged his shoulders. “It’s alright, Jim. It’s alright. You don’t need to prove anything to Dorrie. This is your choice, remember? Your choice.”

“My choice,” Jim sighed, feeling his shoulders melt into relaxation under Rob’s expert touch.

“And if it’s your choice, then it must be something you want, right?” Rob’s fingers worked every last bit of tension out of Jim’s body, leaving him loose and limp in Rob’s grip. Jim felt himself swaying gently forward and backward, rocked by Rob’s lulling motions.

“I...” Jim tried to think about it, because something about that didn’t feel quite right. He—he hadn’t wanted to do this, had he? He’d said—he’d thought—

“Trust me, Jim, this is something you want.” The words seemed to seep into his brain, past the troublesome parts of his mind that were still trying to puzzle it all out and deep into his deepest self. Rob was right. Rob had to be right, because Jim knew he could always trust Rob. If it didn’t make sense, it was probably because Jim was too sleepy and dizzy to think straight. He should probably just agree, and let Rob do the thinking for a while, now.

“Yes,” he said, his voice a monotone. “It’s something I want.” And he did want it, he realized. His cock was already beginning to get stiff at the thought of slipping his clothes off, letting his dick spring out and feeling another man touching it because he knew, deep down in the parts of his mind that were past thinking and all the way into knowing, that it felt so good. He wanted to enjoy that, to feel that pleasure. It was okay. It wouldn’t make him gay. Nobody could make him gay.

“And because you want it, you want to find a man to have sex with as soon as possible, don’t you, Jim?” Rob’s hands were rubbing Jim’s neck now, working the tension out of that as well. Jim felt so relaxed now that only Rob’s hands were keeping him upright.

“Uh-huh...” Jim’s eyes felt only half-open now, and his neck was so relaxed that his head bobbed back and forth with every motion of Rob’s hands. The rocking motion relaxed him even more, left him even more dizzy and dazed and empty. His eyes fluttered, but he still managed to notice the outline of Rob’s cock through his pants. “But...don’t”

“It’s okay, Jim,” Rob said, petting Jim’s hair. “I’ll help you. You can trust me, Jim. I know exactly what you’re looking for, and how you can find it.”

“H-how?” Jim asked muzzily. He was so grateful that Rob was going to help him; he’d never have been able to think of any of this without Rob’s help. It felt so good to trust Rob and let him guide Jim all the way through this.

“You’re looking for the right cock, Jim. Think about it—you’re looking for a man to have sex with, right?”

“Right...” Jim couldn’t think anymore at all. He could only agree.

“And what part of a man has sex?”

“Cock...” His own cock throbbed and pulsed inside his jeans, the physical sensations that Rob caused bringing him to a full erection. That was alright. It didn’t make him gay just because being touched by another man was getting him horny.

“So you need the best cock for the best sex. You need to feel it, touch it, taste it in your mouth, feel a man spurt his cum onto your tongue and down your throat. It’s the only way to really know for sure that they’re going to give you the sex you want. Isn’t that right, Jim?”

“Yes?” Jim wasn’t sure of anything anymore; nothing made sense except for Rob’s words and the bliss his fingers caused.

“Trust me, Jim.”

“Yessss...” He trusted Rob, trusted him completely and absolutely and that felt so perfect, so hot...

“So that’s all you need to do. Just suck cocks until you find the one you’re looking for. Isn’t that simple?” Rob’s fingers caressed Jim’s cheekbone as he spoke, coaxing his mouth open.


“It doesn’t make you gay just because you enjoy sucking cock, Jim.”

“Nobody can make me gay,” Jim whimpered out mindlessly. “But...but I don’t know how...”

Rob laughed. “Is that what you’re worried about, Jim?” He briefly took one of his hands away from Jim’s head to unzip his fly and pull his cock out, then returned it to Jim’s chin. “It’s so easy to do. Just remember the things you like about having your cock sucked, and do them to the other person.” He pulled Jim’s head forward. “Trust me, Jim...” he said as he slid his cock into Jim’s open mouth.

Almost instinctively, Jim felt his lips close around it as he began to suck. There was something so soothing and natural about the action, like he was a baby again, sucking at his mother’s teat. But at the same time, it felt different—Rob’s hips bucked and thrust the cock deeper into his mouth, making him feel strangely helpless. Rob somehow felt more powerful, more dominant when he was pumping his cock into Jim’s mouth, like he was fucking him on some level beyond just the physical. Jim felt his own cock throb and ache in time with each motion of his head as Rob ground Jim’s face into his crotch.

Rob’s cock tasted salty against his tongue as precum slowly leaked out into Jim’s mouth, and he found himself licking as much of the cock as he could to get all the flavor. He could smell Rob’s musk, feel the pubic hair tickling gently against his nose and mouth as he swallowed as much of the cock as he possibly could.

Rob kept talking softly to Jim, his words sinking deep into Jim’s helpless mind. “It tastes so good, Jim, feels so good, so open, mouth open and throat open and you love to take my cock, you can’t deny it...” Jim knew he couldn’t deny it—even if he’d wanted to, his mouth was too full to speak. “You love this, love to suck cock, it’s so good, you can feel everything on your cock that I feel on mine, you love to be so, so deep and so full, can’t stop sucking, can’t, oh, oh, ohhhh...”

Jim felt it then, a gush of warm, thick, salty liquid all on his tongue and flooding his mouth and gushing all through him. He swallowed reflexively, but he could still feel cum dribbling out of the corners of his mouth as Rob shot spurt after spurt of cum—the orgasm must have been building forever, he must have been so horny to cum so fast and so hard, and Jim felt proud to be able to bring him off like this. That didn’t make him gay, though, he knew. Nobody could make him gay. He just loved sucking cock. Nothing gay about that.

* * *

“Jim! Good to see you,” Rob said, giving Jim a kiss on the cheek as he led him into the office and closed the door. “So how’s the search going?”

Jim rolled his eyes as he made his way over to the couch. “Don’t ask,” he grumbled good-naturedly.

But as always, Rob seemed to be able to see the true frustration behind the jokes. “Come on, now, don’t be like that. You know that you can trust me, Jim. This is the place where you can tell me what’s really going on.”

Jim sighed, lying back on the couch. “Well, I started looking for a guy for the threesome. I couldn’t go to any of my friends, because...” Because, well...Jim couldn’t remember exactly when or how, but Rob had explained it perfectly well. If Jim went up to one of his friends, dropped to his knees, and started sucking their dick, well...they probably weren’t as secure in their heterosexuality as Jim was. They’d think it was maybe weird, maybe claim that Jim was gay or that he’d changed somehow. They didn’t understand that Jim could love wrapping his lips around another man’s cock and bringing him off with his tongue, and still be totally straight. Jim understood that, even if he couldn’t quite explain it as well as Rob could. “Well, you remember about all that,” he finished dreamily. And that was true. Rob could remember it, so Jim didn’t have to.

“So I needed to find a place where I could go, where there were men who wanted to have their cocks sucked by other men. I found this place...”

“The Zone?” Rob asked, as he began to take his clothes off and fold them neatly onto his chair. Jim didn’t mind, though. He was comfortable enough around Rob not to mind when one of them was naked, or even both of them. Rob’s cock was standing straight out from his body when he pulled his pants off, but that was alright. Jim could look at another man’s cock for as long as he wanted, appreciating every subtlety and nuance of its beauty, without worrying about being gay. Nobody could make him gay.

“Yeah...” Jim distantly recalled hearing the name of the club in Rob’s voice before, sometime last week, but the memory vanished as soon as it appeared. It didn’t matter how he knew about Miami’s gay bars and nightclubs, how he’d known to go to this one, any more than it mattered that he was alone in a room with a naked man who was beginning to rub Jim’s chest and belly through his clothes, while undoing Jim’s belt and unzipping his fly. He was safe with Rob. He could trust Rob.

“Roll over, Jim,” Rob said, and Jim complied effortlessly. “So what happened when you got to the club?”

“I knew I couldn’t just ask to suck guys’ cocks right there in the bar, so I went into the men’s room, and I got into one of the far stalls. I closed the door, but didn’t latch it. Then I unrolled the toilet paper all the way down to the floor, because...because that’s how you signal that you’re willing to bottom there...” Jim trailed off. His brain was definitely feeling a little sluggish...and the way that Rob was trailing his fingers along Jim’s ass wasn’t helping...but he knew something was odd about that. He’d never been to a gay club before, but somehow he knew how to let people know he wanted to give them a blowjob? “How did I—?”

“You don’t need to think about it,” Rob said. “Trust me, Jim, it’s not important. Just keep telling me what happened.”

Jim had to work very hard to remember where he’d left off—something about Rob’s warm, soothing words and his warm, soothing touches conspired to shut his brain down completely and leave him a melty puddle of bliss on the couch. But Rob had told him to keep talking, and he knew he wanted to make Rob happy. “I...waited, it didn’t take long. The first man, he was Latino, very slender, but his cock was so big. It felt a little soft to touch, it was so long that it didn’t get all the way hard even when he was hard, but it was so long I couldn’t fit it all in my mouth. So I...” He broke off as he felt Rob pull his pants down around his ankles, and he slowly started to turn his head to look at Rob through half-closed eyes.

“Don’t look around,” Rob said, petting Jim’s naked ass. “I don’t want you to see, just to feel. Trust me, Jim, you’re going to enjoy this.”

Jim closed his eyes completely and let his head fall forward onto the couch, relaxing into the sensations of Rob stroking and fondling his naked buttocks. Only when Rob said, “Keep talking,” did Jim remember to continue his story.

“I licked his cock, all up and down the shaft, took the head into my mouth and sucked on it, worked my tongue into the little hole at the tip and wiggled it around...” The memory was so vivid now it was like Jim was living it all over again in complete sensory detail now, and only the feel of Rob’s fingers as they worked their way between Jim’s butt-cheeks to press lightly against his anus reminded him that he wasn’t back there kneeling on the men’s room floor all over again.

“And tasted good when he came, I swallowed it all, but...wasn’t as good as yours,” Jim said. Behind him, he felt Rob pour something cool and slick onto his naked ass, and he shivered at the sensation, but it didn’t stir him from his dreamy reverie. “So I waited again, found another man...heavyset, his dick was small...I could take it all the way in my mouth, didn’t even have to try to deep-throat it...”

Jim moaned as he felt Rob work his lube-slicked fingers up Jim’s ass. “And I, and I, unnnh, I sucked it, loved to suck, but...still not the right cock, wasn’t the right cock...made him cum, but oh, oh, oh! I have to find the right cock...” Time began to get fuzzy in his mind; it was hard to remember whether he was there in the men’s room, looking for the right man to fuck, or in the office, getting his ass penetrated by two fingers now and it felt so good, his ass relaxed so easily to accommodate them...

“And there was...ohhhh...” Jim gasped sharply as he felt something longer, thicker, so much better than a finger sliding up into his ass now, and it was too hard to think anymore, the words came out on their own as his mind went empty and blank under the onslaught of relentless pleasure. There wasn’t any pain at all, not like he’d imagined—his ass felt so open, so hungry that it took Rob’s cock with no trouble at all.

“Another man, oh, there was another man...” Rob’s cock slid out as easily as it had gone in, Rob’s hands pulling him up to his knees so that he could grind into Jim’s ass even easier, even harder. “Cock, his cock, he let me suck and suck and suck...” Jim was babbling now, his empty mind losing track of thoughts from word to word as he focused on the cock pistoning in and out of his ass.

“And he, he pulled out, came on my face, felt so hot and dirty and good and nnngh!” Rob’s hand, still slick with lube, circled around Jim’s stiff cock and began to stroke it as he fucked, and Jim pushed back onto Rob’s cock, wanting to be fucked harder, deeper, more...

“That’s right, Jim,” Rob said, “you like this, like the feel of it up your ass, want it, need it, love it, so good to have your ass so full...” His thrusts grew irregular, the rhythm of his fucking disrupted by surges of pleasure and Jim knew Rob wanted to cum inside his ass. That sounded so good. It was all pleasure, it was all sensation, it was all bliss. The fact that they were both men didn’t matter—Jim wanted to feel and keep feeling so good, and there was nothing wrong with that. That was natural.

“Gnnngh...” Jim grunted again as he felt Rob thrust harder now, fucking him roughly as his need grew more intense. “And I sucked, kept sucking, nine, ten cocks, until my jaw was sore and I was worried a cop might come...still didn’t find the right cock...”

“Oh, Jim,” Rob said tenderly, “think back to all the cocks you sucked, all the cocks you touched. Didn’t my cock make you feel good? Isn’t my cock...nnnh...isn’t my cock making you feel good right now?”

“Yes,” Jim whimpered, “oh yes oh yes oh yes...” He could feel his orgasm starting to build, his balls tightening and the relentless stimulation of his prostate turning it into something beyond any orgasm he’d felt before.

“So if my cock makes you feel the best, my cock must be the perfect cock.” Rob pushed in quickly, then pulled out oh so slowly, then pushed in fast again.

“Perfect yes perfect,” Jim babbled mindlessly.

“So it’s just natural that I’m the one you want. The only one you want.”

“Yes, please yes please join us please fuck me please cum please...” Jim was so glad, so thrilled he’d finally found the one he was looking for, the man who could fuck him so thoroughly and give him so much pleasure with that perfect cock.

He felt Rob thrust forward one final time, legs and hips and cock straining as he emptied his load into Jim’s ass. Jim shuddered once, twice, and finally spurted his own load out on the couch below him. “Of course I will, Jim,” Rob said, panting. “Of course I will.”

* * *

Dorrie leaned back against the headboard, her eyes sparkling with excitement. She brushed the tips of her fingers against the entrance to her pussy, feeling the wetness already from the excitement of watching the two men undress. Jim’s friend, Rob, wasn’t exactly the sort of man she imagined having her first threesome with—he was slightly older than they were, his body was slender instead of muscular; but he was still handsome, and Jim seemed at ease with him in a way that she never thought he’d be with any of this. She took a deep breath as the two men climbed onto the bed.

“You two start,” she said, feeling like she was about to burst in anticipation. “I want to watch for a little while.”

For a moment, Jim looked nervous, and all Dorrie’s fears about him backing out at the last moment boiled up in her gut. But then Rob took Jim’s chin in his hands, looked him in the eye, and said “Trust me, Jim,” and Jim smiled as Rob leaned in to kiss him.

Dorrie slid a finger easily into her pussy, already so wet that she could feel herself staining the sheets. The sight of the two of them, kissing each other slowly and was driving her crazy. She shivered as their hands roamed over each other’s bodies, Rob playing with Jim’s nipples as Jim caressed and fondled Rob’s ass. Her other hand found its way up to her breasts, twisting the nipples the way she loved so much as she watched all her fantasies come to life.

She’d imagined somehow that Jim would be the aggressor, the masculine one of the pair, but Rob seemed to take the lead at every step of their sex-play. He was the one to grip Jim’s cock, gently but firmly, and begin to stroke it with slow, twisting motions of his hand and fingers. He was the one to nuzzle Jim’s neck, and Dorrie shuddered with delight as she watched her own husband lean his head back to expose more of his neck to Rob’s kisses. She rubbed her thumb over her clit, not wanting to cum too fast but having so much trouble holding back her passion at the sight of something this hot, this kinky, this delightfully twisted...

When Jim slowly reached up to fondle Rob’s cock in return, that was all it took. Dorrie’s first orgasm was swift, intense, only a taste of what was to come. She didn’t even stop fingering herself, it was so good. Two men, all to herself...

She watched Rob slowly entwine his fingers in Jim’s hair, directing him with slight tugs to kiss his way down Rob’s chest. Dorrie wished she had a camera, so that she could record this forever, but she hadn’t wanted to push things too far this first time. Maybe next time she could convince Jim to film it. This time, the memories would burn themselves into her brain forever.

When Rob directed Jim all the way down to the bed, straddling Jim’s face with his hips and sliding his cock into Jim’s open, waiting mouth, Dorrie came all over again. She’d never cum so hard in her life, the orgasm skimming from peak to peak like a rock skipping across a pond as Rob leaned down into a sixty-nine and sucked on Jim’s cock in return, and Dorrie heard herself squeal in ecstasy without even recognizing her own voice. She’d never thought Jim would do everything, not the first time, but he was and it was all she’d hoped for...

She finally came down, pulling her fingers back out of herself. The tips were wrinkled with her juices, and she lay there for a long moment, basking in the afterglow and watching the two men suck each other’s dicks. Finally, she got up and rolled over to them.

“Hi,” she said, a flirtatiously sated smile on her face. Neither man responded. Well, how could they? Their eyes were closed, their mouths were full. Dorrie ran a gentle finger along her husband’s hip, tracing it up to his shoulder. He sighed into Rob’s cock, but continued sucking.

For the first time, Dorrie wondered exactly how the logistics of a threesome worked. Was she supposed to ask them to change positions? Insert herself into the coupling somehow? Wait until they moved, and then jump in? “Um...” she said, trailing off awkwardly before she could think of anything else to say.

She shifted around a little, trying to find someplace to touch, but it was no good. Cock to mouth and mouth to cock, they were entwined with utter abandon. Dorrie fondled her husband’s balls a bit, but outside of another one of those little sighs, she got no response. She hesitantly reached out towards Rob’s ass, but she felt kind of weird, grabbing the ass of a man she barely knew. She’d somehow thought they’d be talking more.

After about five minutes, Dorrie’s arousal had abated completely. She didn’t know what to do, though. It wasn’t fair to ignore her, she knew that, but...this was her fantasy. She’d asked for it. Was it really Jim’s fault that he turned out to like it? She fought down a sudden, absurd urge to cry.

After another five minutes, Dorrie realized she was thirsty. She went to go get a glass of water. “Don’t mind me,” she said, a touch of spite in her voice. “I’ll be back soon.”

When she got back, they were still going at it. The only sign that they’d even noticed her absence was the way they were spread out over more of the bed. With an angry sigh, Dorrie sat down in the chair on the other side of the room and glared at them as she drank her water.

Eventually, she fell asleep to the sound of the contented sighs of her husband and his lover.