The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Warning: This file contains depictions of adult sexual situations, it also contains mind control, drinking and non-consentual situations. If it is illegal for you to view this subject matter, or if you are under the age of 18 please do not view this file. If you find these situations unpleasant or offensive please do not view this file. The author takes no responsibility for any illegalities arising from the viewing of this file. The author retains all rights to this story and it is transmitted here by an authorized person, for free viewing only. Retransmission is allowed only if it is in it’s original form including this message and archiving only by prior permission. Please contact to obtain permission from the author. This is basically so the author knows where his work will be located. Most reasonable inquiries will be happily agreed to. Do not send flames as they will be ignored.

Just Arrange It: Priestly Actions

By Victor Ramierez

Paul Coffey was a fixer, an arranger. If you wanted something he could sort it out for you. A combination of mild hypnosis and the ability to talk anyone into anything gave him a great gift. As a child he had discovered he could ‘feel’ what people wanted, and over the years he had developed the knack of getting it for them. Now as a senior in high school he was very popular, the other guys has found that there was great value in having a friend who could help you in to or out of any situation.

Paul was now paying his own way, and had become very respected both in school and the wider community, and it had all come about due to a chance meeting.

Paul had gone home with one of his friends, Michael Simpkins. The two older teenage boys had both exploded into the kitchen, as hungry teens tend to do, and Michael’s mother smiled in amusement.

“Hi guys.”

“Hi Mrs S,” said Paul with a grin. He liked Michael’s mother Stacey she was pretty, very straight, stuck up, prim and proper, but she had a good heart. Her blonde hair was cut into a bob at her shoulders, and her clear, pale complexion and radiant smile was accentuated with large pearl earrings and a pearl necklace. She was wearing one of those lacy blouses that button all the way up to the top of her collar, finishing half way up her throat. Not even a hint of cleavage could be seen, and from the shape of her, Paul guessed she had a good-sized set of tits under her blouse. Her arse looked pretty good in her tight black trousers, which was a rare treat to see. Normally she wore long skirts that showed nothing, but today she had had to go out onto a building site in her job as a real estate agent, and she had been forced to wear pants.

“What are you up to?”

“We’re just getting changed and then we’re going to the shopping mall to check out the new video games.”

“Alright, but nothing too violent. You know I don’t approve of that.”

Michael smiled his long-suffering smile and grabbed a can of pepsi from the fridge and threw one over to Paul.

Quickly they exited the kitchen and headed for the garage where Michael’s dad would be.

Vince Simpkins was a hard working honest man. He was the owner of the town’s little independent hardware store, and he managed to stay afloat despite the large chain stores undercutting his prices. The people in the town helped to keep his business alive, as they did for all the small businesses in town. Everyone helped each other out as much as they could which was nice.

Vince was an older man in his fifties, not super fit, but not overweight either. Today he was trying to convince his truck to start and wasn’t having much luck. Suddenly the bolt he was trying to loosen gave way and the wrench spun, slamming his knuckles into the surrounding metal of the engine.

“Damn!” he yelled in anger.

“Don’t let mum hear you,” chuckled Michael from the open doorway.

“Hi son,” he grinned sheepishly as he sucked on his bleeding knuckles. He started to run his hand through what was left of his grey hair.

“Dad, I know you act like you’re in the 1950s, but you really don’t want to put grease in your hair do you?”

“Good call son,” he wiped his hands on his rag instead. “Headed out?”

“Yeah, can we borrow the car?” he asked pointing out the open door at his father’s green sedan parked in the driveway outside.

“Yeah,” he fished the keys out of his pocket and threw them to his son. “Don’t be too late, your mother wants to go to Pastor Wilson’s house after dinner for some committee meeting.”

“Lucky guy,” grinned Paul.

“Tell me about it,” moaned Vince as he put his head back under the bonnet.

Paul didn’t see Michael’s family again for a few days, but when he did, it was not in the usual setting.

Paul was sitting at his desk in his room, surfing the Internet when an e-mail came in to his ‘work’ address. It was from Vince. Vince needed Paul’s assistance; apparently he needed something that required Paul’s special skills.

Paul was surprised that Vince had contacted him, so he decided to give him a call.

“Hi Mr S, I got your e-mail, what can I do for you?” asked Paul curiously, speaking to Vince on his office phone at the store.

“Well I have heard a story from some of the guys who work at the store. It sounds a bit strange but they think that you can arrange for things and somehow they just happen. Just about anything they can think of, you can do it. Now does that sound crazy or is it just me?”

“No, it’s not crazy. I’m listening,” said Paul cautiously.


“Possibly,” said Paul, not wanting to give too much away in case there was some sort of trouble to be had. “It depends upon what you’re wanting.”

“Ok, come over to the store and we’ll have a chat”

“So how can I help,” asked Paul as he sat himself down in the second chair in the small office.

“I could be in trouble here at the store Paul. The Pastor has decided, in his infinite wisdom, to put the church’s support behind some new guy who’s just moved to town. He’s opening a hardware store, and the Pastor says they need our support.”

Paul could see that this had shaken Vince; Paul could see he was really worried.

“To top it off, my bloody social climbing wife sits there nodding and then agrees with him. Does she have no idea where the money she spends comes from?”

“So what do you need?”

“I don’t know Paul, I’m sort of lost and I guess I was clutching at straws. Sorry for dragging you over here.”

“I’m sure there must be some way I can help. Why do they want to help this new guy?”

“I don’t know, they don’t think we need their help anymore or something like that. Apparently my kids are grown up now, so our expenses are tapering off. He says he sees them out spending money, running around with unsavoury types, probably you,” he said with a grin. “He thinks they’re independent now so they don’t need to rely on us any longer. Unlike his darling little Beverly, she’s just so wonderful, daddy’s little girl.”

“Hmmm, I’ll see what I can do for you.”

Paul walked down the street away from the store, in the direction of the church. He had sensed a glimmer in Vince’s mind, a small spark of an idea. Paul liked the idea, and he was going to run with it. It was time to sort out the good Pastor.

“Good afternoon Pastor,” said Paul, in a properly respectful tone.

“Good afternoon my son,” said the older man, his bald head shining in the afternoon light coming in through the large stained glass window behind the altar. He glared at Paul over the top of his rectangular spectacles. He was arranging the items on his polished, wooden pulpit for this afternoon’s men’s meeting.

“I don’t know if you remember me sir, my name is Paul Coffey, I am one of Beverly’s classmates.”

“Ahh yes, Coffey, I remember you. I haven’t seen your family at service recently?”

“No sir, Mother’s been unwell recently,” lied Paul, trying to divert him.

“Well if you brought her into the healing embrace of the Lord she might recover, mightn’t she my boy?”

“Yes Sir, I’ll mention it to her.”

“Good, now I’m in a hurry. What do you want son?”

“I understand there’s going to be a new hardware store opening in town. As the head of the town planning committee I thought you might know whom I should ask about a part time job. I want to help Mother with the costs of her medicines.”

“Very admirable goal young man. Yes, my brother Raymond moved to the other side of town last week. He’ll be opening in the old grain store by the end of the week,” he said as he wrote down his brother’s phone number on a piece of paper and handed it to Paul.

“Give him a call, I’m sure he’ll be looking for staff.”

“His brother!” yelled Vince down the telephone at Paul. “I knew there was more to this than just civic spirit, but this just takes the cake!”

“Don’t worry Mr S. I am going to pay brother Ray a visit today, he’s been out in the community so much now, he’ll probably make the morning paper. You’ll want to check it out,” said Paul with a chuckle as he hung up the phone.

Stacey had been on the phone all morning, and Vince loved it. He looked at the headlines again, and enjoyed every second of re-reading the article again. ‘Local Store Owner Found Nude In Main Street!’ Apparently he’d made his way to a local bar and had proceeded to get very, very drunk. After that he’d staggered out onto the street, stripped off his clothes, and made his way to the metal statue of the town mascot, a goat called Jerry. This is where the police had found him. He was trying to mount Jerry, while looking at the gay porn magazines he had strewn about the area for a bit of stimulation. There was even a photo of him being led away in an overcoat, hands cuffed in front of him, looking very confused.

“Well the Pastor obviously can’t support this man now,” said Stacey in horror as she chatted with one of her friends. “He says he’s decided to reverse his decision and leave his support with us for the time being.”

Vince was having a great day and it was about to get better.

“Did you like that?”

“Paul, it was superb. I don’t know how you did it, but I can’t thank you enough,” Vince was grinning from ear to ear as he expressed his joy into the phone.

“I’m glad you liked that, are you ready for the next part?”

“There’s more?” asked Vince in disbelief.

“Oh yes, I am going with an idea you gave me. I think the Pastor needs to learn a lesson too.”

“Ok then,” said Vince, with a bit of hesitation and worry in his voice. “Just promise me you won’t do anything to bad to him, he’s still our Pastor after all.”

“Don’t worry, nothing’s going to happen to him. I need two things from you though.”


“Your car for the evening, and an assurance that you’ll be home tonight.”

“Done and done.”

Paul was pleased, he had given himself a challenge and he had risen to the occasion. In only a few hours he had managed to convince everyone responsible that there was a dance organised for this evening at the town hall, and they needed to arrange everything as normal. This went ahead at a cracking pace and now he was standing in the middle of the hall, lights flashing, people dancing, music blaring from the PA system. Sometimes he even impressed himself.

As expected within half an hour of the dance starting the Pastor, with family in tow, appeared in the doorway. Cautiously they entered, as though making their way inside an enemy bunker, looking around to see if there was anything untoward going on.

Paul went straight over to them.

“Hello Pastor.”

“Hello Paul,” he said distractedly. “I believe you know my family,” he said off-handedly gesturing at the two women standing behind him. His wife, Emily Wilson smiled briefly, clutching her white handbag to her small chest. She was a little woman, overshadowed in both height and personality by her husband. Her black hair was tied up into a bun, and a pair of black-rimmed, old-fashioned-looking reading glasses were perched on her nose. She looked Paul up and down, and decided she wasn’t impressed. Quickly she made her way to the other side of her husband, to put his body between them.

Beverly consented to nod at him, but that was all she was prepared to do. She knew Paul, and she didn’t like him. Then again, she didn’t like most of her schoolmates.

Beverly knew she was better than they were, her father had been telling her so for as long as she could remember. As soon as she was old enough to read he had been preparing her for her academic life. He was adamant that she was going to be a success and that meant going to a high-class university with the best grades possible. He was not going to see her stuck in this town, pregnant to some loser and working as a waitress to make ends meet. He wanted something better for his daughter, and she was following the plan laid out for her.

She had no time for socialising, only time for her studies, and her religious duties too of course. Her physical beauty didn’t help matters either, lovely blonde hair and perfect looking skin, which all served to distract others. She didn’t take after her mother in the breast department as she sported a nice pair of c-cup sized tits. The pastor’s work was definitely cut out for him, and he always made sure that like her mother, she was properly clothed and fully covered.

“I tried to call your brother about that job, but he wasn’t there. I heard he had been arrested or something?”

“I don’t have time for that now boy!” yelled the Pastor going bright red with embarrassment. “Look, stop distracting me...”

He turned around desperately looking for something to take Paul’s attention away from him.

“Beverly, go and have a glass of punch or something with Paul.”


“Now. Beverly.”

He was using the ‘don’t argue with me’ tone of voice, so she nodded and quickly made her way over to the table, which held the large Perspex punch bowl and a large supply of paper cups.

As they approach the table Paul’s attention was fixed on Tony, the school’s caretaker. Tony was standing behind the punch bowl, exactly where Paul had arranged for him to be, and as they approached, Paul saw him grab a cup and pour something into it from a small flask in his coat. Paul gave him a wink as he grabbed the cup off him, filled it with fruit punch and handed it to Beverly.

She grunted her thanks and took the cup, sipping it slowly. Paul could see she was very annoyed at being forced to be here, so he decided to try and break the ice a little. Choosing her favourite topic he decided to start a conversation.

“So how are your studies going?”

She turned to glare at him and took another swig from her cup.

“...and then I found mother had moved my revision timetable from off my dresser onto my bedside table, can you believe that?”

It had taken a cup and a half of the vodka-laden punch before he had managed to get her to loosen up and start chatting a little.

“Unimaginable. How did you survive?” said Paul, in his best mock serious tone.

“I know. So I had to stay up longer to try and make up the time. This punched is good,” she said as she finished the cup.

Paul handed the cup to Tony and nodded to him, he gave her a double shot this time and handed back the cup of punch.

“Did you say punched?” asked Paul with a grin on his face.

“Did I?” she started to giggle a little.

Paul liked that, it made her blue eyes sparkle, and her curly long blonde hair bounced around as she laughed.

“I don’t think I’ve seen you laugh before.”

“Oh, haven’t you? I laugh all the time. Why just the other day that little twerp Michael Simpkins only got two answers correct in the mathematics quiz. It was hilarious,” she laughed again at the thought of it and took another swig of her drink.

Suddenly her mother and father appeared alongside the table, and started at them all.

“Beverly it’s time to go, come along.”

“Yessh father.”

The Pastor’s head snapped back around to look at his daughter. “What did you say?”

“I think she’s a little bit puffed out after all that dancing,” said Paul, staring intently at the priest. “I think she needs to stay here and have a cool drink and a rest before I bring her home.” Paul could feel his influence slowly ebbing through the Pastor’s mental defences until finally he felt that he had convinced him.

“All right then, you can stay and have a dance this once,” he said, before turning to glare at Paul. “You will bring her straight home as soon as she’s ready to leave or else she may stay until the dance ends if she chooses to.”

Paul nodded his agreement, and turned to hand Beverly her newly refilled cup of punch.

Beverly had her arm around Paul’s neck as he helped her stagger to Vince’s car, which was parked out behind the hall. The music inside was still thumping, and the dance would continue for another couple of hours at least. Clicking the remote control button on the keys, he unlocked the doors and grabbed the handle to open her door. He slid her into the passenger seat and clicked her seatbelt into place, and then he jumped in and started the car, feeling the 6-cylinder engine rev into life he looked over at her. Her head was lolling from side to side; she was so drunk that she was just about to pass out. After another moment he saw her head slump forward, and a moment later she began to snore. Paul laughed at this, and reversed the car out into the parking lot. He turned out onto Main Street and headed for the Simpkins residence.

Paul pressed the auto door closer, and heard the garage door slide closed behind the car as he turned the ignition off and the engine stopped. The house seemed quiet; he knew Michael was at the dance with the Bennett twins who he had arranged to keep Michael entertained. Vince was in here somewhere, and he guessed Mrs S was here somewhere too.

Paul stuck his head out of the garage door into the hallway and listened. He could hear a TV on, it sounded like a football game. He decided to take the chance and headed for the noise.

Vince was sitting on his lounge chair, a beer in one hand and popcorn in the other as he watched the game. His wife was nowhere to be seen.

“Mr S,” hissed Paul quietly.

Vince turned quickly and saw Paul standing in the doorway.

“Paul, what are you up to?” he asked in bewilderment and anticipation.

“The second half of your job is now ready for completion.”

“What have you done?”

“Come with me and you’ll see.”

Paul paused before he opened the door to the garage.

“Where’s your wife?”

“Upstairs, praying before she goes to bed. She has a big day of sucking up to the Pastor tomorrow so she wants to get an early night.”

“Good,” said Paul as he theatrically threw the garage door open to reveal the car, with Beverly passed out in the passenger seat.

The look on Vince’s face was priceless, disbelief at first, and then a look of uncertainty mixed with a dash of lust and devilry.

Paul had detected the glimmer of an idea in Vince previously. Vince was attracted to this gorgeous young woman, and who wouldn’t be. Paul knew he secretly wanted to fuck her, and he couldn’t blame him. Paul wouldn’t mind fucking her himself, as would almost every guy in town if the truth be told.

Vince’s rational mind knew this would never happen, so it was relegated to the back with all the other unrealistic and dopey ideas that dance across people’s consciousnesses through the course of a day. Paul saw this fleeting, longing, thought and had seized upon it, now he just needed to remind the conscious side of Vince’s mind that this was a great idea and he needed to seize this one time only opportunity.

“Look at her Vince,” he said, as he led him around to the side of the car, reached out and opened the passenger door to reveal the unconscious form seated within.

“So tasty,” he reached out and ran his open palm down over the front of her dress, lingering over the ample bust concealed underneath. “Who wouldn’t want to nail her?”

“Hmmm,” nodded Vince in agreement, deep in contemplation.

Paul could see this was working, so he reached up to the buttons at the top of her neckline. Slowly, one by one, he popped open the buttons to reveal the warm flesh underneath. Her cleavage slowly came into view, and he could hear Vince starting to breathe faster and heavier. Her cleavage was now visible, and with a big theatrical flourish, Paul grabbed both sides of the front of her dark blue dress and threw it completely open to reveal her black bra underneath.

“Taaa daa!”

“Lovely,” murmured Vince, almost as though he had forgotten Paul was even there.

Paul reached down and grabbed hold of her ankle; he slid his hand up her leg, slowly moving over her thigh, dragging the hem of her dress upwards with his hand. He bunched her dress up at her waist, exposing her matching black panties to the older man’s lustful gaze.

“Paul, what have you done to her?” wondered Vince, staring at the woman before him who was not responding to these liberties being taken with her clothing.

“She’s drunk, had a few too many glasses of punch at the dance. I’m in the middle of driving her home... after a little unscheduled rest stop.”

Paul grabbed her under the armpits and pulled her up out of the car and laid her over the warm car bonnet.

“Here she is Vince, just as you’ve always wanted her,” taunted Paul. “Don’t you think it would be wrong to let this fine example of womanhood go to waste?”

Paul reached up and grabbed hold of her dress again, throwing it up and over her waist to expose her panties again. He grabbed hold of them and slid them down her splendid white thighs, down over her naked feet. Her shoes were lying discarded on the floor of the front seat where she had kicked them off as she fell into the car.

Paul waved the panties underneath Vince’s nose to let him smell her womanly scent, and then tucked them into his shirt pocket.

“Just look at this Vince,” Paul reached forward and took hold of her moist pussy lips, slowly he spread them apart with his fingers to reveal her sweet little pink opening. He stroked her bushy brown pubic hair, and rubbed his fingers over her little clit hood, causing her to moan incoherently.

“She’s loving that Vince, don’t you want a piece of her?”

He could see Vince was weakening, the sweat was starting to bead on his brow, and he was licking his lips a lot.

Paul reached up and grabbed hold of her bra straps, he slid them down over her creamy white shoulders and then grabbed hold of her bra cups and pulled them down to expose her lovely fleshy pillows topped with little red nipples.

Paul leant forwards and quickly sucked the left one into his mouth, he let it slide out with a wet snapping sound as it brushed past his lips, and turned to grin at Vince.

“Oh she is so sweet. I don’t know why you don’t want to try her, especially after the way her family was laughing at how they nearly put one over on you.”


“The Pastor’s brother, how they almost got away with that...”

“They were laughing?”

“...I’d want to get some revenge, wouldn’t you?”

“Hmmm,” grumbled Vince as his anger started to fuel his lust.

Paul was rubbing Beverly’s pussy, allowing the wet squishy noises to fill the empty space between her and Vince.

“What better way to get your revenge Mr S, then to nail his little virgin daughter... show them who’s boss.”

Vince was now nodding, and slowly his hands moved down to unzip his trousers. Paul knew that the bit about her being a virgin would press a few more of his buttons, and now the lust demon was building inside him.

Vince knew this was wrong but he didn’t care, his lust was winning, fanned by Paul’s persuasive abilities.

Vince pulled his now erect cock out of his pants, and moved forwards to the car. He went to grab hold of her and then something stopped him.

“I can’t, I don’t have a rubber.”

“Don’t worry about that, she’s clean.”

“I know that, I don’t want to knock her up Paul.”

“Why not?”


“What better revenge, putting your bastard child into the Pastor’s precious little Beverly’s belly, wouldn’t that bring him down a peg or two?”

Vince grinned and moved forwards again. He reached out and grabbed hold of her hips, he slid her forwards on the car so that her arsecheeks were over the edge and her pussy was only a hairsbreadth away from his cock. He ran the head of his cock up and down the passed out chick’s pussy lips. She moaned slightly but continued to sleep. He could feel the moist juices on the end of his raging cock, and he started to press forwards. His cockhead slipped between the lips, slowly moving forwards as he drove his way inside the tight cunt of the snooty virgin. He got his cock a little way in before her hymen stopped his movement.

Vince savoured this moment, he was just about to pop the cherry of the Pastor’s holier than thou daughter. He couldn’t believe the tightness around his cock, gripping it like a vice. Pressing forward he gave a sudden quick sharp shove and felt her hymen give way, with a grunt from him, and a little squeal from her. Vince was now able to press his cock all the way into Beverly’s pretty pussy.

“Oh my god, this is unbelievable,” Vince groaned as he started to slowly haul his cock back out of her. He started a slow rhythm, working the full length of his cock in and out of her. “She is so tight, Paul you really should try her pussy, it’s fucking unbelievable.”

Paul couldn’t ever recall hearing Mr S swear before, and he chuckled as the watched the balding man rutting away on the lovely young woman laying unconscious of the bonnet of the family car.

Beverly moaned and whimpered from time to time, but otherwise she lay still, legs spread as Vince pounded her pussy and mauled her milky white tits. Taking hold of her nipple between his teeth, Vince grazed her erect flesh with his teeth, enjoying the feeling of the springy flesh in his mouth.

“Oh yeah,” he moaned as he drove his cock into her again, grabbing hold of her hips and pulling her pussy hard against him to get in as deeply as possible. He threw his head back in pleasure as he started to empty the scalding hot load of cum deep into her virginal depths.

After a few moments of thrusting, grunting and moaning, he had finished spraying her insides with his fertile baby making cum, and then he slumped forwards over her.

“You’d better go before she wakes up, or before your wife comes looking for you,” said Paul placing his hand on Vince’s shoulder.

“Yes, quite right,” said Vince nodding as he pulled his sticky cock out of the abused pussy before him. Quickly he zipped himself up, and stood there awkwardly staring at the unconscious figure on his car, whose pussy was now staring to leak cum, his cum.

“Umm, I don’t really know what came over me Paul.”

“Don’t worry, I didn’t see a thing.”

Vince nodded, and looked a little bit relieved.

“Get going and I’ll clean up down here and take her home.”

Vince smiled gratefully, and quickly went back inside the house.

“Well Bev, it’s just you and me, and I have something here for you too,” said Paul as he grabbed his erect cock through his jeans and shook it in her direction as if to taunt her.

He grabbed hold of her hips and rolled her over onto her chest, he slid her forward so that her feet were virtually on the ground and she was bent over the bonnet of the car.

“I want that virgin arse of yours,” whispered Paul in her ear as he unzipped his pants and pulled his cock out.

He spat into his palm and rubbed it on the head of his erection. He moved forwards and lined his rigid cock up with her little virgin arsehole. He spread her cheeks with one hand and aimed his cock with the other as he pressed forwards and slowly started to force his way into her resisting arse. After a few moments of pressure her muscles finally gave in and the head of his cock popped inside her arse.

She moaned, probably in pain or discomfort, and Paul just smiled. She had been a pain in the arse to him all night long, and now it was time to return the favour.

He slowly slid the length of his cock into her arse, enjoying the sensation of her tight arse muscles grabbing hold of his cock. He started to plunge in and out of her, going as quickly as he liked. This was for his pleasure not hers after all.

He always enjoyed fucking a virgin or a virgin arsehole; they were always so tight and could make him come quickly.

She groaned a bit more in discomfort as he forced his cock in and out of her, spreading her arsehole wide around his shaft.

“Oh yeah” he groaned as he slapped her arse cheek with his open hand, leaving a nice red mark. He gave her other cheek a similar shot to even them up, and the started quickening the pace. He was moving into the home stretch and could feel his orgasm building, then with one final shove which pressed her hard into the metal of the car body, he sent jet after jet of sticky white cum deep into her insides.

Pulling her bra off her he wiped the sticky fluids off his cock and decided he would throw it into the garbage can outside the garage, leaving her with no underwear at all.

Paul zipped himself up and then set about loading her back into the car to take her home. He wondered what the Pastor would say when he saw the state precious Miss Beverly was in.

Vince and his wife were walking arm in arm down the main street of town, nodding at friends as they passed by, enjoying the simple pleasure of an afternoon stroll on a warm spring afternoon.

“Look over there dear,”

“Hmm, what is it?” asked Vince who was staring at a new car in the car lot, daydreaming about buying one.

“It’s the Pastor, and look there’s Beverly!”

Vince’s ears pricked up and he looked around to see. Across on the other side of the street the Pastor was hurriedly leading his daughter down the street, her pregnant belly pressing out before her like a giant flashing neon sign underneath her prim and proper maternity wear.

“They say she was caught running around with boys after the dance, and she doesn’t even know who the father is!”

Vince shook his head in mock disbelief. “I’m shocked, and I thought they were such a respectable family, you’d think being a Pastor’s daughter she’d have been brought up better than that.”

“Yes you would, it’s so sad. She’s brought such shame on that family, I hear they’re going to have to move away.”

Vince just smiled as he watched the Pastor struggle to get his daughter into the car as quickly as possible, while everyone else just stared. Somewhere deep in the recesses of his mind, a little voice was cheering as he watched his unborn baby wobble about in Beverly’s belly, as she looked down at the footpath totally ashamed.

Paul had taken Beverly home and left her in the bushes in the front garden. He rang the bell and informed the Pastor that he hadn’t been able to stop Beverly running off with some rowdy guys, and he didn’t know where she’d gone. After a little bit of persuasion the Pastor believed him and he went on his way. They didn’t find Beverly until she came to in the morning and staggered inside the house.

Paul had then observed with glee over the last couple of months, as Beverly’s belly slowly grew larger and larger, heralding the Pastor’s downfall. Eventually the entire family all left in disgrace, and Paul hoped the Pastor had learned his lesson. Perhaps he would be more considerate of other people in future.

Paul suspected that his sudden rise in prestige in the community was due to Mr S working behind the scenes as one of the town elders. Vince would never forget what Paul had done for him, and was happy to send more ‘customers’ in his direction when the occasion called for it.

Paul had enjoyed the task, and, as always, it had whet his appetite for further work, now all he had to do was wait for that next special e-mail to appear in his inbox.