The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


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Overview: He would bypass the critical factor of their conscious mind with his natural, but powerful spaces of controlling intent, and had, in fact, already done so; for each knelt within the depths of their own pre-established trance; their own acceptance of each and every word he uttered.

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The Last Master

Chapter 1

He stood tall and sure, aware of their outer mind and their inner mind, as well, and he could control them both, and did. He was aware of what they were and of who they were, and in that he knew more about them than they knew about themselves. They knew of themselves as women. He knew of them as female and that was their reason for being there was to discover that fact; to be taught that fact, by him, a male and not an unnatural thinking man; a natural feeling-dominant male.

He was covered from head to foot in the black robe of his status. His hooded gaze surveyed the ten women who had been sent to him for further tuition to a higher standing within the Order of Higher Spiritual and Personal Knowledge. They needed his knowledge to progress further within their own learning, their own knowledge, their own experiential experience of man...of him, a true male of the highest order.

Kneeling respectfully on the carpeted floor of the hall they prostrated themselves now, as they had been taught, and as they wished to do willingly in his presence, their heads all upturned waiting, their focus intense and intent.

This was the moment they had been looking forward to, wanted so badly, for their own reasons, for their own completion at this stage before once again moving onward and upward within the ranks of those who had chosen the trail of self-discovery and real knowledge of the world and beyond, as well as of themselves. Their presence seemed to him a sea of black robes, all with their hoods pulled back from their faces.

He could see them all-their hopes, their dreams, and their nervousness and apprehension. He had seen it many times before-too many times maybe, he wondered occasionally. But this time was to be his last.

They were aged between thirty and fifty, but to him they were all young and beautiful, sensual and a goddess in their own right. He also knew they did not see themselves as he did. But they would. They would.

He would bypass the critical factor of their conscious mind, and had, in fact, already done so, for each knelt within the depths of their own pre-established trance, their own acceptance of each and every word he uttered. He knew they already listened to each word and intent with both inner and outer minds, knowing also they would never, after this night, be the women they used to be.

They had satisfied the oral examinations for their conscious mind and progression to this level. Mostly, he had been their teacher, their trainer and their examiner. Some had come from other lesser experienced masters, for him to lead and teach them further because they could not.

The tension in the air now signaled their arrival at a significant turning point for them. He had been teacher for some. They would recognize his voice. The others would not.

Now was their time of commitment to their higher learning of who they really were. Now was the time to commit and to burn their individual ships, as the Vikings had done centuries before. Willingly, they now knelt before him, in servitude and obedience, in expectation and hopefulness that he can take them further.

And he would, with each of them throughout the night ahead, if their commitment was as strong as their yearnings to go deeper within the person they had always called, themselves, and allow him to set their femaleness free.

“I am a natural dominant male,” he began, “as are all males who recognize their own birthright. For those who do not, you will easily recognize and avoid. They have nothing to offer you and nothing to teach you.”

He became aware instantly of their combined energy of focus on him and his words charging the atmosphere about him like an aura inbound from the stars. He smiled, feeling his personal power within himself surge and strengthen.

“I am just that -a natural dominant male. Your task of knowledge at this stage is to recognize in belief without question and faith without doubt that you were born to be dominated in mutual respect by males such as I. And in that will you find your reason for being, and your personal power and strength in happiness you have only dreamed about.”

He could feel their hesitancy and their unasked questions, knowing they believed they had asked them all, of themselves and others, before committing to this moment in their lives. He felt their doubts and he ingested their fears, returning to them his radiating strength of presence.

“I am not naturally dominant because of any superiority on my part, nor because I feel I am necessarily more intelligent or wiser, for you, too, will learn that which you wish and what you are here for this night.”

The subtle energy in the room was slowly but surely changing. He could feel it. And he knew they could feel it too. Their commitment was deepening with each and every word he uttered to them.

“I am not naturally dominant male because of the strength or mass of my body, yet each of you will feel that strength of body mass upon your own before this night is through. And you will be grateful for that weight, that strength upon your own flesh. I am not, nor would I want to be a natural dominant male with women, for mere and lonely women have not reached the stages of personal advancement, as have you. And they shall remain lost until they do. Yet, to you, I am Master!”

His energy surged as did theirs. It fused with theirs and returned to each and every one a hundred-fold stronger than when it had left.

“I am your Master only after earning your trust, and this I have done or you would not be kneeling before me now. In any of whom that trust is not believed, let them rise now and leave with my blessings and good will.”

None moved from their subservient position, nor did he expect that any would.

“I embrace your submissiveness. I have looked into your heart and mind and clearly see your desires and passions. You have thrown away your fears and inhibitions, and in the coming hours you will tell me of the needs of your heart and body. You will give me total access to your soul, and I will accept that responsibility and honor for all time.”

He could feel the tensioning of thighs, the flexing of buttocks, knowing each and every woman was naked beneath their black robes. The stiffening of each nipple, the filling of each breast he could feel surge into his own energy as their own rose continually within themselves.

“You are female. That is who you are. It is not what you are. But it is who you are and all you need to be to fulfill your destiny as decreed by nature and her inviolable laws. Before this night is over, that you will know surely and truly, and will embrace that fact as the first truth of my teachings for which you have been sent and have come willingly to me this night.”

He felt the ripples of sensual energy flood into his own as each channel slickened in anticipation, each channel already clenching on that which had not yet arrived, but was fully expected and wanted, needed and yearned for in order for them to know who they really were and go further along their own trail of learning.

“You are not weak or inferior because you are a female. Those characteristics belong to your sisters called women. You are female and therefore a treasure to be cherished. Yet never forget, we are not equal. I have the strength of body and mind and the instinctive need to protect, possess, defend and provide for you.”

His own body began to surge in his loins from the natural effect of their own moistening. He felt himself begin to glow, to radiate, inside and out. And he knew they felt it, too.

“You are a female and instinctively stronger of will and heart than I. But your belief in me gives me courage and direction, as it does in all dominant males. Yet most of your kind are not aware of this need in us. Your strength disperses my doubt. Your needs and desires encourage and give purpose to my efforts. They give me purpose to be who I am-a male-a dominant male, as is my natural birthright, just as it is yours to be who you really are-a female.”

He could see them moving from time to time as they knelt and listened to his words, changing on each one for dear life-theirs. And he knew their body movements were not from stiffening muscles at kneeling on a carpeted floor before him.

“We are not equal. But we are halves of the same whole. We compliment each other and make each other complete. My desire to dominate and protect and love you is instinctive, as is your natural desire to be dominated by such as I.”

“And dominate each and every one of you this night I will, but not to degrade you, nor is it degrading to you because you are secure in being totally female, totally feminine. And in that we each recognize and accept each of our worth, and our need for someone to trust and fulfill those needs.”

In that statement his energy field felt ten sets of thighs clench tightly together at once, could almost taste their needs unfilled as yet, but not unexpected.

“You will be from this moment onward, sure, strong and proud in your femaleness. You will not submit as acceptance of inferiority, but from strength and passion. You will expect a male to stand strong and be a male, and you will desire and flourish in the strength and control of a male in that way and in that manner.”

He felt their body heat, each and every one of them, and he reveled in it for it made him even stronger for that which he had yet to accomplish this night. But accomplish he would, as he always did, for he was their teacher, and they needed him this one last time.

“In return, you will present control of your body, unqualified trust and honesty, and the faithfulness of your heart. You will submit many times to me this night because I have earned your trust, and because I have opened my heart and soul to you.”

He could almost feel their committal as each female wrapped themselves mentally around him, visualising, feeling, sensing, experiencing, and learning.

“In your coming lessons this night I will listen to your words with my ears and heart and will learn to anticipate your needs and emotions. Because I will prove worthy in your eyes, you will willingly give me the only true treasure of life: you will give me natural and unconditional dominance over you. And to you I will give you your full submission in return.”

He felt them sigh, each and every one of them, as did he with that infusion of their energy into his own.

“What you will give is not abnormal, but pure, natural, and the rarest gift a female can give a male. You will give me complete and unshakable assurance of your commitment to me as a female. Your submissiveness is a magnificent gift and sacred responsibility, and I accept this from you with humility and joy.”

Their sexual tension rose with each word, strengthened with each sound of his intent and blended and mixed with his own as wave after wave of it crashed onto the shores of his presence like wild surf on the golden beaches of the sandy shores of the world.

“I understand the rarity and purity of this gift. I recognize it is your body and soul, your heart and mind. This you have yet to learn, but you will taste its presence this night before your eyes close for sleep much needed before the sun rises in the morning sky.”

“I will dominate you only because you will allow it. When I see your body kneel naked before me, with your buttocks upturned and beckoning me enter between them, in my mind and heart you are raised above all women, and all the treasures of the earth. What you will give freely, cannot in reality be bought!”

His own sexual tension surged and rose strongly, along with their own combined. He could feel their wetness of anticipation, their willingness of submission, to learn and to live as who they really were for the very first time in their lives.

“I am your Master chosen, and in that, I am most proud. Disrobe now and turn and take the hands outstretched of the female beside you. Your eyes will remain closed until you are told otherwise.”

“Remain on your knees and raise your buttocks high to the outside of the circle you form, with your knees spread wide enough for my mouth and tongue to find and taste the natural blend your readiness inspired by me. In that way shall I choose the first and following thereafter. I am your master chosen, and you have been so told. Do it now!”

He watched as they moved as one female. His body poled bipolar as his blood drained and rushed from each and every part of his body to strengthen him for the final task of his order to be completed in totality this night.

His robe fell to the floor. He looked down at his surging, flexing loins and smiled quietly, softly to himself as he stepped down of the dais and into the circular sea of buttocks and liquid sunshine that awaited his taste buds, and then his body fine.

This one last time he would be a taster and a sampler, drinking fully of each before moving on to the next- a taster of fine females all.

This one last time he would be a master. This one last time he would be their master; this one last time.

“I am your master chosen,” he said forcefully, yet softly. Prepare to accept your domination and your learning of the pure essence of female within you that has, up to now, lain unnaturally dormant.”

“Prepare to accept your chosen learning of who you really are, who you always were, and from this moment onward, who you always will be in the presence of any true male who stands announced or otherwise before you.”

“Prepare now to meet your true natural female self. Be glad and be proud to accept her into your mind, body and soul from he who now naturally dominates you with your permission. Raise your buttocks high and be proud; be tasted now as a male-blended female, and say goodbye forever to the useless thinking woman you used to be.”

The Last