The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

A little Pink Camera by Lawrence Loft

Chapter 5: Outside Influence

Synopsis: A pink digital camera develops a vendetta against a group of friends after its editing software is underappreciated.

Authors Note: All characters are over 19 years of age. Any resemblance to persons living or dead is coincidental, though some options may be themed after real life figures. Story contains nudity, coarse language, graphic sexual depictions, and a variety of willing and unwilling mental and physical changes. If you don’t like stories about mind control, body modification, or pink magical cameras then this story is not for you.

Jason, 0900, Tuesday, June 19th, Amy Windsor’s Home

After running to his and Carl’s place to patch up his wounds and tend to his bruises the big man had stepped outside to enjoy the morning air before it became stifling with the heat dredged up from the massive ashphalt circle that was the roundabout. He stood at the end of his empty driveway and gazed across the circular road to the door of Sam and Amy’s house wondering how he was going to get out of this one. The whole fiasco with trying to feed Lindsey ate at him internally, though a small part of his brain merely regretted not finishing before he left, and he wanted to try and make things right to both of the women.

Cook a nice big meal with lots of spices and flavours. That was his usual method of patching up things with his lady. His mother had told his sister once long ago that the fastest way to a man’s heart was through the stomach, and he’d seen no reason to think it wasn’t true in reverse. Sam was always calmer and in a more understanding mood after a nice tartar, or at least more forgiving after a three cheese calzone. He was so distracted perusing his mental recipe book to find something to cook for a woman who couldn’t eat that he failed to notice the two men approaching from down the walkway until the taller and paler of the two was right adjacent to him.

“My pardons, sir, but I fear I must break your reverie to ask you some questions of some import.” the man said formally, then lifted his hat in the stiffest gesture Jason had ever seen. “Might we trouble you but for a moment?”

“Uh. Sure.” Jason glanced at the door across the way for an instnat, then moved on to the welcome distraction. “What can I do you for?”

There was an expressionless hesitation on the man’s face, his dark glasses utterly concealing his internal thought process, likely from the untidy sentence structure. He seemed to force the tips of his lips outwards as if he had once been told how to smile but had forgotten, then said, “Quaint. I regret to disturb the no doubt pressing matters on your mind, but my associate and I are in dire need of assistance. One of our contemporaries has misplaced an item of a certain value to my employer, and we were tasked with the retrieval of said item.”

“Okay, yeah, I can answer some questions. What did you say your names were?” Jason asked and extended a hand to shake.

The pale man stretched out his own hand a little too slowly for comfort and gave Jason’s extended hand a perfuntory shake. He pulled his hand back and spoke with the kind of enthusiasm you’d expect from a man wearing a grey suit in the middle of the summer, which is to say none. His voice had an oddly tuned quality, as if it was filtered a few times before finally being diluted to raw sound. “My name is Erstwhile Smith, and this is my assistant, Formerly Brown.”

“And I am currently Jason.” Jason said with a hearty laugh that eventually died against the unflinching expression of Smith. “Jason, just call me Jason. What did you guys lose?”

“Well, you see it was less a matter of something being misplaced than it was of an autonomous agent misperforming their duties.” Smith explained while Brown pulled out a grey smart phone and started to audibly take pictures of the surrounding neighbourhood. “We lost a small optical device, a camera, with an unremarkable pink colouration and unique interface. I’m sure if you’d have seen the device you would recall it to mind in an instant.”

Jason felt is blood run cold as he realize what the man was saying. He kept his voice level, unsure how best to proceed but understanding that he didn’t want to admit to anything just then. “A pink camera? What’s so special about the camera?”

“Well, the camera contains special prototype software that we require for the experimental researh done at our computer laboratories.” Smith said and made what would be the dictionary definition of a plaintive gesture. He’d probably practiced it in advance. “Alas, without the device we find our production schedule has ground to a halt, and we are unable to process our data properly.”

Jason nodded along as if this was all unrelated to him. “I’m sorry to hear that. What kind of research are you doing?”

“Our research is of a purely epistomological aesthetic, something akin to an artistic endeavour into the human experience.” Smith tilted his head, probably to try to convey familiarity. “I’m certain you understand we cannot go into a high level of detail without divulging more than the artists in question would feel comfortable being public. If you have any knowledge of our missing asset we would be willing to compensate you.”

“It’s not...” Moment of truth, poker face don’t fail now, “Sexual in nature, is it?”

Erstwhile Smith turned the edges of his mouth downward as if offended. “I can assure you that none of the research we perform is illicit, nor is it illegal. It is an artistic endeavour in the same vein as painting or sculpting, but nothing as base as pornographic content.”

Not a solid no, Jason noted mentally, better to play this safe. He said, “Okay, I can get behind that. I didn’t mean anything offensive by it, I just don’t want to be around that kind of thing, you know? Not so good for the soul. I’m not sure where your camera is, but I tell you what, if you could give me a number or your card so I can reach you I can ask around and see if anyone’s picked it up.”

“Thank you, Jason, that would be excellent.” Smith said and held his had back to Brown, who tapped something on his phone and seeminly pulled a business card from inside the device. It was a very smooth and quick gesture that may have been missed if the observer wasn’t watching carefully, but Jason was perceptive and he was already on edge. Smith took the card without looking and held it out to Jason as he said, “You can reach either of us by calling the number on this card. The moment you locate our absent item we would be most obliged to have you dial us and inform us of its whereabouts.”

“No problem.” Jason said as he took the proffered card and stuffed it in his pocket without checking it. “I’ll let you know what I hear.”

Smith simply raised and lowered his hat, his thin and whispy hair slicked with sweat from the rapidly progressing day, and walked past Jason. Formerly Brown tapped a few time on his phone, slid it into a holder at his hip, and folowed his coworker around the curved street. When they’d gone Jason walked back to his front step and was about to disappear inside when he noticed a postal worker and a policeman walk up to Sam’s driveway.

This was not a good day to be having a fight, Jason thought as he whipped out his phone and texted both Carl and Sam to warn them of incoming visitors. He watched the two men confer for a moment, then noted with relief that someone had gotten his message and closed the blinds. He would wait for Carl to answer the door, he being the most presentable, then he would walk over himself and see what the commotion was about.

When Sam answered the door in her sultry black dress, draped over the doorway like a star in an old film, and greeted the two men with a seductive smile, Jason felt his throat catch. Where was Carl? Why wasn’t he at the door?

Sam, 0900, Tuesday, June 19th, Amy Windsor’s Home

While Jason was trying to bluff a pair of problematic proffesionals Amy had eaten breakfast, taken a shower to wash off the oflactory evidence of her proclivities away, and dressed in her finest see-through apparrel. She joined the others in the living room and frowned at the deepening mood. Carl was sitting on the chair in a pose that practically invited her to sit on the noticable bulge in his pants, Sam was on the couch with her phone out to try and find something about the pink camera on the internet, and Lindsey was sitting on the other end of the couch with, of all things, a rubix cube and a look of grim determination.

Shaking her head and walking over to Lindsey she pulled a knitted cap from behind her back and placed it perfectly on top of the runing tresles of auburn hair. The postalwoman looked up in surprise, then gingerly touched the material and adjusted it to fit more comfortably. She beamed a smile at Amy, then ran to the bathroom to check a mirror.

“She can wear clothing now?” Sam asked as the postalwoman exited stage left.

Amy shook her head. “No, I figured we never tried hats. I’m going to try socks and gloves next in case she is cold. I mean, she can have a blanket over her when she isn’t moving aorund, so there’s got to be some kind of logic here.”

“Makes sense.” Carl muttered dreamily from his chair.

“Wake up and get some coffee, you slacker.” Sam said, her voice betraying her inner frustration. “We need you awake enough to help us out if we come up with anything.”

“I’m on it.” he said as he hoisted himself up and trudged wearily to the kitchen to try and brew coffee.

“We need to get that fixed.” It was Sam’s turn to shake her head as Amy sat down in the seat Carl had just vacated. “I didn’t think his... that was so bad until I realized he would be sleeping literally all the time.”

Amy shrugged, “I don’t know, I remember that the new sensations died down the day after the picture. I’m thinking he will bounce back a little tomorrow. Besides, its a surprisingly good workout to have sex with someone while they sleep.”

“Rape.” Sam said in disgust. “That’s rape.”

“No, the camera said that women do what ever he wants to him while he sleeps, so I’m sure that he wouldn’t mind it.” Amy said then frowned. “Wow, that sounds really bad when you think about it.”

“No shit.” Sam deadpanned, then went back to her phone.

After a few moments Carl came back with an apple and a coffee, saw his chair was taken and moved to the couch. He set his coffee down unsipped, his apple unbitten, and promptly flopped onto the couch and passed out. He started to gently snore, and both girls looked at each other with a worried look.

“I’m all for more sex, but even this body needs some R&R before it gets going again.” Amy laughed as the two darted from the room and into the kitchen. Once they were safely away from potential sex crimes the two leaned on the counter in silence for a few minutes before Amy finally said, “I’m not sure I’m enjoying this anymore.”

“Oh?” Sam said in genuine surprise, “I thought you were all on board with having sex nonstop.”

“No, I like the sex, I just don’t like how its changing us mentally. I mean, you’re more irritable and you can’t control your body the way you want, Carl keeps falling asleep and we have to have sex with him if he has a sex dream, and Lindsey can’t even function in society like that.” Amy looked away for a second, then glanced at the drawer where she’d stuffed the camera. “I just can’t help but worry that things are never going to get back to normal and that scares me.”

“Well, we’ve officially missed a business day, and it looks like this is going to be number two. If we don’t get this fixed before the fall we will need to drop out of Uni, or... well you’re going to get proffessors fired for sexual abuse when they literally can not keep their hands off you.” Sam grinned wickedly. “I’m not going to lie that is actually a little bit funny. But neither of us are going to get a job looking like this, and Carl can’t stay awake long enough to pick up the phone.”

They heard footsteps in the hallway and saw Lindsey’s red hair bouncing near the doorway, before the mute girl peaked in and saw them. She looked like she wanted to say something, gave up, and walked out back to the living room. Sam and Amy’s somber mood was reinforced as they watched her go.

“She’s like a pet.” Amy mused.

Sam looked at her, more than a little concerned. “Amy, she is still human.”

Further discussion was cut short as there came a knocking on the door.

“Oh great, Jason is back!” Amy smiled excitedly just as Sam’s phone vibrated.

Sam saw Jason’s name flash on her phone and quickly checked the message. “Oh shit! It’s the police! Jason is across the street and he says the police are here.”

“Ah. That would be an issue.” Amy hesitated, looked at her outfit and then Sam’s, and gestured helplessly. “I think I’d get arrested. I don’t know. You have to answer it, I’ll get the others upstairs just in case.”

It was Sam’s turn to look at her permanently disheveled party dress and cringe. She wanted to argue, but her hands was forced by a more insistent knocking. “Oh, this is not going to end well. Fine, get them out of sight and I’ll answer the door. And close the curtains just in case they peak around. This place looks like there was a fight.”

Amy quickly went to the living room and kicked Carl awake, then grabbed him and Lindsey and took them upstairs while Sam went to the door and waited for the third knock. She opened the door just enough to fit her body and then interposed herself so that it was difficult to see past her into the hallway.

“Good morning, Officer, can I help you?” She said with a forced smile.

The postalworker’s eyes nearly bulged as he took in her lasciviously inadequate dress and her overtly sexual pose. She tried to stand normally, but her body instead leaned on the doorway in such a pose as to emphasize her bust and attract attention to the fact that, yes, she did have an hourglass figure, thank you very much. The postal worker looked to be in his mid thrities, wearing the shirt and shorts of his office, a smattering of grey at his temples and a thin stubble giving him a mature look that didn’t quite match his too-small eyes and too-large nose. He was desperately thin, and if you weren’t careful he would poke your eye out with his adam’s apple every time he swallowed.

The police officer, dressed in his uniform and a kevlar, a gun at his hip and a note pad already on its way out of his breast pocket, cut a much more rugged figure, probably late twenties with close cropped black hair and a face hardened by years of dealing with criminals. He gazed severely at Sam, never looking at anything other than her eyes. He cleared his throat officially, then opened his note pad to a new page and started writing. “Ms. Windsor?”

“No, I’m Sam Davies, Amy is my housemate.” Sam said, putting a little bit of a strain on her voice to imitate the effects of being hung over. “Is something wrong?”

“Good morning, ma’am, My name is Officer Chase, and I was hoping you could answer a few questions about a post office employee who works in this area.” the officer said, writing down everything either of them said while only occaisionally looking at the page. “Are you familiar with a Lindsey Babineau? Aproximately five foot six, good physical shape, red hair and freckles?”

“Yeah, I know her. She delivers the mail every day.” Sam tried to mimick squinting against the sun, but gave up when she realized it was coming across as a seductive gaze. “Is she in some sort of trouble?”

“That is what we are looking into this morning. It seems she failed to check in after her shift last night, and again this morning to start her rounds. The post office has tried calling her cell and home phone, but we haven’t had any luck. The last report we had from her was that she was coming back to this area to deliver a mis-sorted parcel.” The officer continued. “We take these things seriously, even if it turns out to be nothing, and we are canvasing the whole neighbourhood for information.”

“Wow, that’s not good. I hope she’s okay.” Sam cringed inwardly as she felt the postal worker’s gaze drift down her curves, she wasn’t sure where lying to the police fit on the spectrum of morality, but it evidently wasn’t that high up as she was starting to heat up. “I didn’t see her after her morning visit, sorry.”

“That’s okay, ma’am, we are just looking for more information at this time.” The officer gestured to the leering postal worker, noticed where the other man was looking, and scowled, but continued. “Postal office records show that she only had three parcels like the one she mentioned when she called in to inform her disptacher why she was late. Two of them were sent to people on this roundabout, and the third one was to an office building. This house was one of the two remaining deliveries.”

Sam pretended to think hard for a few seconds, then shrugged and shook her head. Her hair fell over her face and she felt her body take too long brushing the hair aside. She bit her lip to hide her frustration and looked up to see a few beads of sweat forming on the officer’s forehead. “No, I’m sorry, we never got a package like that.”

The officer nodded, his eyes darting once to look at Sam’s lush lips, then back to her eyes. “Thank you for your time, ma’am. We will contact you if we require additional information.”

“No worries, officer. Always happy to help the boys in blue.” Sam said with a light laugh, then mentally kicked herself when it came out as a playful giggle. She composed herself by clearning her throat, and then had the presence of mind to ask, “I don’t suppose you can tell me who the other parcel was for?”

“Mr. Patterson.” The postman spoke for the first time, appearantly the desparate type of man who does anything an attractive girl asks him to do.

The cop glowered at the postal worker, then turned back to Sam, the picture of proffesionalism under fire. “I’m sorry, ma’am, but we aren’t able to divulge information about federal post office customers. Now if you’ll excuse us, we have—”

The officer was interupted by a shuddering moan from inside the house. He paused, his expression unreadable. The postal worker wasn’t as composed, and his face broke out in a goofy grin as the floor boards above started to rythmically creek above them. After a few moments they could hear Amy’s voice softly cooing “Yes... mmm, oh yes...” and the officer’s ears became incandescent.

“Thank you for your time, ma’am. This card has a non-emergency line you can reach us at if you find anything. The back had my name and badge number if they ask for it.” The officer held out a card.

“Thank you, officer. I’ll be sure to tell them how good a job you did.” Sam attempted sarcasm, and it came out as flirting. God, she was getting so turned on she was tempted to see if the cop would use his hand cuffs on her just to keep her from fidgetting. She took the card and waved as they turned to leave.

After a moment she noticed Jason entering the drive, waving to the officer himself, then coming up the front step. She felt herself relax so much she worried she was going to fall over. He didn’t seem angry. “Honey, I’m so sorry about this morning. I’m just frustrated with this camera bullshit, and I didn’t need to see that first thing in the morning. I talked with Amy and I realized you were right about Lin—”

“Don’t worry, that’s not whats important right now.” Jason said as he quickly hugged her, gave her a reasuring squeeze, then hurried inside and closed the door.

Sam was bristling at the interuption to her heartfelt apology, but she stopped when she saw Jason’s face. “Babe, what’s wrong?”

“Guess who I just met.” Jason held up the busniess card from Erstwhile Smith.

Amy, 0940, Tuesday, June 19th, Amy Windsor’s Home

After they’d climbed the stairs and gotten to her bedroom, Amy had pushed the dead-on-his-feet Carl so he fell on the bed, then led Lindsey to a chair at her desk and motioned for her to stay still. She turned, closed the door, tripped on a discarded shirt from her clothing experimentation days prior, and promptly fell on her ass. Just after she hit the ground Carl’s lazy bulk rolled off the bed and landed dirrectly on top of her.

“Oof!” she managed as she tried to push him off of her. His feet were up over her head and his head was right between her thighs. She pushed with all her might and managed to get him to roll off of her and lay on his back. In the process she had had to push herself up on top of him so she was sitting on his chest facing his feet. She tried to stand up only to realize that one of Carl’s hands was placed firmly on her breast. Uh oh.

She tried to get up quickly, and was surprised to find that she could, only to watch in dismay as her hands removed her sheer lace clothing until she was fully nude, then sat back down several inches higher up his body. She felt his stubble on her thighs, and shuddered as his tongue tickled her rapidly moistening slit. She felt herself lean forward as one of his hands started to tenderly ply her breast and the other planted firmly on her ass to rock her back and forwards.

Even when a man is asleep a woman knows exactly what they need to do to please him. Men are pretty one dimensional like that. She pushed his waistband down past his cock and gave it a tender taste. She shuddered as the sensation passing through her mouth joined those coming the other way and felt her self heating up in response. She ran her tongue over the head of Carl’s shaft and felt it twitch appreciatively in response.

She began to grind herself into Carl’s tongue, gently at first, but then more and more as the tempo increased. His hand on her ass gave her a sharp smack and she heard herself moan, “Yes... mmm, oh yes...” His had on her breast became more insistent and tweaked her nipple in ways that sent lighting coursing through her chest. Sensing the timing was right she started to plunge his stiff member deep into her throat, the permanent erection reaching so far she gaged for a second in surprise.

She pulled off of him to catch her breath and then suddenly shook and spasmed as he put both hands on her ass and pushed her down hard onto his face. The rapidly flicking tongue tip turned cruely into a non-stop undulating tentacle determined to bring her to orgasm before she was ready. She started to thrust and squirm, unable to escape his strong arms, her arms and legs growing weak as he relentlessly assaulted her with abandon.

The sudden desire to have Carl’s cock back in her mouth assailed her, and she leaned in to envelope him once more. As the two writhed on the floor she felt herself reaching the top floor and tried to resist as the elevator doors opened. Top floor: Housewares, Interior Decorating, and Orgasms. She squealed into his cock as she kicked out with her legs uncontrollably. Carl, not awake and thus not paying attention, kept on licking and sucking her clit as if she hadn’t just had a mind-blowing orgasm.

Amy tried to pull away, tried to gain a little distance so she could rest for just a minute, but Carl quickly threw her back in the elevator and put it on high speed as she rapidly reached a second orgasm. She continued like that for an eternity, sucking and licking his cock while she squirmed and writhed in near constant orgasm. Eventually she recognized a thickening of the shaft and plunged the throbbing member as far down her throat as she could, revelling in the sudden jet of searing fire that reached her stomach and left her tingling yet another way.

Then Carl kept going. She tried to scream in protest as his tongue continued to circle her clit in ever more inventive ways, her body already covered in a sheen of dripping sweat from the building heat of the day and her own physical exertions. She continued to pleasure him with her mouth while she came again and again, her legs no longer kicking as she reserved all energy to her twitching hips, spasming stomach, and pumping her luscious lips up and down the mighty member. Eventually, after Carl’s third eruption, he slowed and let her have one final round, then dropped his hands to the side and began to snore gently.

Amy rolled to the side and splayed her numb limbs out in exhaustion. She was drenched in sweat, running in tiny rivers down her supple curves, and the room smelled of sickly-sweet musk, but boy was she ever tingling. She heard a creaking sound somewhere in the back of her mind as she became aware of the world once more, and noticed that Lindsey had a hand between her own thighs and was squirming rythmically to her own beat.

“Having fun?” Amy said as Lindsey shuddered, a mute cry on her open lips as she breathed deeply. When Amy spoke she pulled her hand up and blushed in a way that only a ginger could. “Don’t worry, I did the same thing yesterday. Its nice being in a super-sexed body sometimes.”

There came a knock on the door, and Amy realized she could stand up yet. She shrugged as best as she could and yelled for whoever was knocking. “Hey, kind of indecent in here.”

“All three of you?” Sam’s voice wafted in knowingly. “Don’t have too much sex in there. And for god’s sake we need to stop conscripting Lindsey into threesomes.”

“Not exactly how it went.” Amy didn’t feel like arguing. “Look, I can’t feel my legs, Carl’s out of it, and I think Lindsey needs a minute. Let’s just agree to meet up downstairs in an hour. Was the cop hot?”

“Sorta. They’re looking for Lindsey.”

“Shit.” Amy cursed. “Okay, well if they don’t know she’s here then we have some time right?”

“Jason’s also had an interesting conversation.” Sam paused, sighed, then started to walk away. “We can talk about it after you get up. I’ll see you in an hour.”

“Thanks.” This was going to be a long day.

Police Chief Reigner, 1100, Tuesday, June 19th, Armdale Police Precinct West

“Unacceptable.” The head of the local postmaster said to the police chief. “This isn’t some trollop or party-girl, this is a United States Postal Service employee we are talking about! There is no way she would just forget to call in sick!”

“Look here, pencil pusher.” the chief said with a scowl, “I’ve had enough of you coming in here and telling me how to do my job. I can’t put more officers on the case until I know its a real missing person. We have the whole of Armdale to look after. It is not our sole job to go hunting for every waif who runs around town and sleeps in at some random guy’s house.”


“No. I don’t care. Leave my office now or stay the night in a much smaller room than this.” the chief grumbled with a threat in his eye. The postmaster hestiated for a moment, then stood his full height, adjusted his dress uniform, and strode out with his chin high. One he was out of sight around the corner the chief relaxed and looked at the dozen reports on his desk. “Pissant.”

The chief, a hefty man in his forties, watched the glass door swing slowly shut and then heaved a sigh. The papers on his desk were reports from around town from the twelve officers he’d sent out to locate a missing person who’d been missing for less than a day. They weren’t supposed to expend that kind of effort on someone unless they could confirm foul play, endangerment, or their absence of more than a day. But damnit this was the girl who delivered his mail and used to babysit his children when he was just a captain on the force.

The postmaster didn’t know any of this, of course, and he wouldn’t give the bastard the satisfaction. He’d read most of the reports before he was interupted by the glorified paperboy, and now he settled in to finish the remaining reports. Just before he finished the last report claiming that there was no sign anything was wrong other than an employee on the lamb his officer phone rang out.

He recognized the number and had to seriously consider if he wanted to answer it or not. With a sigh he picked up the reciever and grumbled, “Yes?”

“Good morning, Mr. Reigner, how is your health?” The thin and unsettling voice buzzed through the aged speaker.

“I’m fine.” the chief said stiffly. “Your missing toy hasn’t turned up yet. You should be calling the front desk and ask for lost and found, not the chief of police.”

“Ah, my most sincere apologies, Mr. Reigner, it was not my intention to unduly tax your no doubt valuable time. I merely wished to speak to the most applicable authority of matters most grave in this community.” his voice had the distinct quality of someone talking on the phone from inside a tunnel, it was as though it was interfereing with itself.

“Your missing machinery is not the most important thing going on in this town, understand?”

“Yes, Mr. Reigner, I am most amicable to your situation.” the voice on the phone said, “It’s just that I have met and spoke with an officer of the law earlier this morning who has informed me of an ongoing search for the location of an absent messenger and it occured to me rather belatedly that I may have useful information.”

“You’ve seen Lindsey?” the chief didn’t bother hiding the palpable relief in his voice, though he was experienced enough to know this could be a false lead, it was more than any of the reports had given him. “Where and how did you see her?”

“Are you familiar with the new roundabout off of George Street?” the voice wheeze calmly.