The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

“Rabbit Hole”

It was the look in the woman’s eyes that stopped Shaniqua cold. She noticed it even before she read the speech balloons that had been superimposed over the picture of the naked porn star, an expression of blissful abandon that made Shaniqua’s pussy respond with a pulse of instinctive, almost primal arousal. Whoever it was in the picture, she was so totally lost in powerful sexual pleasure that she could barely even focus her heavy-lidded gaze on the camera. Shaniqua hadn’t exactly intended to spend her free time looking at porn—she was pretty much just hanging out in her living room lazily scrolling through her feed and half-watching true crime shows—but the picture caught her attention and practically dragged it back to her phone.

Shaniqua’s dark brown eyes scanned over the word bubbles automatically, simply from force of habit, but her attention was still very much on the naked woman on the screen. She had light brown skin, perhaps a shade or two lighter than Shaniqua’s, and her hair was braided into cornrows instead of hanging loose and natural like Shaniqua styled hers. But there was still a sense of resonance there, a feeling of profound empathy that left Shaniqua imagining just what it would feel like to be on her knees, squatting down onto a thick silicone cock. What it would be like to experience so much pleasure that her mouth hung open in thoughtless lust, her eyelids drooping and gaze unfocused with arousal. And the words....

The more she came back to them, the more Shaniqua found that they emphasized and heightened the power of the image. The woman in the picture was moaning out, ‘I am deeply hypnotized,’ and even though Shaniqua had never really thought of it as a sexy thing to say, somehow it sounded unbelievably fucking hot coming from those slack, drooling lips. It made the room seem abruptly, uncomfortably warm, and Shaniqua felt as though the person who created the image was somehow watching her. Like they knew what it was doing to her. Shaniqua felt suddenly relieved that she lived alone.

The next speech bubble came from off-panel, clearly meant to be the hypnotist who’d manipulated the woman into mindlessly fucking herself, and Shaniqua shivered with unexpected arousal as she read it over and over again. ‘You can’t resist the pleasure,’ it said, and Shaniqua squirmed on her couch imagining those words purring into her ears with calm, irresistible confidence. She never really thought of herself as submissive—honestly, she’d dealt with too many fuckboys and scrubs who tried to cover for their insecurities with arrogance to ever imagine enjoying the company of a dominant man. But something about the purposeful, almost soothing certainty of the statement made Shaniqua’s pussy tingle with excitement.

And the way the woman repeated it back in the next word balloon, ‘I can’t resist the pleasure,’ it made Shaniqua’s breathing quicken just a little bit. It brought back memories of old late-night movies and channel-surfing when her parents were at work, finding goofy action-adventure shows made before she was even born and letting them play in the background while she read or played with her toys. It seemed like every single one of them had at least one episode where the heroine was hypnotized, and they all droned out their obedience in the same sleepy monotone. Shaniqua could hear the woman in the picture speaking in exactly that voice, and she was almost astonished at how wet it made her.

Almost before she could stop herself, Shaniqua tapped the name of the post’s creator, and found herself on a blog belonging to ‘Psychevore’. The bio was pretty perfunctory, just a single half-sentence that read, ‘Making smart women into good girls’, but Shaniqua was more interested in the pictures. She began to scroll down with her left thumb, her right hand drifting down between her thighs to lightly rub her pussy through her jeans. She was half-hoping to find more pictures of the woman who’d drawn her here... but it didn’t take long for her to get caught up in the other images and stories she found.

Every single one of the original posts was another woman, culled from pornography and lingerie ads and men’s magazines with a conscious intent to find that same dazed and drowsy look of vacant distraction on each and every photo. Sometimes they were naked and fucking themselves, sometimes they were sucking a cock, sometimes they were simply sitting and staring into space with a blank, thoughtless stare. But all of them looked so happy. So peaceful. And the word balloons always sexualized that empty, mindless state into arousal and obedience. Shaniqua’s hand rubbed harder against her pussy lips with every new image.

Sometimes they were begging to be hypnotized, moaning out, ‘Please, Master, it feels so fucking good.’ Sometimes they were struggling to resist their imaginary captor, whimpering, ‘N-no, I... I can’t, I... I must stare deeper into the crystal.’ Sometimes they were already blank and obedient, thoughtlessly repeating the mantras they were programmed with until their brains dissolved into submissive mush in the final speech bubble. There were so many variations on the theme of deep, mindless arousal, so many different commands and instructions and ways to surrender to the hypnotist’s control that Shaniqua felt like she could scroll for hours and not find them all.

There were reblogs, too, content from other blogs with similar themes. Shaniqua had never been so glad that her ‘Following’ list was set to ‘Private’, and she tapped over and over on her phone as name after name scrolled by. Many of them featured intricate spirals, looping animations that tugged Shaniqua’s gaze to the center of the screen and made her imagine herself as the star of one of the little hypno-comics. So many of them involved a woman just like her, seeing a spiral or reading an induction or just going online and masturbating herself into a lazy trance until her soft, malleable mind dripped out between her thighs, and it made Shaniqua’s pussy surge just a little bit more every time one slid past.

They weren’t always just spirals, either. Some of them featured little stories afterward, monologues from a hypnotist to a subject that described the power that the patterns held over the weak, horny submissives who lost themselves in them. Shaniqua found herself reading one of them over and over, squirming out of her pants and kicking off her panties so that she could openly rub and stroke her soaking pussy while she went back to the animation and stared at it. The words of the story echoed in her mind, making her shirt feel tight and uncomfortable against her heavy breasts as her fingers found her aching clit. ‘You don’t need to think anymore. Your mind is captured by the spiral.’

God, it was so fucking hot. Shaniqua clicked over to the new blog, run by someone calling themselves, ‘DollMaster2023’. It was a dumb name, barely one step above ‘Dudeguy123’ or ‘HotGuy420’ or any of the other randos who sent her dick pics every time she posted to her feed, but Shaniqua didn’t care. She just wanted to keep reading those weird little flash stories and staring into one spiral after another until her cunt dripped onto the couch cushions with aching need. It felt like every time one of them ended, it led straight into another animated gif, and that led right into another monologue that spoke directly to Shaniqua’s libido. She whimpered, her eyes burning with the effort of staring at the screen. But she didn’t stop.

The noise from the television became an annoyance, an intrusive distraction that kept Shaniqua from fully immersing herself in the beautiful sexy fantasies that unfolded endlessly onto her screen. But at the same time, Shaniqua couldn’t imagine putting her phone down even for a second, any more than she could imagine pulling her fingers away from her messy cunt. She finally managed to summon up the presence of mind to fumble for the remote and switch off the TV, and to pull off her shirt and bra while she was at it. Then, naked, she returned to the delicious stories that lulled her thoughts into a delicious haze of arousal.

Shaniqua felt like she could keep scrolling forever, simply losing herself in one spiral after another before finally snapping out of her fascinated daze just long enough to scroll down to the story afterward and masturbate along to the writer’s instructions. ‘Teasing makes you horny. Being horny makes you blank. Being blank makes you obedient. And obedient girls tease themselves for Master.’ ‘You’ve given up control to the patterns now, and you can’t stop reading and sinking into a deep hypnotic trance.’ ‘You’re a good little dolly for me, an empty plastic dolly with an empty plastic head and all you want to do is obey.’ The imagery was so potent, so vivid that Shaniqua could almost feel it wrapping around her thoughts. As though she was really being hypnotized herself.

She didn’t think that was possible... until she saw the picture. The picture that made Shaniqua cum, her cunt squeezing tightly around her questing fingers as the sudden wave of astonished arousal overwhelmed her faster than she thought possible. The picture of a real woman with that same blank and fascinated look on her face—not a manipulation, not a distracted porn star taken out of context, but a blurry image of a blonde Caucasian woman staring blankly into the camera and drooling. The caption underneath just said, ‘Me when DollMaster calls.’ It was a reblog. Shaniqua tapped the blog name with shaking fingers.

The woman’s blog was called simply ‘EmptyDollyGirl’, and the description just said, ‘An empty slut for the taking’. Shaniqua’s gaze lingered on the words, her fingers working away at the froth of arousal in her slick pussy as though she was staring at the hottest porn she could possibly imagine. She thought at first that maybe it was a fake, not necessarily a prank or a joke but maybe someone who was into the fantasy the same way Shaniqua finally had to admit that she was, too, and who made a blog imagining what it would be like to be hypnotized into obedience by a stranger. But then she scrolled down... and her cunt practically drooled at what she found.

Picture after picture of the same woman, standing naked in her bedroom with her arms outstretched and her head slumped down onto her shoulders. Shots of her staring blankly into the camera, her eyes rolled back so far that only the whites showed, her jaw slack and drool spilling down from her lips. Videos of her listening through headphones while her breathing slowed and her eyelids fluttered and her expression went loose and soft and muzzy with compliance. Images of her lost in helpless pleasure, the cords on her neck standing out as she masturbated herself to climax. Each one made Shaniqua’s cunt tingle in sympathy. They were all real. They were all a real, empty, hypnotized dolly girl.

Holy shit.

Every one of them had a caption underneath them, saying things like ‘i am emptty adn obediennt’ or ‘Master’s good girl’ or ‘Empty slut can’t resist again’. Some of them must have been posted during the hypnosis sessions, judging by the random spelling errors, but others featured explicit details on who took her and how they made her mind soft and blank and vulnerable. Sometimes they were interspersed with lengthy text pieces, the woman who owned the blog explaining exactly why she loved to be hypnotized and brainwashed by anyone who wanted to message her. ‘I love being a public slut,’ she said. ‘I can never get enough sex and hypnosis to satisfy my drippy pussy. Every time someone brainwashes me to be a better fucktoy, it makes me feel so happy and fulfilled. Please reblog this if you want to be a programmed slave like me!’

There were over twenty thousand notes. Shaniqua’s finger hovered over the ‘Reblog’ button for a moment, but she finally settled on pressing ‘Like’ instead. Then she kept scrolling. She couldn’t imagine doing anything else anymore.

Shaniqua had another two climaxes reading EmptyDollyGirl’s blog, the pleasure spilling over so intensely that she couldn’t stop them despite her desire to keep scrolling and staring. The first was when she saw a picture of EmptyDollyGirl smiling beatifically into the camera, her face smeared with ropes of sticky semen, and read a caption that said, ‘Met a fan at the mall today! He recognized me from my blog and told me to stop thinking and suck his cock, and my programming took over. It’s so hot to know that it’s not just a fantasy anymore!’ Shaniqua hated the taste of cum—she didn’t even like going down on a guy—but the more she pictured her own expression blanking out into mindless bliss and her lips parting vacantly in compliance, the hotter it sounded. Until suddenly she was over the edge and whimpering in helpless pleasure, her finger dancing on her clit as her hips strained wildly into the air.

And the second... oh, shit. The second time was the scary one. Shaniqua scrolled past picture after picture of EmptyDollyGirl, eyes slowly rolling further back into her head and expression becoming more and more blank with every shot. The blonde woman wore a pair of big chunky headphones, the kind of noise-canceling wireless high-quality gear that probably set the other woman back a few hundred dollars. And at the bottom, the caption said... oh, oh shit. It said... fuck, goddamn, fucking fucking fuck. Shaniqua’s pussy clenched tightly, her gaze swimming with arousal as she read it over and over and over again.

‘DollMaster sent me another file! It was sooooo good that I have to share it with every single one of you. Good girls make other good girls! By the time I was done, I was dumb and drippy and too horny to think, and all I wanted to do was sink deeper into the programming and listen again! Try it and you’ll agree. With everything Master says giggle’ There was a play button at the bottom, next to an uploaded sound file labeled, ‘Brain Buster 3000’. Just seeing it made Shaniqua cum so hard she saw stars.

She stared at it for what felt like hours, frozen in indecision. Her thumb hovered over the play button, not quite daring to press it, torn between the fantasy that had suddenly become an obsession and the very real feeling that somehow, this was a point of no return. This wasn’t like the other things that had led her to this point, a fiction or a story or a hypnotic wall of text that Shaniqua could at least pretend she was just daydreaming about while she masturbated. This was real. This had turned a real human being into an obedient, empty slave who sucked strangers’ cocks in public places, and even if that only worked because EmptyDollyGirl wanted it to, Shaniqua was all too aware that she couldn’t say any different. Even now, with the rest of her body paralyzed by hesitation, her fingers refused to stop churning her pussy into a slick, messy froth of arousal.

If she pressed play, she might not be able to go back to the woman she was. The craving she felt now could only get stronger from being fulfilled, her new and sudden masturbatory fantasy taking her over until she listened to the hypnotic induction again and again and let herself slip away into blank, blissful trance. In a month or so, it might be her posting photos of herself with a mindless smile on her lips, lost in obedient pleasure and begging strangers to hypnotize her and fuck her face. She could feel the depth of the obsession leading her endlessly down, tugging her brain on a leash made of pure sexual heat until she was an empty fucktoy too. This could be her last chance to stop.

Only it wasn’t. Because Shaniqua didn’t know when her last chance had been, but she knew she’d already gone past it. Her cunt throbbed with need, the previous three orgasms feeling like they barely scratched the surface of an arousal too powerful to ever resist, and the thought of closing her feed without finding out what the sound file did to her brain felt like a maddening tease. She needed to go all the way down the rabbit hole, now. She needed to find out where it led. No matter what the consequences.

Shaniqua’s thumb stabbed out at the play button, and she felt her fourth climax begin as her mind slipped away into the soft, sensual sound of her Master’s voice at last.