The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Darkside007 gave me the idea, edited for me and encouraged me at every step. If this story is successful, I’ll kinda feel like I cheated. Don’t try this at home yada yada...but if you arlready did, send me pictures.

Red Shod Girl

By Sacrip

Ella looked around at her housemates, who were all assembled around her, intervention style. She was nervous, then annoyed at her own nervousness. I didn’t do anything REALLY wrong, she thought, nothing to justify an inquisition from a bunch of liberal arts majors. Well, except for that one thing, but nobody knows about that. Ella turned her attention to Tom, the 23 year old Greek/Chinese (or Japanese, or something-ese, Ella really didn’t know for sure) sociology grad student who seemed to be elected house leader while she was out shopping or something.

“Ella, the reason we’re all here today,” Tom said, indicating the other five housemates: his boyfriend Gary, Helen and Freida, and Rob and Gina, “is to give us all a chance to air out any, um, kinks in our living arrangement. It’s not easy for seven people to live in one house, even if most of them are couples. So before we get started, I’d like for you to say whatever is on your mind about us, OK?”

“All right then. Um, you and Gary are great. You guys cook and clean and have funny little arguments about wallpaper and stuff. You guys are so freakin gay! And that’s awesome. Helen and Freida, I love you guys too. I know the goth thing is totally 90’s but you rock the look, Freida. You should totally invite your witch friends to hang out here, we could light candles and curse my old boyfriends..uh,they’re not all dykes, are they? And Helen, I feel so safe with you around, I bet you could kick the shit outta anybody, you’re so butch. No, that’s a compliment, really. And Rob and Gina, I totally love you guys, too. I love your Tivo and I love that freaky sex stuff you think nobody knows about but we all do anyways. Have you invited Freida to join you, she totally would, I mean look at those piercings. Total freak. No, honey, that’s a COMPLIMENT!” Ah geez, I did it again, Ella thought, looking around at the faces around her. You try and cut through the bullshit and you just get it flung back at you. Well, let’s get this over with. “So, what do you all have to say about me?”

At once, everyone jumped down Ella’s throat with their complaints. She couldn’t make out what everyone was saying as the cacophony grew more heated with each passing moment. She caught snippets here and there, Gary with “...spent three hours making it and you eat half and don’t even put it back...", Rob with “...and I know damn well you copied my term paper word for word before I could even turn it in. Had to spend 4 hours...", and Helen with ...“in the middle of the night like a thief! You couldn’t ask me to borrow it, you just take it and give it back scratched up? " It ended abruptly when Freida said, “Just put on the red shoes and dance, bitch!”

While the others furiously shushed the last speaker, Ella looked down and saw there were, indeed, a pair of red shoes on the floor near her. Flats, dyed leather with sequins, a red bow and a slightly worn heel on the right one, no doubt from the hippos at the local Payless who tried them on before deciding that $10 was just too big a sacrifice to make for ugly shoes rather than cheese doodles and press-on nails. No doubt Tom bought them to make some metaphoric point about walking a mile in someone else’s moccasins or some other damn Indian thing. Or he just bought them for himself, the faggot.

“Ella,” Tom said once the others were quiet again, “I know that you act out and say hurtful things, but at heart you’re a very good person who wants to do the right thing. And I also know you harbor a lot of guilt over your actions, but can’t come clean and make amends for fear of losing face. So I think I’ve come up with a solution that will make everyone happy. Well, eventually happy, anyways. Do you understand what karma is, Ella?”

“Uh, yeah. Universal balance, consequences for our actions, ripples in the pond making tidal waves, shit like that. Can I go now?”

“No, I just wanted to be sure you understood what’s happening to you. Now put on the shoes, please.”

“The shoes..uh, why?”

“Well, we’ve all agreed to drop our grievances of you and give you a clean slate if you put on these shoes, which were $13.99 by the way, and dance a jig for us. Really, that’s all we want.”

“You want dance. Right now. In these shoes. For you.”

“Think of it as symbolic. A ritual cleansing of bitterness and discord in the tribe. Then we’ll go to the mall and celebrate with ice cream, my treat.”

Ella slipped off her sneakers, trying furiously to think of the catch, the trick here, but failing. A quick two-step and butt shimmy would be a small price to pay to fend off these leeches in the room with her. Well, Tom’s pretty weird with his Yoda brand wisdom, maybe that’s all there is to it. “So, like, are these magic shoes, like in that story? Will I dance helplessly forever?”

“No,not forever. Just until you come to terms with your guilt over the way you treat others. That, or you pass out.”

“Fair enough,” Ella said, slipping on the first shoe. “So where’d you get these anyways? Payless? Wal-Mart? A German mail order catalog of magical artifacts?”

“Target, actually. Freida had her witches coven put multiple curses on them, with a little help from hair from your hairbrush. Stand up, Ella.”

Ella had just fixed her heel into the second shoe when she felt the shoes push down hard on the floor, and her feet with it. In an instant she felt herself rocketed up off the couch, almost toppling over but for the shoes, solid on the ground like they were nailed to the floor. Getting her balance back, she fixed her hair and straightened her skirt, which, she noted nervously, was rather short and flimsy and pink. She tugged down on the hem with her fingers, feeling very exposed.

“Um, guys..can I just go now?” No one answered her, but just looked at her. Freida had an especially evil grin on her face. Ella tried again to move but couldn’t use her feet. Nobody spoke, but Ella could sense they all wanted to say something, but wanted to soak up the anticipation like an aphrodisiac. Finally, the silence was broken when Yellow, the cat, meowed and jumped up on Gina’s lap. “Go on, get out of here...” Gina started, and Ella bolted to the door, covering her ears and yelling “LALALALALALALALA!” after turning the knob. Now outside, she took off down the sidewalk and didn’t look back till she was about two blocks away. Ducking behind a tree and carefully looking back, Ella saw she wasn’t followed and relaxed a bit.

Ella uncovered her ears and walked down the side street, remarking to herself how she didn’t think to just take the shoes off, but did remember in a split second how the dork guy from Love Potion #9 kept himself from being affected by the potion. Sandra Bullock movies work in mysterious ways, Ella thought. She lifted up her foot to take off the first shoe, then stopped herself. A witches curse? Magic shoes? C’mon, Ella, what are you thinking? These are just ugly shoes from an ugly store bought by ugly people for an ugly practical joke you nearly fell for. Mind over matter, girly. They psyched you out, is all. Get thee to a shoeery. And the last thing you’ll do is...


Ella took one more step before she felt that heavy feeling in her feet again. But this time, her feet were moving. Up, down, up, down. Ella looked at them, willing her feet to stop, but they only went faster now. Tap tap tap, heel toe turn. Reeling, Ella tried to reach down to maybe yank the shoes off her feet, but she couldn’t balance well enough against the ever faster feet, step step kick turn shuffle shuffle tap turn. Then, she found her legs obeying the feet, kicking and moving in time. It felt like her legs, and now her hips,had no individual joints or bones, just a single, undulating piece, starting at the feet and rippling in waves up to her legs, hips, shoulders...and now her face, making her look forward instead of down, while the shoes do their work. God, I hope I’m not smiling like Shirley Temple or something, she thought...

Then it came true. Her feet went from a random pattern to a tight, cute tap dance, perfect for a little girl. Ella’s feet turned her towards a store window to see her reflection; ugly shoes tapping, legs straight, hands holding out the hem of her skirt to the sides as she smiled a winning smile. No longer looking, Ella felt her feet turn her around, then tippy tap back towards the house. All around, Ella felt staring eyes on her and heard the laughing of passers by. Ella’s hands pulled out her skirt even wider, and her mouth smiled even bigger as she said “No. No, oh no. Please no.” in a quiet, terse voice from a mouth that wouldn’t move for her.

Amid horn honks, catcalls and obscene remarks, Ella made it back to the house. She danced up to the steps and bunny hopped up onto the porch, but could not remove her hands from her skirt to open the door. Exhausted, sweaty, teary eyed and still smiling and dancing like a twit, Ella did the thing she loathed most right now. “H..hello? Could someone open up the door?”

“Who is it?” Damn it, it’s Freida. “Pleeeease let me in!” Ella said, as loud as she could muster while sobbing with a big smile on her face.

“Let’s, I don’t see Ella here. I see a stupid little girl dancing like Shirley Temple sending a singing telegram. Ah well.”

“PLEEEEEEEEEASE!” Ella said, loud as she could now, panicked at the thought of having to stay out here dancing in front of everyone.

“Who is it?” Freida asked again in a sing-song voice.

“’s...” Ella thought she would vomit trying to say the words. “It’s Shirley Temple, ma’am. Here to send a dance-a-gram.” Ella curtsied low in front of the door, not sure if the shoes were doing it or herself, and not caring anymore. After an endless minute of waiting, bent low in a curtsy, the door opened and Ella pranced inside, where everyone was waiting. Ella started to plead, but the resolve on their faces told her they would be happy to throw her right out again. “I don’t know..the words, lyrics...”

“Yes you do.” Tom said. With that, Ella felt the words come out of her mouth, unbidden, as she danced along.

“On the gooood ship, La Lee POP
It’s a sweeeet trip to the can dee shop
where bon-bons plaaay
on the sunny beach of Peppermint bay.”

It went on and on. Ella singing the insipid song in a little girl squeak, smiling her biggest smile while tap-tap-tapping to every syllable she spoke. Everyone laughed more and more, till Ella thought she’d die from shame. When she was finally done, she curtsied low again as they clapped their hands and jeered. Finally, Tom said “Release,” and Ella collapsed to the floor, shaking and crying with her face against the carpet. After a minute, or an hour, Ella didn’t know which, Tom said “get up,” and Ella’s shoes pushed her up hard, so she wobbled after she stood.

“Time to see if the old girl can learn new tricks.” Helen said, clapping her hands. When Ella didn’t respond right away, Helen said “Come. Here,” punctuating each word with a clap. Ella felt her shoes move out from under her so fast she thought she’d fall, but instead found herself at attention, in front of Helen. “Good girl,” Helen said, patting Ella’s head. Gary clapped next, and again Ella’s shoes flew towards him, making her dizzy as she righted herself in front of him, rigid and straight. Each roommate had his turn, clapping and watching as Ella raced towards them, not moving an inch until summoned again.

Finally, Tom said “Ella, when I snap my fingers, your shoes will take you upstairs to the bathroom and straddle the toilet bowl,not moving for five minutes. That will be your time to relieve yourself. Afterwards, your shoes will take you to your bed and position you on it, face up, with your legs spread apart. You will stay this way until summoned or commanded.” Tom snapped his fingers, and Ella’s shoes practically lifted off the ground as she ran full tilt up the stairs into the bathroom. Ella’s shoes stopped hard on each side of the toilet bowl, lurching Ella’s body into the wall with a ‘Thunk’. Ella immediately began to pee, and realized two things. One, that Tom said five MINUTES and not five seconds. And two, that her panties were still on. Clenching herself, Ella tried to pull down her panties but could not, given the way she was standing. With no other choice, she tore them apart and made way so that she could pee. After what she was sure was exactly five minutes, Ella was brought by her shoes to her bedroom, nearly went headfirst into the floor in an awkward ‘feet first’ bed mounting maneuver her shoes forced upon her, and felt her shoes spread wide, leaving her in a perfect Y shape on the bed. Commands completed, the shoes rested in place, as Ella cried herself to sleep.