The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Red Shod Girl

Chapter Three

Having an editor means a lot of headache, arguments, last minute changes, races to meet deadlines, and, for me anyways, better stories. Darkside007, thanks again. Kids, why are you reading this? Go outside and play. Plenty of time for this stuff when you’re older. Go on, shoo.

In that hazy place between sleep and wakefulness, Ella thought of shoes she once wore. Black Prada slingbacks for evening wear, Gucci pumps for interviews and office work, Steve Madden sandals for walks on the beach, and an old pair of Converse for everything else. Good shoes. Expensive shoes. Shoes that didn’t make her dance for her roommates. Those were the days, she thought to herself.

The sun shone through Ella’s window, causing her eyes to flutter open. She was halfway out of bed and reaching for her bathrobe before she realized: she could move on her own! She went around her room quickly, putting on sweats and gathering her car keys, cell phone, and wallet. Ella checked the time on her phone, which said 7:23 A.M. Opening her bedroom door quietly, Ella listened, looked, then walked slowly to the stairs, hearing nothing but the faint sounds of snoring from the other bedrooms. Reaching the ground floor, Ella was about to turn to the front door when she saw in the corner of her eye something just too delicious to pass up: Freida asleep on the couch, her bare feet hanging over the armrest. Oh God, this is too good to be true, Ella thought. Carefully walking over to the couch, Ella sat down on the carpet and removed the right shoe. With a trembling hand, Ella brought it up to Freida’s right foot, carefully slipping it on. Ella felt her left shoe moving back and forth, almost simulating a head shaking ‘no’ at someone. Freida snorted and moved. Ella jerked off the left shoe and jammed it on Freida’s left foot, then jumped up. “A HA!” Ella said. “Now YOU dance! Go on, DANCE, Freida!”

Freida shook herself awake and got to her feet. Ella shook in anticipation at her upcoming revenge. Oh I know, she thought to herself: I’ll get the dog collar and leash! Then I’ll take her for a walk all through town and campus, leading her while she dances. Yes, oh yes. She turned to get the collar and leash, then turned back. Can’t leave her alone, no chances.

“You should run, Ella,” Freida said. “This is your chance to get away.” Ella waited, then waited some more. Freida wasn’t dancing. What’s up?

“The shoes don’t work on me, Ella. We used YOUR hair to cast the spell, remember. You really ought to run, Ella. I got a bum knee, I can’t catch you. What are you waiting for?”

“Hey,hey... don’t try and psych me out anymore, Freida. I’m FREE! And you’re gonna pay, you ALL will! Just wait till I call HEY!” Freida had reached out and swiped Ella’s cell phone from her hand. In three strides Freida was at the door. Opening the door, she chucked the phone outside then shut the door again. “Oops, look what I did. You better go get it.”

“Yeah, well, I will. And you ain’t the boss of me, sister.” Ella stood facing Freida, arms crossed defiantly. Her gaze dropped down to Freida’s feet and the shoes, then came back up again. Ella’s own bare feet seemed uncomfortably cool now. A seemingly unending time went by; Freida leaning on the wall by the door, turning her feet back and forth admiring and seemingly showing off the red shoes, and Ella, standing across from her, looking unsure of herself now and catching herself looking at the shoes on Freida’s feet for just a little too long. “So, um, I won, OK? I got the shoes off. So, why don’t you give them to me so I can throw them out?” Ella said.

“Nah, I think I’ll keep them. They’re my size and I gotta admit, they’re pretty. Don’t you think they’re pretty, Ella?”

“No, they’re cheap, they’re garish..uh, I mean they’re OK, I guess, um...”

“Would you like them back, Ella?”

“Well, no, I mean, you want them. Unless you don’t...the spell’s broken, right? Since I took them off and all?”

“Nope, spell’s still on. So, you want them back?”

Ella turned and walked away, towards the back door. She stopped at the door, grabbed the knob, let go again, and walked back to the room with Freida and the shoes again. “Why are you DOING this to me?”

“Doing what, Ella? Say, I think there’s a bottle of blue dye in the closet, could you get it for me? I can’t quite reach the...”

“NO!” Ella screamed. “You’ll RUIN them!” Ella ran forward and went to her knees, holding the shoes, and Freida’s feet inside them, with an iron grip.

“Hey, girl, take it easy there. Bum knee, remember? So, you want these shoes back?”

Say no, Ella thought to herself. Come on, say no. “Yes, please.”

“Well, they won’t go with those sweats at all. No, I’m thinking more that red and white floral dress you have. You know, with the pleated skirt? And some beige stockings, thigh highs. Might need a garter, too....Oh, and a matching purse and hat. Got all that?”

“Yes, I mean no. Uh, I wasn’t going to put them back on or anything...”

“OK, fair enough. We still got that stepladder in the garage? I’m a little too short for that top shelf and the dye is...”

Ella ran upstairs as fast as she could. “Dress, stockings,garter, purse, hat, dress, stockings, garter, purse, hat...”

Running into her room, Ella stripped off her clothes, not bothering to close her door. Finding the red dress, she yanked it off the hanger and pulled it over her head, not quite pulling it down all the way before opening her drawer and tossing everything out looking for beige stockings and garters. After a couple of tense, frantic minutes, she was ready: Dress on, stockings and garters on, purse in hand. She ran back down, ready to present herself for Freida’s inspection. She saw Freida at the closet, standing on the stepladder. “No hat,” Freida said.

“FUCK ME!” Ella shrieked, running back upstairs. Freida said something back, but Ella didn’t hear what it was. Back in her room, Ella whirled around, looking quickly for something, anything hat-like. Seeing something, Ella grabbed it, jammed it on her head, and was back downstairs in a matter of seconds, automatically assuming the first position once again. Only when she was standing still again did it dawn on Ella just what she had put on her head. Freida saw her and stepped down from the ladder, blue dye jar in hand.

“Well Ella, aren’t you a sight to behold. Turn around for me.” Ella obeyed, turning a full circle in a proper pirouette. “Good girl. Now meow for me.” Ella sighed to herself, expecting this. She had put on a pair of cat ears that were on her dresser and used them as her ‘hat’. The dancing was bad enough, but this...

“No, please,” Ella said, “not that."’

“Oh, all right, then. So, if you mix blue and yellow, you get green, right?”

“MEOW! Meow meow mrooowrr hisssss. Purrrrrrrrrrrr hifffffff rouww.”

“Good girl, Ella. Nice kitty. So, you want these shoes, Ella?”

“Yes yes yes.”

“Do you LOVE these shoes, Ella?”

“Yes, more than anything.” Ella realized how stupid that sounded, but it was true. Oh God, it was true.

“Good, now tell them you’re sorry.”

“The shoes?”

“Yes, they’re very hurt. Why, they’re feeling positively BLUE!”

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, shoes. Yancy, Tressa, please forgive me.”

“Um... you named the shoes?”

“I, um...” Ella didn’t realize it until she said it, but she HAD named them. Oh God, I’m going crazy, she thought.

“Now, ask them to marry you.”


“No more leading them on, you tease. They want a commitment. Heart to heart. Soul to, um, sole.”

“I... oh God...” Ella stammered. Was she embarrassed, or nervous? She couldn’t tell anymore. “Um, will you, will you marry me?”

“What are you, a Neanderthal? Get on one knee.”

Adjusting her skirts, Ella went down to her knee and looked down at the shoes on Freida’s feet. “Yancy, Tressa, please marry me and make me your, uh, wife.”

There was silence for a long moment, save for the tapping of Freida’s shoes; first right, then left, then right again. “Well, Ella,” Freida finally said, “They agreed to marry you.” Ella stood up and jumped in the air, full of real joy. Somewhere in the back of her mind was a wonderment at how she got to this place where asking shoes to marry you was a rational thing, but she put it aside. “Now you may kiss the grooms.”

Her palms flat on the ground, Ella puckered her lips and kissed each shoe slowly and deliberately on the red bow. After a moment, she looked up at Freida, silently asking what to do next. “Get up,” Freida said, and Ella shot up quickly. Freida slipped off the shoes as Ella looked on, trembling with excitement. Ella couldn’t remember wanting anything more than these shoes right now. “Put them on,” Freida said, and Ella practically jumped into them. Once on, Ella felt a rush of excitement. She flitted back and forth, admiring and showing off her prized possessions. “Happy now?” Freida asked.

“Oh yes yes yes!” Ella answered, still happily dancing, holding out her skirts so she could show off her shoes properly. Freida leaned back against the wall and watched, waiting for something. Ella suddenly stopped mid step, body frozen as her eyes widened and her mouth gaped at the shoes she was celebrating just a few seconds ago. Like a tidal wave crashing down upon the surf, the realization came to Ella of what she’s done: she was free, then she re-enslaved herself. Dear freakin God, she PROPOSED to her shoes. Shaking now, Ella couldn’t think, couldn’t speak. After a long moment, she snapped herself out of her reverie and began to lift up her right foot to remove the shoe, but before she could, Freida was there, whispering into her ear.

“Freeze” Ella froze like a statue, unable to move or even blink. “I hope you’re not going to be a runaway bride, Ella. We haven’t even begun the reception yet.” At a leisurly pace, Frieda turned and sat down on the recliner, turned it to face Ella’s frozen form, then reclined the back to a comfortable position. When she had finally settled herself, Freida said “Dance.”

Resuming her ‘happy dance’, Ella jumped up and skipped back and forth around the room, spinning and hopping and twirling her skirts, never letting them leave her hands or fall below her mid thigh. Ella felt like her mind was still catching up to the events still happening, like she was only a passenger in her own body. Unable to help herself, Ella cried loudly now, sniffling and quivering even as she skipped and swished her skirts to and fro. “Do you have your garters on, Ella? Let me see.” Before Freida’s sentence was even finished, Ella felt her grip tightening on her pleated skirts. No sooner then the word ‘see’ left Frieda’s lips did Ella’s hands jerk upwards even as her shoes tip toed her towards Freida, stopping just a foot away, dancing in place while her skirts were lifted up, exposing Ella’s garters for Freida’s leisurely inspection.

“Nice, very nice,” Freida said after a moment. Ella could no longer see in front of her, her tears were so great. “But,” Freida continued, “I wonder if they match your...”


“Oh, hey Rob, hey Jeff,good seeing you again. Um, looks like that rash is gone, Ella. Put your dress down, we have company.”

Ella quickly pulled down her dress and turned to face the new arrival. “Oh,hey Jeff.” Ella said with a shy smile. A quick test of her feet told her she was free of the shoes’ influence for the moment. Jeff smiled back, and Ella knew what was coming next. It always did.

“Say, Ella, you going to church? I know a great group on campus who do a Christian thing, we should go...uh, what’s with the cat ears?”

“Oh, uh, I already went to church. Early Mass. And the ears are, uh, for St. Francis day.” God, that sounded lame, Ella thought, still smiling.

“Oh, yeah, cool. So ok, there’s this Ren Faire today, I thought we could check it out. I’ll totally pay your way in. And if you get bored, there’s a big mall nearby too. I checked the paper and there’s a sale at Fashion Bug on sundresses, and maybe catch a movie, and...”

And so it went, each week. Rob brings him over for a Sunday video game marathon, Jeff asks Ella out, and she deftly deflects the offer, turning him down without sounding like she’s not interested, a trick she’s honed over many years of practice. Even dorks have their uses, and a smart girl never burns bridges.

“You know, Jeff, that is so SWEET of you, really. But I got this test I gotta study for, and a paper to write on existentialism, and laundry to do..I’ve been putting so much off till today, and I really got to get to it., but maybe next week...”

“Hey, I could TOTALLY help you study for the test. Like, I’ll read stuff and you answer questions. And I’m so AWESOME at writing papers, I can guarantee you an A. And I can totally do your laundry. I got this new soap, it’s AWESOME. I can run home and get it...”

God, he’s doing it again, Ella thought to herself. I don’t think I can take this anymore. And why should I? If they’re going to punish me for being a bitch, then I might as well be the bitch they think I am, “Jeff, stop.” Jeff stopped immediately and listened. “Jeff, I’m about to do you a big favor: I’m going to answer that question guys like you always ask, but never get a straight answer to. Why it is that girls always go out with jerks and ignore the nice guys.” Jeff found a seat on the couch, eyes never leaving Ella. Gina, in her bathrobe, walked out of her bedroom and listened as well.

“Jeff, you’re a nice guy. I’m sure your mother loves you, and I’m sure Rob will have you over to play video games for as long as you’re around. But for girls like me; you know, hot ones; being nice just tells us you’ve got nothing else to offer. I mean, look at you. Strictly average looking, no sense of style, not rich, not athletic, not really funny or odd or even weird. Maybe you’re smart, but not about anything that actually matters to anybody with breasts, you know. But you still think you should have a hot girlfriend. You think you ‘deserve’ one. Well, nobody deserves me. Not you, not Pat, not Donald Trump, nobody. But guys like Pat and Donald, they don’t care. They take me, and I go. They take me with their jokes that make me laugh. They take me with their good looks that make me ogle, and their feats of courage and skill that make me swoon. They take me with money and fame, they take me with a cool leather jacket, they take me cause they just want me. ME, Jeff. Not a ‘girlfriend’ to hold hands with at the mall, but ME, Ella Bailey. Do you even know who I fucking am, Jeff? No..I’m just a girl who’s nice to you, a mistake I won’t make again. You don’t date the cheerleader if you’re in the chess club, Jeffy. Hell, you could at least be president of the club and have SOMETHING to say for yourself. I already got a pussy, Jeff. I don’t need two.”

Everyone was silent when Ella finished. Gina looked like she wanted to say something, but was so angry she couldn’t get it out. Rob looked down at Jeff, obviously wondering if his video gaming partner was going to become a blubbering mess. Freida was the first to break the silence. “Oh, now you done it, girl. If you think I was hard on you before, you just wait till I....”

“Wait. Freida, it’s OK. Rob, I’m OK.” Everyone looked at Jeff now, who had an almost serene expression on his face. After a moment, he looked at Ella and addressed her directly.

“You know what Ella, you’re right. Men like that take the women they want. But the women they want are the ones with price tags, the ones who go to the highest bidder of jokes, or the best offer of fancy dinners, or the greatest promises of houses and jewels. And whatever the currency is, it makes the women who take it just one thing: whores. Maybe I’ll never get a hot girl like you, Ella, but I will damn sure never buy one. Cause the woman I’m with won’t just see what I have, she’ll see who I AM. So you’re right about one thing, Ella: I don’t deserve you. I deserve better.”

“Agh...” Ella spat out, not expecting a retort that well spoken, or one at all. Everyone was giving Jeff the “You go, BOY!” nods, while Ella was just stuck there. No way, no. He is NOT getting the last word on this. He’s a shrimpy little worm who’ll never get laid for free in his life, and I’m gonna make sure he knows it, Ella thought to herself. Ella took a deep breath, ready to rip him a new one. “Jeff, let me tell...”

Freida clapped her hands, and once again, Ella found herself in front of her, straight as a board, awaiting instructions.

While Freida smirked at Ella’s face, Ella heard Rob take Jeff to a corner of the room behind her. Straining to her, Ella could only make out some of Jeff’s reactions to whatever Rob was telling him. “No way...", “So she really...", “And it works by...", all punctuated with shushes from Rob. Gina returned to her bedroom and was, to Ella’s ears, rummaging through her closet looking for something. “OK, I’ll try it.” Try what, Ella thought. Oh crap...

CLAP CLAP went Jeff’s hands, and Ella’s shoes rushed her to him. Moving to another corner of the room, Jeff clapped again, and Ella dutifully ran to him again, standing straight and motionless even as her skirts still fluttered around her from the quick rush of air she made running. Jeff paused before moving again, head turned up and eyes looking slightly up and to the right in the classic “I’ve got an idea” pose. Positioning his hands at his waist, Jeff clapped again. Ella wasn’t sure what he wanted her to do, but Ella’s shoes definitely did: Ella’s knees went down hard onto the carpet, even as her posture remained stiff and her face expressionless. Clapping again at his knees, Ella was now on all fours, back still erect, but now horizontal.

Moving quickly to another side of the room, making sure to stay in Ella’s line of sight, Jeff clapped again at his knees, and now Ella was crawling towards him as quickly as she could. She fell down twice getting there when her knees tread upon her long skirts in her hurry to get there. Finally she, or her shoes, solved the problem by hiking up her skirts and tucking the excess into her waistband, so that she ended up with the tops of her stockings showing once again. Before she arrived at the designated spot, Jeff crouched down and clapped at his ankles, so that Ella arrived flat on her stomach, slithering like a snake.

They left her there for what seemed like several minutes while they talked in the other room. Finally returning, Ella heard another clap, this time at standing level. Jumping up quickly, she stood before Jeff once again. “Ella, we’ve discussed it, and agreed that you’re much too tense. So, I’m going to help you relax.” Rob handed Jeff something, then Jeff showed it to Ella: Gold tin foil shaped into a circle, with a broken rubber band attached to it. Jeff swung it back and forth now in front of Ella’s eyes. “Watch the shining coin of gold, and you will do as you are told.” Jeff used his most dramatic ‘evil villain’ voice, and Ella would have laughed out loud if she could. Jeff paused, trying to think of something to rhyme, perhaps, and Ella’s eyes started to droop. No, oh no, you’ve got to be kidding, she thought with her last remaining time before she slipped into a slumber. The last words she could make out were “If you want to be well paid, then you...”

Ella heard the bell ring, and rushed out to the living room, not even closing the door of the refrigerator. “Your beer, Sir” Ella announced to Master Jeff, handing it to him with a curtsy. Stealing a look at the mirror, Ella checked herself out. Her maid’s outfit was perfect, she thought smugly. Black satin with lots of ribbons and frills, a short skirt puffed out with lots of petticoats, and black stockings that made her legs look awesome. She really misjudged Master Jeff, she thought to herself. Who would have guessed he was the love child of Warren Buffet and a Saudi Royal princess. A million dollars to just be his maid for a day? Now that’s a deal any girl would kill for. “Shall I get you anything else, Master?”

“I think you forgot something, Ella.” Jeff said. Ella’s hands immediately went down to her hem, pulling it down while closing her legs. “No, not that, silly girl. The refrigerator door.”

“Oh God!” Ella ran to the kitchen, nearly tripping over her feet before reaching the door of the fridge and slamming it shut. Ella heard the sound of glass breaking inside. She opened the door again and saw, to her horror, that a glass bottle of soda had fallen and broken when she slammed the door. She mopped up the soda and cleaned up the glass quickly as she could. Once done, she breathed a sigh of relief, only to hear clapping in the living room. Ella rushed in to find Rob, Gina, Freida, and Jeff all clapping. At their knees.

Dropping like a rock, Ella crawled back and forth, spinning and moving as fast as she could trying to get to every pair of hands at once. She was getting dizzy, and definitely had rugburn. After what seemed to be forever, everyone stopped except Jeff, and Ella crawled to him.

“So, what happened in there, Ella?”

“Um, nothing, Master Jeff. Just cleaning out the fridge while I was in there.”

“Are you lying to me, Ella?”

“No, Master, not at all.”

“Dance, Ella.” Ella sprang up to a standing position, struck a picturesque pose, and, furrowing her brow in concentration, began to dance like a ballerina across the room. “So, do you like dancing for me, Ella?”

“Um, yeah, Master, I do.” Ella said, pirouetting into a back leg extention.

“Why’s that, Ella?”

“Cause, um...” Ella started, tip toeing across the rug with her arms in the air, “cause it’s fun to dance.”

“I think you’re a stupid girl, Ella. Do you think you are, too?”

“I, uh...” Ella bent down low in a deep curtsy, then began the dance again.

“Because honor and humility are better things than ego. A maid of honor gets paid, and a maid of ego gets zero.”

“I’m a stupid girl, Master. Really, really stupid. Total idiot.” Ella said quickly, fluttering as she jumped in the air.

“Then why hide it, Ella dear? Time for the stupid girl dance.” Upon hearing the command, Ella felt foggy, muddle headed. She knew she had to dance for Master, but wasn’t sure how. It had to be, um...girlish. Yes, totally girly, with all my girl parts girling. Ella smiled, happy that she figured it out. I’m smart, she thought.

“I’m. A. GIRL!” Ella squealed, bouncing up and down,left to right, saying “Girl, girl, girly girly girl” over and over. She wasn’t sure what to do with her hands, though. First,she pulled down the front of her dress more, so her boobies could bounce better. Then, she turned around and lifted her dress, showing her cute butt and swirling it around. She wished her panty hose wasn’t covering her girlness, but it was too complicated to undo everything.

“So Ella, do you like me?”

“Oh YES Master. I have to, cause you’re a boy, and I’m a girl, and girls love boys!”

“Why else, Ella?”

“Oh, cause you’re really really rich and you’ll give me lots of money, so I can buy all the pink dresses in the WORLD!”

“No, no, no, this won’t work.” Gina said suddenly. “Her answers are unreliable this way.” Gina clapped her hands, chest high, and summoned Ella to her. Ella stood straight and still before Gina, but had a goofy smile and slightly crossed eyes. “Be smart again,” Gina said, and Ella’s face became expressionless. Gina backed up a couple of steps, and said, “Now spin in a circle, slowly.” Ella felt her shoes start to turn her around and around in a slow spin. “Now, Ella, every time you tell a lie, you will spin faster. So what happened in the kitchen?”

“Well, something fell accidentaly, and...” Ella began to turn faster around. “It happened when I closed the door...” Ella spinned even faster now, the room a blur. “Look, it could have happened to anyone...” Arms now extended to her sides, Ella spun as fast as her shoes could make her. She was dizzy and starting to get nausous. “OK, OK, IT WAS ALL MY FAULT!” Gina gave the command to stop, and Ella collapsed to the floor, the room still spinning around her.

The group gave her a couple minutes to recover. Slowly, Ella’s head and stomach felt better again. Sitting up slowly, she considered taking off the shoes and running as fast as she could, maybe getting far enough away before the shoe’s love spell took control of her again. But where would she go, barefoot in a french maid’s dress with no panties on early Sunday morning? No, she might as well stick this out. For one million dollars, humiliation was worth it.

“Ella, stand up.” Freida had adopted a natural tone of command since this all started two days ago. Ella was standing at attention once again before she realized she did it on her own, without the shoe’s ‘ripple’ doing it for her. As she stood, her left shoe rubbed against her right calf, almost in an approving way. Must be my imagination, Ella thought.

“Ella, have you been sleeping all right? Any problems?” Freida sidled up close to Ella, looking through her, rather than at her, it seemed to Ella. Ella didn’t answer right away, not sure where Freida was going with this. “A lie of ommission is still a lie, Ella. Are you sleeping all right?” Ella said nothing in return, and once again, she felt her shoes turning her around in a circle. “Have you been having bad dreams, maybe?” Ella still didn’t answer, and spun faster. No, please, Ella thought, not that, anything but that.

“Dreams are warnings from the ether, Ella. They tell us what’s happened, what’s happening, and what WILL happen. What will happen to you, Ella?” Freida said as Ella continued to spin around and around. “What monsters lurk in the shadows, waiting for their chance?” And the next time Ella’s spin brought her to Freida, she saw not Freida, but the monster.

It was the monster of her dreams, but this time, it was real. She felt it’s hot breath on her skin, smelled it’s putrid aroma, heard it’s slavering toungue and menacing growl, and saw it’s terrible teeth lining it’s huge maw, wide open for her. She tried to run away, but her shoes made her tap dance instead, towards the mouth of the monster, even as she still spun in circles.

“The monster eats little girls who tell lies, Ella,” Rob said to her as she danced and spun. “Your only hope now is to confess, tell the truth, and the monster will go away.”

“Tell the truth about WHAT?” Ella said, panicked as she danced closer and closer to the monster, dizzy now from spinning.

“Everything.” Rob said.

“I took Helen’s CD and scratched it and put it back and said Freida did it and I copied your term paper off your computer and turned it in before you did cause I thought it’d be an easy class but it wasn’t and I ate Gary’s dish that he made cause I was hungry and thought I could get Pat to buy me dinner but he wouldn’t and I had no money and I borrowed Gina’s sweater last month and stained it and threw it away cause she’d know I did it if she saw the stain cause it was grape juice and everyone knows I drink it and when I was 15 I stole my grandma’s social security money to buy weed and when I was 7 I went a whole week without wearing panties cause a boy in my class said he’d give me 10 dollars if I did so I did but one day I saw a snake so I climbed a tree and I was wearing a short dress and everyone saw I didn’t have panties on and OHH GOD!!!!”

Ella opened her eyes and found herself on the floor. The monster was gone and everyone was gathered around her. “Well, congratulations, Ella,” Jeff said. “You told the truth, and lots of it. On top of that, you were, for the most part, a servicable maid, an entertaining dancer, and you do a great chicken.” Ella wasn’t sure what he meant by the last, but said nothing. “So, as promised, here is your reward.” Jeff handed some paper to Ella. She looked at it, and her eyes widened; it was a one million dollar bill. Ella trembled with excitement. Seeing Gerald Ford’s face made her almost faint.

She was sent to bed that night as she had been on Friday night, with her shoes leading her to the bathroom and then to bed. She had to tear away her panty hose in order to pee, leaving her bare under her maid’s dress, but she didn’t care. As her shoes lead her to her bed, making her lie down on her back, legs apart, she held the million dollar bill in her fist. It was worth it, she thought triumphantly. Every second since Friday was worth it. So why not celebrate?

Her left hand held the bill by her face while the right went down her body. Her hand rummaged through the petticoats of her skirts till it found what it was looking for. She wasted no time going slow; she had been wet since she got the bill. As she gazed at the money, her salvation, her divine right, her index finger did it’s work between her legs, rubbing and pushing her special spot not with finesse but hard and fast. Every detail of the million dollar bill excited her more, from the pink and purple colors to the Stetson hat President Ford wore to the picture of the Washington D.C 7-11 around the corner from the White House, it was her’s, all her’s.

In less than a minute, the tidal wave inside Ella was ready to crash. “C’mon baby, c’mon baby, come to Mama, come to rich sexy Mama.” Ella chanted, furiously rubbing her clit. As the orgasm started to come (Oh, this’ll be a big one, Ella thought) the million dollar bill transformed before her eyes, becoming a white piece of paper towel with “One Meeelyon Dollars!” scrawled on it in magic marker. Ella screamed then. Screamed from the shock of seeing her most prized possesion become a Scotts towel, screamed from the biggest orgasm she’d ever had in her life, and screamed from realizing that her her bedroom light was on and all her roomates had just taken pictures and video of the whole thing. Ella was unable to even move her hand from the shock of everything. Then, before she could recover, Freida said “Freeze.”