The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

“Say, ‘Please.’ ”

This is a work of fiction, intended for mature adults who enjoy hypnoerotic fantasy. This story contains adult language and themes, including hypnosis, masturbation and sex, all of which (as you know) will rot your mind and cause hair to grow in unlikely places. Proceed at your own risk. If you’re under the age of consent for your area, we’ll all just assume that you’re here by accident. Just keep hitting the back button on your browser; I’ll let you know when it’s okay to stop.

Permission granted to copy this story for personal use, or to re-post it on any non-commercial adult site, in its unaltered form, including my pen name and e-mail address, and this full disclaimer. If you are planning to post this, please drop me a line; I’d love to visit your site.

I want to thank Darkmind, whose story Painting, with its unusual point of view, inspired me to write this story as if it were a real conversation. It’s a touch darker than most of my other stuff, and contains a very lengthy induction. Enjoy.

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“Good afternoon, Tina. Sorry I couldn’t get here sooner.”

“That’s okay. Thanks for coming over, Martin. Um, please come in. Would you like a drink?”

“Just some ice water, thanks. How are you? Is everything all right?”

“Everything’s fine; thanks for asking. Here’s your water. Is that enough ice?”

“It’s perfect; thank you.—So, uh, why did you want me to come over?”

“Well, um ... You remember the other night?”

“You mean, when you and Diego had me over, and the two of you asked me to hypnotize you?”

“Um, yeah.”

“You don’t have to be embarrassed, Tina. Though I have to admit, you’re cute when you blush.”

“Stop it! You’re making it worse!”

“Okay. I’m sorry.—So, the other night?”

“Yeah, well, Lucy used to talk about how you and she—I mean, before she ... before you—”

“Broke up? It’s okay, Tina. It’s been three months. I’ve kind of gotten used to it by now.—Anyway, you guys talked about me, huh?”

“Yeah. She used to tell me, you know, about some of the stuff you guys used to use hypnosis for.”

“She did? I’m shocked!—Kidding! So, she told you, and....”

“...And it sounded interesting, and Diego kind of thought so too, so he said it would be okay, um, I mean, the other night was okay....”

“I figured you enjoyed it the other night, Tina. I mean, you went pretty deep, and all.”

“Um, yeah.”

“You’re blushing again.”

“Yeah. I—I know. I blush when I—when I’m—”

“Turned on?”


“I see.—Where’s Diego, Tina?”

“He—he’s at work. A double shift. He won’t be back until, until ... until late.”

“How late?”


“I’m sorry, Tina. I couldn’t hear that.”


“And you invited me over here.”

“Yes. Hhh. Yes, I did.”

“Does Diego know?”


“I’m sorry, Tina. What was that?”


“You invited me over, and Diego doesn’t know. Is that it, Tina?”

“Um ... yeah.”

“And why did you invite me over, Tina?”

“To, to ... Oh, God, Martin, this is so embarrassing!”

“What’s embarrassing, Tina?”

“This, um, I mean, um ... I, uh, I want to ... want to be ... to be....”

“Hypnotized again?”


“By me?”


“Well, then, you know what you have to say, Tina.”

“What I have to say?”

“You have to say, ‘please.’ ”


“Okay. Now relax for me, Tina. Sit back on the couch; that’s it. Now take a deep breath. That’s it; let it out slowly. Slowly. Empty your lungs.

“Now take in another breath. Slowly. Slowly, Tina. Hold it; don’t let it out. Hold it, and think about holding it. Don’t think about my voice. Ignore what I’m saying, while you concentrate on holding your breath. Now let it out, Tina. Slowly, slowly. And then breathe in again, Tina. But this time, as you do, count in your head slowly from one to five. That’s right, fill your lungs on the count of five....

“And hold it, Tina. Count from six to ten as you hold your breath. Count to ten; and then when you reach ten, let your breath out slowly, counting from eleven to fifteen. At fifteen, your lungs should be empty, Tina. Then, count from sixteen to twenty, slowly, at the same pace, before breathing in again. And when you breathe in, Tina, start over from one....

“That’s right, Tina, fill your lungs completely as you silently count from one to five, ignoring my words; then hold your breath from six to ten, as your body relaxes. Release your breath from eleven to fifteen, as you relax more and more; and then wait, from sixteen through twenty, before starting over. Good girl....

“Keep breathing, one to five, while your body relaxes. Six to ten, while you ignore what I’m saying. Eleven through fifteen, while your mind sinks deeper. Sixteen through twenty, happily returning to the deep hypnotic state you reached the other night. Keep counting, over and over, until you return to that special place in your mind you went to, when I hypnotized you the other night....

“And when you get there, Tina, let me know by closing your eyes. Your eyes are half-open now, Tina. They’ve been getting heavier and heavier, while you’ve been concentrating on your breathing, and ignoring my voice. They want to close, Tina, but they can’t. Not until your mind has returned to the same place it was, when I hypnotized you the other night. One through five, closer and closer....

“Six through ten, ignoring my words....

“Eleven through fifteen, relaxing deeper....

“Sixteen through twenty, close your eyes when they’re there....

“Ah, excellent, Tina. Your eyes are closed; you’re as deep as you were the other night. You may stop counting now, and you may begin to pay attention to my words again. How do you feel?”

“Feel good....”

“Are you relaxed?”


“Is this what you wanted?”


“Is this what you wanted, Tina?”

“Mm, yes.”

“What else do you want, Tina? Tell me what you want to happen.”

“I—I want—”

“Relax, Tina, relax for a moment. Take one more deep breath, and as you do, breathe out all your shyness, all your hesitation. Release your inhibitions when you release your breath.”


“That’s it, Tina. Your shyness is gone. All you feel is warm and happy. You love to feel warm and happy; right, Tina?”

“Right, Martin....”

“That’s it, Tina. Smile if you want to. You have a beautiful smile. Now tell me again, Tina, truthfully and without hesitating, what do you want to happen here?”

“Hhhhh. I want you to take me deeper, Martin. I want you to take me deep, and make me feel really good, the way Lucy said you used to do with her.... The way Diego doesn’t make me feel anymore....”

“I want you to tell me the truth, Tina. Always feel comfortable when you tell me the truth. Take a deep breath and tell me. Are you and Diego having problems?”


“What kind of problems?”

“Sex. Money. Getting married. We argue a lot.”

“Are you thinking of leaving him?”

“No. Not right away. We may still work things out.”

“But you want this. You want me to do with you what I did with Lucy.”




“Fffffffff. Okay. If you really want me to, then I will take you deeper, and I will give you pleasure. If you want me to continue, then say, ‘Please.’ ”


“No hesitation, Tina? All right. Let’s take you down further. Why don’t you turn a little, so you can lie down along the couch. Yeah, just like that. Keep your eyes closed, and let yourself sink into the couch. On a scale of one to twenty, twenty being the deepest you believe you can go, how deep are you, Tina?”


“Ten, hmm? Let’s take you down further. Picture the number eleven. It’s on a balloon. Do you see it?”


“What color is the balloon, Tina?”


“Is it tugging at your hand, trying to float away?”


“I can see your hand fluttering, trying to hold onto it. That’s okay. When you are ready, you may release the pink balloon with the number eleven on it, and feel yourself relaxing deeper into your hypnotic trance.”


“Very good, Tina. Now visualize a pink balloon with the number twelve on it. Let it tug at your hand, and when you are ready, you may let it go also, and allow yourself to sink further into trance. That’s it, Tina.

“As I count, picture each balloon, and then see yourself letting it go. Thirteen. With every balloon that you release, you will feel yourself sinking further into trance. Fourteen. Further and further into trance. Fifteen. A wonderful, deep relaxation. Sixteen. While your body is sinking, your mind is beginning to float. Seventeen. Floating higher and higher, floating up with the balloons. Eighteen. Floating to a place that is warm and pleasurable, where you can respond to every one of my suggestions. Nineteen. You are almost as deep as you believe you can go, Tina. And, twenty.

“You are as deep as you think you can go, Tina. At this level, you will respond to my every suggestion. You have no choice but to respond to my every suggestion. Responding to my suggestions brings you pleasure. Right, Tina?”


“And you want to feel pleasure, right, Tina?”


“And you are very, very deep, aren’t you, Tina?”


“But right now, you are only as deep as you believe you can go, Tina. You are not yet as deep as I believe you can go. I believe you can go to level twenty-five. Do you believe that I can take you to level twenty-five, Tina?”


“If I take you to level twenty-five, you will have no choice but to completely obey my suggestions. Every one of my suggestions will have the force of an irresistible command. Do you understand this, Tina?”


“Do you want me to take you to level twenty-five, where every one of my suggestions will become a command that you cannot resist?”


“Speak clearly, Tina.”


“If you want me to take you to level twenty-five, then say, ‘Please.’ ”


“Very good, Tina. Thank you for trusting me. Picture a balloon, again. But this time it is a red balloon, and it is much larger, and it does not have a number on it. Instead, it has the word, ‘inhibitions;’ and it is not tied to your wrist, Tina. It is tied directly to your mind. Do you see it?”


“Can you feel it tugging at your mind?”


“When I say the next number, your mind will release this red balloon. As it does, you will feel a part of your mind floating away with it. The part of your mind that floats away will be the part that matches the word on this balloon. Are you ready?”


“Okay. Twenty-one. Your inhibitions float away; now there is no longer anything you will not do. Is this true, Tina?”


“All right, Tina. Take a deep breath, and picture the next balloon. This one has the word, ‘pain.’ When I say the next number, all of your pain, mental and physical, will float away with this balloon. Ready? Twenty-two.”


“You feel wonderful, Tina. Relax and picture the next red balloon. On it is the word, ‘fears.’ Get ready to release your fears... Twenty-three.”


“Sinking deeper and deeper, Tina. On the next balloon is the word, ‘regrets.’ Attach your regrets to this balloon, and get ready to let them float away. Twenty-four.”


“Here comes the last balloon, Tina. One last time, I will give you the chance to turn back. After you release this balloon, you will no longer have that choice. If you want me to stop here, then say, ‘Stop here.’ If you want me to continue, say, ‘Please.’ ”


“Very well, Tina. Prepare to be mine. Picture this last red balloon. It is slightly larger than the others, because it has two words on it. Those two words are, ‘free will.’ Do you see this balloon, Tina?”


“Once you release it, you will no longer have your free will. You will do whatever I say. It will not occur to you that it is even possible to do anything other than to obey me. Are you prepared to release this balloon, Tina?”

“I am.”



“You are now as deep as you can go, Tina. Your will is mine. Open your eyes and come sit on the floor, right here between my legs.—That’s it; relax into me. But there’s a little problem, Tina.

“There is?”

“There is. You no longer feel any pain; a red balloon has taken that away. But you are now becoming aware of a stress, a tension at the top of your scalp. This tension bothers you, and you know that if my fingers massage your scalp, the stress will go away. You need to make the stress go away. Reach behind you, pick up my hands, and place them on the top of your head.”


“I am massaging your scalp, Tina, and stroking your pretty black hair. Your hair is long and straight, soft and silky; very sexy. I’ve always thought your hair was beautiful.—The tension has disappeared now, Tina; in its place you feel a pleasant warmth. It feels sensual, as it both relaxes you and turns you on.”


But now the tension has shifted lower. It has moved to the sides of your face, halfway between your eyes and your ears. The tension is building, but you know that if my fingers rub your temples, it will go away again. Take my hands and place them on your temples.”

“Hmm. Hmmmmm....”

“That’s right, Tina, the stress is gone, and you feel only pleasure. Lovely, sensual pleasure. The pleasure grows, but now you become aware of a new tension. It has moved lower again. This time, the tension is in your neck and shoulders. Place my hands where the tension is, so I can rub it away.”


“Thank you, Tina. I love caressing your soft skin. I’ve dreamed about this, you know. That’s why I included that little suggestion the other night, when Diego went to the kitchen for another round of beers. You may allow yourself to remember that suggestion now, Tina.”


“Repeat it back to me.”

“ ‘I love the feeling of being hypnotized, and want to do it again soon. The next time Diego isn’t around, I will call Martin and ask him to come over. Then I will let him hypnotize me again, to go as deep as I want to, and as far as I want to.’ ”

“Very good, Tina. You surprised me, though, with just how far you were willing to go. I guess listening to Lucy had quite an effect on you, hmm? The tension is gone from your shoulders now; it has moved lower again. Place my hands where the tension has moved to, so I can rub it away.”


“Your breasts, huh? And, naughty girl, I can tell that you ‘forgot’ to wear a bra, heh heh. You’ve never really needed one anyway; most B-cups don’t, in my opinion. Wow, what large nipples! They’re poking right into my palms. Here, let me roll them between my fingers....”

“Ah, ha, haaaahhhh—”

“Like that, mm? Me too. And you know what? It’s about to feel better. Let go of my hands and take off your blouse, Tina. There’s a girl. Oh, just drop it anywhere; that’s fine. Now when I put my hands back on your nipples—God, your back is so pale! We’ve got to get you out into the sun more—it’s going to feel like I’m rubbing your clit. Lemme reach around; like this—”


“Guess that feels good, huh? As I was saying, my hands on your nipples will feel like they’re touching your clit, and when my mouth finds either one of your nipples, it’s going to feel like I’ve started sucking on your clit. It’ll drive you wild, but you won’t be able to cum until I give you permission.”

“Ah, ha, ha—”

“And I won’t give you permission until you say the word ‘please.’ But until you hear it again, you’ve forgotten that the word ‘please’ even exists. This should be fun. Now turn around.”

“Mmph. Humph. Oof. Yes, that’s it, Martin, suck my nipples! Here—aye, aye, aiiiyyyyiiieeeee!”

“Mfur n’pples tst good, T’na! Mmm, mmm, ullah, ullah, ullah....”

“You—ooooh!—gotta let me cum, Martin! Hah, hah, hah, hah, it’s too much, oh, oh, oh, I nee, eed! ree, ee, lease, oh oh oh ohohohohohoh—”

“Lum, lum, say, ‘Please,’ mmm, mmm....”




“Ooh, it’s amazing watching you cum like that, Tina. I love the way you arch your back, and how your face and chest are turning soooo red! Relax now, and catch your breath—”

“Unnnh! Hhh, hh, hh, hh, hh....”

“—and maybe you’d better stand up and remove the rest of your clothes. I’ll bet your panties are pretty much soaked all the way through right now, anyway.”

“—hh, hh, hhh, hhh, hhh, hhh—”

“And besides, I want a taste of that pretty pussy.—Oh, wow, you shave! I’ve never eaten a clean snatch before; Lucy never bothered. Spread your legs; I want to see everything. That’s right. Is that your cum on your thighs? Whoa, you must’ve been leaking something fierce!”

“Hhhh, hhhhhhhhh.”

“I am so going to enjoy playing with you this evening. And in your own bed, no less! C’mon, sweetheart, gather up your clothes; it’s time to go upstairs. I am going to lay you down and eat you to climax after friggin’ climax; and then I’m going to fuck you; and then maybe I’ll have you blow me, and swallow all of my cum! And after that, we’ll decide what to do about Diego....

“If all that sounds good to you, Tina m’love, then there’s just one thing you have to do for me first.”

“Mmm, what is it, Martin?”

“Say, ‘Please.’ ”

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