The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Selena the Teenage Bitch:

A woman dressed in a skimpy maid costume giggled as she pranced along the barren dirt path. The woman, about nineteen was tall, her ebony black hair swinging down her backside. Posing fake imitations of supermodels, she bared her fishnet on her shapely pale legs, and thrust out her sweetly rounded chest. She put on a tight black long sleeved top, the neckline cut very low, revealing her excellent booms. Tied around her was a lacy apron, that seemed like it could fall off any minute. Her black miniskirt could barely cover her butt, which you could see the lacy lingerie if she ever happened to lean down. Her mouth was painted a deep slutty red which really made her lips seem excellent for a horny purpose. Perched on her head was a pointy black hat, which was so often seen on witches these days. Giggling to herself, she knew her mentor would SO freak out.

She was only allowed to wear a plain shapeless brown robe which made her seem like some wierd flat chested hermaphrodite. The mentor, Hemmings didn’t like any new outfits. He liked it all plain. As the girl worked under the old man, she noticed he never stopped smiling and for once she wanted him angry. The girl liked challenges, and was determined to make that loose mellow smile into a hard aggravated scowl.

Her name was Selena, and she was the town beauty. She was also training to be a witch under Hemmings, so she could make her fortune out in the world. Already she was mastering most of the art, and she just started in a month. Beautiful, tall, and smart. No wonder she was the town beauty (go figure). Zach, a handsome male with a sharp mind was cutting wood for his family alongside the road. Even though he was succesful, he never forgot the poor foster family that took him in. As his iron axe sliced deep into the dark umber colored trunk of a tree, he noticed Selena walking flirtatiously on the road.

“Hey Selena. You whoring yourself out suddenly? I thought it took women at least twenty years before they started getting those ideas! You still had one more year to go before thinking of being a whore!” Zach stared at her, mouth wide. Why would someone whose future was already made for her be whoring herself suddenly? He just didn’t get women.

“I’m not turning into a prostitute, geez! I’m just trying to freak out Hemmings!” Selena said, annoyance ringing sharp in her melodious voice. Even though Selena liked Zach and was already making plans for their wedding day, sometimes she got easily annoyed by Mr. Cynical.

“Seriously? Never knew you would resort to the five year old method of annoying a crush. Thought you would at least seduce him first, which I believe you would do later.” Gesturing to her skimpy outfit.

“UGH! No, it’s not that! He’s way too old for me! Besides, I got someone else!” She said in a huff. How could her soulmate be so blind? Stomping off, she didn’t walk so sexily like before. Zach stared after her, eyebrows raised as he watched the skirt lift and reveal the lacy black panties. Zach returned Selena’s love, although sometimes he had doubts. Maybe I should just hit on calmer and tamer women, he thought.

As Selena stomped angrily to Hemming’s house, she thought angrily about how blind Zach was. Only the thought of taunting Hemmings cheered her up. She once again skipped happily to the hut where she and Hemmings lived. Selena tripped over a sharply jutting rock, her skirt flying upward. Gathering herself up with as much dignity she could muster, she walked a few more minutes until she finally saw the humble shack master and pupil both shared.

Knocking sharply on the wooden door, she chuckled to herself on seeing his face frown. The door swung open- to reveal the victim. He was a stooped old man with salt and pepper gray hair and a huge droopy gray mustache and a unruly beard. His eyes flashed for a second, his benign smile curling downward when he saw the slutty fetish maid outfit Selena was wearing. WHAT THE HELL?! Hemmings wanted to shout at her, but knew that would be bad for his image. Instead he thought of a better way for him to get back at her.

“Selena, such a nice outfit you got. Would you care to take it off?” Hemmings muttered an incantation under his breath. This complicated spell would fixate her mind to a submissive trance and automatically make him her master, until he muttered the countercurse or ordered her to obey someone else.

Selena, about to protest was suddenly feeling drowsy. She suddenly sank down to the hard dirt floor, her eyes vacant. She stared up at Hemmings, completely entranced. “Master...” she mumbled. “I am your mindless slave...master...I am your slave...command me...” Her words trailed off to silence as Hemmings waved a hand to silence her.

“You’re correct. You ARE my slave. That means you have to do anything I want. Since you’re dressed up as a maid, why not you clean up my house for me?” Hemmings was at a complete loss on what to do. He was concentrating so hard on putting Selena under, he had no idea on what to do. Until he got inspiration from watching her lean down and wipe the floor with her bare hands. Panties. Black, lacy panties.

“Selena, stand up straight. I want you to strip naked then act like a dog.” While Selena complied, Hemmings muttered a chant, magically producing a dog collar with ‘slave girl’ on the tag, dog ears and tails, and a leash. Making her wear them, he watched in enjoyment as his apprentice barked crazily, her spectacular titties swinging hypnotically. She wagged her butt in happiness as Hemmings tossed her a stick to chew. Then he sadistacally commanded Selena to dress back to her maid uniform and act like a horny bitch to the first man her age that she met, while wearing a collar and a leash. “Don’t forget to say that you’re Selena the teenage bitch!” Hemmings jeered, watching Selena dumbly walk out the door. When he looked into an orb to see what Selena was doing, he saw her sucking a huge member, her mouth gaping open to catch the stream of cum pouring from the man’s cock. Shrugging, he chuckled to himself how fast Selena got herself a man. Snapping his fingers, he chanted a summoning spell for Selena to be teleported back to here.

“Selena, even though I’m going to free you of this spell, you’re still going to be under my power. And you will also try hard to resist, except you can’t. In fact you love it when I command you. You want it. You love it so much, you want me. You’ll also be a dumb bimbo, being naive, gullible, and clumsy. You’ll be really bitchy too, insulting everyone. You hate everyone besides me, but even so you want some of my penis. Your feelings for me are very contradictory, ‘cuz you lust for me, yet you hate me, you want to resist when I command you, but you love it when I command. You will be my aware sex toy forever.” Selena nodded, her eyes vacant. Already she was daydreaming about master’s cock. With that he muttered a countercharm and instantly said to Selena, “Bitch, bow down before me and massage my nut.” Selena looked horrified when she realized she was helpless under Hemming’s commands and started struggling with herself as she knelt down. By the time she was touching and kneading the penis, she felt a warm glow of happiness. Rubbing more actively, she started purring with pleasure.

“Selena, how would you like to be my slave forever?” Hemmings dreamily asked, groaning occasionally.

“Yes master, I would love to!” Her cum splattered tongue licked at her cum splattered lips as she thought of being a slave and at the same time she cringed in horror at the thought. Meanwhile, a very elated Hemmings was thinking of all the humiliating things he would make Selena do. Oh, why didn’t he think of this sooner? Why didn’t he think of this MUCH sooner? The wonders of mind control- with a mind controlled beauty like Selena, his life was complete!

Epilogue: A month later:

A beautiful femme fatale lies, sunning herself on the grass. She wears a sluttish maid costume, her make-up harsh and red. On her face is a smirk, somewhat contradicted by her dull eyes. She had a long day pleasing her master and being bitchy to everyone. Being bitchy is hard work. Nothing goes on in her head: no memories or no complex thoughts. She just thinks about dicks, housework, insults, and her master.

“Hey Selena!” Zach comes running up to her, breathless. “Can you marry me? I know it’s sudden but-” Selena throws him a dirty look. She flares out her skirt, giving him a good peek at her shaved cunt.

“Um...whored out too many men?” Zach is confused. She looks like Selena, but Selena would never dress or act like that! Now way! Not his sweet (well, maybe not that sweet) Selena!

“Sorry, but I already married someone and is already pregnant. I wouldn’t even date scum like you anyway, neverless marry! Geez, retard.” She coldy replies.

“ married Hemmings?!” Zach cries out, heartbroken. Damn, if only he asked sooner!

“Yes. I’m deeply in love with him and is his slave for life.” Selena’s answer shakes Zach. What inspired this suddenly? He turns away in exasperation, thinking immediately of Selena the Teenage Bitch.

When Zach’s gone, Selena weeps at her loss. Even though she’s mind controlled, she’s still aware of her actions. Poor Selena...there’s no future for her now.

The End