The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Share of Booty

Don’t read this if you’re under 18 and don’t try this at home. I’ve had this idea for a while, before I read Eyes of Serpent’s excellent Corelle stories, so don’t think I’m ripping them off.


The warm Caribbean sun beat down on the sea below. The water was so clear, a sailor could see what was under it clearly for yards. White caps produced a layer of foam onto the waves. A warm breeze was capable of blowing into the sails of a ship, sending it on its way for miles. All in all, it was a gorgeous day, untouched by pollution. Of course, considering the Industrial Revolution wasn’t due to take place for another two hundred years, days this clear were natural. Unfortunately, the weather really couldn’t be appreciated by the crews of the two ships that lay side-by-side on the water.

Smoke filled the air, so thick it could choke a person. However, the two crews were a bit busy fighting for their lives to mind it. One ship boasted a crew in the finest British uniforms, professional soldiers and sailors fighting under the Union Jack. The other crew was made of a motley band of mercenaries, cutthroats and criminals, dressed in loose outfits that boasted no allegiance but to themselves. On the masthead of their ship flew a black flag with a skull and crossbones upon it: The Jolly Roger.

In the year since Captain Mesmon had first appeared, rumors and stories had spread about him. He was an expert tactician, always selecting the ships he attacked by their cargo, lack of resistance and profit. He never got in over his head and he wasn’t too proud to run if he was overmatched. Not that it happened often, his crew almost always ending up on the winning side of any struggle. However, he had a strange code of honor that set him apart from most pirates. He did not slaughter a weakened enemy and, while he would take the valuables and female passengers, he did leave the ships in decent enough shape to return home.

Although he did kidnap women, what he did with them was open to question. One time, a Spanish galleon had been attacked and in the melee, one of Mesmon’s sailors had raped the daughter of the captain, who was onboard. When he had heard of the crime, Mesmon executed the crewman on the spot and allowed the child to stay on board with her father, offering his sincere apologies. He even let a quarter of the ship’s treasure stay on as payment for what he termed “an inexcusable offense.” Needless to say, such behavior made the captain an enigma, even to his own crew.

In battle, however, they were a fighting force to be reckoned with. Many were former sailors and soldiers, cast out and disenchanted with the cause until Mesmon hired them. He had a way of bringing people to his side that made him a natural follower and allowed him to gather a less motley crew than one would expect. What surprised many was the number of women who followed Mesmon. The idea of a woman being able to fight let alone serving a pirate, was against everything the men had been taught to believe in. However, the ferocity of the women in battle soon convinced them that they were as good, if not better than the men, melding into a fine unit. Their hit and run tactics served them well as they slowly but surely overwhelmed the sailors aboard the British vessel.

The ship’s captain was not a fool. He knew a lost cause when he saw one and wasn’t eager to see any more of his men killed for nothing. Even though it went against all of his training, he reluctantly gave the order to surrender. With hesitation and not a little bit of loathing, the surviving sailors backed away, allowing the victorious pirates to let out a cheer before getting to work. In moments, the sailors were lined up before the pirates, who parted to allow their captain to step forward.

What surprised people the most upon first seeing Mesmon was that he was not European. He was of Arabian descent, although exactly what part of the continent was open to question. His face was weathered but still quite handsome, with a full beard and mustache. His short black hair was partially hidden by the large desert headgear he wore. His entire outfit seemed more suited for the sands than the sea, flowing robes that managed to give him a regal appearance. His left eye glanced around the ship, trying to observe everything he could. The right was hidden under a large black patch, a scar bisecting the area, the reminder of an old wound.

After taking a few moments to look over the ship, Mesmon turned to the captain. “Good afternoon,” he said, his English as impeccable as the other languages he spoke, a slight accent in his voice. “I believe you know who I am?”

“I do,” the captain said, twitching slightly under the gaze of that single eye. “May I inquire as to your intentions.”

“Oh, the usual,” Mesmon shrugged. “Your goods, riches, gold, all that. I’ll leave you with proper supplies for the trip home of course. Least I can do. By the way, I must apologize for the brutal measures I’ve had to take here today. I really don’t expect you to just hand your cargo over without a fight.”

“Hardly,” the captain replied.

“Well, that’s understandable. We’re not exactly the most popular people around. Although, if you think of it, we’re none the worse than the very governors you serve. We’re just honest with how dishonest we are.”

“I didn’t come out here to argue politics or morality.” The captain couldn’t believe he was having this conversation.

“True and my crew and I are rather pressed for time.” He turned to his crew. “All right, lads and ladies! You all know the procedure. Begin loading!”

For the next several minutes, the deck was a flurry of activity as pirates rushed around, checking the ship’s holds and reviewing its cargo. As expected, there was a large amount of treasure on board: gold, silver, jewels, all of it intended for England but rerouted for the personal enjoyment of Mesmon and his crew.

It took a full hour but soon, the most valuable part of the ship’s cargo had been loaded onto Mesmon’s own ship. As promised, Mesmon left most of the supplies for the British sailors to return home and the ship was still intact as his crew prepared to leave. “My thanks for a most profitable afternoon,” Mesmon said, bowing to the captain.

“The pleasure was all yours.” Despite the fact that he had been defeated and pillaged, the captain couldn’t help but feel a certain respect for Mesmon.

“Well, farewell. Oh, by the way....” Without warning, Mesmon turned to a nearby sailor and pulled the cap off his head. A long mane of red hair flashed out, revealing the “sailor” to be a woman in her mid-twenties. With the cap off, her striking features could be seen, her proud eyes defiant as she glared at Mesmon, who smiled as he glanced at the Captain. “A word of advice, my dear fellow. Next time you try to hide one of your female passengers, have her wear a scarf or other attire around her neck. The lack of an Adam’s apple was a dead giveaway.” He turned back to the woman and smiled. “And what is your name, my dear?”

The answer came with a smack across the face, the blow coming from the Captain’s blind side, catching him off guard. “Katherine Jacobs,” she said in a clipped tone. “A woman who knows better that to argue with a ruffian like you.”

Instead of becoming angry, Mesmon rubbed at his cheek and smiled. “You were in the battle, weren’t you? A woman with fire. I admire that. You’ll make a fine addition to my conquests.”

“My father is a personal advisor to his Majesty, the King of England,” Kate said in a haughty tone. “He is one of the most powerful men in England.”

“Well, we happen to be several hundred miles away from England, so forgive me if I’m not shaking in fear,” Mesmon replied. He nodded to a pair of his crew. “Take her on board. The usual procedure.” The men took Katherine by the arms and began to pull her away. She struggled, but it was no use against the two stronger pirates, who dragged her off and quickly swung her onto the adjourning ship.

“Where are you taking her?” the British captain demanded. “Her father—”

“Will hear from me in time,” Mesmon said. “I can assure you that she will not be harmed or forced into anything against her will. Now if you’ll excuse me?”

He turned to go, only to have the captain grab his arm. “I won’t let you take her.”

Mesmon slowly turned and the expression in his sole eye was one of darkness, revealing the dark nature within him. “Captain, I have never committed an atrocity against another party in my life. I can assure you, if you don’t let go of my arm and back away right now, I will set an example that neither of us wants.”

The Captain took one look at the darkness within the eye and immediately backed away. He watched as Mesmon swung on a rope to his own ship, which quickly shoved away, the sails billowing in the wind as it went. The captain shook his head and sighed. If Katherine’s father was half as bad as the stories went, he was probably going to wish Mesmon had finished the job on him.

Kate paced the small hold, her mind still whirling from the events that had happened. It had been a week since her capture and she still didn’t know what Mesmon wanted. It was odd. He had her off limits to the crew and gave her food and water regularly. Not just bread crumbs, but actual meat from the galley, the same food the crew ate. The Captain was smart enough to have the female crew members bring Kate her food. He seemed to be treating her well, which made it all the harder for Kate to hate him.

She was beginning to think it had been a bad idea to join the ship for this last run back to England. She had been going back and forth for a few years now, helping to serve her father’s interests. Although still young, she was an independent sort of lady, cut from a different cloth than others in her class. Her father had been impressed by her fire and had never tried to hold her back. Indeed, he indulged her behavior in swordplay, horseback riding and more. He loved her and accepted her help in the business. Katherine hoped he wouldn’t blame himself too much for what had happened.

She still didn’t know what to make of Mesmon’s crew. From what she could see, they weren’t the sort of hoodlums she’s thought them to be. Several seemed to be educated, some even polite to her. The females were willing partners in the crew, taking on duties along with men. They got along well together, very well if the moans Katherine heard at night were accurate. She still remembered the conversation she had tried to strike up with one, a black skinned woman named Melea.

“Why do you serve him?” Katherine had asked when the woman brought her dinner.

“He gives us a chance we wouldn’t have.” Melea’s English was quite good, her accent heavy but the words quite clear. “In my village, I would be a slave to my husband, obedient only to him. The Captain gives us a chance to be on our own.”

“But you’re not,” Katherine pointed out. “You serve him.”

“As do all the men,” Melea answered back. “He is the Captain. He found us, organized us, made us what we are.”

“A pack of thieves and killers?”

“We see ourselves as products of society. It’s corrupt, so are we. We pay it back a bit for what they’ve done to us.”

“As rationalizations go, that’s rather quaint.”

Melea stood up and smiled. “Wait until you see the Captain,” she said. “He has a way of convincing you.”

Now, Katherine was being led to the quarters of the Captain. She was led into the cabin with two women by her side, Melea one of them. The interior of the cabin was quite luxurious as well as dark. It seemed to fit Mesmon’s Eastern origins. The bed was made of solid oak, covered in exquisite blankets with intricate designs. A large desk laden with maps and charts stood before a large window. Several piles of jewels could be seen scattered here and there. Mesmon himself stood before the desk, wearing a looser robe than normal, smiling at Katherine. “Thank you for accepting my invitation,” he said.

“I’d hardly call a sword an invitation,” she answered back as the pirates let go of her.

“Perhaps not in your circles. In mine, it’s a sign of respect.” Mesmon watched as the two pirates left, then turned his attention to Katherine. “You impress me. A woman brave enough to journey alone, to fight to defend herself, to not bow down to anyone. Such a woman is rare, especially in your culture. That is why I would be honored if you would consent to join me and my crew.”

Katherine stared at him. “You’re mad,” she said. “Absolutely mad. You kidnap me, then expect me to turn my back on my home, everyone I know and join a band of criminals?”

“I somewhat expected that response,” Mesmon said, nodding. He turned and seemed to rummage in his desk. “It’s been given before.”

“You may treat your people better than one would expect, but you are still a pirate,” Katherine said as Mesmon continued to look through his desk. “And I am a lady of nobility. I do not intend to lower myself to such conditions—” Her voice suddenly broke off as Mesmon spun around. He wore a different eye-patch, one with a bright red gem directly in its center. The moment Katherine’s eye caught the gem, she couldn’t look away. Something about that gem, the way it glowed within the light of the dim cabin, it seemed to suck in her attention and refused to give it back.

Mesmon smiled. The gem, a birthright in his family since the time of the Pharaohs, still retained its mystical properties after all its time. He knew Katherine’s mind was already abuzz, the magic of the jewel flowing through her. He had to do the rest. “Look at the gem, Katherine. Look deeply into it, long and deep, deeper and deeper. It’s so fascinating to look at, Katherine, so wonderful to see. It’s so wonderful to look at, so relaxing, so very relaxing, Katherine, so very relaxing to look at and to see.” Mesmon began to sway gently back and forth, letting the gem-laden patch catch the light, sending small flashes onto Katherine’s slackening face. “It’s so relaxing, Katherine, you’re beginning to feel tired, very tired, so very tired. Your eyes are feeling so tired watching the gem, the wonderful gem, looking deeper into the wonderful gem, so very tried as you look deeper and deeper into the wonderful gem.

Katherine was lost, her eyes focused on the gem, she swayed slightly in place in time with Mesmon’s own movements. She knew Mesmon was doing something to her, trying to enslave her and found that she didn’t care. All she could concentrate on was that wonderful jewel, the deep red glow enveloping her mind, stripping away her will. The red flashes made her blink, her eyes feeling tired, so tried and so heavy. It was beginning to hurt to keep them open, despite the fact that the jewel was so wonderful to look at. But her eyes felt so heavy, so very heavy, she had to close them, she had to close her heavy eyes. She did so, her head slumping forward as she fell completely under the jewel’s spell and Mesmon’s control.

Mesmon stepped in front of the desk and stripped his robe off. His well muscled body framed his large cock, already hard from the thrill of seeing another wonderful woman fall under his total control. Katherine would soon be an all too willing member of his crew and one he wouldn’t have to train too much for battle. But first, he meant to train her in another way. He looked over her. She still wore the sailor outfit, a little ragged and dirty by now. Her long red hair was a bit the worse for wear as well. A bath was no doubt in order but Mesmon decided to put her through a little exercise first. “Open your eyes, Katherine.”

Katherine’s eyes fluttered open and immediately focused on Mesmon’s gem. “You are under my power, Katherine,” Mesmon intoned. “You will do whatever I say, do you understand?”

“Yes,” Katherine said in a flat voice. “I understand.”

“Undress, Katherine.” Mesmon watched as she slowly stripped off her outfit and stood there naked. She was quite the beauty, with full breasts, a tight stomach, long legs and the patch in between eager for his touch. “Lie on the bed, Katherine,” Mesmon said and turned himself so Katherine could still see his eyepatch as she walked to the bed and lay on the sheets. Mesmon moved forward and lay on top of her, his gem filling her vision. “From this moment on, you will serve me without question, Katherine. You will do whatever I command and you will enjoy doing it. You will see me as freedom, freedom from society and the restrictions it would put on you. You will glorify in your freedom and you will not mind that to achieve it you will obey me. Are you ready, Katherine?”

“Yes,” she whispered, just before Mesmon bent down and kissed her on the lips. She answered back with a passion, long pent-up feelings coming loose as she embraced the Captain. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him in close, doing her best to keep watching the brilliant red gem. Mesmon ran his hands over her body, squeezing the ful breasts and eliciting a moan from the Englishwoman. Mesmon was eager, the thought of making love to this woman driving him for the last several days. He had to have her now. He slid his hard cock into her passage and began to pump into her.

Katherine moaned as she felt Mesmon inside her. She was lost now, the spell of the gem and the desire she felt all that consumed her mind. She worked herself against Mesmon, her breasts shoving against his chest as he came down on her. His cock slid in and out of her passage, the juices coming forth beginning to flow more fiercely. He felt a little resistance and realized Katherine was a virgin. All the more great a prize then. He had suspected it and had let her alone with the idea of taking her first in mind. Mesmon pushed his cock harder into her, trying to break her cherry, to give her the pleasure she wanted. Katherine grunted as she felt him push harder and harder into her, crying out as she felt him break through into her womanhood. A few moments later, her cries became louder as she felt him come into her, her first orgasm the most incredible feeling she’d ever had. She knew right then and there that she would do anything to repay Mesmon for the joy he had given her. Anything at all.

“A Spanish galleon,” Mesmon said as he lowered the telescope from his eyes. “Probably quite laden with gold. I think it’s only courteous to help them lighten their load for the rough waters ahead.”

“Shall I give the order to attack?” Katherine asked. She wore a light pair of pants and tunic, her red hair cut short and a bandana tied around her head. A cutlass hung at her side and a smile was on her face.

“Indeed,” Mesmon said. “And tell the crew to make things comfortable for any guests we might have.”

He watched as Katherine stalked off, giving orders like she was born to it. She had adapted quite nicely to her new position, as well as some others he had put her into. A fine catch indeed, Mesmon thought as he turned and looked back at the waiting ship. He wondered if any fine Spanish ladies were on board. He was in the mood for a spicy trip this time around.