The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

A Slut Like Me

Julie and me started to figure out something was wrong about three months ago.

I don’t think it was anything obvious at first but when Denny Vandersteldt got Tiffany Roberts to go down on him, and I mean she really did it, and then Bert Collins got Angela Hurtado to dump her long time boyfriend and suddenly go out with him, and when Vanessa Drake suddenly couldn’t stop telling everyone just how wonderful Brian Macgee was, it was pretty obvious that something was amiss. Suddenly, all the hottest girls in school were dating some of the biggest losers around and even then, we didn’t figure it out.

It was only a while later when Julie and me got Angela off to one side that we started to figure it out.

“Why are you dating Bert,” Julie finally asked. Julie never was one to be big on subtlety.

“What do you mean,” Angela asked.

“What do I mean. You’re one of the hottest girls in school. You could have any guy, so why are you dating him.”

“I don’t want any guy,” Angela said. “I only want Bert.”

“But he’s such a geek,” I told her.

“I know. That’s what I love about him. I mean, he just makes me so hot that when I’m around him, I just can’t think straight.”

“Wait a minute,” Julie said. “You mean to say you’re turned on by geeks.”

“No, of course not. That would be dumb.”

“Then what do you mean.”

“I mean I’m turned on by Bert. I mean when I’m around him, I just can’t think straight. I mean I want him so bad.”

“But you could have any guy,” Julie said.

“I don’t want any guy,” Angela said. “I just want Bert.”

I think Julie and me knew we weren’t getting anywhere with her. She just seemed to have no interest in anyone else.

“What do you think,” Julie asked me when we were finally alone.

“I don’t know,” I told her and I really didn’t. It didn’t make any sense to me.

“Well, I’ve got an idea,” Julie told me.

“What is it?”

Julie shook her head. “I don’t want to say anything yet. I want to make sure before I say anything first.”

“Well, make it quick,” I told her, “before all the hot looking girls are dating all the geeks.”

“Yeah, and why does that worry you?”

I knew Julie already knew why it bothered me but she just wanted to hear me say it. “It worries me for the same reason that it should worry you,” I told her. “If this keeps up, I’m worried you and me might be next.”

It didn’t take long for Julie to do whatever it was she was doing because it was only a couple of days when she came back to me with her shocking news. “I think the girls in school are being hypnotized,” she said.


“You heard me. I think the girls are being hypnotized.”

“But why,” I asked. “How?”

“The why’s kind of obvious, isn’t it. I mean, none of the guys who’s got themselves a new girlfriend is anywhere close to being in their league. The how, that was harder to figure out.”

“But you figured it out.”

“You’ve heard of Jeffy Jett?”

Who hadn’t. He was the hottest thing in town. He played at a club downtown. Thursdays, they’d let us kids in for the early show. No liquor, of course, but the place was packed, enough so that the club had to turn people away, and the club loved it. “What about him?”

“Did you know he has an opening act?”

“What? No way.”


“But no one’s ever said anything about it.”

“And it’s not on any of the promotional posters either,” Julie said.

“So what’s this got to do with—”

“His opening act is a hypnotist act. It’s called The Amazinng Svengali.”

“Sounds pretty cheesy,” I told her.

“I know, but I think that’s what’s happening. I think people are going there and getting hypnotized.”

“But why? You think cheerleaders are being made to fall in love with geeks? That just doesn’t make any sense.”

“Actually, it’s the only thing that does make sense.”

“So what are we going to do?”

“We’re going to stop it.”

It sounded good when she said it like that. The only problem was neither one of us knew how we were going to do it.

“I think we need to expose him,” Julie said.

“I don’t think he wants to be exposed.”


“So he’s going to try and stop us.”

“Only if he knows what we’re doing.”

“Julie,” I told my friend, “I’m in on this and I don’t know what we’re doing.”

“We’re going to go talk to Scott.”

That would have been a great idea except for one thing. I had no idea who Scott was.

It turned out Scott was the first person I should have thought of. Scott Farmer was a boy in our class. Not a bad guy, by all accounts, and it turned out he’d actually worked at the club for a couple of weeks when they’d needed some temp help.

“Let me get this straight,” Scott said when Julie and me were done. “You think hot girls are being hypnotized at the club and you think they’re being forced to like geeky guys.”

Julie and me both nodded.

“That’s the craziest thing I ever heard,” he said.

“It’s not crazy,” Julie said. “It may sound crazy but it’s the only thing that makes sense.”


“Just look at it. All the hot girls are falling for geeky guys for one. The girls themselves have no idea why they’re doing what they’re doing. That’s two. And the club has an opening act that no one seems to know about. That’s three.”

“But there can be other reasons.”

“Name one.”

“I ... I can’t think of one off the top of my head—”


“But that doesn’t mean people are getting hypnotized.”

“But it doesn’t mean they aren’t.”

“But it doesn’t mean they are.”

Julie could see we weren’t getting anywhere fast. “Look,” she said. “You don’t have to believe us. All we want you to do is get us into the club so we can look around.”

“What? No way. It can’t be done.”

“Come on, Scott.”

“No way,” the boy said. “It can’t be done.”


Scott was still shaking his head no.

“Scott, think about Mariah.”

Mariah Cooper was his girlfriend. “What about her,” he asked. It was a question I wanted the answer to, too.

“If the other girls can be turned, she can be, too.”

“She wouldn’t.”

“Maybe, but can you take the risk. I mean, if I’m right, would you want to wake up one day and find out she’s banging Jimmy Kleinholtz, or maybe Barry Golden.”

“She wouldn’t.”

“Yeah, but can you take the risk.”

The boy was silent for a moment. “I can’t promise anything,” he said finally, “but I’ll let you know.”

“Do you think he’ll do it,” I asked Julie when all was said and done.

“I don’t know,” she said. “I just don’t know.”

* * *

“You know,” Jill told me, “there’s a security room in the club.”

“How do you know that?”

“Scott told me.”

“Yeah, so?”

“So he’s going to let us in. He says we can hide out in the security room while the show’s going on and we can watch and see if anything’s going on.”

“Cool,” I said.

“Yeah, we are so going to catch those guys in the act. Just you wait and see.”

* * *

I want to say upfront that as the day approached when we were going to make our stand, I was beginning to have misgivings. I’m not sure why but I guess it was just that Julie kept saying that there was nothing that could go wrong so I kept wondering if maybe there was.

I suppose that doesn’t really matter. I just wanted to get it out there so everyone knows where I was coming from,

On the night in question, Scott let us into the club. We had to come way early so that we wouldn’t run into anyone but he said we’d be safe once we got into the security room because the tape machines were all automated so once we got there, we’d be fine.

But of course, that meant we had to wait and wait and wait, and it wasn’t like we could talk or make any noise at all, because then someone would hear us and they’d come and throw us out, and to tell the truth, it was all very boring.

But, that having been said, we were there and watching when the first patrons arrived, and we were there and watching as the club continued to fill, and even though we couldn’t talk, I knew that just like me, Julie recognized a number of our classmates in the audience. This, definitely, was going to be a perfect test of Julie’s theory.

I know just like me, Julie was looking at her watch. We’d already been cooped up there for a couple of hours and we were tired. There weren’t even any chairs there so we’d had to just stand which made us even more tired. The show was supposed to begin, but it didn’t. Damn it. They needed to get this thing moving.

Finally, the house lights came down and Julie and me looked at one another. I knew what she was thinking. This was it.

A guy came on stage. He must have been the MC or something because he told a couple of lame jokes, but his job really was to introduce the act.

And that was exactly what he did, and in moments, we had our first view of The Amazing Svengali as he walked through the crowd.

He wasn’t a big man. He was wearing a tux and when he got up on stage, he took the microphone and for a moment, he just stood there and looked at the audience.

“The mind,” he began, “is a wonderful thing, and yet over all the years, after all the things mankind has learned, the mind still remains a mystery to us all. Tonight, we’re going to see what we can do to see what the mind can and cannot do.”

I had to admit it, the guy had a great voice. I could see why he was good at this because his voice was so easy to listen to.

“It’s unknown exactly just how much of the mind we do use,” the man went on. “In fact, that matter is still open for debate.”

I didn’t even realize it at the time but I hadn’t taken my eyes off the screen from the moment the show had started.

“But we all know why you’re here,” the man said. “You’re not so much interested in what the mind might be able to do. You’re interested in what it can do.”

With a start, I realized I was supposed to be watching the camera that was on the audience, but ever since the show had began, I’d been watching the camera that was tight on the man on stage.

“But for me to show you what the mind can do, I’m going to need some help. I want everyone to stand up.”

Even without looking at the cameras, I knew everyone in the audience had stood up.

“Now if you’ve been hypnotized by me before, I want you to sit down.”

Even without looking at the monitors, I knew that a portion of the audience had sat down.

He asked more questions, and every time he did, he asked more of the audience to sit down and finally, even though it would take my eyes off the screen, even I felt compelled to sit down.

But then I looked at Julie, and she was still there standing.

“Those of you still standing,” the man said, “will help us out into our journey into the mind. Those of you still standing, please come forward and join me on stage.”

This was it, I thought, and then I saw Julie taking off her headphones. “Julie,” I said. “Julie, what are you doing?”

“I’m going on stage.”

“Julie, this is crazy. You’ll blow our cover.”

“I’m going on stage.”

I grabbed her by the arm. “You can’t,” I told her as quietly as I could. “You’re going to give us away.”

“I’m going on stage.”

That was when I finally got it. Julie’d been hypnotized. I tried grabbing her by the arm and before I knew it, she was out of the door. “Julie,” I kept telling her, “Julie, you got to stop.”

But Julie wasn’t stopping.

I grabbed the nearest guy. “You got to help me,” he said. “My friend, she’s not supposed to be here ...”

But the guy was just laughing and clapping. He thought it was all part of the show.

I was going to grab another guy but then I realized the more time I spent there, the farther away Julie was getting so I raced to catch up with her. “Julie,” I said again. “You’ve got to snap out of it.”

“It looks as if we have a few party crashers,” the man on stage said.

I looked around and everyone seemed to be laughing. They all thought this was part of the show. They had to know what was going on and I was going to tell them. I opened my mouth, and I said ...

“Fuck me.”

The man on stage just grinned. “My, my, my. Would you listen to the mouth on that one.”

I shook my head. That wasn’t what I meant to say. “Fuck me,” I said again. “Fuck me. Fuck me. Fuck me.”

Everyone was laughing and pointing at me and the worst part was the more I said those words, the more I wanted it to happen. I had to get out of there. I knew that.

The man was looking at me. “I think you’d better join us here on stage,” he said.

I looked up on stage. Julie was already there and she seemed not to have a care in the world.

“Come on,” the man said, “and while you’re at it, why don’t you tell people what you want while you’re on your way up.”

I already knew I wasn’t going to be able to stop myself but as I made my way towards the stage, I couldn’t help stopping along the way and asking people if they would fuck me, and the more I said it, the more I wanted it.

The Amazing Svengali positioned Julie and me at the end. Apparently, the two of us were going to be left for his finale. I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

There were six of us in all and I couldn’t help but notice that all of us were from Julie’s and my high school. I wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not.

He looked at the bunch of us as a group first. “Ladies,” he said, “first of all, I must apologize for the conditions here on stage. I’ve been told by management that the air conditioning is not working and I know it must be very hot for you up here on stage.”

Now that he’d mentioned it, I mean I wasn’t going to mention it before, but it was hot.

“I have to tell you. I wouldn’t blame you if you wanted to take your clothes off.”

It was hot, and I could tell the other girls were thinking the same thing but I knew I wasn’t going to take my clothes off because I knew that wouldn’t be right.

“I know what you’re thinking,” the man said, “but is it really right that you should have to be up here suffering.”

He was right about that, I thought. It really was unbearable up there on stage.

“And after all, with these stage lights on, it’s got to be worse for you than for everything else. I know you’ve just got to be dying to take your clothes off.”

He was definitely right about that.

“Look at the people in the audience,” he said. “It’s not really fair, is it, that they should be out there all nice and cool, while you’re up here suffering.”

He was right about that, I remember thinking. It really wasn’t fair.

“Maybe you want to loosen your clothing just a little.”

Sure, I remember thinking. That wouldn’t be such a bad idea. Loosen our clothing just a bit. There was nothing wrong with that and I knew the other girls agreed with me.

That helped a little but it hadn’t helped a lot. I was still hot.

“You’re still hot,” the man said. “Maybe if you take your tops off. After all, you really should be comfortable.”

He was right about that, I thought. After all, we were the ones on stage. We really should be comfortable.

“You should take off your tops.”

He was definitely right about that, I thought. I couldn’t wait to take off my top and I knew the other girls were thinking the same.

“Your bras are quite confining,” the man said. “With these hot lights, it must be quite uncomfortable. Your breasts really do need some fresh air.”

He was so right about that. I couldn’t wait to get my bra off and get my tits free, and he was right. They really did feel good when I got them out in the cool air.

“Doesn’t that feel better now?”

I didn’t know about the others but I knew I definitely felt better.

“But you still have a problems. You need to get your legs out into the open before they get too hot.”

He was right about that, of course. My legs were totally burning up and I knew I was just going to have to do something about that. Having my legs burning up on me just wouldn’t do.

“I imagine these young ladies are going to have to take off their skirts and pants, don’t you think?”

The people in the crowd were all laughing and pointing like this was funny or something but the truth was, I was hot up there and I couldn’t wait to get my jeans off.

“There now,” the man said. “Isn’t that better to get a little air between your legs?”

The audience was all laughing at that but he was right. It definitely was nice to get rid of those jeans.

“There’s only one thing left,” the man said, “and it’s the hottest place of all. I think you all know where that is.”

“The pussy,” the crowd yelled back at him.

“That’s right,” the man said. “The pussy. If our lovely, young ladies want to feel truly comfortable, they know what they’re going to have to do.”

I knew. Geez, I didn’t want to do it, and I certainly didn’t want to be the first one to do it, but damn it, my pussy was hot. I couldn’t help shifting my weight from foot to foot, like that was going to do anything. I knew what the problem was. It was that damn air conditioning and it was the hot lights. It was making me sweat. Actually, it was making my pussy sweat. That’s why I was so wet down there.

I was relieved to see one of the girls on the end peel off her panties. Relieved and frustrated. Relieved because I hadn’t been the one to go first and frustrated because I hadn’t been the one to go first. She looked so relieved and so comfortable to be standing there without her panties on that I think the rest of us, even Julie, the rest of us almost decided as one to take our panties off, and you know what? It was comfortable.

Now, I know this is going to sound weird but there we all were, the six of us girls and the hypnotist and the weird thing was I couldn’t hear what he was saying. Everyone else seemed to hear him fine, but I couldn’t and what was even more weird was I couldn’t turn and look at him.

So all I could do was stand there and look out at the audience until finally, the man made his way down to Julie and me.

The hypnotist turned and looked at the crowd. “Now, ladies and gentleman,” the man said, “we come to the end of our show, and it seems as if these two young ladies came here with the intent of spoiling our fun.”

The crowd hooted and whistled but the truth was, they just didn’t get it. We’d come there to help them.

“So, it seems,” the man continued when the catcalls had started to die down, “it seems as if maybe we should teach these two a lesson.”

That didn’t sound good I thought as the audience started to holler again.

The hypnotist waved for the crowd to quiet down. “Now if I had to bet,” the man said, “I’d bet that this one was the mastermind behind it all,” he said as he pointed at Julie. “Tell me, dear, what’s your name?”


“Julie. That’s a nice name. Tell me, Julie. Do you think you’re a smart girl?”

Julie nodded. “I’m smart.”

“But Julie dear, do you think it’s smart do interfere in other people’s business, and do you think it’s smart to come here and let yourself get caught? That doesn’t sound all that smart to me.”

Julie didn’t have anything to say to that, and to tell the truth, neither did I.

“That doesn’t sound all that smart to me,” the man said. “In fact, it sounds pretty dumb, doesn’t it?”

Julie didn’t want to agree with him but he was right.

“You just can’t help doing dumb things because you’re a dumb girl. You’re just not all that smart, and do you know what? That’s okay, and do you know why?”

Julie had a vacant look as she shook her head.

“When you’re as dumb as you are, it means you’re really too dumb to know what to do. When you’re as dumb as you are, it means you need other people to do the thinking for you. Do you like it when people tell you what to do?”

Julie nodded her head eagerly. God, I thought. She really did look dumb when she did that.

“Should we show everyone just how dumb you are,” the man asked, and Julie nodded eagerly.

“All right then. How about we start with something simple. How about we count from one to ten. Can you do that for me, Julie?”

Again, Julie gave one of her enthusiastic and somewhat vacant head nods.

“But there’s a catch,” the man said. “The higher you count, the more of whatever intelligence you have left goes away with it. That’s the deal. So let’s see if you can do it. Let’s see if you can count from one to ten.”

Julie nodded and then she looked out at the crowd and she said, “One,” and just from the way she said it, I just had to groan because I knew we were in trouble.

“Two,” she said, and I willed her to go on.

She was a little more unsteady as she got to, “Three.”

She looked around unsteadily and everyone was laughing at her. She didn’t even know what came next.

“Four,” she said finally.

“Oh, Julie,” the hypnotist said. “You must be so dumb now. Come on though. Try. Can you tell me what comes after four?”

She thought and she thought. Finally, she came up with her answer. “Five?”

“That’s right, Julie. Five. Only five more numbers to go and I know it’s got to feel pretty good being as dumb as you are but can you give me the next number?”

Julie looked totally confused and I knew what I had to do. “Six,” I hissed at her. “The next number is six.”

“Aw, would you look at that. The sidekick wants to get in the game.”

Oh crap, I thought. I didn’t want to draw attention to me and of course, Julie was just kind of staring at me all vacant-like, you know.

“It must really bother you,” the man said, “having her in control like that.”

“She doesn’t control me,” I said.

“Oh, but that is the way it is.”

“It’s not like that,” I told him.

“Oh ho, so what you’re saying is you’re the one who’s in control.”

“Of course that’s what I’m telling you.”

“You’re the one who’s in control.”

God, was he dense. Didn’t he just hear what I’d said. “Yes,” I told him. “I’m the one who’s in control.”

“You’re in control. So if you wanted to, you could take Julie here and you could eat her pussy out. In front of all these people, you’d eat her pussy out. Right here. Right now.”

Didn’t I just say that.

“You’d eat her out. Right now. Right now!”

I’d show him, I told myself. I’d show him who was in control. I took Julie and I shoved her down on the stage. For her part, the best Julie could do was giggle inanely as I slipped between her legs but she wouldn’t be giggling for long.

I was right, of course. My tongue found Julie’s clit and suddenly she wasn’t giggling anymore. Suddenly, she was moaning as my tongue worked her clit.

This was what I meant, I wanted to tell him. This was what I meant when I said I was in control, but I couldn’t do that. Telling him what I meant would mean taking my tongue off Julie’s clit and I had to show them who was in control.

I knew the man was leaning over me. “This is what you want,” I heard him whispering even as he slid a finger between my legs. “Your body is always on fire. Your body is always in need of sexual attention. Your body has a new master. Your body does what your pussy needs.”

God damn! I needed to cum. I needed it bad.

“Your pussy can never get enough,” he said. “You don’t care who it is. Man or woman, it doesn’t matter. Just so long as they can get you off.”

I needed to cum!

He seemed to know what I needed. “You cum when she does,” I heard him whisper, and he was right. Even as I felt Julie’s cunt buck under my tongue, I felt my own pussy grab the finger within. Oh fuck, I told myself. Oh fuck. It felt so good to cum. It felt so good to cum that I just had to do it again.

* * *

“So, how’d it go?”

It was a couple of days later, and of course, I was horny, but then that was nothing new. I was always horny.

“How’d what go,” Julie asked in her most giggly bubble-headed way.

“Your trip to the club,” Scott asked.

“Oh that,” Julie said. “It was totally cool like. They like made us take our clothes off and everything.”

“They did?”

I was afraid Julie was going to break out in a giggle-fit at any moment so I decided to take over the conversation. “Everything was going fine,” I told Scott until the genius here decided to go join in the show. After that, we were pretty much off-script from there.”

“I don’t know,” Scott said. “From what Uncle Steve said, things went pretty much as planned.”

It took me a second to get the import of what he was saying. “Who’s Uncle Steve?”

“Oh come on. You know my Uncle Steve. Of course, you know him as the Amazing Svengali.”

Uh oh.

“It really was fortunate that you came to me with your little problem. Imagine if you’d gone to anyone else instead. That would have been bad.”

“What did you do?”

“Nothing much. Just rigged that room you were in with a little gas that made you even more susceptible to the commands that Uncle Steve wanted to give you. Is it true you can’t get enough sex?”

Oh God. He knew about that.

“Well,” Scott asked. “Is it?”

“Yes,” I moaned.

“You want to fuck?”

There were so many answers that went through my mind, but really, what could I say. “Of course,” I told him. “I want to fuck.”

That was how I found myself on my back with Scott working his cock between my legs. “You know, you always were my first choice,” he said.

I couldn’t help but moan. First choice for what, I wondered.

“But fuck, I never could get you to go see Uncle Steve’s show so I had to settle for Mariah instead, and she’s good, but she’s not as good as you.”

I still had no idea what he was talking about but I liked what his cock was doing between my legs.

“I wish I could keep you,” Scott said, “but Uncle Steve says he wants the two of you back.”

I didn’t care what Uncle Steve wanted. What I wanted right then and there was what Scott had between my legs and I moaned for him just to let him know just how much I wanted it.

Scott groaned and that’s when I felt it, the swell of his cock and the surge of his cum, and I knew what he was doing, and of course, I was doing it, too, because I always came whenever anyone else did.

“Damn,” he said. “Damn, I always knew you’d be good, but I never knew it would be as good as this.”

For the moment at least, I was at peace. For the moment, my pussy was filled with cum and I knew that was what my pussy needed but I also knew that satisfaction like this was transitory at best and I knew it wouldn’t be long before I needed to be fucked again. I only hoped that Uncle Steve was as good at using my body as his nephew was. On the other hand, as turned on as I was likely to be, I couldn’t help wondering if it really mattered.

I could feel my pussy twinge and I knew it was happening again. I knew I needed to be fucked.

That what happens when you’re a slut like me.