The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

So Night Follows Day part 23

By T. MaskedWriter with Special Guest Author Susan Bailey

“You’ve got an invalid haircut.
And it hurts when you smile.
You better get out of town,
before your nickname expires.
It’s the Kingdom of the Spiders.
It’s the Empire of the Ants.
You need a permit to walk around downtown,
you need a license to dance.”
—Warren Zevon, “Life’ll Kill Ya

Contessa Helena de San Finzione bid her oldest and newest friends in the world goodbye at the hotel. She and Mander returned to the La Contessa suite.

Helen had made it easy enough for Whyte to locate her. That morning, before Julie and Susan had arrived, she informed Twitter that her faith in her guards and the Seattle Hotel de Società Finzione was so great, that she would continue to stay in the La Contessa suite tonight and while in Seattle. They passed through the entrance hall, the Ultimados flanking the door to the suite saluting her. The broken doors had been removed from the hallway, and workers would be coming in the morning to take care of the damage. More Ultimados stood guard on the now-exposed fire exits.

Helen entered the main room of the suite, walked over to the mini-bar, and got out two little bottles of Jack Daniels. She tossed one to Mander and opened the other.

“I’ve not seen Your Countessness do much drinking.” Mander told her, opening his.

“This is something different.” She told him, with a swig from her bottle. “One before going into battle.”

Mander nodded and did the same with his bottle. Helen reached back into the minibar and got a Coke to go with hers. She offered Mander one as well.

“No thanks, Your Countessness.” He told her. “Wouldn’t want you racking up those minibar charges.”

Helen smiled at that and tossed him one anyway.

“Minibar charges are, like, the easiest thing in the world to dispute. All you have to do is say ‘I didn’t even open that thing. One of the maids must have…’ and it’s one of those things where YOU know you’re lying, WE know you’re lying, and you KNOW we know you’re lying; but at the same time, this COULD be that one time in a thousand where we have to do a shakedown in Housekeeping to unmask the criminal genius who decided to help herself to a fucking Toblerone on your dime. Probably because you or the asshole in the room before were such a dick or a creep to her that she just needed a little something to calm down. Some places, the accusation alone would get her fired; and the piece-of-shit loses nothing if he decides to push the lie to the point of costing a maid her job. The checkout clerk already knows all of this, and that you’ve probably got a flight to catch, which you’ll blame us if you miss; and we just want your ass out of our hotel now, so, it’ll just save everyone a lot of hassle if he swallows every natural human instinct to scream ‘YOU ARE A FUCKING LIAR AND WE BOTH KNOW IT’ to your face, says, ‘my mistake, sir,’ and hits delete. And yes, because accidents DO happen, we’d have to give him the benefit of the doubt; so, a complete dickhead could pull that shit a second time before we’d red-flag him as a scammer at all Società Finzione establishments and venues. Besides, I know the owner, she’ll cover it.”

She turned on the news, and she and Mander both started laughing at the frozen image of her with her crotch digitized out and the words “Helen’s Gate-Gate” under it. They flipped through several channels, watching liberal news praise her bold, empowering choices; then watching conservative news condemn her for daring to go out in public, knowing full well that she had one of those things between her legs.

“So,” Mander asked, finishing his drink. “Ya do this a lot? Like every time one of them yobbos gets a pic of ya sunbathin’ with yer Bristols out…”

Helen lit her cigarette before replying.

“There’s some other story that I need to make go away, exactly.”

“So, when they get a naughty vid, does ’at mean ya’ve done somethin’ like nuked Ottawa?”

“Sometimes, when I’m really pissed off at Julie, I’ll threaten Troy that San Finzione’s going to get The Bomb, but that’s as close as it comes to us having nukes. No, leaking a sex tape is an extreme last resort, and everyone involved has to be on board. The video of Rita and I would have killed Whyte’s story, but it would have taken Rita’s career with it. The progress that Vincenzo made, and I still strive for aside, Mander, San Finzione is still a Catholic nation.”

Mander raised a hand. She nodded and gave him a smile that let him know it wasn’t required.

“Your Countessness, though, is in the news with blokes and birds all the time.”

“I’m the wealthy young widow of a great and respected man, whose shoes only one other man on this planet could ever be worthy of filling, and he’s always belonged to Julie. Because of that, I’ve sworn to never marry again. So, I’m allowed to be ‘eccentric’ and expected to ‘have my little dalliances’ with the Hollywood Pretty-Boy-or-Girl of the Moment who couldn’t find San Finzione on a map in a castle with a gift shop where they sell maps of San Finzione and have some very helpful staff, who’ll help you find just the right map for your needs. If La Contessa is seen with another woman, ‘That’s our Contessa!’ But if Rita is seen with another woman, there’ll be a bunch of people that I’ll have to do The Thing to so that she can retain any semblance of her previous life. And as much as I hate to admit it; yes, dammit, Troilus, some of your lessons did stick!”

“Well, keep doin’ what yer doin’.” Mander said, cracking open the Coke. “Cause it’s a better job than this lot here.”

He gestured at the man on the TV, whose show was usually devoted to screaming about how the government is going to take everyone’s guns any moment now, but had changed his tune today, and was now screaming about how government irresponsibility in not regulating vaginas more strongly was going to let the terrorists win.

The parts they laughed at most while flipping through channels was where the reporters and talking heads whose regular discussions had been put on hold for this “breaking story” stumbled to find ways to talk about her vagina without actually USING the word, or any of the common terms for it. Grown adults, some of whom had seen one up close before, sitting around a table at eleven o’clock at night, attempting to rapidly invent euphemisms as if there were a toddler in the room who would immediately pick up and start shouting any seemingly-attention-getting word they used; however offensive or vulgar, yet to-the-point it might be.

“What am I supposed to tell my children?” A woman on the screen asked the rest of the panel.

“Ya tell ’em to look down!” Mander shouted back at her. “An’ whatever they see, they got their whole lives to sort it out.” They laughed, then Mander changed his tone. “Whyte’s comin’ any time now.”

Helen stopped laughing and nodded. She pressed a code on the large remote control that controlled most things in the suite, causing steel shutters to drop over all of the windows. She picked up her phone to look at the time. Julie and Susan might have made it home by now.

And saw that she had no signal.

* * *

Hey, Susan again. Rob and Eric had just stopped on the street in front of our houses before turning into their driveway. Julie jumped out as soon as the car was going slow enough and ran toward our house. I stayed in the car until it was stopped.

Troy was standing in the doorway. Julie ran up to him and didn’t even let him get the “Hey” out before she threw her arms around him and began kissing him. Helen was right about the internal screaming.

Seeing him in the doorway, my mind kept going back to that twisted door in the hall outside Helen’s suite. Something kept bothering me about it.

“Is Capitan Ortega available?” I asked Rob and Eric, getting out of their car.

“He will be in the command center in the garage.” Eric said. “Go in through the house, please.”

I nodded and thanked him. For being unstoppable killing machines, Ultimados are surprisingly polite.

I entered the house and made my way through the cots that had been set up in the living room to the garage. The scene inside was, indeed, what I would expect from the term “command center.” The overhead light was off, but there was enough light to see by from the computer terminals and other military hardware that Julie could probably tell you what it is, but I couldn’t. Four of the Ultimados were manning terminals. Capitan Gregorio Ortega, their commanding officer, seemed to pace around a black, shiny table in the center of the room. I looked at it in hope that it would turn out to be some kind of 3-D holographic map that hovers over the table, but if it was, it wasn’t turned on just then.

“Señorita Bailey.” He said, turning and noticing me. He didn’t salute. Nor did he have to. I’m just as much a civilian in San Finzione as I am in America. “Everything is well across the street?”

“Yeah,” I said, still a bit distracted by all the high-tech stuff. I’d heard Troy and Julie came over last night, when they were worried about Helen. I got caught up in wondering how the hell Julie ever got him out of this garage, then remembered why I’d come over. “Everything’s fine there. I had a question, though. You know that video of the incident at the hotel yesterday that doesn’t exist, and if it did, every copy has been accidentally destroyed?”

“Si?” Ortega replied.

“May I watch it?”

“Si. You are now cleared.” Ortega said, going over to an empty computer and pulling the seat out for me. I thanked him, figuring it was a reflex from working for Helen. He opened the file and hit play. Apparently, Helen’s “top secret clearance” spell last night worked.

I watched the footage. Me accepting that I’m not gonna pull some Matrix shit in this scene, Mander giving me an understanding nod that said “Yeah, this is gonna get serious, Susan. You go to Rita, we got this,” Velazquez pulling some Matrix shit in this scene. And then the explosions at either end of the hall. The fire doors flying off the opposite walls, twisted things on the ground now.

“You’ve got guards watching those doorways now, I’m guessing.”

“Si.” Ortega responded.

The question that had been digging at the back of my head finally poked itself forward.

“So, where did those other guys come from?” I asked Ortega. “Velazquez, Mander, and I saw the six guys get in the elevator, and they shot those six guys. So where’d the guys on the fire exits come from? Did they run up the 51 floors to the La Contessa Suite? I’m sure Helen has cameras on the helipad. Somebody would’ve noticed another helicopter landing on the roof before Ernst. Even if it just hovered for a moment and they slid down on ropes like you guys do, there’d be camera footage of that. And then they’d have had to get into the stairwells. But the rooftop fire doors were intact, your guys had to blow those open themselves…”

I spun around and looked Ortega in the eye.

“I know where Whyte is!” I said, fishing for my phone. “And he’s about to attack Helen!”

I dialed her number as he shouted commands at the others in Spanish and they went scrambling into action.

“You’ve got extra Ultimados in the hallways tonight, covering those now-breached fire exits. Where did you pull them from?”

“The balconies.” Ortega replied. “La Contessa has the steel shutters on the windows.”

“Then that’s where he’s coming from! Whyte’s been all about misdirection from the beginning! He had them blow the doors off, so you’d focus your attention on the hallway. The Triad hit was never meant to succeed. The real attack is tonight, and probably coming from the now-deprioritized balconies! And there’s only one place he’d hide: A place so stupid, that Helen would never think to look there.”

The call went to voicemail. I hung up. There was nothing I could do to warn Helen.

“Fuck!” I shouted. “I’m not getting through. That probably means he’s already on his way!”

That thought spawned another. There was nothing that I could do to help. But there was someone who could.

“I need something.” I told him as I took my chair and dragged it off into the corner.

“What do you need?” He asked as the sound of Ultimados piling into vehicles outside could be heard. I sat down in the chair.

“I need a moment.” I told him, closing my eyes. “I need…”

* * *

I was coming out of a diner bathroom, a copy of Modesty Blaise under my arm. I heard other Mes out in the restaurant proper, shouting. I remembered that I had a .45 under my belt and drew it, pointing it at Suzy-Ho, who was standing on top of a table waving a gun of her own around. Seated at one of the tables, Suzy-Q wore a jheri-curl and had a gun pointed at Sue. A briefcase was sitting on the table, and Sue was holding a sack of some kind. I put the gun away and dropped the book.

“Sorry, Suzy Crew.” I told them, sitting at the table. “A Pulp Fiction bit sounds fun and all, but I don’t have time for it. I have to congratulate you though, Sue, on finally not being a waitress in one of these. Suzy-Ho, get down off there!”

Suzy-Ho pouted.

“Well, what’s the point if I don’t get to be The Gimp, anyway?”

I sat down next to Suzy-Q.

“Ok,” I told her. “You know everything going on out there, so you know we need to warn Helen, and the only way to do that now is you, Suzy-Q. Anything you’ve figured out at all about how to get through to her, we need it now.”

I took hold of her by the shoulders and looked her in the eye.

“We’re all about helping people. Helen needs our help now. I need to help her. Which means you need to help her, too. Maybe she’s right about this ‘I can do anything if I’m helping someone’ thing. If she is, it means that you can too. It’s time to test that, hon.”

Despite being in the role of Jules in this one, a look of unease crossed Suzy-Q’s face.

“She’s been unconscious both times before. I still don’t know how.”

“Yeah,” I told her. “But you’ve got an idea. And like you said, you guys are from my Subconscious; and the Subconscious is a place of ideas. So maybe the idea is all you need.”

Her look changed to one of concentration. It reminded me of last night, when I was told I was speaking Italian and I concentrated on speaking English again. This was more intense, like she had known long ago how to speak English and was trying to remember it. I gave her an encouraging hug and took hold of her arms again.

“Helen needed help both times, I needed to help her both times, and you were somehow able to go to her. The only thing that’s different now is that she’s hopefully still awake. If everything else we know about how it works is right, then it shouldn’t matter if she’s awake or not. This is how we can help. If I DO have some kind of deep connection with Helen, if helping others is our special talent we get along with this, then you can do it, Suzy-Q. Because we all need you to. And it would help.”

She nodded, understanding.

“I’ll try. There’s something I need first, though.”

“What’s that?” Sue asked.

Suzy-Q picked up her gun, pointed it at Sue again, and gave her a huge grin.

“I need my wallet. It’s the one that says ‘Bad Motherfucker.’”

“Suzy-Q,” Sue said, trying to do Tim Roth’s accent. “Susan says we don’t have time to do the bit.”

“I know. We’re not doing the whole bit. But how much shit have you given me over the years, Sue? When I was still Chad’s slave? How many times was my name ‘Story of O,’ or ‘Robert Palmer’s Fetish Maid?’ How much ‘tough talk’ have all of us had to listen to? Well, now we’re in a scene where, for the sake of the bit, I am REQUIRED to point a gun at you. And that Confidence we get from it? It’s making me really fucking enjoy this. It’s like when Susan was on the bridge of the Enterprise and just needed a moment to take it all in. I don’t know if anything would even happen if I pull this trigger, because Jules never does it in this scene. I am seriously becoming aroused at the notion that it might be an option at this moment, though. Suzy-Ho, if I’m able to do this, I’m going to have a job for you when I get back.”

Suzy-Ho did one of those gleeful jumps where she bends her knees in mid-air and lands safely.

“So right now,” Suzy-Q continued. “While Chad’s Whipping Girl finally has one of these where she gets to point a fucking gun at your fucking face, Sue, I don’t care that it’s also my own and Susan and Suzy-Ho’s; I want you to reach into the bag, pull out my wallet, and hand it to me. Again, it’s the Bad Motherfucker one.”

The smirk that Sue gave back seemed to have a couple of messages behind it. “You fucking bitch” was the first one, of course. There was also “Hey, I’m kind of curious to see what happens too. Go for it!” But the biggest was “It’s about fucking time you stood up to me and did something like this.” Sue reached into the bag, pulled out Suzy-Q’s Bad Motherfucker, and handed it to her.

“And I’m not fucking giving you my money in this version, either.” Suzy-Q said, putting the gun away. She turned to me and kissed me. “Ok, there’s something specific to this scene that I actually think might help with this.”

Suzy-Q grabbed the MacGuffin Briefcase and turned it to face herself. She turned the dials to 666. She opened the briefcase and looked at the glowing thing inside.

And then she was gone.

* * *

Contessa Helena de San Finzione and Mander were low-crawling through the central room of the suite, moving from furniture cover to furniture cover as they tried to reach the stairs up to the Master Bedroom/Panic Room.

As she crawled from the couches over to the bar, she thought she saw someone standing behind the bar. She had no way to turn back, and was reasonably sure the mercenaries hadn’t breached the room yet, so it was likely an Ultimado.

When she made her way behind the bar, Suzy-Q was standing there, dressed as Jules Winfield in the final scene of Pulp Fiction. She looked down at Helen.

“Pack of Red Apples?” She asked.

Helen was dumbfounded for a moment, then finally spoke in a whisper.

“I know I’m not unconscious.” A smile crossed her face. “Have you figured it out?” She asked a bit more excitedly. That got a shushing from Mander.

“Just cause they can’t hear doesn’t mean we shouldn’t stay quiet, Your Countessness.” He whispered.

“I know.” Helen whispered. “Suzy-Q’s here, though.”

A look like he might be thinking Helen was insane crossed Mander’s face, before he remembered that this was a thing that they’d all sat around discussing last night.

“She’s here?” He asked. “I don’t see her. Then, I guess I wouldn’t if she’s in your head.”

“He raises a good point.” Suzy-Q replied. “Since I AM in your head, maybe you can just, like, ‘think at me,’ so we don’t have to do that old ‘you’re the only one who can see or hear me’ thing where you’re talking to an invisible person.”

Helen nodded. And then she thought.

“Like this?” She tried to point the thought in Suzy-Q’s direction as best she could.

“Yeah, perfect!” Suzy-Q said. “Ok, now for why I’m here. Susan’s figured out something important. She knows where Whyte is, and she knows how he’s going to strike.”

“He’s jamming the phones, so that means they’ll be here any second.” Helen thought back. “If you’re going to tell me, make it quick.”

Suzy-Q knelt down onto the floor, to be level with Helen’s face.

“I think I know a quick way. This worked with Susan.”

She took hold of Helen’s face. Helen felt her touch, even though she wasn’t really there. Then she felt Suzy-Q’s lips press against her own, and her tongue gently request permission to join her own. Helen parted her lips and allowed it inside, her tongue snaking out to meet Suzy-Q’s.

In a flash, in an instant, Helen’s mind flooded with images and feelings. Images of the fire doors blowing off their hinges and being destroyed, of the sight of them still on the ground the next day, and of some nagging thing in the back of her head bothering her about it. Going to see Ortega, asking to watch the tape. Looking at it and asking the same question about the goons in the stairwells. And then suddenly, the answers that came into Susan’s mind entering her own. The whole point of the Triad hit had been to blow those doors off, so the Ultimados would devote more attention to those obvious points of access. That would mean pulling them away from some other area, deemed less important. Helen figured out where that was as the information on where Whyte was hiding entered her mind and made perfect sense.

Mander watched her seem to passionately kiss empty air for a moment, then checked behind them to see where they’d have to break cover to sprint for and up the stairs. After everything else he’d experienced with Contessa Helena de San Finzione, the idea that she’d choose this moment for a snog with The Invisible Woman was absolutely within the realm of possibility.

“Of fucking course!” Helen had to remind herself to whisper when the kiss was done. “Thanks, Suzy-Q. Hey, think there’s other stuff you can do? Like, can you go there and see if they’re coming in yet?”

Suzy-Q shrugged, looked at the rear wall of the bar, with all the bottles behind it, and stood up. She tried to walk through it. Although she didn’t disturb anything on the shelves, she was unable to go through the wall.

“Looks like I don’t get to be your Al, Helen. It’s probably like how The Thing works,” She said. “Where I have to be near you. I’m probably limited to your immediate proximity. But I’m feeling the pull back now. Maybe because I’ve told you everything I can think to that’ll help. Everything except one thing.”

Helen looked up at her, knowing what that one thing would be, and saying it in unison with Suzy-Q.

“Don’t die.”

Knowing what she did now, she rose to her feet and darted up the stairs, shouting to the Ultimados.

“They’re coming up over the balcony!”

Mander followed after her.

“That what Suzy-Q told ya?”

“Yeah,” Helen said, reaching the top of the stairs. “We took guards off the balcony to watch the fire exits, because we’ve got the stee…”

Helen didn’t get to finish the word before an explosion rent one of the steel shutters over the windows, sending fire, glass, and hunks of metal flying into the suite. Helen and Mander both fired into the cloud of smoke entering the room from the explosion as the shockwave knocked them to the ground, causing Helen to land on her still-bruised thigh; when another shutter exploded. This one was in front of them, between them and the Panic Room.

The Ultimados took positions behind the furniture, guns aimed at the two breached shutters. Helen’s hearing was still recovering from the explosions when the lights in the suite went out. Mander picked her up and hoisted Helen onto his shoulder in a fireman’s carry, running back down the stairs.

The Ultimados, night-vision goggles active, waited for him to bring her to cover, then turned their attention to the men entering through the breaches.