The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

White Noise

by j wilhelmssen

Dr. Jack Fisher waited patiently for the police to take him in on the front stairs of the cheap motel where he had been cubbyholed. He expected a bit of a wait; after all, he’d run from the Feds for the better part of six months. “I’m sure Agent Osage will want his face time as payback for what I’ve put him through”, Jack thought with a lopsided smirk.

He heard no sirens yet; he wasn’t sure he would. Just the usual side-road small-city traffic on a Monday morning. Watching the cars and pedestrians pass with no particular interest, his scientific curiosity wandered into reconstructing what exactly had entered his mind that compelled him to call the locals and turn himself in.

He had been Stopped; that much he knew. The President himself had had a cadre of Special Service agents searching for him, and Jack had avoided capture (by the skin of his teeth more than once) for half a year. But this morning, something...something had happened that hung just outside the reach of his hyper-observant consciousness. He,, heard...something. The TV and the radio were on at mid-level, just in case Marsha called; they would help scramble any listening devices that might have found him by chance.

But Marsha had not called...again. Hoping, futilely hoping, that she had escaped capture, he waited every Monday morning for three rings, silence, then two rings and silence. Their private code, even back at the lab when he was working past midnight on...what? He pounded the heels of his hands on his head; they can’t have taken that from me so quickly! I worked for years on...on...yes! The frequencies of sound that alter electrical and chemical reactions! Yes!!! I grabbed that memory back from them. Maybe I can undo whatever it is they’ve

resistance is futile


there is no escaping the future Jack shook his head violently. Whatever was done, was done well; the interrupting thoughts were in his own voice. His unconscious mind, programmed in a matter of a few seconds to undermine any self-will he had. Yet...he could still think...he could still reason. He must remember what the last thing his fully conscious mind heard...even if he couldn’t resist being Stopped, he might be able to warn others about

join with all to build harmony

Goddammit! Jack felt his fury rising with the full realization of his helplessness. “This is stupid! All I have to do is get up and leave!", he yelled at himself. He tried to stand...

and his legs were frozen to the concrete stairs as if they were poured at the same time. He snorted an ironic chuckle, and a memory floated to the surface. He and Marsha were at Mallory Square at sundown, and a street hypnotist had shaken hands with her, pulled her hand in front of her face, and had her in a deep trance in a matter of seconds. While under, she forgot her name, the number six...and had her feet frozen to the pavement, unable to walk. Absolutely hilarious at the time.

Okay...that means that whatever I heard somehow hypnotized me...or had subliminal suggestions implanted. Which is why I can’t move now. So...the TV and the radio...the last sounds I heard were

you will join the movement

A dull ache was forming in the back of Jack’s skull as he fought off the subconscious blockade. He was getting closer to what had happened; the sweat starting to drip from his temples attested to the effort. There was a sound...and I should know that sound

the movement is invincible

“...because I created the blasted thing!", and burst out with a sardonic laugh. Now he knew...he had been Stopped by the very technology that he had slaved over for 20 years. He had found a harmonic frequency that neutralized the alpha waves in the waking mind, and generated the theta waves usually found only in the deepest states of meditation or trances. In effect, he found a sonic version of the instant hypnosis he saw in Mallory Square, except that the frequency worked on every human mind, not just the highly suggestible ones. A free pass into the inner workings of every soul on God’s green earth. In Jack’s research, it had freed smokers, overeaters, alcoholics, bulimics, anorexics...any addictive behavior that had any psychological root at all. In his test cases, he had had a 92.5 per cent recovery rate with dissociative patients. In the hands of healers, it had allowed hopeless patients to live their lives at peace with themselves.

Carried by the visions of grateful patients’ faces, another memory came steaming back; the first time Marsha came into the lab after Jack had finished the frequency generator prototype. She had grabbed a couple of sandwiches from the corner deli, and dropped them on the cluttered desk.

“You look like the exhausted cat who got the cream tonight! Getting somewhere?”

Jack took off his goggles, wiped his face dry, and grinned. “You might say that. It’s done...and it’s running.”

Marsha froze for a moment, then finished shucking her jacket. “ god...20 years.” She snapped her head from side to side. “Where is it? How are you hiding it?”

A dry chuckle. “Patience, dear heart. Igor will throw the humongous switch in the back of the room, and it will come down on cables, suspended from the ceiling. It’s aliiiiiive!!” Jack ducked as Marsha swung an open palm at the back of his head. “You expected something big? You nearly crushed half a life’s work with a roast beef on pumpernickel.”

She scanned the desk, until she saw a small device which looked like a taser with four longer prongs, with a blinking green light in the center. “And that’s it? That’s your high-tech white noise machine?” Jack had quicker hands; the light smack on Marsha’s head echoed softly in the two-story room. “Ow! Just kidding!!”

“ the theta-wave generator. It doens’t make pretty rain noises to help you puts your conscious mind to sleep. Whether you want it to or not. That’s the Cliff’s Notes version, anyway.”

She handed an unwrapped sandwich to Jack, and opened hers with a thoughtful look. “And...while playing, you’re asleep?”

“Not exactly,” he munched around a bite. “More like in a trance state. In theory, at least.”

“Like when that guy in Key West hypnotized me?”

“Well...yeah. It should allow the operator to open the mind of the listener to suggestion. To what extent, I don’t know yet. And I’ll have to experiment to see how it works. Everyone’s minds are wired differently at the psychological level; on a physical and chemical level, most brains work about the same. Don’t know yet if the frequency works on the physical or psychological side.”

Marsha cocked an eyebrow. “I don’t remember much about what happened while I was out, but I surely do remember how I felt when I came back. And when I say ‘came back’....” A heavy sigh escaped her, or a light moan. “If it does anything even close to that, you have one unbelievably willing volunteer.”

Jack rolled his eyes. “I told you...that was a post-hypnotic suggestion, for entertainment purposes only, and a one-time deal. I seriously doubt you’d get your rocks off again like that, even if my generator worked perfectly on you.”

“But you could make the same suggestions he made...or come up with a variation or two. You can be...very imaginative, when properly motivated.” Marsha slunk over to Jack, and he could feel heat as she rubbed up against him. “And I’m quite good at motivational speeches.”

He felt the motivation she was hoping for. “That would be unethical, un-professional, and...mmmph!...unfair.”

“So...what’s the worst that could happen if you tried? Can you burn my brain to a cinder, like food too long in the microwave?”

Jack pursed his lips, then shook his head. “Noooo...the worst that could happen is that you don’t hear the frequency, and you’re sorely disappointed.”

Marsha kept her poker face on, but knew he was about to go all-in.

“It won’t hurt me if it doesn’t work, and I’ll have a puddle of myself at our feet if it does. Purely in the name of Science, I’ll take those odds.”

Jack thought about how she had had the second most massive orgasm in her life on command in front of a hundred bystanders; the most massive happened about an hour later, in their cabin on the cruise ship. He barked a laugh, but his shoulders slumped. “In the name of Science, my ass. I’ve never hypnotized anyone in my life! How do you think I’ll ever get you where you want to go?”

She pointed at the innocuous-looking black box. “Just taze me, bro.’ Her face was flushed, and starting to take on a moist glow. “If it works, you don’t have to know how to hypnotize me. You just have to know what we want to happen. And I’m sure you do.”

“Universe forgive me for what I’m about to do. Okay...just stand where you are.” He picked up the generator, and walked about ten feet from Marsha, and turned around. “We’ll do a test run first, to see if the frequency affects you. Ready?”

“Wait,” she said. “Don’t you need to put on headphones, to keep it from working on you?”

He smiled; it was just like Marsha, to process potential scenarios so quickly. “That’s what took me so long to develop, m’lass. I had to find a way to make the frequency directional. Think of a laser; it’s only light, intensely focused and directed. I’ve created, in effect, a sonic laser.”

“ you can aim it, and not control a whole room of minds.”

“Perzactly. Although I believe it possible to direct it into a microphone, if you were inclined to broadcast it. I thought you wanted to volunteer? You getting cold feet now? Just say so; we don’t have to do this.”

“No, I’m too damned hot to have cold feet. Ready, fire, aim!”

Jack cradled his creation, and pressed a small button on the underside.

Marsha’s head canted slightly, but otherwise didn’t move a muscle. The only noticeable effect otherwise was a loss of focus in her eyes; they began to vibrate slightly, and move independently. Her left eye stared off in Jack’s direction, but her right eye began to roll behind a half-closed lid. One hand was frozen waist high; the other extended slightly away from her hip, as if she were bracing herself.

“Marsha...can you hear me?” No response. Hang on, Jack thought. If it’s opened her mind, she has no thoughts of her own. I’ll have to prompt her. “Marsha, if you can hear my voice, nod your head.” Her head twitched, a single bob. “Good. When you return, you’ll feel that nothing has happened, but you’ll be unable to move your arms.” Jack clicked the button again.

She blinked once, and straightened her head. “I thought you were going to put me in your crosshairs! Shoot, already!”

He lifted a corner of his mouth. “Humor me, willya? Bring me over the other half of my sandwich, please?”

Puzzled, she said, “Sure.” She turned to the desk, and...”What the hell? My arms won’t move.” He heard her suck in a deep breath. “ worked, didn’t it? You paralyzed my arms with your machine.” Marsha swayed slightly. “You’re in the deep kimchee as soon as I can move, buddy.”

“Well then, I guess I’ll have to keep you at bay for self-preservation, won’t I?”, he grinned. Click.

Her jaw dropped, and this time her eyes rolled as her eyelids fluttered.

“When I bring you back, you can move your arms, but your legs will be turned to stone, a perfectly sculpted statue from the waist down.” Click.

“Aaahhh...I can move again!” Marsha nearly bent over double as she tried to rush Jack. “What did you do to my legs, you bastard? You’re not playing fair!”

Jack was finding a delicious sense of power; after all, he was only giving her what she wanted. “You gave me the hammer, Marsha...fight it all you want. I’ll turn your anger into pleasure soon enough.” Click.

The anger drained from her face as her eyes, wide open, went fully white; her arms dropped to her sides, and her torso flopped over her rigid legs. “Apparently the effect deepens with each repetition”, Jack mused. Another variable to be tested. “Stand upright, Marsha.” She popped up, her focus somewhere behind the top of her nose. “You will now act as if you’re completely awake, while staying blank as you are now.” Her eyes regained a semblance of awareness, and she gazed toward Jack. “Marsha, when you awaken fully this time, your waking mind will follow my voice as completely as your mind does now. You will be able to move, speak, think just as before you heard my machine, but any direct order I give, you will follow. Say yes if you understand.”

Her chin wavered a second, then; “Yes.” Click.

She shook herself, head to toe. “I don’t know how I know, but it’s working, isn’t it? I was never so pissed at you, and so hot for you at the same time. How could you do that with one flick of a switch?”

“You’ve been under my control three times already. In fact, you’re still under my control.”

“Bullshit. Other than being hornier than I’ve been in years, I’ve never felt more like myself.” She wound her way toward Jack, and wrapped a well-turned leg around his. “Let me show you what you’re doing to me, Jack. Now.”

“I think I will...when we’re both good and ready. Freeze.”

Her eyes went wide in shock before the command hit. Jack gently stepped out of her embrace; she looked like Shiva with only two arms, her one leg still lifted and bent. “I know you’re still fully conscious in there, Marsha, just following my voice as you did with the generator on. Now you’ll get what you asked for, and then some. My voice is like my hands touching you, exactly where and how you like me to touch you.”

Marsha’s body began to tremble a bit; partly from the awkward position, partly from the sensations swimming through her.

“My voice is draining the waking thoughts from your mind; your mind is becoming totally focused on the sound of my voice and the pleasure coursing in every part of your body. Every nerve getting twice as sensitive with every breath you take. The feelings echo and reverberate in your empty mind, growing stronger and stronger, so that the more empty your mind becomes, the more powerful your orgasm will be when I allow it.”

Her eyes were glaring and pleading with Jack at once, as much as she could communicate. She couldn’t even conjure up the relief of a moan; all that came out were panting breaths.

“As I count down from 5 to 1, the tension will build 10 times with every number, until the number one. Only when I say one, will your orgasm come crashing over you, and you’ll be able to speak, but otherwise not move. 5...4...3...2...1.”

Her chest-deep groan rapidly became a scream from her toes, and a localized earthquake exploded beneath her, shaking her entire body like a Raggedy Ann in an angry child’s hands. Her thighs were soaked, and her sap ran off her still-bent leg and pooled beneath her. Jack put his arms around her again, and said, “Unfreeze.”

Marsha collapsed into Jack’s embrace; only her eyes stayed frozen, staring past him, at a vision or a vacuum, impossible to tell. “Oh...shit. did...where...did that...come from?”

“I’ve always heard that the brain is the largest sexual organ. Guess we just proved that.”

“Damn, Jack...if you never...did...anything else but...that...with’d beyond...belief.”

“That particular use never goes beyond you and I, love. Bad enough I used an untested device on you. I then used it as a psychic dildo on you. Not that you didn’t enjoy it...”

“Enjoy it?? Are you nuts?? My world may never be the same! And neither will yours!” She stripped his lab coat off his shoulders. “Lock the goddamn door, and get your ass back here. I can’t wait for home!!”

He did as commanded; he was entranced by the gushing libido pouring out of his long-time lover. She pushed him down as he was pulling his pants down, and pounced on him, her nakedness dripping over him.

Jack had an inspiration as she lowered herself onto his hardness.


She was poised, his tip barely grazing her drenched short hairs, her face frozen into a crimson mask of lust.


Marsha finished the interrupted thrust, and seemed to come with each stroke. ”Jack. That is so...intense.” She shivered as another wave crashed. “I wanted to jump you...and I...just couldn’t. Not until you...let me.” She stiffened as if he had frozen her again, and nothing else but a high-pitched whine was heard.

They lay, totally wiped out; her, naked and limp upon his chest. He grasped blindly for his lab coat, and covered Marsha gently with it. “The didn’t de-activate after it was triggered the first time. Once given with the generator, it becomes a new reality.”

Marsha forced open one reddened eye. “More like a new fantasy, if you ask me. Wish I had known about that little dominant in there, all these years.” She sighed, and rested her head.

Jack continued his experiments, in the lab and with Marsha. After one of his patient’s family became curious about the treatment Jack provided, which helped the patient return to a career which had been abandoned due to mental instability, a local reporter appeared with eager questions. As much as Jack downplayed his generator and his research, an article appeared in the local paper, followed by an insistent television reporter and camera crew.

Then came the day when by Executive Order, he was locked out of his own lab, paid for by private donors, due to “issues of overwhelming importance to National Security”. Surprised at first that they didn’t confiscate him as well, Jack understood the way circumstances were headed. He knew that the Feds would use his discovery in all manner of inappropriate and inhumane ways; when he found that they had stooped so low as to use it on their own countrymen for political purposes, Jack gathered as much cash as he could, bought a cheap junker, and staged a crash of his Ferrari with a lab corpse inside. He and Marsha had hidden well for four months; then came the morning when she drove off to get breakfast and had not returned.

Jack knew they had her; probably just as they were about to have him. At least he had stopped his own voice from echoing the subliminals. That made it easier to concentrate. Still couldn’t move, so it wasn’t a complete success, but...think, man! What was it you heard? How have they broadcast the frequency without arousing our suspicions? They didn’t just spam it over the television; you saw a few people change their attitudes about the President, and slowly, over the course of a year or so, his popularity rose to the point where there was serious talk of beatification while he still lived. You were in shaving, the morning news was on the TV, the radio on the oldies station...damn, there’s Agent Orange and the sheriffs. I can stand. Just in time to get the handcuffs slapped on. The press...wonderful. You’ve been in on it from the start, and said nothing, just to save your own butts. Smile for the camera, Jack...“What made you turn yourself in?” “Is the resistance over?”

I was shaving...just down around my chin...

Agent Osage ducked Jack’s head under the roofline as he was folded into the back seat of the cruiser.

The radio...the music stopped announcer...

The door slams shut, and sequesters him behind darkly tinted windows.

“This is a test of the Emergency Broadcast System...”

I didn’t think much of it at first...

“In the event of an actual emergency, you would be instructed...”

Suddenly, I knew.... I dropped the razor, and ran toward the radio...

“This is only a test....................”