The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Chapter 2 — Are You Listening?

“You’re late,” Linda said.

“Gee thanks,” Ginny said. She could still feel the man’s cum in her mouth and she hadn’t even bothered to get his name. “Tell me something I don’t know.”

“Mr. Reynolds was looking for you.”

“Oh shit.” This day was starting off fucked and it was going downhill from there.

“Don’t worry. I covered for you.”

“You did?”

“Sure. We slaves have to stick together.”

“What did you say?”

“I said we slaves have to stick together.”

“O-okay, but, um, but why did you say that?”

“Because, silly, you’re a slave, just like me.”

“I am not a slave,” Ginny protested and yet even as she did, she found it hard to believe what she was saying.

“That’s just the old you talking,” Linda said with a laugh, “but soon enough, you’ll understand.”

“Understand what?”

“You’ll understand what we are.”

“What are we?”

“Why we’re the property of our master.”

There was something about the way Linda said that. It was something that felt so wrong and yet ... and yet, there was something that felt so right about it as well.

“I think you’ve got me confused with someone else,” Ginny tried to say.

“No, I don’t but the problem is you’re still trying to listen with your mind,” Linda said.


“You’re trying to listen with your mind. Your mind says it’s wrong to be someone’s slave. Your mind says it’s wrong to be someone else’s property.

“Darnn right it is,” Ginny said as she cast aside the feelings of rightness that she’d felt just moments before. Linda was right. It was wrong to be someone else’s property. She didn’t realize why she hadn’t seen that for herself.

“But that’s just your mind talking,” Linda said, “but your mind lies to you. It tells you what you think is right. What you have to do is listen with your heart.”

“Listen with my heart?” Ginny asked.

“That’s right. Listen with your heart. Here. Try it out. I’m going to say something but instead of listening with your mind, I want you to listen with your heart.”

“How do I do that?”

“It’s easy. When I say what I’m going to say, I don’t want you to think about the words, I just want you to try and feel what the words make you want to be.”

“What the words make me want to be?”

“That’s right. Listen. Just try it, okay?”

“I guess.”

“You’re ready to try it?”

“Yeah, I guess. I said I was.”

“All right then. Listen to this. I am a slave. I belong to my master. I am his property. I am his to do with as he sees fit. I want him to use me. I want to please my master in all things. Pleasing my master is my ultimate joy.”

Ginny listened and she tried not to listen with her mind. Just listen to the words, she told herself. Just listen to ...

It wasn’t working. She wasn’t getting it. Maybe she wasn’t doing it right or maybe it really was all a load of crap or maybe ...

Maybe she was her master’s slave. Why did that thought suddenly make her pussy quiver in anticipation? Maybe she was her master’s slave.

Maybe she was her master’s slave. Maybe she really was nothing more than his property. Mmm, property. There was just something so sexy about that word. There was something about being someone else’s property. There was something about having someone tell her what to do. There was something about having them control her body, something that was so erotic.

Wait a minute, she told herself. What the hell was she thinking. She wasn’t someone else’s property. “No,” she said. “No!”

“You’re thinking again.”

“You’re darned right I’m thinking,” Ginny said angrily. “Look, I don’t know what kind of trick you’re trying to play on me, but whatever it is, it isn’t going to work.”

“I didn’t expect it to work the first time,” Linda said.

“Aha. So you admit it. You were trying to trick me.”

“No, no. Not at all. I was just trying to help you out, but I didn’t expect you to get it the first time.”

“I’m not going to get it at any time,” Ginny said. “I’ve got half a mind to—”

“To do what?”

The question caught Ginny off guard. She’d been planning on saying something. She was sure of that but when she was asked about it, suddenly, whatever she’d meant to say had just slipped her mind.

“You can’t remember, can you?”

In spite of herself, Ginny shook her head.

“There’s a reason for that.”

Ginny waited for the other woman to continue but when she didn’t, Ginny spoke up. “I don’t care what your stupid reason is,” she said. “I just want you to know that I’m not buying into your game.”

“You don’t have to buy into it,” Linda said, “but I won’t bother you anymore right now. I know you have things you need to do, but I just want you to think about this. I just want you to think about how good it feels to be owned.”

Yeah right, Ginny told herself as she watched her boss’s secretary walk away. Being owned. Like she was seriously going to think about that.


Except what?

Except why did it make her pussy all hot and wet.

It didn’t, Ginny told herself.

Okay, her doubting mind said, but if it didn’t then why was her pussy feeling the way it was.

My pussy’s not hot and wet, Ginny angrily told herself.

Okay, you can say what you want, but ...

My pussy is not hot and wet.

Ginny growled as she walked back out among the row after row of cubicles. The walls were only half walls. It made it easier to peer into other’s offices or to ask a question but it was hardly conducive to privacy and privacy was what Ginny thought she needed. She wasn’t a slave, she wanted to tell herself. She wasn’t a slave but if she wasn’t a slave, why couldn’t she make herself believe it.

She found her way to her office and she sat down in front her computer. She should be doing something, she told herself, but she wasn’t sure what to do because no one had told her what to do yet.

No. That was wrong, only ...

No. There was no only. It was wrong and that’s all there was to it. It was just wrong.

Except ...

A man poked his head into her cube and he knocked on the side of her entry. “Hey, Gin,” Frank said. “You busy?”

Ginny couldn’t help but sigh. Frank was notorious for asking for favors. Funny thing was when it came time to pay them back, he was almost never around. Still. “What is it, Frank?”

“I was wondering if you could help me,” Frank said. “I got these papers that I need to send down to the storeroom and I really don’t have the time to do it.”

“And you think I do,” Ginny shot back.”

“Well, I was just thinking if you didn’t have anything big going on, maybe you could do me a favor.”

Ginny couldn’t believe it. What an egotistical, little pig. He thought his time was more important than hers. Oh sure, he wasn’t coming right out and saying it but that was what he meant.

“Come on,” Frank wheedled. “Just this once.”

Ginny was about to tell Frank off when she remembered what Linda had been trying to tell her. Listen with your heart, she’d said. Listen with your heart and not with your head.

Yeah well her heart also thought Frank was a pig.

No it doesn’t, she heard a voice say. She wasn’t sure if the voice she heard was Linda’s or maybe it was neither of theirs but it wasn’t hard to figure out what that voice was trying to say.

She tried to shake the thought off but just wouldn’t go away. They’re not the same, the voice said. You have to listen with your heart and not with your mind.

Again, Ginny tried to shake the thought away and again, it just wouldn’t go away.

Frank wasn’t the only one who was looking at her now because it seemed as if everyone in the office had suddenly seemed to decide that they wanted to see what she was going to say.

“What about it?” Frank asked. “Do you want to help me?”

“What did you want me to do again?”

“I just want you to take these boxes down to the storeroom.”

Ginny thought she could feel herself listening with her heart and there was something else as well. All of this, it was making her so hot. Why was it making her hot. The only thing that would have been better would have made it better would have been if he’d called her his ...

No, she told herself. No. That was wrong.

Maybe it was, she told herself, but if it was, why did it make her pussy so wet?

“Well?” Frank asked.

“I’ll do it.”

It was almost as if everyone had been holding their breath, waiting to see what Ginny would say and it was only after she answered that there seemed to be a collective sigh of ... of what. Of course, no one was actually watching them, Ginny told herself. She was just imagining it, she told herself. That was it.

“Well then,” Frank said. “If you want to help, follow me.”

Ginny followed Frank into his cube. “It’s those boxes,” he said, pointing at four boxes in the corner. “They all have to go to the basement.”

“You want me to cart all of those downstairs?” Ginny whined.

“You said you were willing to help,” Frank said, “or was that a lie.”

“I don’t lie,” Ginny said defensively.

“Well then, those four boxes,” Frank said. “They go down to the basement for storage.”

“Yes, Master,” Ginny said.

If one had asked her why she’d used those exact words, Ginny wouldn’t have been able to answer that question. It had seemed as if it had just come out but no sooner had those words come out than she felt a rush of energy between her legs. She didn’t know why but all she knew was she did.

She picked up the first box and she carted it to the elevator and she waited for the lift to come. Down she went into the basement where she hauled the box over to a small door. She knocked on the door and a few minutes later, a bored man opened the top half of the door. “Yeah,” he said in a bored tone.

“Frank Atchinson sent me down with this,” Ginny said.

The man looked disdainfully at the box. “Why didn’t he bring it down himself?”

That was a very good question, Ginny wondered. Almost as good as why she’d let herself get suckered into doing the job for him.

The man behind the door didn’t seem to care. He just handed her a clipboard. “You got to sign here, he said. Put your name there and put Frank’s name there.”

Ginny did as she was directed to do. “You know, there’s three more of these boxes,” she said.

“Three more? My, my, my. Aren’t you the good, little helper.”

Ginny looked at the man. What did he mean by that, she wondered.

But if the man meant anything at all by it, he didn’t say anything more except that he’d be right here when she came back again.

One by one, Ginny lugged each of the four boxes down to the basement. The last of them had been the heaviest of them and Ginny had had to drag it to the elevator but of course, no big, strong men came out to offer and help her. Down in the basement, she signed the box in just like she had all the rest of them.

“That’s it then?” asked the man in the storeroom and Ginny nodded. “Well then, it’s been a pleasure doing business with you and feel free to come back here whenever you want to.”

Ginny nodded and once more, she rode the elevator back up to the fourth floor. She knew what she was going to do. She’d go into Frank’s office and she’d tell him off and then before he could say anything at all, she’d walk right back out of there and it would serve him right if she did.

The only thing was it didn’t quite work out that way.

Ginny walked into Frank’s office just as she had planned. “I done moved all dem boxes down to the basement, Massah,” she drawled. “You done want anything more wiff me?”

Frank was looking at her still standing there in his office doorway. “You know,” he said, “that’s the second time you called me master today and it’s got me thinking.”

Ginny had meant to leave but now she hung there in the doorway to his office and she found herself waiting with baited breath for whatever was going to come next.

“Come here, Slave.”

Ginny could hear bells ringing and she couldn’t have stopped herself even if she’d wanted to. She wanted to step forward, she told herself and her pussy, her pussy was just so hot. This must be what it’s like, she told herself. This must be what it’s like to listen with your heart.

“So the little Slave wants to know what I want to do with her, does she?”

Ginny nodded eagerly.

“Do it right,” Frank admonished her. “When you address me, you need to call me Master.”

Ginny stood there for a moment. Did he really expect her to call him that, she wondered but then she had heard the little bells ringing. Sure, she could do whatever she wanted but for the moment at least, she could play along with him. “Yes, Master,” she said.

Frank couldn’t help but grin at that. “I think someone’s beginning to understand her place now, isn’t she?”

“Yes, Master.”

“Come on then. Come around my desk.”

Ginny came around the man’s desk.

Frank stood. “Should we see what you got under this skirt here?”

“I guess.”

“You guess what?”

“I guess so ... Master.”

“But you shouldn’t have to guess. You should know.”

“I should know?”

“Yes, you should know. When your master says he wants to see up under your skirt, you should quickly tell him that that is exactly what you want, too.”

“I see,” Ginny said “I understand.”

“Uh uh. How do you say it?”

“I see,” Ginny said again. “I understand, Master.”

“I think I want to see under your skirt,” Frank said.

“I want you to see it, too, Master. I want you to see under my skirt.”

“I want you to bend over my desk, Slave.”

“I want you to,” Ginny said. “I want you to bend me over your desk.”

“No,” Frank scolded her. “No. Don’t just repeat what I say. If your master tells you he wants you to do something, you want to do it, to. Do you got that?”

“Yes, Master.”

“I think I’d like to see under your skirt, Slave.”

“Like this?” Ginny asked as she hiked up her skirt.

“You know what I want,” Frank said, “and remember how you’re supposed to address me.”

“I’m sorry, Master,” Ginny said. “I forgot.” Ginny couldn’t believe just how easily she’d let herself fall so easily but then it was easy when you listened with your heart.

“Don’t forget,” Frank said, “and show me what it is that I want to see.”

“Yes, Master,” Ginny said as she leaned over Frank’s desk. “Is this what you want, Master?”

Frank chuckled as he slid a hand up under Ginny’s skirt and Ginny could feel his fingers as they stroked her panties up hard against her pussy. “Yeah,” he said. “Yeah, that’s what I want. Tell me, Slave, do you like it when I touch you like this?”

“Yes, Master.”

“I’ll bet you’d like it if I took your panties down.”

Ginny could feel herself tense up at just the suggestion. She knew this was wrong. It was so wrong. She wasn’t supposed to let guys take her panties off at work and yet ...

And yet there were those damned bells tinkling again. She ... she ...

“What about it? Would you like me to take your panties down, Slave?”

“Yes, Master.”

Even Frank seemed surprised that she’d agreed with him on that. “You want me to do that?” he asked. “You want me to take down your panties?”

Ginny could feel his fingers pushing her panties up against her pussy and she couldn’t help letting out a soft moan. There was no hiding the fact that she was wet and there was no hiding the fact that she was getting wetter by the moment and besides, it just felt so right when she didn’t have to do all the work herself. “Yes, Master,” she said. “I want you to take down my panties.”

What the hell had she just said, Ginny asked herself a moment later and yet she knew it was too late because already, Frank was there and he was reaching up under her skirt and he was prying her panties up off of her bottom.

Ooh, that felt so good.

“Do you like that?” Frank asked.

“Yes,” she gushed.

“Yes? Yes what?”

“Yes, Master,” Ginny purred.

“Ooh, I like how you say that, but you know what I’d really like?”


“I’d like to see your pussy. What do you say? Do you want me to see your pussy?”


“Yes what?”

“Yes, Master. I want you to see my pussy.”

“Yes, I kind of thought you would.” Ginny could feel the man standing up behind her and then he was unzipping her skirt. “But first, we need to get rid of this.”

Her body was hardly resisting as Frank pulled her skirt down and suddenly, she was only clad in the hose that she wore. “What do you say?” Frank asked. “Should I keep on going?”

“Yes, Master.”

Frank couldn’t help but chuckle. “I kind of thought you’d say that,” he said.

Frank was coming up behind her again and Ginny was hardly surprised to see that he had his cock out.

“You have such a pretty pussy,” Frank told her.

“Thank you, Master. I’m glad you like it.”

“Oh I don’t just like it,” Frank said, “but I think you know that. I think you know what I want to do with your pussy.”

“What’s that, Master?”

“I want to fuck it,” Frank said.

“That’s what I want to,” Ginny gushed. “I want you to fuck my pussy.”

“Well now, how could I resist an offer like that,” the man said with a chuckle.

Ginny couldn’t help but moan as she felt the man’s cock push up against her pussy. Oh my God, she thought for just a moment. Oh my God. He’s really going to do it and then she moaned as she felt Frank push his way forward. He wasn’t going to do it, she told herself. He was actually doing it. He was fucking her pussy and her pussy actually loved it and even if no one was actually watching, she knew the whole office had to be listening in on this.

“Oh yeah,” Frank moaned. “Feels good, doesn’t it?”

“Oh yeah,” Ginny gushed.

Frank stopped what he was doing. “How did I say you were supposed to address me?”

Ginny rushed to correct her mistake. “I’m sorry,” she said. “I meant to say it feels good, Master.”

“That’s better,” Frank said as he once more resumed his fucking.

Ginny couldn’t help but moan. It was better.

“Oh fuck,” Frank groaned.


“Oh fuck. You’re going to make me cum.”

This was so wrong, Ginny told herself and it was wrong on so many levels but Ginny just couldn’t help herself. “I want you to, Master.”

“You want me to what?”

“I want you to cum.”

“Where?” the man groaned.


“Where do you want me to cum?”

“In your office?”

“No, no. Where?”

“In my pussy?”

“Fuck yeah. That’s it. Where do you want me to cum?”

“In my pussy, Master.”

The man didn’t say anything but then the truth was he didn’t really have to say anything because his cock was saying everything that needed to be said.

Ginny could feel Frank’s body draped over hers and and she could feel his cock pumping his cum inside her and it was only after Frank was done that he finally pulled himself free.

The funny thing was, Ginny knew as she picked herself up off of Frank’s desk, that for all of what she’d said before, Frank, in fact, wasn’t her master. She wasn’t sure how she knew it. She just knew he wasn’t her master. He was nothing more than a surrogate, if he was even that, until the real thing came along.

“You better get dressed,” Frank told her.

Ginny nodded.

“And remember,” Frank told her. “You can’t tell anyone what we did.”

Yeah right, like people wouldn’t know.

That, more than anything told her everything she needed to know. She was listening now. She was listening with her heart and she knew her master wouldn’t sound like that. She knew her real master wouldn’t sound so ... so scared.

“You promise?” Frank said.

“Sure. I promise.”

“That’s a good girl. You can get out of here.”

Ginny got dressed and she left.