The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Asking For It

Author’s note: Thanks to sex-obsessed-lesbian and Ella Enchanting for the constant nudges to get this written.

Maggie hadn’t changed much since college. Her dark hair still fell in a straight bob parted from the middle, and she was still wearing the exact same jean jacket over an otherwise upgraded wardrobe. Her soft-spoken demeanor still straddled that line between shy and mysterious, and she was still—objectively speaking—effortlessly attractive.

A few hours ago she had walked into Kate’s local coffee shop. Kate had nearly fallen off of her chair in surprise. It was jarring enough to bump into one’s old college fling after nearly a decade. But at the sight of Maggie, looking so familiar, Kate had been hit with an onslaught of memories. It suddenly came back to her: the intensity of their early fumbling relationship, the nervous excitement of exploring kink for the first time, and the particular strange thrill of being hypnotized, something she hadn’t done in years. She often recalled those formative experiences fondly, but it was different to see Maggie in person, and to have those memories spring up in her mind as fresh and vivid as ever.

They had chatted for an hour. And now, Kate thought with some delight as she opened her door, she had convinced Maggie to come back to her apartment. It was a friendly invitation, with no expectation of rekindling romance. But she knew that if something did develop … well. She wouldn’t complain.

“This is it,” she said with a sweeping gesture encompassing her small studio. She settled cross-legged on one end of her blue sofa (really more of a loveseat), and tucked a strand of long, wavy hair behind her ear as Maggie spun in place to take it all in.

“Very cute,” she said. “I like how you laid it out.”

She flashed one of those genuine grins that helped put Kate at ease. Kate always found Maggie a bit enigmatic, with a reserved nature that made it hard to read her thoughts. It might have been why their relationship never lasted past graduation. Back when Kate was young and insecure, she would often second-guess herself around Maggie, worrying about what the other woman really felt about her, and too nervous to simply ask.

But Maggie’s honest, radiant smiles were always easy to read, and this one assured Kate that she was also enjoying the reunion, and that inviting her over hadn’t been a faux pas. Kate smiled reflexively in return. “Thanks. I had to design a floor plan just to make sure all my stuff would fit. But I really like having a small space. It’s cozy.”

It was so cozy that when Maggie joined her on the other end of the miniature sofa, it placed them rather close to each other. If Maggie had also sat cross-legged, their knees would be touching.

Maybe Kate was the only one aware of that physical tension. It actually reminded her of the first time Maggie had ever put her into trance. They’d been seated close together on Maggie’s dorm room bed, and Kate remembered how electric that empty space between them had seemed right before they started, an awkward separation charged with possibility. They had played around with kink before then, but hypnosis was more of Maggie’s thing, and Kate had been utterly clueless of what she was getting herself into. This moment held a similar exhilaration, that sense of perching on the edge of the unknown.

The difference being that Kate had since built up the experience and confidence she once lacked. She knew how to bide her time, play it cool, and see where things went. “The only thing I still want to do is get some more plants,” she added, looking around and keeping her reminisces to herself. “The place could use some more greenery.”

Maggie’s lips quirked up as though Kate had said something funny. “You didn’t have much success with plants back in school, if I remember.”

Kate thought back to her ill-fated cactus, and was hit with the memory of it being used as an eye fixation. This was their second or third try with hypnosis, when Kate was still wrapping her head around it. She’d been expecting to feel controlled, but it hadn’t been like that at first. It felt more like being attuned to her partner, laser-focused on Maggie’s soft voice and touch. She had asked Maggie how to recognize the difference between hypnosis and simple concentration.

The next thing she knew, she was concentrating completely on the cactus in her windowsill. She was memorizing the position of every individual cactus needle, as Maggie pointed out the heaviness and stillness in her limbs. Maggie explaining how she couldn’t dislodge her eyes or her thoughts from the plant without them being pulled right back a moment later. Her focus narrowing down to a single needle, as Maggie showed her how distractions no longer mattered. How a hand sliding up under her shirt felt distant and unimportant. How hands on her breasts caused a far away pleasure she had no control over, because all she could truly focus her mind on was the image of that cactus, leaving her stuck body open and vulnerable.

Kate’s vision glazed over for a moment, as the perfect image of that plant popped into her head. She quickly got a hold of herself and laughed it off. “Well I’ve learned a thing or two since then. I’m a regular green thumb now.”

Maggie seemed surprise at the assertion, her eyebrows raising for a moment before settling into a look of calculation, as though Kate had just said something odd. “Is that so?”

The look threw Kate off balance, making her wonder if she had just missed something in the conversation. Back in their school days, that had been a common enough occurrence. Like the time Maggie gave her that look, and Kate suddenly stopped in the middle of her sentence to realize she’d been rubbing herself through her pants for the last few minutes, rocking her hips and whimpering. With no idea of where the arousal was coming from, when it had started, and no ability to curb her reaction to it. While Maggie sat there, watching her with a pleased little grin and hungry eyes, prompting Kate to continue whatever it was she had been talking about. And Kate finding her train of thought unraveling, as her insistent arousal grew to occupy every last corner of her horny brain, and her fingers did whatever they could to find relief.

Kate jumped to her feet, giving a silent prayer that she wasn’t outwardly blushing. “Hey, would you like something to drink? I have a good selection of tea if you’re a tea drinker. Black, green, herbal, whatever you want.”

Maggie was definitely staring now, though it was probably Kate’s runaway imagination that made her feel as though Maggie could see right through her.

“What do you recommend?” Maggie asked with slightly narrowed eyes, in a way that felt like a test.

“The green tea is pretty good,” replied Kate. She wasn’t sure why, she didn’t have any real preference, but the intense curiosity of Maggie’s gaze and the low heat in her pants were leaving her rattled.

Maggie seemed to find that amusing, and Kate saw her hold back a smile. “Water’s fine.”

Kate was grateful to turn her back as she filled a glass. She had to get a hold of herself. Maggie had probably noticed her squirming, maybe even guessed that she was getting off on the memories of their past exploits. Maggie, on the other hand, was perfectly composed, a well-behaved guest. Kate wasn’t about to ruin her chances tonight by coming off as desperate. Which was frustrating, because normally she was downright suave, an expert flirt, but Maggie seemed to bring back all those feelings of being young and needy and overwhelmed.

Then again, maybe Maggie hadn’t noticed anything. Maybe there was something else behind her inquisitive looks. Whatever the case, Kate had to calm down, and ignore the tiny sparks that kept going off between her legs. If she wanted this hookup to happen, she had to play it cool.

With a slow, deep breath, she turned and smiled, offering the water to Maggie and returning to her corner of the couch. After a small sip, Maggie put the glass to the side and scooted a fraction closer, leaning toward Kate in a conspiratorial way. Kate was very aware how the space between them seemed to be shrinking.

“So,” said Maggie, “we’ve talked about work, family, and apartments. I’m pretty sure the next topic is relationships.”

“I think you must be right,” Kate replied with a nervous thrill. They’d officially crossed a boundary she’d been looking forward to crossing.

“How is your love life, then? Are you seeing anyone these days? Feel free to change the topic if I’m being too forward.”

Kate flashed what she considered to be a suggestive half-smile. “Please, you know you can ask me anything. I have a few play partners these days, but nothing very serious.”

Maggie tilted her head just slightly, raised an eyebrow. “Do you still play with hypnosis at all?”

The question prompted an electric jolt of excitement and longing in Kate’s stomach that she carefully hid from her face. “No, not since we were together,” she admitted.

That might have been one of the reasons she felt so off-balance right now. She’d missed being hypnotized ever since they’d drifted apart, but never managed to find another partner who was interested. All she had were their past experiences, replayed so often in her mind that they’d been worn smooth and abstract over time. Now there was a real possibility of experiencing those things all over again, with the same person no less, and it was no wonder she was suddenly remembering and reliving every last jagged edge.

Like, for example, the sharp pleasure of Maggie’s fist in her hair, and the bite of dorm carpeting under her knees. Trying to lift her lidded eyes to see Maggie’s naked form hovering over her, but instead feeling her eyes roll back in response to a slight tug on her scalp. Not even thinking about the words being repeated by her lips, until the mumbled litany of ‘I’m a mindless slut’ was suddenly muffled by the press of Maggie’s warm, wet cunt over her mouth.

Kate held her breath, tried not to squirm in her seat. If she kept still, maybe she could enjoy the pleasure of these memories without letting it show. Because she clearly had no control over the direction of her thoughts right now. She wondered what Maggie would say if she knew what was going through Kate’s mind. Kate swallowed, mustering up the courage to maintain eye contact as she took things one step further.

“I would try it again if the opportunity presented itself, though. I wonder if it would feel different now, since I’m not so young and green, you know?” She laughed lightly and shrugged like it was no big deal, even as she imagined Maggie leaning forward and telling her to drop, right then and there. It sent a pleasant shiver through her. “What about you?”

“Oh, I hypnotize people when I can. I’ve gotten pretty good at it, if I may say so. But, like you, there’s no one serious.”

Kate felt her face start to heat. They were talking around it, but the prospect of hypnosis was definitely on the table. Now it was a question of who would make the first move. “I won’t say I’m green with envy, because I do alright for myself, but it’s cool you’ve found other people to trance with. I’ve never had any such luck.”

“That’s too bad,” Maggie said in her soft, thoughtful voice. “You know, back in school I used to worry sometimes whether you really enjoyed it, or whether I’d pressured you into it at all.”

“No way,” Kate assured. “I never felt pressured. And I always enjoyed it.”

“That’s good to hear. It really meant a lot to me back then.”

Kate hummed, lost for a moment in the memory of kissing Maggie’s lips with the hypnotically-induced desperation of a woman dying of thirst. She caught herself staring, and quickly snapped her gaze away from Maggie’s mouth and back to her eyes. “Yeah. Me too. I think I can appreciate those times even more now, now that I’m not so—”

She trailed off, losing her train of thought as Maggie unexpectedly slipped a hand under hers. They were touching now, Kate’s hand resting in Maggie’s upturned palm. It was a small gesture, but intimate and suggestive, and Kate felt an anticipatory tingling from the contact traveling up her arm.

“Green?” Maggie offered.

“Yeah. Green,” Kate repeated, not really remembering where the conversation had left off. It was hard to concentrate on banter when the warmth of Maggie’s hand promised better things to come.

“Out of curiosity, what did you like about being hypnotized?” Maggie asked.

Kate was pretty positive she was blushing now, dammit. “Oh, you know. I liked the feeling of getting into a different state of mind. Especially when it felt a bit out of my control,” she said.

“Of course. Like when you used to look in my eyes and feel yourself sliding into them, without being able to tell if it was because you wanted to, or because I was making you?”

It was almost a dare, and Kate could hear the teasing edge in Maggie’s voice. They were right on the edge of making things explicit. “You did have very pretty green eyes.”

“Still do,” said Maggie, raising her eyebrows and blinking slowly to emphasize the point.

Those eyes made Kate recall the feeling of staring into them as though into sea water, watching them take over her field of vision. Letting them drain away her energy, her agency. That one night it happened over and over again, waking and then falling into her eyes, waking, falling into her eyes, over and over until she could no longer tell the difference between trance and wakefulness. Until there was no difference. Or maybe there was only trance left. And those eyes were now in front of her, and they looked exactly as she remembered.

“You know what I liked best about hypnotizing you?” Maggie said, interrupting her thoughts.

“What’s that?”

“I liked that you were always so cooperative, so eager to go along with things. It helped me build up a lot of confidence as a new hypnotist.”

Kate felt the warm glow of the compliment, but didn’t have a thoughtful response. “Yeah?”

“Mm hm.” Maggie looked down for a moment, and Kate followed her gaze to their still-joined hands. Right. When had that happened? Maggie was moving her hand around a bit, rocking it back and forth, which felt overly familiar, but calming at the same time. Kate watched the top of her hand get nudged about, while her thoughts wandered elsewhere, wondering when they were going to take these suggestive reminisces and make them happen. Wondering what she had to do to make the innuendo explicit. Wondering how long she could last before breaking down and begging to be tranced.

“Do you remember the time I hypnotized you in the bathroom at Sarah’s birthday?”

Kate sucked in a breath and looked up again. She’d almost forgotten that one. But now the memory rushed back to her, as though she were right back in that bar’s cramped bathroom stall, giggling and pressing up against Maggie, hoping like hell that Maggie was about to drop her down and fast, because the party was boring and she wanted to do something fun. “Yeah,” she breathed.

“Remember how all I had to do was give you a look and touch your forehead?”

Kate looked into Maggie’s eyes and nodded. She was so turned on at the thought of it, she no longer trusted herself to speak. She wondered how she would respond if Maggie were to do that right this second.

“I thought you were going to be distracted by all the other people nearby. But you were so ready for it, you were already half in trance before I even started. You were so focused on me, that you didn’t even notice all the noise around us, or how still your body had become, or how ready you were to drop deep for me.”

Kate realized she was breathing heavily from the memory of it. She felt the tension of the moment wrapped around them both. “That was hot,” she managed.

“It was,” Maggie agreed. Her voice had dipped in volume, but they were leaning so close together, it wasn’t hard for Kate to hang on every word. “That was maybe the first time I could really tell that you wanted it, that you enjoyed sinking down into my words as much as I enjoyed putting you down there. It probably wasn’t the craziest thing we did together, but that’s the memory that sticks with me. Because I had never seen you so openly needy for it before.”

What was Kate supposed to say to that? She couldn’t deny it, because she was feeling the same need right this very moment. And she couldn’t think of anything else to add because she was so aroused, it took all of her concentration not to squeeze her thighs together.

Maggie continued, sparing Kate the trouble of responding. “I used to love watching your face go into trance. Even with your eyes open, I could always tell how heavy your lids felt. And your mouth usually dropped open, like it was too difficult to pull your lips together.”

Kate tried to picture it, what she would look like slack-jawed and helpless. Maybe if she parted her lips suggestively, Maggie would be inspired to make it happen again, but her plan fizzled out when Kate realized that her lips already seemed to be parted.

“Do you remember what dress you were wearing that day?”

Kate tried to picture it: the bathroom wall against her back, the muffled rock music coming from the bar, Maggie’s warm hand on her hip, the desire growing in her belly.

“The green one?”

Maggie was looking extremely pleased about something. “I don’t think you had a green dress.”

“Not green, the blue one,” Kate corrected, brow furrowing. She must have gotten distracted by Maggie’s eyes again.

“Yeah,” Maggie agreed, “I liked that dress on you. So I pulled you into the bathroom stall, and I looked into your eyes, and I touched your forehead, and I could see how all those distractions melted away for you in an instant, how your entire focus became my voice. Do you remember that?”

“Mm hm,” Kate hummed. She remembered every last detail.

“So here’s the thing,” Maggie continued. “I never told you, but there was a reason I knew how badly you wanted to be tranced that day.”


Maggie nodded without breaking eye contact. “A few days before, I had given you a suggestion that worked whenever you were secretly craving to be hypnotized.”

That wasn’t among Kate’s many vivid memories, and she blinked in confusion. “What?”

Maggie was now speaking in a near whisper, as though sharing a secret. “There was a particular word that meant you wanted to be hypnotized, and I told you to sneak it into conversation as many times as possible without noticing. I was surprised when you started using it in the middle of a birthday party. But that was why I pulled you into the bathroom stall. Because you’d been begging me for it all evening.”

“I don’t remember that.” Kate’s pulse quickened at the idea that she was once programmed to do things she still couldn’t recall. The thrum in her pussy had long ago blossomed into full blown heat coursing through her, and she felt frozen in place as Maggie brought her face in close.

“There’s one more thing.”


Kate thought she saw a hesitant look in Maggie’s eyes, but it vanished a moment later. Maggie smiled. “You’ve said that word ten times since I got here.”

Kate sucked in a breath. Her thoughts came to a halt.

“I … what?”

“You’ve been asking me to hypnotize you this whole time, Kate.” Maggie squeezed her hand, her expression eager and pleased.

The meaning of her words sunk in slowly. Kate had been asking for it. Which meant, she realized, that her outward composure had failed her. It meant that she wasn’t suave and she wasn’t in control. She was desperate for it, and Maggie knew that she was desperate for it.

And that meant there was no reason to hide it. No more reason to hold it in. Kate whimpered, ground her pussy against the seat cushion. “Fuck,” she keened, voice soft and shaking, because she didn’t have anything else to add. She couldn’t joke about it, she couldn’t deny it. It was too late for that. Everything was out in the open.

Maggie cupped her face, her low, rough voice sounding suddenly possessive. “Can you figure out what the word is?”

Kate shook her head back and forth, feeling the weight of it resting in Maggie’s palm. She tried to chase down this mysterious word, but her thoughts kept sliding away from the pursuit. That’s when it finally occurred to her that she was sliding into trance. Probably had been for some time. Her limbs felt heavy and distant, her lidded gaze was stuck on Maggie’s, her ears trained on her voice. It had been so long, she hadn’t recognized the symptoms. But now there was no mistaking that familiar disconnect, the sink downward, desired and inevitable.

She felt she had to let Maggie know. “I think I’m going into trance,” Kate said, and hearing it in her own diminished voice made her even more sure that it was true.

Maggie tightened the grip on her chin. “That’s because you want it so badly, don’t you? You can’t even help yourself, can you?”

Kate shook her head again. She heard a high, pleading whine, and it registered a moment later that she was the one making the sound.

“That’s right, you can’t even control it. But you know I could control it for you. I could take you far deeper into trance with just a word. And I could take you all the way out of trance, so that you would be in control of your thoughts again. Isn’t that right?”

Maggie whimpered by way of agreement.

“Then on the count of 5, you’re going to be wide awake, able to make your own decisions and in no way compromised by me or whatever else you might be feeling.”

Maggie counted to five, snapped loudly, and just like that, Kate found herself back in the room and back with her thoughts.

“Well fuck,” was all she could think to say.

She leaned back, ran a shaky hand through her hair. Arousal was still a distraction, and she still felt a bit addled, so it took a moment to wrap her head around what had just transpired.

“Hey there,” said Maggie, still grinning. “How are you feeling?”

Kate took stock of herself. “Good. A bit embarrassed.” She thought about it further, and smiled. “But definitely not in a bad way.” She felt great, in fact, horny and blissful and ready for more.

“Good. I just wanted to give you a chance to pull the breaks if you don’t feel like doing this right now. No pressure.”

Kate laughed, loud and incredulous. Leaning in close, she placed a hand on Maggie’s thigh and said, “Who’s pressuring whom? I seem to remember you telling me that I’ve been begging for it all evening.”

“That’s true.” Maggie wrapped a hand around the back of Kate’s head, threading her fingers into her hair. Those fingers tightened, only hinting at the promise of a hard yank, as Maggie looked her dead in the eye. “Then let me hear you beg for it in your own words.”

Challenge accepted. Kate stared back, letting all of that barely-suppressed longing bubble right back up to the surface. She played through memories of being stuck against a wall, arms stretched high above her, coming without being touched. She remembered losing control of her own hand, and watching it treacherously snap her back into trance. She remembered grinding against Maggie’s leg, eyes closed, turned on by the sound of her own moans. She remembered trying so, so hard not to be distracted by her own pleasure, as her pussy felt everything her tongue was trying to do to Maggie’s sweet cunt.

She thought of a few minutes ago, when she was slipping under without her conscious knowledge, begging without her conscious knowledge, and she wanted that again so badly it almost made her tremble. Even just concentrating on it made her mind go a little hazy, her vision go a little dim. And that delicious feeling stealing back over her made her want it even more.

“Please,” she said, her voice already going soft and rough with desire and the edges of trance. “I really really want you to hypnotize me and fuck me right now.”

Maggie pulled Kate towards her, and there wasn’t much distance to cross before their mouths connected. Maggie might have looked just like she did in college, but Kate could have sworn she’d become an even better kisser. Her lips were both firm and soft, hot and wet, her breath tasted sweet, and her teeth weren’t shy about nipping. A few deep kisses later, Maggie’s mouth began to move and trail along Kate’s jawline, licking and biting, until it was positioned directly at Kate’s ear.

“Luckily for me, it’s very easy to hypnotize horny sluts like you. And that’s because your brain is going to be my accomplice. You’re going to find yourself dropping right back down into trance, no matter what I say or do, aren’t you? That deep, deep part of you that wants it so badly, that part of you will start sending you signals. Maybe it’ll make your fingers and toes start to tingle. Maybe it’ll make your lids go heavy again. Maybe it’ll make you pay more attention to the shape of my words. And maybe there are other signs you’ll notice that tell you you’re ready to drop into a deep, suggestable state for me, that you couldn’t prevent it even if you tried. But of course, you don’t really want to try, do you?”

Kate shook her head, rapidly blinking. Sure enough, those sensations were creeping up on her again, and this time she recognized how her thoughts were beginning to trip over themselves. How her breath was slowing, her eyes losing focus as they drooped. The vibrations of Maggie’s words against her ear were slowly becoming the entirety of her focus while everything else dropped away.

“Good,” Maggie crooned. “That’s good. I’m so glad I bumped into you today. I can see how much you’ve wanted this. And I’ll bet you can go just a little deeper for me right now, can’t you?”

Everything became just a bit more distant as Kate nodded. She could feel herself slipping further with every passing second, but she wanted more. She wanted Maggie to take it the rest of the way, wanted to feel her assert control. The sharp pleasure traveling up her spine was just a tease of what was to come, and it would’ve made her squirm if it didn’t seem like too much effort to move. “Please,” she whined.

Maggie began stroking her cheek. “That’s right. You don’t have to hide anything from me, because I already know. I know you want this. So you don’t have to hold back what you’re feeling.”

A wave of pleasure rolled through Kate, and she made a pained noise, her hips canting forward on their own. It was becoming difficult to stay with the conversation when her thoughts felt so compromised by desire.

“I’m sure you want me to drop you much, much deeper, don’t you?

She nodded eagerly, still feeling those fingers against her scalp, and the tickle of Maggie’s breath at her ear. Those breaths were hard and loud, making Kate pant sympathetically. Maggie’s voice was more of a growl than a whisper.

“Then I’m going to ask you a very important question right now. Are you paying very close attention?”

Kate couldn’t possibly pay attention to anything else, and she nodded once again.

“What’s your color?”

Before Kate could even fully consider the question, her mouth was already forming the word “green.” And before she even reached the end of the word, Maggie tugged hard against her scalp. Snapped loud in her ear. And Kate felt whatever last resistance she’d been holding onto slip away as she melted with a grateful moan into Maggie’s familiar grip.