The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive


Chapter 3

by Abacab

“It isn’t fair. It isn’t right. I didn’t ask for this... I didn’t ask for any of this.”

“Maybe not, Jim. But this is where you are.”

“How can you just march into my life and take THAT away from me? I mean, that could drive a man actually insane. You have to know that. Do you just not care?”

“I know what I’ve done to you. But I don’t want to drive you insane.”

“Well, I’m starting to feel more than a little crazy.“

“Jim, let’s stop with this. None of it matters. Do you want to cum for me now?”

“Yes, goddammit, I want to cum. Do I have to cum for you?“


“Well, then, I guess I do want to cum for you now. I really need to cum.”

“I know you do. Please sit down.” Jim did so, and felt her sit behind him. He saw the screen come down in front of him as he felt her hands gently come to rest on his shoulders. “Start the video,” she said to no one in particular.

The video began. Julia’s fingers. Julia’s pussy. Jim felt an increasingly familiar warm, gooey feeling come over him immediately. He knew he must be grinning like an idiot.

“This video always takes you directly into hypnosis, doesn’t it, Jim?”

“Yes.” Jim felt her warm breath in his ear, the warmth of her face just next to his. Being so close to her made him feel... tingly. Her voice sounded wonderful.

“Yes, it does. It takes you there, deeper every time. It always feels so good to watch it. It always feels so good to go deeper every time.

“And when you’re hypnotized, you’ll do anything my voice tells you to. You’ll believe anything I want you to believe. You’ll know anything I want you to know, even if it’s not true. And it’s OK if it’s not true. But it is true that you’re very hard right now, isn’t it?“


“You’re hard because that’s what this video always does to you. You’re hard because you know you need to cum. You need to cum so badly. When this video plays, you will need my permission to cum. You know all that. And I’m giving you permission right now.”

Jim blinked and frowned. “Right now?”

“Yes, right now. You may take off your pants and show me what it looks like when you cum.”

Jim groggily looked to his right, past the edge of the screen. His deep reverie subsided. “Julia... Julia, there are all these people watching. You can’t expect me to...”

“Never mind that, Jim. Focus on the video.”

Jim could not focus on the video. All he could see were the hundreds of seated audience members visibly stifling their laughter.

“...Jim, you can’t help listening to me. You can’t help watching the video. It’s pointless for you to try and fight the video, to try and fight my voice. You will lose. It always feels so good when you lose.”

Jim was fighting anyway.

“Your eyes are already drifting back to the screen, back to my pussy. And your eyes meet the screen, you’ll immediately follow my fingers in those familiar circles. You’ll immediately fall in deep... deeper than ever.”

Jim had his eyes shut tight. He wasn’t going to let her voice win. He felt her move in closer.

“Your eyelids want to open, Jim. They want to open for me. Just like your body wants to cum for me. Just like you know you want to fall under my spell all over again, just like you want to do anything I tell you to.

“Your eyelids want to open. They’re opening. They’re so light. They’re opening all on their own, Jim. You are losing. You’ve lost. Your eyelids are opening, to see the video that makes you completely helpless to resist me, and there’s nothing you can do.”

Jim called upon every muscle in his face to keep his eyes shut tight. As his right eyelid fluttered open for just a moment, he could make out several audience members holding their smartphones aloft with their cameras facing him.

“Jim...” She put her arms fully around his shoulders. Jim could hear more sweetness and warmth enter her voice all at once, right along with an increased dose of confidence and authority. “...It only makes these people happier to watch you put up a fight like this. But up here, I can see your eyelids opening all... by... themselves.

“And more than that, I know you already know what’s on the screen. You’ve seen it in your head before. It made you cum so hard, just watching the video in your head. That was just the first time you watched it. Now it’s so much more powerful for you.

“I know that just thinking about watching that video is taking you deeper. Just thinking about my fingers circling, circling, circling... that takes you deeper... and the deeper you go, the more you need to cum for me. It is a losing battle. You know you’re losing. You know you’ve already lost.

“You can already see my fingers, my pussy, in your head. You might as well open your already-opening eyes and see it for real. Open your eyes. Open your eyes... stop fighting. Give in. Give in completely. It will feel... so... good.”

“No, Julia. ...I... I won’t.” It took everything Jim had to say it. His eyes were still fluttering open; as they did so, he worked overtime to fixate visually on the audience. Now he was trying to focus on the audience to block out both the increasingly vivid mental image of Julia’s circling fingers and the feeling from his throbbing, aching cock begging for release.

“You will, Jim, and this pointless fight will be over very shortly. I really do love watching you struggle. It makes me so hot.” She ran a fingertip over his chest as she pressed her mouth closer and closer in to his ear. “But it’s also starting to seem a little cruel. Why don’t I help you end this for both of us?

“In just a moment the fight will be over. You’ll be watching the screen with both eyes open. The image of my pussy and fingers will do what it always does to you. Waves of bliss will wrack your body as you surrender completely to hypnosis, as you surrender completely to me. And then you’ll show me—show us—exactly how you cum.“

Jim continued clenching his eyes as tight as he could, with his teeth following involuntarily. He felt Julia leave her seat.

He suddenly heard a commanding clap from directly in front of him. “Jim,” she said. “Up here. Now.”

He opened his eyes. There was Julia. Strange, he thought for a moment—she looks an awful lot like my first girlfriend Emily.

Behind Julia-Emily, there was a screen filled with Julia’s pussy.

And then, there was nothing else.

“Let’s finally get these pants off of you.”

Jim felt himself limply, passively complying as Julia-Emily undid his belt and pants. He was vaguely aware that the audience was howling with laughter. He couldn’t remember to keep caring, what with Julia’s pussy drawing him in over and over, what with the warm waves crashing over him again and again. His mind’s screams of resistance were only quelled by the endless waves of pleasure. The waves were louder than sense. They were much more irresistable.

“Now,” she said, Julia-Emily’s voice now coming once again directly from his ear—or was that inside his head?—“now, touch yourself.”

Jim immediately did so. It felt as if his cock was actually screaming now.

“That feels unbelievably good, doesn’t it?”

“Mmmmmmmmmmyes, yes, yesyesyesyes.”

“So good, in fact, that you’re already cumming.”

“Unnnnnnh. ...Unnnnnnnnhhhh.”

“That’s right. That’s right. Now... cum for me.”

The crowd roared.

* * *

Jim was absolutely livid to awaken to the sticky mess all over his boxer shorts and stomach. He swore continuously while cleaning himself off over the toilet.

After starting the coffeemaker, he marched toward his laptop and sat down on the toilet. The second it powered on, he deleted both Julia’s first email and the attachment itself, then immediately emptied the trash.

Still stinging with blistering rage and indignation, he tabbed into his email client and began writing a missive.

This has been an incredibly fucked-up couple of days. I don’t know who you think you are, but you have no right to do this to me or to anyone. I definitely didn’t ASK you to do any of this to me.

I will probably need professional help to fix myself up now. The worst part is that I really have no idea how I’m going to explain any of this to a professional who can help, or what kind of professional I’d even call. I’m damn sure not going to tell my therapist.

But for starters, I deleted all the copies of your video. Thought you should know. I’m not going to let myself be turned into some helpless plaything for you, and I’m definitely never going to watch your damn video ever again. Sorry if you were hoping to get off on that.

Actually, no, I’m NOT sorry. You’re still a stranger to me, but it’s already clear that you are pure fucking evil. I want nothing to do with you. Never call or email me again. And please, PLEASE seek some professional help yourself.

* * *

As perfectly as this email seemed to express his current feelings, Jim decided to wait until he’d had a head-clearing cup of coffee to press “Send.”

Sipping while staring at the screen, he found a few flaws in his impromptu writing. The email sounded far too vulnerable and open, and—just maybe—was also a bit too harshly worded. He was not accustomed to telling people that they were “pure fucking evil,” even when they obviously were pure fucking evil. But pure fucking evil people had feelings too... or, at least, they sometimes did.

Jim set about adding things, replacing things, deleting things he’d added and/or replaced, re-adding and re-replacing things, re-deleting the re-additions and re-replacements.

Fifteen minutes’ worth of revisions later, he looked the whole thing over and sighed. Now it was just an incoherent mess. He couldn’t send this senseless thing.

After pouring a second cup, he came back to the laptop, deleted everything in the email’s body, and started over.

Alright, I do have questions. Let’s meet tonight, somewhere public. Let’s also be clear: We’re going to end the night where we start the night, in full public view. I’m not coming home with you, you’re not coming home with me, nobody is going to try and “hypnotize” anyone. I have work in the morning so I need to be home no later than 9:30. We’re going Dutch this time. I hope you’ll understand why I will feel a need to keep an eye on my drinks.

He hit “Send” right away this time. Then he sighed and started a new message:

Hey, Wes, I know this will all sound a little weird, but I am headed out to the far west suburbs tonight to maybe add a big batch of LPs to the collection. The seller is being kind of sketchy and weird, though... you know how Craigslist is sometimes. I’m sure I’ll be totally fine, but can you call me tonight around 10? If I don’t answer, or if I sound funny at all, you could maybe call the cops.

I’ll leave info on where I’m headed on my desk in the bedroom, just in case, and you already know where the key is at. Sorry, again, I know I’m probably just being paranoid.

* * *

“Jim, please, calm down. You’re going to start attracting attention.”

Jim dropped his arms back down to his sides. He looked around at the same coffee shop he had seen in the background of Julia’s latest video just 24 hours prior. Once again, she’d picked a relatively quiet table out of the way of the rest of the clientele. He knew she was right; his voice was reaching a pitch that might cause the closest ears to perk up from their location some 15, 20 feet away.

“Yeah, OK, I’m sorry. But you can understand why I’m angry, right? I mean, now you’re in my dreams...”

“That wasn’t my doing, Jim. It had nothing to do with me. I can’t help it that I’m in your dreams, any more than I can help what I did to you in your dream.”

Jim couldn’t believe that he’d started out their Q&A “date” by telling her everything she’d done to him in the dream. He couldn’t believe he was talking about any of this with her at all... let alone in full public view.

“OK, I need to know, Julia—I remember that you planted a few suggestions on the phone. I need to make sure I remember all of those suggestions. So you did not put yourself in my dream on purpose?“

Julia laughed. “No, I did not suggest anything like that. I don’t think that suggestion would have worked if I’d tried.”

“Oh... huh. And you are being totally honest with me, right? It’s already so unfair, what you’ve done...”

“Jim, look,” she said, sipping her latte, “I know you have no reason to believe or trust me at this point. But I’m being fully open and honest with you. I plan to keep being fully open and honest with you for as long as you talk to me and know me. And I promise you I didn’t ‘put myself’ in your dream.”

Jim stared at his Americano, considering whether or not to take her word for it.

“I mean, Jim, there’s an obvious and simple explanation for this. You say you went to bed very frustrated. Your body needed a way to put an end to that frustration. That’s exactly what wet dreams are for.”

“So in a way, that means you did put yourself in my dream, because...“

“Look, how was I supposed to know you were going to watch that video last night? And even if I could have known, how was I supposed to know that you’d turn on the subtitles? How was I supposed to know that any of those suggestions would actually work? I mean, suggestions like that don’t work on everyone, Jim. Usually the masculine urge to ejaculate overpowers just about any suggestion a hypnotist could possibly issue.”

“So what you’re saying, then, is that I’m a weak and suggestible man. Or I might as well not be a man...“

“I didn’t say any of that, Jim. I certainly don’t feel that way about you either. And I’m still being fully honest... you seem like a strong man to me. Just look at the way you worded that email to me this morning. Strongly worded... so very strongly worded, it was actually pretty offputting.“

Jim stared more intently at the decaf coffee on the table.

“I mean, I had to think for a while if I should even come to meet you. You were obviously really upset with me, and that’s not cool with me either.”

“I was, Julia, I was upset. I’m... I’m sorry if that put you off. I’m just really confused, I guess. I don’t think I like what you’ve done to me the last couple of days. I just don’t feel like myself at all.”

“We can talk about that a bit more in a while, but I want you to consider something. I didn’t ‘plant myself’ into your dream. But maybe I was in your dream because you wanted me to be in your dream.“

Jim looked up at Julia. She laughed a little.

“I know, that probably sounds arrogant or presumptuous or something. But it’s not. I really don’t think I’m anything special. No, you were just trying to work out what I had done to you. You were probably also trying to work out what you might want from me in return.”

“Julia, I don’t always claim to know myself, but I definitely do not want to be hypnotized into jacking off in front of rapt, paying crowds.”

Julia laughed again. “No, of course not, and let’s be clear—I’d never do that to you either. It’s not my style.”

“Well, that’s a relief, at least...”

“...Unless, I guess, you changed your mind later on, and decided you did want...” Julia’s eyes flickered playfully in obvious jest. Jim still thought he ought to take the potential threat seriously and immediately cut her off.

“No, Julia. That will never happen.”

“Well, there you go. It will never happen. Not if it’s not what you want.”

“And I don’t know that I wanted any of this either, Julia, but yet it seems to be happening.“

“But that’s my bigger point, Jim. On some level, you must have wanted some of what has happened. You were curious. You let me hypnotize you in the first place. That’s just not possible if you don’t want it.”

“It isn’t, huh? How was I ever supposed to know I ‘wanted’ that? I had never even heard of anyone doing this shit before you called me.”

“That part didn’t matter. If you disliked what was happening as it was happening, you would have just snapped out of it.”


“Really, Jim. That’s how it works. All hypnosis is basically self-hypnosis.”

Jim recalled reading something to this effect during his previous day’s research, and wondered how true it really was.

“So... you believe I liked being hypnotized and then seduced into jacking off for a total stranger over the phone...”

“Some part of you obviously did like that... although I should remind you that you never actually began masturbating while I was on the line...“

“...and you also believe that I liked not being in control of my own body, to the point where...” Jim leaned in. “I mean, Julia, last night was horrible. I just... I just couldn’t finish. It was humiliating and terrifying and just fucking horrible.“

“I know it probably was, Jim. And I’m really, really sorry it was so horrible.”

“You really have no idea.”

“Probably not. And, again, that was not my intention nor my expectation. But I’m sorry.” Julia took another sip, eyeing Jim over the top of the rim.

Jim stared at the table through a moment’s silence, looking up after a moment with renewed anger.

“...But you’re not sorry, Julia. You came up with and planted those suggestions. You wanted them to work.“

“Yes, I did. And yes, I’m glad that they worked... but I am also truly sorry that they’ve caused you such distress. It’s not really fun for me if it’s not fun for my subject... for my partner.

Jim let that last word sink in. He stared at Julia.

“I’m not your partner. I’m not sure I want to be. Not if this is the way it’s going to be with you. I mean, that’s all I really know about you, Julia—you apparently like doing... this to men.“

“I do. But I only like doing it if we’re both enjoying it.”

Julia leaned in.

“I know you don’t know me, Jim. And like I said, that’s alright. I don’t really know you either. But I can already tell you are trustworthy and a good person. I find you attractive enough, both physically and as a person.

“This thing, what I’ve ‘done to you,’ that is a very important part of my sexuality. And I want you to know that I’m actually making myself really quite vulnerable to you in doing this as well... maybe more vulnerable than you are. I mean, I have actually never really done this quite this way with another man.”

“...That’s got to be bullshit.”

“No, it’s true. I’m not saying I’ve never hypnotized anyone before as part of my sex life with someone else. I’ve done that a lot. But this is the first time I’ve brought it in from the get-go, that I’ve let you know basically right away.”

Jim looked at Julia through a furrowed brow. “Jesus, why the fuck am I the ‘lucky’ guy?“

“I wish I could tell you. I’m not going to be ridiculous and claim it’s because I ‘just know we’re going to be great together’ or anything like that...”

“...and I hope it’s not because you could tell I was easy prey.”

“Actually, you’re not ‘easy prey.’ You’re a good subject. There’s a big difference. And no, I couldn’t tell that either... not at all. Not until I walked you down into trance on the phone the other night.”

“So why, Julia? Why me?“

“I don’t know. I think I’ve become impatient in my old age. I get into relationships with guys, and we go the traditional route with dating, and when the time comes I try to explain it... sometimes they just don’t get it, and sometimes they try to play along but they just really aren’t into it, or they’re just not very good at it.

“It’s just too important to me to invest myself and waste all this time on someone if it’s not something we can share. I always feel empty in a relationship where it’s just not a viable option.

“So I sort of came to a point, not very long ago, where I said to myself, ‘This is something you need to figure out before you let yourself really go anywhere with a man.’ And...”

“...And that’s when I came into the picture.” Jim rolled his eyes. “Fuck.”

“Yeah, that’s pretty much it, Jim.”

“Tell me, Julia... have you ever actually had a relationship where this little... fetish of yours was somehow satisfied... where you were fully sated?“

“Yes... but just once.” Julia’s eyes got faraway and dreamy. “I can’t say that I don’t sometimes still wish that one had worked out. But fulfilling a kink, sadly, isn’t everything either. I don’t really miss him... even if I still miss what we did.”

Jim wondered what that relationship had looked like... and how it had ended. He felt sort of sorry for the guy. He got a mental image of a useless shell of a former human being, probably rocking back and forth in a psychiatric ward somewhere, constantly asking the nurses to tell him to cum.

Julia looked at her watch. “Look, Jim, it’s 20 after 9. So can I ask you a few questions before you have to go?“

“I... I guess.”

“Have you enjoyed any part of this experience so far?“

Jim stared at the floor.

“I... OK, I have to admit part of me has enjoyed it. It felt really... nice.“

“And kinda hot?”

“Yeah... yeah, kinda hot.” Jim downplayed his feelings through Julia’s wording, simultaneously feeling his cock stir as he helplessly recalled the feelings of two nights prior... of even the dream that had awakened him first thing that morning.

“Do you think part of you maybe wants to go further with this kind of experience... to go further into this with me?”

Jim twiddled nervously, hesitating to answer. “Yes, Julia... part of me does. But another part of me is really, really scared.”

“I can understand that. Do you think there’s anything I could do to make you trust me?”

“I mean, Julia... I barely know you. What if we slowed down a little? What if you waited until I understood what you were doing, until I knew who you are, and what you want to do to me...?” On second thought, Jim couldn’t believe it had come to this—discussing a hypothetical serious relationship with someone who had sent him a video of herself masturbating after the first date and used it to extensively fuck up his head.

“No, wait, Julia, let’s start with this: I need to know what you suggested the other night on the phone. I need to know exactly what you told me... what, exactly, you told me to feel afterward.

“...Because until I know that any of this is real, until I know that whatever interest I may suddenly have in you is real and natural and not the predestined product of something you somehow did to me... I am never going to be able to trust you.“

Jim looked at Julia staring deeply into her own mug. He realized she was looking more lovely to him tonight than ever before. But he also needed her honest answer to know that he hadn’t been tricked into feeling that way.

“Jim, I understand, and here’s what I told you, in case you worry you don’t remember something. I helped you see my pussy as ‘beautiful.’ Of course, I’d like to think that any man staring at any vagina for any length of time would start to see that vagina as ‘beautiful,’ but what do I know?

“Beyond that, I told you you could watch the video as much as you wanted, and you’d go under every time, and you’d get hard every time, and you wouldn’t be able to have an orgasm while watching without my permission. And all of that is supported in the subtitles...”

“...which I can’t re-watch to verify. I actually deleted the video this morning.”

“Oh.” Julia actually looked a little hurt for the first time, but shook it off quickly. “Well, anyway, that’s all of what I told you. I didn’t ‘make’ you feel or believe anything else. And again, the fact that any of this worked at all tells me that part of you, maybe all of you, wanted those suggestions to work.“

Jim let it all sink in. “So that’s it. You didn’t tell me I had to watch the video last night...”


“...And you didn’t tell me I’d have to meet you again, or have to talk to you, or...”

“No, none of that. I told you while you were hypnotized that you had seven days to call me of your own volition, if you wanted to proceed.”

“...And you also didn’t tell me I’d think of you constantly, or start finding you more and more beautiful, more attractive?”

Jim saw a complex sequence of emotions on display in Julia’s face. A flash of surprise, followed by a look of affection and gratitude, ending in a distant but unmissable glimmer of disappointment as she realized he might not have been so into her or her looks in the first place. He instantly regretted the misstep, but thankfully, her face finally settled on “pleased.”

“No, Jim, I didn’t do that either. Whatever may be happening for you there, is... that’s all you. I wish I could prove to you that making you suddenly find me attractive or something via hypnosis just isn’t my style.

“But it doesn’t matter anyway. You will always get to decide what sticks. If you don’t like a suggestion I’ve given you, it just won’t work.”

Jim looked at Julia and laughed. “I’m sorry,” he said. “This was supposed to be your turn to ask questions.”

“It’s OK. I mean, I guess that was pretty much the scope of what I felt like asking, at least right now.”

Jim and Julia both stared at the ground.

“So, Julia...”


“...if I let you proceed with this... and I think I’m crazy for even considering it, but... what do you think... what would you try and... try and do to me?“

Julia laughed and looked at her watch. “It’s 9:32, Jim.”

“That’s OK, I mean, I don’t have to be home at...”

“No, Jim. That’s a longer and more confusing answer than I think I can give. That’s if I believe I can even answer that question. And, honestly, I’m not sure I can.” She grabbed her handbag and stood from the table.

“Oh, so you’re going, then?”

“Yeah, I am. You’re already late getting home. I’ll think about my answer to that question, though. And if we see each other again, then maybe I can answer it at that time.”

Julia began walking away from the table. Then she abruptly turned around, leaning down to Jim’s ear level.

Her sudden breath in his ear was as warm, welcome and sweet as it had been in the dream. Jim felt goosebumps on both arms.

“I can’t put myself into your dreams tonight, Jim; I never could,” she cooed. “But I can’t say I don’t hope I turn up again. And if I do turn up in a dream tonight... I just hope I’m much, much nicer to you this time.”

As Julia turned away from Jim and continued walking toward the coffee shop door, she turned to face him one last time from a distance. “Hey, Jim... do you regret deleting that file?”

Jim looked at her blankly, embarrassed of the public question and unsure of the best response.

“OK. Don’t worry. I can just send you a replacement.”

With that, Julia was gone.