The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Title: Blindfold

AN: This story is intended to be enjoyed as a fantasy by persons over the age of 18—similar actions if undertaken in real life would be deeply unethical and probably illegal. © MoldedMind, 2020.

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Judy had called to say she was coming over. She hadn’t told Elise exactly when she was planning to arrive, but had told her she’d stop by sometime that day. She hadn’t given Elise direct instructions, but they had a tacit understanding; they’d been doing this for awhile now. When Judy told Elise that she was “going to stop by that day” it meant that when Judy showed up, she wanted to find Elise ready and waiting for her; in a prepared state.

And somewhere between Judy’s training and Elise’s own inspiration, she’d found that the best way to prepare herself was to put on the blindfold Judy had given her, take off her clothes, and seat herself on the floor of her living room— and wait.

The first step was always to put on the blindfold, which Elise kept in the top drawer of her bedroom dresser. It was the first gift Judy had given her, only a few weeks after the beginning. At first, it had been Judy’s skillful fingers that had carefully placed the blindfold and tied it in place, looping the fabric over itself in fluid movements. Every time Elise tied the blindfold herself, she thought of Judy doing it, in the beginning. When she stood in front of the mirror and raised the piece of fabric to her own eyes she remembered the look of concentration in Judy’s when she had done the task.

When she pulled the blindfold back until it was snug against her skin, and skirting the lines of her cheekbones, she remembered when Judy had transitioned into showing Elise how to tie it properly herself. She remembered Judy’s hands over hers, manipulating Elise’s fingers to do the task for her, until she’d picked up the muscle memory and she could do it without assistance.

As she stood there, then, enacting what had since become a familiar habit, she thought finally of when Judy had stepped back to watch her tie it alone. On a few occasions, she had asked Elise to do it over and over again. She’d kept her going for hours, really driving the pattern into her memory. As soon as Elise pulled the final knot tight, before she could even drop her hands, Judy would cut her off with an abrupt, “again,” until finally she’d told her she could stop. Elise was grateful now that Judy had been so adamant that Elise do it until she could do it perfectly. It made it much easier for her to do now.

Elise finished tying the blindfold, and she savored the feeling of it blocking out her sight. The descent of darkness always gave her a small thrill, and it spurred her into the next task: undressing.

Like with the blindfold, Elise had gotten plenty of practice undressing herself while wearing the blindfold. It was somewhat counter-intuitive to undress after obscuring her vision, but she enjoyed it more this way. While she still had her sight, undressing was nothing special. But with the blindfold on now, the experience was transformed. As she removed her top, she felt the surrounding air of the room envelop her skin.

It wasn’t cold exactly, but there was a slight chill that always followed removing a layer and baring yourself to the air. This slight chill would be barely noticeable if accompanied by visual stimulus, but the complete lack of vision enhanced its power several times, so that Elise shivered slightly as she felt the air on her skin.

When she had stripped herself to naked, she took special care as she always did to fold her clothes in a neat pile and leave them on her dresser. A controlled mind was an ordered mind, and thanks to the obedience Judy had slowly drawn her into, Elise always revelled in any outward displays of order and submission. The ritual of preparing for Judy’s arrival was almost as satisfying to Elise as the arrival itself.

With her blindfold secured, and her clothes folded, the final step was to walk, blindfolded, from her bedroom to the living room. This had been the hardest part of Judy’s training— she was clumsy by nature, and at first had found it very easy to get turned around and end up in her kitchen or bathroom without meaning to. Like with the tying of the blindfold, Judy had stood back and watched as Elise navigated her apartment blind. She had not commented. And when Elise thought she had reached her destination, she would call out and tell Elise that she had arrived. Then Judy would tell her where she had actually ended up, and told her to walk back into the bedroom and start over.

It had taken many hours of walking blindfolded for Elise to finally learn the route from the bedroom to the living room, but now she was so certain in her steps that she made the trip with no difficulty. She walked confidently from her bedroom, not stumbling at all, and totally sure of the invisible path she had learned to follow, keeping her head up and shoulders squared as Judy had once instructed her too. Judy gave instructions rarely, and they had become even rarer as time had gone on, but Elise remembered every one, and only needed to be told once to follow it indefinitely.

When at last Elise had reached the spot Judy had first selected for her, just several paces to the right of her apartment door, she descended into a kneeling position. Judy had chosen the spot carefully— when Judy put her spare key in the lock and swung the door open, Elise would not be visible from the hall, but Judy would only need to look slightly to the side to spot her.

There was a reinforced cushion in the exact spot for Elise to kneel on, and it stayed there all the time, even when it was not in use. At first Elise had found it strange, but in passing during the shuffle of her every day life, she had come to feel positively toward it. In some ways, this waiting time was her favorite moment in any given week, and often when she saw the cushion there, waiting for her, she felt eager to kneel on it again.

The cushion meant Elise could kneel for hours, and neither her legs or knees would become sore. She could wait indefinitely until Judy opened the door. And she never knew how long she would be waiting— sometimes Judy arrived within an hour of the call announcing her visit; sometimes she arrived 9 or 10 hours later. The first thing Judy said when she came in the door was the amount of time Elise had been waiting.

Elise had often pushed Judy to leave her for days instead of hours. But Judy had refused: it would be dangerous to leave Elise for that long. Judy had trained her well enough that Elise could wait perfectly without feeling hunger or discomfort, and without needing to get up and use the bathroom. But expecting Elise to wait for days without eating or drinking or standing to use the bathroom was not possible. Or at least, as Judy had said only once— not possible at Elise’s apartment with the “current setup.”

Judy had not expanded on this comment at the time, nor had she ever returned to it at any other time. Judy was generally pretty cryptic by nature, so Elise had gotten used to this. But the offhand comment had given birth to a very strange fantasy in Elise’s mind: to have the “right setup,” whatever that was. So that she could be left waiting, for days or even weeks, with her body receiving any necessary nourishment and having its needs satisfied without Elise’s conscious participation. She would just kneel there, waiting indefinitely, her body being serviced and kept functional without her knowledge, until Judy finally retrieved her.

Elise didn’t know enough about Judy’s residence to know if she possessed the necessary elements of this set-up. She didn’t know enough about any of this even to imagine what kind of machinery or technology might be used to meet the criteria. But Judy had an air about her that made Elise think that maybe— maybe she had arranged something like this before, with someone else. Or, even if she hadn’t, that she knew how to go about setting up a scenario like that.

It was a powerful fantasy, even if the details were blurry. Kneeling in place was enough to make Elise feel like she was already living it. From the moment she kneeled down to the moment the door opened, time stopped and ceased to exist for her. She might as well have been waiting for days, or weeks.

The thrill of the waiting was more than just the timelessness, though. The longer she waited, the more her mind became empty, and her thoughts blurred and slow, until finally her thoughts were all gone. They were slipping away from her now, and her breathing was slowing down. With an empty head, and completely lost in time, Elise knew without words that this was the most perfect obedience she could give, and that pleased her because she knew when she gave perfect obedience, she pleased Judy. It started a positive feedback loop that fed on itself— the longer she sat there, thoughtless, and outside of time, the more pride she felt in her own obedience. And the more pride she felt at serving Judy in this way, the more she was rewarded with pleasure.

The waiting became an endless drifting through pleasure and satisfaction that never ended, only became stronger with each eternal passing second. And everything fed into this pleasure and satisfaction: her sightlessness, the feeling of the cushion under knees, the feeling of the air on her skin. It increased forever, and never found a peak or plateau.

The last, and most special part of the waiting was knowing that Judy might be observing her like this. As her mind grew more lost in the experience this knowledge became increasingly less conscious and more of a subconscious impression. But when she was first kneeling, it was prominent in her mind, and it was usually the last thought she had before she lapsed into total wordlessness.

Judy had only suggested it after Elise was very well trained, and when she had, the thought had been so exciting to Elise she had agreed immediately. And so Judy had sent a crew to install cameras around Elise’s living room. When Elise was kneeling and waiting for her, it was always a possibility that Judy was sitting somewhere at home and watching Elise wait from multiple angles. But Elise never knew when she was and when she wasn’t. The idea that she was was the most pleasing part of the waiting. She pleased Judy with her form, with her patience, and by being motionless art for her— a statuesque monument to her own obedience, and Judy’s control.

On occasion, as a special gift, Judy would leave a USB for Elise after a visit, and the USB would contain a digital recording of Elise, kneeling, as seen from many different angles. The recordings were only ever twenty or thirty minutes long, but Elise would find herself watching them over and over again without needing to be told. Every time she did, she grew more eager for Judy’s next visit. And then, just as subtly as Judy had left the USB behind, she would retrieve it and take it with her the next time.

When she watched the videos Judy left for her she craved the privilege of kneeling and waiting again. When she walked past the cushion, where it sat patiently waiting for her on the floor, she craved the privilege of kneeling and waiting again. But it was always forbidden to her, until Judy called and announced a visit. So at last when she was kneeling and waiting again, as she was so lucky to be doing now, she felt all of it. The anticipation that stretched back hours and days and weeks, and months, all the way to the beginning of her acquaintance with Judy, and it made the waiting even better. And it gave Elise that delicious taste of what waiting for much longer would feel like.

At last, as always happened, the sound of the key in the door announced Judy’s arrival, and even in her mindless state, Elise thrilled at Judy’s arrival. Judy spoke, sharing that Elise had been waiting for 5 hours; information that only slipped into Elise’s subconscious and which her conscious mind could not hear. To Elise, for a few more seconds, she was as stranded in her waiting as she had been the whole time, so much that she was not aware of Judy’s approach. It was only when Judy cupped Elise’s cheek with her hand that she began to be aware again — and then, only enough to know that her next command had been triggered: to stand, and walk blindfolded back to the bed, with Judy following her.

The only thing better than preparing for the waiting, and then the waiting itself was the rewards in pleasure that Judy paid to her at last upon her arrival. The two of them fell into Elise’s bed together, and Elise felt her mind becoming simultaneously clearer and murkier from the pleasure Judy was giving her. In the depths of this pleasure state, where Judy always found a way to lead her deeper, she dreamed again of feeling it forever— waiting forever, whether Judy was watching or not.

This feeling stretched on for a second eternity, in which Elise simultaneously felt everything acutely and was completely unaware of it. At last, Judy’s fingers slipped beneath the band of Elise’s blindfold, and undid her perfect knot. With her sight restored to her, Elise immediately woke to complete awareness. And as she and Judy got on with the more normal part of their night together— friendly interaction, a good dinner, and finally sleep— Elise knew she was already eager for her next chance to wait. And when the two of them finally went to bed for the night, Elise went with one last, wistful look at the cushion which always waited for her. And in her dreams, she dreamed of waiting.

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