Case of the Cumbrains
Victor settled into his seat at his desk, cracked his neck, and sighed through his nose. A quick glance at his calendar showed tomorrow circled in red, and a quick glance at his computer showed a blinking red “5” over the Eris icon. He kind of smirked to himself and pulled up the window. He had a feeling he knew who’d been pestering him, and sure enough, five messages lit up as soon as Eris finished loading.
- G:
- G:
- G:
yo VEX where you AT
- G:
vex i swear to goddess if you dont fucking say something
- G:
- V:
Listen, I know you’re absolutely smitten with me, but the constant badgering is a little much.
- G:
- G:
little mister “oh uh sorry gale i have to go to the doctors to make sure my dick isnt going to fall off”
- G:
- G:
was the doctor hot at least
- G:
five bux says she was a succubus with some fuckboy nurse blushing beside her the entire time
- G:
all pretending she’s not about to succ that dick DRY as soon as youre out the door
- V:
Yeah, not quite. She was a lamia. Probably an Asklepian?
- V:
Anyway, I actually just got back from the pharmacy. The doctor set me up with a prescription for, uh
- G:
for what
Victor felt his cheeks tinge with heat. There was no real easy way to say it, so he might as well just rip the bandage off. Gale would understand. It wasn’t something he’d gotten by choice. Just some infection that had fluttered through the air. He sighed through his nose once more and got it over with.
- V:
Apparently I have cumbrains.
- G:
oh no!
- G:
holy shit, when did you find out?
- G:
like how many days in i mean
- V:
The doctor said we caught it early, so it’s not too bad.
- V:
definitely explains why I’ve been zoning out sometimes, though.
- V:
And why I’ve been flubbing punctuation, too. Ugh.
- G:
“oh jeez gale every time i jerk off i lose IQ points”
- G:
“gale do you think this is going to affect my performance in the competitive erotic roleplay circuit”
- G:
“i wonder how many times its going to be before i forget the apostraphe in the possessive imperative”
- V:
Technically it’s every ejaculation, not just masturbation.
- V:
Also, apostrophe*
- G:
“ah fuck do you think i might end up not being a joyless pedant if i have too many nondescript ejaculations gale oh no” :(
Victor rolled his eyes and leaned back in his seat. He could always count on Gale to cheer him up. Or attempt to make light of a potentially debilitating condition he’d come down with. No pun intended. His smirk returned, and Victor took solace in the fact that he at least had the presence of mind to spot wordplay. Even if it did kind of tie into his illness. Ping. Ping. God, but Gale just wouldn’t shut up, would she?
- G:
so what kind of medicine did you get
- G:
libido suppressants and stuff?
- V:
Yeah, more or less. Apparently it really only lasts a week and change, so I’m already a fair bit through it.
- G:
that’s good!
- G:
- G:
but you’ve got the H gene?
- V:
- V:
That’s the big problem.
- V:
And kind of the reason why I don’t think I’m actually going to end up taking the stuff she prescribed.
- V:
The suppressants I got would technically remove the impetus to, you know, “self-satisfy,” but the H gene means I’d get backed up real quick.
- G:
i feel like i’ve only heard you complain about getting backed up once or twice tbh
- V:
Yeah, it’s not something I like doing too often. Hurts a lot.
- V:
I’m not, like, an especially “lusty” young man, so I think I’ll be fine not taking the suppressants.
- V:
I’m just going to ration myself to prevent buildup.
- V:
To be frank, I’d rather feel kind of loopy for a day or two over having my balls ache.
- G:
rationing masturbation
- G:
what a time to be alive
- G:
“ive got three jerk-off stamps here, what can i get for that”
- G:
“times are tough, vex. i can get you a nursing handjob video but that’s the best i can do right now”
- V:
I think you’re projecting.
- G:
im not getting defensive, YOURE getting defensive
- G:
oh! speaking of projects
- G:
- G:
nevermind, i was going to send some sweet “pix” of my latest cosplay but idk if that would like compromise your schedule or something
- V:
Gale, I can rein myself in enough to see your new cosplay. :P
- G:
i call fucking bullshit, you just used a fucking emoticon
- G:
youre halfway to cumdumb already
- V:
I’ll risk it. Send the picture.
- V:
Here’s hoping I still remember to use the red pen in my dis-cum-bobulated state.
- G:
omg you fucking dork
—GAELSTROM has sent 3 file(s)!—
Victor leaned back in his seat and clicked on the first. Well, no, he hovered the cursor over it. He wasn’t worried, per se. But he hadn’t jerked off in a day or so, and. Well, there was no easy way to say it. Gale was actually fucking gorgeous. Not really her fault, considering she had a blend of succubus and holstaurus genes. Still, she was hot enough to make a career out of streaming and cosplay. Given how many of her fans seemed to almost worship her, Gale’s streaming handle of “Golden Calf” was pretty apt.
In short, he wasn’t worried that he wouldn’t be able to resist jerking off, but...there was definitely a slight risk of it, wasn’t there? But Victor had said it’d be fine. And Gale was already messaging him, asking what he thought. And if he didn’t look, she’d know why, and she’d tease him, and—And fuck it! Victor clicked on the first picture-
Oh. Oh.
- V:
Oh, this is the sponsored cosplay?
- G:
- G:
it’s incredible, i just had to send over my measurements and they sent over the entire getup
- G:
SUPER high quality material
- V:
Yeah, I can see that. It looks real nice.
Of course, Victor wasn’t exactly talking about the outfit itself. More the stacked seductress wearing it. Gale had told Victor that she was going to be a cosplayer at some game convention coming up. Some company was putting out a spy game, and they wanted her to come dressed as the main character. It was an incredible opportunity regardless, had taken her a while to mention it was an H-game convention. And hoo, did the outfit match that setting.
The “picture” must’ve been part of a promo shoot, because it was more of a pin-up than a selfie. Gale cut a coquettish figure, her hourglass curves packed tight into a black jumpsuit, zipper practically pulled down to her navel. Hip cocked to the side, she smirked at the camera, casting her bedroom eyes at the viewer seductively. Victor pulled up the other two, dragged the windows so he could see all three at once, and-
No! No, he’d set up his schedule. Tomorrow. He had to wait until tomorrow. Fuck, he was already hard, though. Victor palmed himself through his pants, his eyes gravitating towards the bottomless valley of Gale’s cleavage. The outfit wasn’t very complex, but somehow he knew that she’d lure in boys no problem. Probably just wobble her tits at them and leave them spellbound. She could use charm spells, couldn’t she?
He took a deep breath and tried for a moment not to think about Gale luring in convention attendees with her curves. Then he just said “Fuck it.” He could just rearrange the schedule. Victor pulled down his pants and tugged out his cock. He could just use tomorrow’s ration today, and it would be perfectly fine. He flinched when he heard the ping! of a new message, and Victor tabbed back quickly to respond.
- G:
vex, everything ok over there??
- G:
do you want me to delete the files, or
- V:
No, I’m fine. I’m just marking them up with my red pen.
- V:
this is going to be a bloodbath, honestly.
- G:
He tabbed back, grinding his cock up against his palm before beginning to pump his cock. This wasn’t the first time he’d jerked off to one of Gale’s cosplays. She actually encouraged it. She might not encourage it right now, but in the past she’d peppered him with photos, cleavage shots, swaying hips, her big, bouncy bust, the kind of provocative pictures that left him gasping and panting and cumming hard. In fact, she seemed to delight in coaxing him into cumming. Even if she was just showing off something she was excited about this time instead of teasing him, the end result wasn’t going to be any different, because Victor was just about ready to pop off in seconds.
He drooled over her hips, her tits, her plush, perky ass, and even if there was a worried little voice in the back of his head telling him to stop, Victor didn’t care at all. Hell, it made it feel even better as his balls plumped up with a hot, thick load of cum.
But there was still one little problem. Well, besides the idea that he was going to get a little stupider once he came. A prior arrangement between him and Gale, one that would probably tip her off that he was doing something he shouldn’t.
See, Gale could be persuasive when she had Victor turned on, and in the past, they’d set up a little system. She’d send him over “sample” pictures from her site that often far surpassed what premium members got, and in exchange, he set up a little macro to send her five dollars at the touch of a button. To be used when he hand-milked a cumshot from his dick to one of her pictures. If he did it this time, she’d see the transaction and say something about it. Probably shut down entirely until he got over his case of cumbrains.
If he didn’t, he wouldn’t get that little tingle in his brain, that chemical pat on the head for being a good boy.
Right now, the latter far outweighed the former. It felt good, and he wanted to feel good, and staring at those tits on his screen dulled any and all sense of worry. She’d understand. He’d explain the schedule. He’d lie to her, and she’d believe him, because why wouldn’t she? She wouldn’t have any way of telling-
Victor gasped and panted as he jerked himself off, and with the click of a button, perfectly timed... He splurted a fat wad of cum into the air, painting his chest with streaks of hot, thick white as Gale got five dollars richer. And as Victor got one cumshot stupider.
Fuck, it felt good, though.
He got a ping-ping-ping, and Victor tabbed over to see what Gale had to say. Probably worried that he’d just jerked off, but he just had to tell her about the schedule-
- G:
ok so where’s this so-called “bloodbath”
- G:
i’m waiting for the verdict, little mister “oh uh yeah your tits are too huge, gale”
- G:
“real fucked up of you to have such massive jugs, gale”
Victor blinked at the screen. He waited for a little bit, but there was no sudden outburst, no spike in worry from his utterly stacked friend. Had she not noticed? She usually got a phone alert when it happened. Maybe her phone was dead? Whatever, it meant Victor had a precious window of respite before he had to explain himself, a moment of peace that he intended to capitalize on.
- V:
truth be told, it is pretty inconsiderate of you to have massive, heaving tits.
- V:
Most people would’ve probably cut you out of their life by now, but I’m just the kind of guy who sticks around.
- G:
the kind of braindead titslave, you mean? ;P
- V:
I don’t know what you’re talking about, actually
- G:
thank you for bearing with my toxicity
- G:
And it looked like everything was perfectly alright. She hadn’t realized anything was wrong, and Victor felt fine! He practically gave himself a pat on the back, so pleased at his deception. And climax. Mainly the deception. Well, no, mainly the climax. Probably a bit of both. He slumped back in his seat, smiling wider and typing.
- V:
ANyway, yeah, the cosplay was great. The material looks incredible, even just in photos
- G:
this truly is the power of a corporate sponsorship.......
- G:
oh, did i tell you about the second outfit i got?
- V:
...There’s a second one?
- G:
yeah! its not gonna be at the convention, but they had me do a little video to promote one of their new games
- G:
these guys are movers and shakers, tons of irons in the fire
- G:
lemme send it over real fast
—GAELSTROM has sent 1 file(s)!—
Victor opened the file without a second thought, and even just having came, he nearly groaned at the sight of Gale’s body. This was a different costume, her jumpsuit traded out for flowing, white robes, but-
- G:
- G:
hold on im gonna delete that file, it has a charm spell embedded!
—GAELSTROM has sent 1 file(s)!—
- G:
watch this one instead, it’s the safe version
- G:
fuck im sorry :(
- V:
Don’t be, it’s fine
Yeah, everything was fine. There had been around a minute’s pause before Gale had deleted the original and replaced it with the “safe” version. Victor had more than enough time to download the first and ensure he could watch it after the source’s deletion. Why would he ever pass up the chance to download a charm spell-enhanced video? His eyelids fluttered as Victor stared, enchanted by the goddess on his screen. Gale curled her fingertips, beckoning the viewer forward—beckoning Victor forward and imploring him to “Come...come...!“
Her hips swayed from side to side, a silent, sensuous belly-dance that had him pumping his dick in seconds. The justifications came even easier this time. He’d just skip the next day on the schedule, too. That’s how it worked, right? His job was totally mindless, he’d be fine operating on autopilot. Victor smoothed over any and all potential doubts he could’ve had towards another session of masturbation, subconsciously thanking his perilously short refractory period. After all, how else was he supposed to obey her commands and come...come...!
- V:
this charm spell is fucking incredible, Gale
- G:
yeah its suppo
- G:
wait fucking WHAT? vex i DELETED THAT for a REASON
- G:
He tabbed over, set the video to play on a loop, and kept stroking himself. The clip synced up beautifully with itself, a mindless, endless loop. Gale’s curves swayed sinuously as he pumped himself stupid. Victor groaned, pulled on a pair of headphones, and let his jaw drop as he heard that breathy purr right in his ears.
He’d heard Gale speak before, but for some reason, Victor had made a strict rule with her that there wasn’t any voice chat between them. More for his privacy than hers, but fuck, he had no idea why he’d been so strict about it. How many voice sessions had he missed out on, how many nights could’ve been made that much more pleasurable with that sweet, seductive crooning right in his ear? She was so fucking hot, and they were good enough friends that she probably wouldn’t use charm spells on him if they used voice chat. And he had a strong enough will to resist them, probably. Definitely. Such a stupid rule.
Either way, he was probably going to break that rule tonight. Victor watched Gale lure him closer, and he could practically feel her sexual magnetism drawing him in deeper with each crook of her fingers. He bucked his hips and fell into the digitally-implanted fantasy of a goddess working her magic over him, enchanting him into mindlessly pumping his cock for her. To worship her.
His balls felt so heavy, and he knew just what he needed to do to get some relief. It was so fucking easy. He didn’t know why the doctor had told him he’d feel unintelligent jerking off; everything seemed so wonderfully clear now. So incredibly simple. Doing what felt good felt good.
And cumming felt so good.
Victor stroked another hot wad of jizz out of his cock, groaning in shameless pleasure as he did. He was a mess by now, two cumshots splattered all over himself. Two messy loads, two things that made him less smart. Thinking was hard. Lying was harder. That’s why he couldn’t quite muster the energy to fib when he tabbed back over to Gale’s frantic questions.
- G:
vex it’s dangerous if you watch the original! you’re just going to end up a legit titty slave!
- G:
turn it off RIGHT NOW
- G:
god i cant believe im about to try this
- G:
- G:
vex, you MUST obey me
- G:
vex are you THERE? you MUST respond
- V:
Im here, dont worry
- G:
oh goddess you dropped an apostrophe
- G:
these are, as wise women once said, “dire fucking times”
- V:
I honestly don’t seehow you can blame me
- V:
like, you know full well that your outfit was designed to mesmerize men
- G:
- G:
- V:
besides i have a schedule, everything is going to work out fine, ill just skip the next few days i was allowed to jerk off
- G:
fucks SAKE, vex!
- G:
listen, you’re clearly stuck in a loop.
- G:
you need someone to tell you what to do, so you MUST listen to me!
Part of him was indignant that Gale thought she could just bully him into listening to her. What, was he some stupid animal? Some dumb bull that she could just shout at until he obeyed? And then part of him was some stupid animal. Some dumb bull that she could just shout at until he obeyed. And another part of him thought that it was incredibly hot that she was beginning to control him through sheer force of personality.
The first part of him was outvoted, and it was quietly ignored.
- V:
do you want to voice chat? I have my headphones in already
- G:
you are GOING to
- G:
- G:
what, really? i thought that was like a “thing” with you
- V:
it’s a stupid rule, doesn’t make any sense.
- V:
if you don’t want to, that’s fine, too
But within seconds, a call request had been made. Victor clicked on it dutifully and was treated to the sound of indistinct crackling...before Gale finally started speaking.
“Hey, there. Can you hear me?” Far from being angry, Gale’s voice was soft, just as gentle as always. Her streaming setup meant that he heard that sonorous purr in perfect quality, and Victor was leaning back in his seat in seconds, happily basking in the sound of her voice.
“Yeah. I’m here.” To contrast, his voice was a sluggish slur, a far cry from the careful enunciation he normally had.
There was a pause. A kind of giggle. “Never thought you’d sound like that.” Another pause, the creak of a seat. “You sound sleepy. Did you just cum?”
“Mhm.” Victor’s eyes sank shut, and his breathing slowed. “That video looked sooo good.“
Gale giggled again. “I kinda thought you’d think that. Hey—” There was a little rustle of fabric. “Sorry for, like, ‘shouting’ at you over text. I got worried that you were just going to get stuck in a loop, and...”
“S’fine,” Victor murmured, pleasurable stupidity blending with post-orgasmic drowsiness to form absolute transparency. “I looped the video, so you were kinda right. Sooo fucking good...“
Gale hummed quietly. She was silent for a moment—thinking, probably—before she spoke again. “Vex, do you have your phone on you?”
“Did you get a note from the doctor?”
“OK. Listen carefully. Because I’m going to tell you a few things you need to do for me, and they’re very important. They’re all going to be very easy, but you need to do them all right now. They’re very important. OK?“
“OK.” Gale’s voice had a bit of a breathiness to it now. Like she was getting excited. Was she going to tell him to do something sexy? “I need you to take out your phone and let your boss know that you can’t come into work. You’re sick. Just for the next few days, but you had to go see the doctor and get a prescription for it.” She gulped and added something quickly. “Don’t tell her what it is. OK? That’s important. And—”
A message popped up on the screen.
- G:
Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I’m going to be out sick for the next few days. If you need to see the doctor’s note once I get back, just let me know so I can bring it in. Until then, I’m just going to be in bed taking my prescription.
“Just—Just copy and paste that into the text. Don’t write it yourself.” Gale paused before she added something teasingly. “If you tried to type something out, you’d probably make all sorts of silly little typos. And she doesn’t need to know that you have cumbrains quite yet.“
“OK, Gale.” Victor sluggishly reached for his phone and copied the message. “I sent it.”
“Good boy. So, ah...” When Gale spoke, there was this edge of nervous anticipation to it. Victor didn’t really notice, but he knew he loved how breathy she sounded. “So I feel a little silly calling you ‘Vex’ out loud.” There was a long pause. “Tell me your name.”
Victor almost snorted with laughter. That was an easy question! “My name’s Victor,” he said simply, letting the phone fall from his hand. It barely dropped three inches, it was fine.
Gale purred with delight. “Mmf—” And not two moments later, her voice had take on an element of predatory playfulness. “Pleasure to finally meet you, Victor.”
Mmf. OK, yeah, hearing his name cooed like that sent shivers down Victor’s spine, and it didn’t seem as if Gale’s teasing was going to stop anytime soon. Her voice was still feather-light, as if she knew he was on the verge of sleep and didn’t want to wake him up. “So you really liked that video of me dressed up as a goddess, huh, Victor? Say ‘yes’ for me.“
Victor nodded before he realized she couldn’t see him. Then he realized she’d told him what to do, and his cheeks tinted pink. “Yes. Sorry, I’m kinda out of it, and—Uh, I mean—” He gulped, hand inching towards his lap out of pure instinct. “I nodded first, and—”
Gale giggled, and Victor bit his lower lip. “It’s OK, Victor. Boys get silly around me. And you probably feel extra silly right now. But that was still a very naughty thing to do. And very silly, too.“
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean—”
“You pumped yourself dumber to a pre-recorded video. You only had to ask...” Gale sounded incredible, a hot, steamy purr, but it only got hotter. It was like she was trying to talk him off with words alone. And it was kind of working?
“...because I’d be happy to video chat with you. In fact.” She huffed with delight. “It’d be my pleasure.”
Victor leaned back further in his seat, the boneless slump of his posture turning to squirming, air-humping eagerness as Gale segued seamlessly into steamy, seductive “phone” sex.
“I would absolutely love to see your eyes go dull as you just stare at my big, bouncy boobies, and all you have to do is accept my video call. Then you can show off that thick, juicy cock and pump yourself stupid to my sexy little show. I can strip, I can tease, I can even cast a charm spell over you and make your cock feel extra nice, and all you have to do is be a good boy and do whatever I say. Do you wanna cum, Victor?”
He nodded again, but this time he was so desperate that he croaked a needy “Yes!” without any prompting. Victor had started to jerk himself off again, utterly addicted to her voice already.
“You wanna be a cum-dumb stud for my big, fat titties? Wanna watch me bounce, bounce, bounce until you empty your balls for me? Wanna be my stupid, sexy stud?“
“Are you jerking off right now? Victor!” She feigned shock, scandalized by the mere thought of how he was pumping his cock, tongue lolling out and balls churning harder and harder. “You’re just a horny, thick-dicked dummy for me, aren’t you! Cum, cum, cum, Victor! Cum, cum, cum, Victor!“
His eyes crossed, and he thrust his hips forward. At this point, he was more fucking his hand than stroking his cock, a desperate, rutting animal trying to fuck the voice purring in his ear, telling him to cum, cum, cum!
But even if Victor was just turning stupider and stupider, Gale kept him on-track. Relatively, at least. “One hand on the mouse, Victor! As soon as you cum, cum, cum for my voice, I want you to click on the big, bright ‘accept’ button so I can see you on my screen! And you’re gonna see me, too! And then you can cum again and again and again! Gonna be my silly, sexy stud, my big, brainless bull! You wanna be the Golden Calf’s bull, Victor? You wanna see the big, jiggly titties you’re gonna fuck real soon?“
He just kept nodding, head bobbling up and down as he thrust faster and faster. Victor’s jaw dropped with pleasure, still nodding mindlessly as he grunted and groaned. “Uh! Duh! C—” He pumped a fat wad of spunk into the air, this one splurting out of his cockhead so hard that it streaked over his face. “Cum, cum, cum! Dumb, dumb, dumb!” Somehow he managed to click the right button, and the first thing Gale saw of Victor was him wringing his cock dry, eyes crossed, three orgasms splattered all over his body, a sex-drenched mess.
And apparently she liked what she saw.
Her camera was tilted a bit lower, more focused on her heaving cleavage than her face, but with her forearms mashed up on either side of her tits, pressing up against each other and deepening her cleavage, it was hard to care. One hand seemed to press somewhere lower, just out of sight, but Victor wasn’t concerned with that, he was just staring mindlessly and shamelessly at her rack.
“Good boy, suh—such a good boy! You like feeling cum-dumb, Victor? Wanna be a stupid titty addict?” She wobbled her chest from side to side, letting her massive tits take him even deeper into the mindless sexual fugue he’d pumped himself into already.
Victor only grunted, nodding, still jerking himself off. His cock only bloated up fatter as he rushed headlong into another brain-draining orgasm, and with Gale’s voice and her body coaxing and cajoling him into cum, cum, cumming again, he barely lasted seconds this time. Victor full-on moaned and went absolutely boneless in his seat as he came for the fourth time that night, his body pushed further than it had been in months, and his brain utterly empty thanks to his condition.
And as he splurted a few more ropy shots of jizz into the air, Gale almost seemed to shiver in her seat, mewling as her body tensed...and relaxed.
The two of them simply sat there for a moment, panting, basking in the pleasure. Gale was a bit more collected once she came down into the bliss of afterglow, but Victor was just a sloppy mess, splayed out in his seat and grinning from ear to ear.
And lucky for Gale, his headphones were still on.
“OK, Victor,” she said gently. “I want you to listen as carefully as you can...”
Victor sighed. Packing was, in a word, bullshit. Even when he wasn’t the one paying for supplies, it sucked, and that was the end of it. He folded up another shirt, put it in the box, and moved on to the next.
He glanced to his phone. “Yes, Gale?”
“Are you almost done packing up your clothes? I wanna ask you something on cam!”
He shook his head with a smirk. “What, the sweet sound of my voice isn’t enough? You’re incorrigible.” Another shirt went into the box. “What is it? You can ask me over speakerphone.”
“Uh, actually I fucking can’t, because it’s about which top makes me look hotter.”
“Mm. I see.” Another shirt went into the box, folded a bit more hastily than the last. Victor stood up, plucked his phone from the mattress, and walked to his desk. “All right. I’m at my computer, just give me a moment. Oh, and, uh—”
Victor shifted in his seat, smiling despite himself. “I don’t quite know if I ever really said anything in the moment. In fact, I’m all but certain I didn’t. But, ah.” He scratched the back of his head. “Thanks for. You know. Looking after me while I had. You know.”
Victor could all but see the smug grin on her face as Gale filled in the embarrassed blank. “Cumbrains?“
“...That’s the one. Uh. I still—” He gulped. “I still don’t know what must’ve come over me, but—Yeah, I just wanted to say that I appreciate you making sure I took care of myself, and.” His face only got hotter. “And I, ah. I.”
“I, ah. I appreciate your offer to. You know. Let me move in with you. Even if it was kind of out of the blue, it was extremely generous, and.“
...And kind of inappropriate? In fact, why was Victor doing this? Uprooting his entire life and moving across the country to-
“Aw, Vicky!” The delighted trill of Gale’s voice guided his thoughts away from those pesky questions, and—“You’re so sweet. Here, hop on video so we can decide what I’m going to wear during our, ah. First night together.“
-And soon Victor stopped thinking about all the unanswered questions entirely. Things didn’t need to add up, not when he had a girlfriend as gorgeous as Gale. As his cock stiffened in his pants, Victor’s heart started to pound. No need to think, some vague half-memory reminded him. Just listen to Gale, and everything will be OK.
Victor nodded, eyelids drooping. No need to think. Just had to listen to Gale. Everything would be OK.
The call came in, and with a click, Victor answered.