The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Coffee Shop V: Happiness Is A Handsome Hypnotized Hunk

Chapter 14. Pass or Fail

“I don’t wish to sound rude, but is this going to take long?” I asked the blank wall in front of me, as I sat back down in the hard chair in the white room.

“It will take, as long as it takes, Mister Walton,” answered the strange male voice. The voice was calm and pleasant.

Great, I’m being interviewed by Yoda, I thought to myself. My mood wasn’t good. I had just bid farewell to a handsome hunky, stud of a Marine Sergeant whom I had super hypnotized, and I was most likely never going to see him again. I sighed again and sternly pushed those thoughts aside. The sooner I dealt with the Council of Coins, the sooner I could get out of here and return home. The sudden thought struck me that maybe this was not the Council of Coins after all, but some other group of people. It didn’t make much difference though. Mary had started me on this test, so I knew the Council of Coins was involved in some way.

“We watched your encounter with the Marine Sergeant most closely, Mister Walton. We have only one question,” said the unknown voice.

“Which is?” I prompted.

“Did you pass the test, Mister Walton?” The voice asked.

“Aren’t you supposed to determine that?” I countered. I wasn’t following their line of reasoning at all. How could I know if I’d passed the test, when I didn’t know what the test was?

“You were told the parameters of the test, were you not?” Asked the voice.

“Well, yes,” I answered.

“Therefore, you can answer the question, Mister Walton,” the voice responded. “Did you pass the test?”

I thought for the moment, as I reviewed what Mary had told me just over an hour ago. My task had been to leave the room before the hour was up. I had not done that. Seemed pretty clear to me that I had failed the test. “No, I did not pass the test. I failed it. I did not leave the room within the allotted time interval.”

“That is our conclusion as well,” the voice said. “Please state the combination for the door, Mister Walton,” the voice said.

What the heck. It could do no harm. I guessed that they wanted to confirm that I had read the Marine Sergeant’s mind. Doubtlessly they had been observing me, so they knew it was likely I had obtained that information. For some unknown reason they needed confirmation of that fact. I decided to play along. “The combination to the door is two seven five nine zero.” I said clearly.

“Thank you, Mister Walton. Is there anything further you wish to declare regarding the test you have just completed, or any other information of which you think we should be made aware?”

I thought for a moment, and debated about mentioning the mental shield that I had encountered and that someone from outside the room had placed it over the Sergeant’s mind. I didn’t know why it was there. I concluded that it was part of the test, and thus the Council of Coins already knew about it. There was no point in telling them what they already knew. “Nothing comes to mind,” I answered.

“Everyone please remain where you are,” the voice said a few moments later.

As the voice finished speaking, the wall to my right started to sink quickly downward into the floor. In only a few moments I found myself in a much larger room, with a man in it. He was dressed in a dark blue two piece business suit with a light blue dress shirt and a plain navy tie. He sat calmly in a chair similar to the one I was sitting it. The room he was in seemed to be a clone of the room I had been in before the wall had receded into the floor. I had barely taken those facts, when the right wall of this new room started to sink quickly downward.

A second new room was displayed, outfitted in the same manner as the first new room. Another man wearing jeans and a gray t-shirt was sitting on one of the chairs in this room. Moments later the right wall in this third room sank into the floor revealing yet another room beyond it with still another man sitting in a chair. This man appeared to be wearing a white long sleeved dress shirt, with a pair of khaki pants. I wasn’t surprised when the right wall of this new room also started to sink in to the floor. This was becoming tedious.

This fourth room was displayed and to my surprise a woman in a smart business suit with jacket and skirt was sitting in one of the two chairs. The right wall on this room did not start to move, so I guessed that the little theatrics with the moving walls had come to its conclusion.

I was wrong. The wall opposite the doors in all of these rooms sank into the floor. I was only mildly surprised to see the Council of Coins sitting there at their table. The other four strangers did not react to this appearance of the Council of Coins with any more surprise than I did. I realized that they had most likely just undergone a test similar to my own. I was mildly curious to see if they had passed.

“The testing is complete. We will now inform you of the results,” Mary said in that matter of fact voice of hers. “We will state the first names of the candidate after which the Council members will signify their votes.”

“We will begin with Jenny,” Mary said. The Council members held up their right arms and in their right hand they each held their coin, so that everyone could see the coins clearly. There were eight white coins facing the candidates.

“Now Brent,” Mary said. The eight white coins remained held up.

“Now Tim,” Mary said. Again the eight white coins remained.

“Now Brian,” Mary said. Once again the eight white coins remained.

“Finally, Paul,” Mary said. Every coin was turned around so that it showed the black side instead of the whites side. The council lowered their right hands and arms back onto the surface of the table. Their right hands closed firmly about their coins.

Boy, when I fail at something I really go all out. It looks like there was a four way tie, where as I was out of the running. I looked over at the other candidates. They looked back at me with stunned surprise painted on their faces. I had expected them to smile at their obvious success in passing the Council of Coin’s test. I figured it was time for me to go, so I turned around and started walking towards the door intending to leave.

“All of you need to remain here to witness the second part of the test,” Mary said. “All candidates, whether or not they passed the first test, must take part in the second test.”

Great more of my time being wasted, I thought to myself. I sighed softly as I turned back to face the Council.

“One by one, each of you is to approach the Council table, and hold the single coin that you find there in your hand for thirty seconds,” Mary said firmly. “We shall go in the same order as we announced the votes. Jenny, please approach the Council table and pick up the coin.”

The attractive woman in the business attire confidentially marched up to the table and placed the black and white coin in the open palm of her right hand. Nothing happened, and after thirty seconds or so, she placed the coin on the table and returned to her position, the sour look on her face evident of her displeasure at the result, or rather the lack of a result.

“Now you, Brent,” Mary said.

The man named Brent approached the Council table nervously and gingerly picked up the coin, almost as if he was afraid it was going to bite him. He placed it in the open palm of his left hand, and there was a brief flash of light. It wasn’t very strong but I was surprised by it. Brent smiled as he put the coin back on the table, turned and returned to his position.

“Now you, Tim,” Mary said. She did not seem the least bit interested in the reaction of the coin to Brent’s touch.

Tim walked up and repeated what the other two persons had done. The coin flashed briefly once for Tim as well. Tim put the coin back on the table and returned to his position.

“Your turn, Brian,” Mary said, her voice and face as calm as when this testing had begun. She was not letting any hint of her opinion about the results of the testing show on her face or in the tone of her voice.

Brian approached the table with a great deal of self confidence. He gracefully picked up the coin and placed it in the palm of his right hand. The coin flashed very brightly three times, and then stopped. Brian smiled gently as he put the coin on the table and returned to his position. He looked over at me, and flashed me a smug look, as if to say ‘I win, you lose’.

I didn’t react. I already knew that I’d lost. I’d failed the first test. I saw little point in taking part in this second test, other than it would confirm that whatever it was that they were looking for, I didn’t have it.

“Finally, Paul,” Mary called out.

I walked up to the table and picked up the black and white coin. This was the first time that I’d gotten a really close look at these coins. The metal was cool to the touch and the white side seemed a pure as could be, while the black side seemed to be darker than pitch black moonless night. I placed the coin in the open palm of my right hand, black side down.

The coin did not flash. The coin glowed with a strong steady soft light that filled the room. I blinked my eyes in surprise and looked up at the Council of Coins. The Council members looked at me with surprise plain on their faces as well. Slowly they opened their right hands one by one. Each coin that was revealed was glowing as brightly as the coin that remained in my right hand.

“Could someone please tell me what the heck is going on here?” I asked once I’d found my voice and gotten over the shock.

“Congratulations. The coins have chosen you to be the new member of the Council of Coins, Paul Walton,” Mary said.

“What?“I yelled. I thought I failed the first test. “How could I possibly be chosen for the Council? No one mentioned anything to me about this being part of the test. I never agreed to this.”

“I’d like to know that myself,” said Brian, snarling at me. He made no effort to hide his objection to my being chosen.

“The council does not choose its members by testing, the coins do. This is how it has always been. This is how it shall continue to be. Any who object must now touch the coin in Paul’s hand.” Mary replied.

“Gladly. If anyone deserves that coin, I do,” Brian said as he marched up to me and snatched the coin from my open palm.

His scream of pain filled the entire room. He dropped to his knees in front of the Council table, clutching his right arm. The coin was on the floor of the room, next to him. He knelt there sobbing as I picked up the coin and returned it to my right palm. “Are you okay?” I asked him.

“Of course I’m not okay, you stupid fuck!” Brian yelled at me, the tears still streaming down his face. “Look at what you did to me, you fucker! You’ll pay for this! You’re dead meat!” He held up his right hand to me and I could see that his fingertips were bright red and looked as if they had been burned.

“Threats are useless and will not be tolerated by the Council, Brian,” Mary said coldly. “Paul did nothing to you. You challenged the decision of the coins. You now know that decision cannot be challenged, or changed. The coins pick their partners and bond with them mentally. Once that bonding is complete, nothing can change it. Only Paul Walton may safely use that coin now. Anyone may hold the coin, but you discovered what happens when someone else tries to claim or use the coin for themselves, Brian.”

“You could have warned me, bitch,” Brian snarled at Mary.

She looked down at him, ignoring the insult.“There was no point. You are not a person who would have heeded such a warning. You’re one of those guys who has to pee on the electric fence for himself.”

I did my best to hide the smile that tried to sneak onto my lips. From the twinkle in her eyes, Mary was doing the same thing.

Mary looked at the rest of the candidates in the room, and then her gaze fell upon me. “While it is true that Paul Walton failed the first test, the decision of the coins is the deciding factor. The coins examine all aspects of every person whom they examine for fitness to be a Council member. Their decision is final. It cannot be challenged.” Mary looked pointedly at Brian. He snarled back at her.

“One more point. We know Paul, that at one point you had that man on his knees sobbing in front of you, torn between his desire to serve you, and his commitment to his duty. You repaired the situation flawlessly. Our examination of the man’s mind shows that other than the hypnosis, which he did enjoy greatly by the way, he has no idea of what happened during those critical minutes. We salute you on a job well done. We welcome you to the Council of Coins, and are honoured to serve with you.”

The council members on the right side of the table stood up, Mary was amongst them. She climbed up to the vacant raised seat and all the other Council members on the right side shifted to the left leaving the right most seat vacant. “Your seat on the Council awaits you Paul Walton.”

“Don’t I have any say in the matter?” I asked, a trifle annoyed with how the Council seemed to expect that I was going to say ‘yes’ to this craziness. Boy, did they have a surprise coming.

“Of course you do, Paul,” Mary said warmly. “This is an offer to become a Council member. The coins extend the offer, but they cannot force you to join the Council. The choice is yours. Consider carefully all aspects of this decision.”

“Do I have to decide right this minute?” I asked. Suddenly I felt a great weight on my shoulders. This was too much to ask of me. I didn’t have all the facts I needed to be able to make such a decision.

“Yes, you must decide now. If you decline the offer, then the second most qualified candidate will be given the chance to choose,” Mary looked at Brian again. Brian smiled back at her. He could clearly see that I was reluctant to join the Council. If I refused, I knew he would jump at the chance. For some reason, I found that thought disquieting. The idea of Brian on the Council of Coins left, a very bad taste in my mouth. I didn’t know why, and that fact I found more unsettling than anything else that had happened this evening.

“Consult your coin. Push a mental probe into it and you will understand,” Mary said with a small smile.

Gingerly I did as she suggested. Suddenly I felt a creepy tingling across the front of my forehead. Danger. This was wrong. I didn’t know why it was wrong, but it was. Becoming a member of the Council of Coins was wrong. Or maybe, the coin was wrong? Or could it be, I wondered, that my joining with the coin was dangerous? The creepy tingling feeling became twice as intense. I’d learned to trust my sense of danger over the years since I had acquired my super hypnosis powers. This coin and serving on the Council was dangerous for me, for some unknown reason. I looked at it. It looked innocent and ordinary. I thought about sending a mental probe into it, but the danger feeling became stronger. I raised my mental shield up at full strength. I walked back to the Council table. Carefully I placed the coin on the table and stepped away. I did not need to say anything. My rejection of the coin was obvious.

“My turn,” Brian said as he walked up to the Council table and picked up the coin. “I’ll be glad to join the Council,” he said with a grin. A second later that grin was wiped from his face by the scream that was torn from his throat. He dropped to his knees again, clutching his right arm. The coin tumbled from his right hand onto the floor.

“This is yours, I believe,” I said as I picked up the coin and returned it to the Council table. I looked over at Brian, as I wondered what was going on. Things were getting confusing. It would be more accurate to say that things were getting even more confusing. Personally I thought we had just left confusing and moved well into strange.

“Jesus, what the fuck did you do to that coin, you bastard?” Brian screamed at me as he slowly stood up. It was clear that this bout of pain from the coin had been stronger than the last one.

“I didn’t do anything. Ask them,” I answered as I turned my head in the direction of the Council.

“What the hell is going on here? If this jerk said no to becoming a council member, and the coin is not his, why can’t I claim it?” Brian asked the Council as he cradled his right arm.

“We are not sure.. This has never happened before. Until now, when a candidate has rejected a coin, the next most qualified candidate was able to claim the coin if they so desired,” said Mary. All the Council members wore the same calm cool expression, almost as if they had expected this turn of events. I, however, wasn’t buying that story for a second. This whole thing was just too strange.

“Okay, then,” Brian said calmly. In the next heart beat the room filled with light, and I felt some type of mental shield drop over my mind. I wasn’t sure what it was, other than it was not my mental shield. The huge bolt of mental energy that Brian hurled at my mind impacted on this new mental shield and became stuck in it like a truck sunk up to its axle in a mud filled drainage ditch on the side of a road. The bolt bounced back and impacted Brian’s mental shield which he barely raised in time. His mental shield did not shatter, but it was dented. Two more mental blots impacted on Brian’s mental shield almost immediately following. I could not figure out where they came from though. I was sure it was not from me. I had not moved a muscle physically or mentally. The third mental bolt shattered his mental shield completely. It had taken less than a heartbeat to accomplish all this. I had not done it Maybe the Council had, but I could not be sure.

“You see now, why it is not a good idea to challenge the coins’ decision, or anyone that the coins choose to protect,” Mary said as she looked at Brian. She was suggesting that the coins, and not the Council, had intervened to protect me from Brian’s mental attack. That was certainly a new twist on things.

Brian’s face was as white as a sheet, while his eyes flicked between me and Mary. He gulped once. I put as stony a look on my face as I could. Brian didn’t say anything he just looked at the two of us with pure terror in his eyes.

“All of you must now leave, save Paul Walton,” Mary addressed the other candidates.

The candidates slowly moved towards the open doors in the room. All looked disappointed save Brian, who still looked scared through and through. I was surprised that he had not peed his pants. When they were well away, the dividing wall rose up separating the Council chamber from the rest of the testing rooms.

“Our most sincere apologies for the objection and consequent actions of Mister Brian Hallows. Usually the decisions of the council coins are not questioned, but on occasion it does happen. I hope you were not unduly upset by the matter,” Mary said as she looked at me and smiled that warm welcoming smile that she’d first shown me in the Coffee Shop those many years ago.

“You did not answer Brian’s question, Mary. What the heck is going on?” I asked.

“We are not sure. We will have to investigate further and contact you when we have further information. While you have rejected the coin, the coin has refused to reject you. It would appear that the coin wishes to connect with you, to bond with you, and will not accept anyone else. This is most unusual,” Mary answered.

“In other words, you haven’t got a clue,” I said flatly.

“I would not have chosen those exact words, but I suppose they are accurate given the current circumstances,” Mary admitted reluctantly. “You should head home now, Paul.”

I sighed to myself, as I realized I was back at square one with the Council of Coins. They would continue to watch me, more closely now than ever. This little test of theirs has not settled anything. If anything, it had intensified their interest in me. I was a very bright blip on their radar, due to the odd things that had happened here today. A door off to my right slid open. I could take a hint. I left without saying another word to the Council. ‘Maybe the coin is defective and needs to be repaired’, I thought to myself. It made about as much sense as anything else that had happened tonight. I didn’t look back at the Council as I left the room. The door slid softly closed behind me as I exited. I was glad to be out of there.

The trip home by cab was uneventful. I wondered if I should talk with Andy about these recent events. Did he need to know? Would it help our relationship any? I decided to shelve those thoughts for the time being and deal with them later. After this confusing evening, I was looking forward to a little peace and quiet for a while. Andy was on duty so he would not be dropping by my apartment for a visit tonight, until after his shift, that is if he wasn’t too tired. Maybe that was just as well. I had much to think about.

Yes a little peace and quiet would do me good. As it turned out, I wasn’t going to get it.

Thirty minutes after I got home, and out of my suit and tie into a nice comfortable dark green long sleeved cowboy shirt, broken in Wrangler light blue jeans with a brown leather belt snaked in the belt loops, and my feet in a pair of warm thick soft comfortable socks, the doorbell rang. It was nearly 8 PM and I was not expecting anyone. Not even the pizza guy. Curiosity dragged me off of the comfortable couch and I looked through the peep hole. My jaw dropped open in surprise.

It was the Marine Sergeant from my test with the Council of Coins. He did not know my full name, nor my address, which made me wonder how he had tracked down my home address. The Sergeant was wearing the same Dress Blue class C uniform I had seen him in earlier. However, he was carrying his hat (or cover as Marines call it) tucked securely under his left arm.

“What do you want, Sergeant?” I called through the closed door.

“Please could I come in and talk with you about this, sir?” The Sergeant asked. “I uh, got your address from those people at the Coffee Shop. You know the important powerful people.”

The Sergeant was implying that the Council of Coins had provided him with my home address. That was possible, though I can’t think if why they would do that. I was curious as to what the Sergeant wanted. I knew that he was susceptible to my super hypnotic powers, so the danger factor was low. I wasn’t getting any sense of danger. I decided to let him in. I unlocked the deadbolts and the chain, backed away from the door and opened it.

“Thank you for seeing me unannounced, sir. May I come in, sir?” The Marine Sergeant asked respectfully. He wasn’t fearful. He seemed self assured. My curiosity had most definitely been aroused now. (Okay, dear reader, I admit it. My cock had expressed some interest when I had laid eyes upon the Sergeant again. He was a hell of a hunky Marine.)

“Yes, come on in Sergeant. Please make yourself comfortable on the sofa,” I told him. He seemed oddly hesitant as he walked in to the living room and walked past me on the way to the sofa. Oh yes, that magnificent butt of his in those very snug dress blue uniform pants with the button flap pockets on the back, made my heart beat a bit faster, not to mention what it did to my breathing. (Once a butt man, dear reader, always a butt man. And this was some Grade A prime beef Marine butt we are talking about!) Need I say my eyes were practically glued to that Marine butt as it found its way from my front door to my living room sofa? I felt more than a twinge of regret as the Marine Sergeant sat down on the sofa and made himself comfortable.

I closed and locked the apartment door. I walked over to the living room area and sat down in one of the stuffed chairs near the sofa. This chair was a swivel rocker, which would make it easy for me to find a comfortable position, while I talked with the Marine Sergeant. While I was thrilled to see the Sergeant again (What gay man with a detectable heart beat wouldn’t be?), I was also slightly concerned. I’d never told him my name, much less given him my address. Which begged the question, ‘how had he found me?’

I was seated to the Sergeant’s left, and he was seated on the left end of the sofa. We were close to each other, but not within touching distance. (I know, dear reader. Damn it, was my first reaction too.)

The other question that crossed my mind was ‘who had sent the Sergeant’? In the back of my mind, I couldn’t help but wonder if this was yet another test of the Council of Coins. They were still watching me, so that seemed likely. These thoughts and several others of a more erotic nature ran around in my mind as I looked at the Sergeant sitting there across from me. As I said before the Sergeant was very good-looking, and somewhat of a distraction. Talk about an understatement! On my stud meter, the Sergeant was registered 9.9 on a scale of 10. I’d always had a thing for Marines, and having this handsome hunk just inches away from me was a little bit of a challenge to deal with. Remember the Sergeant was wearing his Dress Blue class C uniform, and I just love a man in uniform!

“Why are you here Sergeant?” I asked bluntly. I was too tired from the day’s recent events to be subtle. How I managed to keep the excitement and nervousness out of my voice was a mystery to me. Maybe I’d just had a lot of practice.

“Well, I sort of want you to hypnotize me again, Mr. Walton,” the Sergeant replied looking me dead in the eyes. “I really enjoyed what happened at the Coffee Shop and I’m curious if we could do that again.”

“I see,” I said thoughtfully and pause for a second or two before continuing to speak. This was just too good to be true. There had to be a hidden catch somewhere. A worrisome thought occurred to me. “How did you obtain my name and address? I never told you who I was or where I lived.” I looked at the Sergeant sternly, not bothering to try and hide the disapprove on my face. This unsettling fact was throwing a very large swimming pools worth of water on the fires of my desire to agree to the Sergeant’s request.

“I talked to those people after you left. They were kind enough to give me that information,” he answered.

I mulled that information over in my mind for a few seconds. It made sense but it didn’t quite feel right. There was more to the story. “Why did they give you that information? It couldn’t have been out of the kindness of their hearts,” I asked him.

“I insisted, and convinced them that I didn’t mean you any harm. Funny thing though, one of them insisted on touching my forehead and having me repeat the statement that I didn’t mean you any harm. After that they gave me your name and address, said something about you being able to take care of yourself and that they considered me trustworthy,” he answered calmly. There was a slightly puzzled look on his face after he relayed that information to me.

The sergeant wasn’t gifted so he had no idea what one of the Council members had done. I did though. The Council member had been verifying the Sergeant’s truthfulness when he claimed he didn’t mean any harm. I was pleased to learn that I was in fact safe with the Sergeant. It looked like my evening was good to turn out a little bit better than I thought.

“So you want me to hypnotize you Sergeant. And do what exactly?” I asked him.

“Just feel like I did before, sir. I just want to let go and not have to worry about anything, or anybody,” he replied, sitting there at attention on the sofa. He was so rigid and uptight that I knew he’d never go into ordinary hypnosis. His guard was clearly up despite his statement that he wanted to be hypnotized. I would have to use super hypnosis on him to get him back into hypnosis. Ah yes, that would be such a hardship for me, to have to use my powers on this stud muffin of a Marine to give him what he wanted, which was a hypnosis session. (I am sure you can see, dear reader, the many burdensome chores that I am forced to undertake. Woe is me, indeed.)

“Am I allowed to play with you? May I run my hands over your uniform to find out what you’ve got in your pockets? May I give you interesting suggestions to tap into your creativity?” I smiled at the sergeant as I talked to him.

The sergeant looked at me with one of those ‘what the heck do you mean by that’ expressions, for a second or two. It seemed he was having second thoughts about this. His body stiffened even more, if that was possible. It was clear that he felt threatened by my statements, even though they were delivered in a light hearted tone of voice. “Since we are here in private, I suppose it would be okay if you wanted to do some of those stage show hypnosis routines with me. Getting down on all fours and barking like a dog or squatting down and clucking like a chicken doesn’t really appeal to me sir,” he said. He squirmed about on the sofa for a second or two after talking. I flicked my eyes down at his crotch just long enough to see a slight bulge develop along the inside of his right thigh. It was gone almost as soon as I noticed it. Now that was an interesting contradiction. Reserved and reluctant to be hypnotized, and fighting with a secret erotic desire to be made to do silly and slightly humiliating actions while hypnotized.

“I’ll keep that firmly in mind Sergeant,” I said with a warm smile. The smile was to put the Sergeant at ease, although it seemed ineffectual. His subtle yet brief reaction had told me that part of him wanted to do the dog and chicken routines and that he found such scenarios erotic. Oh this is going to be fun. For both of us. The challenge was to get him to that situation and in that state of mind.

How best to proceed though? I could’ve just tapped him on the forehead and zapped him into trance, but that would’ve been too easy, and not much fun. I couldn’t use the handshake shock induction as he would be wary of that, and in his present guarded frame of mind he would most likely not permit it. I considered using the handshake interruption induction, but decided to save that for another time. Yes, I could have easily convinced him otherwise, but again what fun was there in that? Part of the joy I derive in hypnotizing guys is finding new and interesting ways to hypnotize them. The Sergeant might want to go back into hypnosis but it was clear that he still had reservations about doing it. I wanted to somehow drag out the induction and see the Sergeant slowly melt into hypnosis in front of me. I might never get another chance to hypnotize this Marine and I wanted to enjoy every single second of hypnotizing him. (Was that bad of me dear reader? Was that naughty of me dear reader? If so, so be it. Sometimes it feels so damn good, to be bad.) It wasn’t like I had to work tomorrow. I could afford to stay up late. I suppose I should’ve asked the Sergeant. if it was okay with him but if the answer was going to be no, I really didn’t want to know that. If he wasn’t willing to play tonight, he shouldn’t have come over. Then an idea came to me. A good idea. A wonderful idea. A slightly sneaky idea. An idea worthy of my talents and abilities.

“Just let me get something and we can start Sergeant,” I told him as I stood up and headed off to the storage room.

“Okay sir, I guess,” the Sergeant called out to me as I left the room. It wasn’t like he had much chance to object, since I was off in a flash. I hoped it wouldn’t take me too long to find the equipment I was looking for. (Sorry to disappoint you dear reader but it wasn’t anything kinky. We’re not talking about whips chains, leather thongs, slave collars or anything like that.) I had to rummage around in a couple of boxes but I finally located the object in question. I headed back into the living room and placed the object on the coffee table in front of the Sergeant. I sat down in my chair.

“What in the world is that, sir?” Asked the Sergeant, looking at me as if I’d suddenly lost my mind or maybe temporarily misplaced my sanity somewhere.

“Don’t you recognize a snowman snow globe when you see one, Sergeant?” I asked with a smile on my face. The snowman snow globe had a solid white base that was a half globe with a flat bottom. On top of that was the snowman’s torso, which was a clear glass sphere. On top of that was the snowman’s head which was made of frosted glass, with a bit of air in the top quarter of the sphere. A slightly clear red stovepipe hat sitting at an angle was atop the snowman’s head. The expected ‘black lumps of coal eyes’ along with the ‘red carrot shaped nose’, all formed of hard plastic, completed the snowman’s face. On the inside of the snowman’s base was a tiny little fan perched on a pedestal. Covering the pedestal and the entire floor of the inside base of the snowman snow globe was a small layer of glittery metallic confetti. I’m sure you’ve seen this material before. It catches and reflects the light as it moves about. There appeared to be three small LED light located in the base as well, but they were dark. The clear glass sphere that comprised the snowman’s torso had glittery snowflakes sprinkled across it.

“Yeah but what the heck does that have to do with hypnosis?” The Sergeant asked puzzled.

“Nothing at all, Sergeant. I just thought you might find it interesting. Watch closely, Sergeant,” I answered, as I stood up and walked about the room turning all the lights down to their lowest settings. The room was either romantically lit or gloomy depending on your perspective. In either case, it would be much easier for the Sergeant. to see the snowman snow globe in just a few seconds. I returned to my chair, leaned over and flipped on the switch at the base of the snowman snow globe. The snowman’s inside turned green for a few seconds, and then the green transitioned to blue. A few seconds after that the blue light changed to red and the small fan in the snowman snow globe base started to spin. Quickly the moving water stirred up the small glittery metallic confetti and it began moving all through the snowman’s torso and head. It was a very captivating display. The entire room was bathed in the light from the snowman snow globe. When the red light changed back to green, the fan stopped spinning but the glittery metallic confetti continued to move about in the snowman’s torso and head. The pattern of light changes continued to repeat the same sequence, with the fan running only when the red light was shining.

“Hey, that’s cool,” said the Sergeant.

“I thought you might like it, Sergeant,” I said with a grin. “I enjoy looking at it. It reminds me of happy times, like Christmas when I was a kid. I enjoy looking at it. Don’t you?” (By now, dear reader, you must have guessed where this was going. If not, then pay attention closely to what happens next.)

“Yes, it is nice to look at. It’s kind of early to be bringing out a Christmas decoration, isn’t it?” The Sergeant asked, as he turned away from the snow globe and looked at me. He smiled at me at me, and I interpreted the odd look he gave me to mean ‘are you sure you know what the heck you’re doing’. The Sergeant was getting just a little confused by all this, which was exactly what I wanted.

“Yeah, it’s early for Christmas,” I agreed and a warm tone of voice. “You’re supposed to watch it closely, Sergeant! Now carry out your mission, Marine!” I barked at him.

“Sir, yes sir!” The Sergeant said, caught by surprise at the sudden authority in my voice. He jerked upright and sat stiffly on the sofa, his eyes locked on the snowman snow globe. “Paying attention and watching closely, sir!” He said, acknowledging my order. Indirectly he was also acknowledging my authority over him and that was what I had needed to establish. The trick now is to keep that authority without coming on too strong.

“Very good, Sergeant. Continue to pay close attention to the changing coloured lights in the snowman, like a good Marine, because that’s what you are aren’t you, Sergeant?” I asked. This would’ve been so much easier if I had been planted some mental commands into the Sergeant’s mind but I hadn’t done that yet. I’d have to figure out some way of doing that before too long, or else this induction might not work as I intended it to.

“Sir, yes, sir! I’m a good Marine, sir! I always carry out my mission, sir!” The Sergeant replied. He flicked his eyes over at me for just a second and grinned, before returning to lock his eyes on the snowman snow globe. Good he was playing along and didn’t really have any objections to my giving him a mission as silly as this one seemed to be. Again, he was acknowledging my authority over him even if it wasn’t on a serious conscious level.

I thought about briefly touching his hand or putting my hand on his shoulder as an active encouragement, but quickly realized that physical contact could be more of a distraction or a disruption than would be advisable at this stage of the game. I fell back on my tried and true method. “Look me in the eyes for a few seconds Sergeant, and tell me you’re a good Marine and that you’ll carry out your mission. I don’t believe a man, not even a Marine, unless he has the guts to look me in the eyes,” I said sternly. (Of course, dear reader, you know why I was having him look me in the eyes. All the better to use my super hypnosis powers on him.)

The Sergeant blinked a few times and then slowly shifted his eyes so that he was looking directly into my eyes. “Sir, yes, sir! I’m a good Marine, sir! I will carry out my mission to the best of my ability, sir!” He barked at me.

There was a kind of funny grin on his face as he recognized the humor of the situation. Here I was, a guy who in no way could command a Marine in real life, and I had the audacity to be claiming to give him orders much less a mission. He was willing to play along with this silly scenario. I smiled back at him acknowledging his sense of humor about the whole thing. Of course what the Sergeant. didn’t realize is the mental commands that I was sending into his mind while he was looking into my eyes and smiling. ‘You will follow my every suggestion Sergeant. It will seem normal and natural for you to do so. Each suggestion will take effect easily and effortlessly. It won’t surprise you and won’t concern you. When I bring to your attention that you are going into hypnosis Sergeant, you’ll feel so good that you won’t want to resist the idea anymore. In fact you won’t be able to stop yourself from going deeper and deeper into a hypnotic trance.’ That should take care of any resistance the Sergeant might have. Now on to business.

“Isn’t it fascinating the way that the lights melt from one color to the next? from red to green to blue and back to red. Again and again. Over and over. So smooth so easy so mellow. Just so fascinating to watch the colors change, isn’t it?” I asked him.

“Yeah, it’s cool, sir,” the Sergeant agreed.

That wasn’t exactly the response I was hoping for. It looked like I’d have to stretch of the induction just a little bit more, to deal with the Sergeant’s resistance. At least he was getting used to calling me ‘sir’. That was progress. Then I thought about that for a half a second, and realized it was second nature for the Marine to address me as sir. They called all men sir, even civilians. It was a form of respect, not submission.

“Sergeant, as you watch the coloured lights and the bright shiny bits of metal confetti moving about the snowman’s torso, I want you to remember what it felt like to you, when you were hypnotized earlier this evening by me. Can you do that for me, Sergeant?” I asked.

“Okay, sir,” The Sergeant answered, as he continued to stare at the snowman snow globe.

“Slowly as you watch the coloured lights change, let you mind go back to the memory of what it felt like in your mind. It is important for you to remember what your body felt like when you were hypnotized, Sergeant,” I said to him.

“Right, sir,” the Sergeant said. I could hear the doubt in his voice.

“Each time you see the cool blue light let yourself remember how calm and clear your mind was. When you see the soft green light, remember how relaxed and loose your body felt. The warm red light reminds you of how warm and happy you felt sinking deeper and deeper into hypnosis,” I said. I was pilling on a lot of suggestions at the Sergeant, but that was the idea.

“Okay, sir,” the Sergeant replied, the doubt in his voice still present.

“The wonderful thing is that as you use your powerful ability to concentrate and carry out your mission, Sergeant, some remarkable things will happen. When you’ve seen the cool blue light a few times, Sergeant, the word calm will just tumble out of your mouth automatically. When you’ve seen the soft green light a few times, the word relax will pop out of your mouth without you even realizing it. Seeing the warm red light a few more times, will cause you to say the word deeper as you do in fact feel yourself drifting down deeper and deeper into hypnosis,” I instructed him.

The Sergeant just sighed but didn’t say anything. I knew he was hearing me, but he was rapidly becoming fixated on the snowman snow globe as my mental commands kicked in. I let the lights cycle through a couple of times before I continued speaking.

“Just keep watching, Sergeant, like a good Marine would,” I said.

“A good Marine, yes, sir,” the Sergeant sighed. The light became blue.

“Calm,” the Sergeant said softly, almost as if he didn’t want me to hear him. The blue light changed to green.

“Relax,” the Sergeant said even more softly. The green light was replaced by the red light and the fan started up again.

“Deeper and deeper,” the Sergeant whispered. I could barely hear him.

“You sound like some mousey little girl, Sergeant! Speak up! Talk like a Marine! You are a Marine, aren’t you Sergeant?” I barked at him. I did my best to sound like a commanding officer.

“Sir, yes, sir! I am a Marine, sir! Relax, sir!” the Sergeant barked back at me. The light was green and was starting to shift to red.

“Deeper and deeper, sir!” the Sergeant barked.

“The deeper you go, the better you feel, Sergeant, and the better you feel the deeper you go. Always going deeper, always feeling better,” I told him. “Now, each cycle of the lights changing colour is twice as powerful as the last cycle.” It was time to push the Marine as deep as I could take him. The fascination of looking at the changing colours of the lights would wear off quickly.

“Calm, sir!” The Sergeant said as the blue light washed over him. His head was starting to nod forward as his body started to relax. He was starting to have to put some effort into keeping his head held up.

‘Perfect’, I thought to myself.

“Relax, sir!” Said the Sergeant. I could see that his legs were starting to spread open at the knee. His shoulders had dropped a bit and his arms, which earlier were held stiffly at his sides, were starting to loosen up.

“The green light relaxes your body more and more, Sergeant. It feels so good to relax, that soon and very soon indeed you will not want to fight that feeling. You’ll welcome the green light knowing that your body will become more relaxed, limp and loose each time that the green light appears,” I said to the Sergeant.

“Sir, yes, sir! Deeper and deeper, sir!” The Sergeant agreed. (Like he had a choice in the matter, dear reader?)

“Your mind becoming more empty and calmer each time you see the blue light, Marine,” I said.

“Calm, sir,” the Sergeant agreed as the blue light washed over him. I could see his lips twitch slightly as if he was fighting not to smile.

“Relax, sir,” Said the Sergeant.

“Deeper and deeper, sir,” reported the Sergeant.

“The next time you see the red light Sergeant, you’ll realize you are being hypnotized by looking at the light, and you can say anything at all that you want,” I told him. I needed a bit more feedback about how he was progressing.

“Calm, sir,” reported the Sergeant.

“Relax, sir,” said the Sergeant right on cue when the light turned completely green.

“Deeper and deeper, sir. I am hypnotized, sir. I can’t look away from the lights, or stop listening to your voice, sir. It just feels so good to keep going deeper, sir,” the Sergeant reported.

“Good job, Marine. Keep going deeper,” I encouraged him. I waited for the next cycle of lights.

“Calm, sir,” said the Sergeant as the blue light came around.

“Relaxed, sir,” the Sergeant said as he admitted to what was in fact happening to him. The green light was replaced by the red light. “Deeper and deeper, sir. I want to keep going deeper, sir,” the Sergeant told me. He seemed earnest in his desire to deepen his trance. That was fine with me.

“You no longer need to speak when you see the lights change colour. In a few moments more, Marine, those wonderful lights will take you back down in your mind to where you were a short while ago. You’ll be back in your deeply enjoyable, profound hypnotic trance. Your eyes will close easily and naturally as your entire body goes loose and limp. Your body will topple over onto it’s right side as you give in and fall into a hypnotic trance that is ten times deeper than before. A big happy grin will break out on your face when you feel yourself lying on the sofa, and you will be profoundly happy. The smile will last ten seconds or so, and then your face will become as relaxed and limp as the rest of your body. You will be a deeply hypnotized, relaxed, happy, and obedient, Marine,” I said in a soft but firm voice.

“Sir, yes, sir,” the Sergeant replied, speaking thickly.

Already I could see that my suggestions were taking hold. The Sergeant’s body was starting to sway slightly as the lights changed colour. The lights cycled three more time, and the Sergeant’s body was still upright. He was starting to sway as the lights played over him, but he wasn’t toppling over. I decided he needed a little help. I leaned forward and pushed on the Sergeant’s left shoulder, and that was all it took. He toppled over onto his right side and fell onto the sofa. Just as he had been instructed a big happy sappy grin blossomed on his face as he lay there on the sofa. The grin faded away a few seconds later.

So I had achieved my goal. I had a hot, sexy, hunk of a Marine Sergeant lying on my living room sofa, in a very deep state of super hypnosis. Let the fun begin! (You might have noticed, dear reader, that I did not ask for any suggestions or assistance from you. This assignment I can manage on my own, thank you very much.)

“Continue to go deeper with each word that I utter and with each breath that you take, Sergeant,” I told him.

“Sir, yes, sir,” the Sergeant answered sleepily.

“I am going to look you over for a few minutes, Sergeant, while you lie there on the sofa and go so deep into hypnosis that you can let go as much as you want,” I told him.

“Sir, yes, sir. Going deeper, sir,” the Sergeant agreed.

I stood up and walked over to the hypnotized Marine. I bend over slightly and got a good look at that Marine butt, in those Dress Blues class C uniform pants. Up close those pants were even more snug than I had hoped they would be. They were tight. Not skin tight but close to it. There was no chance that the Sergeant was carrying his wallet, if he had one, in either of his back pockets. I let out a soft sigh of disappointment at that discovery. Nobody is perfect, after all.

The Sergeant was lying on top of his right arm, such that his right hand was peeking out from underneath that studly torso of his. His handsome head was resting on the sofa pillow, and it looked a bit uncomfortable. His left arm and hand had fallen forward so that his hand was blocking my view of the front pelvic area of his pants. I had to correct that situation right away. I walked over so that I was standing in front of the coffee table, directly in front of the toppled Marine. I bent over and turned off the snowman. I was done with the snowman for the evening. Quickly I went over and turned the room lights back to normal levels. I wanted to see this Marine whom I had hypnotized.

“Stand. Open your eyes and tell me who you are and who I am, Marine,” I said in a firm hard voice.

The Sergeant jumped to his feet, snapping to attention. He looked straight ahead while he spoke. “I am Sergeant Dan Miller, sir! I am very deeply hypnotized, by you sir! I am at your command, sir! My mission is to take your orders, sir, and carry them out to the best of my ability, sir!” His face was deadpan serious.

I looked him over as he stood there. He was a magnificent figure of a man. (On a side note, dear reader, aren’t most Marines magnificent looking men? This Marine, in my not so humble opinion, was a cut above your average hunky Marine.) It took a great deal of effort not to grab him in a big hug and start running my hands over that hot uniformed body. I ran my eyes over his body as he stood there. It did not take me long to notice that he was at attention in more ways than one. He had a huge erection in his pants which due to the snug cut of his trousers was blatantly evident. The material was under a great deal of strain, and there was no way the Sergeant could not be aware of this fact. The stone cold at attention expression on his face, suggested that he was doing his best to either ignore the situation, or to not bring it to my notice. Had I had been sitting across the room from the Sergeant, and the room was pitch black, then I would probably not have noticed, but otherwise, no.

“You seem to be at attention in more ways than one, Sergeant,” I said to him, as I flicked my eyes downward for a second and then looked back up at him.

“Sir, yes, sir!” He replied as a slow bright red blush crept up from the base of his neck and covered his entire face. For a few seconds his ears were bright red, and I thought that steam might start coming out from them. To say that he was embarrassed at his erotic reaction to going into hypnosis, was a gross understatement. I firmly squashed the smile that tried to come to my lips. The Sergeant didn’t need to see me smirking at him.

“Your reaction to being hypnotized is not at all uncommon, Sergeant. It is nothing to be concerned about. Many men, both gay and straight get hard when I hypnotize them. For some reason you find the process of being hypnotized and feeling controlled to be a big turn on,” I said in an effort to reassure the Sergeant.

The Sergeant didn’t say anything. He stood there at attention. His lack of response to my words was a little bit unnerving. I wondered if he’d even heard what I said and understood it. “Please step out from behind the coffee table Sergeant and stand in the center of the living room, facing me,” I said to him.

“Sir, yes sir,” Sergeant. replied, as he snappily turned to his left and walked away from me. Oh, yes, I had a wonderful view of that Marine butt of his in those Dress Blues Class C dress pants. Those two button flap pockets lay flat against his big beautiful buttocks. If only there was a nice big wallet bulge in one of those pockets, but it seemed I was out of luck. Well, one can’t have everything. The Sergeant carried out my instructions flawlessly as he came out from behind the coffee table.

“Just continue to go deeper Sergeant Dan. That’s all you have to do is follow my words and continued to go deeper Sergeant Dan. It’s so very easy to keep doing that because it feels so good Sergeant. Feels wonderful to be standing there at attention with a rock hard cock thrusting out into the front of your uniform pants making them feel tighter and so much more sexy. You can’t stop the moans that start to tumble out of your mouth because you feel so good Sergeant Dan.”

The Marine Sergeant moaned a few times as soon as I finished speaking. “Each time you moan with delight Sergeant you go deeper. And the deeper you go into hypnosis Sergeant the more you want to moan as the pleasure builds in your mind and your body. Isn’t it amazing how easy it is to for you just to let go Sergeant, and surrender to your desire, your want, your need to go into hypnosis? Because deep down Sergeant you and I both know the truth. You truly want to be a good little hypnotized Marine Sergeant just for me. You want to let go and not have to worry about anything except following my orders.”

“Sir, yes, sir! A good little hypnotized Marine Sergeant, sir!” Barked the Marine Sergeant. The enthusiasm in his voice was so sweet to hear. I knew that with the super hypnosis he would’ve agreed to all of this anyway, but that didn’t diminish by one drop the sweetness and hearing that hunky sexy hypnotized Marine Sergeant agreed with me. But now I had to add in a few little guarantees of safety so as not to cause the Sergeant any psychological damage.

“You always have the option Sergeant Dan, to say no to any command or suggestion I may give you if for any reason it conflicts with your basic code of morals or ethics. No hypnotist can override that, not even me. So if I ordered or you to do something that you would consider disgracing the Marine Corps, you would not do it. If that perfectly clear, Sergeant?” I asked.

“Crystal clear Sir!” Sergeant barked back at me. For just as half a second I saw the corners of his mouth twitch as if he were trying to suppress a grin, and succeeding admirably.

“Sergeant, I suspect you’re very experienced with commanding men and taking charge any situation you found yourself in . Would that be an accurate statement?” I asked.

“Sir, yes, sir,” the Sergeant replied.

“So since you are obviously used to being the dominant male as it were, I suspect that part of you is wondering why you’re going so deep into hypnosis and why it seems to be so easy for you. I’d be surprised if part of you isn’t a little concerned about this development. It’s really quite simple. Like police officers and other branches of the military, Marines are well trained to respond to authority figures. In other words they know how to take orders. What I have very quickly managed to do is to convince your subconscious and by doing that also convince your conscious mind that I am a dominant male and thus you feel inclined because of your Marine training to follow my orders, especially when you realize how much pleasure it brings you. It is also not at all uncommon for someone in an authority position to secretly want the situation to be turned around 180°. In other words for that dominant person who is always in charge, to not to have to be in charge anymore, and let someone else take up the load of leadership and command.” I paused for a few breaths to let my words sink into the Marine’s mind. A few seconds later I continued.

“At this point I make you the same promise I make all the guys I work with. I will always treat you with respect and dignity. I will never give you a suggestion that will cause you any embarrassment or humiliation in any way shape or form. In your case Sergeant, I will make a special effort to always treat you with dignity and respect. For all that you do, serving your country, putting your life at risk, the very least I can do is to treat you with the respect and dignity due the uniform that you wear.”

“Sir, thank you, sir,” the Marine Sergeant replied a few seconds of silence. The slightly confused look on his face suggested that he was searching for how best to respond to my words.

“At ease, Sergeant,” I ordered him. The Marine Sergeant complied instantly. His entire body relaxed as he shifted his legs so that he was standing with his feet about a half a meter apart, and his hands were clasped loosely behind his back, with his arms handing down loose and relaxed. “Now how about coming over here and giving me a big warm hug, as a way of thanking me for hypnotizing you?” I prompted him, as I stood up and moved so that I was standing in front of him.

Imagine the joy I felt as those big beefy arms wrapped themselves about my torso, as that Marine Sergeant gave me a big bear hug. He pulled me right up against his body, so that I could feel his rock hard cock digging into my left thigh. (Of course that was a completely innocent accident, dear reader. I NEVER intended that to happen. If you believe that, I know of a money making project that you can do at home on your computer, that will let you earn $50,000 a week.) That rock hard cock digging into my thigh felt great. My own cock responded in kind, after only fifteen seconds or so. The Sergeant let out a long low moan at that point. I didn’t ask him if it was because of his cock digging into my thigh, or my cock pressing into his thigh. It didn’t seem important, at the time, to ask such a question. Slowly I moved my arms up and returned the hug that this big beefy Marine was giving me. I slowly increased the pressure of my hug until it was as strong as I could make it. I did not want to frighten the Marine. I didn’t know if he was gay or not, and straight guys usually get uncomfortable when a guy hugs them. The odds were that the Marine was straight, so super hypnotized or not, it was prudent for me to go slowly and carefully.

After about five minutes the Sergeant broke our embrace. I stepped away from him and just looked at him. He was standing there with a self-satisfied smirk on his face as if he’d accomplished something secret that I didn’t know about. He enjoyed giving me a hug probably as much as I’d been joy hugging him. We both knew our cocks agreed on that point, as they had made their intentions perfectly clear. Now I had to drop a bombshell on him before we could proceed. Sometimes I get tired of going through this routine, but experience had shown me that it was best to get these considerations dealt with before proceeding.

“Thank you, Sergeant. You’re one good looking man and an impressive physical specimen. Now that you know you can’t be made to do anything against your true nature I think it’s time to mention that I happen to be gay. Frankly it’s too bad you’re not gay,” I told him with just a twinge of worry in the back of my mind. His reaction in the next few seconds would largely determine the course of this hypnosis session. If the Sergeant was homophobic, the session would be terminated immediately. Otherwise, we might be able to have a little fun. That is to say I’d be able to have a little fun with a Marine Sergeant which was a long time fantasy of mine. The seconds dragged by as I waited for a response. I was actually holding my breath anticipating the Sergeant’s response.

“If you don’t ask, I won’t tell, sir,” The Sergeant said and grinned at me.

“I don’t believe this” I commented as I shook my head in disbelief and started to breathe again. I flicked my eyes down to the front of the Sergeants uniform pants and that cock bulge of his looked like it was even bigger than before. My cock had become rock hard upon my hearing the Sergeant’s declaration. At least one of us was happy. I had to think for a minute, which is not easy when one has an erection. (As Robin Williams once said ‘God gave you a penis and a brain and only enough blood to run one at a time’.) The Sergeant and I were both gay and clearly he was enjoying his hypnosis session with me. This had already become sexual in nature, so the question is how far would it go. My relationship with Andy forbid me from taking things too far. There were a few areas I could explore without threatening my relationship with Andy.

“I’m curious about something Sergeant. That uniform fits you very well especially the uniform pants. The uniform pants kind of clinging to your butt and with your rock hard cock Sergeant you’re really showing off your assets if you know what I mean. Do you have a wallet Sergeant? If so, why don’t you carry it in one of the pockets of your uniform pants?” I was eager to learn the answers to these questions since I’d always wondered about this.

“Of course I have a wallet Sir,” the Marine replied looking at me as if I asked a really dumb question. “The bulge of the wallet would detract from the snappy sharp appearance of this Marine in uniform and so I don’t carry it in any of my pants pockets, Sir.”

“I see, Sergeant. Sounds to me like Marines are darn proud of how they look in uniform,” I commented.

“We’re friggin’ proud of how we look in our uniforms Sir. It’s part of being in the Marine Corps, Sir,” Sergeant replied with obvious pride in his voice, as he snapped to attention. I had not ordered him to come to attention. He did it on his own.

“You do look great Sergeant. You have every reason to be proud of how you look in your uniform. Where do you carry your wallet, if you wouldn’t mind telling me?” I asked as my curiosity had been piqued.

“Of course I wouldn’t mind telling you Sir. Did you forget I’m your little hypnotized Marine Sergeant, Sir?” The Sergeant said with a grin, as he relaxed and stood at ease. “I keep my wallet tucked away down the inside of my right sock, Sir.” With that the Sergeant bent over pulled up his right pant leg to about mid calf and turned his leg outward so I could see the huge bulge of his wallet in his right sock. (Damn! He was in front of me or I would have seen that delectable derrière of his with those uniform pants pulled snugly over both bulging hemispheres.) From where I stood it seemed like a pretty big and thick wallet. After a few seconds the Sergeant lowered his right pant leg and stood up to face me.

“Feeling submissive and obedient, Sergeant?” I barked out at him hoping to catch him off guard.

“Kind of, I guess, Sir,” the Sergeant answered doubtfully. The expression on his face suggested that he thought he was merely going along with my suggestions to humour me. He needed more proof that he was my little hypnotized Marine Sergeant, and I was more than happy to oblige him.

“You’re a lot more submissive and obedient than you might realize Sergeant,” I told him.

“I don’t know about that Sir. After all you did say I could always say no to anything you tell me,” Sergeant countered as if he were starting to fight my control. Maybe he was putting up some resistance, but it was a token resistance at best. He’d come to realize that, soon enough.

“You’ll be amazed at just what you won’t say no to, Sergeant. You may not realize it but I’ve seen the signs that deep down you to trust me a lot and that a part of you wants to explore just how much you can be controlled especially by a civilian,” I told him.

“If you say so Sir,” The Sergeant said with strong doubt in his voice. He shot me a look that said I-am-not-buying-this-line-of-bull.

Oh, I was going to love this. I had just come up with the perfect way to convince the Sergeant of my control over him and to get a sexual thrill the same time. (You expected anything less of me, dear reader? You should know me better than that by now.) A sexual thrill for the both of us, to boot. I took a deep breath and let it out slowly as I took a few moments to organize my thoughts.

“A minute or so after I finish talking, you’ll want to take that nice wallet of yours Sergeant and put it in whatever pants pocket you would normally carry it in, if you were wearing civilian clothes. As you carry out these instructions Sergeant you’ll discover how good it feels to surrender to my control and your cock will become even harder. As you slip that wallet in your pants pocket you’ll start to moan uncontrollably, because of the pleasure carrying out my commands gives you. When your wallet is in whichever pocket you choose to put it in, you’ll feel yourself letting go completely, melting away into my power can control. You’ll find it very easy to express how you feel, and what you want to do for me. You won’t care that your wallet is in pocket of your uniform pants, because the feelings it causes in your uniform pants will be too strong and too powerful for you to resist. As you feel the material in your uniform pants pulled tighter across your butt, and your thighs and your crotch, and especially across your hard stiff cock, you’ll moan. The moans will get louder and stronger when you feel your cock start to throb with joy as your uniform pants seem to become tighter and more snug around your cock, ass, thighs and crotch. Those wonderful feeling will bring you so much pleasure it will enhance your feeling of being controlled by me and you’ll just melt into my power and control. You’ll love every single solitary second of surrendering totally to me.” I spoke clearly but quickly to the Marine. I didn’t bother to ask the Sergeant if he understood, as that was a given. His attention was focused on my voice to the exclusion of anything else. Super hypnosis works that way, as I well knew.

Sergeant Dan looked at me for a few seconds before he spoke. He shook his head as if he was clearing it of cobwebs. I had thrown so many instructions at him that it seemed to have overloaded him for a few seconds. He took a deep breath and let it out, before he turned to address me.

“No fucking way, Sir!” The Sergeant snapped at me. “Marines don’t fall for tricks like that. I may be gay, but I’m a Marine first and there is no way I’m going to do that to my uniform. You’re nuts, sir!” He was starting to get upset. Normally such a series of suggestions, which the subject objected to would have snapped a subject of out hypnosis, but as I mentioned before, this was not ordinary hypnosis. This was super hypnosis, and this Marine Sergeant was caught like a fly in a spider’s web. Oddly enough, though, it was a web of his own choosing. He had come to me, remember. I had not even suggested during that first hypnosis session with him that he should come over tonight for a session. He’d enjoyed his first session with me, and he wanted more, which was understandable. Hypnosis can be a bit addictive, especially if the subject is sexually stimulated during the first hypnosis session.

At this point Sergeant Dan probably thought he had awakened himself out of hypnosis. I knew better. He might be voicing objections to his instructions but he was compelled to carry them out nevertheless. He just didn’t realize it, yet. This was going exactly as planned. Planned by him and his subconscious, not by me. Okay, yes, I admit it. I did plan some of this, but only after he came over for a second session. I didn’t set this up, from the beginning though. I just took advantage of the opportunity presented to me.

I had already noticed the pattern this evening that Sergeant Dan had presented. He would claim one thing, such as he did not want to do anything silly, but his physical reaction, his cock becoming stiff, would dispute that statement. It would be interesting to see how the Sergeant explained his actions over the next few minutes.

The Sergeant turned around and walked a few paces away from me. Damn, he had a hot ass in those Marine uniform pants! My jeans suddenly felt unusually snug. It was a good feeling, though. He turned back and looked at me, saying not a word. I waited with baited breath for my super hypnosis commands to take effect.

“Something the matter, Sergeant Dan?” I asked innocently.

Sergeant Dan shot m a dirty look, before he answered. “You know darn well what the matter is, sir. I told you before that I would not do what you told me to do, and I meant it. I know that you’re waiting for me to follow my orders, like a good little hypnotize Marine, but that is not going to happen, sir. I’m not longer a good little hypnotized Marine.” The Sergeant thrust his jaw out at me as he spoke, emphasizing his point. He crossed his arms in front of that massive muscular chest of his and glared at me defiantly for a minute or so.

I silently nodded my head at him, as If I agreed with his statement.

“I have to admit though, that I can understand why you’d want to see my wallet in my uniform pants,” the Sergeant said. “I’m sure many gay guys would enjoy seeing a site like that. Still it is nothing that I would ever do in public.” The Sergeant was talking to me as if he was debating about carrying out my instructions. Wisely, I kept my mouth shut and just nodded my head again.

The Sergeant sighed a few times as he continued looking at me. The silence was a wee bit uncomfortable. The air was pregnant with expectation. I stood there and waited. I wasn’t going to give him an argument about carrying out my instructions. It wasn’t necessary. He was going to carry them out, as soon as he came up with a justification in his own mind for doing so. (Between you and me, dear reader, this is one of the most enjoyable aspects of super hypnosis. Seeing how a subject justifies carrying out the instructions he has been given.)

“Well, since we are alone, I guess I could put my wallet in my back pocket, just so that you can see what it looks like,” the Sergeant said with clear reluctance in his voice. “But only for a minute or two. And no touching. Is that understood?” He glared at me again, as he spoke the last few words. Defiant to the end.

“Crystal clear, Sergeant. I would like to thank you in advance for doing this,” I answered. “I respect The Corps, and as part of that respect I would never touch a Marine without his express permission.”

“Fine. As long as we are clear on that point, sir,” the Sergeant said as he quickly swatted down. (Damn it! He was facing towards me so I could not see that hot Marine butt of his as the material of those uniform pants were stretched across his buttocks. Ah, that would change in a few more minutes.) He quickly reached down with his right hand and lifted his right pant leg. His left hand snatched that big bulging wallet from his right sock, and the Sergeant quickly stood up. His left arm was raised and bent at the elbow so that his hand was floating an inch or so below the level of his belt.

“Here we go, sir,” the Sergeant said as he reached back with his right hand towards his right buttock. I could not see what his right hand was doing. It wasn’t necessary. I knew that he had to be unbuttoning that right back pocket of his uniform pants. The Sergeant took in a sudden short gasp of air as his right hand did its work. A look of surprise jumped onto his face for a second or two. The Sergeant took in a deep breath and let it out slowly as he brought his right hand back in front of him and held just below the level of his belt. His face took on a slightly blank expression as he transferred his wallet from his left hand to his right hand. His right hand disappeared behind him, his wallet securely held.

“Oh,” the Sergeant gasped a second later, as his face went completely blank. A soft moan followed a second later. The Sergeant gulped once and then a steady stream of moans started to pour out of his mouth. The blank expression on his face gradually melted into a dreamy far away look. The Sergeant’s right arm and hand had finished their task. The Sergeant’s arms were now hanging loose and limp at his side, though I doubt he was aware of that fact. As expected the Sergeant’s moans became louder. I was happy to note that the front bulge in the Sergeant’s uniform pants became a bit larger and more noticeable.

“What? What are you doing to me sir?” The Sergeant cried out after a few more loud moans.

“Exactly what I said I would, Sergeant,” I answered cryptically.

“What the hell? No. This. This is wrong,” the Sergeant cried out. “I. I’m a Marine. You. You can’t do this to me.” The moans had stopped, surprisingly. I had not expected this.

“I can, and I am, Sergeant,” I declared. “Do you want me to stop now? I will stop, if you want me to.” (Yes, dear reader, I was playing with the Sergeant like a cat plays with a mouse. Yes, it was wrong. Yes it was a bit evil. As I said before, dear reader, I’m no angel.)

“Yes. No, I mean no,” the Sergeant answered, the dreamy look on his face was gone, replaced by one of concern.

“Which is it, Sergeant?” I asked him. If he really wanted to stop I would. Mind you, I’d be in a really grumpy mood for the rest of the evening.

“No. Stop. Stop this now,” the Sergeant said choking out the words, between moans.

“Fine. All you have to do is remove your wallet from the right back pocket of your uniform pants Sergeant and this will all stop. You will be out of hypnosis and back to normal, if you can do this.” I told him. (This is what would happen, dear reader. The Sergeant was under my super hypnotic control at this time so these were super hypnotic commands I was giving him.) “Can you do that, Sergeant, or is your desire for the pleasure and joy of being my good little hypnotized Marine too strong for you to resist?”

The Sergeant gulped once, as if he was gathering his will power for a maximum effort.

“Go ahead and try, Sergeant,” I prompted him. He nodded his head.

The Sergeant moved his right hand and arm up slowly towards the back of his right hip. His right arm and hand stopped after a few moments. I waited a few more moments but they did not seem to be moving. The dreamy look was back on his face. He moaned a few times, and the dreamy look on his face intensified.

“What are your right hand and arm doing, Sergeant?” I asked him.

“Resting on the big bulge of my wallet, sir,” he answered simply. “It feels good to feel my wallet in the back pocket of my pants, sir. I never thought it would feel this good.” He moaned a few times.

“Well, if you’re not going to take out your wallet, Sergeant, let your arms rest by your side,” I told him.

“Yes, sir,” the Sergeant answered. A few seconds later his right arm and hand were once again handing limply by his right side. A few more moans and the Sergeant’s body was looking relaxed as well.

“Go ahead and tell me how you feel, Sergeant. Physically and mentally. The purpose of my hypnotizing you is not to control you Sergeant, but to help you experience pleasure and deep relaxation,” I told him. (Yes, I lied, dear reader. Get off my case.)

The Sergeant moaned a few more times before he licked his lips and began to speak.

“My pants are so snug and sexy, sir. My wallet makes them so tight across my buttocks and my crotch. My cock is so hard it’s making my pants even tighter, sir. Oh god, my cock has never felt this hard before sir,” said the Sergeant. He paused for a few seconds before he continued to speak. “My mind is so calm and empty, sir. It’s like I don’t have a care in the world. I really like this, sir. It’s fantastic, sir.”

“And what do you most want to do right now, Sergeant?” I asked him. Here was the key point that I had been working towards the entire evening. Getting to this point was easy, as far as the super hypnosis was concerned. Getting the Sergeant to believe that the decision to go here was his, had been the difficult part. I don’t like forcing such a situation on the guys I hypnotize, even if it is a relatively easy event to arrange. I much prefer to have them agree to it, as it is psychologically better for them, and it means I have fewer, if any, memories to adjust later.

“I want to be your good little hypnotized Marine, sir. I want to carry out your orders, sir,” the Sergeant answered.

It was not quite the answer I had been looking for. “Provided that an order I give you is not illegal, and is not contrary to your morals, your ethics, your duty as a Marine, or a philosophy of the Corps, you now agree to carry out my orders to you. Is that correct, Marine?” I asked.

“Sir! Yes, sir!” Barked the Sergeant his face breaking out into a stern on duty look. A few seconds later he moaned and his face melted back into that dreamy look. Wherever he was in his mind, he was happy to be there. In the back of my mind I knew that I would have some explaining to do, when I terminated the Marine’s trance. He might be hypnotized and hunky, but he wasn’t stupid.

“I can touch you now, can’t I, Sergeant?” I asked him.

“I wish you would, sir! I want to feel your hands on my Marine body. This Marine is here for you, sir. I am your Marine toy, to use as you see fit sir. I would prefer not to stain or mess up my uniform, sir, but I will do so if ordered by you, sir,” the Sergeant said with a grin.

“You are really getting into this surrender, submit and serve aspect of being hypnotized, Sergeant,” I said casually. “It pleases me greatly.”

“Sir! Yes, sir!” Barked the Sergeant. The entire time he had been speaking he had continued to stare at me. The glassy look had never completely left his eyes. He might have protested about going under, but he had never left the super hypnosis state. Now I could finally have some fun.

“Feels so good to submit to my control, doesn’t it Sergeant?” I coaxed him.

“Oh yes sir!” The Sergeant agreed with a big smile. He moaned as soon as he spoke. I saw a shudder run down his body as the Sergeant spoke.

“Now just imagine you feel my hands running over your clothed body, exploring how your uniform fits. Then imagine my warm firm fingers moving over the bulge in your back pocket, and stroking that big bulge in the front of your uniform pants, Sergeant,” I prompted him.

“Oh yes, sir I want that, sir!” The Sergeant responded. His enthusiastic response was a delightful to hear.

Now who am I to turn down such a request from a handsome hypnotized hunk of a Marine? Yes, I’m so selfless in my support of those cute gay men who serve their country. I walked over to the that hypnotized Marine and looked him dead in the eye. “I am going to start now Sergeant.” The Sergeant nodded his head a few times and licked his lips.

I raised my arms and hands up and gently brushed the fingertips of my right hand across the Sergeant’s forehead. He sighed softly. This was a good beginning. I let my hands wander slowly down the Marine’s face, lightly brushing his lips with my fingertips. He moaned loudly several times as my fingertips traced the curve of his lips, for a few heartbeats. My hands and fingers continued their journey down his face, to his chin and then his neck. The material of that khaki shirt was warm and soft to the touch. The shirt collar fit snugly around the Marine’s muscular neck, with the uniform tie placed exactly in the center of the shirt. My hands found their way down that muscled chest, following the tie all the way from the knot at the neck to the pointy tip that dangled just above the belt buckle.

The tie lay flat against the Marine’s chest, held in place by the gold tie clip that was aligned with the two button flap chest pockets on the shirt. Only the soft rhythmic rise and fall of the Marine’s chest disturbed the sanctity of that khaki tie lying against that long sleeved khaki shirt. As my hands moved out and about, over his chest and stomach, the Marine moaned a few more times. A soft ‘yes’ escaped from his lips several times as I made sure to thoroughly explore the front of that shirt. My hands did not dip below the belt line. I was willing to wait a bit longer before heading down south. Anticipation is the key, dear reader. Drawing out the experience slowly was an ever so sweet delight. I had done this sort of thing enough times to be very good at it, and I used my skills to their fullest. The shudder that ran down the length of the Sergeant’s body was testament to my skill and the Sergeant’s enjoyment.

The belt was securely fastened about the Sergeant’s waist, as a few strong tugs on the belt confirmed. My fingers were more than happy to wrap themselves about that khaki leather belt. My hands were very pleased to exert some effort and give a few tugs on that belt. I wasn’t trying to remove the belt, I was just playing with the Marine Sergeant. (You expected me NOT to play with him? Get real, dear reader. This was WHY he was here in the first place. Remember, I did not invite him over, nor suggest that he come over. It was all his idea.)

“Oh yes, sir,” The Sergeant moaned out as he felt me tug on his belt a few more times.

I don’t know what exactly he was saying ‘yes’ to, but I was too busy with my own concerns to divert my attention. My eager hands wanted to continue their exploration of that hot Marine body. I let them. My hands wandered down past the belt and onto the front of those sexy Dress Blue class C uniform pants. My hands bumped into each other and moved over and across each other as I ran them over every inch of the front of those pants. The front pockets didn’t seem to have much if anything in them. I did note a rather large and long bulge in the front of those pants running down along the right side. (Three guesses what that might have been dear reader, and the first two guesses don’t count. Here’s a clue. I was fairly certain it was not a kielbasa sausage, although it did seem large enough to pass for one.)

“Oh fuck, sir,” the Sergeant moaned loudly as the fingers of my left hand danced over that big hard fabric covered cock of his, caressing it ever so gently and firmly. The Sergeant shuddered once or twice as I did a thorough job of inspecting the front of his uniform pants. I took my time, believe me. I glanced upward a few times during my exploratory mission, and noted that the Sergeant’s eyes were tightly closed, and that dreamy expression remained glued to his face. I pressed down firmly on that stiff hard cock, a few times. Each time I did, the Sergeant cried out with pleasure. They were animal moans of pleasure and not words.

After five minutes of fondling and groping his still concealed cock as well as the front of his body, with an occasional caress of his stomach and chest, I decided to move on to the main course as it were, with a slight detour first. Placing my hands on his flat sexy tummy I slowly moved my hands around his body on the right side, keeping my hands above the belt, until I reached the small of his back. My eyes feasted on those two beautiful buttocks which were now directly in front of me, while my hands moved all over the Sergeant’s lower back. I admit I did not spend more than a minute or two running my hands over his lower and upper back, so I guess I did not give those parts of his body as much attention as I should have. Can you blame me though. I’m a butt man, and that hot Marine butt was right in front of me. It was like being expected to finish all your veggies when someone puts a big piece of pecan pie in front of you. (If you don’t like pecan pie, then substitute your favourite dessert, dear reader, and you will get my meaning I’m sure.)

I shuddered and moaned as my hands finally dipped below the uniform belt and my hot eager fingers began to move over that big beefy beautiful butt. The Sergeant moaned a few times too. The left back pocket was empty, but that big bulging wallet sure made the right back pocket look even bigger and more sexy. The material was soft and warm. It was heavenly. I took my time and ran my hands over each buttock slowly, and evenly, checking every inch of the material for any sign of a hole, tear or wear. I was merely addressing my concern that the Marine looked sharp in his uniform, and from all possible angles. (You have to admit that sounds a lot more classy, dear reader, than saying I was fondling and groping that Marine butt for all I was worth.) I pressed down firmly on the butt cheeks a few times, which only solicited a few moans from the Sergeant. I pressed down firmly with the index finger of my right hand, as I traced the seam of those pants that ran in between those two butt cheeks. The Sergeant moaned a bit louder. That wasn’t the response I wanted, so I pressed down and inward as hard as I could.

“Fuck yes, sir!” Cried the Sergeant as he felt my finger trying to probe between his butt checks. His entire body shuddered for a second or two with the force of his cry. I clamped both hands on those butt cheeks and gave them my biggest and hardest squeeze.

“Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck! Oh fuck!” The Sergeant cried out as his brain was bombarded with waves of erotic pleasure. I didn’t even have to suggest that would be the case. The Sergeant was already there. I continued my groping and grabbing of the Sergeant’s butt for another delightful ten minutes. I never realized that a man could groan and moan almost continuously for ten minutes. Of course when I probed between his buttocks a few more times he cried out loud again and again. Each time he was a bit louder and big more enthusiastic, let us say. He did complement me on my probing efforts, at least I chose to interpret the words that he cried out while I was probing between his buttocks with my fingers, as complimentary.

I so enjoyed those ten minutes. There was nothing like having a good piece of ass to play with, to make my day. When it was the beefy beautiful butt of a Marine, whose happens to be wearing those sinfully sexy Dress Blue class C uniform pants, well, so much the better. (I suppose I could force myself to make due with a motorcycle cop, dear reader if I had to, but that is a whole other story for some other time.) If kidnapping were not against the law, I’d write Santa Clause every year asking him to bring me a new Marine, with a red bow tie on the top of the Marine’s cover. It might be hard to get a Marine in his toy bag, but that would be Santa’s problem, not mine.

After ten minutes I decided to take it to the next stage. (As difficult as it may be to believe, dear reader, one can caresses and fondle a Marine butt, for only so long.)

“Deeper and harder, Sergeant. Harder and deeper,” I encouraged him, not that he needed my encouragement. I had to say something to him, though.

“Fuck yes!” The Sergeant cried out in between moans.

“The touch of my hands on your body is magical. You can’t help but feel yourself going deeper into hypnosis. Feeling more and more controlled by me, Sergeant. Soon and very soon indeed, you’ll realize that you are completely under my control, which down deep is what you really want. Soon you will come to know and accept that I am in total command of your mind and your body, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. But this only applies when I hypnotize you, Sergeant,” I told him as I continued to play with his ass, to my everlasting delight.

“Oh God! Oh, fuck! Your touch! So strong!” The Sergeant blurted out a few seconds later. “Can’t help it. Must obey you, sir. Feels so fucking good to obey you, sir. Anything you want, sir. Any fucking thing you want, sir.” He moaned a few more times, and leaned his body into me as he tried to push my probing fingers deeper in between his buttocks.

“What about the Corps, Sergeant?” I asked him. I don’t know why I asked that question. It was a spur of the moment impulsive action.

“Fuck the Corps!” He cried out. “Better yet, sir, fuck me sir!” The Sergeant suddenly fell forward and dropped so that he was on his hands and knees. He lowered his torso as he crossed his arms on the floor in front of him. He rested his head on his arms and turned his face to the right. Now this was a most promising as well as unexpected development. His butt was sticking up in the air at roughly a forty-five degree angle and those Dress Blue class C uniform pants were pulled even more tightly across his buttocks. With that big thick wallet of his nested in the right back pocket of those uniform pants, the pants were pulled even more tightly across that muscular Marine backside. The seams of those pants must have been under incredible strain. Frankly, I was surprised that the pants seam down the center, the seam that my fingers were currently fondling, did not split right there and then. (I’ve mentioned it before. Yes, there IS a God.)

“Fuck me, sir, please! Fuck my Marine ass, good and hard, sir! Take this Marine and make him yours, sir!” He cried out as he knelt there on the floor in front of me. “Please sir, take my pants down, or order me to do it, so that you can hump my ass, my hot and hungry ass, sir! I want to feel your powerful cock filling me completely and making me blow my load! Oh God, Sir! Do it now, Sir! Fuck my brains out, Sir! I want to be your mind fucked jarhead Marine, Sir!”

Oh, dear! I’d gone a bit too far. Boy, was that an understatement! The Sergeant had gone way past the point of letting me control him. He was willing to surrender totally to me. He wanted me to use him like some cheap whore and screw his brains out. I had never intended to force myself on the Marine, or to have hot and heavy man sex with him. Nor any type of man sex with him, for that matter. I reserved that privilege for Andy. I’d have to back pedal my way out of this sticky situation. I know that there are many of you out there, dear readers, who are going to be upset that I would not taken the Sergeant up on his kind offer. What can I say? I AM married to Andy, remember? My promise to Andy has to mean something, doesn’t it? This is one of those times, dear reader, when my super hypnotic abilities can backfire on me.

I had to give the Sergeant relief of some kind, but not with me. I looked about the room, and as my gaze fell upon the sofa an idea popped into my mind. It was a bit crazy, and slightly on the weird side. It would do the job, so to speak, and both the Sergeant and I would find it interesting. (Yes, I am intentionally being vague and leading you on, dear reader. If I told you flat out what I had in mind, that would take all the mystery and fun out of the story.)

It was not easy to ignore that hard tight full bodied pants-straining-at-the-seams Marine ass that was only inches away from my fingers. It was with great difficulty that I kept my mind focused on the task at hand. I had to figuratively grit my teeth and do it. “Stay right where you are, Sergeant. I will return in a few moments,” I said in a firm hard voice.

“Yes, sir,” the Sergeant replied. A few more moans followed his reply. I looked at the Sergeant few a few more seconds, as he swayed slightly back and forth as he awaited my pleasure.

I practically raced down the hall to the linen closet as I didn’t want to keep the Sergeant waiting. I knew there was practically zero chance that he would do anything while I was gone. It would be more accurate to say that the Sergeant was gone, at least mentally. It took me only a few moments to find a nice big thick furry towel from one of the shelves, grab the towel and hurry back to the Sergeant. When I returned to the living room the Sergeant was as I had left him, hypnotized handsome and hunky. What more could a man want? Well Andy comes to mind, but let’s not get distracted dear reader.

“On your feet, Sergeant!” I yelled at him.

“Sir! Yes, sir!” The Sergeant yelled back as he sprang to his feet and came to attention. I felt a flush creep across my face as the pleasure of that action surged through me. I like to control men, and seeing the Sergeant respond to my commands like a good little Marine caused a wave of jubilation to wash over me momentarily. Damn, he looked hot and sexy standing there at attention. I flicked my eyes down to the front of his pants. I smiled to myself as I saw that he continued to keep his interest up, if you catch my drift. I walked over to the sofa. It took me only a few moments to place that big thick furry towel so that it was lying across the back of the sofa, covering the crevasse that separated two of the cushions. I pressed down and separated the cushions a bit more while at the same time pushing the towel in between the two cushions a bit. The towel would stay in place long enough. Everything was set. I smiled to myself.

“Walk over here and stand in front of the sofa,” I ordered the Sergeant.

“Sir! Yes, sir!” The Sergeant replied. A few seconds later he was standing in place as ordered. He had a slightly puzzled look on his face. Clearly he did not know what I had in mind. I had thought about having the Sergeant fantasy fuck his commanding officer or maybe one of the hot young studs in his platoon. I quickly realized though, that the deep bond of trust and authority that binds all Marines together would interfere with such an erotic fantasy. If I personalized the fantasy using someone that the Sergeant knew, it would cause him problems later on, even though he knew this was only a fantasy. I didn’t need to borrow trouble.

“Climb up on the sofa and kneel upon it so that your body is directly in front of the towel. You will then open your fly, carefully take out that throbbing cock of yours and press it into the towel so that your cock slips down between the two cushions of the sofa back,” I ordered the Sergeant.

“Yes, sir,” the Sergeant replied unenthusiastically. The Sergeant placed himself as ordered. He had a nice cock that was seven or eight inches long fully extended. It was of average thickness and look very sturdy. The Sergeant was not in favour of this course of action, but he didn’t really have a choice in the matter. Little did he know that the thrill factor was about to increase a hundred fold.

I placed myself directly behind the Sergeant. What a wonderfully beefy butt that Marine Sergeant had. It cried out to be touched. To be caressed and to be appreciated. If there is one thing I do appreciate, it is a fine piece of ass. “Remember Sergeant, that my touch is magic,” I said to him in a smooth tone of voice. I slapped my hands on those two perfect half hemispheres of muscle and pushed forward with all my might. “Hump that sofa, Sergeant! That’s an order!” I barked at him.

“Fuck yes, sir!” The Sergeant yelled back. He started to pump his hips almost immediately as he felt his rock hard cock slip into that crack between the sofa back cushions. He didn’t need my help pushing against the sofa, but being such a helpful chap I nevertheless braced my hands on his buttocks and offered the Sergeant a firm platform. (I am such a thoughtful man, am I not, dear reader?)

“Hump and pump that sofa until you cum, Sergeant. Carry out your orders, Sergeant and hump your brains out!” I barked back at him. “Don’t you dare disappoint me or the Corps, Sergeant! You carry out your mission until it’s over, Sergeant! Your mission is to shoot your load into that soft warm fuzzy towel until you can’t shoot anymore!”

“Sir! Yes, Sir!” The Sergeant responded instantly. “This Marine Sergeant will carry out his mission, sir! Oh god! My cock! Oh Fuck! Christ almighty! Jesus H Christ!” Anything more that that Sergeant might want to have said was cut off by the loud moans and the occasional scream of joy, that poured out of his mouth for the next ten minutes or so.

The entire time, while the Sergeant was building towards his release, I was kneading his ass like a baker on a pile of fresh bread dough. I muttered a few words of encouragement and complimented the Sergeant on his ass, but I doubt that he was paying much attention to my words. My hands and their efforts were far more interesting to him, though I’m sure they were a far second to the messages of pleasure that his cock and balls were sending into his brain. God that Marine’s body was so hot and hard. I was pleased that the fine uniform that my hands were working over, would not wind up cum stained. Those pants would be badly wrinkled but I’m sure the Sergeant would soon agree that was a minor price to pay for the profound pleasure he was about to experience.

I lunged forward and pressed the front of my body against the back and ass of the Sergeant. My chest was pushing against his broad muscular back while the front of my pelvis was thrusting forward and pinning my hands between the Sergeant’s buttocks and the front of my light blue Wrangler jeans. My cowboy equipment (and I do NOT mean the jeans) was being pressed into service, right between the Sergeant’s beautiful bubble butt. I closed my eyes to better focus my attention on the feelings pouring into my brain from the front areas of my upper and lower torso. Of course all I was doing was giving the Sergeant some badly needed firm support in the area of his lower and upper back. No. I knew better than that. I was dry humping the Sergeant. I was pushing up against his ass with that huge boner of mine in my Wrangler jeans, and trying to get as far in between his buttocks as my jeans and his uniform pants would allow. I knew I was dancing on the edge of the line, as far as Andy was concerned. I was pushing the promise I made to Andy right to the very edge. God it felt good, and from the way the Sergeant was moaning while I did this, he was enjoying it too. More likely though, he was somewhat distracted by what his cock was doing at that time. That did not change the fact though that this was absolutely as far as I dared go with the Sergeant.

My view of the Sergeant’s ass was blocked now so I looked over his right shoulder to see that the Sergeant had clamped the top of the back of the sofa with both hands. His arms were stiff and locked in that position. The sofa started to rock as the Sergeant’s hips thrust harder and harder. He was building up a good rhythm as well as a full head of steam. The minutes flowed by slowly as I savoured the ride the Sergeant was on. I loved it when he leaned back and pressed that massively muscular torso of his into my body.

“Fire in the hole!” the Sergeant suddenly cried out as his orgasm overtook him, and his body thrust forward with a mighty heave. I was a bit surprised to hear the Sergeant cry out that phrase, but maybe it a Marine tradition. The Sergeant’s body shuddered several times with the intensity of his climax. He paused in his thrusting for about thirty seconds as he caught his breath. He thrust forward again several more times as he shot load after load into the towel, all the time moaning and groaning out his unbridled pleasure. I was thankful I’d used a bath towel and not a hand towel.

He nearly overturned the sofa with the power of his thrusts. The front legs of the sofa left the ground and if it had not been for my body weight on the sofa, most certainly the sofa would have tumbled backwards onto the floor of the apartment. I found myself clamping my hands around the Sergeant’s waist and handing on for dear life. It was more like riding a bucking horse in a rodeo than pumping the ass of a hot hunky Marine stud. It was amazing that the we didn’t break the sofa or snap off the legs.

Finally the Sergeant drained his balls, after I don’t know how many loads. When one is enjoying oneself, one usually does not stop to count. Well, at least I don’t. I let go of the Sergeant’s ass, most reluctantly I assure you, and pushed myself up and off of the Sergeant. Quickly I moved off to the right side of the sofa so as to clear the way for the Sergeant. Unlike the Sergeant, I had not shot my load. I’d been excited, turned on and yes I had a hard erection. I had not become stimulated enough to reach climax. I did not have to wonder why. In a word, Andy. As I pondered these thoughts briefly in my mind the Sergeant’s breathing started to slow and the shuddering slowly faded from his body. It took several minutes before he could speak.

“Oh God. Oh my God,” the Sergeant cried out after a few moments. “God, that was fucking fantastic!” The Sergeant pushed himself up and away from the towel on the sofa. Slowly he backed up until he was standing once more. His now flaccid cock hung down like a deflated and shrunken Good Year Blimp, from the front of his uniform pants. The Sergeant seemed content to stand where he was, with his limp but still large cock handing out of his uniform pants. It seemed that he’d wiped his cock on the towel without my noticing, since his cock was completely cum free. I was fine with that.

I looked over at the sofa and the bathroom towel that was lying on top. The Sergeant’s excessive contribution to tonight’s event had spilled over and formed a small pool at the base of the towel. Fortunately the towel was large enough to accommodate the overflow. There were at least six inches from the edge of the pool to the edge of the towel. I had placed the towel so that there were three layers at the base, and thus I did not have to worry about the man juice seeping through the towel and staining the sofa. I reached over and carefully gathered up the towel being careful not to inadvertently spill anything on the sofa or me for that matter. It took a few minutes to arrange the towel correctly. “Sit down on the sofa Sergeant and make yourself comfortable. I’ll be back shortly.”

“Yes, sir,” the Sergeant replied. He was smiling to himself. (Can you blame him, dear reader?)

I hurried off to my bedroom. I carefully deposited the used towel into my dirty clothes hamper. A few quick sprays of air freshener might be required later. I returned to the living room.

The Sergeant was sitting in the middle of the sofa again, with his hands resting at his sides and his legs slightly apart. Much to my surprise the Sergeant’s hat (or cover as Marines call it) was sitting on his lap covering the front of his uniform pants, and a bit more. Oh to have x-ray vision. There probably wasn’t much to see anyway, other than the closed fly of the Sergeant’s uniform pants. The sofa, I noted was pushed back a few inches but that was inconsequential. I sat down on right side of the sofa. Oh how I liked to have had that beautiful body of his next to me on the sofa. Maybe I could not touch it but I could devour it with my eyes. His eyes were closed. He smiled that vacant shit eating grin, showing that he was still deeply hypnotized. He was but inches away from me. It might as well have been the moon. I had been as physical with the Sergeant as I dared. The Sergeant and his hot Marine body were lust. Andy and his hot body , mind, heart and soul were love. I smiled to myself. It was an easy choice. “You will wake up and be out of hypnosis now, Sergeant as I tap the back of your right hand with my finger. You will remember everything that happened tonight during your hypnosis session. At any time when you hear me say ‘pencil dick’ you will return instantly return to this profound state of hypnosis and be my obedient hypnotized Marine. Do you understand, Sergeant?” I asked him.

“Sir, yes, sir. I understand, sir” the Sergeant replied cheerfully. It was a safe bet that based on tonight’s escapades the Sergeant wanted to be hypnotized by me again. I leaned over, tapped the back of his right hand and then sat back in the sofa.

The Sergeant jerked his body as his eyes opened. He looked about the room, confused for a moment. I saw something flash across his face. I thought it was fear, but it was too brief to be sure. The Sergeant looked at me, but he didn’t say anything. His face settled into a mask of calm control. I had no idea what he was thinking.

“So what did you think of that little adventure, Sergeant?” I ask him.

“It was good, sir,” he said blandly. For all the excitement and enthusiasm he showed, he could have been talking about the local weather forecast.

“Good? Is that all, Sergeant?” I asked him surprised at the nonchalance tone of his answer. I didn’t expect him to be singing my praises to high heaven, but I did think the experience rated something above just ‘good’. Actually I did expect him to be gushing over what a great time he’d just had. He’d just had a powerful orgasm, and when I have an orgasm, I tend to rate as somewhat higher than just ‘good’.

“Well, okay, great then, sir,” he replied after a few moments of quiet thought.

“You DID have an orgasm, did you not, Sergeant?” I asked him point blank. This reaction from the Sergeant didn’t add up. Something was most definitely wrong somewhere.

“Yes, sir, I did,” the Sergeant admitted. Again, there was that coolness, that detachment in the tone of his words. He might have been giving a lecture on how to properly shine dress uniform shoes, for all the feeling he was putting into his responses.

I studied the Sergeant’s face for a few moments before I spoke. This was just plain odd. “Well, if you don’t want to talk with me about the experience you just had, I guess we are done here. I suppose it’s time for you to leave,” I said. There wasn’t any point in just sitting there staring at each other. Mind you, the Sergeant was a big hunk of eye candy, and as such I was sorely tempted to play with him a bit more.

The Sergeant did not stand up. He sat there for a minute or so looking at me, with a slightly puzzled expression on his face.

“What is it, Sergeant? What’s wrong?” I asked.

“Well, you’re not what I expected,” he answered.

“What exactly was it that you were expecting?” I asked. This was starting to become more interesting than finding out what the Sergeant really thought about his hypnosis session.

“I to kind of push me around after what just happened. You were kind of domineering earlier and I evaded answering your questions just now. Yet, you’re not pushing the issue, " he answered.

“You sound disappointed, Sergeant,” I said slowly.

“I guess I am,” he admitted with a sigh.

“I can fix that easily enough, pencil dick,” I said firmly.

“Now wait just a sec.....” The sergeant started to say and then froze in his tracks His eyes slowly closed and his head dropped to his chest. He let out a soft sigh and leaned backward into the sofa.

“Back in hypnosis and obedient to my every command, aren’t you Sergeant?” I asked him.

“Sir, yes, sir,” he replied softly as that sappy shit eating grin blossomed on his face again, as he raised his head up.

“When I snap my fingers in a few seconds, you will awaken and you will have to speak the truth. You will know that you have to speak the truth. The fact that you are being controlled like this will not at first register in your mind. As we talk, you will realize that you can’t stop yourself from saying what you really think, and that you are in fact being controlled by me through a post hypnotic suggestion. Do you understand your orders, Sergeant?” I said.

“Sir, yes sir!” The Sergeant barked back at me.

I snapped my fingers a few seconds later. The Sergeant blinked his eyes a few times as he woke up with a start. He looked about the room. When he saw me sitting there next to him, he smiled at me as he spoke. “So what did you do to me this time?”

“Oh you’ll find out. Sergeant. Do you like me?” I asked.

“You’re okay, I guess. Not really my type, though, to be honest,” he answered. The grin on his face as he spoke was starting to fade.

“I’m a good hypnotist though, wouldn’t you say?” I asked.

“You’re fucking amazing. I didn’t think you’d be able to hypnotize me like you did and make me cum like that,” he answered. The grin had left his face now, as he realized something funny was going on.

“So you had a good time shooting your load into the sofa, while I grabbed your ass, and then later when I wrapped my arms about your waist and hung on for dear life?” I asked with a grin.

“Are you fucking kidding? I felt like you were riding my ass real hard. The feeling of your body pressing down on me while I drilled that sofa good and hard was god damn fantastic! I never dreamed that hypnosis could make me feel like that,” he replied. He looked away from me for a second, as if he was embarrassed at being so honest with me.

“It’s good to hear the truth from you, Sergeant,” I said and then smiled back at him.

He looked at me, and a worried expression came to his face. “You’re making me tell the truth aren’t you?” He asked.

“Yes, I am. “Don’t worry I won’t ask you anything of a personal or sensitive nature like your bank PIN number or your bank account number, Sergeant,” I said in an effort to reassure him. “Besides, you should know that if you really don’t want to tell me something, or you feel that I’m asking you something that goes against your conduct and responsibilities as a Marine, you can think of it as an unlawful order and refuse to obey it.” (You and I know, dear reader, that this was not in fact the truth. The super hypnosis made the Sergeant completely truthful to me, but there was no point in mentioning that and scaring him.)

“I see,” he replied thoughtfully. “You’re really not at all what I thought you’d be. You care about the guys you hypnotize and you respect them.”

“He most certainly does,” said a voice from up and behind me. I knew without looking that it was Andy speaking. I’d know that sexy smooth honey filled tenor voice anywhere. The Sergeant was as surprised as I was to hear that voice, to judge by the look on his face.

“Come and introduce yourself, Andy,” I said by way of introduction, as I turned to look at Andy. In an odd way I was pleased to see him, though I couldn’t help but wonder how much of the conversation between the Sergeant and me, Andy had overheard.

Andy walked around from behind the sofa and off to my left. He must have been standing almost directly behind me. The Sergeant turned his head to the left and twisted his torso too as he caught sight of Andy walking around. The Sergeant tracked Andy’s progress as Andy walked about and came to stand a few feet away from the Sergeant, in front and slightly off to the Sergeant’s (and my) left.

I looked over at Andy and marvelled to myself at how he could look so good wearing only a navy blue RCMP t-shirt and a pair of dark blue Jeans. The fact that the RCMP t-shirt was practically skin tight and threatened to pop its seams every time he took a deep breath might have had something to do with it. The jeans too, were on the snug side. (Okay, okay, dear reader, I admit it. The jeans were tight too.) Andy was always a fine figure of a man, and dressed as he was now, he looked even better. I sighed several times in delight.

The sound of a few sighs off to my left caught my attention. I looked over at the Sergeant and he looked like he’d just been struck by a big bolt of lightning. His face had a dumbfounded look pasted on it. His mouth was hanging open in stunned surprise. While it was pleasing to see my personal opinion of Andy’s appearance confirmed by a second source, the Sergeant’s reaction seemed a bit extreme.

“Hello, Sergeant,” Andy said nonchalantly

“Uh...hi,” the Sergeant managed to reply, as he stared at Andy, like a deer caught in the headlights of an oncoming car.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Sergeant,” Andy said as he held out his right hand and arm in an offer to shake hands.

The Sergeant just stared at Andy’s hand as if the Sergeant had never seen a hand before. Yes, there was no question, the Sergeant had been hit right between the eyes and his brain had shut down. The Sergeant blinked his eyes several times as his brain started to recover from being blasted by the sight of Andy in that tight RCMP t-shirt. (Okay dear reader, maybe I am exaggerating just a tiny little bit when I say that.) He put his hands on either side of his body and pushed himself up off the sofa so that he was standing up. Carefully the Sergeant shook Andy’s hand, and spoke. “It’s a pleasure to meet you as well..uh...Andy is it?”

I looked at Andy’s face as the Sergeant shook his hand. He was smiling and it looked like he was trying not to laugh. That struck me as odd. I looked over at the Sergeant and it was all I could do not to burst out laughing. I just grinned and fought to keep my laughter contained. I decided to let Andy handle the situation. The truth be told I don’t think I could have said anything all that sensible right then anyway.

“Yes, I can tell that you ARE very happy to meet me Sergeant. It seems I really am your type,” Andy said with a chuckle.

God, this was killing me! It was getting harder and harder not to laugh. If not for my desire to avoid embarrassing the Sergeant I would have started rolling on the floor with my arms wrapped about my sides. This was just too much.

“Huh?” The Sergeant said, clearly confused by Andy’s statement.

Andy nodded his head downward for a half a second and then looked back up at the Sergeant as Andy continued to shake his hand. The smile on Andy’s face only grew bigger.

The Sergeant looked down and at last he saw what Andy and I had seen clearly since the Sergeant had stood up a few moments earlier. The Sergeant’s face turned bright red. The Sergeant’s uniform hat had not fallen to the floor when he stood up. The hat was hanging on the front the Sergeant’s uniform pants, still covering the area of his lower pelvic region and his crotch. The brim of the hat was pointing to the floor. Since the law of gravity was still in operation as far as I knew, logic indicated that the hat was hanging on something. That something was about six or seven inches long and was pointing out and up from the front of the Sergeants uniform pants. Neither Andy nor I had x-ray vision but we both could make a very good guess as to what the object was.

“Oh fuck,” the Sergeant blurted out, as he let go of Andy’s hand. “God damn it. Betrayed by my own cock. Christ, you’re a fucking hot man and I’d like to...”

“Pencil dick!” I yelled out at the Sergeant. His eyes closed and his head dropped to his chest as the Sergeant returned to his trance. Whatever he was about to say had been neatly cut off. The blush on the Sergeant’s face drained away as he headed back down into his wonderful deep hypnotic state. He let out a soft moan. The hat hanging on the front of his uniform pants remained where it was.

“Why’d you do that, Paul?” Andy asked me, with a look of disappointment on his face.

“He’s embarrassed enough, Andy. No need to have him telling us what he really thinks about you and your hot body. I forgot to remove that suggestion. I’ll do it now,” I answered. I shot Andy a stern look to let him know I was serious about this. Andy nodded his head in silent agreement, although he retained some disappointment on his face.

“Sergeant, you no longer have to speak the truth. You are able to speak normally and keep your private thoughts to yourself from now on. Do you understand?” I said to the Sergeant.

“Sir, yes, sir. And thank you, sir,” The Sergeant replied.

“Good. Awaken now as I count from zero to five. You will be completely back to normal and the only suggestion that will remain is your trigger, ‘pencil dick’. Zero. One. Two. Three. Four. Five.” I said.

The Sergeant raised his head and blinked his eyes several times as he awoke. He looked over at me, and nodded his head. I presumed that was a silent gesture of thanks. The Sergeant reached down, grabbed his uniform hat and placed it on the far end table. Apparently Marines did not wear their uniform hats indoors. Working quickly he tucked his still hard cock into his uniform pants and zipped the fly closed. Although he hid it well, I could tell that the Sergeant was relieved to have his equipment back in its proper place, and to be a smartly dressed Marine once more.

“So you find me attractive, Sergeant?” Andy asked as he took up the thread of the interrupted conversation.

“Sir, yes, sir,” The Sergeant admitted. There was no point in trying to deny it. The Sergeant’s own body was still voicing his innermost opinion of Andy’s physical attractiveness. The Sergeant’s voice was once again calm. The expression on his face, though, clearly showed that he found Andy attractive. (What sane gay man would not find Andy attractive?)

“I hope I didn’t interrupt anything that was going on between the two of you,” Andy said, as he looked at the Sergeant and then at me.

“I don’t think so. We were just wrapping up when you walked in, Andy,” I replied. “How much of this session did you see? And where were you anyway?”

“I was sleeping in the spare bedroom. When I got off my shift, I decided I’d sleep here tonight as a surprise for you, Paul. The Sergeant’s enthusiasm for his experience woke me up,” Andy answered with a grin.

“He was kind of loud as I recall,” I said with a chuckle.

The Sergeant blushed again, but he didn’t say anything. He looked down at the carpet as he stood there listening to Andy and I talk. He mumbled something. I decided to let it pass.

“Do you mind if we continue our discussion about your session, while Andy is still here, Sergeant? I asked. “Andy can be trusted to keep what he hears confidential. He’s an RCMP constable,” I added.

“Is he really, sir?” The Sergeant asked. He had stopped looking at me. He was looking intently at Andy. I glanced down and saw that his cock was still rock hard in his uniform pants. Man, the Sergeant had it bad.

I was pleased to note that I didn’t feel even the slightly twinge of jealousy, towards the Sergeant. I knew that Andy loved me. I trusted Andy. I knew that he loved me. I knew that he trusted me. I marvelled at how good that realization made me feel. It was time to drag my thoughts off of Andy and back to the Sergeant. “Yes, he really is an RCMP constable. He’s also my husband,” I said.

“Oh, I see, sir,” The Sergeant replied. He sighed. He continued to look at Andy. He wasn’t ignoring me exactly, just splitting his attention and shifting the larger portion of it to Andy.

“You became a docile submissive Marine when I hypnotized you, Sergeant. You do realize that, I hope? Do you have any problem with what happened tonight?” I asked.

“Sir, yes, sir. I realize that, sir. I don’t have any problems with what happened, sir. It was fun, sir. It was unexpected too, sir. I think that made it even more fun, sir,” the Sergeant answered. He was still looking at Andy. The expression on his face was beginning to morph in to a ‘love sick puppy’ look. I’d always wondering what ‘love at first sight’ looked like. Now I was seeing it firsthand. Boy, when those hormones hit the old brain, they really packed a wallop. The Sergeant was smitten, no question about it.

“So I guess that makes you a sub Marine, right Sergeant?” I said with a grin.

The Sergeant turned and looked at me. He grinned and then laughed for a few seconds. I flicked my eyes over at Andy. He was just shaking his head as he softly chuckled. “Oh that’s bad, sir. That’s terrible, sir,”

“No, terrible would have been if I’d used the words ‘up periscope’ as your hypnotic trigger,” I said with a laugh.

“No doubt, sir,” the Sergeant replied with a shake of his head and a few more laughs. Andy laughed a few more times as well. I just grinned. I’d managed to lighten the mood.

The smile on the Sergeant’s face faded after a few more moments. He turned his head and looked at me. He sighed and then turned his head back to look at Andy. He repeated this motion several more times, without saying a word. I was starting to wonder if he was going to get a sore neck from all the head turning he was doing. Andy and I were on either side of the Sergeant so he was having to move his head from the far left to the far right and back again to look at us face on each time.

Without warning the Sergeant turned around so he was facing the sofa once again. He had turned to his left so I got an eyeful (or maybe two) of that hot Marine backside of his in those wonderfully snug Marine dress navy blue uniform pants, as he turned about. All too quickly he was standing in profile to me. He moved forward and knelt down on the sofa, pressing his hot torso up against the back cushions. Before I could even form the words to ask him what he was doing, he sat back on his heels, causing those navy blue uniform pants of his to snuggle up close to his butt cheeks. Well, from the left side that is what appeared to happen. I could not speak for how he looked on his right side, or from the back for that matter.

My focus on the Sergeant’s Marine butt was quickly redirected as the Sergeant began to punch the sofa back like a he was working out in a gym. I was stunned into inactivity for a half a minute. My sofa was just fine and it did not need a workout, no matter how much of a hunk this Marine Sergeant might be. I scooted over on the sofa so I was next to the Sergeant. I placed my left hand on his left shoulder as I started to speak to him. “Sergeant, calm down. Tell me what’s...”

My words were cut off as the Sergeant grabbed me by my shoulders and roughly shoved me away. I wound up on the far end of the sofa, on my right side. I wasn’t hurt, just confused by the Sergeant’s actions. I carefully got up and moved away from the sofa. I sat down in the chair on the right side of the sofa. Clearly the direct approach wasn’t going to work. The Sergeant was too upset to talk, at least right now. I decided that I’d have to think for a few moments and come up with another approach.

Andy beat me to it. He looked over at me for a second, before he walked around the coffee table and sat down on the sofa near the Sergeant, on the Sergeant’s left side, which placed Andy between me and the Sergeant. Remember the Sergeant at this point was turned about and facing the back of the sofa so the Sergeant’s right side was turned away from me . Andy was no pushover. The Sergeant would find Andy somewhat harder to dislodge. From my perspective, Andy was to the left of the Sergeant.

Gently Andy placed his left hand on the Sergeant’s left shoulder, as he began to speak to the Sergeant. “That’s not a punching bag, Sergeant.”

The Sergeant stopped his actions and slowly turned to face Andy. The look on the Sergeant’s face was that of an angry and upset man. It was so out of character for the Marine Sergeant that I was mute with surprise.

The Sergeant’s expression slowly soften as he seemed to let go of his anger. Perhaps it was the firm hard gripe of Andy’s hand on the Sergeants left shoulder that seemed to pull the Sergeant back from the anger that had seemed to consume him momentarily. The Sergeant turned about and plopped himself down on the sofa so that he was sitting beside Andy. The Sergeant sighed a few times as he let his head drop. He seemed to be focusing on the living room carpet again.

Andy grabbed Sergeant with his left arm and pulled the Sergeant so that the Sergeant was pressed up against Andy’s left side. It was the classic ‘buddy hug’ that a guy gives another guy. It was supportive without being overly demonstrative. After about a minute of this the Sergeant started to snuggle closer to Andy. When I saw the Sergeants right arm snake behind Andy’s back, and the Sergeant start to pull Andy even closer to him, I knew that something was going on. (Okay, dear reader, maybe I am not the sharpest knife in the drawer when it comes to interpersonal relationships. Even I could see that something out of the ordinary was going on.)

Andy hesitated for only a second or two before that big compassionate RCMP heart of his kicked in, and he draped both of his arms about the Sergeant’s torso, which had now slipped down so that the Sergeant’s head was resting on Andy’s chest. Andy muttered something softly at the Sergeant, and he just smiled a tiny smile and nodded his head a few times.

Andy twisted his torso and turned his head to the right and looked up at me as if to ask if this was okay with me. I smiled at Andy and nodded my head at him. Andy smiled back at me, and then turned his attention back to the Sergeant.

The two men were sharing some type of an embrace. The Sergeant seemed to need it, and Andy seemed willing to provide the comfort and reassurance that the Sergeant craved. As for me, I made myself scarce. I headed off to the kitchen to make us all a pot of tea. Andy and the Sergeant needed some alone time. I knew Andy well enough to know that nothing serious would come of this event. How could I object after all? I had done something similar with many other guys before. Andy trusted me with them. How could I do any less than trust Andy in a similar situation?

About ten minutes later I carried the serving tray with the mugs, sugar, lemon and a pot of fresh hot tea back out into the living room. Andy and the Sergeant had not moved a centimetre, or so it seemed. (What did I expect to see? The two of them nude and going at it like a pair of crazed weasels? Not that such an image wasn’t interesting to contemplate, dear reader. A naughty image true, but still an interesting one.)

“Would either of you two like a hot cup of tea?” I asked as I poured myself a cup.

The Sergeant opened his eyes and disengaged himself from Andy. He looked over at me and a blush crept onto his face.

“I’d like a cup, please Paul,” Andy said.

“Yeah, me too, I guess, sir,” the Sergeant said a second or two later.

“Feeling better, Sergeant?” I asked casually.

“Yes, sir. Thank you, sir,” the Sergeant answered as he watched me pour the tea.

“It is Andy you should be thanking, not me, Sergeant,” I said.

“Okay. Thank you Andy, sir,” the Sergeant said as he looked over at Andy for a few seconds. He was still a bit uncomfortable about what had just happened. He also seemed reluctant to talk about it.

“Would you care to explain why you were beating up my sofa cushions, Sergeant?” I asked him. I sat back and held my mug of tea with my left hand as I waited for the Sergeant’s explanation. Just looking that that sexy stud of a Marine in that uniform of his was a treat in and of itself. I blinked my eyes as I refocused my attention on the Sergeant and what he was saying, instead of his wonderful body. It wasn’t easy, mind you. I had decided to sit down in the swivel rocking chair to the left of the sofa, as from that position I could look at the Sergeant and Andy face on. It made having a conversation much easier.

“You won’t like the answer, sir,” the Sergeant said. He paused for a moment and then looked me in the eye as he continued speaking. He gulped once before he started speaking. “You won’t like what I have to say, sir. You’ll probably become upset and take out your anger on me by making me do things that I would rather not do, sir. Frankly, sir, I’m afraid of what you’ll make me do. I know you told me that I could decide not to carry out any order of your that I thought was unlawful, but damn it sir, it doesn’t work that way. Just thinking about being made to do something naughty that a Marine should never do, is making my cock rock hard again, sir! Fuck, sir! It’s driving me fucking crazy just talking about it like this, sir! I know that no matter what you tell me to do, I’ll do it. I can’t seem to help myself, sir!” The Sergeant kept his eyes locked on mine, as a shudder passed through his body.

I’d done it again. It had been a long, long time since I’d screwed up this badly, but I’d done it again. I had taken a powerful commanding man and turned him into a pile of pudding. At least that is how the Sergeant felt. He was very smart to have figured this out on his own. He knew that his desire to feel controlled by another man, would override any resistance he might feel to carrying out my orders. His being a Marine only enhanced his feeling of being controlled and made to obey. Now he was scared clear to his bones, that if he made me mad, I’d do something bad to him.

I took a deep breath. I thought carefully before I spoke. I had to reassure the Sergeant that I was trustworthy. It wasn’t going to be an easy task. Well, I could have used my super hypnosis to ‘fix’ the problem. I decided to leave that as a last resort.

“Andy show the Sergeant your RCMP identification, would you please? I’d like him to realize that you are in fact an active member of the RCMP,” I said keeping my eyes on the Sergeant.

“Okay, Paul,” Andy said. He slipped his wallet out of the right hip pocket of his jeans.

“Here you go, Sergeant,” Andy said has he handed over his open wallet with his RCMP identification card displayed. The Sergeant studied it for a few moments and then handed it back to Andy. Andy slipped his wallet back into the right hip pocket of his jeans. .

“Are you satisfied that Andy is a real RCMP constable, Sergeant?” I ask him.

“Sir, yes, sir. I don’t understand what this has to do with anything, though, sir,” the Sergeant answered.

“Bear with me a few minutes more, Sergeant. RCMP constables have a code of honour, not unlike that of the Corps, Sergeant. If you were to ask Andy to promise on his honour as an RCMP constable, that he would not permit me use hypnosis with you, for the rest of this evening, I think you could trust that promise. Oh, hell, this isn’t going to work, Sergeant,” I said as I cut off my train of thought.

“Sir?” The Sergeant asked puzzled.

“I was trying to convince you that since Andy is an RCMP constable, I would not risk losing him, by doing anything dishonourable to you. He would never forgive me, if I did something like that to you.. He has a great deal of respect for the United States Marine Corps. However, there is no way to prove this to you. Even if I had him state on his honour as an RCMP constable that this is true, there is no way to convince you that this is in fact the truth. You don’t know anything about the relationship between Andy and me, so this wouldn’t prove anything to you.”

“You’re right, sir,” the sergeant agreed. “What it really comes down to though, is whether or not I trust you to handle the truth, sir.”

“Need I remind you that you came here, Sergeant? I did not go looking for you. If you didn’t trust me to some degree, you wouldn’t be here. So far this evening I have taken great pains to keep everything on the up and up even before I discovered that Andy was here. If that is not evidence of my goodwill and honest intentions, I don’t know what more I can do to convince you. As I see it, you have to decide if you want to take a chance and tell me the truth, Sergeant. No one can make this choice for you,” I said. This verbal fencing was beginning to become tiresome.

“You can’t handle the truth. Sir.” The Sergeant said clearly and coldly.

“Try me, Sergeant,” I taunted him. I was getting a bit tired of being told by the Sergeant that I could not handle whatever it was that he was hinting about.

The Sergeant took a long deep breath and let it out slowly as if he were preparing to launch himself in to battle. “Andy is a very handsome man. He’s everything I’ve been looking for in a man. I would love to have him hold me in his arms and hold me close. I’d like to do my best to please him and serve him. Just the thought of him holding me in those big muscular arms of his, makes me feel warm all over, sir. I’d love for him to take care of me, and then I could take care of him, sir.”

“And then there is you, sir. You, with your hypnosis skills are able to make me feel so good. To make me feel controlled and to enjoy serving you. What you do with me and to me is amazing, sir. But you’re not Andy, sir. You’re not my type. Andy is a man’s man, a he-man. You are nice enough to look at but you don’t look very strong. You don’t have much of a physical presence, sir. You could never pin me to the mat and pretend to have your way with me, sir. You turn me off, sir.”

“This pot of tea is a perfect example of what I mean. A real man would have offered a round of stiff drinks, or maybe made coffee for us and not something weak like tea. If you were English I could understand it, but you’re supposed to be a guy not a girl.”

“It’s not fair sir. Andy is what I’ve wanted for so long, and he’s stuck with a girly-man like you, sir. I just don’t get it. Why can’t I have him?” The Sergeant glared at me after he finished speaking as if he was getting ready to challenge me to fight for who got to partner with Andy.

I thought I had heard everything, but this took me completely by surprise. I stared at Sergeant unable to come up with a reply. The Sergeant glared more intently at me. He seemed angered by my lack of a response.

A burst of laughter from Andy killed the tension in the room. “Sergeant, you couldn’t be more off base about Paul if you tried. He’s far more of a man than I am, or I could ever hope to be. I have seen such strength in him, mixed with his endless and deep compassion, that at times I am in awe of him. He has great power and authority over those guys he hypnotizes, yet he always treats them with great respect and dignity. I won’t embarrass him further by waxing on about his many virtues. I will say that I am lucky to have him for my husband and I damn well know it. Physical strength and ability are not the true measure of a man, Sergeant. Paul taught me this truth. " Andy looked over at me and sent me one of his killer sexy smiles.

I blushed, again. Not because of his smile, but because of his words. Nervously I sipped my tea. The warmth of it in my belly was reassuring. Inside though I was secretly thrilled at those words of praise and admiration from Andy. I had not realized until that moment that what I wanted most from Andy was his respect. It seemed I had earned it, in spades.

Andy picked up one of the mugs of tea, added a teaspoon of sugar to it and a squirt of lemon juice. He sat back and slowly sipped the tea, a contented satisfied smile on his face.

“I just don’t get you, sirs” the Sergeant said as he looked at me and then at Andy. He ignored the mug of tea I had poured for him.

“Paul and I are married, Sergeant. While I am flattered by your opinion of me, you should know that you hold no interest for me whatsoever. I held you and gave you reassurance just now, because you needed it. I would have done the same for any fellow RCMP constable, and in fact I have done so. Do not misinterpret compassion and caring for something more. There is nothing more between us. If by my actions tonight I lead you to believe that, then it was my fault and I offer my most sincerely apology.” Andy spoke calmly and evenly.

The Sergeant looked at Andy for a few moments before he spoke. “I don’t want your freakin’ apology, sir. I want you, sir!”

“What you want, Sergeant, is a man like me. not me in particular. I’m an RCMP constable and you are a Marine. We could never be together. I won’t give up being an RCMP constable any more than you would give up being a Marine, Sergeant,” Andy said with a knowing look on his face.

“How do you know that, sir?” The Sergeant snapped back at Andy.

“The many ribbons on your uniform shirt tell me that you serve the Corps before anything or anyone else. You are married to the Corps, Sergeant. Your career and your fellow Marines mean more to you than your own life. That is as it should be. Don’t waste all that you have to give on someone who could never give back to you, what you truly deserve, Sergeant.” Andy said in that same knowing voice.

“It’s still not fair, sir,” the Sergeant said with a pout.

“Life is very rarely fair, Sergeant,” I interjected. The Sergeant glared at me. My comments, true as they might be, were not welcome, it seemed.

“Now drink your tea and think about what Andy has told you, Sergeant,” I told him firmly.

“Sir, yes, sir,” the Sergeant responded. He sighed and then he picked up his mug of tea and sipped it as he focused his gaze at some object across the room.

The evening was coming to an close. I could feel it. Perhaps if Andy had not made an appearance the Sergeant and I could have had a bit more fun. Any such chance of that happening had just disappeared. While I am sure that Andy would not have minded, I am also sure that he would have wanted to participate and that would have caused more problems with the Sergeant.

“Would you like to call it a night, Sergeant?” I ask after we had all finished our tea.

“I guess so, sir,” the Sergeant said.

“I hope you had a good time all in all,” I told him. “Pencil dick.”

There was barely enough time for the surprise to register on the Sergeant’s face before his eyes closed, his head dropped down and he slipped back into his hypnotic trance. He slumped against Andy’s left side. There was a small smile on the Sergeant’s face which showed he liked being in hypnosis and he also liked leaning against Andy.

“The words pencil dick no longer will cause you to enter into a hypnotic state, Sergeant. When you wake up in a few moments you will be your normal self in every way, and remember everything that happened to you tonight. Zero. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Wide awake Sergeant. Wide Awake!” I said to him.

The Sergeant sat up straight, raised his head and opened his eyes. He lifted up his arms and stretched them as he let out a huge yawn.

“You’re all set to go, Sergeant,” I said.

“Sir, yes, sir,” the Sergeant replied. He stood up and picked up his uniform hat which had been resting on the far end table the entire evening. He walked swiftly to the front door of the apartment. I stood up and followed him. It was good to see that Marine butt in action, as it were, one last time, especially as the Sergeant had not removed his wallet from his right back pocket.. Andy was right next to me as we walked. The Sergeant opened the door, turned and faced me. “Sir, thank you for an interesting evening, sir,” he said.

“Thank you for your service, Sergeant,” I told him.

He nodded his head at me walked out of the apartment and closed the door behind him.

I locked the door and turned around to face Andy.

“So why did you remove the trigger, Paul? He never asked you to,” Andy said.

“It is very unlikely that I will ever encounter him, much less work with him again. It seemed best to tie up any potential loose ends. It also removes any reason he might have to come back here again. He’s enamoured of you, Andy, which could be a problem,” I answered.

“I suppose you’re right, Paul. Did you notice that he never commented on what I told him?” Andy said.

“Yes, I did notice that. I think he’ll need some time to work things out in his mind. Did I mention that he was part of the test with the Council of Coins this afternoon?” I said.

“No, you never did mention that until just now. I can see why you decided to send him on his way. For all you know he could be heading to the Council right now to give them a report on you and what happened tonight,” Andy said thoughtfully.

“Actually, that possibility had not occurred to me. I took what he said tonight at face value. When I touched his mind, I didn’t feel anything amiss. I wasn’t looking too closely either though,” I said half to myself.

“Come on. Let’s not waste the rest of the evening,” Andy said as he grabbed hold of my right hand with his left hand and tugged at me. “We have some serious snuggling and cuddling to do tonight. Unless you have something else you’d rather do?”

“Well, I did want to watch that movie, but I suppose I could do that some other night,” I said jokingly.

“You’d better if you know what’s good for you, buster,” Andy said with a grin. He pulled me towards him and in a single fluid motion, pulled me up off my feet and draped me over his shoulders like a sack of potatoes.

I laughed as Andy turned about and headed in the general direction of the living room and the sofa. Less than 30 second later he lowered me gently onto the middle of the sofa and sat down next to me on my right side. I turned my head and smiled at him. He leaned over and snuggled down close and tight to me, resting his handsome head on my right shoulder. His arms found their way about my torso. Somehow my arms were encircling Andy’s torso. We pulled each other close and sighed as one.

Three hours later, after a quick snack, we headed off to the spare bedroom. We shed our clothes and slipped under the covers. We held each other close and fell asleep in each others’ arms. I’m too much of a cowboy gentleman to provide any details as what other activities may or may not have occurred between the time we slipped under the covers and when we fell asleep.

(Some things, dear reader, you will never know.)

The next morning I was nearly killed, in my own apartment.