The Dairy Unit—Chapter 2
“Well we will know more after the milking session tonight, I’m only planning to milk the four ‘cows’ we already have activated at this stage, then run the tests on the production of them before doing anything about activating our two new units. Lets face it, the worst result we get is a 50% increase in milk and cream yield, but hopefully the cream production will be of a far higher quality than before. If the tech boys have got this right, the Eroctin levels in their body fluids should now be nearer 80% proof than the 20% they were before. And even if they dont produce more cream, which they should, the Eroctin will go a lot further in production than before.” reported Jack to the meeting.
“And you are telling us that the girls wont even notice all this Eroctin flowing round their systems, after all we dont want them eating all that cream when they are together, and being too highly sexually stimulated for good production rates.” he was asked.
“Not a problem at all. Basically it will act like an antibody within their own systems, they will carry it without noticing it, and indeed it cant affect them dramatically as we’ve already gathered, but the effects on those not already ‘immunised’ against it will be interesting to say the least. They seem a pretty highly sexed bunch anyway, so they arent likely to notice a small increase in their libido even if it does happen!” Jack replied.
“And convincing them all to become full time dairy units?”
Jack just smiled, “Not a problem. Lets just say that their check ups earlier today will guarantee all of them will say yes, hopefully before, but they certainly will after I push the ‘magic’ button!”
“In that case I’ll inform HR that we have six new salaried workers here.”
“Excellent.” said Jack and left the meeting.
The four of us had been asked to present ourselves to the ‘milking parlour’ about 5pm that evening, slightly earlier than our normal time at home, but we were told this was because there were some matters they wished to discuss with us later that evening. All went fine, Ellie joined Jo in the ‘hands and knees’ position, whereas Faye and I, being the ‘quieter’ ones settled for being milked in our more normal way. It must have been the ‘excitement’ of the day or something because Faye and I produced far more milk than we normally did, 80% filling a tank which normally the four of us would just have about filled. And seemingly Jo and Ellie had done the same. My ‘cream’ bucket seemed much fuller too, though I hadnt noticed having more orgasms, maybe they were just heavier ones. And it looked a little thicker than normal as well, Clotted Cream as Faye put it, rather than our normal produce. Then we all went off to eat the meal they provided us with, and then err............. to eat each other!
A short while after this we received a call asking us all to report to Jack Darkson’s office for our medical reports.
He meanwhile was on the phone,
“Results are perfect, each girl’s milk yield is up by about a quarter or slightly more, cream yields are up by over a third, and Eroctin levels within the cream are already at 70% and still potentially rising. So not only will more babies get the right milk provided for them, but the Eroctin Beauty Product line will soon be able to go into full production. Well it will once I’ve ‘convinced’ the girls that they want to stay here as the start of our blossoming dairy unit, but that should be quite simple! Leave it to me.” and he put down the phone.
He heard a knock on the door, shouted out to ‘Come In’, and six smiling, if slightly nervous looking ladies appeared in his office. he smiled back at them.
“Is everything OK with us?” Ellie nervously asked.
“Everything is fine ladies, all of our ‘dairy unit’ are in perfect condition, indeed I’ve been told you are now in better condition than before thanks to some minor tweaks carried out by our laser scanning equipment on you. In fact we’d like to make you all a generous offer, and offer you all paid work here so we can look after our team so much better, and indeed live here together as well. You will be well paid for your time here, given interesting work to do, and the team can all be milked by experts. Its a wonderful offer ladies.” he told them.
Judging by the wrinkling of noses, and doubtful looks he guessed he hadnt convinced the girls of this.....yet!
Ali was the first to speak, “What about Amanda and I, we arent ‘dairy units’ but we dont want to be split up from our friends. I suppose I could think of worse things than being connected up like that myself, but in all honesty its their fantasy, not mine? And besides, what happens with our apartments, after all this is only meant to be a 6 month trial, we need somewhere to live after that.”
“I have no desire to split the group up at all, we are more than happy for all of you to live and work here, and that includes the two current milkers. Clearly we would be delighted if you did become ‘dairy units’ for the period of the trial, but it wouldnt be forced upon you. And agreed, its only a 6 month trial period for now, but if its successful, and the girls were willing, we would be happy to use their milk for as long as they were happy to do so.” Jack replied.
“Well the apartments are nice I must admit.” said Faye, “But I enjoy my current job, and wouldnt really want to give it up. So I’d rather carry on as we are now if thats alright with you.” and the others nodded in agreement.
Jack just smiled and nodded back at them, while opening his desk drawer, “Sorry ladies, if you wont come the easy way, then I’ll just have to do this my way!” he said quietly and pressed the button. Almost instantly all of them froze to the spot and their eyes glazed over.
“Now thats better!” he said to them with a wicked grin, though they didnt react in the slightest, “Now you are all nicely under my control I can explain things better. And when I wake you up again these commands will seem like your thoughts. You will all eagerly take up our generous offer of jobs here, and will be thrilled to live here in the nice apartments provided for you. You will forget about this only being a 6 month trial, and believe that producing milk and cream for us is your true duty in life. And from now on that applies to all six of you! And the fact that you will now need to be milked twice a day rather than once isnt a thought that will cross your minds. Thats better, now lets ask those questions again.” and he pressed the button again, and the 6 girls ‘came to life’ again.
“So ladies, can I have your decision on our generous offer to live and work here?” he asked them.
As one they eagerly said yes, without even thinking about it. He handed them all contracts and they signed them quickly. The next morning all six of them were called to the milking parlour and didnt murmur a word as they were all connected up and milked, not even Ali or Amanda said a word. Production was plentiful, and the milk and creamy juices were taken away afterwards. They were told they were free to do as they wished at weekends outside milking hours, so they went away and did what seemed ‘natural’ to six horny lesbians! From then on, they were all milked morning and evening seven days a week without reacting to the changes whatsoever.
Signatures were arranged, apartment contracts terminated and they settled happily into life at the Centre. Suitable positions were ‘created’ for them to keep them amused, and for the six of them life passed on quite smoothly and contentedly. The milk was used for needy babies, and the Eroctin laced cream was used for another purpose.
The adverts in the mens mags werent overly subtle,
‘ Hey guys, feel like your sex life is passing you by? Not getting enough activity from your partner? Then buy her some of the new Eroctin Beauty Products and notice the changes in her. Just hope you can cope with the new woman in your life, because she will sure need a man who can! ‘Headaches’ will be a thing of the past once she uses Eroctin Beauty Products, so buy some for her today.’
The ads for women were much along the same lines,
‘ Not getting enough loving attention? Or when you do get it, its not satisfying enough? Get your guy some Eroctin Beauty Products for Men and watch as your love life is sparked back into life. Or if you’re single, get some of our special Geni-Tingle cream and work yourself into a lather. Satisfaction guaranteed.’
They may have been corny and sexist, but they worked, sales boomed of these products. As the dilution of Eroctin needed to create this effect was only about 5% proof the supply they were getting from the girls was just about enough to cope with demand. But.....................demand continued to increase!
Life for our ‘Dairy Unit’ was quite enjoyable, they were even permitted days out from the Centre, simply because Jack knew he could easily recall them at will. The work they were given at the Centre kept them from getting bored, but at the same time wasnt so critical that if they had to ‘leave’, it would cause any great concerns. And indeed after about 6 months or so their roles were made part-time, and a few genetic adjustments made so there could be a third milking session each day. All six girls were quite content, they had all been ‘educated’ to enjoy all this milking they now received, and by now their bodies were so used to it that even with all this extra milking they underwent, it wasnt at all painful for them. And well..........they thought they had free will to call a day to all this anytime they liked, but strangely enough none of them ever felt the urge to do so. And they certainly never noticed when the ‘trial period’ was over! But that was Jack’s strength, he kept them in enough of a state of Mind Control to always be in control over them, while not going so far with it that when they met anyone from outside that they looked, and seemed anything less than fine, healthy, free willed young ladies. That way of course no one would raise any alarm bells. And of course their healthy sex drives werent affected by all this activity, so as far as they were concerned everything was fine on that front. And as had been pointed out, the Eroctin had no great effect on them because they were naturally producing it, and it certainly wasnt harming them!
( A few months later)
“Its no good Jack, even if we could manipulate their bodies for a fourth milking session per day we just arent going to get enough Eroctin to keep up with current demand. And the tech experts tell me we have them on maximum yield already without changing their bodies dramatically, and of course that would raise alarm bells. So we need to increase the size of the herd.”
“Shouldnt be too much of a problem in a milking sense, the dairy has enough room for 24 ‘cows’, but I suppose its getting the volunteers?” Jack replied.
“Yes, thats it exactly. Four of these volunteered for the trials, and their two friends were opted in to help out, whether they liked it or not, not that they of course mind in the slightest now! But getting 18 more ‘volunteers’ to live lives as milk-cows is going to be another matter entirely, after all we can only change people’s minds on the matter when we get them fitted up to our special machines, and getting women here for that in the first place would be quite some challenge, unless...................”
“Unless, what?” Jack asked.
“We use female charms to get them here! Either that, or the female ego. I know, isnt there a County Fair or something coming up soon, they usually have a Beauty Pageant or something tied into that? We arrange some sort of sponsorship deal with the event, give our group to chance to advertise the ‘Milk for needy babies’ side of things, and not mentioning the Eroctin Cream tie-in to it. Get our happy sextet to promote it, maybe make it a condition that the girls have to do a simple ‘blood test’ to check whether they would be suitable donors. And with the cause involved they are hardly likely to say no. Slip the mind control units under the hair driers they are all bound to use, and lo and behold, 18 happy new dairy units to milk! Think your girls are up to the challenge, Jack?”
“Its possible, all I need to do is tweak their control units a little and they would be perfect for the roles. And they look so natural no one is going to realise how controlled they are. Give me a few days to work on it.”
And so a few weeks later at the local County show the ‘Miss Dairyland’ pageant was about to take place, with generous sponsorship from the Eroctin Research Centre. They’d managed to convince the committee that it would be an excellent idea for all the girls entered to have blood tests to see if they were suitable for the ‘milk for needy babies’ campaign, even if they wouldnt actually be interested in doing so, and the girls didnt seem to mind, it gave them a chance to show their ‘caring nature’, even if it was just a show! They were promised the needle pricks wouldnt show on stage, and besides all 19 entrants would have them anyway. As a reward for doing all this the winner of the Beauty Contest would become ‘the look’ of EBP, and become the spokeswoman for them, and of course get lots of their cosmetics to wear. ERC even provided them each with a hair stylist who ‘insisted’ they went under the hair dryers provided afterwards, even though many of the girls did point out they’d brought their own personal ones along with them. One proved difficult to coax under, more down to her nerves at being involved in such a big event, being a quiet type not used to all this fuss being made of her, but eventually even she was sat down under her ‘hair dryer’.
45 minutes or so later when they were all ‘released’ they looked, and indeed felt much the same in themselves. Maybe each looked slightly ‘fuller’ in the chest, and had much more worthy thoughts towards needy babies in their heads, but outwardly they all felt much the same. The Beauty Contest passed off without too much incident, the only real surprise was for the winner, quiet, shy little Molly was stunned when she was named Miss Dairyland, not because she wasnt very pretty, she was, though she wasnt likely to admit it, but she’d really expected one of the more confident girls to win it. Quietly she was thrilled at the result, though she wasnt sure she had enough confidence in herself to become a spokeswoman for Eroctin Beauty Products, the man from the Research Centre told her that they had a ‘few tricks’ lined up to help her with that. To all the girls delight they were all invited to go on a visit to the Research Centre the next day, and see what work was carried out there, and all eagerly agreed.
The next day they all arrived at the Research Centre on a coach, having been collected from a nearby hotel where they had stayed overnight. Molly was still playing it coy, getting a lot of gentle teasing from the other girls, blushing a bright red seemed to be one of her strong points. She still couldnt quite believe she’d won, but she was beginning to let it sink in, and just hoping she could live up to her new role. On arrival she was seperated from the other girls, she was going to be shown round later, but first was going to have a few pics taken for advertising purposes, and to sign her contract. When she saw the salary figure she gasped, it was far more than a humble farmgirl like her had ever expected to earn. She was given a ‘celebration’ glass of milk to drink while the photos were taken which she drunk as instructed. What she wasnt told was that this was the ‘stopper solution’ to stop her needing to be milked very regularly. She was then given a brief tour round the site, ending up in the research lab where they told her that they’d been considering how to give her more confidence, and had come up with a good idea. All she needed to do was sit in this ‘nice chair’ for an hour or so, let them drop the hood over her head and everything would be fine. Molly’s mind was still pliant enough at this stage to go along with all this story. An hour or so later Molly was woken up, and she got up again, she felt fine in herself, but her self confidence seemed to have got a big boost, something she thought very nice indeed.
All the other girls had been whisked off to the Milking Parlour, and as the 6 ‘regular cows’ had already been milked, and the tanks emptied it seemed so quiet and peaceful. They giggled at the sight of what one called the ‘boob tubes’, though several immediately felt a strange desire to try them out for themselves. And when by ‘pure chance’ they were offered the opportunity to do just that, not one said no! Though most couldnt understand why. They were told it was easier done if they were naked, and all obediently obliged.One by one they were all connected up, and towels placed under their slits, though they didnt know why, they guessed it was pretty stimulating ‘down below’ and they were expecting a few orgasms amongst them, and it was just easier to clean up that way. Finally all of them were connected up to the ‘boob tubes’ and when someone switched the milker on a chorus of loud, sex driven moans soon filled the air. Even though none of them were connected up to the ‘clit creamer’ devices it was only a couple of minutes before there was a strong musky aroma filling the air, and the first of many orgasmic releases from the girls over the next 20 minutes or so. Even though they’d only been injected with a mild starter drug at this stage they did all seem to be lactating milk into the tubes. It wasnt as a high a yield as it could have been, but it was a start. But the men werent worried, a few ‘little changes’ would soon be made to them, and then their milk, and indeed cream supplies would be as plentiful as the other girls.
Finally the machine was switched off, though the air was still filled with female moaning. Whether that was down to the initial soreness that would be expected, or simply the fact that they were complaining about all this stimulation stopping was argumentative.
Jack stood there laughing by now, “Well ladies, it seemed most of you enjoyed that greatly! Maybe we will let you try it again later.” and most, if not all nodded eagerly at the thought of that. “But before then I need to show you to our medical research department, for some reason they want to run a few tests on you, hopefully none of you will mind that?”
Not one girl said no, not if it meant they could have another session on that incredible machine. And a few hours later they all were reconnected to the milking machine, along with 6 other sweet ‘cows’ that joined them, and produced bountiful amounts of milk and cream as the 18 new members of the herd were connected to the ‘clit creamer’ for the first time. Funnily enough none of these girls showed any inclination to leave the Research Centre after this, all happily giving up on their old lives, and moving into luxury apartments provided by the ERC. Some of their families thought this action strange, but the girls were so pleading that this wonderful work needed their support that in time all were convinced that they should be allowed to stay there. Funnily enough all lost interest in dating boys at this time, and instead showed a definite inclination to get sexually involved with the other girls there. And did, very eagerly some would say!
Even with her new found confidence Molly was still slightly nervous as she went into ‘Make-up’ to be prepared for her first big press conference as the spokeswoman for Eroctin Beauty Products, there were going to be several hundred press people there, along with all her proud family watching her. Plus of course all the management of the Eroctin Research Centre. She was quite thrilled with her new role, she’d even found herself a nice boyfriend by now, who worked at the Centre himself, and life was beginning to look good. Obviously she liked to use her own company’s products, and she had to admit that the ‘standard’ make up products had relaxed any sexual hang-ups she’d developed over the years, and she was certainly having a good and healthy sex life nowadays. OK, it was pretty much ‘traditional’ positions that they used, it was all she had the courage to try, but it was so much nicer than her previous rather ‘non existent’ sex life that she’d had, mainly due to lack of confidence. But today was the launch of the ‘special strength’ range, and so she would be wearing them today.
The thing was......................the girl doing her make up didnt realise just how strong this stuff was, and she thought she was doing Molly a favour by using lots of the moisturiser to protect her skin from the heat of the lights in the room. Indeed Molly thought this was a favour until it started to permeate her skin mid conference. Suddenly her face began to glow a bright red as her head was filled with erotic thoughts of all those men out there in the room, and how nice it would be to let them use her body. And her trouble was the thoughts just wouldnt go away. She became like a swan in water, her face trying to remain calm as she read out the speech written for her, while her mind tried to cope with all those basic sexual desires running through it, and slowly failing. She tried to calm herself by slipping one of her hands into her panties and working her aroused clit with her fingers. She knew she couldnt actually cum, well not too loudly anyway, but she had to try something to get these thoughts out of her head. She had just finished her speech when her fingers hit ‘touchdown’ and she let out a loud passionate moan as she climaxed and soaked her panties. Luckily for her everyone was applauding her so loudly by then that no one actually noticed.
Well Jack Darkson stood nearby noticed and smiled, “I must tell the make up girl next time to go easy on that stuff, she clearly doesnt know how effective it is!”
He helped Molly off stage before he undid his flies, and released his eager cock from its hold. Mere seconds later Molly’s mouth was safely sealed around it, giving him a very eager blow job. As he came in her mouth minutes later he added as an afterthought, “Maybe I wont tell the make up girl!". He handed Molly a large dildo which she slipped into her very wet snatch and she proceeded to bring herself off yet again,............and a few minutes later yet again.
Finally satisfied she looked up at him with eager eyes, and meekly said ‘Thank you.”
By this time Jack was ready for more, and Molly was eager to oblige.
The ironic thing was that film of Molly’s on stage ‘experience’ only increased the demand for the Beauty Products when the press realised what had happened to her on stage. Men were happy to have their ladies that eager for sex, and of course ladies saw it as an incredible opportunity and means to satisfy themselves. So sales continued to boom, and of course Molly’s ‘image’ as spokeswoman was boosted too, as she had shown how good the product really was.
It was at this point that the Eroctin Group gave up on the research work, and concentrated entirely on the Beauty Product Range. Well not entirely, as they now needed more cream than ever before! And they had to ‘convince’ many more young women to provide it for them. And the one site simply couldnt cope anymore. So they opened up three new ‘factories’ in Minneapolis, Kansas and Pittsburgh, all of which of course needed management teams. And given the nature of the business they preferred to bring in internal promotions. And in Jack Darkson’s eyes at least the new management staff were obvious.
The 6 original cows were called in for a medical check up, and all of a sudden their milk supply seemed to dry up. They were all called into a meeting with Jack and told that they didnt want them to leave the company, and would they all like to become joint managers of their own ‘dairy units’. Not one turned down the offer, anyone would think they had no choice in the matter or something!
Jo and Stephanie went off to set up the Minneapolis ‘dairy herd’, Amanda and Faye went off to Kansas, and Ali and Ellie went off to Pittsburgh. They seemed to have no problems setting up substancial dairy herds at each of these sites, and indeed the one in Buffalo increased in size as well. It seemed they only had to invite girls over for a tour, and they all wanted to become ‘milk cows’ for needy babies. Maybe it was those medical check ups they all had that done it. All six of them are now considerably more wealthy than they were before, and have ‘slightly’ more spacious accomodation as well to live in. And all still have a more than healthy sex life! And thats not allowing for when all 6 get together at management meetings in Buffalo, then they relive ‘old times’ together in nice little sexual orgies.
Oh and they still connect themselves up to the milkers now and then, even if they dont produce milk anymore, they still enjoy the stimulation.
Molly, well she continued for many years as spokeswoman for the group, in time she married her boyfriend and they happily settled into life together. Their sex life was err............plentiful! For some reason despite this very active sex life Molly never got pregnant.........................until the day she retired from her role as spokeswoman and joined the board of ERB. She’d never quite understood the reason for those regular medical check ups she had every month, especially as they had stopped just before the happy day she began the journey to motherhood. Anyway, she made an excellent mother (for some reason she happily breastfed the baby. No idea why!) and the good salary she received meant she had a very happy life. Two more children followed over the years. And the marriage lasted................many, many years.
Jack Darkson very quickly got a senior role within the company, Head of Recruitment and Research was his main title, though he seemed to spend more time doing certain forms of research than anything else. But if Jack was ever in need of a BJ, or indeed more, he always knew just how to find a girl to service him. There were rumours of ‘Extra Strength’ Eroctin products being made, but Jack always denied this, though packaging suggesting it did exist was sometimes found in his waste bins. Usually when Jack had a big smile on his face, and a naked girl at his feet.