The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Devil in Disguise

This story was written for the It Takes Two Arena Challenge hosted by masterangel for the month of March 2019 on the MC Forum. All of the characters and events in the story are fictional and created by the author from a prompt given by masterangel. This story has been slightly revised from the original presentation. This story may not be shared to any other website without permission from both its original author and masterangel for whom it was originally written.

The story is inspired by the original prompt but doesn’t rigidly follow it as the story developed out of a couple initial scenes. I’m including the original prompt below for completeness’ sake and not because it accurately represents the events in the story itself.

The Prompt: He’s a delusional Elvis impersonator with magic fingers. She’s a hot-tempered body double with an MBA from Harvard.

His name was George and he was the first person from whom Felicia was able to get anything resembling a straight answer. She was stabbing a numbed toe down on the Birkenstock that had just been housing it for an unknown number of highway hours.

“Sorry, Ma’am. All filled up from here on down hundred, hundred and fifty miles from what I’ve heard.”

“If I would’ve known that, I wouldn’t have pulled off the Interstate,” she snapped. “Sorry. I’m just really tired. I’ve been driving from New York since, I don’t know, six thirty this morning?” Felicia bristled and looked at her watch. It was already 11:30 and the odds of finding an open hotel before first light were rapidly dwindling.

“Please. Isn’t there anything open? A bed-and-breakfast? Maybe a YMCA?”

“Naw,” George sighed. “Best I could suggest would be the Wal-Mart parking lot. Lots of truckers seem to stop there overnight.”

Felicia had heard of that phenomenon before, but had never considered doing it herself. “Thanks,” she said simply before slipping on the sandal and turning.

“You have yourself a safe night, Ma’am. Sorry I couldn’t be more help.”

“Actually,” Felicia turned to face the service counter as she reached the door. “Do you know if it’s some kind of sporting event or state fair or something? What closes this many hotels and motels for more than a hundred miles?”

“Yeah. It happens sometimes. A lot of folks are coming down to see The King. I heard he was down at Teddy’s Bar in Appleton.”

“The…King. The king of what?”

George shrugged and laughed. “I don’t rightly know, Ma’am.”

“Felicia.” She smiled. A little human interaction was really just what her travel-weary mind needed right now.

“Still don’t know the answer, Felicia, but you might get something out of one of the other locals. Seems like there’s a lot of hubbub about The King, but I don’t get out much. Working nights, sleeping days, you can imagine.”

Felicia nodded sympathetically. “I used to waitress during high school and college at an all-night restaurant. I totally get it.”

“Well, I do hope you have a good night and see if Wal-Mart’s got a spot for you. Just take a right out of the parking lot, half a mile down the road on the right. Take care now.”

Felicia thanked him and pushed the door open into the cool March night.

He wanted to set it all up like a movie to achieve the most dramatic effect. Front door ajar, the curious party enters, calling his name, walking through his organized living room, his immaculate kitchen, down the hall, bathroom cleaned with bleach, and on toward the bedroom, door shut for modesty purposes. Trembling, the curious party twists the knob and finds him, sprawled out on the bed with a bottle of sleeping pills spilled out on the floor and a flask of Wild Turkey hanging from his limp hand, draining the last of its contents on the floor.

He bought two bottles of pills for this grand moment, one for himself and one for display purposes. He opened his display bottle and shook some pills out onto the floor. He’d already been drinking throughout the day, so he just had to remember to fill the flask up before putting himself down for his final sleep.

And it worked. Sort of. He was sure that he was too messed up on whiskey to properly clean his apartment, though he did the best he could through the growing liquid fog. But as soon as he lay down, he had doubts that anyone would find him soon. Nobody was to come visit him today and his neighbors were assholes. They didn’t care if some washed up lounge singer had his front door partially open- he didn’t make enough to have valuables.

Tommy swallowed hard, gulped a handful of pills and took a swig. Nobody cared. And that was the problem.

“So, I’d really like to talk to you today about your occupation, Thomas.”

He liked going to Dr. Lefferts. He’d first found himself drawn to her by her strange perpetual smile. She wasn’t very effective in her techniques, but she was certainly cute. Part of it came from her demeanor. She would have been better suited as a Kindergarten teacher, maybe. Soft spoken and pretty. He couldn’t refuse her..

“I’m a singer, you know.”

“Mm-hmm.” She was chicken-scratching something onto a yellow legal pad before looking up.

“A lounge singer. I do Elvis.”

“Are you an impersonator?”

Thomas let out a long, heavy sigh. “I would say that it’s more like acting, you know. I try to get into the role a bit. Like, what was he thinking when he sang these songs? Did he sing them for anyone in particular or was it just all crass commercialization. I’m not like those other jokers who are always ‘on’ you know. I’ve got a life, too.”

“But there’s something about that life you find unsatisfying, yes?”

Thomas brushed his hair back. “Yeah, I guess. I don’t know.”

Dr. Lefferts simply sat there. He didn’t care much for when she did so, because he knew that she was waiting for him to open up more. Time made him crack.

“See, sometimes I’m afraid I get a little too into it all. Like, sometimes, when I cash my check I endorse it with the wrong name. Sometimes I answer the phone and it’s not my voice I’m using, it’s his. But it isn’t intentional. It just kind of happens and I don’t have much control over it.”

“What do you think it means?”

“Maybe I should do something else with my life, Doc. Maybe what I really need is to cut the cord.”

As he left, he made sure that she seemed satisfied with his response. No need to alarm her with his real intentions. His double entendre had seemed to work on the shrink. He was going to miss her.

Through the dense haze of depressants, Thomas saw the figure, his rescuer, standing in his doorway. She was dressed in white, long legs, straight blonde hair. It was his angel, Dr. Lefferts. His body relaxed. He was drifting away.

“You chose the chickenshit way out.” Her voice was hard, clinical, and even a little masculine.

“Wh-what? Who?”

The figure in white knelt next to his limp near-corpse. “You want it, I make it happen, Kid,” the former Dr. Lefferts, now assuming the shape of a man, said. “Girls, money, gigs. Trust me, you’ll have it all if you stick with me.”

Thomas closed his eyes to end the hallucination.

“You’re gonna have the magic touch, I tell ya,” the figure was still speaking as if from the side of Thomas’ bed.


“Aw, come on now, you know better than that. Now get your ass up. We’re gonna make you the brightest star this world’s ever seen!”

Thomas rolled away from the voice and puked onto the carpeted floor.

The parking lot was full. Absolutely full. Felicia sighed groaned as she went up and down each lane only to see car after car camped out in every available space. Overly tired, but driven now by hunger, Felicia pulled up behind an idle semi and parked her car to go inside the store. Half-asleep, she slipped out of her car before a blinding light struck her exhausted eyes.

It was a cop.

“Jesus, not now,” she muttered in spite of herself.

Without warning, the officer flipped his lights off and strolled out of his car and up to her.

The cop was slim with weak shoulders and looked just old enough to grow his first real beard. As he approached, she could see him wearing a large, boyish grin.

“I know It’ll get me in trouble one of these days, I do sure like the way those babies light everything up. Real attention grabbers, let me tell you.”

Felicia was in no mood for decorum. “Probably shouldn’t play with them like that. You never know who you’ll piss off.”

“Aw, kitty cat, did I pull on your tail? My mistake. Can I make it up to you?”

“What kind of cop are you? Seriously, I’m exhausted and I just want to grab something to eat, and some sleeping pills to knock me out until tomorrow morning.”

The young officer held out his hand to her. “Name’s Rudy. Very pleased to meet you, Miss. Let’s get you what you need and maybe you’ll do me the favor of being conversational with me before you turn in for the night.”

Felicia had no idea what was possessing this man, who must have been about eight years her junior, to want to sit and chat with her, but he was an officer of the law and he didn’t seem the least bit agitated by her attitude, so she simply nodded and lead the way into the store.

He took little notice of the country scenery as he sped down the winding road toward his destination. The sunglasses blotted out what little light shone through the few stars unobscured by the thick night clouds on this moonless night. “Teddy Bear” blared from the speakers of the ’55 Fleetwood, loud enough to frighten wild animals who might be tempted to jump out in front of the classic car and, more importantly, loud enough to keep The King from answering the call of sleep.

The Colonel had promised him that the fans were lining up already, anticipating his long-awaited return. The music scene had been in a steep decline since The King had been discovered dead once so long ago, but he was back now, as The Colonel had prophesied, to roll back the flow of time, to set it all right again. He’d missed the fame, the money, the women. He wanted it all and he was days away from having it.

Felicia sat cross-legged as best she could in her Impala, knees pressing against the steering wheel, eating cheese and ham slices from a snack tray in her lap while Rudy gazed at her as if he’d never seen a woman before.

“Golly, you came all the way from New York City?”

Felicia nodded as she swallowed a chunk of cracker. “It’s been a pretty long day. But now I think it’s going to be hard for me to actually fall asleep with all these lights and just thinking about the crazy day I just had and all of that. That’s why I got the sleeping pills and a night mask.”

“Well, where are you headed to, Baby Doll?”

“Please, don’t call me that. I’m on my way to Rochester.”

Rudy’s face was blank.

“Minnesota, home of the Mayo Clinic and the Garvey family. That’s my family,” she clarified for her easily-confused audience.

“What did you do in New York?”

“All these questions. Are you interrogating me, Officer?”

Rudy shook his head violently, “No way, Kitty Cat. Just curious.”

“I was a body double there. I was trying to pay of my school loans. I got my degree of Hah-vahd to be a business administrator and it seemed perfect at the time. There are tons of insurance companies up in New England and then you have Wall Street and just tons of opportunities, but loans come pretty fast and when they’re Harvard-level loans, they hit hard. I couldn’t make it, plain and simple, but I got spotted by a casting director in the City while I lived there who cast me as the body double for Sophie-Lucia Grant. Do you know her.”

Rudy indicated that he did not.

“Well, she was doing a movie that required some nudity and a simulated sex scene and I’m pretty much her body type. Add a wig and we’re off to the races. Never been too shy about my body, not the way some people are, and the money was absolutely necessary. Whammo, I got an acting career out of the blue. Thankfully, Sophie was shooting another movie right afterward, still in New York, and she asked for me to perform a lot of the same kinds of shots. Two sex scenes in that one, more tawdry, but the director was a creep, so I walked. Now, pressure’s on again and so I sent everything I owned via delivery and here I am just trying to make it home as quick as I can.”

Rudy’s eyes were huge, “Wow. A real honest-to-goodness movie star?”

Felicia smiled. “It wasn’t that glamorous.”

Rudy frowned. “Do you mind if I put on some music?”

“No. Go ahead,” she said, “It started to sound like every channel was oldies about when I passed the state line, so I turned it off. Maybe you can find something different now.”

Rudy fiddled with the tuner until he found a song that wasn’t completely overridden with static.

“Oh, yeah. This is the tops!” Rudy was moving his body in tune the the rhythm.

“I have no idea what this is.”

Rudy’s eyes bulged. “It’s The King, Kitten. Good Luck Charm!” He began singing along, “Don’t want a silver dollar…”

“Never heard of it. But The King, you mean Elvis Presley?”

“Aw, yeah. He’s playing down in Cooperstown for a few days. It’s about fifty-seven miles southeast of here. I’m taking the Interstate down tomorrow to see him. It’s going to be the cat’s pajamas!” Rudy’s enthusiasm diminished slightly, “You, uh, you wouldn’t want to go with me, would you, Kitty Cat?”

Felicia’s mind boggled, “What? No. It’s not really my thing. And the name’s Felicia.”

“I-I’m sorry. I was kind of hoping you’d want to go steady with me, you know, be my girl.”

“I’m pretty tired, Rudy. I think I’m going to go to bed now.”

And with that, Felicia turned away from her guest and waited until her car door shut before taking her pill and slipping on the mask she’d bought.

“Goddamn it! Set it up again!”

“No,” Felicia called to the crewman, “don’t bother.” She tore the wig from her head.

The director, Javier Garza, approached her menacingly. “I already told you: no penetration!”

Felicia blinked. “If you’re making him wear a condom, that means you’re planning on having him inside me and I’m telling you to fuck off. I’m not doing that shit.”

“Okay, maybe a little penetration. Makes it look real.”

“Fuck you and fuck your movie. I’m not here to have sex with strangers.” Felicia brushed past her former directer, cast and crew now in an uproar behind her. It was time to clean up and go home. She was sick of this city and the perverts in the entertainment business now.

She found her way to a makeup chair and began brushing her disheveled hair out.

She heard heels click on the tile floor behind her and the silhouette of her mother appeared out of the inky darkness.

This wasn’t a memory, but a dream, Felicia told herself, but couldn’t disengage from it.

Her mother approached, each click of her heels ticking like a doomsday scenario clock. “It all started,” Mother began, “when we let you go to that Sadie Hawkins dance.” She “tsk-tsked” as she grabbed a brush and took over Felicia’s grooming.


“It’s no good to be on your own out there. Boys will do anything to get at a nice young lady like you. They’ll try to entice you with their fancy cars and bright smiles and a young woman such as yourself is very susceptible to their charms. I should have done more to protect you.”

“What the fuck is going on here?” Felicia tried to struggle in the dream-seat, but Mother swiveled it around and slapped her face.

“Such language! Now sit still and don’t fuss. We’re going to get you looking like a proper lady.”

Her clothes were no longer those she’d worn on set. Now she was swimming in that oversized gray university sweatshirt with the faded emblem, dark blue jeans, and the battered Berkies she had been wearing on the long drive out of the city.

“You look like a hobo,” her mother said and Felicia’s face, still stinging from the slap, burned with shame. “Those sock-hops are no place for a good girl.”

Her mother turned and laid out some clothes on a bed that hadn’t been there moments before.

Felicia struggled to pull herself out of her dream state, but instead felt her mental body rise.

“Go ahead, dear. I gave birth to you. No shame in changing in front of your mother now.”

Felicia cast off her clothes without complaint and switched into the clean granny panties and bra. She slid the poodle skirt up over her hips and felt a cool breeze brush past her legs.

Felicia’s mother smiled and handed her the next article of clothing, a puffy pink sweater. Felicia thought it looked a little girly, but said nothing and slipped it on, her bust more pronounced than it had ever been before. Mother grinned widely, sat on the edge of the bed and patted the spot next to her indicating for Felicia to do the same.

She did, taking the clean pair of socks and rolling them up her legs. Felicia gasped at the utter lack of stubble that had accrued on them in the last few days before slipping her feet into the saddle shoes Mother had generously provided her and tying them the way Mother showed her years ago.

Felicia turned to Mother and gave her a peck on the cheek. “I promise to come right home.”

Mother’s eyes glistened. “I’m happy to hear that honey. No detours? No boys?”

Honest, Felicia said, while she crossed her fingers behind her back.

Felicia awoke to hear her motor running and the radio on. The King was on the radio. But who needed the radio when he was just miles away? Mother wouldn’t approve of her stopping off to see him, but he was so close now and she knew that her parents wouldn’t let her out of the house for a long time once she returned home. It could be her only chance…

She found herself knocking on Rudy’s car door. His elbow landed on the horn, hard, waking up several of the other commuters. “Oops.” Felicia’s pink painted nails flew to her cupid’s bow lips.

Rudy fixed his sunglasses and checked his pompadour in the rear view mirror. “Going somewhere, baby?”

“Yes,” Felicia replied sheepishly, “I think I would like to go to see The King while I have a chance. That is, if you’re going my way.”

“You bet your bottom dollar I want to see him doll-face. Hop on in, darling.”

“Ooh,” Felicia gushed as she got into the driver’s seat of his police car, “I’ve never quite done anything like this before.”

“Buckle up, baby. We’re gonna have one heck of a good time.”

The drive was nice with the windows down and The King’s voice on the radio. Felicia enjoyed toying with Rudy a bit. He liked catching glimpses of her chest and while Mother and Father wouldn’t approve, she had nothing to fear from either of them right now. With a finger, she gently stretched out the fabric of her pink sweater, teasing the young officer with a show of forbidden flesh. She knew enough about boys to know how they grew and could see his tight pants straining as she teased and tempted him. She felt good, too. Rudy was fun, but he was small potatoes. She was going to need something more.

“Up ahead,” he announced, his brow sparkling with anticipation, “Three exits to town, but we can’t miss it. Bar’s nearest the second one if I remember right. What do you say we stop off somewhere first, get some, uh, refreshments, baby?”

“Oh, I don’t think so,” Felicia replied, staring out the window longingly. “I’d just as soon beat tonight’s crowd.”

“We got hours, honey.”

Felicia turned toward her driver, “If you take me there now, I’ll make time with you. Promise.”

No further conversation was had.

The parking lot was nearly full when they arrived and most of the cars’ drivers and occupants were still inside them, many of them engaged in necking and…

Rudy leaned over and kissed Felicia, who accepted it with a playful giggle. It was nice to have fun with someone as inexperienced as a Rudy now and then, even if she’d never consider going steady with him.

“Oh, baby, I’m so glad you made us stop here, parking lot won’t stay like this long, look.” Rudy pointed to a pair of cars trolling for empty spaces.

“Let’s not worry about other people, Ru. I just want this moment to belong to you, me, and The King.” She turned the knob up on All Shook Up and let Rudy’s lips touch hers. His fingers probed at her prodigious chest and she slid her panties down in anticipation of his arrival.

Rudy’s awkward earnestness at lovemaking would make Felicia chuckle in the coming days, but in the moment, she did what she could with her few years of extra experience to help the lad feel like a success on his first go. Boys were ever so much more insecure than girls, she’d noticed, and she liked to show her lovers a good time in the moment, even if they were difficult for her to remember as years and boys vanished from her memory.

And all the while, The King was there to help her when Rudy’s body failed to stimulate her in just the right way.

The bar was crowded that evening. Rudy glowed proudly at his conquest, while Felicia sat coyly. Nearly everyone here reeked of sex, and yet they all were impeccably dressed with perfectly coiffed hair. The King had not yet arrived for tonight’s performance, but Felicia enjoyed seeing all the young couples engaging in conversations about the man of the hour and how their square friends didn’t understand the magic of his music.

“Can I get anything for you lovebirds?” The barmaid wore a name tag that made Felicia chuckle.

“We’ll take two Cokes,” Rudy said before turning to his date, “What’s so funny?”

“Didn’t you see her name? Marie, like the song.”

“Gosh, I didn’t notice. Good eye.”

“I think I want to change my name. Felicia is so drab.”

“But it’s the name your parents chose, Kitty Cat.”

“I know, but I prefer Gracie. Doesn’t it just sound like the kind of name He’d want me to have?”

Rudy looked distressed, but Gracie continued. “I really hope he likes me, Rudy. You’d want that for me, wouldn’t you, dear?”

“W-well, I guess. But I was hoping you’d be my girl.”

“I know,” Felicia sighed wistfully. “But you understand that you’re not really my speed. We’re going straight to Nowheresville, you and I. No. I must be with The King or I’m doomed to a life of spinsterhood.”

“Well, now, I don’t think that would happen.”

“Don’t you? What man could possibly be the equal of Him? And I have the right to pursue him, haven’t I? I can feel it, you know. It’s only right.”

When the Cokes came to the table, Rudy stared at the carbonated bubbles that rose forth. He’d never felt so low in his life as this moment, while Gracie sat there, together with him but so far away, a bright light for another man to discover.

The concert was the most. Gracie lit up and took every opportunity to make herself known to The King as Rudy watched from his table, sinking slowly into the background. The music was good. The patrons whooped and cheered at all the right times. The King had an effect on people and Rudy felt it, too, but his heart was no longer in it.

Things had changed so much in the last forty-eight hours for him. He’d forgotten much of it until now, the enchantment broken by his aching heart. He looked at himself in the bathroom mirror while the rowdy bar crowd went wild outside the flimsy wooden door. But the face he saw was not the one he recalled seeing just two days ago.

Then…words. Powerful words “You ain’t nothing but a hound dog,” blaring over the microphone. Rudy’s favorite. Everything was going to be all right. The King was here. And maybe, if he was lucky, Rudy could get Him to perform Good Luck Charm live. Rudy combed his pompadour and rejoined society.

The King walked out of the bar, The Colonel following closely behind him.

“Another great performance. You really knocked it out of the park. Now, we’d better get a move on if we’re going to head to Tennessee before your performance tomorrow.”

“Wait!” It was a girl approaching the pair.

“Sorry, no autographs,” The Colonel reproached her.

“It’s not that! You can’t leave! I mean,” Gracie corrected herself, “you’ve only just arrived. Surely you could stay one more night.”

“Young miss, we did not only just arrive. We’ve performed at this venue for two days and we have other business to attend to.”

Gracie ignored The Colonel, her green eyes darted, searching for a response from The King himself, but his glasses seemed to darken just so that no hint or preview came to her.

“I’m afraid I must get ramblin’, Miss Gracie,” The King finally said. Her shoulders slumped and her face fell. “The people out there expect me and I aim to be there for them.” She felt his strong hands take her roughly by the shoulders. “But it does get awful lonely on that road alone.”

Gracie’s face fell. He knew her name! All her hard work bouncing in front of him on the dance floor did pay off!

“I’m good company,” Gracie whispered, pushing The Colonel away. Her bountiful chest heaved with desire.

He tilted her chin upward with a finger. “Then come with me. We’ll meet you in Nashville, Colonel.”

Grace swooned in her saddle shoes, leaned in and fell into his waiting lips. Her thin arms wrapped around his thick core. The Colonel looked on with a mixture of anger and satisfaction. Magic often led to unforeseen complications. The only concern now was how much influence this woman would have on The King. This battle was lost. The King had made his decision.

For Gracie, there was no going home again. Her future: a beautiful blue Southern sky. The King had chosen her, at least for now. And she would do everything in her power to help him as he toured his growing realm by spreading his message, that to know The King was to love The King.