The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Title: Dollified

AN: This story is intended to be enjoyed as a fantasy by persons over the age of 18—similar actions if undertaken in real life would be deeply unethical and probably illegal. © MoldedMind, 2020.

* * *

She was one of them.

Arris saw her, and knew: this was one of the robo-dolls.

The first clue was her basic appearance. Like the other dolls, she had no hair on her head. If Arris got right up close, and lifted her clothes to look under them, she was sure she’d find there was no hair anywhere else on her body, either. If she stood in front of the doll, she would easily be able to make out the doll’s oversized, pouting lips. If she stood directly behind the doll, and looked along the base of her skull, she would find a serial number imprinted there. And if she was close enough to see the serial number, she would easily have been close enough to see that plastic-y shine that all the dolls had in common on her skin.

The doll was across the street from where Arris was sitting in the café, so Arris didn’t have the best view. From a distance, these other clues were obscured to her. What Arris could see was the baldness of the doll, and her well-endowed body. All the dolls were similarly shapely: with large breasts, (which apparently had heightened sensitivity, from the doll’s perspective) and curving hips.

And yet, it was more than just the anatomical details which gave the doll away. Arris could see her identity in the way the doll held herself, her posture too stiff to be human. She could see it in the way the doll’s hips sashayed as she walked. Even without an owner, putting herself on display for any watching bystanders.

The doll stood out from the other humans she walked among, and the glances that they gave her confirmed that they knew what she was, too. They were close enough to see the details that Arris could not, and their glances at the doll were confirmation enough of the doll’s status on their own.

Arris had never given much thought to the robo-dolls before. They were a fact of life, like anything else; they were just around. You could buy one for yourself if you had the money, or you could acquire one on the cheap if you had some less-than-savory connections. You could rent time with one, either from a licensed establishment, or again… through a private connection.

Some people just bought them to send them out to solicit sex on the streets; it was a decent way to make a profit, if you were able to get a hold of one. If Arris had to guess, she’d assume the doll currently walking through her line of sight was one of these. And of course, they were so ubiquitious that some people even enjoyed styling their body-mods after them.

Arris knew all this. The sky was a permanent hazy smog color, and robo-dolls were a common fixture of everyday life. That wasn’t what was weird.

What was weird was that, today, as she sat there with her already cold and too-strong cup of coffee, she noticed the doll. Not as a background detail, but as a foregrounded focal point.

She was… curious about it.

The doll passed further down the city street, disappearing around a corner, but the impression of curiosity stayed in Arris’ mind long after she had gone.

* * *

That night, when Arris got back home to the loft, she was still feeling… curious. She couldn’t even pinpoint the source of her curiosity. It was just… a vague hunger for some kind of information about the dolls. She didn’t even know what she was looking for when she began her search, but knew she wanted to find whatever it was.

Since the dolls were such a staple, there was lots to find, but none of it seemed to quite scratch her itch. There were videos showing how to properly configure a newly acquired doll, there were interviews and testimonials from happy robo-doll clients.

There was even an ad-campaign in which the dolls themselves spoke, in interview style. They all spoke in the same way: a soft-voice, a deliberate rhythm. They all seemed to use the same scripts, too: how fun it was to be a robo-doll, how much they enjoyed being used for pleasure, how much they enjoyed giving pleasure. The interviewer might as well have been talking to the same person ten times, their responses were so identical.

Their responses weren’t the only identical quality they all shared. Though face and body changed from doll to doll, they never changed much. There was some slight variation in facial sculpting. But their lips were all pouting and enlarged.

And their body shapes were largely uniform. The variation between models was a question of degrees along a spectrum— their bust sizes ranging from ‘well-endowed human’ up to ‘artificial obscenity.’ Some of the dolls did have skin in rainbow colors, along with other aesthetic customizations. But even this was not enough to erase the overwhelming similarity from doll to doll. And the skin of each doll shone plastic under the interview lighting in exactly the same way.

Aside from videos, there were forums where people compared notes on their robo-dolls, and detailed their experiences with them. There were even sites tailored specifically to coding and programming the things.

Yet all of this did nothing to even touch on Arris’ curiosity. She gave up the mainstream web in favor of its black market equivalent. Once she was booted up there, she had a temporary hope that her curiosity would be sated, but this was frustrated. She found more code-based information; there were some groups that concentrated on hacking into robo-dolls remotely in order to make them walk out of the factory, or away from their official owner. It was one way to acquire a robo-doll without paying, or owing debt to someone else, Arris figured.

But the groups had to stay pretty active, because the dolls underwent frequent updates which closed loopholes in their programming to ward against such hacks. Then the hackers had to find new ways to break through the programming and find (or make) new loopholes. From some surface level scanning, it seemed like they were always successful in the end.

Arris thought of the dolls who’d sat down to be “interviewed” in the advertising campaign she’d earlier watched. She thought of them in a new light— their responses were identical because there were scripts that had been programmed into them. Programmed, with coding like these hackers were discussing.

And it was then that Arris felt the edge come off her frustration— because the idea of a doll having a thought programmed into its head made Arris shiver involuntarily. Something… about the dolls being programmed… something about that was making her curious.

Of course, it was at this moment that the lower-level door opened. Arris killed her session immediately, shutting the computer down. The law enforcers in this neighborhood were prone to illegal raids, and Arris didn’t want to be caught surfing the wrong internet.

But it was only Lea.

“Oh— hey, Lea,” Arris said, slipping down from the second floor overhang to the lower level. “If I’d known it was you, I wouldn’t have closed my session.”

Lea closed the door behind her, and stepped forward to give Arris a kiss on the cheek. “Were you looking at anything interesting?”

“Just doing some reading on robo-dolls,” Arris said, flopping into her beat-up armchair.

Lea crossed to what passed for Arris’ kitchen, and opened her fridge. All Arris had in there was a block of cheese, which was still good, and some moldy bread, which definitely was not. Lea wrinkled her nose at her girlfriend’s poor stocking skills, and closed the fridge door again. “Why that topic in particular? Did someone ask you to get a robo-doll for them?”

“No. I like walking the line between black-market and mainstream, but robo-dolls are more hassle than they’re worth to acquire illegally. Just reading up out of interest.” Arris was sprawled over the side of her chair, with one arm up over the back of it, and her legs over the side. She watched as Lea crossed back through the apartment to her.

Without asking first, Lea copied her, but instead of sprawling over the chair, sprawled over Arris’ body, as if she were a seat that had been made just for her. She rested her head just below Arris’ chin, and let her hand come to rest on Arris’ chest.

“What’s interesting about a robo-doll? They’re around, they’re fun to fuck, end of story.”

Arris shook her head. “I don’t know. Maybe there’s nothing interesting. But I saw one when I went to the café earlier today, just… walking, and it gave me a curious feeling. So I’m just doing a little research for the fun of it.”

Lea let out a yawn. “If you’re so interested, you can just find one of the streams.”

Arris frowned. “One of the streams?’

“Yeah,” Lea spoke into Arris’ collarbone. “There’s like a thousand of them. People just set up a stream and fuck their robo-doll on it for anyone to watch.”

Lea murmured something else, and then trailed back into a yawn. And even though it sounded like she was the tired one, and even though Arris had felt perfectly alert a minute before, she was suddenly sagging deeper into the chair in exhaustion. Then Lea was saying something else again, but Arris’ consciousness was drifting away, and she missed it.

* * *

The next day, Arris felt more curious about robo-dolls than the day before, and the first idea in her head was to look up one of the streams Lea had mentioned the previous night. So with Lea off to work for the day at her upstanding, non-illegal and un-frowned upon job, Arris slipped back up to her loft, and booted up another session on the dark web.

She found her first stream easily. And from the log at the bottom, she could see there were already several hundred others watching along with her. She’d joined the stream already in progress, and the two figures in the video were already in the middle of fucking.

One was a man, and the other was clearly a doll. For whatever reason, this one had been customized with blue skin, inlaid with blue stones around each of her hinges. The man was thrusting aggressively between the doll’s legs, and the doll was letting out a series of very vivid and very erotic sounds as he did. The doll was positioned directly in front of the camera, so that her face was clearly visible, and her breasts were crushed against the table under her. The lighting in the room reflected on the doll’s bare head.

Arris felt her mouth fall open—she was captivated by the expression on the doll’s face. Much like she’d been able to tell that the doll she’d seen by the café was a doll from the way she walked, she could tell by this one’s face that she was artificial. There was a deadness in the eyes; they held a glaze that no human being could share. Just from looking into them, it was clear there was no true sentience behind them.

The doll made up for her artificiality with her eagerness. Even though her eyes were dead, they were widened in arousal, and her mouth was pouting open to accomodate the soft grunts and moans she was letting out as the man went on fucking her. It was easy to appreciate her doll-lips, with the way the shot was framed. Arris had a clear view of how full and pouting they were, as the doll endlessly moaned out her pleasure through them.

Arris felt her cheeks heat. It was indecent; the doll was just lying there, being used. It was just a hole for the man to fuck into, and all it did was just lie there and let the man do it. Arris knew that it was only a doll— it lacked the brain function of a real person, but to see the thing so obviously being used made her feel a twinge of sympathy for it.

And yet… there was something… something about the way doll was just flopped down in place, something about the way it was so limp, and yet its facial expression was so vivid. There was something about the glaze in its eyes…

Arris shifted in her seat again. The stream was just going on, with no sign of an ending coming up. The frame held steady on the doll’s face, and the man just kept fucking it patiently. There was nowhere else to look, nothing else to see. It was just the same repetitive scene, over and over… and yet… Arris was shifting in her chair… was it possible… could it be… yes… this was turning her on.

Now that she’d noticed it, she didn’t know how she could have missed it. She could feel the lubrication between her legs, and each time she shifted in place, her core chafed in pleasure.

She frowned, watching the scene more carefully. What was the turn on here? Straight sex didn’t usually tend to do it for her. She watched the man for awhile, paying close attention to her arousal at the same time to see if it was linked to him. She felt no more or less aroused than she had before.

She looked back to the doll, and leaned closer to her computer screen. The doll’s… facial expression… the doll… lying there…

It was just a thing to be used for pleasure.

At that thought, Arris felt a spike of pleasure in her cunt, and a dribble of lubrication followed it out of her.

It was the thought of being used— the way the doll was being used— that was doing it for her.

Huh, Arris thought. Well. That was new. She’d never been turned on by the idea of that before. She’d thought she had a pretty good understanding of what did it for her— robo-dolls being used as fucktoys had not been on that list. But, she supposed, people learned new things about themselves every day. Apparently this was one more thing that made her hot.

But… it was still new. And while Arris tended to be pretty open-minded, sexually speaking… Just because she’d realized she had a new fetish didn’t mean she was ready to indulge it.

And since it was clear that the doll was just going to keep on getting fucked, and that was going to keep on turning Arris on, she closed out of the stream.

If she hadn’t shut it down when she had, she probably would have started masturbating along with it.

* * *

That night, when Lea got home again, she asked Arris if she’d still been “researching” the robo-dolls for fun. Arris had told her she had, and explained her latest discovery— that, apparently, watching a robo-doll get used as a fucktoy had gotten her hot. Lea had smiled a sly smile to this, and asked Arris coyly if she’d frigged herself off; to which Arris had responded, no; realizing that and getting off to it in the same day would have been too fast for her.

After that, they spent a nice, quiet evening together, and unlike the night before, made it back to their bed to fall asleep instead of passing out together tangled up in the armchair.

The next morning, Arris woke up before Lea left for work, and they had another brief conversation before Lea left. At least, Arris thought it had been a conversation. She must have zoned out during it, because she couldn’t remember what they’d talked about after. Whatever it was, it hadn’t been important. And when it was over, Lea left for work again, and Arris decided to look up another stream.

That day, the stream she found was of a female owner and her doll. This was already further up her alley than the stream the day before; the doll in this stream was less passive, but it was clear the owner was still in control. She was pressing the doll’s face into her crotch, and the doll was licking with total abandon there. Again, being used to service her owner.

Already Arris could feel pleasure sparking to life in her pussy, and for whatever reason, this time, she didn’t want to hold back. She slipped a hand in her pants, and began eagerly stroking through her own arousal, sending her pleasure spiking up higher.

The doll was just so eager in her tonguing— but even so, there was something so forceful about the way her owner was holding her head down. The doll wouldn’t be allowed to raise her head until she had sufficiently pleasured her owner.

Arris let out a low cry, clamping her thighs together around her own wrist as she stroked herself harder.

The stream lasted two hours, and then went offline.

During that time, Arris had six orgasms.

* * *

After that, it became sort of a routine for Arris; she would search a stream up, and masturbate along with it, day after day. The orgasms only seemed to get stronger each time. It was just so hot to watch the robo-dolls; and across a variety of streams she saw them get taken, in just about every way possible.

They were always eager, always willing, always completely obedient to their owner— and, apart from vocalizations of pleasure, always silent. They never spoke; only grunted, or moaned. They never spoke because their owners didn’t want them to speak— didn’t want to hear anything out of their mouths except expressions of pleasure. If their owners had wanted them speaking, they would have spoken. It was as simple as that.

Arris only felt her curiosity growing more desperate. All of it was turning her on so much— clearly, it was a fetish that really pressed her buttons— but she still had that itch she’d felt the first day when she’d seen the robo-doll walking. There was something she wanted to understand, or something she wanted to know— and she still hadn’t figured out what it was.

Apart from her masturbation sessions, Arris was pretty sure she’d exhausted all the resources available about robo-dolls on both the mainstream web and the dark web. And she still didn’t know what she was trying to find; only that she hadn’t found it.

One day, when Arris was out on a gig, trying to track down an item for someone, inspiration struck. She was walking along the street, when she happened to pass a body mod parlor— the memory of seeing people in passing who’d had mods done to copy robo-doll characteristics stopped Arris in place. She went in without any kind of direct plan… just following that… feeling of curiosity.

Inside, there was a waiting area, and a few paces ahead of it was the counter where you placed your body-mod order. The waiting area had a coffee table, and on the table— a tablet, of all available mods and customizations offered by the body-mod parlor.

Arris was the only one in the waiting area, so she felt no guilt about taking the tablet and keeping it to herself as she scrolled through the options.

She’d never bothered much with body-mods herself. She’d swapped out her fingernails for brass ones awhile back— she’d gotten annoyed with having to clip them to keep them short, and had wanted something inorganic she didn’t have to tend— but that had been the extent of her modifications.

Generally, she wasn’t someone who cared about making a visual impression. In fact, in her line of work, she preferred to fade into the crowd. And she felt mostly this way as she swiped past the modification options. That is, until she got to the part of the catalogue that was designed around, and inspired by, the robo-dolls.

It was different than the rest of the catalogue; unlike other sections, which just listed item by item with a picture next to each, the robo-doll section wasn’t so neatly categorized. The robo-doll modifications were all clumped together. The page had a diagram of a robo-doll, which broke down the doll into each of its unique parts, leaving out nothing, and if you clicked on a part, it would bring up the picture and the item.

Arris must have spent a full hour just sitting in the parlor, clicking through part after part. The dolls were actually pretty sparsely built. They had a translucent, plastic form which was overlaid in the highest quality silicone, and inside only had sparse groupings of wires which animated them.

All the wires linked back to the motherboard chip in the doll’s head, which functioned something like a human brain, sending out directives to make the doll move. The chip that animated the doll was small, but held a lot of data; dolls could self-program if instructed, or there was a jack at the base of the doll’s would be skull that you could hook a computer into to program them manually.

What struck Arris the most about the doll form was its simplicity— and because they were so efficiently built, and simple to run, the modifications were pretty easy to incorporate. All that needed doing was an installation of a motherboard chip, and then whatever other doll piece you wanted could be installed subsequently, so long as it could link back to the chip. The best part was that the chip was specifically tailor made so that it integrated seamlessly into the human mind.

There was also a set of modifications that the dolls didn’t have themselves— modifications meant only to replicate doll features in humans. There was an installation you could get which made all the hair on your body fall off, and never grow back.

There was a second one that did the same thing, but for the hair on your head. You could also get an injection to reduce your muscle tone, as the dolls themselves were usually programmed to be physically weak. And there was a body paint you could order which would give your skin that silicone plastic sheen permanently, without needing to actually trade your skin out for doll-skin.

It was also possible have your body re-sculpted into doll-shape without actually incorporating doll parts. They could give you lip injections, to mimic doll-lips. The parlor could also do a standard breast enlargement, and they could also reform a set of hips to mimic doll curves. Though you could also spring just to replace those same parts with the exact parts from the doll.

Arris read for a moment about what that entailed, what it took to swap your breasts out for doll breasts. They were supposed to be up to five times more sensitive to erotic stimulation. The procedure to do it used controlled administering of nanites, which were introduced to the breasts to convert the tissue to wiring and plastic, and then the silicone was applied afterwards.

Her hand hovered for a moment over that product, but after a second she swiped back. Switching her breasts out permanently for the real doll-parts was a little much, for a first visit to the body-mod parlor. She’d just have them enlarge her own a bit instead. And, while she was here, she might as well get the lip injection too.

But something about that was unsatisfying. Arris would get a standard breast enlargement, to make herself look that much more doll-like. And she would have them expand her lips too. But she would also have the motherboard chip installed into her brain. She figured it was only good sense. If she wanted to actually trade parts of her body out for doll parts in the future, she’d need the chip to be already installed. It just made sense to install it now, and have that over and done with.

She hadn’t planned on any of this when she’d stepped in to the parlor. And Arris wasn’t a spontaneous person by nature, but the idea of being spontaneous about this seemed… fun, for some reason.

She stepped up to the order counter, and ordered her two modifications through the user interface. It gave her a ticket with a number, but since she was the only person in the parlor, she only had to wait five minutes before they were calling her back.

The process was as streamlined as the tablet had promised— a quick incision to work the motherboard chip into her mind, an injection to each breast to cause expansion to the desired size, an injection in her upper and lower lip. It took maybe all of five minutes.

Arris paused before the mirror to consider herself in the mirror before stepping out of the mod-room. Her breasts and lips were doll size now— and the thought alone made her cream herself.

She left the room, and made her way back home. She’d follow up on her gig to procure that object some other time. But as she walked, she raised her hand to the back of her head, where the incision for the chip was. She ran her fingers over the raised skin, and shivered. She could almost imagine it was a direct programming port— she could almost imagine it was a serial number raised under her fingers.

* * *

Lea was pleasantly surprised by Arris’ decision to get a body mod— her first question when she’d seen Arris’ changed body was, “did you switch them out for doll-tits?” She’d seemed a little disappointed to hear Arris had only created the illusion, and hadn’t made the full switch. But the disappointment was reversed when Arris showed her the incision from where the motherboard chip had gone in.

The next day, Arris once again followed her routine. As usual, she masturbated along to a doll stream… but this time, as she watched the doll get fuck, as she watched the tits of the doll jiggle… she sympathetically put her hands on her own. They were not quite the same, but they looked the same.

She wondered if what the parlor had claimed about increased sensitivity was really true.

She came harder that day than she ever had before.

She was eager to continue exploring body-mods. She stopped in at the body mod parlor a few more times that week. First, she had them make the installation that eliminated her body hair; but she kept the hair on her head. Then, she went for the body-paint which mimicked that doll-sheen. After that mod, she masturbated in front of the mirror a few times, instead of in front of her screen. When her breasts moved, she really did look perfectly like a doll; the way the light glinted off the artificial covering was identical to the way it glinted off a real doll.

She held back from actually having real doll-parts installed at first, but eventually her curiosity got the better of her there, too. She finally caved, and had them nanite-treat her breasts.

The claim of increased sensitivity turned out to be true.

She had them give her doll-hips, too; and then started on switching out her limbs. She switched out her dominant arm first, and then her non-dominant arm. Then each of her legs.

The process was as simple as on the first day: a chamber would close around the limb in question. Then, there was a tickling sensation, as the nanites settled into her flesh, and converted it instead to plastic, and wiring. There was cooling relief when the silicone was applied, and then there was a final link-up between the limb and the motherboard chip. Then she could manipulate the limb like normal.

The new limbs did feel different though, compared to how her human limbs had felt. They were lighter, practically as light as air, without all that muscle and bone to weigh them down. It was a weird feeling— Arris could feel how much physically weaker she was, as weak as a real doll— but she liked it. It was nice not to be weighted down, nice to have a light, airy body.

And of course, each night when Arris came home from the parlor, Lea seemed charmingly endeared by it all. She was often more than endeared: each doll-part was customized to most efficiently give pleasure. And with her new arms, Arris had full doll functionality— she could make them vibrate, which proved to be very satisfying for Lea.

It seemed that the more Arris changed, the more her fetish for robo-dolls turned her on. With doll-tits, doll-limbs, and real doll-skin, her orgasms were more powerful than ever, and she had fun trying the different settings her arms could perform; Lea enjoyed them too.

But it did feel weird to have such a heavy torso, especially under her doll-tits, and next to her feather-light limbs… and a few weeks later, Arris found herself back at the body mod parlor, switching out her torso for the robo-doll equivalent.

With a new torso came a new pleasure system, and her doll-hole seemed much more responsive to pleasure than Arris’ old body had been.

But it was here that Arris’ modifications had to stop: the only thing left she could change was her head and neck. She could have them remove her hair, and nanite her brain and skull. They could give her a doll head, complete with a programming port, and a serial number.

If she underwent that treatment, she would become a doll for real, and lose her self-awareness. It was fun to have a doll’s body, to have the extra functionality and receptivity to pleasure. But actually losing herself to become completely dollish was out of the question. It was a fun fetish— but it wasn’t worth losing her consciousness over.

* * *

It was a few days later that Arris started to worry.

Even though she’d been resolute in her decision not to pursue doll-mods any further (as there was nothing left to do besides turn herself into a doll)— the idea started popping up in her mind.

During the same period of time, she and Lea seemed to have a lot of conversations… conversations in which Arris found herself zoning out, and then forgetting what Lea had said. And then suspiciously, after this, Arris would find the idea of the final doll-mod turning her on more and more.

Come to think of it, she’d been having a lot of similar interactions with Lea over the course of the past few months. They’d be talking, and Arris’ attention would drift away, while Lea would go on speaking… and Arris would stay zoned out like that for awhile, only to wake up with no memory of what Lea had said. And it had only been in the past few months that Arris had noticed her newest fetish… was it possible…? No, it couldn’t be…

But the correlation became impossible for Arris to deny, as more of these strange interactions kept happening. It was undeniable that after each time Arris zoned out, her mind was filled with the idea of taking the final doll-mod. And the forcefulness with which the impulse was coming up left Arris no choice but to confront Lea.

She waited for Lea, one day after her shift.

When Lea came in, she noticed Arris’ body language right away. “What’s wrong, Arris?”

“Have you been doing something to me, Lea?” Arris asked. She didn’t see any point in being indirect. “Something to make me zone out? And what have you been saying, while I’ve been out of it?”

Lea stepped further into the room, a thoughtful look on her face. She was clearly considering her next words carefully. Then, her expression resolved, into an open and relaxed one. “Yes,” Lea said. “Yes, I have.”

Arris stared. She’d suspected… but she’d thought she was just being paranoid. She certainly hadn’t been ready for Lea to admit to it.

“What— what have you been doing?” Arris pressed, the fear evident in her voice.

Lea gave a half shrug. “I’ve been inducing you into trance, to implant ideas into your mind.” Lea’s voice slipped into a lower register, then, and she walked herself slowly to the chair where Arris sat. “Ideas about how sexy robo-dolls are… how sexy and hot it is to be a thing… to be used as a thing… and look at how well it’s worked— you’re 85% robo-doll now.”

Arris’ eyes widened in fear, but Lea was lowering herself into a straddling position over her lap. Her doll-parts were already responding; she was already streaking lubrication generously out of her hole.

“Why?” Arris breathed. Lea was already slowly gyrating against her, her movements reverberating through Arris’ too-sensitive sensors and making her lubricate even more.

“Why?” Lea repeated, with a soft laugh. “Arris— you’ve spent a long time as a procurer. And you’ve had people request robo-dolls from you before. You’ve thought about all the different ways you could get one, and decided none of them were worth your trouble. But you overlooked the easiest and cheapest way of all— turning someone into a robo-doll.”

Arris was too dumbstruck with terror to say anything. That, and the arousal was battling for her focus. Lea was grinding low and slow against her now, and the heat inside was getting harder and harder to ignore.

“I always wanted a robo-doll,” Lea confessed, pressing a kiss to the side of Arris’ face. “And they were too far out of my price range. But I realized— if I could get you to turn yourself into a robo-doll for me, then I’d have my very own robo-doll forever.”

Arris was shaking her head. “No— no— I won’t— I won’t make the last modification, this is wrong—“ She tried to grab Lea by the arms, but they were shaking from the intensity of the pleasure she could feel inside her.

“But just think about it, Arris…” Lea purred. “You get to be my fucktoy forever, and all your holes get to be used and pleasured… endless pleasure, and it never has to stop… all you have to do is give yourself up… and you can be just like all the other robo-dolls you’ve watched, all the other fucktoys you’ve seen getting fucked. You can be used the way they get used… you can be the same as them. You’re almost all robo-doll anyway… isn’t that what robo-dolls are for? If you’re 85% robo-doll already, that makes getting used for pleasure your destiny. Don’t you want… to live out your destiny?”

Arris was still trying to shake her head, but it was swimming in arousal now. It was true… her doll-hole was aching in need, and her body was burning with the desire to give in to Lea’s demand. To give up her mind… give up her life… give up herself and become a robo-doll permanently.

She tried to keep a grip on herself, on who she had been before she’d started with all the doll mods.

A thought occurred to her.

She had deliberately never gotten the mod that removed the hair from your head— because once you lost the hair on your head, it was impossible to tell that you weren’t a doll anymore. And especially since she’d made herself look like a doll in every other way, it had been an important hold out.

She wasn’t a doll— she still had human hair. She couldn’t be turned into one as long as she had that last inch of herself. And people who saw her new she was still human, because she still had her hair. Lea was wrong when she said she looked entirely like a doll.

“I don’t look exactly like a doll,” Arris protested, weakly. “It’s not my destiny…I don’t look exactly—“ It was a feeble defense, but it was the only one she had left.

Lea gave her skeptical look. “You think that just because you still have hair, you’re human? You think that little detail overrides all your other mods? Your doll-tits—“ and Lea slid her hand alone one of Arris’ tits, which shivered in sensitivity— “your doll-hole—“ and Lea’s other hand was teasing at Arris’ hole, smearing the lubrication around it and dipping inside— “your doll-limbs…”

Arris’ mind was clouding over with arousal even more distractingly now, but she kept thinking the same thought in a loop: I still have hair. I still have hair— that means something. It means I’m still human. I still have hair. It took all her concentration to hold on to that fact, as Lea kept sliding her hands over the rest of Arris’ doll-body.

When it was clear that Arris still wasn’t going to cave, Lea sighed and left the room. Arris hoped for a minute that Lea would drop the topic, but this hope was dashed when Lea reappeared— with a razor. Arris tried to stand from the chair and run, but her head was dizzy with arousal. When Lea came closer, Arris tried to fight her back, only to remember she’d long since lost her human strength. Like the rest of the dolls, she was effectively physically helpless.

Lea overpowered her easily, and set the razor to Arris’ head, ignoring Arris’ further struggling. Her hair came off in several quick passes, and then Arris, too, was bald.

Lea guided her up to her feet, to the nearest mirror. “There. Tell me who you see now.”

Arris tried, in vain, to find any hint of humanity in the reflected figure. But the girl she saw in the mirror was clearly a doll: her skin shone plastic under the light, her tits were over-sized, her hips curved, like a doll’s. There was no hair anywhere on her body… and her head was bald.

“Arris,” Lea said, her voice firmer. “What do you see?”

“A— a doll,” Arris said softly. “But—“

“No buts,” Lea said, turning Arris away from the mirror. “If you see a doll, it means you are a doll already. There’s just one more mod we need to make, for you to be perfect.”

Arris shook her head once more, but she was finding it hard to concentrate. Everything Lea was saying made such perfect sense…

“Come on…” Lea breathed, pressing closer to her. “You know you want to do it… You know how good it will feel… let me take you to the parlor right now… we can do it right now… and then I’ll fuck you exactly the way a doll like you needs…”

Protestations were falling from Arris’ lips, but Lea’s voice was too forceful, and the arousal in her body too hot.

The walk to the parlor was a blur— the haze of Arris’ arousal made it hard to notice details, but Lea guided her true. Before Arris knew it, Lea was guiding her through the doors of the parlor, placing the order at the counter. And then they were being called back into the modification room; and Lea was guiding Arris down into the chair.

A moment of clarity came to Arris through her arousal, but she was already strapped into the chair. “Please,” she said, shaking her head. “Please—“

But Lea only smiled back at her, and then the mod-chair was shifting underneath Arris’ back. It was sending up the chamber to close over her head. Arris struggled, but the bindings were too tight. The chamber closed over her, block out of the image of the room around her. She thrashed harder, because she knew what was going to happen next— and then she felt the tingling that told her the nanites were touching down on her skin, shifting organic matter out for artificial construction.

Within a few seconds, she stopped struggling, and went limp in the chair. She closed her eyes and waited for it to be over.

After only a minute more, the chamber released, and the chair released her too.

Doll opened her eyes on the world, and saw that her Owner was standing there.

Eagerly, she climbed to her feet, to follow her Owner home. Doll could only hope that once that got there, Owner would fuck her good and proper; just the way a robo-doll like her deserved.

* * *