The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Dominant Species

Chapter 5


The vampire had been drawn to Los Angeles for many reasons. As he worked his way through history, the times he had slept through he discovered two things that entranced him, that sang to his very core: Rock and roll and cinema.

The medium of film astounded him, knocked him on his ass. A technology that could actually capture anything in the world in exact form and then show it on a screen! His mind reeled in amazement at the first movie he saw. As always he started at the beginning and worked his way up. First came the silent films, he loved them, the exaggerated facial expressions the actors used to convey what the lack of words could not. He thought they were sublime artists in the doing of it, masters of non verbal communication. They elevated it into an art form. Then the talkies, and then color and finally digitalized movies and life like high definition.

He bought the most expensive TV possible to get the most from the experience. And this amused him for he realized just like the all the humans around him, he was a very good consumer who craved escape. He was a citizen corporate America would love and be proud of. Since Los Angeles was the capital of film and music, two of his great loves, the vampire was drawn there. It was a city flush with unfathomable money and riches and electric excitement and possibilities. The women and men were the most beautiful in the world. Not just the native born but others coming from everywhere across the great expansive country, looking to make it big. And they kept arriving by the hundreds, even thousands every year.

The city also had a dark, twisted, evil underside too, not far below the surface. A side that had consumed thousands of young lives in the most seductive fashion in so many various ways over the years. It was a cesspool of violence, murder, sexual perversion, drugs, every kind of debauchery imaginable; the strong using and feeding on and destroying the weak. And that too drew the vampire. It was a city of lights and parties, temptations and rewards, temptations and hell, teaming with denizens all hunting for the ultimate buzz: sex, drugs, money, wealth, fame, power and other perfect looking people seeking the same.

It was a city of predators and prey.

And after a while the vampire developed a sense that the city itself was a kindred spirit. It was an apex predator sending out a seductive, irresistible siren call to its victims to come closer, closer still; to partake of its dark delights in exchange for their souls and lives.

It was as though the city had been made with him in mind.

And it was in LA that he settled in for the long haul, spreading his own unique brand of horror and corruption hidden like matryoshka dolls inside all the other multitude of horrors and corruption that happened everyday in the City of Angels long before his arrival.

Batman strode down the hall eying the door he approached. He knew who was behind that door and the strange, recondite sight that would greet him once he opened it and entered that particular room. There was a kind of technological magic going on in there that would leave even Bruce Wayne and Alfred, with all their vast knowledge puzzled. What was happening in that room was the work of a true genius, the only person alive capable of understanding its workings and strange designs and bending it to her will.

He glanced back hearing the steps that followed close behind his own. Logically the person on his trail, his sidekick would be Robin, the cape crusaders trusted aid. That’s what one would expect. But no, on this night it was not Robin who brought up the rear of the dynamic duo but instead it was the Little Mermaid.

Batman and Little Mermaid stood by the closed door, listening to the sounds coming from it, looking at each other. They both knew what they had to do. Batman grabbed the door handle and slowly, quietly, stealthily turned the knob to gain entrance. It wasn’t locked. That was good. Batman looked at the Little Mermaid with squinting, flinty eyes and she nodded back. Nothing was stopping them now. The mission was a go.

Batman opened the door and they entered the work room. What they saw there did not surprise them in the least. It was exactly what they expected. A woman in her early forties was standing in the room, VR equipment covering her eyes, her fingers, hooked to wires by little hoods were flailing about giving her the appearance of some crazy maestro directing a concert only she could see. While VR was making new advances all the time no private citizen on earth had access to a system like this. It was that sophisticated and top secret. But Batman and Little Mermaid knew that she was not giving direction to the horn or string section of an orchestra but instead was moving equations and calculations that she alone on the entire planet could understand. The woman was working on a project that had strong ramifications on the possibilities of the long elusive dream of AI. Batman and the Little Mermaid knew this was a fact because the woman had told them that much. But they did not know any more because she had signed a contract with her company that forbade her revealing anything about her work. And the crazed maestro had only told them that much because Batman and The Little Mermaid were her son and daughter. She had sworn them to secrecy and she knew them well enough to know they would honor that promise.

“Mom,” said Batman. She did not hear him. “Mom,” he said louder. Nothing. Batman looked down on the Little Mermaid and she up at him. The Little Mermaid rolled her eyes and giggled. The message was clear: Mom is in her crazy VR world. Batman laughed too.

“Mom!” Batman hollered, feeling decidedly not like the caped crusader. Somehow he couldn’t picture multi-billionaire Bruce Wayne reduced to this. No one with that much money and clout stood yelling at people. It would be so nice to have that money and not scream. Bruce Wayne was so lucky.

Angela, the crazed maestro, heard him that time and reached up to remove her goggles then quickly took off the finger hoods. She turned and looked at her kids and her heart caught in her throat. God they looked so innocent and so young. And she was so damn proud of them. Her husband had died three years ago but it did not break the family up or cause emotional problems with the two siblings. It had only drawn them closer to each other and nearer to her. It was the kids who had circled the wagons with their love and support and help. Her work was her passion but Batman and Little Mermaid were her reason for living. She knew they made her the luckiest woman and mom in the world. Even with the loss of her husband she wondered what vicissitude of life had blessed her with two children such as them.

When she could finally talk the first words out of her mouth were, “I love both you so much.”

“I love you too Mommy,” squealed Batman’s sister in a child’s sweet delight.

Batman nodded almost imperceptivity. Angela smiled back, catching it. She knew he was playing the cool older brother and didn’t want to say the words out loud. His mother was the best thing ever. She was cool personified. She always understood him as well as she understood her secretive work.

“Well, I guess we’re ready to go,” he said. Batman and The Little Mermaid were ready to go trick or treating on this Halloween night.

Angela took them in for a long time. “You two look spectacular.”

“Thanks,” said Batman. “You do too, Mom!” blurted out the Little Mermaid. Batman shook his head grinning to himself. His sister was just the cutest thing going on and she always said the perfect words at the exact right time.

“But you can’t leave without doing something for me,” said Angela, mystery in her voice.

“What’s that?” squeaked the Little Mermaid, forever delighted by mysteries.

“I want a great big hug from my big strong Batman and my gorgeous, smart Little Mermaid.”

Batman’s sister took off as thought shot by a canon giggling and laughing into her mother’s waiting arms. Hugs were the Little Mermaid’s specialty, giving them and getting them.

Batman was not to cool for school to get a hug from his sister and mom and walked unabashedly to the two girls waiting for him. All three put their arms around each other, celebrating their closeness and love for each other. Batman knew he wouldn’t trade places with Bruce Wayne for all the money in the world. What was a little hollering compared to this?

After a long hug Angela had the two pose for a picture with her phone. She set the timer and moved to her children, Batman on the left, The Little Mermaid in front, Angela’s arms around her. They smiled, beaming as the picture was snapped.

The Little Mermaid scooted out the door as fast as her small legs could take her, excited and thrilled to begin the night’s hunt as quickly as possible.

Angela kissed Batman’s cheek at the door.

“Be careful now. Stay close. Call me if you need anything. Watch out for your sister.”

“I will mom. Don’t worry. We won’t be too long.”

Angela nodded, satisfied. She trusted her son in all things. He was responsible beyond his years. He was just that way since he was a little boy.

The Little Mermaid walked hand in hand down the suburban street with her big brother her little green, scaly tail that her mother had made wagging about joyfully as she moved. She couldn’t stop smiling and giggling and skipping about. She was after all only ten years old and was having the time of her life with the person she loved most in the whole wide world. And when a ten year old is that happy and excited they have the inexhaustible energy of a new sun. They also have a way of making that happiness contagious.

The Little Mermaid was Sammi Kessler and her brother, Batman, and chaperone this Halloween eve was sixteen year old Brad Kessler. Sammi was determined to bag as much chocolate as she could lug on this mild, cloudless night.

Brad was wearing his high school football jacket, a rare starter as a sophomore. Over top of it was a black cape and on his face a Batman mask, both a concession of his love for Sammi. Brad was a prodigious running back in a double A school, the proverbial big fish in a small pond. He knew that while he dominated the sport on that level, no mean feat even in a small school, his future success and happiness lay with his mind, not his athletic prowess. He was not going to be a professional. Unlike so many other good jocks he was not lost in himself and the small time gridiron glory he achieved to fool himself otherwise. But he didn’t mind. Football was for fun, he liked it, was good at it, so he played it while he could, but it was just a game to him. He had a great personality and quick, agile, curious mind. There was a whole wide world out there waiting for him and he wanted to attack it with gusto. His high school courses were geared to biology and math, for he was certain by now he wanted to be a doctor. In his easy facility with science and numbers he was his mother’s son. His grades all A’s in AP courses did nothing to discourage that dream but in fact cemented his knowledge that he could achieve this goal.

His girlfriend, Lisa, was having a Halloween party tonight and she and his many friends had pushed for him to come. Despite how much fun as it would have been he had declined. Nothing was more important for him than spending this Halloween night with his sister. He could feel the passing years start to tug on them both and with that pull childish things would slowly be set aside, one by one, never to return. He did not know if this would be the last time Sammi went trick or treating and he would not miss it for anything. He wanted to share every moment of her fleeting childhood with her before it was gone. He had explained this to Lisa and she had understood completely. She too had a good heart and Brad, even at sixteen was already pretty sure he had met the one for him, the love of his life. When you had someone like Lisa, so nice, so intelligent, so able to empathize with others feelings, why keep looking?

Brad pulled up his Batman mask a bit. It had a tendency to slide down when he walked. Brad had not planned to wear any outfit at all, he felt too old for it; he would feel foolish wearing a costume at sixteen. But Sammi had prodded and pleaded and cajoled and begged, wearing him down like a stone under the constant drip of water until he acceded to her, as he always did in most matters. She speared him with those huge, soft baby blues and that adorable sad pout on her lips, looking all the world like her entire future happiness depending on this one thing. And so he compromised, not a full body costume, but the mask and cape.

The funny thing was Sammi was not being manipulative in a selfish way when she pulled this kind of pity stunt. She was amazingly self aware at her age, far more so than Brad had been and he well knew it. Sammi was totally cognizant how people would fawn and comment on her cuteness factor, which was in the ridiculously high range. She knew people found her irresistible so she turned it all into game. When she wanted something badly enough she would go into her hopeless, pathetic little girl routine but it was so overt. It was all over the top conspicuous con and blarney. She knew she was doing it and she knew her victim knew. Everyone was in on the joke, the charade, and that tickled her no end. And it was also what made it work; what made it irresistible.

Brad was glad Sammi didn’t have a manipulative bone in her little body. His sister had a kind, caring, good heart. Even at the age of ten he could tell she would grow up to be a physically stunning teen and even more beautiful, arresting woman. If she was one of those evil bitches who enjoyed playing dark games and toying with people’s emotions she would surely leave a wide, brutal, swath of broken hearts and crushed dreams in her wake for years to come. Even being the guileless, honest, sweet person she was he knew there would still be a substantial share of damage meted out to those who would pine so hard for her but would not get chosen to be one of those fortunate intimate ones. But that was just life. No one could or should date every person who had a crush on them. It didn’t work that way.

Sammi broke through Brad’s ruminations. “Scat, I can’t believe you forgot your bag!” she pealed out in her high voice.

Scat was the name she called him. Two years ago Sammi had heard someone ask Brad what position he played in football. He had answered, “Scatback.” As soon as Sammi heard this she burst out in uncontrollable giggles, the word just throwing her into a delirium of delight only eight year olds can understand or inhabit. Ever since then she called him Scat. But she went even further and told him to call her Kat. He had asked her why, did she like Cats? “No silly!” she replied with total aplomb, “it’s spelled with a K!” as though that answered everything. Who could fathom the mind of a child?

Ever since that day, they were Kat and Scat. Lisa found this beyond adorable and of course immediately started calling him Scat too. Then his friends did. Soon it spread throughout the school. Brad took the utmost pride that his nickname, the name he would be known as during his high school years, bestowed upon him by Sammi.

“Yeah, I know, damn it. I forgot it back home.” He blushed slightly under his mask at the fib he hated telling. The fact was he could not bring himself to ask for candy. Right now he would be seen as the big brother dressing up for his sister, and that was fine, but to actually hold out a bag and yell “Trick or Treat!” as his age? He just couldn’t bring himself to do it.

He felt guilty not being honest with Sammi. Some big superhero I am, lying to my own sister, he thought miserably. And there was a funny thing about all this. At his age, like all kids, Brad wanted to project a certain amount of cools. But the longer he walked with Sammi, the more houses they stopped at, the more excited and animated Sammi became with each new precious collection of chocolate the more Brad could feel the years melt away and his own ten year old self rising inside and taking over his emotions. This was just so much fun! He couldn’t remember the last time he has such a good time. Now he wished he had brought his bag.

She tugged at the sleeve of his football jacket and he lowered himself down to her.

She gave him such a sweet smile. “It’s ok Scat. Everything will be alright. I’ve been getting double candy and I’ll share every one of them with you!”

And she had been. Holding out her bag even after the homeowner had put candy in, that sad hopeful look on her face, playing it so expertly till she got more. Brad shook his head smiling as his heart melted.

Sammi gave a conspiratorial grin. “Hey, it’s Friday. That means we can stay up late and watch scary Halloween movies till the sun comes out and eat all the candy!” She hopped up and down adorably as she spoke.

“Well you know Mom will probably put some of it away for us.”

“Yeah, but she will go to bed around eleven. Then we can find it and keep eating.”

He mussed her hair. “In that case, we won’t have much of a choice, will we? I guess we eat it all till the sun comes out.” Or you pass out you little devil.

And of course she would eventually, when it got late. Full of candy and satisfaction, she would curl up against him her young eyes no longer able to fight the hours or focus on the movie. Then he would carry her to her bedroom and tuck her in next to her little puppy doll.

She was beaming at him, her eyes so full of happiness through the Little Mermaid mask. “Thanks for taking me out tonight, Scat. I know Lisa has her party. You could have gone. I would have understood. I really like Lisa a lot. She’s nice and fun. I’m glad she’s your girlfriend.”

This statement rocked Brad back on his heels. How unselfish she was and how knowing! She had an understanding of things going on around her, complicated issues that belied her youth.

He put his hands on her shoulders. He felt tears pushing to come out, just behind his eyes. Batman would never cry. Not to his sister. Not when she is this happy. “There is no place I would rather be tonight than here with you Kat. That’s the truth.”

He pulled her tight, feeling her tiny heart beat against his strong chest. “I love you Kat. I love you more than anything. I always will.”

“I love you too, Scat,” she whispered back.

Brad let go of the embrace and stood up. He took her little hand and they began to walk again. They had moved into the next neighborhood down just six months ago. It was a nice safe, solid upper middleclass neighborhood. But six blocks down another world existed, populated by very high end dwellings inhabited by rich denizens. Brad had formulated a clever plan for this night. The richer the folks were the more money they had, ergo, more treats…..more expensive ones, much more expensive.

As they strolled through the neighborhood, past one house more spectacular than the next, Brad’s thoughts drifted back to his mother. She was working on some very important project for her tech company. And she was pretty much doing it alone because she was so freaking smart. She could do it alone faster than having partners she had to keep waiting on and bringing up to speed. He didn’t know what exactly she was working on but he had never seen her so excited. And he also wondered about her pay. She had just been promoted to a very high station and been given a raise. He suspected it was a huge one because soon after they had moved into their new house. Yet he wondered, even suspected that they could now live in any neighborhood they wished, including the one he and Sammi were stalking now. He had a feeling his mother had suddenly become very rich. But among her many other attributes she was very level headed. He also had a pretty good idea Mom did not want to do anything to stunt his or Sammi’s growth and outlook on life, things like becoming spoiled rich kids. He knew when the time came his mother would reveal the exact amount of the family’s finances.

His mother had told him to keep him and Kat in their neighborhood, not to wander too far off. But tonight he ignored her wishes for one of the few times in his life. He wanted Kat to get a taste of things they did not have access to and it had worked magnificently!

They were not getting Hershey bars or Mr. Goodbars. Oh no. Not even Lindt or Cadbury chocolates which was the furthest reaches of what his mother bought. The confections they were bagging in this neighborhood had strange, foreign names he had never heard of: Richart, Grand Cru, Amedia Porcelana and Chocopologie Chocolate Truffle among others.

They had stopped at times to taste a few of these treats, unable to resist their exotic, alluring call and had moaned at the sublime taste of it on their tongues. They had never experienced such sensations from candy before. It was like a slice of heaven melting in their mouths. They smiled and giggled at each other with every delectable bite and Brad congratulated himself on his decision to poach into this unknown territory. It was like making a hundred yard touchdown run to win the game.

They stopped in front of a particularly well appointed one story stone house. The lights were on inside. It smelled of insane money and ridiculously high end candy.

“Ok,” Brad said, “Let’s do this one. Looks like a real juicy mark.” Kat giggled at how Brad portrayed them as con men. Or in this case, con man and woman. “Now remember the signal.”

Kat beamed and smiled, nodded with all the conspiratorial enthusiasm of a ten year old girl. She was just beside herself, loving doing this with her big brother, her hero.

He touched his nose. “What does this mean?”

Her face lit up blowing way past ten on the cute meter with a bullet. “Trick or treat! Please!” she squeaked in an adorable voice no one could refuse. The look on her face beyond irresistible.

Brad laughed. “Yep. Prime time Kat on stage. Soak them for all we can get.” Sammi giggled again.

Brad touched his chin. “And this?”

Kat just held out the bag, saying nothing her face emotionless.

“Right. Not so hot. We get out fast and move on.”

He patted her head, grinning. She had accomplished both facets with the greatest of ease. “You know Kat, someday you will make a great actress in this town if that’s what you want to do.”

Sammi smiled at him. She loved how he treated her. At times, like tonight, he could be just like her, as though he were ten years old. And at times, like at this exact moment, he could talk to her as though she were his age, conspiring, plotting to gain their ends. He was the best brother in the whole world.

They both turned and began traversing the long sidewalk to the house towards the front door. If Brad somehow could have known what was inside this house he would have understood that this was the worst possible decision that anyone on earth was making on this Halloween night. He would have dragged his sister away with all the speed and strength he mustered on the football field.

There were some who could have told him, given him an idea of what they would face once inside: the boyars screaming in slow motion agony on that death field so long ago. The terrified crew of the ship Symitar, now long dead and turned to ash. The detectives and police officers who had entered a certain apartment sixteen hundred miles away in Kansas City three years past and found an emotional and physical abattoir inside.

And there were a host of others who could have warned Brad about what happened when you attracted the vampire’s malign interest. They could have told him how the monster stole their lives, changed them, enslaved them to him as a junkie to a drug. How he manipulated and used them, ripping apart their families and friends, driving some insane, murdering and slaughtering others. How in the end everyone who encountered the beast was destroyed.

But as he approached the house, little Sammi in tow, there was no way Brad could know any of these things. He couldn’t and so in a few minutes he rang the doorbell. Soon Kat and Scat could hear the approach of muted footfalls. They grew excited with the hunt, their young hearts picking up the pace. They glanced at each other and smiled: Batman and The Little Mermaid, brother and sister. What could possibly be more fun than this? It was one of the best nights of both their lives.

The door opened revealing a gorgeous young girl. She had chestnut hair that matched her ambient brown eyes. She wore a muscle shirt, a very tight one that did nothing to hide her very opulent twin assets. Her blue jean shorts showed off her long, tanned muscled legs with equal enthusiasm. Legs that ran smoothly down to her pretty, curved bare feet and dark red toenails. Around her strong left thigh was a tribal tattoo that embraced her like a jealous lover not willing to ever let go. A brilliant gold necklace dripped from her long graceful neck and ended up nestled between her cleavage. Her perfect skin was an enthralling tanned brown. Brad could not help but think how lucky that necklace was to be just laying there on her neck then dipping down between those two seductive mounds of warm skin. She looked to be around eighteen to twenty years old. Not much older than Brad. Her smile was brilliant white on ruby lips.

Brad felt his throat go dry. He tried to move his hand to his nose, to give the proper signal but for a moment found it would not move. He felt so self conscious doing anything around this incredible beauty who had bush wacked him so unexpectedly.

Finally, through great force of will he did the deed.

Sammi, who had one eye slanted at him jumped into her role immediately. “Treat or treat, oh please!” she squealed out, looking so pathetic yet so cute.

“Oh my! You are the most adorable thing I have ever seen,” the young woman responded, gazing at Kat. Sammi’s magic was as reliable and irresistible as ever.

Sammi smiled at the praise.

“A mermaid, right?”

Sammi nodded.

Her eyes then turned to Brad. “And aren’t you the cutest little Batman one could ever hope to lay eyes on.”

Brad could feel his face and neck turn red as he blushed. “Well….I…….am out with my sister and….um…”

The girl laughed knowingly. “Oh I know what’s up. I think it’s the sweetest thing in the world. I bet you both are having such a great time!”

“Thanks,” he murmured, looking down at his sneakers, relieved she understood the situation.

“Oh we are!” said Sammi. She looked a Brad and smiled in affirmation of the words.

“Well, my name is Lauren. And who do I have the honor of addressing?”

“I’m Kat and this is my brother Scat!” Sammi blurted out with unabashed enthusiasm, making Brad blush all over again.

“So nice to meet you Kat.” She gave Brad an amused half grin. “And so interesting to meet you….Scat. Love the name.”

Brad felt like he was going to literally dissolve into the ground such was the depth of his embarrassment.

Lauren stepped aside so they both could look in. Down the long foyer was a room, brightly lit. In that room was table and on it were chocolate candies piled high. It looked like the Halloween version of the lost city of El Dorado. And like the myth of El Dorado it was meant to attract seekers.

She waved her hand to towards the booty, so close they could smell it. “Well, there are your ill gotten gains. Why don’t both of you come on in and take all that you want.”

Sammi’s eyes widened “All that we want? Really?” she said with the awe only a ten year old girl could muster.

Lauren looked at her. “As much as your heart desires, Kat. A sweet Mermaid like you deserves it coming all the way from the sea to visit us.” Sammi giggled at the remark. Lauren is so nice and funny! I like her. Lauren turned to Brad smiling coyly. “We better give Kat what she wants. No telling what kind of tricks a big strong boy like you might have for us if we don’t.”

Brad felt like his head was going to explode he was blushing so hard. But not just that head for his cock was suddenly sending him all kinds of fun messages, pulsating in desire in a way no one but Lisa had made it do. His mind felt sluggish like it was drowning under warm, soft water.

Kat started to enter the house but Brad had suddenly regained his facilities. He reached out and grabbed her. He looked at Lauren levelly. “Who else is in there?”

She rolled her eyes playfully. “Oh only my boy friend but he doesn’t count because he’s just my boyfriend. He’s infatuated with some movie at the moment. You can ignore him if you want. I usually do.” She laughed at the joke and Brad followed suit. He wanted her to think her joke was funny even as he wondered why beautiful women could make a man do anything. It was so easy for them.

Lauren could sense his hesitation. He was smart and careful, playing it safe, even in this high end neighborhood; a good big brother. She gave him a disarming smile. “Look if you want I can go get a couple handfuls of candy and bring them out here.” Then she moved her smile to Sammi. “Or you can come in and take all that you want,” she said knowingly, sweetly, enticingly. “Either way is fine by me,” she finished with seeming indifference.

A simple offer: two choices. But only one was irresistible to a ten year old girl.

He thought for a moment. He wasn’t totally sure they should go in. But the girl seemed OK. She was friendly and engaging and so young. And this couple was obviously one of great means in a very affluent, safe neighborhood. Sammi looked up at him, her eyes begging Brad to accept the second option. She wanted to attack that mound of chocolate with every fiber of her being. It was her mission.

Finally after a long pause he decided. He smiled at Sammi and nodded. She squealed and charged into the house.

Brad followed her.

As he went down the foyer Lauren shut the door.….and locked it.

She turned and watched as the two entered further into the house and what awaited them there. Her lips broke out into a grin.

“Trick or treat,” she said softly to herself.