The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The Dorvak Protocol 4

“You got to be fucking kidding me, Trevor.”

Daisy wasn’t just mad, she self-righteously mad. What made it worst was how distractingly good she looked in her jean cut offs and red bikini top.

“You want me to stay here while you go to Vegas with her. What about your promise we’d be back after three or four days? Look, I get you have bourgeois sentimental hang ups about your dead uncle... I tried to give you you drop this shit on me?”

“Babe....listen....”. Trevor glanced at the end of the driveway where his late uncle’s Continental sat. It’s engine was running for the AC. Inside it’s tinted interior, Angie and a hypnotized Norma waited. Trevor hoped his aunt couldn’t hear his girlfriend’s increasingly loud and shrill voice.

“What about our work....the Cause? Every day that Fascist Nixon drops more bombs on innocent villagers, and you want to go to Fucking Las Vegas? Trevor....I am so sick of your lack of revolutionary commitment.”

She stopped for breath, and Trevor plunged in with his response.

“Daisy.......I hate the war......I do....but I didn’t do that stuff for the Revolution....or even the money like I said yesterday. I did it for you.....I knew how important it was to you...and I care for you. I’m sorry if that’s too bourgeois and unpolitical a reason for you...but it’s the truth.

But, I love my family, too....and Aunt Angie needs me to do this.”

Something in Daisy broke, and tears began falling down her cheek.

“Do what you got to do, Trev. But I won’t be here when you get back. I promised Professor Pace I’d be back by the 27th to help organize the Hoffman protest. I’ll tell my friends your ditching them on the Canada runs.....they need to find someone else real quick. People are dying, you know, Trevor.

When you get back to campus...I guess we’ll talk about where our heads are at......where you and I are at.”

She sounded ominous. Trevor tried to hug and kiss her, but she pushed away and said:

“I’m going to take walk.....Maybe I’ll see you back on campus.

She started walking down the side of highway. She never turned back. Trevor was about run after her, but then Angie honked the horn.

Trevor came up to the Lincoln’s driver side door. Angie lowered the electric window, and a blast of cold air hit him.

“Lover’s spat?” Angie regretted her sardonic words as soon as she saw the stricken look on his face. “Sorry, Honey, I know I’m asking a lot of you...but trust me.... if that girl is worth anything to you, she’ll still be there for you.”

“I’m just going inside and get my she all right?” He was looking at the sleeping secretary.

Norma sat upright in the passenger seat, but her eyes were closed and she was slowly breathing.

“Oh, her? She’s right as rain. I gave her some final instructions for the trip, then sent her to La La Land. She’ll open her eyes and respond if you grip her right shoulder. Do the same to put her back. You probably should let her just’ll be less complicated for both of you.”

“She’d be awake, though, if I do the shoulder thing?”

“Not exactly.....unlike me, the others...Norma is pretty much always under. It’s better that way, believe you me. She thinks she’s awake, and she acts like she’s awake. But she’s pretty easily led and she behaves herself. We call this ‘Good Norma’.

Now, she should be good to go, I’ve told her to listen to you, trust you...that you know best. You know her trigger.....but try to stay away from using it if you can.”


Angie thought for a moment, choosing her words with care.

“I mentioned Little Kenny Dorvak was a sick puppy. Norma...all of us are different if a male triggers us. We’re a more friendly brand of zombie girl, if you get my drift. Look, do what you got to do, I trust you.....but.....”

“Don’t worry, Aunt Angie, I don’t need the Svengali Act to get a girl. I promise, Miss Va Va Voom’s honor is safe in my hands.”

Angie stared hard at him, then said:

“Sure, Honey.”

* * *

Toph and Kip sat on towels on the hood of Kip’s old Ford pickup catching some rays. They’d had some great morning runs on the long boards in the back of the truck. Kip was toking on the spliff, when Toph started nudging him.

“Dude....check out the Betty across the road.”

The two surfers watched Daisy walking across from them. The black highway seem to shimmer in the late morning heat.

Kip took in her long legs and pretty face.

“Woa........maybe she wants to party.”

She stood across from them until a station wagon rumbled past. Then, without hesitation, she stepped off the shoulder and onto the highway. She came up to them, but to their disappointment, kept walking.

As she passed by, Toph looked pointedly at her bare feet.

“Damn....Baby...that’s hardcore.”

Kip held up his sandaled foot. “Yeah, you gotta get some can fry an egg on that asphalt.”

She kept walking. Kip didn’t give up, though.

“You wanna party? We got some beer and primo grass..”, Kip said hopefully to her tanned back. But Daisy just kept going.

She headed for the phone booth in the corner of the gas station parking lot. Once inside, she dialed “0”., then a full number. There was a pause. Then Daisy slowly said:

“I’d like to make a collect name is Alma Green.”

The Operator connected the call. After several rings and clicking sounds, a gruff male voice answered.

“Ajax Imports.”

“I have a collect call from an Alma Green, do you accept charges?”


Daisy waited until the operator had clearly disconnected, then quietly said:

“I need to update my order. We need to move up shipment and I need new instructions.”

* * *

The Lincoln powered through through the vast desert. Trevor had given up finding an acceptable radio station, so he opened the glove compartment and pulled out the few 8 track cassettes. Not surprisingly, they were mostly Jazz, Big Band and Rat Pack selections.

He was used long drives, but this was different. He desperately needed a distraction from the gorgeous sleeping beauty next to him.

Putting the cassettes back, he felt the snub barrel of Johnny’s 32 caliber revolver. Now he knew what Angie had meant when she said there was “insurance” in the glove compartment.

On and on he drove.

Finally, he couldn’t help himself, and he stole another glance at his companion. Norma dozed on, nothing stirring her from her hypnotic nap. If anything, she was even more pretty in sleep, her face utterly calm, without a trace of tension. He remembered Angie’s advice, but in the end he decided it was too creepy just staring at her while she was asleep.

He reached for her right shoulder and squeezed.

Norma’s eyes snapped open, then she sighed and stretched her back and arms. She looked like a cat.

“I’m....I’m sorry.....I didn’t realize I was so far are we?”

“We just passed 29 Palms.......I’m sorry about waking you.”

“No....Don’t be. If you’re doing all the driving, you should at least have company.” Her voice seemed sincere, apologetic and kind. He realized it would be easy to forget that she was in a perpetual twighlight world.

She turned so that she was facing him, her legs curled under her. Now when he looked over at her, he had an unavoidable view of her ample cleavage due to her low cut sundress. He broke his gaze, and stammered:

“If, uhm, you need to stop....I think there’s a gas station coming up soon....if I remember, it’s the last one for a while.”

Norma blinked, then smiled.

“If you think that is for the best, then that is what we should do. You have my complete trust.”

The submissive undertone of her response shook Trevor to the core.

They stopped at the remote station. Norma stayed in the car as Trevor went in and relieved himself. He returned with two bottles of soda. The attendant was done servicing the Lincoln, and met him halfway.

Trevor paid and tipped him, then the old man said:

“You’re one lucky bastard, kid.”

Trevor looked quizzically at him, but the old geezer just walked back to the gas station’s shade. But when he got closer to the car, he saw what the man was talking about.

Norma had her seat back, and her long legs were up and crossed at the ankle. Her soles faced him in the open window. Without much effort, Trevor could see the black frill of her panties.

“You gave the old man quite a show there, Miss Breckinridge.”

Norma looked surprised. “What do you mean...Oh...I’m sorry...It’s was just so hot in here without the engine running...I was just trying to cool off a bit.”. Again, she sounded utterly sincere.

Soon they were back on the road. The windows were back up, and the AC was blowing. After a few miles, she opened the glove compartment and pulled out a cassette. It was the album “Sinatra ’65”. She popped it into the car stereo. Soon Frankie’s voice filled the car.

Norma seemed to really get into the tunes, often singing along with the album. Though all of it was way before Trevor’s time, her enthusiasm swept him along with her. Soon they were singing and laughing. Despite all the dire warnings about her, he was finding her a warm and fun companion.

She also was just so incredibly sexy. Every move of her body, every shift of her legs, her laugh, was driving him wild. She genuinely seemed to like him and listened attentively to him. He had to admit, he was enjoying her submissive attentiveness. Norma’s manner was the opposite of Daisy’s modern aggressiveness. The idea that if triggered, Norma would be even more enticing kept echoing in his mind. It wouldn’t hurt just to.......

He shook his head, and instead made more small talk. ”I guess my Uncle was a huge Sinatra fan.”

She smiled. “We all were.” She gazed at him. “Those were great times in Vegas and Palm Springs. That man really knows how to treat a lady.”

“You mean Uncle Johnny?”

“No, silly. Sinatra.”

He sharply turned and looked at her. “You know Frank Sinatra....for real.?”

Norma frowned as she thought a moment. “I....I don’t know why I said that....but it feels like I do.....”

Suddenly, she began blinking rapidly, and Trevor was afraid she was having some sort of seizure. Then she stopped and smiled. “I’m sorry.......what were we just talking about? You know me...just a dizzy blonde.” She seemed still lost in thought.

After that, they went back to listening to music. The last track started with a brassy, exuberant horn opening. Norma squealed:

“Ohhhhh...I adore’s my favorite.......”. She began acting like she had a microphone, prepared to sing.

Too late, Trevor realized what the song was. He thought about ejecting the cassette, but it was like he was frozen. Norma began to joyfully sing

“ a lady tonight.......”

Almost automatically, Trevor found himself speaking:

“Barefoot Norma must listen.”

The effect was immediate. She stopped singing, blinked twice, and looked at him with wide eyes and parted lips.

He waited for the song to reach the line, then he said it with Frank:

“Luck let a gentleman see.”

Her voice was a purr as she responded.

“How nice a dame I can be.”

He stole a quick glance. She was still staring at him, but her eyes were half lidded. She looked at him as if he was more than the most important thing in the world. She looked at him as if he was the only thing in the world. Her lips formed a half smile. Her body leaned towards him.

Trevor felt lightheaded. He knew at some level he was crossing a line, but he also known he’d gone too far to stop. He turned down the music.

“Uhhm...Norma...can you hear me?”

“Yes, Master...I can hear you very well.”

She didn’t sound anything like she did when Angie had triggered her. There was an undertone of utter sexual heat and erotic submission.

“And you’ll do what I say?”

“We have said the words....and I must obey.”

“Raise your right hand.”

She immediately complied.

“Bark like dog.”

“Arf, Arf.”

* * *

“ Master......must please Master.” The words echoed in Norma’s mind.

But once again another voice demanded attention.

“Yes, Norma....but you know what pleased Johnny....and this boy is so much like him.......if you really want to please have to let me take over. You know my name. Get him to let me out.....

* * *

Trevor tried hard to keep his eyes on the road. But, Norma was a vision, sitting in her submissive trance. A moment of curiosity penetrated his lust.

“What are you thinking, Norma?”

“That I want you to command me....really command me...not play stupid games...but command me to do what you really want, Master.”

Something was different. Trevor felt that somehow, the hypnotized woman was taking control of the situation. He tried to make his voice nonchalant.

“So you think you know me.....know what I want. So tell me, Norma, what do I want?”

He wasn’t prepared for her candid answer.

“What you’ve wanted from me from the first day you ever saw me. The same thing your Uncle wanted from me. All you have to do is have some balls...and say the words. He did. Johnny had solid brass balls. Do you...have balls, Master....let me see.”

Before he could answer, her arm went down and she pivoted in her seat. The long toes of her left foot went under his University tee shirt, and began caressing his stomach. The toes of her right went to his bulging crotch. His breathing grew rapid, as she curled and uncurled them.

“ are just like him.......He loved ‘Bad Norma’.....I bet you will, too. All you have to do is command me. Do you want ‘Bad Norma’?”

Trevor was trying to drive, not explode in his pants, and understand Norma’s words. It was too much to ask.

“Yeah......sure whatever. Just .......just...”

He didn’t see the woman blink rapidly for a moment. She withdrew her feet, then leaned in until her lips pressed against his right ear. “That’s my Master.” Her tongue explored his ear lobe, then his neck. She kissed and licked her way down until she was at his belt. That was quickly undone, and soon his fly was open. He nearly lost it as he felt her moist breath. He closed his eyes.

The world was shaking apart. It took too long to register why. He finally opened his eyes and realized that half the Lincoln was off the highway. The speedometer showed ninety seven miles per hour. He took his foot off the gas and wrestled with the wheel. Norma was thrown back into her seat. After a terrifying moment, he was able to stop the car, now completely off the highway.

Norma immediately threw herself at him, thrusting her tongue into his mouth. He kissed her back, but then gripped her right shoulder.

Norma pulled back, a shocked look on her face,


She then sighed and closed her eyes. She was again fast asleep.

Trevor tried to catch his breath. Once his heartbeat was near normal, he pushed her back into her seat and put on her seatbelt. He then got out to see if the tires were still intact.

He didn’t notice the triumphant half smile on Norma’s lips as she slept.