The Fall: With a Whimper
By Tantric Legion
Disclaimer: This story should not be read by any person not of the age of majority in their country. Anyone who may be offended by sex and violence, should not continue. The author is not responsible for either any actions taken by persons who read this story or for the general social problems of our planet.
(PN Wire) December 3, 2034
Despite the Chinese government’s best efforts reports of the of chaos and rioting continue to trickle out during an apparent breakdown of civil order in the communist nation. Spreading chaos has led to military involvement. Experts are still discounting reports that the disruptions are manifesting themselves as massive sexual orgies. A likelier explanation is that looting and fighting on a massive scale has sadly led to wide scale brutalization of women as the darker side of human nature is given free reign with the collapse of local government.
Some sources believe that the disruptions began two weeks ago in the city of Jiuquan. Jiuquan is most famous for being the site of the PRC’s space program and the launch point for the recent mission to retrieve the Near-Earth Object dubbed Dragon 4328. The success of that mission was held up as proof that Chinese technical capabilities for space exploration and development had surpassed those of the United States and underlined the increasing competition between the two superpowers which pundits have called a new cold war.
More information will be released as details become available.
Gansu Province, People’s Republic of China
Mei sat in the dark, looking down at the faintly glowing screen of her phone. Steadily flashing it searched for a signal as it had for hours ever since her first frantic attempts to call for help. Mei wasn’t even conscious of the way that she rocked back and forth slowly, occasional whimpers escaping from her throat as she knelt on the floor, terror her only companion. She had been here for hours, hiding in closet, listening to the sounds of chaos and anarchy which were washing across the city.
The young school teacher had been enjoying a day off, shopping in the market for some fresh vegetables and maybe a modest pair of earrings when the happy bustle of people at work and leisure in the marketplace began to be replaced by a growing roar in the distance.
As it approached Mei experienced the oddest sensation, something like a pressure between her ears squeezing harder and harder. Although not painful it felt strangely like something was trying to press inwards into her head. All around her it appeared that others were experiencing the same thing, swaying with vertigo or falling to the ground.
Suddenly the building pressure peaked and Mei blinked rapidly as her vision exploded into stars of light. Everything suddenly had a slightly detached quality as if she were slightly disconnected from reality. Desire hit her like a lightning bolt and she staggered amidst the crowd. Unlike her fear and apprehension the sensation of arousal hit her with full force with a spike of liquid heat that began in her loins and shot straight up to her suddenly racing heart.
That was when the rioters reached the market square, flooding in through the north entrances. Strangely however they bore neither bricks nor clubs, protest signs or in fact any weapons at all. Even more bizarre was their attire for amongst the four score of running and shouting men and women there was not a single stitch of clothing to be found. They hurled themselves upon those already in the market with victorious howls.
Instead of the expected violence instead debauchery played out before her eyes. Here a woman was dragged to the ground by a trio of young men, her soft cries of pleasure and surrender quickly giving lie to her initial protests. There the burly butcher was sinking down behind the counter of his small shop as two giggling nymphs stripped away his clothes making him just as naked as they were. It seemed like almost shopper and market worker were finding themselves paired up with the naked newcomers, quickly losing their inhibitions and becoming willing participants in the shocking and licentious public acts.
Finally Mei had fled from the market as her legs finally obeyed the commands she had been sending them since the riot began. Somehow it had taken every ounce of will she possessed to run away and each step felt like her feet were like rocks weighing her down. It was like hell, every inch of her body felt incredibly sensitive and only deep terror of the shame that would result from obeying her sudden urges stopped her from turning back and flinging herself into the wanton orgy engulfing the market.
Everything went somewhat hazy after that, she had wandered, stumbling and gasping for breath, almost delirious with the unnatural sexual need. Barely conscious of her surroundings she had finally sought refuge in a community center, shutting herself in a closet on the building’s third floor.
In the closet, no longer running for her life Mei found herself battling the burning desire within. Her fingernails dug painfully into her palms and she ground her teeth together as she fought against the incredible sexual need tingling between her legs. What had happened on the streets, the sheer perversity of such sexual acts in public, had no explanation. Even as she thought about what she had seen Mei’s cheeks burned with shame. With growing horror she realized that the memories were eliciting feelings not of disgust but of arousal instead as images of nude bodies writhing together filled her mind.
She groaned as delicious quivers of pleasure rippled through her belly. Of its own volition her hand had wandered between her legs and was drawing circles on her black cotton pants. The ecstasy left Mei gasping as even that minor stimulation sent her into a shuddering orgasm more satisfying than any she had known before. With a moan the young woman surrendered to the feelings coursing through her and slid her pants down her legs with hands that were shaking with anticipation.
She was already extremely wet. Pulling off her drenched underwear she sat on the floor, her legs spread wide, revealing her sopping sex. Of their own accord her fingers trailed downwards, rubbing along her labia before parting her puffy lips and touching the velvet wetness within. Mei couldn’t believe she was doing this. Her cheeks burned with shame as she stroked herself, moans of guilty pleasure filling the small closet as she surrendered to the need burning through her loins.
She didn’t know how many times her own fingers had brought her to climax but by time she regained conscious thought Mei found herself sitting in a sticky pool of her own juices, her throat raw and scratchy from crying and moaning. Fear had resurfaced, fueled by the chaos she could hear outside the building and only intensified when she discovered that her phone didn’t work. Too terrified to venture outside her haven to find a land line she had cowered in the dark, full of shame at her own degenerate behavior. That fear persisted even now, imprisoning her in the doubtful safety of the closet long after the sound of riot had ended.
Mei’s eyes widened as the sound of footsteps echoed from the hall outside her sanctuary. Coming closer they finally stopped, directly in front of the door. The door creaked slightly, as if weight was being applied and a soft sniffing sound was followed by a hiss of satisfaction. Like a whisper the sound of flesh on wood found its way to Mei’s ears and she put her fist in her mouth, biting down as she tried not to cry out despite the cold primal fear that knotted itself inside her belly. The knob rattled as a hand found it and turned it with an unhurried deliberate motion.
With a soft click the latch release and the door opened slowly. Mei found herself looking upwards at a feminine figure drawn in silhouette as her eyes slowly adjusted to the harsh fluorescent lights of the hall. As her vision finally cleared Mei let out small mew sound of fear at the sight before her.
The woman was beautiful and stood naked without a hint of modesty or shame. She stood only a couple inches higher than Mei’s own five foot stature but her voluptuous curves were far lusher than those of Mei’s slender body.
Her long hair hung down over her right shoulder, swaying slightly as she breathed slowly and deeply. Something about the woman’s posture was odd, predatory and sensual but also slightly awkward as if she wasn’t truly used to her own body. Her nipples were hard and pointed and between her legs swollen pussy lips glistened with juices. Mei inhaled involuntarily, drinking in the sweet musky odor of arousal drifting from the girl as she joined Mei in the closet with a single sinuous pace forward. Her attractive face wore a seductive smile as she looked down at the terrified school teacher. A shiver ran up Mei’s spine, instinctively she sensed a wrongness as she met the stranger’s gaze.
Those eyes, so brown they were almost black, were glazed pools devoid of all emotion. In them she saw nothing human. Then those eyes looked at her and Mei felt a repeat of the pressure in her head she had experienced in the market but multiplied tenfold. Almost instantly the pressure peaked and she found herself enthralled by this beautiful stranger. Her expressionless blank eyes were strangely calming to Mei and she was soon lost in the gaze that moments ago had elicited only sheer terror.
The woman lifted her hand and extended it to Mei. As if in a dream she found herself reaching out and grasping it. She found herself pulled upwards and into an embrace as the stranger sinuously pressed her body up against Mei’s. Mei shuddered as she felt the woman’s almost feverish warmth soaking through her thin cotton shirt.
A soft moan escaped her lips as gentle fingers caressed her cheek with calming strokes before cupping the back of Mei’s head and drawing her forward into a passionate kiss. The girl’s tongue danced delightfully over hers as it explored the suddenly submissive teacher’s mouth. The stranger’s mouth tasted sweet and Mei shuddered as the lesbian kiss sent a a shot of pure heat between her legs.
Despite herself Mei was thoroughly enjoying the experience when something that was not a tongue flowed into her mouth and slid deep into her throat. Mei stood stunned, unable to understand what was happening. The girl leaned back and Mei’s eyes widened as she saw that they were now joined by a writhing gray tendril. The slimy worm of flesh was covered mottled green specks and it moved with a will of its own as it eagerly slid itself deeper into the shocked school teacher’s throat.
For a moment she stiffened, thoughts of resistance tried to form themselves in her mind but somehow Mei couldn’t act upon them. Her mental flare of self preservation was brief and instead of fighting against the shocking invasion she found her throat relaxing to allow the creature entrance. Mei watched enthralled as the tail end of its body left the other woman’s mouth. Whipping through the air it slapped wetly against her chin before the remainder of its body slide into her mouth and down her throat.
As she felt the worm squirming about within her stomach there was a bizarre sense of rightness which she could only imagine was somehow related to the overpowering arousal she had experienced. Mei shuddered as the glorious feeling strummed through her entire being and she found herself being lowered gently to the floor.
After gently laying her down the blank eyed stranger carefully slid her trousers off. Her underwear quickly followed and the woman was soon straddling her body, crouching to bring the swollen lips of her vagina only inches above Mei’s own.
Mei’s gaze was drawn downwards to between the stranger’s legs. The blank eyed girl’s wet labia parted as something inside emerged with a rush of clear slime. Sleek gray heads peeked out quickly followed by fat mottled bodies. Instantly the heads brought themselves to bear on Mei’s pussy, plunging downward in near frenzy as they sensed a new host body only inches away. Their eager writhing brought a low moan from their host, the first real sign of any real human response that Mei had seen.
Somewhere deep inside she was surprised by both her own passivity and the sheer waves of need strumming through her traitorous body. She knew that she should be feeling disgust and fear but those emotions were muted and when a tremble ran through her slender frame Mei wasn’t sure whether it was from fear or anticipation. If anything the desire she was experiencing was growing as the passengers the seductive woman were carrying revealed themselves.
Six of the creatures sprawled downwards over her mound, squirming over the sensitive flesh until they found her entrance and began to burrow inside. Soon Mei felt her pussy twitching involuntarily as it was filled by eagerly flailing bodies pressing into their new home. Looking down, she watched the squirming tails disappearing into her body, wildly thrashing as they eagerly plunged into their new host.
Parasites continued to emerge from the blank eyed girl to infest the schoolteacher, entering through both her pussy and anus. Mei climaxed from the overwhelming stimulation, arching her back and screaming with pure joy as the creatures took up residence inside her.
A tingling began in her chest as the parasites in her stomach, womb and bowels began burrowing outwards into her body, seeking out her nervous system and weaving their fiber-like tendrils into it, interfacing themselves with their host and beginning the process of taking over her mind and body from within.
Mei’s eyes glazed, her went face slack and her mouth hung wide open as she slumped down in the back of the closet. Small animal grunts and moans emerged from deep in her throat, her small frame occasionally twitching and shuddering as the transformation proceeded.
(PN Wire) December 14, 2034
All contact with China has ceased. Military forces around the world are on high alert. The world awaits news from within the populous nation. Internet, telephone and all other communication services have been interrupted.
The United States Armed Forces are under a worldwide DEFCON 1 status while awaiting information regarding the disposition of China’s extensive nuclear arsenal. At this level all American forces are instructed to regard themselves as under the threat of imminent attack. Foreign observers have decried this alert level as unnecessarily destabilizing and worry that a minor misunderstanding could spark a dangerous incident.
Beijing Municipality, People’s Republic of China
Mei-host held down Party Secretary Chan, straddling the shuddering official with her nude body. She felt so happy that she was helping him to become host. She swiveled her hips sinuously as she rose up and down, using her body to stimulate his, breaking his concentration and allowing the Masters to more easily reshape their new host’s mind.
After her encounter in the closet she had awakened to find herself changed. No longer was she a lonely single organism destined to live and die. Instead she was filled with parasites, their filaments reaching out in a web, entangling themselves with her nervous system. It was a moment of perfect happiness as her new consciousness dawned, ready and eager to serve her masters.
The teeming masses were constantly squirming and slithering about inside her, thriving and multiplying within her body. She was such a good host, the perfect environment they needed to survive and what remained of Mei felt pride as she contemplated her part in achieving the glorious day when every member of the human race could share in the joy of being host.
Additional parasites spilled from her body as she rutted up and down Chan’s shaft, driving it upwards into her clenching passage as sharp waves of sexual pleasure drew faint cries from her throat. These newly released creatures quickly entered his body through his mouth and rectum, eagerly slithering forward to join those already inside.
Mei-host knew that out in the front office her host-mother was holding down Chan’s assistant. Her flat belly was likely rippling as the eager parasites within her vied to be among those who colonized a fresh host. Soon that stern looking woman would be just as thoroughly infested as Mei herself.
Her host-mother had been one of the first humans to receive the masters and had been taken before the parasites had fully changed their physiology to match their hosts. Thus the bonding process had been somewhat more intrusive, leaving very little of the conscious host mind intact. She was a feral creature, imbued with an almost vicious sexuality and driven to spread the teeming masses within her to uninfected humans. Unlike Mei she would never consciously realize the glory of being a slave to the masters within her.
For a moment that thought saddened her before she felt the comforting mental touch of her parasites. She smiled and shivered as they calmed her. Mei-host knew that her host mother was happy and that the Masters within her thrived. Everything was as it should be and there was no sorrow in her fate, each had their own place within the swarm.
This thought brought her attention back to the man shuddering beneath her. Secretary Chan would be a very useful host indeed. His placement within the transportation division would greatly assist in the migration of the Masters into populations which did not yet know the perfection of union.
Ever since she had been taken as host her clever passengers had been hard at work within her body. First they had modified it to accommodate their presence before moving on to enhance her attractiveness. Her swollen breasts and now constant state of arousal made her perfect for spreading the Masters to uninfected humans. It had been pitifully easy to pretend to be a simple new intern, struck by attraction for a powerful man. He actually thought he was seducing her. Once Mei-host was riding him the parasites emerged and entered his body, quickly ending his brief resistance as the bonding process began.
There was one more thing that she needed from Chan. She rubbed her palm over the hard mass growing within her belly. For the last two weeks her co-opted reproductive tract had been incubating a seed within her womb. As she rode him Mei-host carefully studied his expression, watching as he drew closer to climax until at proper moment was reached.
As Chan began to ejaculate she viciously thrust herself down, sheathing his entire length within her clenching passage. Despite the pain, elation filled Mei-host as she succeeded in forcing the head of his cock through her cervix and into her womb.
He twitched and shuddered beneath her as the pod latched onto the head of his cock and milked it, the hungry suction draining every last dreg of semen from his churning testicles, wasting not even a single drop as it drew the sticky fluid inside itself. The incredible stimulation made him shudder and convulse under her as his body poured out every ounce of seed it could muster.
Soon she would be compelled to find a suitable site to plant the pod, somewhere warm and wet where it would find plentiful nutrients to grow. Eventually it would become a cathedral for her masters, changing the very ecosystem over in their grand image. Gestation tanks within it would ensure a plentiful supply of new host humans. In a way these new hosts would be her children. The pod already contained her ova and now also a supply of sperm. It would hold these preserved until it had matured and then at the appropriate time create human embryos, allowing the colony to continue.
Mei-host arched her back and cried out, her body and mind being washed under with waves of pure rapture as she slowly ground herself against the softening cock. The parasites within her were rewarding their host, blasting her pleasure centers with hot waves of their approval. She had been such a good slave, securing Chan and implanting him with his own Masters, obedient to their commands and filled with love and affection for them, her Masters. As the pleasure ebbed Mei-host collapsed down onto the Secretary’s chest, panting from her exertions. Beneath her Chan’s body twitched as his new Masters interfaced with his nervous system and slowly began to subsume his mind.
Drowsily Mei-host submitted to sleep, whimpering occasionally as she basked in the afterglow, savoring the feeling of being one with perfection as she felt her Masters happily slithering about inside her.
(PN Wire) February 23, 2034
After the shocking events of the last two weeks Army and National Guard units are currently holding the defensive line at the Rockies. The western seaboard has been declared a total loss and any persons attempting to cross the defensive line are being considered as hostile. Lethal force is currently the only option as attempted removal of the parasites has so far only resulted in the death of infected individuals.
Most other nations have fared much more poorly in the Invasion. Reports indicate that all of Asia and Mainland Europe have fallen and the infected have also made inroads from the coast of Great Britain. Scientists believe that the sudden invasion of infested carriers on February 10 from China was the parasites engaged in a swarming behavior, much like insects establishing a new hive after they had used all the resources in their current territory.
In an effort to reduce the population of the infected before another wave of expansion takes place the President is reportedly considering the use of strategic nuclear weapons to reduce host populations on Pentagon advice which fears that a new swarm might overwhelm the current defensive arrangements.
In related news attempts to censor broadcasts from the affected zone have met with widespread failure due to bootlegged copies. Government officials state that the videos, featuring prominent Hollywood celebrities promoting surrender to the invasion, are having a negative affect on moral and are calling upon Americans to stop watching and distributing these illicit recordings.