The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Fantasy League

Week 10 — Lenore @ Heather

Heather couldn’t help but moan as she felt Emma’s tongue slide in between her legs. Oh my God, she thought. She was so close. She was so very close and she was sure Emma knew it. The girl was after all, a very clever girl.

“Oh fuck,” she moaned and she pulled Emma’s head even further between her thighs. Yes, Emma was a very clever girl ... And very obliging as well.

Oh fuck. She was almost there. She was ...

She was ...

“Oh fuck,” she moaned as her pussy finally gave in to what Emma’s clever tongue was doing to her. Yes, indeed. Emma was a ver, very clever girl.

* * *

Heather’s knees still felt weak as she walked out to her car. God, she loved that, she told herself. She loved the feel of another woman satisfying her pussy and she loved the feel of her returning the favor.

Her gas was running a little low she noticed. She supposed she could have waited but really, what was the point in that. She was going to need gas sooner or later so did it really matter when she got the job done?

She pulled into a gas station and she ran her credit card through the pump outside and the pump told her what she already knew. Her credit was good and she was authorized to pump gas. She put the hose in and she let the gas flow.

She could use some gum, she thought. She went into the store and she got herself a pack of gum and she stepped into line to make her purchase.

“What was her name?” a man in line asked.

“Are you talking to me?” she asked.

“I sure was,” the man said. “I was just wondering what her name was.”

Okay, she’d bite, Heather thought, even there was no reason why she should have talked to the man at all, but still. “You can’t help but wonder what whose name was?” she asked.

“The girl in the store. The one you were lusting over. What was her name?”

Damn, she recognized him. The guy from the store. He’d been in line with her then, too, but what was his name?

“The name’s Blake,” the man said almost as if he knew what she were thinking.

Yeah, okay. That was it. The guy’s name was Blake.

“Emma,” the man was saying. “That’s what it was. Her name was Emma.”

“Yeah maybe,” she allowed. “Maybe her name was Emma.”

“I think you know what her name was,” the man said. “I think you know her name was Emma and I think you’ve been spending time with her.”

Heather’s eyes narrowed. There was something new in the man’s tone and in the way he seemed to know just exactly what was going on. “What did you say?”

“You heard me. You know you’re living out a fantasy. Your fantasy actually.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Sure you do, but you know, the fantasy only works if you keep passing it along.”


“Next,” said the kid behind the counter and Heather stepped forward and she put her gum on the counter before turning around to look at the man. “You were say—”

What the fuck! Where the hell was he?

“Is this it?” The kid behind the counter asked.

Heather turned back around. “Um yeah,” she said. “That’s, um, that’s it.”

* * *

Okay maybe it had been a fantasy but the way the man was talking, it was almost like he was acting like he thought someone had given her something but that wasn’t the way it was at all. That day in the pouring rain and Emma at the bus stop looking so totally drenched, that had all been such serendipity but it wasn’t like anyone had given her anything.

She shook her head. The man was just trying to play some games with her. After all, how could he have known that she and Emma had gotten together.

The answer was he couldn’t have known and having come to that conclusion, Heather felt much better. He couldn’t have known so of course, that was that.

The next day at work, the office was all abuzz as it was discovered that they were going to have a visit from one of their biggest customers. The company’s public relations officer, Kris Jenkins, was busy making the rounds of the various groups making sure everyone knew what they could and couldn’t say. It was all a waste of time, Heather wanted to think and yet she was savvy enough to know that there was a reason for what the company was doing. Sometimes, it seemed as if people just didn’t know when or how to keep their mouths shut.

Heather called Emma just as she was getting off work. “Hey there, Cutie,” she said when her lover answered the phone.


“What you up to?”

“Nothing. I just got off work.”

“Me, too. Want to hang out together?”

“I don’t think so.”

It wasn’t like that was the first time Emma had ever said she wanted to be alone but it was something in the way she said it that caught Heather’s attention. “Is everything okay?” Heather asked.

“Everything’s fine. I just want to be alone.”

Yeah sure, Heather thought. Why couldn’t she believe that? Still, what was she going to say about it? It wasn’t like she could somehow force the issue. Just let it drop, she told herself. “It’s okay. Give me a call later if you want to talk.”

“Yeah sure.”

Again with the tone. Heather was sure that there was no way she was going to get a call from Emma that night and for the life of her, she had absolutely no idea why.

* * *

It wasn’t until the next day that Heather even thought about the guy at the gas station and even then, it was only because she’d been thinking about Emma. She’d been sitting in the cafeteria alone as she ate her lunch when she remembered one of the things the guy had said. You’ve been living out a fantasy, he’d said. Your fantasy.

Well okay, yeah. Heather supposed she could see that. She had wanted to know what it would be like to be with Emma.

Okay maybe it was a little bit more than that but still.

He’d said something else as we’ll though. Something about passing it on.

What the hell did that mean, Heather ruminated as she continued with her lunch. Pass it on? Pass what on?

It just didn’t make any sense but then really, if you thought about it, wasn’t that obvious. Of course, it made no sense. The guy was just talking crazy talk. That’s all.

Heather scooped up the wrappings of her lunch and she took them over and she dumped them in the trash. Maybe it was just crazy talk, she told herself but even if it was, why did she have the feeling that it wasn’t?

That was a very good question and Heather wished she had an answer to that.

* * *

Heather called Emma up on the way home from work. “Hey,” she said. “Can you talk?”

“I’m kind of busy right now,” Emma said.

Yeah, Heather thought and even without meaning to think the next though, it just popped into her mind. Busy doing what and with whom.

What the heck was wrong with her? Was she starting to act all jealous now? She had no reason to be jealous.

Except that Emma was being evasive.

She wasn’t being evasive, Heather told herself. She was just being Emma.

“Yeah well, I just thought I’d call,” Heather said. “I just got off work and I’m on my way home.”

“That’s good.”

Heather wished she could believe it but it was the way Emma said it. It wasn’t good like great now we can get together. It was more like good as in I don’t really care. “You want to get together later?”

“I told you. I’m kind of busy right now. I just need some space, okay?”

“Hey, that’s cool. Why don’t you give me a call when you’ve got some time.”

“I will. Bye.”

So Emma wanted some time to herself, Heather thought. Well fine. She could let the girl have her space. It was just that ... well, she’d kind of planned on going over to Emma’s place to be with her.

Hmm, maybe it wasn’t such a bad thing that Emma was pulling back, Heather thought. She had been spending a lot of time over there so maybe if Emma was pulling back, she’d have some time to spend on her own and that just might be a good thing.

But she was going to have to stop at the store on her way home from work and maybe the reason that she hadn’t stocked up was yet another indicator that she’d been spending too much time at Emma’s apartment.

It was when she was at the store that she saw her. Her first thought was that the blond looked so forlorn as she stared at the racks filled with soup cans but there was just something about her that made Heather stop and take a second look. “Can I help you?” she asked.

The blond almost looked as if she were about to cry. “I don’t know what to get,” she said.

“What did you need to get?”

“I, um, I don’t know.”

“You don’t know.”

“I guess I forgot.”

“Maybe you should have made a list,” Heather offered.

“Yeah,” the blond said dejectedly.

Heather wasn’t sure just what it was about the blond but there was something about her that was starting to turn her on. Maybe it was the fact that she seemed so utterly clueless that it gave her an air of vulnerability. Or maybe it was her wide, blue eyes that just made her seem so completely innocent.

Then on the other hand, maybe it was something else. Maybe it was her big, full breasts.

It wasn’t even that Heather didn’t like Emma’s breasts. No, in fact she loved her lover’s breasts. They were just so cute and perky. It was just that ... okay, it was just that guys kept going on and on about a girl’s tits. Honestly, Heather couldn’t really see it. Why the hell did a girl have to have big tits? That was what she wanted to know and while that might have been a bit of a curiosity for her before, now she had a girl here who was so utterly clueless that she might just have a chance to find out for herself.

So what about it. Did she really want to do it?

“You know what I think?” Heather asked.


“I think you’re putting way too much pressure on yourself.”

“How do you mean?”

“I mean you’re really very pretty. You should be proud of that.”

“You think I’m pretty?”

Oh wow. The blond didn’t even know she was pretty, Heather thought. That was so hot. “Yeah, I think you’re pretty and. You know what? Just to show you how pretty I think you are, there’s something I’d like to do for you.”

“What do you want to do?”

God, what was it about this girl that made her so hot. Was it really just the fact that she seemed so utterly guileless or was there something else and did it really matter what it was. Heather decided it didn’t matter because she knew what she was going to do. She leaned in and she kissed the girl.



“What’d you do that for?”

“I told you. You’re very beautiful so I decided I wanted to kiss you.”

“But you’re a girl.”


It was as if the blond hadn’t thought it through any further than that. Girls weren’t supposed to kiss girls and that was that.

“Did you like it?” Heather asked.

“I ... I guess.”

“Then maybe we should do it again.”

“I don’t know.”

“Hey, don’t blame me. I wasn’t the one who looked all lost and alone because she didn’t have her list. I was only trying to help you out.”


“You don’t have to be sorry. You were just saying what you thought but I really think that since I’m trying to help you, you really ought to let me. I fact, I was thinking I might want to kiss you again and I was thinking that if I did, it would be nice if you kissed me back. Do you think you can do that?”

“I guess.”

“Hey, I don’t want to do it if you don’t want me to do it. Like I said, I was just trying to help you out.”

“No, no. I want it. I want your help. I really want you to kiss me.”

“You’re sure?”

“Yes, I’m sure. I want you to kiss me.”

Could it really be as simple as that, Heather wondered. Even if it wasn’t, she wasn’t going to miss this opportunity. She leaned in to kiss the blond. And she was surprised when the blond kissed her back. “How was that?” she asked.

The blond licked her lips. “It was ... it was good. It was soft. I ... I think I liked it. Um maybe we could do it again.”

“I don’t know. I wouldn’t want you to do anything you didn’t want to do.”

“No, I want to do it.”

“Well all right then. Let’s do it.”

This time it was the blond who moved in and it was the blond who pressed her body against Heather’s even as she kissed her back.

Mmm, that was good, Heather thought. That was very good and yeah, she rather liked it when the blond pressed her very curvy body up against hers. “You know, maybe we should do that again.”

“I ... I don’t think I should.”

“Why not? You said you liked it.”

“I know.”

“Then come on. Kiss me again.”

“I can’t,” the blond said. “I have to go.”

“No you don’t. You can stay here with me.”

“No, I can’t. I have to ... I have to get back to my husband.”

“Your husband?”

The blond nodded.

Fuck! “Wait. I don’t even know your name.”

“Oh. It’s, um, it’s Lenore.”

“I’m Heather.”

“Oh, um, pleased to meet you but I really have to go.”

Heather watched the blond scurry out of the store and into the night and in moments, she was gone. Well, fuck it, Heather thought. That totally sucked.

The next morning, Heather woke up with a feeling that something was off but whatever it was, she just couldn’t seem to put her finger on it. She padded off to the bathroom. She’d feel better after she took her shower, she told herself.

But then she caught sight of herself in the mirror. What the fuck?

Her hair was still brown but now for some reason, there were little streaks of blond running through it. How the hell had her hair changed like that?

She looked again. It looked good, she told herself. Maybe it had always been that way.

What? No. It hadn’t always been that way. Her hair had changed.

But if that was the case, how had it changed?

That was just it, Heather told herself. How could it have changed? The answer of ourselves was that it probably hadn’t changed. The answer was that it probably had always been like this and or some reason, she just hadn’t noticed it and besides, it looked good.

Yeah but—

But what?

She looked at herself again. She was probably right. It probably had always been this way and she just hadn’t noticed it before. She breathed a sigh of relief at that. For a second there, she’d had herself worried but it was nice to have an explanation for it and it was nice to not have to worry. She didn’t like to worry because worrying led to thinking and she just didn’t want to think about stuff like that.

It wasn’t until Heather stripped off her t-shirt that she discovered the other change in her body. Oh my God, she thought. She had bigger boobies.

She barely caught herself in the nick of time but she’d been about to worry about them and really, how could her boobies be bigger so the logical choice of course was that they really weren’t any bigger. The logical choice of course was that they’d always been this size so there was no need to worry but she breathed a sigh of relief as she realized yet again that she once more had averted the urge to worry.

It was only later after she stepped out of her shower and she was getting ready for work that she discovered something else. None of her bras fit her anymore. For some reason, they were all too damned small. It was like someone had snuck into her bedroom and shrunk all of her bras.

Well, there was one bra that had fit her even if it was just barely so. It had always been too big on her before but now even if it was a bit snug, it was okay. Damned bras.

It was weird Heather thought when she finally got to work. People were looking at her funny and it was almost like they hadn’t ever seen her before. Of course, that was just plain silly and she couldn’t help giggling at that thought. Of course they’d seen her before and of course there was nothing different about her so it had to be just her imagination.

Kris Jenkins stopped by her desk that morning. Was she ready, Kris wanted to know.


“For the client visit. Oh my God. Don’t tell me you’re not ready.”

Huh? Oh wait, yeah. The client visit. Yeah, she remembered something about that. “I, um, I think I’m ready.”

“I need you to be more than just thinking you’re ready. Are you ready?”

Heather turned back to her computer. She knew she’d done something the day before but she couldn’t seem to remember just exactly what. She tapped aimlessly at a few keys until she remembered. The presentation. Oh my God. How could she have forgotten that. She opened it up. It’s right here, she said.

“Oh thank God,” Kris said. “You had me worried there for a moment.”

Heather nodded. She couldn’t believe she’d almost forgotten her presentation.

Things got better as the day wore on. She’d started out slowly but as the day wore on, she seemed to become more sure of herself and even if she faltered a few times in the client presentation, the overall effect seemed well received.

Heather decided to stop by the store on. The way home from work when amazingly, who should she find in between the aisles but Lenore.

“I, um, I was hoping I’d find you here,” Lenore said.


“I was hoping I’d find you here.”

“What about your husband?”

Lenore seemed to consider that. “No,” she said finally. “I don’t think I was hoping to find him here.”

Heather shook her head but then she thought better of it. Lenore didn’t understand. “What do you want?” she asked.


“You said you were hoping to find me here.”

“Oh. Yeah.”

“So what’d you want?”

The blond was hesitating and then she seemed to suddenly make up her mind as she moved forward and her body pressed up against Heather’s even as she gave the other woman a kiss. Finally, she pulled back but she was panting a little. “I, uh, I ... I have to go.”

“Hey,” Heather cried out.


“You can’t just kiss and run like that.”

“I can’t?”

“Uh uh. You can’t. In fact, now that I think about it, I think you should come home with me.”


Heather almost blurted it out. She almost asked Lenore about what her hubby would think about that. She almost did that but she caught herself in the nick of time. If the blond wasn’t talking about her husband then there was no reason for her to bring her up.

“Let’s go back to my place. I’ll drive.”


Heather led the two of them out to her car and as Heather drove. She couldn’t help but look at the blond out of the corner of her eye. God, she did have big tits. Not too big but big enough that she filled out her sweater rather nicely and her legs, well it was a nice thing that the girl was wearing a skirt, Heather thought, because it sure did let her get a good look at Lenore’s legs.

If Lenore knew she was being watched, she gave no indication of it because as Heather drove, the blond just chirped on about this and that and other things of no consequence.

It wasn’t long before Heather had the two of them back at her place and she couldn’t wait to get the girl inside.

“You live here?” the blond asked.

Well duh, Heather wanted to say or maybe no, I don’t live here. I just walk into any home I feel like. God, the blond wasn’t very smart but then it wasn’t her brains that Heather was interested in. “Come on,” she said. “Let’s go to the bedroom.”


God, was it really as simple as that, Heather wondered and then she was leading Lenore into her bedroom. “Would you mind if I did something?” Heather asked.


“This,” and with that, Heather moved in and even as she did, she was lifting the other woman’s sweater up and taking it up over her head.

Fuck, Heather thought. The blond sure did have some tits and they were right there and they were so close.

“Um, what are we doing?” Lenore asked.

“Shush. Don’t you worry about a thing. You just let me take care of everything.”


Wow. She was actually going to let her do what she wanted, Heather thought. That was cool. “Turn around.”

The blond turned and Heather unhooked her bra.

“Turn back around and face me.”

Again, Lenore did as she was told.

“I think we need to get you out of that skirt, don’t you?”

“Uh huh.”

That was all it took for Heather to unzip the skirt and slide it past Lenore’s ample bottom. Oh my God, she thought. Lenore was wearing a fucking thong. How hot was that but then on the other hand, it was even hotter when Heather slipped the thong down the blond’s legs. “Now we do me,” Heather said.

“Okay,” Lenore easily agreed.

Heather was still watching the other woman watching her as she unbuttoned her blouse. Hmm, she thought, her boobies, breasts she corrected herself, you were supposed to call them breasts but her boobies almost seemed like they were bigger now. They weren’t as big as Lenore but still, they didn’t seem as small as they had been before. Of course, that was silly. How could boobies just get bigger on their own but she had to admit that was the way they seemed to be.

She slipped her blouse off and then off came her bra and now she was completely topless and she was breathing heavily.

Next came the skirt. It was a rather conservative gray skirt, the type of skirt that one might wear around the office and yet Heather found herself wondering why they had to be so stuffy in the way they dressed. It wasn’t like any old skirt was the same as any other skirt. Some skirts were better than others.

And then finally, off came her panties and Heather was just as naked as her new friend.

“You look great,” Lenore gushed. “You look just like me.”

“Well not just like you,” Heather pouted.


“My boobies. They’re not as big as yours.”

“That’s okay. We can’t all have big boobies but I like yours all the same,” and even as she said that, Heather could feel herself getting hotter. Her new friend liked her boobies and somehow, that made all the difference in the world.

Heather shook her head. For a moment there, she’d been acting like some timid little thing who didn’t know what to think but that most definitely was not her but she did know what she liked. She sidled up to her friend and she stroked a hand over one of Lenore’s well endowed breasts. “I like these,” she said.

It wasn’t long before Heather was bringing the two of them into her bedroom and suddenly Lenore looked skittish once again.

“Hey now,” Heather said soothingly. “There’s nothing to be afraid of here.”

That seemed to calm the blond down but only a little.

Heather stroked her hair. “You can trust me,” she said. “There’s nothing to be afraid of here andi won’t let anything bad happen to you, okay?”

The blond nodded.

Heather wasn’t sure she was convinced. “Okay?” she asked again.

Again, the blond nodded.

“I know what’s going to make you feel really good.”


“You just lay back on the bed and I’ll show you.”

Lenore laid back on the bed and it wasn’t long before Heather was sliding in between her thighs. She might not have been totally prepared for what was going to happen next but really, she didn’t have to be because Heather’s tongue knew how to get her ready.

At first, the blond just laid there as Heather’s tongue worked her pussy and then it was little sporadic mmms and ahs. As Heather continued, the blond’s moans became more consistent and as those moans became more consistent, they also became stronger still. And still, Heather’s tongue was there to do what needed doing.

“Oh yeah,” the blond moaned as her body writhed to the beat of that insistent tongue. “Oh yeah. That’s it. Do me like that.”

Perhaps Heather heard her and maybe she didn’t but in the end, it didn’t really matter. Her tongue wasn’t about to stop what it was doing.

“Oh my God,” Lenore moaned. “Oh my God.”

Maybe the blond hadn’t been totally into what Heather had intended to do to her before they’d started but now ... oh my God ... Now, now she was going to cum. Oh my God.

And still Heather’s tongue kept coming after her. The blond couldn’t help but moan as her pussy gave in to the inevitable.

She’d had fun with the girl Heather thought to herself as she stood there in front of the mirror as she let the shower run. The blond was really like putty in her hands. She was so willing and so malleable and she was so willing to give in to whatever anyone wanted of her and yet again, she had the feeling that something was off. Her eyes came down to her chest and she lifted up the tee that she’d worn to bed. Boobies, she thought as she looked at herself in the mirror.

What? No. Not boobies. Breasts.

She couldn’t help but giggle at that. But they were big like boobies.

She shook her head. Wait a minute. That was right. Her breasts were bigger now. How the hell had that happened.

It was because she had boobies, she told herself.

Stop saying that, she told herself. They weren’t boobies.

Yeah, well if they weren’t boobies, then what were they, she quizzed herself.

They were ... they were ... okay maybe they were boobies but you shouldn’t call them that.

Why not?

That was a very good question and it was a question that Heather realized she didn’t have the answer to. She didn’t know why she shouldn’t call them boobies.

That day at work, Heather found it hard to concentrate. She knew she had things to do but somehow, knowing she had things to do just wasn’t enough to get the job done.

Finally, the work day was over and she practically fled from the office. She felt stupid. She felt weak and she most definitely didn’t like feeling stupid or weak. She needed some time at home, she told herself. She needed some time to get herself together. She needed to regroup.

There was a knock at her door and as much as she’d wanted to be alone, Heather reluctantly went to answer it.

It was the blond at her doorstep. It was Lenore. “I know why I’m here,” Lenore said.

“You do? Why?”

“I’m here to return the favor.”

“Return the favor?” Heather asked dumbly.

“Yeah. Return the favor. Let’s go to your bedroom.”

Heather let Lenore lead her to her bedroom and before she knew it, the blond was helping her out of her clothes.

“Why don’t you lie back on the bed,” Lenore suggested.

Heather did exactly as she was told to do. It was so easy actually. It was so easy to let someone else tell her what to do.

“I know what you want me to do,” Lenore said and then she was moving in between Heather’s legs.

Oh my God, yes, Heather thought as the blond’s tongue worked her pussy. Oh my God. That was so good.

Oh yeah and she was so wet. Mmm, that tongue. That tongue on her special place. Oh my God. That tongue was so good. Oh my God.

“I know what you want,” the blond said.

Oh my God. She could really think that the blond did know what she wanted or if she didn’t know, she was at least making a pretty close approximation of it. In fact, she had the feeling that the blond really could give her what she wanted.

She gasped as her pussy started to cum. Oh my God. It was so good. The blond really was giving her what she wanted and that was all she needed to know.