The Fetish—Part 1
It was initially found in 1939, forty-four feet underwater, in the ruins of an ancient temple off the coast of Crete. The fetish was encased in a partially intact box made of jewel-encrusted ivory and petrified cedar. The case was elaborately carved with indecipherable ‘Linear A’ script. The case alone would have made it a remarkable, if not unique, anthropological and historical discovery. As things turned out however, the press of evolving world events caused the mixed Greek and American team that recovered it to box the case and its contents up and ship them off for storage in a warehouse near the airfields of southern Crete. With the outbreak of World War II on the mainland, the American team packed up their work and prepared to leave Crete for the duration of the conflict. Amidst the frenzy and confusion that followed, the crate containing the artifact was mis-labeled with American supply markings.
As a result, on the fifth of October 1940, the fetish began its journey towards the United States. It was carried aboard the small merchant vessel Aurora, crew of nine.
On Friday, October 11th , the Aurora developed a serious malfunction in her left diesel engine. She fell back from her escorting convoy. The last radio contact with the Aurora reported her to be diverting southwards to avoid a storm. It was assumed that she broke up somewhere between middle Florida and the shoals of the Carolinas.
Over the course of the next several decades hurricanes, tides, passing cargo ships and the natural wear of time spread the undistinguished wreckage of the Aurora over nearly fifteen nautical miles of the US Atlantic coast. The oak crate that contained the fetish and its case was lost for the next sixty four years.
August 2004
Known as Toni to her friends, twenty two year old Antonia Melonakos was used to a life of idle pleasures and ongoing distractions. She’d decided at the last minute to join her old college roommate Janey and Janey’s new girlfriend Evelyn in renting a sailboat and spending a few days getting a tan and exploring the possibilities of the south Georgia coastline. The dark olive skinned child of a wealthy Greek immigrant family, Toni was beautiful, tall and thin. Antonia was very proud of her firm body. She was 5′ 8″, a petite B cup, and fit easily into a size four. Her body possessed the kind of adolescent androgyny that blessed runway models.
She had discovered her lesbian sexuality thanks to the tender ministrations and pining adoration of her roommate during her third year at Wesleyan College near Macon, Georgia. Her father, Athanasios Melonakos, had sent her off to a womens college far from their home in San Francisco to protect her from the distractions of boys and drugs.
When she came home from college, she had a degree in English, and a devoted love for the delights of Sappho. Never one to beat about the bush when an outrage was possible, she left her father scandalized and her siblings envious. Athanasios established a trust fund for her with the instructions that she was not to return to the family until such time as she was prepared to be married to a good, stable man.
When she went back to Georgia however, Toni discovered that there was no recapturing her past. Janey, while still slightly smitten with Toni, used that attraction to stoke the fire of her new relationship with Evelyn. As a result, Toni spent her nights on the boat listening through the thin cabin wall to the soft sounds of love while she tried to ignore her own need. After three days of this, Toni was bored, frustrated and horny.
The sailboat dragged anchor during the night of the third day and the outboard prop fouled itself in the shore weeds. Evelyn was the only one aboard with extensive sailing experience, and she and Janey went to work in the warming Georgia sun to unsnarl the anchor and free the prop. Toni decided to go for a swim.
Setting her sights on an inviting outcrop at the base of a bridge footing, Toni sprang off the deck of the boat with a lithe leap into the warm coastal waters. She swam with an even measured stroke, taking her time as she thoroughly enjoyed the sensations of the water cascading over her skin. After a short swim, she arrived at the footing and climbed up onto the outcropping. Looking around and realizing that her location was concealed from the roadway above, she wrung the water from her long jet black hair and removed her top. She tanned in the summer sun and tried to enjoy the moment and forget the disappointments of the trip.
A distinct and sharp pinch woke her from her drowsy nap. Toni looked down to see a fiddler crab attempting to do battle with the small toe of her right foot. Leaping to her feet in mild alarm, Toni lost her balance on the ledge and fell back into the water. She landed with a thud on her butt on top of something that crunched underneath her. Standing back up in the waist high water, she reached down to see what she’d landed on. She came up with a sliver of old waxed brown paper smelling of creosote. Dangling from it was a rectangle of old, brittle, and yellowed ivory. The ivory was deeply etched with some kind of runic script.
Under other circumstances, Toni would probably have just idly wondered what she had found and then dropped it back into the water and gone back to her tanning. However, she was just bored enough by her life at the moment to take a passing interest in something other than her mood or her appearance.
Toni spent the next ten minutes digging up the case and its contents. She brought the pieces up onto the outcrop ledge one at a time and tried to make some sense of what she’d discovered. There were bits of old wood, clearly petrified and of a dark reddish brown color. Wired to the pieces of wood were thin slabs of old ivory, connected with what appeared to be hammered gold wire. Of notable interest to Toni, there were what appeared to be rough jewels, perhaps ruby and sapphire, set into the ivory.
In the midst of this mess of wood and bejeweled ivory was a solid piece of tusk. It was approximately fourteen inches in length. It was carved from base to tip with more of the old writing, and at its base was an ivory plug held in place with more of the hammered gold wires.
As she held the carved tusk up to the light to examine it more closely, a sudden breeze caused a brief chill. She shivered. From the clear blue sky a light rain began. Seeking to protect her find from the elements, Toni put her top back on and swam to the boat with the Tusk held in her left hand. She went down into the confined cabin space and put the tusk in her travel bag. She then went back on deck, grabbed a mesh bag from the gear loft and swam to the outcrop. She recovered the pieces of the shattered casing, put them all carefully in the bag and swam back to the boat one last time in the light rain.
Evelyn looked up from her work, laying halfway off the deck clearing the prop, as Toni came aboard.
“What did you find?”
“I don’t know really, but its old. Maybe some kind of native relic or something. It was packed for shipping I think.”
“Cool. I need to finish up here, be done in a few.”
The day passed. Janey and Evelyn cleared the snarled prop and snagged anchor by one o’clock. They raised a little sail and cruised south towards the mouth of the bay. When early evening arrived, they lowered the sail and set anchor again. Toni spent her day cleaning her find with a soft brush and laying the pieces out in various orders, trying to make sense of it.
Janey made a light dinner of pasta shells in crème. They sat on the deck eating while the summer sun drifted down in the southern sky, drinking a chilled Riesling and idly speculating about Toni’s find.
“Honestly, Janey. If I didn’t love you, I’d tell you that you were a complete ditz.” The girls laughed. “I know that pirates came this far north, but sweety, really. Toni said it was wrapped in old cardboard paper.”
“Well, what if it was discovered and then lost again. It could still be pirate treasure. There are probably a thousand wrecked ships along the outer banks.” Janey offered with a grin.
“There’s something really old about it,” Toni smiled back at the two holding hands in the fading summer light. “it doesn’t look like old Norse runes, or Native American markings or anything I remember from school. Wait, I’ll show you.” She stood up and went below.
Janey and Evelyn took the opportunity of the moment alone to kiss and snuggle. They separated slightly as Toni returned.
“This is the interesting piece to me, this tusk thing. Doesn’t it look like ivory to you?” Toni held out the yellowed tusk to the others. Evelyn took it and ran her hands over its old, weathered surface. She turned it back and forth and examined it.
While Evelyn was occupied, Janey got up and lit the mosquito coil and sprayed some Deet into the air near the other women. By now, all three were familiar with the clouds of insects that would soon be descending on them in the twilight.
“Look here, Toni. I think there may be something inside this tusk. The bottom looks like it’s wired on, and it feels like something moves slightly when I shake it,” Evelyn handed the artifact back to Toni for her appraisal. “but I really don’t think we should mess with it. This thing is probably a museum piece.”
“Yeah.” Janey added her own agreement as she returned aft.
“You’re probably right, I can drop it off back at Wesleyan after we get home.” Toni returned the tusk to the mesh bag, and they ended the evening making small talk in the beautiful summer air.
Somewhere in the late hours of the night, Toni woke to the very familiar sound of Janey’s moan through the thin partition that separated her from the other cabin. She knew that mere inches from her Janey and Evelyn were making love. She was so frustrated and horny she could have screamed.
Instead, she got up and turned on the tiny overhead florescent light in her small cabin and rolled out of her bunk and folded it back up into the wall. She opened the mesh bag that contained the artifacts and began to examine them again in the dim light. After a while spent learning nothing new and bothered by having to hear the faint sounds of lovemaking coming from the next cabin, she decided to focus her attention on the tusk itself. She held it up to the light and ran her hands over its smooth old surface.
“What are you?” she asked the darkness. She ran her hands over the ivory plug in the bottom of the tusk. There was a single runic glyph there. She thought it almost looked like a warning.
Perhaps out of boredom, perhaps out of frustration, perhaps out of some other, unknown urge, she started fiddling with the hammered gold wires that held the plug in place. They seemed snug and secure.
“What secrets do you hide? I wonder,” She said under her breath. Lightly stroking the tusk, she noticed that her nipples were erect under her thin silk camisole. She turned her head for a moment and listened again to the soft sounds emanating from beyond the panel. “God. I’m so horny.”
She poked and prodded at the wires, her frustration with the night and her desire growing. “Fuck it.” She said, reaching for the equipment box under her berth. Opening it, she rooted around inside until she found a pair of diagonal cutting pliers.
“God, isn’t that funny, Dykes.” She mumbled, referring to the common name for the cutters. Shrugging her shoulders, she began looking for a place to cut the gold wires that would do the least harm. Finding what she thought looked like a likely spot, she snipped the soft gold wire open. It yielded easily to her.
Outside, the tide was steadily rising in the bay. In the distance, thunder clapped and a summer storm began with a light rain.
She gently pried the wires out of their holes, trying hard not to break them, ancient and fragile as they appeared to be. The holes were filled with the grime of ages past, and some of the wires simply snapped as she pried at them. One by one, she pried each wire out of its hole. Her breath caught in her throat as she felt a tiny drip of moisture run down her leg from her pussy. She paused and in that moment noticed that the cabin reeked of the scent of her arousal.
“Jesus, I can’t remember the last time I was this fucking horny.”
Outside the wind gathered strength and the rain began to come down in a steady, driving rain. Lightning flashed in the distance from cloud to cloud, growing closer.
Inside, Toni pried loose the last of the wires and set them carefully back into the mesh bag. She paused to examine the plug again in the dim light. The cabin was suddenly illuminated by a flash of lightning from outside. For a split second the cabin was brilliantly illuminated. In the next instant, Toni could have sworn that the tusk glowed with an inner light.
In the next cabin over, Evelyn rolled out of the bunk and off of Janey with a contented sigh. “That was wonderful, sweet heart.” She whispered. “It sounds like a big storm is coming up, though. I should go check to see that everything is battened down. Want to come help?” She kissed Janey and slipped her a tiny taste of tongue.
“Oh yes, baby... if it’ll get us back to bed faster,” Janey giggled at herself and her own obvious lust. Together the two struggled quickly back into shorts and halters and worked their way up to the deck. The rain was steady and heavy, the lightning seemed to be closing in on them, and the bay was being whipped by a westerly wind. Running forward, Evelyn tossed the storm anchor out as hard as she could. Running back, she set Janey to lashing things down as she went about preparing the boat for the storm.
Below, Toni ran her fingers over the ivory plug at the base of the tusk and slowly began tugging at it. It didn’t budge. Working at it more heavily, she began twisting the plug back and forth. For some reason, as she tried to work it loose, she began to remember the time she gave Danny Hampton a hand job in the back of his car. She remembered the way his cock felt so warm and stiff and yet soft at the same time. She gasped as she realized that all her handling of the tusk had warmed it up. It was warm now, almost skin temperature.
With a tiny sigh and a slight pop, the plug fell loose from the end of the tusk. Filthy water and bits of debris ran out of the hollow in the artifact. Something was loose inside it.
Toni’s entire body reacted to the opening of the tusk with a wave of desire and arousal. An indefinable scent filled the air, overriding the smell of river water, stronger than the smell of trapped gas. She gasped again as she felt her pussy throb with desire. She laughed at herself, a tiny bit wildly, a tiny bit out of control as she held onto the tusk and began to shake it a little to dislodge its contents.
On deck, Janey held to the starboard rail as the sea picked up and the wind began to whip about wildly. Aft of her, Evelyn was shouting over the sudden storm.
“There’s been no radio warning about this squall! This is really weird! Go below while I finish up, Janey! I’m almost done here... go BELOW.” Lightning struck near them, so close that they were briefly blinded by the glow and instantly deafened by the thunder. In a shared moment of panic, both grappled their way to the gangway and began to go below. “Whatever blows off we won’t miss!” yelled Evelyn.
Rocking back and forth on her heels, lightly humming to herself, Toni worked the contents of the tusk loose from it’s housing. It was long and dark, covered in black muck from its centuries of immersion. Without an instant’s thought Toni tore off, literally ripped off, her sweat soaked camisole and began to clean the dark thing with it.
As she worked at it, rubbing it, polishing it clean, the gleam of dark, aged gold began to appear. Slowly a shining phallus made of some ancient leathery substance, covered in thick gold began to emerge from the sleep of ancient Knossos.
Evelyn and Janey were flung into the door of their cabin by the rocking of the boat. It flew open behind them, and they crashed together to the floor below. Here, out of the storm, the cabin was warm and a rich, fertile smell filled the air. Something indescribably potent and arousing was just out of reach. They looked at each other in elation from the lashing of the storm and their arousal. They came together in wild and sudden passion. Each woman began to pull at the other’s clothes, squealing in delight.
Above them, the night became wild with the storm. Coming from nowhere, it closed in about the small yacht, the sky growing opaque and ominous. Lightning grew ever closer, the crash of thunder loud and oppressive in the sheltered bay.
Evelyn pinned Janey to the floor and squatted down on top of her. Evelyn’s long blond hair cascaded around her as she ground her pussy against Janey’s leg and leaned in to kiss her. Janey leaned up against Evelyn’s passion and bit down hard on Evelyn’s lower lip when the blond girl came to kiss her. Evelyn gasped in pain and passion at the unexpected assault, and then moaned as Janey forced herself up and began suckling on Evelyn’s nipples, licking and biting. Evelyn closed her eyes and steadily humped herself against Janey’s upraised leg.
“God baby, I’m so fucking hot!” Evelyn shrieked.
“Fuck my leg, fuck me, fuck me baby..”
In the cabin next door, utterly unaware of the raw sexual display occurring mere feet away, Toni held the shining phallus up to the light. It was a golden, inscribed penis, ancient, almost glowing. She shuddered in delight as she realized that it was warm to her touch. The large, bulbous head of the phallus capped a long and powerfully wide shaft.
“It has to be over two inches across,” Toni thought to herself.
Seeing nothing, aware of nothing but her overwhelming desire, her arousal, her need, Toni lay back against the rolling floor of her cabin and spread her legs. She closed her eyes. With her left hand, she dipped into her wetness and then tasted herself. With her right, she began to press the huge head of the golden phallus into her waiting pussy.
It slid into her with ease. She had never been so wet in her life. Never had she been so insanely aroused. She breathed in desire and breathed out sex. She slid the now glowing fetish home into her deepest recesses. It filled her the way nothing in life had ever filled her.
No recognition, no award had ever been so sweet. No touch, no kiss, no embrace had ever been so tender. No whisper, no gesture, no distant allure had ever been so arousing. The golden idol, after four thousand years, was going home again.
Next door, the two women gasped and slapped at each other in frustration. There was no climax coming for them. Evelyn rolled off of Janey and began to tear into her baggage, looking for her vibrator. Janey sobbed in thwarted passion and began to madly hump her fingers into and out of her dripping pussy. Her arousal built and built but the crashing wave would not come. Evelyn grabbed her little vibrator, turned it on, and began mashing it into her clit, raising her hips up to meet it in desire. Closer, maddeningly ever closer she came to the pinnacle of her desire, but could not fling herself off the cliff.
Janey looked wildly around the scattered debris of the cabin. Seeing her shampoo bottle flung loose from her bag, she grabbed it, closed her eyes, and began trying to force it into her wet, gaping pussy. Evelyn groaned in an agony of desire and looked over at Janey. She leapt on the smaller woman with a snarl and wrenched the shampoo bottle loose from her.
“Fucking BITCH!” Janey screamed and grabbed for the phallic bottle. “Give me that, you cunt!”
Evelyn slapped Janey to the floor and crammed the bottle into her wetness. She fell to the floor, her knees giving out as it slid into her. Janey whimpered in loss and crawled over to Evelyn. As Evelyn slid the large bottle into her dripping pussy, Janey crouched down and spread her legs in front of the older girl.
“Please fuck me, God, please fuck me with that, baby... fuck your little Janey, fuck ME... I’m so goddamned hot.”
Evelyn rolled up on her back and offered the slick bottle poking out of her to Janey. Janey spread her legs and lay on her side and the two women came together. Cunt to cunt they began to hump the bottle between them.
Toni whispered wordlessly under her breath as the gleaming idol slid home into her. In and out she pulled and pushed, her desire, her want, her need mounting with each stroke. In, out, in, out... her pussy was so wet she was leaking out onto her thighs as she fucked herself.
Ever closer she came, deeper and faster she stroked the thing in and out of her. With a scream she shoved in deep into her, the broad tip touched her cervix... her back arched in a rictus of pleasure, her toes curled, her eyes rolled back in her head and her world turned into light.
Next door, the two women humped each other in wild abandon on the slippery, slimy bottle. Toni’s orgasmic scream reached them through the thin wall, and suddenly the wave of pleasure broke over them and tore them loose from reality, slamming them off into a world of infinite pleasure and desire.
Above, at the exact moment of Toni’s ecstasy, a titanic bolt of lightning tore loose from the heavens, striking the weather ball on the tip of the mast. Sheet lightning roiled over the sailboat like the aurora borealis across the heavens. It tore across the boat, penetrated into the galley and across into the cabins.
In their combined moment of orgasm, all three women were penetrated, consumed, embraced within and without by the fire of heaven. Then, in an instant, all was silent. The glowing, pulsing, living idol of desire rolled loose from Toni’s now satiated pussy. Even in her semi-conscious state, she grasped for it and held it to her breast. She slept.