Disclaimers: This story is copyrighted © 2004 by Sleeping Beauty, may not be quoted, reprinted, reproduced, or reposted in any form without the express written consent of the author.
The story contains sexual activities and situations that are to be read only by readers above the legal age of consent. The story is not to be read in locations where such stories are illegal. If you are not of legal age, or live in the wrong place, please exit this site immediately and go somewhere safer. Please if you are offended by FF sexual situations then do not read any further.
All feedback welcome and wanted, good or bad. Please email me at Beautyaria04@yahoo.com
Dedication: To my Muse, Kaereni. If it was not for her I would not have such wonderful ideas or these stories. Thank you Kaereni my love.
Free hand
By Sleeping Beauty
“Hey.... when you gonna let me out of here. Hey...I’m talking’ to you!” Rod said banging on the metal door. “I never wanted this...This is not what you promised me!!”
He was getting angrier as time went on and they all ignored him. He thought back to how he got himself into this mess in the first place. Rod was your typical farm boy from the dust bowl area. He helped out his dad by tending the farm and quit school to help with the chores and the stock. It was an unusual dry season this time and he was going to be blamed if he did not buck up and pull his weight. It was not like he was going to go to college anyways and he knew it.
After a hard week of tilling the fields and doing his daily chores, Rod went into town and visited the local bar. He walked in wearing his favorite jeans and black cowboy hat. The ladies were going to love him he thought as he walked up to the bar and ordered himself a Jack Daniels. His eyes scanned the place. The usual crowd was here. He saw a slightly older man dressed too well for a hick town bar like this one. He was a new acquaintance of Rod’s. Rod went over to see if he could get that pool game rematch with him.
“Hey Jim-bo!! I see you working hard as usual.” He said chuckling. “How about we finish our pool game from last time? I feel like beating you tonight.”
“You’re on!” Jim teased Rod as they went to the nearest table and Rod was racking them up. With a few pitchers of beer between them and some friendly competition of pool going, Rod felt better about his week. He told Jim about the crops doing well, the lesser beatings from his dad, and his plan to escape off this hellhole one day soon. Jim nodded and patted Rod on the back as they drank the night away.
“Man, my ole man for sure plans to kill me one of these days with all the work he as me do around the farm. I just go; I could leave my dad with all the work.” Rod complained. “I would give anything to get away, to get a life.”
Jim’s eyes lit up seeing an opportunity. “Let’s make a bet then.” Jim stopped his shot and looked at Rod. “If I make these next 3 shots in a row, you buy the next 2 rounds.”
Rod laughed. “Come on...what kind of pansy assed bet is that? You know I’ll kick you all over this table.”
Seeming to be in thought, Jim replied, “Ok then.... How about this? If I win the next four games, you follow me home.”
“And...?” Rod inquired.
“And.... You get to see how others live.” Jim said matter of fact.
“You’re on. Call it head or tails bud.” Rod smirked thinking he liked that idea, forgetting to ask about if he won.
For the next hour or so, they played pool. Each shot was called and each shot brought Rod closer to getting away from the farm and his dad. Jim was unusually on his game tonight. Rod did not seem to mind, as he was getting drunker by the minute as they racked up yet another game. Rod just could not get it together tonight as he lost the first two games. The third game he scratched giving the game to Jim. It was now the last game, breaking, Rod had stripes, and sinked in a few balls before his friend Jim took over and won the last game.
At the end of the last game and final insult to Rod, having lost to his friend, Rod wanted to pick a fight with Jim for cheating. There were witnesses though that saw Jim playing fair and Rod just out of it, so the bet stood. One more drink from Jim to show no hard feelings and Rod accepted it. Jim presented him with a piece of paper to read and sign, telling him it was just some petition to sign he was helping with. Trusting his friend, Rod signed it.
After they were finished at the bar, they left to go home. Rod was so out of it that Jim had to help him to his truck and strap him in so Jim could drive them home. Jim smiled knowing the fun was just beginning.
Rod woke up in a haze. His vision was blurry and he felt oddly as he tried to move. He could not move much he found out. His arms and legs were tied to a cross like apparatus and he was in the air. With his hang over, he did not try to move too much. Last thing he remembered was being in the bar with Jim.
In a horse voice, Rod called out. “Jim, Jim you there?”
No answer. Rod was scared. His heart beating faster now as he realized the situation he was in. Not understanding but knowing he was not where he should be. He noticed something as he head cleared more. His body felt cooler and there was a sensation near his groin. He felt his cock erect almost harder than it should be.
A voice called out. “He wakes.”
“Hey what the fuck? Where am I?” Rod’s voice filled with panic and uncertainty.
“Glad to see you up and around...well up anyway.” There was a chuckle. “You ready to come down now?” the voice said.
“Jim is that you? Answer me will ya?” Rod said.
Rod tried to see where the voice came from by his movement of his head to extend his vision. A form moved just inside his view.
“I am glad you finally woke up. I did not want to have all the fun.” The voice said and laughed again.
“What have you done to me? This is not funny Jim.” Rod struggled again in his bonds
“No it’s not funny but it sure was fun.” Jim said as he stepped more into Rod’s view. “You can’t get out Rod, A bet is a bet. You wanted to know how I lived and now you will.”
Rod tried to struggle but only tired himself out. Turning he finally saw vaguely the shape of his friend. He was dressed in something shiny and looked like a biker dude than his friend from the bar.
“What is going on, tell me!!”
“Well my friend, you lost a bet remember?” This is your payment of that said bet.” James smiled and walked to Rod and stroked Rod’s tool.
Rod let out a moan as he felt the hand give it more life.
“Stop that you pervert...” Rod struggled to grab or hit Jim.
“Come now, you can’t renege on the bet. Besides you are in no position to.” He laughed and smacked the cock playfully.
“This was not part of the deal....” Rod said in protest.
“That was exactly the deal ... slave.” Jim turned as someone else entered the room.
“Is he ready my love?” said a woman. “To follow the yellow brick road?”
“Yes my darling he is.” Replied Jim as he got down on his knees beside the hanging Rod.
She smiled and stroked his cheek. Then walk over to Rod as she pinched his nipple and grabbed his balls.
Rod’s eyes popped out and he screamed and moaned as the pain hit him.
“Welcome to your new life slave. You will be my free hand so Jim here can be as he should be, a master, and tend to my other duties. Hope you are enjoying your training so far.” Her voice was cold and mocking Rod.
Rod’s mind became unfocused and his head swam. His body liking the attention and torture it had been exposed to before he woke up. Rod really mad and confused as this woman humiliated him and his best friend was helping her do it. Both mistress and master took Rod over to a cage and chained him to one of the bars. Rod tried to move to kick or hit anyone near him but could not move again. He was bolted to the cage wall almost like on the cross. His hands beat against the metal as he screamed.
“I should have stayed home last night. I should have listened to dad and just stayed home. Damn it!” Rod thought.
“You can’t hold me here, not forever! This is not what I expected.” He yelled at them. “I didn’t sign up for this.”
Jim just laughed at Rod. “You mean this piece of paper you signed? You did my friend.” Jim showed him the paper that had his John Hancock on it.
One last playful tussle of his body from Jim before the gate was shut and left Rod there as they walked away.
“I’m not a present for you to open you know....” Rod said as he glanced at the woman as she walked away.
He was alone now with only his thoughts and wishing he did not make that stupid bet. He was too young to be singing the blues. Time passed and Rod wore himself out again and fell asleep until they came to get him.
Next thing Rod knew he was being unhooked from the cage and placed on a chair that had a cock build into it. He was lowered onto it and it entered him. It was painful and he struggled until he felt the buzz from the seat that aroused him. He moaned and moved. His hands were then placed behind him and locked in back of him on the chair.
The woman stood in front of him now. She towered over him in fact. He looked up at her and felt the sting of a small whip to his face. His eyes fell back to her front and then lowered to the ground.
“Never look at me.” She snapped. “You are never to look directly at me unless I request it slave.”
He nodded and got another sting.
“Reply to me as mistress!”
“Yes mistress” he said, mixed with anger.
“Good boy...” she stroked his cheek with her crop and bent down to offer her breasts to him. " Suck them slave.”
The scent of her and the pleasure from the chair was making it hard to fight her or his need. He obeyed and took one breast in his mouth and began sucking it as if nursing. She seemed pleased and played with his hair as he worked her breast.
She broke it off after she was nearing orgasm. Rod had trouble but stopped after Jim came over to hold him and inserted a cock like gag in his mouth. He almost choked on it but soon learned how to deal with it. He spent more time on the chair alone and tried hard to resist the training he underwent.
Hours of the same kind of treatment followed Rod. He saw more of the surroundings of the building he was in. It was a penthouse type owned he guessed by the mad deviant couple that had him now. He guessed this was not the first time that they tried this and he was not the last. He struggled as he was shaped and turned into their boy toy.
Rod shouted at them when he was able to work his mouth. “You can’t keep me here in your sexual penthouse. I’ll find a way to go home.”
They just laughed and spanked him for his outbursts as if disciplining a child.
When he could not stand it any longer, Rod made the decision to escape and report these people to the police. He made his plans when he was allowed to sleep. It took all his strength and will he could muster to focus on this goal. He would fight the feelings as he faded every so often into a pleasure trance state. He wished he were back in the woods hunting the horny toads that plagued his dad’s farm. Or that he was listening to the owls in the trees at night as he rested that howled and hooted away. His life was not here and away from this twisted beyond the rainbow crap. He would find a way to get back to his plough and the farm and not follow the yellow brick road they were leading him on. All he knew was he had to get back home and away from this hell.
They put him through another day of training. Though Rod responded well at first to it, he still fought to the last so he did not fall completely under their spell. Both of them were frustrated seeing he was not the right kind of male that was needed after all. The others, before him broke by now, and there was still some part of Rod left and that would not do. Lucky for them they knew he would not be missed much and there was still time to get him back to his truck before questions arose.
“So what are you gonna do with me Jim?” Rod spoke while Jim prepped him. “They will come looking for you.” He looked over at the woman and spat at her. “You gonna need another vodka and tonic lady to get right.”
She glared at him and left in a huff. Jim was left to finish the job.
Jim took Rod off the training chair and laid him out on the floor while he dressed him and gave him something to drink. It took the edge off what he had felt these past couple of days. Rod looked up at Jim and felt his mind and body coming down from the high they put it on.
“There’s a lot like me around here but you know that.” Rod said sleepily as he calmed down and semi drifted. “Plenty of no good for nothings looking for money and the rich life.” Rod felt fuzzy and tried to lift his head. He passed out and his head hit the floor.
Jim knew he was right, they would find someone else. He picked up Rod and carried him to the car.
Next thing Rod felt was dirt underneath him as he got up. He found himself in the parking lot of the bar next to his truck. Rod found his keys in his pocket, got in, and sped off just riding to clear his head. He would no longer dream of going too far from the farm or speak of what happened to him with anyone. Nor would he go back to that bar where he had met Jim.