The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Fun Shay

Part II — The Metal Element

“Hey, Mr. Lee.”

The grocer looked up as the young woman entered his store. “Miss Shay,” the old man said. “It is good to see you again.”

“It’s good to see you too, Mr. Lee.”

The old man looked at the girl and he cocked his head. “If you don’t mind my saying so, Miss Shay, you don’t seem to be your normal self.”

Shay couldn’t help but grit her teeth. Oh great, the girl thought. This was just great. She’d thought she’d been holding it in pretty good but if even the old grocer could see that something was wrong, she knew everyone else had to be seeing it, too.

The old man was waiting and Shay realized she still hadn’t given him an answer. “It’s nothing, Mr. Lee. I’m just kind of feeling a little bit down.”

“And why might that be?”

Should she tell him, Shay wondered, and if she did, what harm would come of it. It wasn’t like he was going to tell anyone. Well, she didn’t think he would. After all, Chinese people were supposed to be inscrutible.

“It’s my boyfriend,” she said finally.

“Ah,” the old grocer said and Shay couldn’t help but feel that there was a whole lot more meaning behind just that one word.

“It’s my boyfriend,” Shay said again. “Me and Mark, we kind of broke up.”

“I see. Was this his doing ... or yours?”

Now it was Shay’s turn to give the man a hard look. Did he really understand it, she wondered. It almost sounded like he did. “It was his,” Shay said finally. “He said he found someone else, someone he liked more.”

The old grocer nodded. “I see. That’s not good, not good for you at all.”

It wasn’t like Shay even thought the old man knew what she was talking about but she had to know what he was talking about. “What do you mean, Mr. Lee. Why is it not good for me?”

“Isn’t it obvious? Upset in your life affects your energy, your chi. When your chi is unbalanced, your life is unbalanced. When your life is unbalanced, you lack harmony, so it is not good for you.”

She certainly couldn’t argue with that. She certainly did feel unbalanced.

“I might be able to help you,” the old man said.

“How could you help me?” Shay asked.

“I could give you balance.”

“How could you do that, Mr. Lee?”

“Remember when you were having trouble studying for your math class?”

Shay nodded.

“I could do the same thing for you now.”

Shay couldn’t help but smile. Really, in spite of everything that had been happening to her, it was kind of funny. She remembered how the old grocer had told her to position herself. “I don’t think getting down on my hands and knees would help, Mr. Lee.”

“No, of course not,” the man said. “That was for studying. That was to concentrate your energy for studying. That’s not what you need right now.”

In spite of herself, Shay just had to ask the question. “What do I need right now, Mr. Lee?”

“Right now, what you need is strength. Right now, what you need is the metal element.”

“The metal element? What’s that?”

“Metal represents wealth and strength, two things which you lack right now.”

“I don’t—”

The old man held up a hand. “You lack wealth because something is missing. You felt enriched before and now that that is missing, your life feels less rich so you need something to counter balance that.”

Yes, Shay thought. Yes, she could see that.

“And strength and power, that almost goes without saying. Had you been the one who ended the relationship, you would be the one with the power. Had you been the one who ended the relationship, more metal might be bad for you. Too much power is just as bad as not enough power. You can see that, can’t you?”

Well yes, Shay agreed. When he put it that way, she could see that. Too much power could be bad.

“Metal can bring you good luck or it can bring you bad, but right now, it sounds as if you need more of it, just to restore your balance.”

When he said it that way, Shay thought, it actually made sense. She needed more metal.

“Do you have metal around your apartment?”

“What? You mean like silverware? Something like that?”

The old man shook his head. “Silverware already has a function. It already has a place. It would not therefore enhance you. In fact to remove it from its place or its function would diminish the metal and therefore, it would diminish you.”

“Then I’m afraid I don’t understand. Doesn’t metal always have a function?”

“Not always, but in the home, nearly always yes. But metal can be decorative and it can be used for a different function. Look for metal that is silver or grey. Look for metal without corners. That’s what you want to find.”

“And what should I do with it when I find it.”

The old grocer shook his head. “That is not for me to say,” the man said. “The way in which each of us would use metal would differ between us. What might be right for me might be wrong for you and what might work for you might give me no help whatsoever.”

“I see. So what you’re saying is I should look for metal.”

“That is what I would do if I were you, Miss Shay.”

“Okay,” Shay told the man. “I’ll go home and do it.” She was actually smiling as she stepped out of the grocer’s store. She had no intention of going home and scouring her apartment for odds and ends kind of metal, but at least talking to the grocer had done one thing for her. At least talking to Mr. Lee had been enough to put a smile on her face.

No one was home when Shay arrived home. That was hardly a surprise. After all, her roommates were college students just like she was and Sammie at least had classes late into the afternoon. Where the others were she wasn’t sure.

She dumped her book bag on the sofa and she flipped on the TV. She had studying to do but for the moment at least, that could wait.

But something was distracting her.

At first, Shay didn’t know what it was but when she finally caught herself looking around her apartment, she finally figured it out.

There really wasn’t much metal here in the apartment.

Shay grinned. Mr. Lee must have gotten to her more than she’d imagined or maybe what it was was that what he’d said was so outlandish that on some level at least, he’d gotten her attention.

Yeah right. Like she needed more metal. That was just so funny.

She returned her attention to the TV set but the fare on TV just wasn’t enough to hold her interest.

Hey, she thought as she picked up the remote. The remote had a metal finish. Hmm. It might not be real though. It didn’t really have the coolness of metal.

Would you listen to yourself, Shay told herself. She was still looking for metal even after she’d told herself it was silly. Mr. Lee must really have done number on her.

And yet that didn’t stop her from looking for more metal.

It was the knock on her door that did it. It was the knock on her door that finally snapped her out of her reverie. God, she’d been so foolish, and that was okay for a bit, but she needed to get serious again.

She didn’t really recognize the boy at the door. Oh, she remembered him vaguely, but not really. “Can I help you?” she asked.

“My name’s Charlie,” the boy said.

Shay shook her head. That still didn’t help her.

“You don’t remember me,” the boy said.

Again, Shay shook her head.

“We were at the vending machine. I wanted to buy a coke but I didn’t have enough money on me.”

It was starting to come back to her now. She hadn’t had a soda in the refrigerator so she’d gone down to the lobby to get one from the vending machine and there’d been this guy there, and he’d looked so sad and ...

“But that was like two weeks ago.”

“I know. I’m sorry.”

“Sorry for what?”

“Sorry I didn’t get back here sooner.”

“You mean you came all the way here to pay off on a can of soda.”

Charlie just shrugged. “I pay my debts.”

“Well all right then. You want to come in?”


Shay closed the door behind the boy and as she did, she couldn’t help but notice that he was kind of cute. “All right then. Let’s see it.”

“See what?”

“The money.”

“Oh yeah.” The boy dug the change out of pocket and he counted the coins out as he put them in Shay’s hand but even as he was doing it, all Shay could think about was Mr. Lee’s words. Silver metal. Metal without corners. Metal was wealth.

Well a dollar in coins was hardly wealth but she got it. Metal was money.

When the boy was done, she tossed the coins down on the bar and they made a sound like little bells ringing as they bounced off of the tile surface and Shay could feel herself responding to the metal. She looked at the boy again. “You didn’t really just come back here to pay me back a dollar, did you?”

“I’m not sure I know what you mean,” the boy said.

Wait a minute? What did she mean?

She could show him, she told herself. She could show him exactly what she meant.

No wait. This was wrong and yet even as Shay thought that, she was edging closer to the boy.

“What are you doing?” the boy asked in a somewhat worried tone.

“I think that should be kinda obvious,” Shay said as her hand stroked the front of the man’s jeans.

“Oh my God. You’re not the way they said you were.”

Who was talking about her, Shay wondered but in the next moment, she realized she just didn’t care. Her hand tugged on the waistband of the boy’s jeans and then her hand was opening his belt.

“Oh my God,” the boy moaned. “Oh my God.”

Her hands opened the boy’s belt buckle and she even loved the way that sounded as she opened the boy’s belt. Buckles were metal, too, she reminded herself.

Oh fuck, the boy groaned but already, Shay was dropping to her knees. Oh fuck!

Shay hesitated for only a moment and then her mouth was sliding down over the boy’s cock.

“Oh fuck,” the boy groaned even as his hands found their way into the girl’s hair. “Fuck.”

This felt right, Shay told herself. This felt right to suck the boy’s cock and every time her attention seemed on the verge of wavering, she heard those coins again, like little bells ringing in her ears, and when she heard them, she was sucking his cock all over again.

“Oh fuck,” the boy groaned. “Oh fuck. I’m going to cum. Oh fuck.”

She should stop, Shay told herself. She should stop and yet every time she thought about stopping, she thought about those coins again.

“Oh fuck,” the boy groaned.

He was cumming, Shay realized. He was cumming and there wasn’t a thing she could do about it. In fact, there was only one thing she could do.

She swallowed and then she did it again ... and again ... and again.

* * *

The old grocer looked up as Shay entered his shop. “Miss Shay,” the man said. “How are you doing today?”

“I’m doing fine, Mr. Lee.”

“I can see that,” the old man said approvingly. “You look like you are feeling better than you did the last time you were in here.”

“I guess I am, Mr. Lee.”

“And no more problems with ex-boyfriends, I see.”

“I’m doing better,” Shay admitted although her tone was hardly definitive.

“The metal element. It helps you then.”

The girl’s face clouded over. “I was meaning to ask you about that.”

The old man’s eyes looked earnest as he looked back at the girl. “Yes?” he asked. “You wanted to ask me something?”

She did want to ask him something but now that she was here, she was having trouble putting it into words. Not surprising actually. It wasn’t everyday that you came out and told the owner of the local grocery that you’d gone out and sucked some guys cock off and Shay wasn’t even sure if there was a reason why she should. After all, it wasn’t like he’d told her that would happen. It was just that there seemed to be a connection between the metal and ... and the blow job, and now whenever she heard coins clink together, she could feel her pussy get a little bit wetter.

“You wanted to ask me something,” the man reminded her.

“Oh yeah. It was ... it was nothing.”

“You are sure?”

Shay nodded.

“All right,” the man said, “but I wonder if you are truly over the boyfriend.”

Well, she wasn’t completely, Shay thought. That would still take some more time.

“Perhaps you need some more metal to help restore the balance.”

Shay smiled at that. “No, I don’t think so,” she told the man. “I think I’m just fine the way I am.”

“Suit yourself,” the man said.

All the way home, Shay kept wishing that it was as easy as that, but once the man had mentioned it, it was a thought she found hard to get out of her head. More metal, she thought. Did she need more metal?

That was silly, she told herself and yet the thought was there.

Did she need more metal? She even tried taking some coins from her purse and bouncing them off the countertop in her apartment and while the coins made a satisfying sound, Shay knew that wasn’t what she wanted.

This was silly, Shay told herself. She was just letting the old man get to her. That was all.

And she almost believed it, she told herself. She almost believed it. She almost believed that it was simply her letting the old man somehow get to her.

She felt caged here in her apartment. She felt like an animal pacing to and fro in her apartment. She felt like she needed to get out and yet she had nowhere she needed to go.

Shay growled to herself. Why was she feeling like this?

She continued to pace and yet the pacing did no good. She growled to herself. Why was she feeling like this?

She needed something metal. She needed something exotic, and that’s when it hit her. She knew where she could get something metal and it would be silver and without corners just like Mr. Lee said it should be.

She’d seen her roommate with them at last year’s Halloween party and she was almost positive that Danielle hadn’t gotten rid of them. All she had to do was find them.

It bothered her going into Danielle’s room. She wasn’t that kind of person and yet she had a need. Her energy was out of balance and what she needed was something metal to put herself in balance again.

Where would it be, she wondered. She looked at the dresser but a quick peak in each of the drawers assured her there was nothing there but clothes. And besides, it wouldn’t be there anyway. It was the type of thing that you didn’t use all that often, or at least that was what Shay thought.

Her eyes landed on the nightstand. Maybe it was there, she thought, but it wasn’t there either.

She was getting more and more uneasy. She shouldn’t be here, she told herself. She shouldn’t be here and yet she needed the object.

The closet, she thought. It had to be there. She went to the closet.

What a mess, she thought as she pulled the doors open and yet she knew it had to be here. It was almost as if the thing was calling to her and she knew it just had to be here.

But where? She looked through the closet and then she saw it off to the side and pushed out of the way. Just the type of place she should have looked first and there was the object and all it took was one simple test to know that it was exactly as she’d remembered it to be.

Her pussy was wet as she went out to the living room and she picked up the phone and she dialed the number.

“Hey, Charlie,” she said when the boy on the other end of the line finally picked up. “It’s Shay.”


“Don’t tell me you don’t remember me? I’m the one who gave you the blow job.”

“I remember you. I just thought you were kind of ... you know, annoyed.”

“Me? Annoyed? Why?”

“You know ... because the ... the blow job.”

She had been annoyed, Shay remembered, but she couldn’t really remember why, and besides, right now, she was horny. “I’m not annoyed,” she said. “I’m just horny.”

“You are?”

“I am and do you know the first person I thought of when I got horny?”


“It’s you, silly.”

“You thought of me?”

“Yep. So you want to come on over?”

“What? Now?”

“Yeah, now. I’m horny. I need to be fucked right now.”

“I don’t know.”

“You don’t know. What’s there to know?”

“You’re not the girl I thought you were when I met you.”


“So I don’t know.”

“What’s to know? Don’t you want to fuck me?”


“Then you better hurry up and come on over here before I find someone else to fuck.”

The boy didn’t say anything.

“Charlie? Are you still there?”

“I’ll be right over.”

“Make it quick,” Shay said, “’cause I’m really horny.”

The only sound over the phone line was the sound of the phone line going dead.

It didn’t take the boy long to arrive but in that short amount of time, Shay had already divested herself of her clothes so that by the time Charlie knocked on her door, it was a very naked Shay that opened the door peered around its edge at him.

“Oh my God,” the boy exclaimed when he saw her.

“I told you I was horny,” the girl said as she led him to the bedroom.

“I know, but—”

“But what?”

The boy didn’t have an answer to that and so in a short amount of time, he was just as naked as Shay was. “Are you going to blow me?” he asked.


“Maybe? What’s that supposed to mean?”

Shay circled around the boy’s body, her hands making sure to touch him and caress him as she continued to circle around. “Maybe it means I like you the way you are now. Maybe it means I want more than we did last time. Maybe it means I think there’s a better place for you to cum than inside my mouth. Maybe it means I want you to fuck me. How’s that sound?”

“It sounds great.”

Metal was for wealth but metal was also for power. As Shay continued to circle, she kept thinking those words. Metal was for wealth but metal was also for power.

She continued to circle and more than once, her hands caressed his cock.

“What are we going to do?” the boy asked.

Shay circled back around him and her hands stroked his arms as she kissed the boy’s back. “You’ll see,” she said.

The boy was about to say something when he felt cold steel against his wrists and then he heard the sound of ...

The sound of handcuffs being snapped into place.

“What the fuck?”

“Don’t you like it?”

Charlie struggled against the handcuffs but there was no doubt about it. He was locked up tight and secure. “Let me go, you bitch.”

“Why? We’re just getting started.”

“This isn’t funny, Shay.”

“I know, but you’re making me so horny.”

“Come on,” the boy wheedled. “Let me go.”

“No,” Shay said. “I want to fuck,” and with that, she shoved the boy back onto her bed.


But already, the girl was following the boy onto the bed and then she was straddling his body.

“What are you doing?”

“What’s it look like I’m doing?” Shay asked as she reached between his legs. For all his protestations of how he didn’t want to be cuffed like this, his cock had stayed as long and as hard as ever. She stroked his cock. “I think we both know what I’m going to do with this.”

The man didn’t say anything. He just watched the girl with eager eyes.

Shay led the man to her pussy and then she could feel him sliding between her lips. She wasn’t going to rush this, she told herself. She was going to tease herself before she fucked herself on Charlie’s dick.

Well, that was the plan at least, but as soon as Charlie’s dick was there, it was just so hard to control herself. She knew what she wanted. She wanted to feel that cock inside her.

And that was all it took. She shoved herself down on the boy’s cock and then she moaned as she took him inside her. Oh geez, she thought to herself as she impaled herself on that cock. Oh geez, that felt good.

And for all of his protests before, the boy certainly wasn’t protesting now. “How’s that feel?” he asked.

“Good,” she moaned.

“Just good?”

“Mmm. Really good.”

“Oh fuck,” the boy groaned.

Shay didn’t even bother to try to speak as she increased the force with which she tool the boy’s cock.

“Oh fuck,” the boy groaned again.

Shay looked down at the boy. This was so hot. With his hands cuffed behind his back, he couldn’t even touch her even if he wanted to. All he could do was watch and that was so hot.

“Oh fuck,” the boy groaned yet again. “Oh fuck. I’m going to cum.”

Shay knew just what the boy was talking about.

“Oh fuck. Here it comes.”

Shay couldn’t wait. She knew he was going to do it. She knew he was going to cum in her cunt.

“Oh fuck,” the boy groaned as the cum started to flow.

Oh geez. It felt good, Shay thought. Metal was good. Metal was definitely very, very good.

Shay leaned down and she kissed the boy. “Did you enjoy that?’

“Yeah, but—”

“But what?”

“Can you let me up now. It kind of hurts having your hands cuffed behind your back.”

“Oh, poor baby.”

“I didn’t say I was a baby.”

“I know. I was just teasing.”

“So can you let me up?”


Charlie rolled over onto his side and Shay unlocked the cuffs.

“Where’d you get hose?” the boy asked as he rubbed his wrists.

“My roommate had them. She used them in a Halloween costume last year. She was a cop.”

“I see.” The boy picked up the cuffs. “So these are real?”

“You couldn’t get out of them, could you?”


“That answers your question then.”


It wasn’t until the handcuffs snapped closed that Shay started to realize that what she’d done to him had just been done to her. “Hey,” she said. “Hey. This isn’t funny.”

“No?” It seems you thought it was really funny when you handcuffed me.”

Again, Shay tried to shake herself against the restraints and again, her efforts yielded very little.

“What are you? Are you a little tease? You practically begged me to do this.”

Had she really done that, Shay wondered. It hardly seemed like her but then her using the handcuffs at all was just as foreign of a concept.

So why had she done it?

Once more, Shay reflected back on what the old grocer had said. Metal was a twin-edged sword. It could bring you something good but it could also bring you something bad, but if that was the case, which one was this. Her hands were certainly cuffed behind her back but at the same time, her pussy was wet, so was this a good thing ... or a bad thing?

“You can do what you want with me,” Shay said.

“Oh believe me,” Charlie said. “I know that.”

Shay wasn’t sure she liked the sound of that but then the man shoved his cock into her pussy and suddenly, Shay wasn’t worrying at all.

The boy pushed her onto her hands and knees and Shay could feel herself getting wetter and wetter by the moment and when his cock pressed up against her pussy, she couldn’t help but moan.

“I’ve wanted to do this ever since I met you,” Charlie said.

There was no doubt what ‘this’ was and all Shay knew was she couldn’t wait for him to do it and fortunately for her, she didn’t have long to wait.

The girl moaned as that cock entered her and then she kept right on moaning as that cock entered her over and over again.

“Oh geez, Charlie. Oh geez. That’s good. Oh my God, we should have done this the first time.”

The boy just kept on fucking.

“Oh geez. Are you going to cum in me. I want you to do it. I want you to cum in my pussy.”

“I’ll bet,” the boy growled.

“Say you’ll do it,” Shay moaned. “Say you’ll cum in my pussy.”

“Maybe I will. Maybe I won’t.”

“Come on, Charlie.”

“You got to say please.”

“Please, Charlie.”

“Well, okay. Just because you said please,” and with that, the boy came in Shay’s pussy just like she’d asked him to.

“Did you like that?” Charlie asked.

“I loved it.”

“Do you want me to do it again?”

“Yeah, Charlie, but first—”

“But first?”

“Can you take the handcuffs off?”

“We’ll see.”

Right then and there, Shay decided Mr. Lee was right. Metal was good, but too much metal was not. She’d have to keep that in mind for future reference.