The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Fuzzy Munch

“I am not going to be hypnotized,” Winona frowned. That would be nonsense beyond belief. She knew all about how hypnosis worked. Just because a confident young chap wasn’t afraid of meeting her gaze from across the table she wasn’t going to go into a trance for him. “You’ve probably had a few too many compliments about your eyes. They are pretty but this is a munch, not a sleazy story.” The stranger wasn’t at all bothered by her rejection. She could see it in his eyes. That wasn’t the look of someone who got offended at being told no. He simply faced her. That was it.

“I won’t be hypnotized this easily. Not without at least an induction.” The guy was cute, she had to admit that. Maybe if he brushed up on his technique a bit more? She had seen his earnest curiosity when Tyler had given a quick demo on their version of grover inductions. As well as how he took notes when Connor had discussed a few new publications on traditional Ericksonian techniques. With enough time he’d definitely become a good hypnotist and maybe she’d even humour him for some practice. If she didn’t turn the tables on him first, that was. His face would look real pretty all slack and blank for her.

“Your eyes won’t pull me deeper,” she nodded. Hopefully he didn’t actually already space out just from holding her gaze? He wouldn’t be the first. While people loved her voice and especially Connor could never once resist her butterfly inductions, she often was told that her eyes were the most powerful tool in her arsenal of hypnotic tricks. In fact just like him, she had often found herself cheekily trying to hold eye contact with other attendees of her local munch. It was a flirt as much as a game, really. Just to set the mood. She was sure that was all he intended as well. But how often had that game led to her waking up the next morning with an adorable girl in her bed and the glow of making a new suggestible friend?

“I can stop to sink deeper any time I want to.” She wondered where he was going with this. Sometimes it was hard to get someone’s point right away when just like today the whole group got together. On one side Tyler was busy giving the two newcomers a rundown on the process behind their earlier demonstration, while on the other Annabelle and Connor giggled over something. Probably the newest cat video or something. Annabelle loved those. Lazily she wondered why they couldn’t focus on hypnosis like the rest of them even when meeting up for a munch. Maybe that was why she kept going along with this young guy’s playful banter for so long.

“You can hold my attention for as long as you want to,” the words had a curious ring to them as they echoed in her head. Why not? It wasn’t like she had anything else to do since everyone else was busy with something already. Only Annabelle’s new girlfriend watched what happened on Winona’s table but seemed too shy to try and jump into the conversation. Winona couldn’t blame the girl. During her first ever hypnosis themed munch she herself had barely been able to say more than hi and good bye. Maybe it was good that the girl saw how her partner and local goofball Connor lightened the mood a bit. So instead of turning away she leaned forward, barely noticing how her arms moved to push her breasts together. It gave her a rush to think that he wanted to give his undivided attention to her for so long. She didn’t mind giving him a few spicy views to remember on his way home. As many a mindless boy had confirmed throughout the years her boobs were perfect to remember in that way.

“I won’t mind staring into your eyes whenever you tease me,” she smiled. He really was cute though. Cute enough that she found herself picturing his reaction if she came up with an excuse to go home with him. Maybe she could give him a bit of a secret lesson about eye fixation? The style might be surprisingly suitable. There was something about his gaze that had her enraptured. Without thinking she leaned a bit closer.

“I won’t be hypnotized,” she mumbled, “so it’s fine to stare… deeper… ” Were his eyes growing larger? Of course not. She giggled. That would be silly. Hypnosis didn’t change bodies like that, it just redirected focus. Even if something was really obvious hypnosis could distract enough from it to make it seem nonexistent. And vice versa. That was why Annabelle always talked about a weird sense of vertigo whenever she ended up getting caught in what the group loved to call Winona’s “lethal doe eyes”. A sensation that Winona was far too familiar with. These days it didn’t happen often anymore that someone caught her by surprise. She had grown far too good at recognizing the way her brain fogged up whenever something lured her into trance. She’d easily catch it. Well, maybe not with a really clever conversational induction. Those were rare though. What were the odds of meeting someone so skilled in her area? Let alone this small neighbourhood munch?

“I won’t… I… ” She blushed, embarrassed to find that she had lost her train of thought. It was just a bit too hard to make out what he was saying over the other noises from the nearby tables. Someone must be giving yet another demonstration or something. Hopefully Connor could fill her in on the details later. Right now she was just a little too absorbed in trying to catch the words that floated around her from the other side of her own table. They sounded really good, which made it seem even more important that she focused. Yet the more she focused on his voice the more she had to admit that the words were slipping past her.

“Go down...” Winona suddenly was so aware of the way she leaned onto the table. It just seemed natural, really. Gravity pulled on her and after a long day it seemed completely pointless to struggle against it when there was such a convenient way to rest her weary mind and body. A giggle welled up from somewhere. High-pitched and airheaded. Maybe Annabelle had decided to switch gears and use Connor’s triggers? He always got giggly in trance. Not like she had time to care about that—delightful as it was when someone turned into a bubbly mess during one of these meetings. Something about the things that cute new guy said was just so amusing. Did he really think he could get her under his sway with just his eyes and humour? Granted, the second half at least made it entertaining. So much so that she almost considered indulging him. Maybe try and flash him a quick mindless expression just to let him know she appreciated the interest? It was endearing how he kept flirting with her all throughout the munch. Many of the new hypnotists were overzealous right from the start. Or they were intimidated when they realized she knew every trick in the book and could turn the tables on them in a second if she wanted. Though with attitudes like that she usually doubted they deserved messing with someone’s mind either way. Him though.. he didn’t try to manipulate her. Just made pleasant conversation. What could ever be dangerous about that?

“I’m not… dropping. Just sleepy.” The words echoed through the room without start or finish. They sounded soft. Whoever said them must be really drowsy already. She felt for them. The bar was the perfect spot to meet up in a cozy environment. But what to expect when you met up with a bunch of hypno-kinky friends other than lots of relaxation? Ironic in some ways maybe. A mischievous joy in others, no doubt there. Something about that thought made her smile. Why was it so amusing to think about that now? She didn’t know and let the question fade as quickly as it had come up. What was it with his voice though? He had no right to have such a smooth, deep voice. Maybe she would actually ask him if he wanted to practice some other day. This voice was perfect for his endeavours at being a hypnotist. She could listen to it for hours without ever getting bored.

“So sleepy...” There was a sparkle in his eyes. They both enjoyed this banter, she realized. He was just shy. If she simply gave him a chance to warm up, maybe that boost of confidence would be all he needed? The idea of what he could do, once she allowed him, admittedly caused her to moan before she caught the impulse.

“Docile and pretty...” There was a vague wave of confusion as she couldn’t place the words in the context. Something had slipped past her yet again, but he nodded as if her comment made perfect sense. What a relief that her subconscious mind had followed everything up to this point even if she spaced out in between. There was no helping it though. She was just too drowsy to really understand what she heard anymore. Maybe she should be going home soon.

“Hypnotized...” Not alone though. It would be dangerous to drive alone when she was this tired. Perhaps she could entice Tyler to take her? They would be heading almost in her direction, so it wouldn’t be too much of a detour. Or maybe… She blinked. Wasn’t there a perfectly good opportunity right in front of her? With a wide smile she let her heavy head wobble up and down. A leisurely ride home seemed like the perfect chance to get to know each other better. It made sense no matter how she looked at it.

“Mindless is best...” What a sexy voice it was that said those words! The languid drawl of someone deep in vacant rapture always sent the most exciting shivers through her body. Winona loved being able to openly express that feeling around those who understood. It had been what used to lead her towards this munch a few years ago and what made it her favourite tradition. From somewhere to the side of his alluring eyes Annabelle chirped something that made him chuckle. She just blankly smiled, happy to see that he was pleased with the evening.

“I’m not tricking myself into falling,” Winona’s lips moved without her even registering the words, “so I can choose to obey.” And why wouldn’t she? It was the most natural thing in the world that she wanted to live out her submissive side every so often too. As much as she loved the joy of being a top and hypnotizing cute people, she deserved some of that same attention too. If an adorable shy tist with a silky voice wanted to give it to her, why would she look a gift horse in the mouth?

Especially when she could look at so many other things that he wanted to show her instead?

“I’m happy to be hypnotized,” she added though. It felt so easy to admit in front of people who understood that desire so well. She could see it in his eyes as his head moved up and down, compelling her to nod along up, and down, and up, up, up…

Until she realized and blinked at him dumbfounded, flustered and embarrassed. And silently, deep down, something else that she wasn’t ready to admit quite yet even as it made her rub her legs together under the table in an attempt to relieve herself. He laughed and she hoped she hid her reaction well as the meeting neared its end. He didn’t make another attempt which was as lucky as it was disappointing. Only when they passed each other on the way out did he slip something into her hand. A paper with an address and a time scribbled on it. And as she stepped out into the cold air, she admitted to no one other than herself that she would obey.

* * *