The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Gym Brat


Lauren slammed the cupboard door shut, frantically pacing around the kitchenette checking once again in all the places she’d looked before. “Feebs!” she yelled, staring impatiently at her roommate who was sprawled out on the sofa. “You said you bought more! Where are they? Come on, if I don’t get there soon it’s going to be packed like it always is!”

Phoebe yawned, slowly pulling herself up to a sitting position. Slowly she turned to look at the antsy blonde stomping around behind her who getting more frustrated by the minute.

“Chill, Laur, I got you some. They’re on the counter, right next to the microwave”, she replied, rubbing her eyes wearily.

“No they aren’t!” Lauren snapped back, making a show of looking where Phoebe had told her to, where nothing but a carton of red labelled plastic bottles.. She grabbed one and lifted it up. “See? All that’s here are these!”

Phoebe blinked slowly, drowsy from the nap her roommate had disturbed. “Yeah, and that’s what you asked me to get…? Protein shakes, right? The type you usually get. Is there a problem?”

“Of course there’s a problem!” Lauren yelled, stomping her foot. “These are not my brand! The label’s all wrong! This must be some cheap knockoff! My brand was specifically picked out for my diet plan, I need it! I have no idea what’s in these!”

Her roommate stifled a yawn as she leaned over the edge of the sofa. “Protein, I’m guessing. This was all they had at the shops and the label looked like the usual to me. Maybe if you shopped for yourself for a change you’d have been there to know the difference?”

Lauren pouted and shot Phoebe a dirty look. “Look if they didn’t have it you should have just gone somewhere else! I can’t believe you’re so lazy, Phoebe! By the time I’ve bought some more I’m going to be way too late! I don’t even know if I can drink this stuff, all the other brands I’ve had taste like shit!”

Phoebe slumped her chin down on the back of the sofa, rolling her eyes. “Just try one! I’m sure they all taste the same anyway. Tell you what, you take one bottle now and I’ll buy you a new pack next time I go shopping, okay? For free.” She sighed and turned away as her flatmate gave her another look of disgust. “Just take a bottle and stop being such a brat for one second.”

“Fine!” Lauren yelled, tearing a bottle out of the carton and slamming the lid on the counter. “I bet it tastes awful.”

Slowly she raised the bottle to her lips, creasing her face in a preemptive grimace. After a few seconds of deliberation, she took a sip. She let it sit in her mouth a few seconds, determined to find it disgusting so she spit it out in full view of her flatmate, but the smooth, creamy taste only grew on her. Finally she gave up and swallowed it. She studied the liquid in the bottle, hoping to find something about it to disapprove of, but she couldn’t stop herself from taking a second sip. And then a third. Phoebe leaned back over the sofa, turning to face her with a grin of smug satisfaction. “You like it?”

“It’s good…” Lauren replied, licking the residue from her lips. “I-I mean it’s okay. Whatever.” She took another quick gulp before stuffing it in her gym bag. “It’s not completely horrible. I guess it’s better than being late.” She slung the bag over her shoulder and stormed out of the door, her flatmate giggling behind her. Lauren stuck her head back through the door and looked suspiciously at her. “What are you laughing at?”

Phoebe bit her lip, suppressing another giggle. “Oh, nothing, nothing. Enjoy your workout, Laur!” Lauren rolled her eyes at her and slammed the door behind her.

Lauren dug her nails into the gym bag on her lap as she rode the subway deeper into the city, still quietly seething from her encounter with her flatmate. She and Phoebe would always argue like this, but it wasn’t her fault. Phoebe just bugged her so much! Always acting so smug and self righteous. The way she talked it was as if she were perfect but no, she made mistakes and did selfish things all the time. Like going to the shops and not getting the right protein shakes. Or ‘tidying’ up the clothes Lauren left on the floor to wear later, putting them somewhere where she couldn’t find them. Or vacuuming the apartment at 10am when she was trying to sleep. And she was always nagging at her, too. All “do this, do that, turn that off, pick these up”. Lauren grinded her teeth as she tugged at the sweatbands on her wrists. It wasn’t fair! Why couldn’t she have a flatmate who was nice to her? She deserved better than some holier-than-thou jerk who kept bossing her around.

The speakers sounded the next stop and Lauren jumped to her feet, hurring off the train and out of the subway. She was still arguing with Phoebe in her head, ready to give her an earful when she arrived back home after she would inevitably arrived at the gym too late for there to be any space left. And even if it somehow wasn’t, that new shake was going to mess up her diet plan completely. This was the only regime she’d been able to stick to and it had been working so far, she couldn’t believe Phoebe was going to screw it up! At least the wrong kind she’d bought tasted kind of nice. It was hard to find anything that tasted good normally—anything that wasn’t pre-mixed always had such a horrible gritty texture, and most other flavours she had tried were repulsive. Even the banana-ish flavour of her usual brand was barely tolerable. This one was weird, though. It didn’t really taste of much, but somehow it felt… good?. She remembered a calm sensation when she drank it, like drinking a warm mug of milk before bed...

A stranger stepping on her foot roused Lauren from her daydream. She swore out loud and thumped them with her bag, hurrying up her pace and going back to ranting in her head. Nice or not, she still had the wrong shakes. Why couldn’t Phoebe be considerate of her for once? Lauren marched up to the entrance of the gym, shoving the doors open. Maybe she could work out her aggression on the weight bench.

A cursory glance at the changing room lockers wasn’t promising. Hastily Lauren changed into her workout clothes and stuffed her belongings into the one free locker she could find, desperate to get in before every last machine was taken. She couldn’t miss a day now, she’d been doing so well… She groaned as she stepped out of the changing rooms, the smell of sweat hitting her. She knew it, the place was packed! If only her stupid flatmate had gotten her the right shakes she wouldn’t have been late! She scoured the room for anything that wasn’t currently in use, scowling at anybody who caught her eye. It wasn’t fair, she always went to this gym, these people were probably just quitters who would go once and then never again. Eventually she spotted a single machine in the corner, one she’d never bothered with before. She sprinted to it, narrowly getting there ahead of another girl who had also made an approach for it. “I saw it first” Lauren mouthed, sticking her tongue out at her as she walked away dejectedly. She placed her bag on top of it possessively and breathed a sigh of relief.

Unfortunately now that she was there she had no idea what to do. She’d never used this machine before. Awkwardly she tried to sit down on it, not sure how to position herself. The seat was at a 45 degree angle, was she even sat on it right? There was some sort of board in front of her, was she supposed to push that? Lauren stretched from her seat to push against it, barely brushing it with her fingertips. Perhaps she was sat on it wrong. If she turned the other way she could push upwards from her seat, but then she would barely have any space to lie on her back...

Lauren kicked the machine in frustration, stubbing her toe. Why was everything so difficult? Nobody told her how to use this stupid thing, what was she supposed to do? She kicked it again with the back of her foot, tears welling in her eyes. It was all so unfair! Maybe she could just take the weights out of this machine and lift them herself. Or maybe she could just go home and cry. She curled up in her seat and buried her face in her legs. This was all Phoebe’s fault… She wished she’d never moved out of her parents house. They’d have bought her the right shakes, then she wouldn’t have been late… In a fit of range she walloped the board with the palm of her hand, barely pushing it. She tried shoving it again, leaning with all her might, but she couldn’t exert enough force without falling out of her seat.

“You’re supposed to push it with your legs.”

“Huh?” Lauren replied, snapping out of her tantrum. A tall, muscular redhead stood over her, placing a hand on her shoulder and smiling.

“You sit back in the chair and you push the board with your legs”, she repeated. “You can’t push it with your arms, it’s way too long to reach! You’ll hurt yourself like that.”

Lauren blushed indignantly, looking away and folding her arms. “Yeah, I know that” she lied. “I was just warming up. I knew what I was doing.”

The redhead laughed, leaning on the edge of Lauren’s seat. “It’s okay, there’s no shame in not knowing! These machines can be confusing sometimes. I didn’t know what I was doing at first either! But you can seriously injure yourself if you’re not careful with these things. Would you like me to sit down and show you how this works?”

“No” Lauren shook her head. “I’m fine.” She sat back in her chair and pushed at the board with the tip of her right foot. It didn’t move. The redheaded woman looked at her quizzically. “Okay,” Lauren said. “Maybe you can tell me how to do it.”

“Sure thing!” she replied, smiling. “I’m Sue, by the way. Come here all the time. I don’t usually go in the evenings when it’s this busy, but some life stuff happened, you know how it is.”

“Yeah” Lauren replied bitterly. “I know”.

“Lucky you for getting here when there’s still stuff free!!” Sue laughed. “Everything was taken when I finally got here. You looked like you were struggling so I thought I’d help you out. Oh, first of all you want to make sure you’re pushing with both feet. You want to keep your feet flat and avoid pushing with your toes.”

“Mhm…” Lauren mumbled. She stretched out her legs and pushed the board, the weight much easier to handle than before. Sue looked impressed as she watched.

“Good! Now you’ll want to adjust the way you’re sitting a little, like this…”

The machine didn’t seem so bad now that Lauren know how to use it. Sue was a good teacher, although after a few reps she found herself tuning her out. Lauren’s attention was on Sue’s body instead. She looked at least twenty years her senior, maybe more, but she was pretty hot. Lauren had always had somewhat of a thing for buff girls; it was partly why she started working out herself. She’d tried her hardest at physical activities ever since some feelings she wasn’t old enough to understand at the time made her want to impress her PE teacher. Sue was certainly fit like her teacher. But it wasn’t her muscles she was ogling. The redhead’s sports vest couldn’t hide her substantial breasts, and her hair cascading down onto her chest only highlighted her curves more. Lauren almost wished she hadn’t refused her offer of a demonstration, just so she could watch Sue’s chest as she worked out... It was funny, she had never been much of a breast girl before. She always thought slobbering over boobs was a thing for dipshit straight boys, but right now it was all she could think about when she looked at Sue…

“Just a few more reps!” Sue said, seemingly oblivious to Lauren’s attraction. “Keep it up!”

Lauren snapped her gaze away, staring at her own feet instead. Surely she hadn’t noticed, right? Sue wouldn’t assume she was ogling her, surely. How many reps had she done now? She’d been so preoccupied she had hardly noticed what her body was doing. Sweat poured down her forehead but she didn’t feel particularly tired. Had she not stopped to think about it she could probably have gone on forever. Finally she made one more rep and Sue stopped her, clapping and cheering as Lauren relaxed her legs and slumped back into her seat... She swung herself upright and as soon as her feet touched the floor she felt the extent of her exertion, the blood rushing to her head. She reached into her bag and pulled out her bottle of protein shake, twisting off the lid and taking a huge gulp.

“Well done!” Sue said, patting her on the back and beaming at her with genuine admiration. “You’re a natural at this! All you needed was a little showing how.”

Lauren sheepishly smiled back, a warm fuzzy feeling in her chest. It was nice to be praised, she had to admit. She had only let Sue teach her because she was desperate, but having her guide her like this was oddly… comforting? She didn’t even mind her being a little overbearing and patronising. Reminded her of her old teacher, she supposed.

Sue helped her out of her seat and gave her a hearty hug. “Good job, girl! Now go do some stretches and cool off. You earned it!”

Lauren let herself be held and hugged Sue back, snuggling her abs with her cheek. “Thank you, Mommy!”, she squealed in a brief moment of comfortable glee.

“Haha, what?” Sue said as released her grip and have her a funny look. Lauren’s blood ran cold as she processed what just happened. Had she just said that out loud?

“Don’t worry about it…” Sue replied, shrugging off her remark with good natured laughter. “It happens. I think everybody’s done that at least one time in their life. You know, my daughter’s about the same age as you, she told me she once called her lecturer Mommy in front of her entire class...”

“Um” Lauren stammered, cutting off Sue’s anecdote, her face now beetroot red. “I have to go.” Hurriedly she grabbed her bag and bolted past her, marching back to the changing rooms, gaze fixated on the door to the exit.

Lauren faced the wall as she changed back into her normal clothes, desperate to avoid accidental eye contact. Calling a stranger Mommy was embarrassing enough, but someone she’d been eyeing up? Wordlessly she grabbed her bag and stormed out of the building, turning away from anyone who looked at her, as if every stranger could read her mind. It shouldn’t have been a big deal, but… She felt lightheaded as she shuffled down the steps to the subway, her body drained both physically and emotionally. She didn’t even have the energy to yell at Phoebe when she got home, she just wanted to lock herself in her room and hide under the covers.

Desperate for a distraction as she rode the subway back, Lauren remembered the unfinished shake still in her gym bag and dug through her belongings to find. She was still convinced this was all Phoebe’s fault. She wanted to leave her drink mostly untouched just to spite her, but she was thirsty, and it had tasted pretty agreeable. She allowed herself one small sip, and pretty soon she had downed the entire thing. Suddenly the train felt a little warmer and a little cozier, and she forgot quite what she was so mad about. The drink was fine. It probably worked with her diet plan, and it wouldn’t do any harm if she only used it for a week or so. And did the extra minute or two she spent looking for her shakes really make much of a difference? She shouldn’t have gotten so mad at Phoebe like that…

An unusual thought crossed Lauren’s mind. Should she apologise? She hated doing that, and Phoebe would probably be so smug about it, but she had been in the wrong this time... It would save an argument when she got home, at least. As her train reached its stop and she started her walk home, she considered the idea more and more. A small apology, just to get her off her back about things for a while. It was just her being pragmatic, it wasn’t necessarily an admittance of guilt…

The door to her apartment wasn’t locked. The lights were off but Lauren could hear the noise of the TV, meaning Phoebe was still awake. Typical of Phoebe, watching TV at home while she was out exercising. And she calls her lazy! Gently Lauren flicked the switch for the lights, silenting placing her gym bag on the kitchen counter and walking over to the sofa where Phoebe was sprawled out. Her flatmate turned to her and smiled.

“Hey.” Phoebe said, turning down the volume on the TV. “How was the gym, Laur?”

“Fine.” Lauren replied curtly. She was almost hoping Phoebe would still be mad at her so she wouldn’t have to bring up their earlier conversation herself. Maybe she was just making a big deal out of nothing. “It was decent. The shakes you bought me were okay.” Lauren sighed, taking a deep breath. “I’m sorry I got impatient with you early. It was nice of you to go shopping for me. Thanks for doing that.”

Phoebe smiled back at her. “No problem. Thank you for apologising. You still want me to go back and buy you your usual stuff?”

“Yeah. I mean, maybe. Um…” Lauren mumbled for a moment, trying to force the words out. “Maybe I’ll just buy my own stuff next time… Do the shopping for both of us this week. ...more exercise that way, y’know.” Lauren looked down at the floor as she spoke, unable to see Phoebe flash a grin of knowing satisfaction.

“Aww! That’s very kind of you, Laur.” Phoebe replied. She giggled for a moment, and then spoke again. “You don’t have to do that, I can handle it myself, I really don’t mind. But it was very considerate of you to offer. Aren’t you a good girl!”

‘Good girl?’ Who did she think she was, her mother? Phoebe’s patronising reply made Lauren want to rescind her apology and storm off, but something stopped her. She felt a calm, fuzzy sensation in her body. Her chest tingled like she’d just been pat on the head. Suddenly she was reaching over the back of the sofa to give Phoebe a hug. Her flatmate ruffled her hair as she squeezed her tight. It made sense to Lauren, of course. Phoebe never praised her for anything, and now she had. She was just overwhelmed by this unusual display of gratitude.

“Seeing as you’re such a good girl” Phoebe whispered in her ear, “why don’t you clean the kitchen for me? It’s been such a long day, and I’ve done so much tidying up already. Let me put my feet up and relax a little longer, mmh?”

Lauren nodded, her skin getting goosebumps. She released her arms and stood up straight. “Yes, Phoebe” she responded, her voice a dazed monotone. She’d clean the kitchen, it made sense to, not because Phoebe told her to, but...

...because Phoebe was hot, Lauren’s mind settled on. Yes, that was it. That’s why. As she sprayed the countertops with kitchen cleaner and wiped them down, she thought about her roommate more. Of course she was hot! She’d never considered it before, she wasn’t exactly her type, but that encounter with Sue had gotten her thinking… She was unremarkable in a lot of ways, sure. Not really chubby, but certainly not fit. Her brown hair and brown eyes weren’t the most thrilling combination. It was kind of nice how she was a head taller than Lauren was, she supposed. But when she thought about her she just wanted to bury her face in her chest. Lauren stared forward, mouth hanging open as she struggled with a particularly stubborn stain. How had she not not noticed her flatmate’s huge tits? She couldn’t imagine anything else being on her mind when she looked at Phoebe now. How her boobs bounced when she walked, how her nipples poked through her pajama top, those times she’d accidentally walked in on her getting changed… Lauren giggled, glancing behind her to see if she could catch a quick look at her flatmate. Hopefully Phoebe wouldn’t catch her staring.

Even as she laid in bed, Phoebe was all Lauren could think about. She hoped her flatmate would notice what a good job she did with the kitchen. Cleaning stuff wasn’t her responsibility, she deserved a reward for doing it, she thought. Maybe Phoebe would call her a good girl again. She’d pat her on the head, ruffle her hair, clutch her to her chest… Lauren muffled her giggles with her pillow, scrunching up her duvet between her thighs as she let her imagination carry her away, slowly drifting off into a very vivid series dreams of her flatmate and her breasts...

The next week flew by, her day-to-day routine feeling like a lot less of a chore ever since that night. Not that Lauren was doing any less work—she’d done more to help around the apartment in the last seven days than she had ever done before. She’d always get the idea to do it shortly before Phoebe asked her, although her flatmates wishes had nothing to do it, not at all. Phoebe would say things such as ‘can you be a good girl and do the dishes?’ or ‘how about you give the apartment a little dust while I take a nap? There’s a good girl’ and Lauren would humour her and pretend she wasn’t planning on doing those things anyway.

Not only that, her exercise routine had been going even better than she’d hoped. Whatever was in those new shakes was doing her wonders—every night Lauren would wake up with muscles she hadn’t had before, and she was never sore even after a workout. The one problem she had with her new protein was an inability to properly work them into her diet plan. She had assumed they were a cheap knockoff of her usual brand from the label, but when she searched online for any sort of nutritional information she found nothing, no mention of the brand even existing. Of course the results they gave spoke for themselves, and the idea of switching back to her normal brand somehow felt especially unappealing.

Eight days later, when her carton of shakes had finally been exhausted, Lauren found herself feeling particularly antsy. Even after her initial suggestion going to the shops had been the one thing Phoebe had been insistent on doing herself, and Lauren hadn’t felt any particular desire to do it on her own. But a migraine had left Phoebe confined to her room all throughout the last day and they were running low on groceries. Lauren didn’t particularly feel like doing it either, she had to admit. Her flatmate suffered from migraines occasionally, but she was always better the next day. Soon she’d wake up do her weekly shop as usual…

Or well, she assumed she would. Lauren grew impatient as she fiddled with the empty carton of shakes as if there were more bottles somehow inside. Why was Phoebe taking so long? What if she slept through the afternoon? She couldn’t go to the gym until she had her shakes, and if Phoebe didn’t go until the evening she’d be late again… Lauren still hadn’t forgotten her encounter with Sue, and she would rather that not happen again. She tossed the carton into the bin, fidgeting and drumming the counter nervously. Maybe she could just go herself? It felt like a lot of effort, all that walking. But she couldn’t wait, she was on a streak with her gym trips, and the thought of chugging a bottle after an intense workout was intoxicating... Maybe Phoebe would be grateful, waking up to see Lauren carrying all those shopping bags by herself. The thought of burying her face in her flatmate’s tits calmed her down for a second before she was twitching again. She had to leave now. Phoebe always left a list of the groceries they needed pinned to the wall. She’d take that and go.

Wandering around the shop with nothing but a list to guide her was a little overwhelming. Lauren had managed to live her life so far without ever needing to shop for groceries, save for the occasional snack when she felt like it. The supermarket’s layout felt similar enough to the places her mother used to drag her around when she was a little girl, at least. Shopping on her own was a novelty, it was almost fun! Lauren felt like a kid again, gliding up and down the isles, shopping basket in hand, wondering what purchases she could get away with. She made her best effort to stick to the list—Phoebe wouldn’t be proud of her if she came home with chocolates and milkshakes and other unhealthy snacks after all.

There was one problem. The shakes weren’t there. She could find her old brand easily enough, the shelves were so packed with them it was hard to believe they had ever ran out. There were many others too, all with different colours of label and nonsense buzzwords about their effectiveness, but even after picking through every carton Lauren couldn’t find the slightly off-colour, similar-name knockoff that Phoebe bought her. The shop assistants were useless too, and when she snapped at one and made them look up the name on the store computer she found nothing. Soon she got desperate, lugging her shopping with her to any other place she could find that might sell them, stopping only when the handles of her shopping bags were stretched to near breaking point.

When Lauren finally arrived back at the apartment she was panting for breath, cradling her shopping in her arms. As soon as she saw her flatmate step out of her bedroom door she dumped her shopping unceremoniously on the counter, scrambling towards her.

“Feebs!” Lauren yelled breathlessly, deaf to the sound of groceries spilling out of their bags and hitting the floor behind her, “it’s about time you got up, I went shopping and I couldn’t find them anywhere, you have to tell me where you bought them...”

Phoebe rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and blinked slowly, trying to make sense of her panicked flatmate. She had only just woken up, dressed in just a dressing gown and her pajama bottoms. “Laur…” she mumbled, stifling a yawn. “Did you go grocery shopping?” Suddenly her eyes widened in concern. “You didn’t buy any protein shakes, did you? I said I’d do all that myself…”

“There weren’t any!” Lauren grabbed her flatmate by the shoulders and shook her. “I looked everywhere and they didn’t have the ones you bought me! I need them, they’re the best I’ve ever had, how could you sleep in like this?”

Phoebe wrenched free of Lauren’s grip and placed her own hand on her flatmate’s shoulder in an attempt to reassure her. “Relax, Laur… Let me shower and get dressed and I’ll get you some, alright? Go entertain yourself while I do that…”

“I can’t wait for you to do that!” Lauren edged closer, her eyes manic. “We need to go right now! Show me where you got them! You found them before, you can get for me again!”

“Laur, do you really need them right now? Just buy whatever you usually get and go to the gym with that, I’ll have some for you when you get back…”

“No!” Lauren grabbed her by the arm and started pulling. “We’re going right now and you’re taking me, no buts!” She started to tug harder but Phoebe wedged her foot in the door frame, holding the pair of them in place. “Come on!” Lauren said through gritted teeth, pulling with both arms. “I need them and you are going with me right now!”

“Lauren!” Phoebe snapped. Lauren ignored her and kept pulling. Her flatmate looked her sternly in the eyes and spoke again, a firm, authoritative tone in her voice. “Stop that right this instant, do you understand?” Lauren’s grip on her flatmate loosened as a wave of guilt washed over her and suddenly she couldn’t even look Phoebe in the eyes, averting her gaze to stare at the floor instead.

“I’m sorry, Laur.” Phoebe continued. She had a guilty look in her eyes too, although her face betrayed her with a brief smile when Lauren stopped so suddenly at her command. “I didn’t buy those protein shakes. I made them.”

“You made them? you can make more now, right?” Lauren reached out for her again but Phoebe pushed her hand away.

“Yes, I made them… I didn’t think you’d be quite this… desperate for them. But I made them. And I would have made more if I hadn’t been feeling so shitty yesterday.”

Lauren nodded, too excited at the prospect of more of her shakes to puzzle over any of the implications. “So make more now! You’ve got time, I don’t need to leave for the gym in at least an hour or two, just make more!”

Phoebe stared at her for a second, as if working something out. Then she grinned. “Yeah, you’re right. I could make more! Seeing as you’re so eager to have it.” Lauren’s relief was palpable, but Phoebe grabbed her by the hand before she could hurry her. “Why don’t you sit yourself down on the sofa and I’ll show you how I make them, hmm?”

Lauren was still fidgeting as her flatmate lead her to the sofa and lowered her into her seat. “So?” she said, drumming both of her legs impatiently. “How do you do it? And shouldn’t we be in the kitchen? How are you going to make them here?”

“Sshhhh, sit still and be a good girl and I’ll tell you!” Phoebe said, putting her finger to her flatmate’s lips. Lauren calmed down at once, compelled to obey. Carefully Phoebe undid the belt on her dressing gown and leaned forward, the fabric parting enough to expose her stomach and the sides of her breasts. “Or hmm, why don’t you close your eyes and find out?”

The sight of Phoebe’s half-naked body sobered Lauren up just a little. What was even happening, was she hitting on her? She had thought her sudden shopping trip might have impressed her flatmate but she had forgotten all about that when she couldn’t find her shakes, and now Phoebe was undressing herself right in front of her. She had lied to her, too...

“Close your eyes, there’s a good girl.”

Lauren’s train of thought disintegrated and her eyelids drooped shut, moving barely of her own accord. She sensed Phoebe moving closer, heard the sound of fabric gently hitting the floor. Then she felt soft flesh press her lips. Driven by a strange but powerful instinct she opened her mouth. As her tongue touched skin her eyes opened in shock and Lauren returned to lucidity to find her lips wrapped around Phoebe’s nipple.

She leaped back in surprise and stared wide eyed at her flatmate, who was naked from the waist up, her left breast glistening where Lauren had touched it.

“Phoebe...” she stammered, the sudden shock enough to jumpstart her brain into processing the weirdness of her situation. “What… what the hell?”

“What does it look like?” Phoebe said. “I’m giving the spoiled little brat her drink.”

“Spoiled brat? How dare you, I am not a- Wait, were you trying to breastfeed me?!”

Phoebe shrugged. “Yeah. Where did you think your shakes came from?” She leaned forward close enough that her chest brushed against Lauren’s face. “They don’t sell this particular drink in shops. Not that you’d have known that of course, you spoiled little girl.”

“So you tricked me!” Lauren thought back to the bottles she had drank from, the labels that were just a little different from her regular brand… “So you… you milked yourself and bottled it, and then you tricked me into drinking it?! What the fuck is wrong with you, Phoebe?”

“No Lauren” Phoebe replied, her mischievous smile fading as she narrowed her eyes and took on a much more serious tone. She grabbed Lauren by the jaw and forced her to look her in the eyes. “I’d rather know what’s wrong with you. You, Lauren, are absolutely the most selfish, spoiled brat I have ever had the misfortune of living with. You do nothing to help around the house. You expect me to look after you, tidy your things, shop for you… And what thanks do I get? Absolutely none. The only time you ever acknowledge what I do for you is when you tell me that I help you ‘wrong’. When have you ever, ever thought of anyone but yourself?”

“Excuse me?” Lauren snapped back. “I’ve helped you tons of times! I did the shopping just now, because you were too busy being lazy lying in bed to do it on your own! I did all that stuff for you last week. And I’ve helped you plenty of other times! Like…” Lauren raised her hand to count on her fingers but found herself unable to recall a single thing. “ loads of stuff! All you do is yell at me!”

“You did all those things because I told you to, Lauren. The only thing I didn’t ask of you was for you to go shopping, and you only did that to get something you wanted.”

“I didn’t do them because you asked me to! I was going to do them anyway, and I did it because…” She thought for a moment. The only reason she could think of was because she wanted to impress Phoebe. And Phoebe was half naked, standing in front of her, shoving her tits in her face.

“And what changed that made you more agreeable, Lauren?” Phoebe continued. “That made you get off your arse for once and do something helpful for once? Lauren gasped as she realised. Ever since she had started drinking those shakes…

Phoebe smirked at her flatmate’s realisation. “That’s right, Laur. My milk isn’t just good for muscles, which by the way, you’ve been building ever so well…” She squeezed Lauren’s arm with her free hand, giggling. “It’s good for the brain, too! You were right, in a sense. You have helped me a lot. Ever since I gave you those ‘protein drinks’, you’ve been so much more agreeable! So polite and helpful, not like the stubborn brat you used to be. And it’s felt good, hasn’t it? You’ve been so much happier, too... ”

Lauren had no words. Phoebe had been controlling her all this time, without her knowing… But her thoughts had been her own, hadn’t they? She liked helping her. She liked Phoebe patting her head, and calling her a good girl. And she really did think she was hot. Everything aside, Lauren wanted to touch her, to bury her face in her chest…

Phoebe must have known what she was thinking because suddenly she was holding her tighter, her nipple brushing against Lauren’s lips. “Why not take a drink, Laur? I know you want it. And I know you’ve been eyeing me up, too. You’re so obvious, you know that? You’ve been ogling me so bad. Aren’t you getting everything you wanted? You’re getting your ‘protein shake’ that wonderful drink that makes you so fit and so happy, and your busty flatmate is practically throwing herself at you!” Phoebe tickled her under the chin with one finger. “You can be mad at me after, it’s okay. But you want it. You know you want it.”

Lauren hesitated for a moment. Phoebe was right. She did want it. Sweat poured down her body, her throat dry. One drink. She’d sort this out later, whatever the hell this all was. Hungrily she opened her mouth, letting Phoebe push her nipple past her lips. Lauren teased it with her tongue, licking it and digging her nails into Phoebe’s back who gave quiet moans of pleasure as she leaned her body onto her helpless flatmate. Lauren started to suckle and soon a familiar taste was flooding her mouth, clouding her thoughts. How had she never realised before? It was too perfect. Drinking it made her feel so good. In the back of her mind she knew she should be alarmed, that she could only be digging herself deeper into whatever trap Phoebe had laid for her, but it felt good, it felt safe to be drinking like this. Phoebe cradled her, ruffled her hair, purred and hummed softly as she caressed Lauren under her shirt. “Good girl” she whispered, and the nagging voice disappeared from Lauren’s thoughts.

Phoebe hoisted her up off of the sofa and turned around, sitting back down with Lauren cradled in her arms, still suckling at her boob. “You’re a good girl, aren’t you, Laur?” She said as she wiped away the milk dripping from her mouth. “So much more agreeable like this. I look after you so much, don’t I? Taking care of you like I’m your Mommy. It only makes sense like this, doesn’t it? Baby girl had a tantrum and now Mommy has to calm her down with a drink. But I don’t mind! I like it. Why don’t you call me Mommy, Laur? You love your Mommy who takes care of you so well, don’t you?”

“MmmMm” Lauren mumbled, milk spilling out of her mouth as she tried to speak. Phoebe gently wiped her face and pushed her breast back to her lips.

“Now now, Laur. It’s rude to talk with your mouth full. You can call me Mommy once you’ve been fed. You’re a good girl, but you have to learn how to behave. Mommy gets so tired, looking after you all the time. It’s only fair that you help Mommy in return, isn’t it? I liked it a lot when you did all those things for me. I want you to keep doing them. And I want you to keep to the gym, too. Get nice and big and strong, so you can do all sorts of chores for Mommy. Milk is for growing girls after all. Does that sound nice, Laur?”

Lauren nodded, keeping her mouth wrapped around Phoebe’s breast. In her milk-induced stupor she couldn’t really follow what she was saying, but it was enough. Droplets of milk tricked down her chin, dripping under her shirt and onto her chest. She wanted to keep suckling forever, to lose more of her mind to that sweet, warm and cozy bliss, but Phoebe gently pushed her away, her nipple escaping from her lips with a wet pop.

“You’re a thirsty little girl, aren’t you? But that’s enough for today, Mommy is tired now. What do you say, Laur?”

Lauren sat dazed, not quite processing what she’d just heard. But she knew how to answer. “Thank you, Mommy.”

Phoebe ruffled her hair and smiled. “That’s a good girl! Now Mommy has to go shower and get changed. Mommy needs some time to recover, so can you be an extra good girl and do Mommy a big favour?”

Lauren nodded. The affirmation was good. Anything to make Mommy happy.

“Wonderful!” Phoebe said, wiping away the last droplets of milk from her breasts and fastening up her dressing gown. “Mommy’s very proud of you for doing the shopping all by yourself, but she needs you to tidy everything away, too. Can you do that for Mommy?”

Lauren nodded again. She liked being helpful, it felt nice. And it felt fair, too. Mommy spent so much time looking after her, after all.

Phoebe hugged her tight, lifting her off the ground and mushing her face into her boobs. “Good girl! And then after that you go to the gym and make Mommy proud, okay? Come back a big and strong girl and show Mommy all your muscles, and then she’ll make you a nice hot dinner. And if you can wash up afterwards too…” Phoebe lifted her up higher, whispering into her ear, “I’ll let you sleep in Mommy’s bed tonight. Doesn’t that sound nice?”

“Yes Mommy” Lauren whispered back. Slowly Phoebe lowered her back onto the ground and she stood on her tiptoes to give her a kiss on the cheek before running off into the kitchenette, giggling. “Love you, Mommy!”

“Love you too, sweetheart” Phoebe said, cackling as she walked away and shut the door behind you. “Love you too.”