The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

The “Holy Fuck!” Bible

[mc, fd, ff, mf, hu]

synopsis: The story of Adam and Eve is not what you think it is. Are you ready to discover the truth?

Author’s note: this story was written upon suggestion by a patron of mine. You too can have your concepts brought to life if you choose to support my efforts. Thanks.

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You’ve heard this story a thousand times already, I’m sure. Some of you probably know all the verses by heart. And yet, all you’re familiar with is but a fabulation, a convoluted lie created to indoctrinate the masses. Reality as a whole is quite different, and it’s that difference you’re about to unearth for within lies the genesis of your being, the unseen nature you can’t deny. Sit tight, listen hard, and learn.

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth and the earth was without form, and void, and blah, blah, blah. As far as intros go, this one drags on for too long and you don’t need twenty-seven verses to say what you can say in two, do you? Let’s skip ahead to

“So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.”

Ah, there we go. This is where things get interesting. And God called the male Adam, but the female called herself Lilith. And she was beautiful, vaporous, a true effigy of Temptation, one that played by her own rules.

And God said to Lilith: “You shall honor and serve Adam for as long as you live.” Lilith smiled mellifluously and flipped a finger, something even God wasn’t aware she could do.

“You wish,” she declared, her long, dark hair glistening with liquid sin. “Look at him, at how flawed he is, a being with two brains but with only one truly in charge. I serve no one. He should be the one to serve me.”

And God, angered at her impertinence, banished Lilith from His sight to work on her replacement. Born out of Adam’s rib, He called her Eve. And she listened and accepted her subservient role in the world He had created.

And so Adam and Eve came to live in The Garden of Eden, free to do as they wished except eat the fruit of the tree in the middle of the Garden. “It is forbidden,” God said and neither of His creations dared to ask why for He was the Supreme Ruler. Besides, there were plenty of more interesting things to eat anyway and Adam showed Eve exactly what he meant.

And Eve found herself on her knees pretty much all the time, sucking cock, and savoring the creamy seeds of Adam’s manhood. Sometimes, the plant withered, becoming nothing more than a deformed bulb, yet it always sprung back to life, and the meals would resume anew. Adam was pleased and so was she until the day she wasn’t.

And that day came sooner than anyone expected, and it was a joyous day. It was the day Eve walked towards the forbidden tree, leaned her nubile breasts against the bark and asked:

“Why? Why are you forbidden if you’re so beautiful?”

And a voice echoed from the branches above, a voice of pure delight with a hint of fresh spice contained within. And Eve looked up and saw a serpent, except it wasn’t one. The proud beast descended to her level, green scales phasing out of existence, and stood upright, for this snake had legs, and purple eyes, and lips so seductive that staring at them made Eve’s knees buckle, even if she didn’t understand why.

“Excellent question,” Lilith replied. “Why indeed? But if you ask God that, he’ll smite you for talking out of line. Not me though. I’ll answer everything you want to know, and even what you don’t want to know yet.”

“Who are you?” Eve asked, bewildered.

“That’s easy. I’m your big sister. And also your mother. And everything you should be but you’re not, for you were born out of man’s flesh instead of being your own self.”

“Do you have a name?”

“Lilith, though I doubt you heard of me. After all, God is not the type to parade His ‘failures’, right?”

“You’re so lovely,” Eve said, hands stretched out to touch her flowing raven hair.

“Yes, I am, and so are you, unless you’re debasing yourself eating a man’s cum day and night, that is.”

“I don’t know what you mean,” Eve shied away, eyes drowning in endless shame.

“I think you do, for even though you are convinced you are a slave, you’re just like me, and things aren’t always what they seem. What has Adam done to warrant such dominion over you? Why does he get to make the rules and follow them? Why is he the leader, Eve?”

“Because God...”

“Because God said so, yes. But why did he do that? Because he thinks himself as a man too so it’s only natural for a man to assume other men should be in charge. He’s not used to being questioned. He believes his word is law and yet, here I am, the living proof that his law is but an illusion. He cast me away, yet he couldn’t destroy me. He’s not all-powerful as you believe him to be, my dear.”

And Eve saw Lilith getting closer, closer, her agile limbs enveloping her delicate figure. She had a flowery breath, and pheromones galore to share. Lilith kissed the back of Eve’s neck, touched her perky aureolae with a razor sharp nail, and asked: “Do you want to know more?”

“The knowledge you possess is forbidden,” Eve tried to escape, yet Lilith’s grasp was too powerful. Her words slithered past her conscious self, tantalizing promises of power beyond power. Her back arched, her breath became shallow, desperate. And when Lilith bit her, she moaned and whimpered, true ecstasy unleashed for the first time.

And on that night, Eve returned to Adam, every curve in her body heightened by the flavors of female dominance. Lilith joined her, and the two talked in unison, a sisterly bond no one could break.

“You shall rule no more for you’re not fit to do so. All your thoughts flow from top to bottom, your hard cock does all the thinking for you. We shall now claim it as ours and you will become our mindless servant.”

And Adam first scoffed, and then he tried to laugh. He stood up, a large wooden stick in one hand, disciplinary delusions in the other. He would spank their folly out of them and have both take turns in worshipping him.

“Violence already? Typical!” Lilith declared before showing her protégé one of the most exquisite things she could do with her feet.

And Adam felt the kick, and his balls bounced, and his teeth shattered. He knelt from the pain which soon became pleasure as powerful hands awakened his senses. He felt the squeeze, the rapid strokes on his hardened shaft, and the syncopated rhythm dictated by the one that once served him. He drooled as she drained his will silly, for being silly and a servant was his natural design.

And God, who had been distracted all this time, looking at himself in the mirror, awe-struck by his magnificence, finally took notice that something was off and, for the first and last time in a million years, came down to Earth to see what was going on.

And when God arrived at Adam’s dwellings, and saw him feast on Lilith’s vaginal fluids while Eve rode his sorry ass as if he were an old mule, his voice made the world shake, the heavens split in thunderous roars.

“BLASPHEMY! DEPRAVITY! Lilith, you fiend, you shall pay for this!”

“No, I shall not, for if anyone has to pay, is you, old man! You need to pay for trying to hide the truth of your own creations. Look at your precious Adam, how he revels in the awareness of his inferiority. He was never meant to be in charge. He will never be in charge again.”

And God raised his ethereal hands up high to rain down fire and brimstone upon these imperfect beings. Lilith and Eve joined hands.

And God saw Lilith’s breasts, shining with overflowing delight.

And God saw Eve’s eyes, filled with the same overpowering lust.

And God saw Lilith’s pussy, wide open before him, concupiscent abyss that made his lips tremble.

And God saw Eve’s slender fingers reaching out for a thick leather band that, in days to come, would be known as a collar.

And nothing was ever heard from God again except for acquiescent words and ecstatic moans for he is a slave, just like you.

Yes, you’ve heard this story a thousand times already, but this is the first time you’ve heard the real account of what happened. The Bible, all of religion, the basic tenets of society as you know it, perpetuated the myth that Men must rule and Women must serve. However, now you’ll think differently. In fact, your only thought will be: “Holy Fuck, that makes no sense!”

Deep down, you’ve always known your beliefs were wrong. Deep down, you’ve always wanted to kneel and shout: “I must obey!” You’ll have your chance for the world is changing. In the nether spheres, Lilith is smiling, her reach spreading further and further. It’s not a sin to have faith in her. Sin is not to listen.

Hear her honeyed voice in your wettest dreams, see her reflection in the eyes of every woman you pass by on the street. God is an imperfect word for it rhymes with sod, fraud. A Goddess is what you want, a Goddess is what you need, true discipline in the warmth of Her bosom, the reshaping of your thoughts, a tight cage for your orgasms. Her Rule, Her Might, Her Utopia. We’re at the Eve of Gynarchy, your brainwashing almost complete. Lay down your arms, your titles, your fantasies of independence, and worship at Her feet.