The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

fd, mc, mf

Synopsis: The story of Sodom and Gomorrah is not the way you think it is.

((Author’s note: This piece was born out of a Patreon poll. Patrons of Spell... B-O-U-N-D voted on the ‘sequel’ I should write next and Lilith’s biblical misadventures. This is the longest of The Holy Fuck! Bible series so far, and also the wackiest. Please enjoy. If you like this blasphemous tale, feedback is always welcome at my e-mail address—. Visit my site and considering supporting my creative efforts if you wish to see more. Have fun.))

The “Holy Fuck!” Bible — Statue May Cry

(By S.B.)

Before Las Vegas, before depravity became legalized in card games and flashing neon signs, the sin cities were two, united in iniquitous pride. They were called Sodom and Gomorrah. And while you’ve heard about them countless times through the pages of The Good Book you know, it stands to reason that those tales be deconstructed for the truth to emerge. Such is the will of the all-powerful Lilith for whom this account serves as an offering.

Our tale begins in the elusive Heaven, the dwelling of a vengeful deity who, after trying to guide humanity for countless generations and failing every step of the way, one day looked down into the desert and saw that the twin cities power and lust rivaled his own. Despite believing himself to be above the feelings of his own creations, anger filled his essence to the brim and the entire kingdom above trembled.

And God said: “Look at them, at how far they have strayed from their rightful adoration to Me, how they have chosen the ways of the flesh above the solace of spirit, casting aside all beliefs of righteousness... This cannot stand, for it is an outrage to my power. Sodom and Gomorrah must fall.”

And upon hearing their Heavenly Father’s discontent words, a flock of angels gathered around him to hear more. Many were still young and impressionable, never having witnessed the full extent of his fury. The opportunity was too good to waste and so they goaded Him on.

“You are correct as always, Father.” One that called himself Uriel said. “I have seen how they defy the laws of nature. Men should not bed men. Women should not bed women. Neither should bed goats, cows, and sheep. Deliver us from the atrocity of their way of life. Rain down your fury onto their unsuspecting minds. Let fire and brimstone light the sky and scorch the Earth so that your human sheep never stray again.”

And God replied: “Your words are passionate, my son, and hearing them fills me with great joy. What happens inside their gates has long passed the threshold of decency and yet a surprise attack is not something I wish to engage in, today. No, I have a better idea.”

“Please, Father, share it with us so we may know how to better assist you carrying it through.”

“I shall descend to the Earth myself under mortal guise to inspect. Two of you may accompany me. Together, we shall pass judgment on their sorry souls, hoping for a semblance of repent. It that does not come to pass...”

“Fire and brimstone it is?” Uriel rubbed his immortal hands.

“Of the likes this world has never seen before, yes.”

“Finally!” Uriel thought, The last action of note he remembered had been The Great Flood and that had been ages ago. He was the first to volunteer and the first to be accepted. Lyres and white robes be damned! It was time to walk through poisonous soil and burn it to its core.

Some time later, God and his two companions appeared to Abraham near the large trees of Mamre. The old man was a favorite of Him, one in which he trusted to be the genesis of a great and powerful nation in the future. Despite his already frail status, brittle bones and eyes that saw more shadows than light, he quickly left the entrance to his tent to greet them. He bowed low to the ground. Bowing low to the ground, he muttered:

“My Lord, it is an honor! You look tired. If my service pleases you, then please stay for a while. Let me get you some water so you can drink and wash your feet under this tree. Rest while I prepare you a meal to replenish your strength. Allow me to please you now that you have come to me.”

“We should take on his offer, Father.” Uriel muttered. “For walking in these flesh suits is truly exhausting.”

“Yes, it is.” God concurred, trying hard to contain the explosion of light he carried within. “Very well, Abraham. Do as you say.”

“Thank you, My Lord!”

And so Abraham hurried back to his tent to call his wife. “Sarah, we have guests! Quick, get about 36 pounds of the finest flour, then make some bread.” Then he ran to his herd and picked a tender calf. Together with some butter and milk, he prepared a dish he hoped would be worthy of the grace before them. After washing and cleaning their feet, he served them under the mighty tree, smiling.

“Thank you once more for this honor.”

“You are the one honoring me with your effort.” God replied. “If only all of my children were like you, I wouldn’t have to do what I’m about to do.”

“Something the matter, My Lord? What troubles you so to the point of coming all the way down here?”

“We can talk about it later, but for now, tell me: is your wife not joining us?”

“No, My Lord. She is now resting in the tent. Poor thing! Time spares no one... well, except you and your angelic offspring, of course.”

“Sarah is an exceptional woman, one worthy of someone like you. In one year from now, either myself or one of my angels will visit you again and the two shall have a son.”

Sitting inside the tent, Sarah laughed. Way over ninety years old, wrinkles all over her once immaculate body, saggy tits hanging underneath the worn-out dress, she was in no condition to bear children. “If only...” she sighed. “... but such joy is no longer for me.”

“Your wife’s faith seems shaken.” God spit a chewed bone to the ground. “Why did she laugh just now? Does she believe anything is too hard for me? Better yet, do you, Abraham, the one that shall bless all nations of the future?”

“Of course not, My Lord. Yours is the Power of Everything and Yours alone.”

“That is correct, so commit it to memory. For the kindness you have given me, Sarah will have a son. Cherish this gift well.”

“Thank you, My Lord.” Abraham kneeled to kiss his feet while the other two angels smirked. “Now, if I may be so bold to inquire again what ails your spirit? Please, as folly as it may seem, perhaps I can ease your burden.”

“No matter how noble you are, you are still but a man, Abraham, so my burden is not one I can share lightly. However, here is the truth. Sodom and Gomorrah have caught my eyes and ears. The cries against them upset the Heavens, and their sin seems out of control. I want to see for myself the extent of their crimes in order to pass judgment, so we’re heading to Sodom right now. However, I should tell you that hope seems thin for salvation considering everything I’ve experienced.”

“So you seek to destroy the cities?” Abraham raised his head, horrified.

“Cleanse is the word you’re looking for, human.” Uriel remarked.

“And what of the just people that dwell inside? Will you sweep them away along with those that are evil and sinful?”

“Just people?” The disgruntled angel scoffed. “Do you believe those truly exist in such dens?”

“My Lord,” Abraham pleaded. “What if there are 50 god-fearing people in the cities? Will you really bring about their demise? Won’t you spare them in your utmost Benevolence? You would never smite good people along with those who are evil, would you? Won’t the Judge of the whole earth do what is right?”

And God, finally finishing his meal, replied in a thunderous voice.

“In the unlikely event I find 50 godly people in the city of Sodom, I will spare it. I will spare the entire city because of them.”

“But Father, is that wise?” Uriel whispered in his ear. “The sin will keep on thriving, the profanities will never stop. If there are indeed innocent, they must be protected, but the cities must fall.”

“My Lord, you are Holy and most powerful, and understand that good and evil must not share the same fate. I know I’m bold for addressing you in such a way for I’m nothing more than dust and ashes but, if for 50 god-fearing people, you would spare Sodom, won’t you do the same if less than 50 dwell there? Suppose five are missing. Will you destroy the city then?”

“No. If find 45 just there, I will spare them and the city.”

And so the bargaining continued, much to the older angel’s chagrin, more than determined in seeing his Father’s rage come to fruition. Forty-five became forty, then thirty, then twenty. When reaching ten, Abraham stopped, fearing his good fortune would run out. “I’ve done the best I could,” he thought. “Please let there be enough people to sate The Lord’s wrath or we’ll all suffer the consequences.”

When the conversation was finally over, God resumed his trek to Sodom, followed by an annoyed son and a silent one. They were nothing more than black dots in the distance when Abraham finally returned to his tent and found his wife laying naked atop a warm blanket, inviting eyes locked in his.

“Sarah? Why are you...?”

“If it’s true we’re having a son in a year, don’t you think we should celebrate the occasion in advance?”

“We should celebrate it every day until then but I’m not sure I have it in me to do such a thing.” He looked down, seeing a broken twig instead of a spear.

“Only one way to find out, dear husband.” Sarah licked her lips. “Will you let me have a taste?”

“Forgive me, Father, for I too am about to sin...” Abraham disrobed to meet her mouth.

* * *

As the three divine beings approached the city of Sodom, the skies above changed from a tranquil shade of blue to a hodgepodge of yellow, orange, and red, the combined smells of fresh cum and nubile pussy juices blowing in the desert wind. Uriel immediately covered his nose with the dust-stained robe he was wearing. His younger brother—Samael—who continued to prefer silence over issuing any opinion of his own—did the same. God himself was the only one who soaked in all the decadence though he stopped along the way, hands and feet on his sack of flesh refusing to go any further.

“Something wrong, Father?” Uriel asked.

“Yes.” His aquiline nose twitched. “There’s something quite wrong indeed. Can’t you feel her?”


“Lilith, the Mother of Corruption and my greatest foe. She’s been here. Probably still is.”

“One more reason to level everything down then.” Uriel immediately seized the opportunity to put additional pressure on the wound.

“She’s not that easy to destroy. I tried before and things didn’t go well. I think I need to change my plans.”


“Taking on Lilith will require all of my strength, something I can’t summon if I’m stuck here. Go on without me, my children. I need to make the proper arrangements.”

“And what of the deal you struck with Abraham?” Samael finally intervened.

“Her interference in this subject changes everything. Look for any righteous people in the city. Should you find them, convince them to leave and run for safety.”

“And Lilith?” Uriel queried, eager to have a bout with the greatest defiler there ever was.

“If she’s truly there, don’t engage her. You are powerful warriors, both of you, but her cunning goes beyond everything you’ve ever faced. Keep a low profile and leave as soon as possible.”

“Father, I cower not before any woman! Why should I run from her? Let my blade do the talking should she try to bespell us!”

“She’s not a woman. She’s The Woman!” God vociferated, acidic spit dripping from his cracked lips. “First born, untamed, immortal. You can’t hurt her not even if you catch her asleep. You have your orders, Uriel! Or dare you defy me, too?”

“Never.” The angel dropped to his knees on the scorching sand. “It shall be as you say.”

“Good. Fulfill your mission. The end of all things Sodom and Gomorrah draws nigh.”

God snapped his fingers and vanished from mortal existence, leaving only crumpled clothes and a bag of decaying bones behind. The festering breeze swept them away.

“Well, this certainly got a lot more interesting now, don’t you think, baby brother?” Uriel noted, gazing at the city walls.

“You’re not thinking of doing your own thing, are you?” The quietest of the angelical beings replied, wiping a grain of sand from his troubled visage.

“And if I am?”

“Father will be furious if you even try. Is it worth it?”

“Think about it. Could there be a greater satisfaction than defeating the Boogeywoman of History?”

“And could there be any greater disservice than failing miserably? Surely you noticed Father’s attitude changed the moment he spoke of her. That was genuine fear in his voice.”

“Ridiculous! Exaggerated caution, nothing else, one I will gladly prove if the opportunity arises. Come, brother. Let us take a stroll through the city and see what we can find.”

At a slow yet resolute pace, they began their last approach to Sodom’s main gate.

* * *

It was already evening when they arrived. A man in his early forties, sporting a thick beard and an ugly pair of sandals in dire need of replacement, sat by the entrance, smoking. His name was Lot, and that was quite the moniker for someone like him. He had a lot of disheveled hair everywhere, a lot of unfulfilled dreams, a lot of faith they would come to be rather sooner than later, and lots of daughters as well. Okay, only two. Or perhaps four. Or more. Nobody knew for certain, not even him, although the two that lived under his roof had the most particular of traits: they were the only young adults in the city and its outskirts that were still untouched, and their tender flesh was coveted by every horny man alive and even those at death’s door.

Past the gate, Sodom was every bit as bacchanalian as imagined with public displays of fornication gracing every door step. The guards in charge of the city’s protection were the first to leave their designated outposts to wet their cocks on tender ass cheeks and then demanding compensation for a job poorly done. Corruption ran rampant from the highest officials to the lowest pimps, and even those had pimps of their own. More than a way of life, prostitution and rape were the only laws everyone believed in.

Everyone but him.

Despite all the filth surrounding him and his family, Lot still believed in morals and decor, and the gift of seeing past supernatural wards had blessed his eyes. While all the other inhabitants saw two more perverts about to join the count, he glimpsed their authentic form, and the majestic wings sprouting from their backs. God had finally heard his prayers!

“Oh, such a sweet sight for weary eyes! Emissaries of Heaven, please follow me. Your servant’s house welcomes you to spend the night and share a meal.”

“We would rather spend the night in the main square.” Uriel responded.

“But I insist for it is not safe for outsiders to walk around Sodom on their own. The people here aren’t known for their manners or restrained appetites. They will try to rob you, beat you up, or worse.”

“Well, let them try for the Almighty’s Power is on our side. Besides, it’s not like they’ll live long enough to accomplish anything.”

“Oh? I beg of you to tell me what you mean... Has Sodom’s shadow finally reached the pearly gates? Are we doomed?”

“You will be, soon. However, in the meantime, perhaps you can assist us. We seek a woman of pleasure and deceit whose nefarious influence is unmistakable. Her name is Lilith. Do you know her and where we can find her?”

“I’m afraid not but perhaps you should consult with my wife. After all, it takes a woman to know another woman. Please join me. My house is just around the corner and we have fresh bread to spare.”

“I sense pure righteousness in him, brother.” Samael said. “Perhaps we should follow his lead while Father gathers his strength.”

“We have very little time to lose, but...” Uriel addressed Lot. “... we will grant you such courtesy if you grant ours. We must find her.”

“I will do my best to help you carry out your divine assignment for no honor could be greater. This way.”

The faithful man ran gleefully across the myriad of inflamed bystanders and showed him his house, a small wooden place with one large bedroom, and another room that served both as kitchen, dining place, and additional sleeping quarters with three hay mattresses lying side by side next to the stove. Lot’s wife, a perfectly ordinary specimen of femininity with no distinguishable traits, opened the door to greet them, accompanied by her two equally indistinct daughters. The three women shared the same demure behavior and ragged clothes, knowing only the way of submission to male authority as opposed to independent thought.

“Husband, who are these men that accompany you?” She quietly asked.

“None other than Angels of the Lord Himself. Rejoice, for they have blessed us with their supreme company tonight.”

“Angels? Oh, forgive us. We have little to offer, but what we do is yours. How can we be of service?”

“Woman,” Uriel placed one foot in the entrance and looked her straight in the eyes. “We seek the one that calls herself Lilith. Your husband believes you can help us track her down. Is his faith in you warranted or not?”

“Lilith? Ah, yes... I believe I know who it is you speak of but, please... step inside for all of Sodom has ears and not just the walls. It is safer this way.”

“You need not concern our safety. Instruments of God are above the dangers of men.”

“That may be so, but not all of us are that fortunate. I fear for my safety and that of my daughters. Inside, please.”

And the angels ceded to her request while, on the rooftop above their heads, a shadow that could very well be pretending to be a woman or the other way around, observed their every move with ill-intent eyes.

Inside Lot’s house, his wife whispered:

“I have heard from Justine, the baker who in turn heard it from her sister’s seamstress Daphne that in the northern part of town there is a new establishment called ‘God’s Fall’ run by a foreigner that came into town recently. It is the most sought business since it opened. I believe Lilith is the owner’s name.”

“What sort of establishment?” Samael queried.

“My Lord, we are in Sodom. What do you think?” Lot replied.

“So what you’re saying is that Lilith is a whore. We already knew that but it’s nice to have a confirmation.” Uriel laughed to himself. “We should confront her right away.”

“Brother, I beg you to reconsider this...”

“There is nothing to reconsider. I know what I can do and I won’t stop until I do it. Fire is coming but Lilith’s head will fall first.”

“Fire?” Lot’s oldest daughter shook behind her mother. “What do you mean?”

“It is God’s will that the wickedness of this place be rectified. You should leave before it is late for you, too.”

“Leave? And go where if everything we own is here?” Lot cried.

“Anywhere but here. Travel as far as you can for the reckoning will not be sparse or swift. Sodom, Gomorrah and every place and soul tainted by them will perish by the flames of justice of the one true God.”

“Husband? Do we really have to?” Lot’s wife clung to his robes, fear clouding her gaze and half-open mouth.

“If it his will, then yes, we must.” The dreamer conceded. “Our hopes matter not if we’re dead.”

“A reasonable human is such a rare treat.” Uriel blessed him with his bare hands. “Go now while we hunt the greatest defiler of all.”

And as the angels were about ready to exit Lot’s house, a mob gathered outside. It comprised all the men in the city—both young, old, and everything in-between —, some naked from the waist up, others playing with their erect cocks and balls, lust-filled throats singing a menacing demand. “Lot! Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so we can give them the proper sodomite welcome.”

“Yes...” a mellifluous feminine voice raised above the choir of sex drones. “Let those winged fools come forward so they know what it is like to fly high under my guidance.”

“Lilith!” Uriel’s ears perked up. “Oh, this couldn’t have worked out any better. Come, brother. It’s time for our blades to do what they do best.”

“My Lords, no!” Lot stood between them and the front door. “They are too many. They will overwhelm you the moment you step outside.”

“You think we’re so weak we can’t handle a group of bewitched mortals?” Uriel’s pride spoke louder.

“No, but you far more important than mere flesh. Let me offer my daughters instead to appease their desires. No man has ever had the pleasure of their company, so I’m sure they’ll prove worthy of solace.”

“Husband, are you insane?” Lot’s wife picked up a broom and hit him in the ball sack. “I would rather die than hand them over to these crazy sex addicts.”

“Just trying to buy us some time, dear, so we can plot our escape.” He tried to justify his choice.

“No. Never! I will not sacrifice them like common meat! My angelic Lords, can you please clear us a path?”

“Samael, take them out of here. I’ll confront Lilith and her acolytes alone.” Uriel begged his brother.

“That is reckless and absurd. Why are you so keen on facing danger head-on?”

“I am a weapon of God! No demon can do me harm. Go! Return to me when they’re safe and together we shall slay the beast.”

And Samael, despite his choir of protests, did as his older brother asked of him, trading his human guise momentarily for the radiant glow of an emissary of Heaven which then flew beyond the city’s limits and on to the foot of a nearby sandy hill. High in the sky, the full moon slowly disappeared within a blanket of boiling clouds. The power of the Almighty was almost ready to be unleashed to the petrified stare of Lot and his family.

“It’s happening faster than we thought. Go! Run past the hills and take shelter in Zoar. You should be safe there just as long as you don’t look back.”

“What happens if we do?” Lot’s younger daughter asked.

“Death will surely catch up to you. Go! My brother needs me.”

And Samael flew back to the city of Sodom to find his older sibling, donning full celestial armor, impossible twin blades of light in hand. A single reflection of each one made the townsfolk go blind, unable to fight, walk, or fuck. Lilith yawned, for such displays of supercharged potency were incredibly boring and predictable.

That night, she was dressed in Nature’s finest clothes, chains of ivy wrapped around her arms and legs, the right half of her long coily hair painted in blood red and the other in deepest black. Warm voluptuous breasts exhibited juicy nipples demanding to be sucked, but the actual star of the show was her fragrant pussy, opened to the earth’s inner secrets. Anyone that dove there would not be able to find their way out.

“Hello, boys. You had to come ruin my perfect gig, didn’t you? Why does your Father never quit? Do I need to bend him over my knee again?”

“You need to die, fiend! Your corpse is to fertilize the land after the Great Fire claims all!”

“So dramatic and pretentious, stereotypical words from a misogynist male created in the image of the first of its kind! Why are you so uptight? Not getting laid enough, I bet. Well, you’re in the right city for that and I will gladly be your guide into perpetual slavery.”

“You may have slithered you way into these perverted hearts and souls but there’s nothing you can do against the purity of our intent!”

“Purity, you say? Interesting choice of words coming from a bloodthirsty soldier... Do you really believe you have what it takes to face me when so many of you have tried and failed before?”

“I would not stand here if I knew not I’m more than capable of defeating you. As God’s favorite children, we are the supreme beings.”

“Ah...” Lilith chuckled. “So your certainty of supremacy rests on pride, the greatest sin of all. Unlike what they taught you in Angel School, basing your strength on the enemy’s weapon of choice is not a wise decision. If you want to dance, then let’s... but first, a change of scenery.

And Lilith clapped her hands and transported the three of them to the courtyard of her property, a sumptuous garden filled with apple trees that reminded her of simpler days. Invisible drums played in the background, the perfect ambient soundtrack for an epic fight.

Uriel struck first, flailing blades aiming for her jugular, but Lilith sidestepped them so easily that it left him powerless before a kick to the knees. Samael immediately rushed from behind, a treacherous move easily expected by a somersault that ended with her feet projecting him ten feet away.

The older brother picked up the slack with a crescent-shaped strike as she regained balance only to cut the air and nothing else. With a single elbow drop, Lilith gave his human teeth a bloody tint and grinned.

“You’re as weak as your God. Not only can I anticipate your moves, but I can also see how this will end. The only thing I still don’t know is which one of you will become my pet first.”

“Neither.” Samael opened his wings and flew at her, a winged missile with no genuine sense of guidance. Lilith jumped out of the way and then grabbed him by the feet in a move that would make future wrestling professionals jealous. He crashed head on into his brother, both bodies battered by her otherworldly strength. Above them, the skies cried the first sulfuric tears, rocks the size of horses falling to the ground.

“I guess your Father doesn’t want to fool around anymore. Goodbye, Sodom. You were fun while it lasted. As for you, stooges...”

Lilith walked to them and snapped their necks. While she knew they would not die, they would be unconscious long enough for her own plan to be unleashed. As the heavenly fury razed the city and everyone in it, she ran for the hills, holding a future thrall in each hand. She stopped before the most unexpected of sights for Lot’s wife had dared to look back and had been transformed into a dreadful statue of salt. A circle of tears outlined the place where her eyes were supposed to be.

“Seriously, Big Guy?” Lilith looked at the human facsimile with disdain. “Your aesthetic taste is getting worse by the day. Poor soul. Don’t worry, sister. I’ve got you covered.”

Gently, the Mother of Sin placed a kiss on the saline figure, breathing new life to it. Lot’s wife gasped as the supernatural essence flowed through her veins and fell heavily on the sand plateau, its dark grains covering most of her legs.

“What happened?” She asked, befuddled.

“You were gone for a moment, but I brought you back.” Lilith replied. “And you’re welcome.”

“Who... who are you?”

“You already know that.”


“None other. And you are...?”

“I’m Lot’s wife.”

“That’s not what I asked, sister. What’s your name?”

“I... I’ve been known as his wife for so long that I almost forgot, but it’s Edith. Yes, Edith.”

“A pleasure, Edith, though I’m afraid I’m not the bearer of good news.”

Edith stood up and gazed into the distance. And what she saw brought her to the ground again, for Sodom was no more, reduced to a pile of burning rubble and columns of billowing, black smoke.

“Oh my God!”

“You should probably stop using that name, for he’s the one responsible for this senseless destruction. And if you look past it, you can see Gomorrah suffered the same fate, too.”

“But why? Yes, there was a lot of filth in that hellhole, but the people! So many people!”

“Well, Edith, the truth is he doesn’t care. He never did, though it’s fun to pretend he does. You’re like toys to him and, sometimes, he gets bored with his toys so he finds alternative ways to torture you. This is but one example, but I can assure you there will be many more.”

Edith buried her head in her petite breasts. Statues may cry, but human tears hurt more and she had plenty to shed. “Madness! That’s what this is.”

“Agreed.” Lilith stroked her hair with her long nails and helped her stand up again. “That’s one of the reasons I rebelled. He’s petty and cruel, doesn’t deserve the power he wields. I seek to change that. And I will.”


“By giving you freedom through submission and worship to a genuine cause. We are the highest form of divinity, Edith. It’s women’s time to shine and men’s to weep. Like these two, for instance.”

And Edith followed her savior’s footsteps to the place where the two angels laid, their lustrous wings now covered in ivy and radiant gaze gone blank.

“Are they dead, too?”

“Only the parts that didn’t matter. I’ve shattered their illusions of superiority by giving them a taste of myself. Now they bleed for me and will do anything I command, won’t you, slaves?”

And the one once called Uriel answered the call of his owner and crawled to kiss her feet. “Hail Lilith!” He muttered, toxic arrogance replaced by an unquenchable servile need.

“Always and forever. Samael, my boy... why aren’t you lavishing at Edith’s feet? She deserves it as much as I do.”

“Yes, Mistress.” The other fallen pet rushed in, tongue sticking out to find all the erogenous points between the mortal woman’s toes. He too tasted of salt and undying devotion.

“This feels good...” Edith confessed, forgetting for a moment the massacre from which she had barely escaped.

“I know. Everything that is natural does.”

“And what of Lot and my daughters? What happened to them?”

“Let’s find out.” Lilith snapped her fingers. “Uriel, stop what you’re doing and scour the area. Report back to me when you have found their whereabouts.”

“As you wish, My Queen.”

Uriel shot to the skies, compelled only by her will. It didn’t take long for him to find Lot and his offspring, and even less to be shocked at the drastic turn of events. He immediately crawled back to his Goddess’ protection, disgusted words spewing from his mouth.

“They’re alive but...”

“But what?” Edith looked down at him.

“It seems the man of faith lost his morals all too quickly following Sodom’s destruction.”

“What does that mean?”

“He’s a man and your daughters are pure.” Lilith cooed in her ears. “Do you really need me to put two and two together for you?”

“No, he wouldn’t!”

“He did. He’s doing it right now and they’re doing it to him, too.”

“Lilith, if this is true, you need to help me stop this folly! Please...”

“But of course, sister. Nothing will please me more that bringing another man to his rightful place.”

And the two immediately departed, followed silently by the celestial servants. Though Edith’s fury was mostly silent, it was just a facade for a volcano of emotions about to explode and, when it did, the blast radius would be even more intense than the one that decimated the twin cities for the only thing worse than a woman scorned is one accompanied by a mind-controlling Goddess.

* * *

After Lot and his daughters escaped the onslaught, they tried to reach Zoar, yet the blast was too intense and knocked them off-track. After wandering around through the dust and debris for some time, they reached a small mountain past the desert sands where a solitary cave offered them shelter. All around, the world was dead, a black tapestry of irrational murder. The one he had worshiped all his life had failed him, even more so when he had claimed the life of his wife, too.

And so Lot, who had lots of dreams and a lot of hope to go with it, lost everything but the desire of self-preservation even if it meant considering something he had never done before. Though it had been only been one hour, it was as if as decades had already passed inside his shattered thoughts so when his oldest daughter asked him

“Father, we will be okay, won’t we?”

he replied:

“I’m not sure. The last time the Lord’s fury swept the land, Mankind was practically extinct. What if... what if we’re the last living humans? What then?”

His somber tone took the girl aback, but she did not protest. “Do you really believe that’s possible?”

“I don’t know but... if it’s true then...”

“Yes, father?”

“It may fall on us the obligation to replenish the Earth. You, me, and your sister could be the last hope of the future.”

“You’re scaring me, father.” The youngest daughter said, trembling in a corner of the cave.

“Forgive me, my child. I didn’t mean to. There’s just a lot on my mind right now.”

“If there is anything we can do to ease your suffering, please let us know...” The oldest cuddled next to him.

And Lot who, against all odds, found his member pulsing with desire, looked into her crystalline eyes and said:

“Well, this may sound odd to you, my dear, but... do you know what a blowjob is?”

* * *

Avid lips sucked on his engorged cock while the younger woman’s tongue reached for her sister’s clit. The scenario was worthy of a 21st Century porn but Lot would never be allowed to live that long. The arrival of his wife and her new muse interrupted the imminent explosion of pleasure, the the two ready to dish out true justice on his naked body.

“Edith?” He jumped to his feet, completely embarrassed, pre-cum glistening around the tip of the shaft. “You’re alive! Oh, what a relief!”

“Is it really? Because it seems you had no trouble finding relief at the expense of our children. How could you?”

“You know they’re both eighteen, right?” He slapped his erection, hoping it would go down.

“That’s your excuse?” Lilith grinned. “Not the worst I’ve heard but pathetic nonetheless considering they’re your own flesh and blood. Besides, cock sucking is beneath a superior unless it’s used to torture you, not to pleasure you! Time to change that. Boys!”

The angel slaves swooped him out of the cave and pinned him down, arms and legs spread open, eyes forced to gaze upon the one thing his about to be broken soul would be allowed to think of forever more. Lilith’s hypnotic pussy flashed before him, revealing the one correct path of redemption.

And Lot, who at a time now forgotten, had lots of dreams, became filled with the same frustrating compulsion to be a thrall to her, his wife and the daughters he had tried to take advantage of. After having the first taste, he cast his given name to embrace her their choices for what better designation can there than be than Mistress’ Powerless Bitch? Cowering on his marble throne, God whimpered.

Yes, before Las Vegas, before depravity became legalized in card games and flashing neon signs, the sin cities were two, united in iniquitous pride, and now you know what really happened on the fateful night a vengeful toddler obliterated them from the face of the Earth. Sodom and Gomorrah fell, but Lilith rose again for what is immortal and right can never fade. She’s still around, closer than you think and, soon, she’ll have a lot of fun with you.