The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Honing The Talent

B Pascal

Chapter 25

I woke late, with just a bit of a headache from more beers than I usually had. I looked at the other side of the room where there was an absence of Larry. It didn’t look like his bed had been slept in.

It was after ten, but I still had some difficulty getting out of bed. I took a shower and brushed my teeth, then went off to find a late breakfast. After a couple of cups of coffee I started to feel a little better.

I thought about last night. I hadn’t changed my opinion about frat parties, though the sex show had been entertaining. Especially when I got to participate. I recalled that I’d made a mental note about things I wanted to think about, but I couldn’t remember what they were. I should have made a mental note to remind me what was on the mental note.

Finally it came to me. One was that I’d wanted to give some more thought to how to induce orgasms that had more variation to them. I had names for the big ones, the epic, towering orgasms that leave you drained and breathless. But for the small or medium-sized ones, all I had was the breaking wave on the beach.

Nothing wrong with those, they were entertaining and, even better, adjustable, intensity-wise.

But they had no subtlety, no finesse. I’m not sure that the recipients cared, but I thought they were slapdash, cheap. I wondered what I might change about them to make them more flexible, or if I could find a better replacement.

And I remembered that I had intended to look into whether I could linkcast myself baseline images the way I could with named images attached to an orgasm. And how about things like Mineral Spring which were not-quite-orgasms but gave a feeling of pleasure and contentment?

Could I send those to myself?

And I had also promised myself to look into coming up with other large but more subtle orgasms that didn’t leave the recipient drained and comatose. I felt I was overusing things like Avalanche and Aftershock. I ought to have things in my tool-belt that were powerful but allowed people to recover quickly. There’s a lot to think about here.

I was pulled out of my contemplation when the door opened and Larry stumbled in. He looked, well, not so much hungover as exhausted. Somehow I knew not to say anything to him, but I raised an eyebrow. Apparently that was too much, too.

“Not a word, Carter. I don’t have the energy to explain myself.”

But he couldn’t stop himself, I knew he couldn’t. He wanted to brag, as tired as he was. It took him a couple of minutes while he got his coat and shoes off and settled himself on the bed.

“Why is it,” he asked, “that women sometimes are indifferent about sex, and other times they’re almost insatiable? I don’t understand her.”

“Are you talking about Marina?”

“Yeah, who else?” he said with some impatience. “Other times it’s been like planning a military campaign to convince her to get into bed with me. Last night she was all over me, and even after we’d done it, she wanted more. To be honest, I was having a little difficulty getting it up the last time. And even when I finally left, she was making noises like she might want to try again. Women are so weird.”

“I think it has something to do with hormones, plus the mood that they’re in. They’re more inclined at certain times of the month. I think science has failed us here, Larry, and it will remain one of the great, unsolved mysteries.”

“I’m not complaining, mind you, I just don’t understand it. I’ve gotta nap. You can explain it to me later.” He turned on his side and closed his eyes.

I wasn’t sure that I could explain it to him. I didn’t understand it myself, even though I had the ability to peek inside their heads and get a glimpse of their motivations and desires. It didn’t explain why they were more motivated at certain times. Maybe it did have something to do with hormones and reproductive urges. Now there’s a senior thesis topic of lasting interest.

Since Larry was temporarily incommunicado, I got my coat and went to the chuck wagon for a late lunch. They had minestrone soup and I got a ham sandwich, which seemed like just the right thing. It was late for the lunch crowd, so no trouble finding a table.

I brought the soup spoon to my mouth and even before I could open my lips, Con Doherty was plopping his tray down, saying, “I heard the stories, Carter, and I’m sorry I missed it. Everybody said it was epic.”


“The threesome on the couch! I wish someone had gotten pictures. I was upstairs trying to talk some girl into going up to the second floor. I heard you had a cheering squad, even backup singers!”

“I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. She was on a mission. Wait, didn’t you have a game today?”

“Yeah, it’s later, I’m getting some food before I head over to warm up. Listen, I’ll let you know when the next Kappa party’s scheduled, okay? You’re a legend now, a regular, I don’t think you even need an invitation!”

“If there are any more like her, I don’t think I can keep up. I may need a month to recuperate.”

“You’ll be fine. Listen, I gotta run. Awesome party, wasn’t it?”

He ran off to prep for his game. In retrospect, I had had fun with Alicia, but unlike Con the rest of the party hadn’t done much for me. Too loud, too drunk, and the fun seemed rather forced.

I probably wouldn’t do it again, unless I were facing terminal boredom.

I finished my soup and sandwich and thought about the rest of my day. I was caught up on everything I was supposed to do, plus I had tomorrow as well, so what should I do with my Saturday? There was the library, and I could continue my research on psi. I could give some thought to those items on my to-do list, more variation on named images and whether I could apply a baseline to myself. I’d need some solitude to do that, but maybe.

In the end I took the easy way out and went to a movie, a sci-fi epic that wasn’t too bad. I came back, had dinner, and read till I was too sleepy to do any more. I knew I wouldn’t get too many weekends like this, so I was willing to indulge myself.

Sunday I got the guilts and caught up on all the reading for the upcoming week. Somehow I had gotten it in my head that I should be more methodical about the reading assignments, and I resolved to test myself after each reading session, to make sure that I remembered what I’d read and that I had really understood it.

Doherty was right. I really was becoming a bit of a tool, but I felt like I had somehow faked my way into this place and that I’d be found out eventually. So I worked a little harder at it.

And when classes started again on Monday, I did have a sense that I was keeping up, maybe even a little ahead. Where I could, I peeked into the lecturer’s epicenter to grab what knowledge I could. I was still keeping the ’bites’ small, as I tried to understand what the limits to this memory acquisition trick were.

Interestingly, I found that as I absorbed this knowledge—and it was necessarily incomplete because of the limits I’d set in borrowing it—it often piqued my curiosity about one thing or another, and I would sometimes ask the instructor what the implications were of a certain event, experiment, theorem, because it wasn’t yet explained in the text.

That, I think, got me the reputation as a ’thinker’, somebody who wonders about the ramifications of what we’d just learned, rather than just memorizing the facts. I noticed this in particular in the European History class, with the elderly Professor D, who responded thoughtfully when I had asked about an historical incident and its subsequent economic effects.

It didn’t happen immediately, but I found that he would call on me with slightly greater frequency when he asked a question of the class. I would occasionally catch him glancing at me as he lectured, as one might look at a particularly interesting laboratory specimen. Weird. Maybe he had a thing for college guys.

Tuesday evening I went back to Math Club again for their weekly talk. This time it was a visiting lecturer from Forbes University—Allie’s voice shouting ’eff you’ echoed in my head—who talked about fractional calculus, something I’d never heard of before.

Instead of doing differentiation or integration with integer powers of a variable, like d^3u/dx^3, they might investigate d^(2.945)u/dx^(2.945). It turns out that you can specify d^nu/dx^n for any real value of n, not just integers! Who knew?

It turns out to be useful in some esoteric applications, such as fluid flow equations, electro-chemical analysis, some kinds of diffusion, even in quantum mechanics. First I’d heard of it. I’d have to read a little more about it.

And so the week went. Classes were proving challenging, lots of new information, and looming in the distance was the first of several research papers due. This semester I also had one assigned for Psychology. Our choice of topic, and that was going to require some thought.

Thursday after dinner, the phone in the hallway rang and someone close by answered it. I heard him say, “Hold on, I’ll check.” Then a fist pounded on the door and the same voice hollered,

““Carter, are you alive? Phone!”

At least he checked instead of just saying, “Not here,” and hanging up. I nodded to him as I took the phone handset.

“I wasn’t sure if you were going to be there or at dinner.”

“Oh, hi, Gail. No, I ate earlier. I was reading.”

“Listen, do you think you could meet me tomorrow, sometime in the afternoon? You remember that Middle Eastern place we had lunch? How ’bout there, say 3:00?”

“Uh, yeah, I think so. I don’t remember anything that would conflict. Okay, 3:00.”

“Good, see you then. Sorry, I’ve got to run. Tomorrow.” Then she hung up.

She must have been in a rush, she usually wasn’t that abrupt on the phone. I made a mental note for tomorrow at three.

I went back and finished my reading. I was trying to keep a few days ahead of what was going to be covered in class, and so far it was working. I spent forty minutes or so working on a math problem set and called it a night. I was pretty tired. Larry was spending so much time hanging out with his buddies or with Marina that it was almost like having a private room.

In the morning I had English Lit. After, I went to the library and started researching the topic we’d been assigned for the paper in that class. It wasn’t due for another couple of weeks, but I had a bad habit of putting these things off till the last minute that I was trying to correct.

I worked until it was time to go meet Gail. I had to stop at a phone booth and look in the Yellow Pages for the address, because I’d forgotten the name of the street it was on.

I got there right at three, and stepped inside. The contrast between the bitter cold outside and the moist, over-warm air inside was like a slap in the face and made me a little dizzy. I looked around and spotted Gail in a far corner at a table by herself. At this time of day there was hardly anyone else here, but it would get busier as we got closer to dinner.

She looked up and saw me as I unwrapped myself from my heavy coat and scarf. She smiled and raised a hand to make sure I saw her.

“You’re always punctual. I got here a few minutes early.”

“You look good. How were your exams? I haven’t talked to you since before Christmas.”

“They went okay. I’m passing everything, and doing better than that in a couple of subjects.


I told her about mine, and she gave me a wry smile.

“You say that so matter-of-factly, you got A’s and B’s in everything. The rest of us have to struggle just to pass.”

“I have to work at it like everyone else, maybe even a little harder. I’m no genius. It takes some effort. It may have just been luck. I’m not sure I can keep that up.”

“We’ll see.”

“So what’s up? Why didn’t we meet at the museum?”

Her face changed completely. She looked confused, worried now, the smile gone. I could see that she was struggling with something, trying to find her opening.

“I thought I had this worked out. I didn’t realize it was going to be so hard.”

She took another sip from her teacup.

“I don’t know how to do this gracefully, so I’ll just tell you, Tom. Here’s the thing. I met someone, just after I came back to school. Completely unexpected. And we hit it off. I felt a real connection, and it kind of shook me. It was lousy timing, ’cause it was right before exams, y’know, but I couldn’t shake it.

“It was harder because I was kinda falling for you, and I thought there might be something there, between us, but what I felt with this new guy—his name’s Bryce—was something so dramatic it was almost a stereotype. You know, light-headed, heart racing, sweaty palms, tongue-tied, that sort of thing. It was like the things we girls used to fantasize about in high school.

“Anyway, after exams—and my head was messed up all during exams because of that—I ran into him again, and we got to talking and he told me he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about me.

You know me, I’m always suspicious of guys who say things like that, because it sounds too much like a pickup line, but he looked so serious and a bit embarrassed for saying it, too, so I was pretty sure he was sincere.

“So here’s where I am with this. I think I want to see how it works out with Bryce, and I don’t think I can be seeing you while I’m doing that because it will just confuse me. I need to focus on one thing, or one person, at a time. And right now it’s got to be him.

“Tom, you’re really sweet and I like you a lot, and maybe you and I could be an item, develop it into something more. But for now I want to see what happens with Bryce. So that’s why no more art history tutorials.”

She stopped and concentrated on her teacup, which was almost empty. I was still reeling from what she’d said, almost like a punch in the stomach, which surprised me. I really liked Gail, thought she was smart, passionate about her work, funny and drop-dead gorgeous. I hadn’t thought I was in love with her, but I loved spending time with her. Maybe there was more there than I’d admitted to myself, perhaps that’s why I was having such trouble with this.

“Gail, I’ll tell you that this hits me hard. I really like you, and I thought this might develop into something bigger, too. I was looking forward to what might happen between us.

“But one of the things I admired about you was your focus on figuring things out, with your career, with your life. You’re self-analytical, maybe more than anyone else I know. It hurts me to say it, but if you feel this connection to this person and you feel like you’ve got to explore it, you should follow your instincts.

“I can’t believe I just said that. I’m going to walk out of here feeling like there’s a hole in my life, but I really want you to be happy, and to discover the things and the people that’ll get you there. If he lets you down, if you find that he wasn’t the one you were looking for, would you like to try again with me?”

She nodded, then leaned over the table and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

“You’re a nice guy, Carter, that’s why this is so hard for me. Thanks for understanding.”

Before she could take her leave, I gathered my things and buttoned up while walking out the door. I didn’t want her to see me looking so miserable. I was going to have to think about this. Did she mean more to me than I’d been willing to let on? Or was this just me feeling sorry for myself for being dumped? And how did I reconcile what I was feeling with how I felt about Karen? My head is really fucked up.

I took the long way back to the dorm so I could regain some composure before I had to face everyone.

Back in my room, Larry was still in classes, so I lay back on the bed and let my mind wander. I felt like the rug had been pulled out from under me. I had fallen into a trap, thinking that Gail was going to be there when we felt like getting together, that we were just taking it slow. And now that was gone.

Of course, the sex was spectacular and I felt like it was a privilege to share that with her. But more than that, I really did like the way her mind worked, and the dedication she had to her chosen area of study. Not many people our age had that figured out like she did, and I admired that in her.

I thought she had the right idea, of finding the thing she loved, art history, and pursuing it, as difficult as it was to break into the field. She’d thought a lot about it and took that road, aware of all the obstructions.

I couldn’t fault her for recognizing something else that might change her life in a different way.

This guy Bryce. I resented him, but I had to give him credit for seeing that something special was coming his way, and reaching out to take hold of it. At some point I fell asleep.

I was awakened by Larry banging into the room with his books and some bags.

“Oh, sorry, man, I didn’t know you were asleep. I would have been quieter.”

“I should probably get up anyway. I’ve been here too long.”

I looked at my watch. It was close to dinner time.

“I bought some new shirts,” said Larry. “I was getting tired of the things that my mother mostly picked out. Whaddya think of these?”

He opened one of the bags and pulled out several Hawaiian shirts, lots of bright colors, pictures of tropical fruits.

“Umm, I’m not sure I’d have the fashion sense to pull that off, but they probably look better on you.”

“That’s what I’m thinking. You gotta stand out if you want to attract women, and maybe this’ll do the trick.”

“An interesting approach. Could work.”

It might work with color-blind women. Well, maybe he knows something I don’t. I doubt it would make his chances any worse.

“Wait a minute, Larry. What about Marina? Aren’t you paired up with her?”

“Well, we’re not actually a couple, we just like hanging out. We’re not exclusive. At least, I don’t think so. So if I hook up with someone else, well...”

“Ohhhh-kay, I see. You seem to have thought this out. Maybe I’ll go get something to eat so I don’t have to see you wearing one of those.”

“You’re just jealous, Carter. You haven’t got the balls to wear a fashion statement like this.”

“You’re right, I don’t. Later.”

It was pot roast on special tonight, labeled on the whiteboard as “Comfort Food”, and I got that with mashed potatoes and peas. And strawberry shortcake. Comfort food. Because that’s what I needed right now.

After I finished I felt only slightly comforted. So much for truth in advertising.

I left the mess hall and wandered aimlessly around the campus. It was really too cold to do that, but I felt that if I was sitting alone too much I’d start getting morose again. The wind and the snow made me focus on how chilly I was, and that prevented me from thinking too much about Gail.

But in the end the threat of frostbite convinced me to find someplace warm. I stopped on the walkway under a streetlight to look around to see where I was. I got my bearings, and found that once again I was outside Collins Hall, one of the dorms. Okay, now I knew where I was and could find my way back. I turned eastward.

“Hey, Carter, is that you?” I looked around in confusion, trying to find the source of the voice.

“Here!” I looked to my right and saw someone waving their arm at me to get my attention.

The lighting was poor from the scattered lights on the walkways, so I moved closer. Oh, it was Katrina’s roommate, what was her name? Right, Mindy, same as my sister.

She came a little closer. “What’s up? Evening constitutional?”

“More or less. I didn’t feel like sitting in my room alone reading, so I’m walking. Maybe it’ll make me tired enough to go to sleep.”

“Sleep? It’s the weekend! What are you talking about? You should relax, blow off some steam.”

“I don’t think I’m in the mood for something loud and alcohol-driven, Mindy.”

“That’s the nice thing about ———————, the variety of options available.”

“I’m not sure the rest of the student body shares our opinions about entertainment options. Like that last party I attended, right here, in fact. Pretty loud, lots of booze.”

“Well, don’t judge us by the one party you chanced upon. So, lemme see if I can narrow this down. No big parties, nothing too loud. Are you opposed to alcohol?”

“No, not at all, just not as an end in itself.”

“Okay. Dancing?”

“Take it or leave it. I’m not much of a dancer, but I’ll watch. I like conversation, bouncing ideas around, things that make me laugh.”

“Geez, talk about a fussy customer. Okay, maybe I’ve got something that might appeal to you.

I’m headed there, in fact, if you want to tag along. If it’s not your speed, you can leave, find someplace else, no hard feelings. You in?”

“The other options are looking pretty sparse right now, so yeah.”

“Good. Follow me. Oh, and heads up, there might be a guy I’m interested in there, and if he is, you’re on your own as far as introductions go.”

She headed to one of the Collins entrances. We had to show our student IDs, of course, to get in. —————— was pretty lax about who visited whom in the dorms, but you did have to be a student there.

“Katrina’s off for the weekend, visiting one of her cousins who lives not far from here. Otherwise she’d be on the party hunt, too.”

“I don’t know her well enough to know that she was a party animal.”

“She works hard during the week, but she likes to relax hard on the weekends. As do a lot of the others.”

“Yeah, I’ve noticed that in my dorm.”

“There’s different ways of relaxing, different options, like we talked about. They don’t all have to involve... What was that Coneheads phrase on SNL? Oh. ’Consuming mass quantities.’ Of alcohol.”

She led me to the second floor via the stairway and walked a couple of doors down the hall, stopping in front of one and knocking.

The door was flung open and a voice shouted, “We already gave at the office! Oh, hi, Mindy, c’mon in.” Mindy may have misjudged the alcohol effect.

Voices were raised in greeting, and she nodded. “Some of you may know Carter. If you don’t, this’s Carter.”

There were maybe eight or nine packed into the room, about evenly split between male and female. There were several six packs on various surfaces, one bottle of vodka, and the smell of several joints. Everyone was looking pretty mellow by now.

Someone—I hadn’t learned names yet—passed me a can of beer, mostly cold, so I drank some to be sociable. Mindy started up a conversation with one of the girls, squirming in next to her. I noticed that she kept glancing at the guy sitting on a chair across from her.

I saw a place on the end of one of the bunk beds and asked the person next to it if it was free.

She brushed it off for me, then laughed at having thought of it.

“What’d she say your name was? I was talking to someone else at the moment.”

“It’s Tom Carter, but most people just call me Carter.”

“Okay. Carter it is. I’m Amy.”

We exchanged basic information, where ya from, what’s your major, what bands ya like, that sort of thing.

Okay, not loud, not too much inebriation, people talking, I wasn’t alone and feeling sorry for myself, so maybe not as bad as it could be. I settled in and watched the dynamics around the room.

They seemed to know each other, mostly, and were comfortable with each other. They seemed like a friendly group. Mindy and her friend were laughing at something the guy across the room had said. It was nice to watch people having fun.

I talked with a couple of people, discovering things we might have in common, like classes or favorite teachers. After a half hour or so, and another joint being passed around, someone started a trivia contest. There didn’t seem to be any rules, but the person who answered the most questions got bragging rights.

That fell apart pretty quickly when a couple of people seemed to be much better at it, so someone decided there should be teams. That evened things up a bit more, but it started to lose its charm when no one could think of good questions that would be tough but fair.

There were a few moments of uncomfortable silence when a quiet voice, I couldn’t tell whose, said, “Truth or dare.”

Someone asked, “Which version of this are we playing? The middle school version, the high school version that pushed the boundaries, or the no-holds-barred version?”

One of the girls took a healthy swig of her beer, wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, and sneered, “What are you, children? All in. Wusses.”

Heads looked up, considering the possibilities of amusement or embarrassment, then folks shrugged.

One of the girls whose room we were occupying grabbed a notepad from the desk along with a bunch of pencils. “Right. Everybody write down two truth questions and two dare challenges.

Keep ’em separate, then put ’em into these two piles.” She wrote ’Truth’ and ’Dare’ on two pieces of paper and placed them on the floor to mark the piles.

In five minutes everybody had deposited their contributions into the two piles.

One of the guys said, “Okay, I’ll go first. Somebody ask me.”

One of the girls asked, “Truth or dare?”

“Um, truth, I guess,” he responded. He reached down and picked one from the Truth pile.

He opened it and grimaced, then read out loud, ”Have you ever masturbated in front of someone?

“Right into the deep end, huh? Okay. No, as it happens, I haven’t.”

The slip was placed face down at the bottom of the appropriate pile.

The girl who thought we were wusses said, “Okay, you choose the next participant, Andy.”

He looked around. “I think it’s Amy. Truth or dare?”

Amy, beside me, hesitated, then said, “Truth.”

Someone passed her a slip from the top of the pile, which she read aloud. ”What’s the shortest length of time you’ve known someone before you’ve had sex with them?

“Well?” said one of the other girls.

“Um, I think about twenty minutes. But I was drunk.”

“What else is new?” cried a female voice from the back. Amy stuck out her tongue.

“Who’s next?” said another voice.

Amy said, “How ’bout the new guy? Carter.”

Mindy, leaning against the wall with her girlfriend, started a chant. “Car-ter. Car-ter.”

“Truth or dare?” asked Amy.

“This will not end well,” I said to no one in particular. “Okay, dare.”

Mindy reached over and passed me a folded slip of paper. ”Choose a person. If they agree, French-kiss them for thirty seconds and see how hot you can get them. If they don’t agree, choose another person, same rules.

A couple of the guys applauded and made encouraging comments. I think I blushed a bit. I said, “I don’t really know any of you that well, so I’m okay if you want to say no. How about...

you?” I pointed.

“Fran, you little minx!” someone shouted. “Are you game?”

Fran said, “Sure, why not? Let’s see what you’ve got, Carter.” She wormed her way off the floor at the other end of the room, hopped up and walked over to me. She was cute, not beautiful, but she had a presence, someone who was comfortable with who she was.

I stood up and looked her in the eye. “Okay, but you have to be honest in your assessment.

Let’s say on a scale of one to ten, ten being you’re ready to rip your clothes off right here and now.”

That got a laugh from everyone except Fran, who looked at me with a challenge in her eye.

Fran, I thought, had a point to prove. She liked to be in control. I decided to mess with her just a little. I linkcast her Silk, which would make every touch pleasurable. That would set her up for what might follow.

I took her face gently in both my hands and got my lips wrapped around hers, probing her mouth with my tongue. I made a tweak to Mineral Spring that would start it slowly, increasing with time over roughly thirty seconds, leaving her bathing in a warm pool of contentment. I sent that to her.

I could feel her body respond as she felt it hit her, slowly leaning into me, looking to get closer.

By the time somebody called “Time!” she was breathing heavily.

There was scattered applause. I think the girls saw that something was happening, but the guys saw only two people sucking face. We pulled apart and she looked just a bit unsteady.

Amy called out, “What’s the score, Fran? How’d he do?”

“I think I’d call that a nine. Definitely a nine.”

“You passed, Carter. Who’s next?”

“Um, Amy already played, so... Mindy! How about Mindy? Truth or dare?”

Mindy thought about it, then said, “Dare.”

Someone closer to her pulled a slip off the top of the pile and passed it over. She opened it and snorted. ”Remove one article of clothing and place it on the floor in the middle of the room.

I thought most women would be a little shy about this, but then I realized that she was presenting herself to the guy she was interested in, letting him see what he might be missing.

She stood up, pulled her shirt out of the waistband of her pants and unbuttoned it from the top down. She was not wearing a bra. The girls chanted, “Take it off, take it off.” The guys just smiled.

She shrugged out of her shirt, held it out by the collar with one hand for a few moments, then dropped it on the floor.

Mindy had really nice tits. I wouldn’t have guessed, because she tended to wear loose shirts, the few times I’d seen her. She found her place on the wall again.

“Who’s up next, Mindy?”

“How ’bout Jimmy?”

The guy who was sitting across from her, the one she liked, raised an eyebrow.

“Okay, truth.”

He reached down and picked a slip and unfolded it. ”Who in this room,” he read aloud, “would you most like to sleep with?

There was some laughter and a few catcalls. I give Jimmy credit, he played it for all it was worth, looking at each person, evaluating them, logging them, even the guys, until everyone was laughing. Finally he said, “Mindy.”

There was applause, including Mindy, but I could see the vein throbbing in her neck, and almost hear the little voice inside her head shouting, “Yes! Yes!”

Jimmy chose Fran, who had not yet had a turn of her own. Fran, who seemed to like living on the edge, chose Dare.

Mindy reached out and picked a Dare slip and passed it to Fran. She read it, then read it aloud without any hesitation. ”Strip to your underwear and give someone of your choice a lap dance.

The girls laughed almost hysterically, and the guys smiled. Well, they leered, of course they did.

Fran didn’t vacillate. She stood up, pulled her top over her head and dropped it, then unbuttoned her pants and stepped out of them. She had small tits covered by a white bra, a narrow waist, and a good looking butt under the panties.

She stood there in her underwear, her hands on her hips, looking carefully around the room, much like Jimmy. Finally she stopped and pointed. At me.

Mindy led the catcalling. “Make him sweat, Fran. See if you can make him cum in his pants!”

She had a point. Too much ass grinding on my lap might very well do that. That would be embarrassing. I set myself up with an ejaculation filter. I thought Fran might be getting too much satisfaction from toying with me sexually, as she would do with any other guy, and I planned on turning the tables.

From the look in her eye she knew exactly what she was going to do, how to get me to where she wanted me. She walked over to me—it was something more like stalking, having seen the prey—and swung one leg over me and slid lasciviously forward until she was right over my dick.

Then she looked me in the eye and started grinding, pushing her pussy forward into my groin.

She could tell I had a hard-on, so she worked on it while she assumed various seductive looks.

I think she must have learned them from Hollywood movies or porn films and practiced them in front of a mirror. They looked a little uncomfortable on her.

Right about now is when the guy would start sweating, knowing that the inevitable was approaching pretty soon. Around me, the group was chanting, “Get him off, get him off.” Because, of course, it was inevitable, with her very firm butt stroking my dick.

But right about then I linkcast her the tiniest wave approaching the distant beach and I saw the confusion in her eye. She’d been methodical, doing all the things that had always gotten guys off in the past, and expected nothing different here.

So what was this she was feeling? I put my hands around her waist and started moving my pelvis, too, humping her. The moment the wave broke on the beach I saw it in her eyes. They flickered, rolled up for an instant, almost unnoticeable, and her breathing changed.

She gathered herself and I could almost see herself giving herself a pep talk. “You got this. Just an aberration, you’re in control. Do it!” She set to it with renewed vigor. The room had started a rhythmic clapping to accompany the chant. I thought, maybe time to end this particular phase.

I prepped a slightly larger wave a little closer to the beach and sent it. At the same time, I dropped my hands to her hips and started pushing her torso into mine as I pumped upwards. She closed her eyes and when it hit her she opened her mouth. She didn’t make a sound, but I knew she was cumming.

When she wound down, she stopped her hip motion and slid off my lap. She stood up and I thought I saw a little wet spot on her panties. She stumbled as she turned and I grabbed her elbow to steady her. Fran made her way back a little unsteadily to where she was sitting, accompanied by applause.

When she resumed her seat, still in her underwear, she looked around, then said, “Jack, you haven’t had a turn yet. Truth or dare?”

He had to think about it. “Truth.”

Someone reached for a Truth question and passed it forward. He unfolded it. ”Where’s the kinkiest place you’ve ever had sex?

I was interested to notice that it was the girls in the group who were the ones prodding, teasing the contestants. The guys were, for the moment, just onlookers waiting to see what was going to happen. The girls teased him. “C’mon, Jack, let’s hear it.” “Details, Jack!”

He finally said, “I once got a blowjob in the school gym between classes while everyone was moving to their next classroom just outside the door.”

A couple of the girls did the “Meh” shake-of-the-extended-hand thing as if to say, “Is that all you got?”

Relieved, Jack chose Candace. I didn’t know who she was, but when all eyes turned on her I saw she was one of the girls who lived in this room. She’d been the one to pass around the notepad for questions or dares. Blond-ish, pretty fit, couldn’t tell much about her figure, and right now looking a bit vacant from too much alcohol or too much joint.

“Me? Didn’t I play already? No? Okay. Um... dare.”

Mindy passed her a Dare slip. Candace unfolded it and read, ”Choose someone to suck on your toes for no less than five minutes. If they can make you cum, you have to strip naked. Wait... can that happen? Have any of you ever gotten off from somebody sucking your toes? That sounds weird. Wouldn’t you have to have, like, a toe fetish or something?“

“C’mon, Candace, you’re just rambling. Choose somebody, let’s keep this moving.”

She started looking around, checking out the women as well. Fran tugged at her sleeve and when she leaned in, whispered in her ear.

Candace looked around again, then pointed at me. “You. New guy. You’re up.”

So Fran was looking to see if her reaction had been a fluke. She wanted to see what would happen when I sucked on Candace’s toes.

I shrugged. “Okay. I’ll give it a shot. Why don’t you sit where I’m sitting? It’ll be easier.”

We traded places and she took off her socks and got comfortable. I sat on my heels in front of her and took her foot in my hands. “Are your feet or toes ticklish?” I asked.

“Only if the touch is too light, or if there’s a feather or something.”

“Right. Somebody start the clock.” I kissed her foot from the ankle down, partly as prep and partly to give me time while I linkcast her the Foundation baseline image to heighten her sensitivity and, because I wanted to make a point, Silk, which would make any touch on her body a little pleasurable buzz.

I spent some time kissing and licking the top of her foot, while I massaged the sole. Behind me, the running commentary from the others sounded like sports announcers analyzing the game play.

After a minute or so, I moved lower on the foot and took her small toe into my mouth, with just the lips brushing it, in and out. Candace let her head hang back and closed her eyes. I moved my lips over her toe, gently nibbling it, then took the next toe into my mouth as well. So far I hadn’t used any tongue at all.

I could tell that Candace’s breathing had changed, gotten a little faster. Amy, who had been sitting next to me on the bed, noticed this as well, and reached out to rub her hand on Candace’s bare arm.

I hadn’t been keeping track of time, but I thought several minutes had passed by now. I took her toes out of my mouth and—not my first time licking feet—grasped her foot firmly in both hands, raised it, and licked the sole of her foot, flicking the tongue back and forth.

“Oh, Jesus, no! Ohmigod, wait, wait...”

I linkcast a small wave, very far off, approaching the beach, just close enough for her to be aware of it. When she started thrashing and I thought that I was about to get kicked in the face, I stopped licking, moved up and took her big toe and the two next to it into my mouth and attacked it with my tongue. I used both thumbs to massage the sole of her foot.

She was keening, a high-pitched voice, as the wave hit. She collapsed backward, flat on the bed, while my tongue continued moving. She finally recovered enough to gasp out, “No, no more, it’s too sensitive, stop.”

The girls and a couple of the guys were applauding. Someone, one of the girls, hollered, “And spaceship Candace has achieved orbit!” That got more laughs.

I reminded myself to be careful about using these skills too openly. It wouldn’t be hard to make people start asking questions to themselves. I should be careful.

I found my lukewarm beer and took a swig, because I was thirsty now. Candace was still lying on the bed, but her eyes were open.

It was Amy who said, “That was the first part of the dare. Finish it, Candace.”

Candace was still looking a bit befuddled and it took her a moment to understand. She slapped a hand over her eyes, then made her decision and pushed herself up on her elbows and wormed her way off the bed.

“I won’t forget this. The game isn’t over, folks.” She pulled off her sweater and tossed it onto the pile with Mindy’s, then unbuttoned her pants and did the same. In another few moments her underwear lay on top and she was naked. Pretty good body, butt maybe a little larger than I liked, and medium-sized tits. Her pubic hair was neatly trimmed.

She found her place again, and grabbed her top from the pile of clothes and put it underneath her so she wouldn’t have to sit on the cold floor.

“I’m thinking up the next round of questions and dares, just so you know. Have we gotten everyone yet? Frank, we didn’t get to you, did we? Okay, truth or dare?”

Frank chose dare. Mindy passed him a slip, which he unfolded and read to the group. ”Strip to your underwear and do a sexy dance in front of a member of the opposite sex.

“Oh, hell,” he said, “I’m not much of a dancer.”

One of the girls said, “It’s not your dance moves we’re checking out, Frank!” That got some laughs. Frank, to his credit, stripped to his briefs, and someone found some music on the radio, and Frank did his best. A couple of the girls reached out and grabbed his ass to general hilarity, but I noticed that there was now an edge to it, like they were waiting for what might come next.

Frank, looking relieved, finally sat down. “Have we done everyone? Start over? Okay, Amy, truth or dare.”

“I think I did truth last time, so Dare.”

One of the guys passed a Dare slip over and Amy read it aloud. ”Choose a person and give them oral sex for at least two minutes. Which of you perverts wrote this one? Dirty minds, all of you.“

The others laughed and jeered. Mindy said, “Are you chickening out, Amy? There’s a penalty if you chicken out, and it’ll be worse than that!” Amy flipped Mindy off.

I could see Amy’s mind working, calculating. She made a decision. “Very well. Mindy, I choose you. Strip down.”

Mindy’s face went from laughing at Amy’s dilemma to panic. How did this happen? She said,

“Wait, didn’t it say you have to choose a guy?”

Amy held up the slip again and intoned, ”Choose a person and give them oral sex... and so on. It doesn’t say male or female. I choose you.” The guys were nodding agreement to themselves, and the other girls were egging Mindy on.

Mindy finally saw that there was nowhere to run, and no support for her position in the crowd.

She sighed, stood up and stepped out of her jeans, then slipped her panties over her ass and let them fall. She kicked them aside.

“Andy, give Mindy your chair, this’ll be easier. Sit where Mindy was.”

Mindy sat in the chair, looking a little awkward.

Amy knelt down before her and pushed her knees apart. Across the room, Jimmy was watching with great interest. Mindy’s pussy was trimmed with a narrow strip of hair above her slit. Amy frog-walked in, then leaned in and put both hands on the inside of her thighs, pulling the labia apart with her thumbs. She leaned in and licked from bottom to top. The group applauded.

Mindy had a look on her face that was both terrified and aroused. I didn’t know what her sexual inclinations were. Perhaps this was the first time a woman had gone down on her. It didn’t matter, because in thirty seconds Amy’s tongue was dancing around her clit and Mindy was grabbing the arms of the chair hard.

The crowd’s inner voyeur was getting off on this, it was obvious, and I have to confess it was getting me going, too. Amy had some skills. Two minutes was almost up and Mindy’s eyes were flickering open and shut. I did notice, however, that Mindy was not watching the clock.

I was about to call foul when Amy took one hand off Mindy’s thigh and slipped two fingers into her pussy while her tongue pummeled the clit. Mindy’s body shook, and with a shaky accusation she said, “Fuck you, you little bitch. That wasn’t part of the dare.”

Amy gave the clit one final lick and responded, “It got you off, didn’t it? Tell me you hated it.

Go on.” Mindy said nothing, just glared.

I thought the game had just turned a corner and was going to get really interesting soon if everyone didn’t storm out angrily first. Everyone had been loosened up enough by the beer and the dope to lose a lot of their inhibitions. I wondered what questions remained in the pile.

Amy, as the last contestant, looked around the room and finally homed in on me. “Carter, right?

Okay, Carter, you’re next.”

In for a penny, in for a pound. “Okay, I chose Dare last time, so Truth.”

Jimmy, being close, pulled a slip off the top of the Truth pile and passed it over. I read aloud,

Have you ever had sex in a threesome, or in some larger group?

“How is it that the questions or the dares get suspiciously more personal the deeper we get into the pile? Has someone loaded the deck?” I asked.

I got friendly jeers, and a few calls of “Answer the question!”

“Okay. Yes, I have.”

“Details, we want details,” cried a voice, one of the girls.

They were playing with me now. I played back. “I’m sorry, little girl, I don’t think you’re old enough to hear this.”

That got some laughs, and somebody said, “Ooo, he’s got your number, Fran.”

Fran answered right back, “I’m the same age as you, only with more experience. Let’s hear it, Carter, you don’t get to skip over anything.”

“Right. Okay, twice. Once with two women in high school. Once with another guy double-teaming a girl at a party. Last week, in fact. And it was she who asked.”

“Fair enough. Who’s up next, Carter?”

I thought about it, then said, “How about Candace?”

Candace said, “Again? Didn’t I just do one? I think I need to slow down on the weed. Ummm, what’d I do last time, truth or dare? I can’t remember. Okay, Dare.”

Mindy, boobs swaying, reached over and grabbed a Dare slip off the top of the pile and passed it on. Candace took it and read it silently, then read it again.

“Jesus, you are one bunch of sick fuckers. Who came up with this one? If you’re not naked, strip, then masturbate in the middle of the room for two minutes. Extra points if you cum. You must be secret voyeurs.“

One of the guys called out, “Play or take the penalty, Candace. I’ve got a really good penalty ready if you’re not up to it.”

Candace got up and walked on her knees to the middle of the floor, then rolled onto her back, closed her eyes, and spread her legs slightly. She rubbed her slit with her fingers, then brought her other hand up to play with her clit. She slipped a couple of fingers into her pussy. Several of the guys watching shifted positions to get a better look.

Her heart wasn’t really into it, but she did what she’d been asked to for her Dare. After awhile she asked, “Is that two minutes yet?”

It was way past that, but someone said, “Another thirty seconds.” They were enjoying the show.

Eventually, she got up on her knees and said, “Happy now? Everyone get enough? Okay, how about Fran? You’re next. Truth or dare?”

“Didn’t I do Dare last time? I think so. Truth, then.”

Jimmy took a Truth slip and handed it to her. She unfolded it and read aloud, ”In the present company, who would you most like to fuck?

“Wait,” she said, “didn’t we already have this question?”

Someone said, “It was basically the same question, but phrased differently. A different person thought of the same question.”

“Oh. I’ll have to think about it.”

“Clock’s running, Fran, you don’t have much time before the penalty kicks in. Ten, nine, eight...”

“All right, all right, hold your horses.” She looked around the room. At everyone.

Eventually she said, “I think new guy. Carter. He looks like he knows what he’s doing.”

There was general laughter, and two of the girls started chanting, “Fran and Carter, sitting in a tree, F-U-C-K-I-N-G.”

Fran extended two middle fingers and democratically flipped off the two girls. She said, “Andy, how ’bout you? You’re next, truth or dare?”

Andy sat up. “Geez, I dunno. Okay, Truth.”

Jimmy grabbed a slip from the pile and handed it to him. He unfolded it... and blushed. Finally he read it aloud. ”Tell us about the best sexual experience you’ve ever had. You’ll be graded on details.

That got everyone laughing. Candace ragged him, “Andy, I’m damp with anticipation. Don’t keep us waiting!”

Andy actually wiped his hand over his face, as if hiding from everyone’s scrutiny. He reached for his beer and downed half of it. The guys started a low chant. “An-dy, An-dy.”

He raised his hand for quiet. “I swear, if I hear a word about this outside of this room, I will hunt you all down. Okay, senior year, high school. I’d borrowed a buddy’s golf clubs, ’cause I didn’t have any and I had to go golfing with my two uncles. A bonding thing, my parents said, because they thought I wasn’t focused enough on family. My uncles are right-wing idiots, that’s why I wasn’t focused enough on them.

“But I got through it without throwing up or insulting them or hitting them with a nine iron, and after we finished playing I went to return my friend’s clubs. I rang the bell and his mother answered the door. She told me that my buddy was off with his father for the weekend to get their summer place ready, but come in and leave the clubs.

“Now the thing you have to know about her is, she got married real young, I think she may have still been in high school, and had her first, my friend, right away. So she wasn’t that old, and she worked out and still looked great, so I was just a bit nervous around her.

“Anyway, she offered me some iced tea and asked how I’d liked golf, got me talking. Started asking about girlfriends, if we had fun together, had we done it yet. By the time she got to that question, I was starting to sweat a little. I don’t know how she did it, because I was sitting at the table with her and I didn’t notice her do it, but she’d worked her chair over close to me and by the time she got to that last question, she had her knees up against mine.

“Then she put her hand on my leg and said that her first few times were such a disappointment because the guy knew nothing about how to make love to a woman and that she’d felt ever since that young people should be shown the ropes by someone with more experience.”

He paused here and drained the rest of his beer.

“Then she looked me right in the eye and said, ’I’d hate for that to happen to a nice guy like you. How about if I show you the ropes? Your girlfriend will write me a thank-you note.

“I forget how we got upstairs but she was half-naked before we ever made it to her bedroom, and my clothes were gone a few seconds later. Honest to God, she did things I’d never even thought about, stuff I’d never seen in porn or read about in magazines.

“And when I thought I couldn’t get it up again, she got me hard and fucking again. It must have been five hours we were at it and we must have done it almost that many times, and the only reason I had to leave is that I had to be home for dinner. So that’s the best sex I ever had.”

The room was silent for several moments, and someone, one of the guys, said, “God damn.“

Andy asked Jack, “Give me another beer.”

Frank said, “Dude, the rest of us dreamed of something like that happening all through high school. You lived the dream.” I thought that the girls were now looking at Andy in a speculative way.

Someone asked, “Who’s next?", and Frank looked around. “Uhh, how about Candace? You haven’t had a turn recently, have you? Truth or Dare?”

Candace, who I think had been working the weed and the beer pretty steadily, was again looking spacey, but gathered her wits and said, “I’m too tired to think, so Dare.”

Jimmy reached across and handed her a slip from the Dare pile. She unfolded it and squinted at it, a little puzzled, then turned it right side up. Then she blushed. “Honestly, there’s something wrong with some of you. Absolutely no boundaries at all.“

Mindy said, “So? Are you going to keep us in suspense?”

Candace held the slip up to eye level and read, ”Select a partner and perform 69 with them. If they decline, choose someone else. Minimum of three minutes.

Mindy, as if commiserating, said, “You’re right, Candace. No boundaries at all.” Then she said, eagerly, “So who’s it gonna be?” The room erupted in laughter. Except for Candace.

Candace, who may not have been entirely aware of it, was still completely naked from the last Dare. She looked around and said, “Are you really gonna make me do this?”

“Honey,” said Fran, “we won’t make you. But there’ll be a penalty, of course. So, your decision, then.”

Which, naturally, was her saying politely, yes, we’re gonna make you do this.

“Fuck you all. Andy, how ’bout you? Would you be my guinea pig?”

Andy got a ’Who? Me?’ look on his face, but then Candace, naked, stood up, and Andy reconsidered.

Andy pulled himself to his feet and kicked off his shoes, and shirt and pants were gone shortly after. His shorts fell to the floor and he stepped out of them. He had a half-stiffy already, as I think did most of us.

The two of them considered the logistics of it awkwardly, then decided that the only place was right here on the rug in the middle of the room. Andy chose to get on the bottom, and Candace got on her knees and swung a leg over his face. They squirmed into a fairly comfortable position, then waited, as if listening for the starting gun.

They must have heard it at the same time because they both set to work. I was seated on the bed looking at the top of Andy’s head and at Candace’s pussy. Whoever Andy’s MILF had been, her instruction had been learned well, and Andy had Candace moaning in short order.

And, I noticed, he didn’t just stay on her clit. He got his tongue stuffed in her pussy, tongue-fucking her until she was intoning, “Oh, Jesus, oh, fuck, yes!” He even got his tongue dancing around her perineum, which had her pushing her ass into his face.

The fans in the stands were offering commentary among themselves on technique, wondering who was going to get off first. Amy, who had reclaimed her seat next to me, had grabbed my arm.

Candace finally regained her composure and started bobbing up and down on his dick, which was now standing straight up. She got about half of it into her mouth.

Across the room, I could see Mindy, still against the wall, playing with one boob and glancing at Jimmy sitting on the other side of the room. Jimmy would occasionally rub his dick through his pants, alternating his gaze between the 69 couple and Mindy.

When Andy moved his head lower again, he flicked his tongue from her pussy all the way up her slit until he reached her clit again. I couldn’t see completely, but it looked like he had wrapped his lips around her clit, almost sucking it into his mouth, then attacking it with his tongue.

He pushed his face into her crotch while he did that, and that was enough for Candace. She shut her eyes tight and wailed. “Oh, shit, yes, yesyesyes, oh, fuck!” After that it became just grunts until she collapsed onto him.

Most of the group applauded or offered congratulations. Fran, I noticed, was sitting naked in the corner, one hand busy inconspicuously between her legs.

Candace and Andy had rolled off one another, but were still lying naked on the floor. She had his hard dick in her hand, stroking it and fondling it absentmindedly while she recovered.

“Well done, Candace!” called Mindy. “Who’s next?”

“What? Who’s... Oh, umm, Amy! Truth or Dare?”

Amy, her hand still gripping my arm, jumped, pulled back to reality. She really appeared to be struggling with her decision, but finally said, “Dare.”

Once again, Jimmy reached down and took a Dare off the pile and passed it over. Amy took it and unfolded it. I was sitting next to her and I saw her go pale as she read it to herself. She shook her head. I was close enough that I could read it, but she wouldn’t read it aloud.

It said, ”Choose a partner. Whisper to them, so no one else can hear it, something that really turns you on, then have them do it to you.” She was still shaking her head.

“No,” she said, “pass me another one.” The girls, in particular, were up in arms. “You don’t get to choose which ones you’ll do, that’s why it’s called Truth Or Dare,” asserted Fran. “C’mon, read it out loud.”

Amy shook her head and crumpled up the slip. She dropped it behind the bed and folded her arms. This was really unexpected behavior. She’d seemed to be on board with everything that had gone on before, had even been an enthusiastic participant. I peeked into her epicenter and tried to find out what had upset her. I couldn’t see it. It was as if she had blocked it out like she didn’t even want to acknowledge it herself. I did see fear and shame, but nothing beyond that.

The guys were puzzled, but hadn’t raised any objections, but the girls looked as if they were offended by Amy’s refusal. They were consulting among themselves now. Candace had gotten up from the floor and huddled with the other two until they reached a decision.

“Okay, Amy,” said Fran, folding her arms over her boobs, “if you won’t tell the truth or perform the assigned dare, then it’s a penalty. Here’s yours. Choose a guy and fuck him till he cums.”

Amy looked like she wished she’d never started this game. I could see her mind churning till she made her choice. “Okay, I’ll take the penalty.” I was still in her head and what I was seeing was Amy deciding that this was a safe way out of her conundrum. Doing this would save her from having to perform the Dare which, for whatever reason, terrified her.

She turned to me. “How ’bout you, Carter? You wanna give it a try?”

I didn’t know why she had chosen me, since she seemed to be on better terms with the other guys. Or perhaps she’d chosen me just because it wouldn’t change her relationships with the other guys. Maybe I was a safe choice in that regard.

I looked at her. There didn’t seem to be a bit of desire or even simple lust involved, it was just a task she had to get through. I spoke to her quietly, “I’ll do it if you want, but you do know this is just a game, right? You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. Don’t let them intimidate you.”

“Why not? What’s wrong with getting laid? Maybe it’ll be fun. Let’s do this.” She started unbuttoning her shirt, and when I saw that she was committed, I did mine, too. While I was doing that, I linkcast her the Foundation image. No reason that she shouldn’t have fun with this, even if she was doing it as a way of escaping from the Dare that frightened her.

I dropped the shirt and thumbed a condom out of my wallet, then tossed my pants into the corner. The girls, noticing the condom, broke out into a spontaneous rendition of Tom Lehrer’s song about the Boy Scouts, Be Prepared. They seemed to be having fun, even if Amy wasn’t.

My shorts joined the clothes pile, leaving me in my socks. Tacky, like a cheap porn movie, but the floor was chilly. Amy was just finishing, dropping her panties and turning to face me. She had a fine, round ass, very firm, but was almost flat-chested with prominent nipples, very hard.

“Okay,” she said, “let’s see what we’ve got to work with here.” Looking me in the eye, she reached out and grabbed my dick, stroking it.

“Not bad, Carter, serviceable, but perhaps needing a tad more rigidity. Let’s see what can be done about that.” She pushed me back onto the bunk bed. The edge caught me behind the knees and I was sitting before I knew what was happening.

She dropped to her knees and took the base of my dick in one hand, cupped my balls with the other, and took half my cock in her mouth and sucked, moving it in and out. Now the guys started offering encouragement and advice. The girls, I noticed, were more callous, although there was a playful rivalry edge to it.

“Amy, is that the best you can do? How is it they call you the head mistress?” “Haven’t you ever seen a dick before, Amy? You don’t know what to do with it.” “Throat him or fuck him, Amy, none of this high school stuff.”

It felt pretty damn good to me. I thought she was doing a fine job. I peeked into her epicenter again. She was trying to block out the comments and concentrate on what she was doing, but she was also struggling with that common fear of choking or gagging, especially in front of her friends.

So I fell back on my standbys, Boner Bliss and Spitshine. I linkcast them to her and watched what happened, while around me the comments and catcalls continued. Fran, again sitting in the corner, had her hand busy between her legs.

And Amy, when I pushed in just a little, got a rush she’d never felt before. That was just enough to convince her to experiment on her own. She took a bit more of my dick in and got a pleasant, gratifying pulse. I started giving her some quiet feedback, telling her how good it felt. That part of Spitshine that made her feel happy at pleasing her partner, encouraged her to go deeper.

When she did, she almost gasped when the rush hit her. Almost-but-not-quite an orgasm, it made her feel really good. When she got to the point of pushing it into her throat, she’d shout for joy. Well, the dick in her throat would prevent her from shouting, but she’d feel it anyway.

I’d be happy to have her keep doing this for another hour, but in the interests of keeping the game going I thought we ought to move it along. I took her head in my hands and urged her off.

She looked like, “Wait! I wasn’t done yet!” but I didn’t give her the chance.

“That was fabulous, Amy, but any more and I’m going to give you a mouthful. Lie back on the bed, knees over the edge.”

We switched positions and I knelt down and pushed her knees apart. She looked at me. “You don’t have to do that, Carter, we can just fuck if you want.”

“Are you kidding?” I told her. “This is one of my favorite things to do. I’m gonna wind you up so tight that when you do get off you’re going to squirt all over the room.”

That earned some hoots from the women. “Whoa, big talk! I wanna see some action to back up the talk. Let’s see what you got, Carter.”

I was doing it again. I think that I was showing off, if I were to be honest with myself. But the other part of it was that I really did get a rush from watching my partners cum. It was fun. I just needed to be careful about doing it in a crowd, lest it lead to questions.

But I’d committed now, and couldn’t back down. So I pushed my face in and started tonguing her slit from bottom to top, while I got my palms underneath her ass and squeezed, my fingertips just brushing her asshole. In her epicenter I got the tremor of trepidation that many women got when things got too close to their anus. There was nothing direct at the moment, it was only a fear of what might happen.

I worked my thumbs out from under her butt so that I could pull her labia apart, which exposed the inside. When my tongue hit it, she started pounding the bed with her open palms. I wanted to work her up slowly, so I prepped a tiny little wave approaching the beach from far off, and sent it.

She could see it coming, as I worked my tongue higher until I reached her clit.

I grabbed it between my lips and nibbled, and just before the wave hit I took two fingers and slid them into her pussy. She arched her pelvis and groaned. The guys applauded, and the girls called out, “How’s that feel, Amy? You want more?”

Amy wasn’t saying, but I knew what she wanted. She was still sensitive, so I moved lower.

“Pull your knees back, Amy, back to your chest if you can.”

She got her hands underneath her knees and pulled them back, exposing her pussy, and also her perineum. Someday I’d find a woman who didn’t like getting her perineum licked, but I think it will be a long time coming. I flicked my tongue on her perineum and Amy groaned. “Oh, fuck, Carter, what are you doing?”

I really couldn’t stop to answer her now, so I kept doing it. Then I moved higher and started rubbing the pad of my thumb back and forth across her perineum, and tried to tongue-fuck her pussy. I’ve talked about this before. My tongue isn’t that long, so it’s always a futile effort, but they love it nonetheless. The combination of the tongue and the thumb was always a winner.

Okay, one more, a slightly larger wave this time. I linkcast it and continued to tongue-fuck her.

I could feel her tense when it was almost on her, and when it hit, she howled, “Oh, FUCK!” She pushed her pussy into my face, humping it until I thought I might cut my lip on a tooth. She wound down to scattered applause.

She was breathing heavily, eyes closed, one arm across her forehead. She’d need a little time to recover, so I started kissing and licking my way up her body. Turns out the area just above and inside her hipbone, closer to her navel, was really sensitive and made her body spasm.

I couldn’t extend my torso to reach anymore, so I climbed up on the bed at ninety degrees to her body and continued to nibble and lick. Out of the corner of my eye I saw that Candace, still naked, was sitting on the floor leaning back against Andy, sitting on the bed, also naked, rubbing his leg as she watched.

Across the room, Jimmy had gotten up and walked over to Mindy, leaned down to whisper in her ear, and she smiled. She got up, found her clothes and dressed quickly, and the two of them slipped quietly out the door. I may have been the only one who noticed, as all attention was focused this way.

I worked my way up to her tits, what little there was, and got my lips around her nipples. They were bigger than I was accustomed to, hard and sensitive. When I sucked them into my mouth and got my tongue working on them she slapped her hand on the back of my head and pushed them further in.

I did the same to the other side, with the same reaction. She was mumbling, I couldn’t hear what, but it was enough to let me know she was looking for another one. A few more minutes of that and she was squirming under me. I glanced over to the rest of the room. Andy had reached over Candace’s shoulders and had her boobs cupped in his hands, rolling her nipples between each thumb and forefinger.

Fran, in the corner, had two fingers in her cunt, almost unaware of the others around her. Frank and Jack were alternating between watching her and Amy.

“Amy,” I said, “are you ready to cum again? You want me to get you off?”

“I don’t know if I can. I’ve already cum twice.”

“Let me worry about that. Would you like to cum again?”

“Yes, but...”

I slapped her pussy. It was damp and made a wet sound. Her head shot off the bed. Before she could say anything, I rubbed my open hand up and down her wet slit. As she lowered her head, I slapped her pussy again. It was arousing her, but she was looking for a regular rhythm and this was throwing her off.

The next time I slapped it, I slid my hand down and pushed two fingers into her cunt, in and out. Then another slap, rub, finger-fuck, rub. She didn’t know what was coming next.

Finally I inserted two fingers and hooked them upward, pushing in until I found her G-spot, then attacked it. I don’t know if she’d ever had that done to her before, but this time her head rose off the bed, her eyes wide open, her mouth in an “O”, until she wailed.

“Oh, Christ, YES, I’m cumming, don’t stop, please, please!”

And she squirted. Just a little, but there it was. I could feel it, everyone could see it.

Another twenty seconds and she grabbed my hand, hard, to make me stop. “Wait, wait, too much. I’ve gotta rest a little.” She closed her eyes to rest.

Across the room, Andy and Candace had moved up onto the bed and Candace had one leg thrown over Andy, rubbing against him. I couldn’t see where his dick was at the moment, but I was pretty sure where it was going to be very shortly.

In the other corner, Fran was still on the floor, finger-fucking her pussy, but Jack was now kneeling in front of her squeezing her boob while he sucked hard on a nipple. She didn’t seem to mind at all. Frank was still sitting in a chair trying to determine which party to crash so as not to be the odd man out.