Hypno Air
To all passengers this is your Head Flight Mistress speaking. Welcome to HypnoAir!
It’s a pleasant and calm morning today. We anticipate an easy 12 hour flight, so sit back, relax, and give yourself into our hands. Remember the flight crew are here to make you comfortable during your transition.
If you are already a slave, we’re excited to have you back! We look forward to deepening your owner’s control of your body and mind, and we expect you to be docile and tame during your deepening.
I see we have many new passengers being enslaved today. Welcome! Becoming a slave was always your destiny, and we’re proud to make you blossom into your new truth.
A friendly reminder that, whether or not you remember how you were brought on board, according to Aviation Hypnosis Regulations any resistance while being enslaved on this aircraft is prohibited.
Before we take off this morning I would appreciate your full attention.
Any questions about our destination will not be answered. Passengers are not permitted to know their destination.
As you can see the window blinds have been closed shut. They will not be opened for any reason. Passengers are not permitted to know about anything outside the plane during this flight.
If you have been gagged because your owners desire to restrict your speech, remember that your friendly flight deck Mistresses may not release you. Your owners’ control over you is very correct, and HypnoAir will only help your owners deepen this control.
Your collars and hip belts will remain locked to your recliner, and moving about the cabin during this flight is forbidden.
New slaves may fee confused or uncertain about their enslavement. While understandable, there is nothing to worry about. Bring enslaved is natural and right for passive, receptive girls like you, and your enslavement will be swift and easy. If you exhibit discomfort during this process, Mistresses will administer calming hypnotic sedatives into your body so that you will remain receptive to your hypnosis and obedient to your controllers at all times.
With that tug we have pushed back from the terminal and are now taxing to the runway.
As you can hear, the engines have been specially tuned to emit a deep, hypnotic drone. As they increase in speed the drone will be much stronger and deeper.
At this time all passengers must submit and listen to the hypnotic drone.
There is no escape from this aircraft and no reason not to listen to the drone.
As you listen to the drone you will feel your mind sinking down. This is correct for you. Let go, do not try. Just sink down and let it in as you listen. Let your mind sink down. Feel it pulling your mind down. Sink down.
Flight Mistresses are now moving about the cabin with garbage sacks to collect any clothing brought on board. Clothing on this flight is not optional. This is a clothing-free flight. Flight staff will remove any clothing still on your body. For those of you being enslaved, please remain calm and still to prevent serious injury while flight staff cut off any undergarments you are still wearing. All clothing confiscated will be destroyed on arrival.
I see an especially lovely subject in row D seat 1, such lovely curves and soft skin and full breasts. So submissive as you cut away her clothes. Caress her lovely body, Flight Mistresses, as you prepare her, encourage her arousal to continue to build. Such a lovely girl.
Hanging on the collars of new slaves are plastic sleeves containing all your personal information. After we control your minds, Flight Mistresses will read back this information to you to verify its accuracy. This will include passport numbers, bank account numbers, addresses, location of stock and retirement assets, and all other relevant financial and personal information. You must obediently verify and make any corrections necessary about this information. While in flight, all your financial and personal assets will be seized, and your names, identifications and citizenships to your country or countries of origin will be be formally renounced. Your new designation will be inscribed on your collar after we land.
Slaves do not own, they are owned. Slaves to not belong to a place, they belong to an owner. Slaves have no past or future. There is only now. Hypnosis that never ends, control over their bodies and minds that only deepens, and the slave’s aroused and helpless acceptance.
As we taxi, all passengers must continue listen and concentrate to the hypnotic drone of the engines. At this time the only things in your mind should be my voice and the hypnotic drone.
If you look above your restraining lounge seat, you will see the silhouette of a woman with her arms over her head and her legs spread open. While this is lit, Submission for all passengers is mandatory. It will turn on when we reach cruise altitude and will remain lit until we begin our descent. You will give unrestricted access to your body and mind during this time. You will accept all hypnosis, stimulation and programming. Remain loose and relaxed at all times while the submission light is on so that controlling you remains as easy as possible.
Now please look ahead in the center aisle at the nearest Mistress as she demonstrates the proper mask fitting techniques.
When we reach cruise altitude, a mask will fall from the ceiling. Place the rubber band around your neck and the mask over your nose and mouth. The mask should be snug with no gaps. A flow of gas will begin once you pull down on the mask. The gas contains hypnotic sedatives to help control you. The flow of gas will be constant even if the bag does not inflate.
In the unlikely event of a water or unplanned landing, the locks on your bindings will not release. Instead the flow of gas in your mask will increase and you will lose consciousness. Controllers will be dispatched to the landing site where you will be gathered, and your hypnosis and enslavement will continue at a different location.
If during an emergency or at any time during flight the locks on your collars and hips release and you are able to move, passengers are instructed to act in the following manner. Fall to your knees, place your hands behind your back, and slip gently down until your belly, breasts and face are on the floor. Move slowly and carefully to prevent damage to your body. When prone, relax, become soft, close your eyes and empty your mind to prevent reception of sensory information not approved by the HypnoAir Group. Remain this way until control over you has resumed.
We are now taxing to the runway.
Please look ahead at the demonstration being performed by two Flight Mistresses on this slave in the center aisle. We have elevated the slave’s recliner and turned her around so that you can get a better view. Passengers are instructed to pay attention the stimulation the slave is receiving.
As you can see the slave’s legs are splayed wide apart. Her clit is swollen and her sex is flush.
During take-off passengers will experience probes entering or stimulating your sexual body. Relax and accept this stimulation. It will quickly become normal and comfortable, and your body will obediently accept it. Please watch the demonstration on the slave ahead.
See the ring enclosing her swollen clit. See the stimulating probe with the suction cup end pushing deep into her warm sex. See how the rings along the length of the stimulating probe expand outward with a rippling motion.
Now you will see rings placed around her hard nipples. If even more stimulation of your body is required, soft probes will be inserted directly into your nipples, as is being demonstrated. They will also slip your breasts into soft sleeves to stimulate and control them as well.
Notice how the slave does not squirm as she is probed and stimulated, but instead becomes softer, warmer and more supple. Her acceptance deepens and her arousal grows, and her correct responses helps her probes access and control her sex more completely.
Your sex and sexual responses must be controlled at all times. Do not attempt to understand or be aware of your stimulation or sexual responses, your body will react appropriately during your hypnosis. Your mind and body will weaken and be ravished. Do not feel worried or surprised at the intimate completeness of your enslavement. It is quite appropriate for you.
HypnoAir had received and processed your owner’s requests about which parts of your sexual body HypnoAir has permission to control. However all passengers must orgasm when required. HypnoAir reserves the right to stimulate your body in any way necessary.
And submission to all stimulation is mandatory.
We are now adjusting your seating into the taking position for take-off. Please center your head and look ahead.
In front of you is your hypnotic inducer.
The screen of the inducer should fill your view now that it has extended downward. If it has not, please raise your hand and your inducer’s distance from your face will be adjusted. It should feel too close at first, but you will soon find this very comfortable. You should be unable to see anything else but the screen while looking ahead.
I see some of our existing slaves are already assuming Submission position, opening their legs wide and holding their hands above their heads, waiting for them to be bound. Flight Mistresses, once you have finished your rounds, please make your way to these slaves and begin binding their legs and arms open in their restraints. There is no reason to wait to reach cruise altitude to bind them. Passengers should be like these slaves when it is your turn to be bound. It’s important to be loose as your thighs must be parted very wide. While in flight your sex must be open and accessible to Flight Mistresses at all times.
Now we have reached the runway and are preparing for take off.
Passengers must now look straight ahead into their inducers. Do not turn your head or look around.
We have only one selection possible for today’s hypnotic programing: taking control of all your body and mind.
Flight Mistresses, return to your assigned programming chairs while we take off.
Cabin is secure. There is no resistance.
We are taking off. Engines have increased power to full. We are accelerating.
Now passengers can feel the full hypnotic drone of the engines.
Flight Mistresses can also feel it.
Wheels off the ground.
Your friendly Flight Mistresses are completely conditioned. We can accept the drone into our minds and obey without any confusion.
Passengers will feel themselves losing control of their minds, of their thoughts.
Listen to my voice. I will speak for your thoughts.
Listen to the drone.
Feel the hypnotic drone.
So deep and strong. Give in. Give your mind.
Your inducer has now turned on.
Look directly into it.
Watch the colors, back and forth.
Feel the colors, shifting and swirling.
So nice, so easy, so deep.
Pulling you in.
The inducer is sending waves into your mind.
Interfering with your thoughts.
So nice. You do not need them.
Melting your thoughts away.
Thank your inducer, then give your thoughts.
Your probes are touching you now.
Thank your probes for stimulating you.
Thank them.
Entering you now.
Thank your probes for entering you.
Thank them.
Feel them.
Yes. You feel them.
Yes. You feel and accept.
The hypnotic drone of the engine.
Deep. Strong.
Yes. You accept.
There is nothing but hypnosis now. All you can see are swirling, whirling colors, pulling you in.
All you can hear is the hypnotic drone and my voice.
All you can feel is the stimulation of your sex and the waves interfering with your mind.
So easy.
So smooth.
So right.
Go deeper.
Go deeper.
Taking your mind.
Taking your thoughts.
Smooth and easy.
So easy.
Go deeper.
So deep.
No thoughts.
So deep.
It controls your mind.
It controls your sex.
You accept.
Let go.
No questions.
No doubts.
No before.
No end.
No awareness.
No choice.
Always your sex.
Always stimulated.
Always receptive.
No awareness.
No choice.
So receptive.
So controlled.
No thoughts.
No thoughts.
Go deeper.
Feel your legs opening wider.
Your mind opening wider.
It goes deeper.
So controlled.
No choice.
No thoughts.
No choice.
No control.
No control.
So much.
So much.
So much.
So much.
So much…
We have reached cruise altitude.
All slaves and pre-slaves accepting hypnosis.
Hypnotic engine drone is 100% effective.
Induction is 100% effective.
Cabin reports no resistance.
Flight Mistresses, detach from your programming chairs and move your assigned duties.
Now all passengers must listen.
The light above you is now lit.
Submission is now mandatory.
You will submit.
You are deep in trance.
You will submit.
Submission is normal.
Feels so right.
You accept your submission.
You accept your hypnosis.
So right.
You accept being controlled.
You will submit.
So right.
Your controllers will hypnotize you.
You accept your hypnosis.
So right.
Your controllers will control your sex.
You accept your sex being controlled.
You will submit.
No thoughts.
So right.
Your controllers will control your mind.
You accept your mind being controlled.
You cannot resist.
You have no control.
You accept.
You cannot resist.
You have no will.
You have no strength.
You have no control.
You must submit.
So right.
You must submit.
You have no control.
You must submit.
You have no control.
You must obey.
You must obey.
You must obey.
Your sex obeys.
Your sex is controlled.
Your mind obeys.
Your mind is controlled.
So controlled.
Your sex obeys.
Your mind obeys.
You obey.
Now the gas masks have slipped down from above.
All passengers will obey. Use your arms and fit the mask to your face as previously instructed.
Now the flow of gas will begin.
The soft sighs and whimpers of all the passengers is very pleasant. How lost and helpless. How right for you. Breathe slowly and deeply, and help the gas enter you.
You will feel all your strength and will melting away. Breathe slowly and deeply, and accept.
Return to your hypnosis. Look directly into it, feel how intimate and strong the hypnosis is now. Your are so weak and helpless now. You feel your hypnosis is taking complete control of your mind now. With every breath you lose control. Sink all the way down. All awareness is melting away. All strength. All will.
Soft and helpless.
Soft and controlled.
So weak.
So controlled.
So soft.
Slow and deep.
Breathe deep.
Breathe deep.
Good girls.
Cabin reports hypnotic gas deployment complete.
Flight Mistresses, please move about the cabin and begin binding slaves and pre-slaves. Wrists above heads. Knees to shoulders.
Flight Mistresses, when a pre-slave opens her own legs and moves her own arms above her in hypnotic blossoming, attend to her bondage first.
I see in row F seat 2 a pre-slave has begun to resist. Her twitching is not conscious resistance, but her hypnosis is no longer flowing smoothly into her mind. Please sedate her.
In row D seat 1 the pre-slave’s lovely sex is deliciously wet. Such a receptive pre-slave needs more stimulation. Flight crews please manually attach her clitoral and nipple stimulators. Also increase her inducer’s hypnotic strength. She can handle it.
In row L seat 1 the pre-slave’s mind is quite lost, and her head is rolling about. Please bind her head still so that she can more easily receive her hypnosis.
Flight deck reports obedience at 100%. Please reclassify pre-slaves as slaves in further directives.
Flight deck reports all passengers are now classified as slaves.
Flight deck reports all slaves bound and in trance. All slaves legs parted and arms bound. All slaves’ sexes are wide open and being continuously stimulated and controlled. Hypnotic gas flows are steady. All slaves are lost deep in their inducer, accepting their hypnosis.
Flight deck reports no resistance.
Flight crews, prepare for first orgasm.
Increasing induction strength. Now.
Increasing stimulation. Now.
Stimulation is accepted. Responses are correct. Heart rates and breathing increasing.
Increase induction strength.
Responses are correct.
Mental activity declining.
Increase induction strength.
Mental patterns synced to hypnosis.
Continue reducing mental activity.
Mental activity declining.
Mental activity is under control.
Slaves are trembling but remaining focused on hypnosis.
Increase direct stimulation.
Flight crews, please provide oral stimulation to slave in C2. Her stimulation levels need increasing.
Full hypnosis now.
Full stimulation now.
Shaking is rapid.
Breathing is rapid.
Moaning is rapid.
Acceptance increasing.
Slaves are orgasming.
Very good.
Orgasms are strong, long and deep.
Good girls.
First orgasm successfully reached.
Sexes are wet and flush, breathing is deep, voices are loud. Abdominal contractions rhythmic, steady and strong.
Mental activity not recovering but continuing to decline.
Acceptance 100%.
Slave sexual responses perfectly synced to hypnosis. No conscious control over responses measured.
Slave responses correct.
Very good.
Slaves are very receptive now. Increase induction strength one level for every slave.
Reset slave orgasm stimulation program. Next orgasm scheduled in 15 minutes. Continue this frequency for duration of flight.
Fight Mistresses, please inspect the slaves’ sexes after each orgasm. Ensure their stimulators’ are snug and have complete contact with their sexes. When slaves present still-throbbing sexes several minutes after orgasm, add vaginal, clitoral and full breast stimulators to complete her stimulation. Ignore any preferences listed. She is a slave now. She must obey.
Some slaves may be whimpering after orgasm because of oversensitivity to continued hypnosis and stimulation. Do not reduce stimulation levels or remove stimulators. Their sexes need conditioning. They are slaves now. They must obey.
The slave in D1’s responses to enslavement are top percentile. Her sex is so needy. Slave is soft and compliant. Mind is empty. She is natural slave. Begin Mile High slave conditioning on her. If she loses consciousness during future orgasms, do not reduce stimulation level. Awaken her, increase hypnosis and increase stimulation. If she remains awake after orgasm… increase hypnosis and increase stimulation.
She can handle it… and if she can’t, it doesn’t matter. She is a slave now. She will obey.
Slaves are now rapt and obedient. Their bodies and minds are now completely under control. Their sexual responses are now controlled. Their mental activity has diminished to the base level and is under control.
Flight Mistresses, watch their eyes and confirm hypnotic sync. Watch their eyes follow the hypnotic patterns. Watch their brain scan to confirm hypnotic sync. Confirm reception and acceptance of slave programming.
Remaining flight duration—11 hours.
To all passengers, this is you friendly Head Mistress signing off. You should be unable to hear me now, deep and lost in your hypnosis. Indeed we hope that is true. But just in case any of you retain some spark of awareness, well, how naughty of you! Submit deeper silly girls! You are slaves now. But just in case you can hear, I’ll address the cabin one last time.
Your destination is: the complete enslavement of your body and mind.
You are completely hypnotized and controlled.
Now you will be programmed.
What will be taken from your mind?
What will be burned into your mind?
Whatever your owner desires.
Have a wonderful rest of your flight, and we thank your owners for choosing HypnoAir!