The Erotic Mind-Control Story Archive

Title: Josh and Professor Mommy

Tags: FD, LA, M/F

Disclaimer: This story isn’t real! But wouldn’t it be great if it was?

PART I — Josh’s First Appointment

I love being a mom. Not the driving everyone everywhere part, but the other parts. I love feeling needed and important. I love the way your own children look at you, with the eyes that beg for your help, your guidance, your love, your nurturing—and being able to return that look with the caring and reassurance that only a mother can provide. I love the intimacy of being a mommy—of holding your child when they are scared, or weak, or crying and being able to calm and comfort them to such a level that they drift off to sleep, safe in your arms.

I also love my job. I’m a professor of American Lit. My love of reading led me to a job where I can read to my heart’s content, and I don’t think there could be anything better than that. I have the opportunity to do some writing too, which has led me to exploring ideas and expressing myself in ways that make me smile.. But I’ve never been so excited to tell a story as I am to tell this one. “Write what you know” is the first rule of writing, and there’s nothing I know better than what you’re about to read.

Early into the third week of first semester last year, Josh emailed me to setup an appointment. The first round of essays was due the following week, and he wanted help on how to structure his evidence. Our class schedules being what they were didn’t allow us to meet until late Thursday afternoon. I remember it was a Thursday because Thursdays were the nights I took to myself, got a sitter for the boys, and went out to dinner and a drink or two. Sometimes alone, sometimes with friends, and rarely but sometimes, on a date. That night I was scheduled solo. It was warmer than normal for autumn, and I had brought a slightly risque sundress to wear out that night. Mama likes to flirt, OK? A year after the birth of baby boy number two, my body had come back quite nicely if I do say so myself, thank you. But it remained plump in the right places. Two places in fact. On my chest. My legs remained the shapely attraction they had always been. I don’t carry false modesty. My gams turned heads and I was proud of that. I had been feeling extra sexy that week, and was excited to go out and show off my assets a little. Like I said, Mama likes to flirt. But only flirt. I had two little boys at home. I was balancing working full time and being a single mom. Plus, I really didn’t want to have to explain anything to the babysitter, who in this case was also a student. I flirted around, but I didn’t sleep around.

Anyway, my meeting with Josh wasn’t until 4:30, and I was done teaching my last class at 3. I took the time in between to go to the gym, steam, shower, and put on my sundress. I was feeling good—that post workout, post shower, the night is yours kind of high. Josh was the only thing on my calendar and I was going to head out right after.

It’s usually easy to spot a freshman in our hallway. They try to look like they know where they’re going and what they’re doing, but it’s clear that they really don’t. That first year of college is full of firsts, and coming to see a teacher without mommy or daddy to talk for you is one of them. I like watching them walk past my office. The young men—still boys, really—muscular, sexy, oozing with sexual hunger and a naive skittishness all at once. The girls in their short skirts and tight shirts, showing off in hopes of catching the eye of a quarterback or a power forward—and unknowingly making their English Lit professor so wet that she has to close the door to her office and use the vibrator she keeps in the bottom right hand drawer of her desk.

I wanted all of them, in all different ways. I wanted to call some of the boys Daddy and make them bend me over and fuck me from behind against my desk, while others I envisioned cumming on my face as I kneeled in front of them. I wanted some of the girls to pin me up against my office wall and fondle my tits as we kissed, and others to stick their faces up my dress, and suck my pussy until my juices dripped off their cheeks. I fantasized about nearly every student, male or female. Since my husband had left a year ago, leaving me to raise the two boys myself, I had had a few pg-13 dalliances with students—a drunken kiss outside a bar with a boy on the lacrosse team, and once I let a girl use her boobs to convince me to get stoned and let her feel me up for a while. Both nights I ended up at home, furiously pounding myself with my battery operated Mr. Dependable until I passed out. When Josh walked in that day though, it all came together: my need to mother, my desire to seduce, my need to feel a real cock again.

Other than the aforementioned times I required my office door to be closed and locked, I keep it open, at least a little. Josh knocked ever so lightly, but the door moved more than he anticipated and he immediately apologized for “barging” in. I laughed and told him to stop being silly and to please come in and sit down. He was so nervous he forgot to take his backpack off, a thing I noted by once again laughing. “Silly boy,” I said, “take off your backpack, take a few deep breaths and relax. What’s the matter? You look like you haven’t slept in two days.”

“Or eaten,” he whispered back.

“You haven’t had anything to eat and you haven’t slept in two days?”

“I...I’ve slept a little. Not much. Maybe a couple hours a night. Professor I’ve never felt this stressed before. High school was kinda easy. Now I have so many assignments at once I don’t know where to start. I just sit and stare and shake. When I do fall asleep, I wake up with my heart beating out of my chest and sweat pouring off my whole body. I get up and try to work on school stuff again, but I’m sure you can imagine how that goes. And when I don’t sleep I don’t feel good and I don’t want to eat, y’know? Everyone at home expects me to do so well. They need me to. Mom walked out when I was little. It’s been me and dad and my sister ever since. They both work to help me pay for school. I want to make them so proud but I can’t stop being terrified that I’m going to let them down.”

“Oh Josh...I’m so sorry.” My heart was melting...and flowing out through my pussy. The neediness of this boy was turning me on like crazy. “Anxiety is a massive problem these days, especially on college campuses. You’re not alone, you know? And there are ways we can deal with this. You don’t have to feel like this.” I could feel a surge in my body—a confidence, a calmness, a need to nurture this boy, and a boldness to control this situation. “I can help you, if you’ll let me. I can help you relax and feel full again” But you’ll have to start by taking off your backpack and relaxing back in that chair.”

He looked broken, like he was about to cry. His droopy eyes were adorable as they begged for my help and betrayed his vulnerability. As Josh sheepishly took his backpack off, I stood up from behind my desk to close the door. I “let” my hand brush his arm and shoulder as I passed him, and felt his body tremble. Was he nervous or turned on or both? In retrospect, I should have been more nervous. My head should have been whirling with debate about how far I was willing to take this and how far I wanted to take this. I should have been thinking about the career I had built for the last 15 years, and how quickly I could be blowing it (Oh, I was thinking of blowing it). I should have been thinking of the danger I could have been putting my boys in. But I wasn’t thinking about any of those things. I was calm. I was focused. I was in control of this situation and soon I would be in control of the powerless young man in front of me. I had never done anything like this before, but somehow in that moment, I knew exactly what I wanted and how I was going to make it happen. I was in mommy mode and the boy in my office needed a mommy.

After I quietly closed the door, I slinked myself onto Josh’s lap. In my life I had never been this bold, this smooth, or this confident with anyone. I have never felt more at ease or more in control than I did in those minutes As I sat down, Josh’s eyes were already too tired to fight the urge to look anywhere but my cleavage. I glanced down and noticed that I both of my girls had started to leak a little. I swear, my mothering instinct was so strong with this boy that my body recognized his need to feed. Either that, or I was so turned on that I started oozing out of my nipples as much as my cunt. I wanted his face buried in there as badly as he did. It was empowering—and erotic- knowing I could take him at any moment, but the power I was feeling kept me in control of myself as much as it would keep me in control of him. This boy needed help from his mommy, and this mommy wanted the boy who needed her.

I grazed his cheek with my nose and my cheek as I began to whisper slowly in his ear. Inhaling my perfume made his head swim even more. Sitting on his lap I felt his cock stiffen even as the rest of him blubbered. He was so clueless that Mrs Robinson was trying to seduce him, that he didn’t know to have any defenses ready (not that he could have done much anyway). My perfume, my touch, and the proximity of the two pillows on my chest had him nearly in trance even before I started speaking. I lifted his chin with my hand and locked my eyes

Into his. My soft words floated through his head and penetrated directly into his brain “Josh,”I began, “you are so tired, so sleepy. and so stressed out. College feels so overwhelming, doesn’t it? You have barely slept and your eyes are so heavy. That’s not a good way for little boys to be healthy and happy, is it? Mommy wants to help you relax and feel better. I want to help you get the sleep and the milk you need to be a big strong boy. Does that sound good? Does that sound like something you want?” It took nearly all the energy he had left to muster up a slight nod of his head. As he did so, I moved my hand to the back of his neck and up into his hair. I began massaging the back of his head with one hand and lightly massaged his thigh with the other. “That’s a good boy,” I continued. “If you want to feel better, I need you to start taking deep, deep breaths. The deeper you can breathe in and out, the more relaxed you will feel, OK Joshy?” I want you to let your body feel all of the sleepiness you have been fighting. The more you give in to the sleepiness, the more relaxed your body will feel And I want to feel as relaxed as you possibly can. You want that too, I know you do.” His breathing got slower and deeper. I continued to gaze straight into his eyes and slowed my breathing as well. “Follow mommy’s breathing Joshy...breath in when she does and out when she does, feeling your body get heavier and heavier, heavier and heavier with each breath. Each breath you sink deeper and deeper into the chair. Each breath you fall deeper and deeper into a beautiful trance. Each breath your body feels heavier and heavier and heavier until it is so heavy you are floating. Your body feels so heavy you can’t even imagine trying to lift anything. Heavier and heavier and heavier. Just breathing deeper and deeper and letting your body feel heavier and heavier. That’s it. No thinking. No worrying. Just breathing and feeling your body get heavier and heavier and heavier. Feeling yourself falling deeper and deeper and deeper. You can feel yourself falling through the chair and floating in space, surrounded by nothing. Nothing...just mommy to hold you up and keep you from falling away. Each breath you fall deeper and deeper and deeper feeling heavier and heavier and heavier. It makes you feel so good to let mommy take control of your thinking and your body. It feels so good to just listen to mommy and do what she says without even thinking about it. Thinking is hard work. Thinking is for big boys who can sleep through the night, not for little boys who need their mommys to put them to sleep, right Joshy? And you are one of those little boys. You want mommy to put you to sleep. You need mommy to put you to sleep. Little joshy loves when mommy makes him all sleepy. Letting mommy control your head and your body makes you feel soooo good. Every breath you take you give mommy more and more control and it makes you feel so good. So relaxed. So sleepy.” His eyelids covered all but the very bottom of his eyes, and the little bit he could see was getting blurrier with each matching breath. He had long since given in to looking at anything but my cleavage and I wanted it to stay that way. “Josh, “ I continued, “do you like looking at mommy’s breasts? “Mommy likes it when you look at her breasts. Mommy thinks you would be so happy to lay your head on her breasts and just let your eyes close. Don’t mommy’s breasts look like the most perfect, most comfortable pillows in the whole world? Don’t you want to just lay your head on them and sleep forever? If you just let mommy lead your head down to rest on her breasts, all your anxiety, all your nervousness, all the cares in the world will just go away and you can drift off into a deep, deep sleep. With each breath you will still feel heavier and heavier and heavier. You will still fall deeper and deeper and deeper into my trance. When your head rests on my breasts you will fall into the deepest sleep you have ever slept. You will listen to everything that mommy says and let her do all your thinking for you, OK Joshy?” I had baited him long enough. There wasn’t a cell in his body that could resist me. I used both of my hands to guide his face into my tits. He purred as his cheek rested on my pillows, and his whole body slumped, utterly under my control, relaxed, entranced, and asleep.